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tv   [untitled]    April 10, 2013 12:00pm-12:30pm EDT

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he from split station a permanent force in mali despite so earlier claims that they're on to the mission will be over a matter of weeks. a detainee on hunger strike at guantanamo bay allegedly tries to take his own life is in major league breaking point for the protest now into its third month. no escape from prying eyes the private investigation industry is thriving in britain as a lack of legal restrictions allows anyone to keep tabs on you at any time. why from. here at the hour to new center tonight very good evening to you well our top story then is just heard the pentagon is sounding the alarm over the french troops withdrawal from mali saying local forces are unfit to take over paris pulled
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the first contingent out of the volatile state on choose day they plan to withdraw three quarters indeed of the force by the end of the year and keep a thousand strong deployment there then france intervened in mali in january to drive business rebels out of the country in a test or a sinner reports next a lot's changed for paris since the start of the mission they say though that they still plan on that continuing that would duction of their four thousand strong military personnel currently on the ground and keeping these a one thousand force they say will be part of a future you when a peacekeeping mission however this is in stark contrast to what french foreign minister a lot more five years had said in january. regarding france's direct involvement it is only a matter of weeks later on we can comment marco but we have no intention of staying forever. now the french have gone into mali a warning against the threat of islamised extremism advanced in europe no clearly any plan of
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a complete withdrawal is off the table now this one thousand troops that they plan to keep on the ground falls under a call made by u.n. secretary general ban ki moon and deploying seven thousand two hundred troops and one thousand four hundred forty police on the ground in mali after major combat now bunking with one also in a parallel force one that will directly deal with all cargo linked militants and extremists according to reuters and this is likely to be french troops as well while also spoken with a former french intelligence officer who had been stationed in northern africa and the middle east for about twenty years and he says the from the very start he had been doubtful the this operation in mali was going to be short exposure to the insurgents and distance from the cities ok it was not so complicated. and so what they would do they were going to treat the people from justice to come
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back exactly as they did in afghanistan against the when the soviets. in the one nine hundred ninety exactly as they were going to study the year when the last american so deal with troy exactly as they did as they did an iraq when the u.s. troops. didn't so france is back if not before because i'm going to see short don't exist now where francois long had first announced this military operation in mali two thirds of the french people were in support of these actions now many observers and analysts have already said that if this becomes a long drawn out war public opinion could quickly change. well just as the first foreign troops were leaving mali france was engaged a major offensive to wipe out militant hideouts in a previously liberated area of the country can offer examines the challenges throughout the campaign that stretched the military from the very beginning. mali
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has become yet another front in the global war on terror but this anti terror operation just may be too difficult to scale down so quickly first let's review what's already been done and more importantly how efficient is what this operation started with and support of ground troops from the skies has always been one of its foundation stones the first planes to battle the islamists came from here a french military base in chad helicopter support came from another base in work in a fire so some of the aviation was a leader to the capital of mali and some other bases were engaged as well like the ones in ivory coast and news year but then there's the question of refueling the mission for pilots going out of chad for instance usually takes seven to eight hours and they have to be refueled five times along the way this is where the u.s. and germany come in but if german planes have to come from sinegal an american planes have to come all the way from spain so all together this is quite a complicated combat scheme when it comes to ground troops the french got into this
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by themselves somalis army was and still is demoralized four and a half thousand troops even can be called in the army pretty much the only support is that the french have and quite unexpectedly i might add are two thousand troops from chad and when it comes to the west well no one's skin on sending troops there directly britain is only looking at sending combat instructors to train troops with all this effort paris has managed to push the islamists to the north of the country securing key cities but with fighting still going on in the mountains and a string of suicide bomber attacks in the several cities it's clear that the islamists are not exactly all out nor are they defeated which raises the comparison with another country afghanistan where the terrorists live in the midst of peaceful civilians the also use so-called hit and run guerrilla tactics so the french have been combing through have valley north of golf believe that. many of the islamists
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can be hiding there but the question is what comes next if we look at the neighboring countries well their borders are forests and experts say the islamists could travel through them without any serious problems they also warn the past decades has shown that such interventions don't solve crises but deepen them and generate new car flipped there are rising fears nearby western sahara could turn into a new terror hub and right now it's really unclear who is going to turn who's going to take care of that problem and how if most of french troops to leave it's going to be a completely different game for the remaining thousand the un is talking about some additional attack force but so far it's really an idea while the clock is ticking. as the mass hunger strike could go in tandem obey continues for a third month a lawyer for one of the protesters has just been told that his clients tried to commit suicide according to a letter from another inmate the incident took place last month it still not clear
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whether the man succeeded in taking his own life though the u.s. military strongly denied the claims saying there's been no recent suicide attempts and that no lives are in danger of going to animal lawyers paid a different picture but some hundred thirty detainee to try to starve themselves to death in protest of mistreatment or indefinite detention legal appeals and a mounting public outcry and putting more pressure on the white has to deliver on its promises to close the facility but it's going to teach you can reports next the pentagon is committed to pumping more cash into keeping it open. the time of each detainee kuantan a mo cost u.s. taxpayers eight hundred thousand dollars a year there one hundred sixty six captives on the island now half of them have been cleared for release so there's absolutely no reason to have them there but the u.s. still spends millions of dollars every year to keep them behind bars many find it even more puzzling in light of ongoing furloughs among public sector workers let's put this number eight hundred thousand dollars in perspective not a lot of people can boast costing the government eight hundred thousand dollars
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a year a prisoner in the u.s. cost the taxpayers twenty seven thousand dollars thirty times less that is the average salary of a public school teacher here is fifty one thousand dollars one guantanamo detainee cost taxpayers more than the president himself he makes four hundred thousand dollars a year and if you think that the details have a luxurious life there you're wrong to quote general john kelly who is in command of one tunnel the facility is falling apart so there he was two weeks ago asking congress for almost two hundred million dollars to renovate one tunnel that should come on top of the one hundred seventy seven million dollars that the government spends every year to keep the prison running will the investment make the detainee's lives easier most of whom are there without having them formally accused of anything maybe not none of these projects would be a lifestyle if you will but some of the projects will curity better ease of
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movement for them that will benefit the guard force not the detainees but on top of renovations there are the costs and the taxpayers bill for keeping guantanamo open is only going to go up there aging as we all are and there are a certain lack of support facilities in that general area. and if we're planning on keeping them there forever there's an enormous amount of expense and terms of both caring for the inmates. and then also dealing with staff that's down there that has to do that. you know i think medical care is one of the biggest concerns this kind of investment suggests that the authorities do not plan to see the prison close they need time so people inspiration keep saying they're committed to shutting it down but they never say when in congressman smith's matter for we've got you know not to use the cliche joke but it's the hotel california check in but you can't ever check in washington i'm going to check out feroz abbasi spend several years
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ago and tunnel motu of them in solitary confinement before being released without charge when he took part in the previous most hunger strike it was still a teen should details of his experience with this i was taken in and force and forcing intravenous for fluids into you. and do something silly like put you don't know how many pouches when you only need maybe one or two an inopportune six or something or other there was one guy who was like doing a trainee medical course i don't know whether it's online or when he decided he was joking about which he needed to use with it he was a big one and so forth so they were using me the guinea pig for for for the for the training so. the person who was putting the needle into me took a long time going to i don't know how many stops they took a moment but you know they missed in the midst of a and until they actually found it so that you know the medical past of these people. you know is limited you know they're protesting and this is the last right
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in terms of all the rights have been taken away from them they don't have the right to. remain silent in interrogations or have them by the right to life in some cases so this is the last rights of people who don't have rights and protesting against the situation but primarily because their religion is being abused. well the subject of indefinite detention also came up when russia's foreign minister sergei lavrov and u.s. secretary of state john kerry met in the u.k. the two caught up in london ahead of the g. eight foreign ministers summit and his party boy because there for so i probably tell us more about that summit first of all well we've just heard off the back of that me saying that sharon has also for access to guantanamo bay in order to check on this russian detainee he's being held there in order to ascertain what his health is like amidst report so this ongoing hunger strike now for several weeks at guantanamo bay ok and career also talked about of course the role of the
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big pressing stories at the moment what was said about that i want to. yeah that was really the topic of the day in these discussions today kevin and we've heard. from saying today that there is no disagreement between russia and the us a on the topic of north korea he was keen to stress and to warn that military maneuvers only. only serve to escalate and tension so any putting a stop to these military maneuvers these intimidating tactics on either side are a welcome step but he warned at the same time in advance of the visit about this rhetoric that's taking place on both sides and how dangerous that really is for the escalation of tensions because he said that actually it's just as dangerous as flexing military muscles because. he said that counter threats and counter
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blame could lead to a very dangerous situation where one side backs itself into a corner to such a degree where they have to act in order not to lose face with that public and of course it's not the first time that russia has been calling for calm this week over the north korean peninsula very notably on monday vladimir putin and issued a stark warning the russian president said that if military conflict takes place in career well then the nuclear disaster of chernobyl will seem like a children's fairy tale so i really to ration of a call for calm here in london from the russian side today and of course will be following the g eight meetings as they take place. on the latest from the from the careers so south korea saying the north could test launch the moment as
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part of celebrations of. national holiday maybe going to tie it in with a date if they did it the communist states preparing them. the birthday of its founder kim il sung on the fifteenth of april north korea typically uses the celebration is not particular to display its military strength washington seoul and japan of all raised military alert levels in the pacific now say we're watching that one hour by hour in case anything kick off there coming up very shortly after the break the jailing of two teenagers in bahrain puts the spotlight on the government's anti protests crackdown what after this break. its technology innovation all the developments from around russia. the future of covered.
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international at the very heart of moscow.
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logan thousands of private investigators are now operating in britain and their ranks continue to grow with high tech surveillance equipment readily available in stores anyone these days can become a p.r. and legal loopholes or allowing them to work unlicensed and unregistered first reports. to watch somebody all watch them. mail fortunately there are a lot of people who use bribery the use corruption those at the back of it. is not difficult to make yourself invisible it's more difficult to be relied lawyers because when you're. always thinking oh my goodness they they know i just know they know that. there are now an estimated ten thousand private investigator is operating in britain despite being perceived as a shadowy world of which bisan secret industry continues to grow in fact it's moving from the south. into the high street as the course of covert devices pulls
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more and more individuals are making the surveillance gadgets easily available in stores like this one and the world of private investigation it's attracting some interesting characters and is not suspected as who just twenty one years old livy is worked at answers investigations for a year now she knows her way around like a verse a quick well she's fast learning the tricks of the trade electro. wires invest. all of that kind of stuff it's all available quite a lot of people mainly because obviously they've ration is there is always been there but they just a sheen i think there is something that it takes like there's nothing really but recently the law governing public surveillance in the case changed the protection of freedoms act two thousand and twelve was introduced ensuring local authorities obtain legal authorization before they put anyone under surveillance after it was
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revealed that many we using surveillance for minor matters such as littering the private investigators though no such law exists to over i could go on and so i don't have to get in the. or thora to from any body of. surveillance one to one a recent reports by big brother watch documented local authorities who were bypassing regulation by hiring private investigators. why many and now calling for industry licensing i think it's absolutely essential that we have some kind of regulation over private investigators a licensing system that means that we know who exactly is license and means of surveillance that. having spent thirty years in the police force former detective inspector james harrison gryphus knows well the risks of private investigation in the wrong hands you know you've read about the killings and all that sort of thing
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that go on when people disappear and there's a lot of people disappear. under pressure from from people to do certain things that they don't want to do and then the people who pressure on them want to find them and you've got to do your due diligence and make sure that you're not putting anybody you know in a position of danger but with tell you that cameras listening devices tracking devices and much more all now available cheaply on the high street these days anyone can be a private investigator there's nothing secret anymore in this in this country i mean walking down the high street you know under surveillance surveillance the surveillance is just there it's what happens you know it's a way of life now isn't it but the lack of regulation means that in the u.k. right now anyone can at any time be watching you no one is watching them so if a. london. human rights activists in bahrain are up in arms over
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a court ruling last week then saw two teenagers sentenced to ten years each under an antiterrorism law the boys aged fifteen and sixteen religiously tortured by interrogators before they confessed to attacking police during anti-government riots bahrain's authorities have been cracking down on pro-democracy protests for the past two years indeed arresting thousands of activists the store where this know that from the european by radio organization for human rights asked me hi there i want to know what are your thoughts on this verdict was there any terrorism involved here do you think any terrorist activity well first of all you know the law which is called the protecting society society from terrorist acts is actually not in line with international human rights law and this has been condemned by the international human rights organizations a long time ago and in this case the lawyers have said that there was no lacks in evidence and confessions that mobutu can under torture expression there were two minors sixteen years old and there was not absolutely an absolute
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contradiction with the conventions of the rights of the child that the only government has signed before so this is this like this is a very big case and the government used uses such laws to break down on activists and brutally citizens that go out in the streets asking for democratic rights. these allegations of using torture to obtain confessions it's not the first time we've heard it all these allegations are. correct do you think generally we're hearing a lot of it how widespread is this tactic if it's true of course you know any independent commission inquiry that a sunni report of course. many activists has been from first under torture and many human rights organizations including human rights watch also expressed concern about such kinds of allegations of torture we also on the in. human rights organizations and what i mean i've documented many cases where torture
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has been used and we have that with videos and photos as well been working reports on that and is it is used more or why or less widespread since the united nations turned around and told the bahrain to improve its human rights record what have we documented lately is that the government of behave normally or are sometimes. actually civilians that the kidnap such. protesters they torture them and then they throw them on the streets that's why we don't know whether these civilians are actually affiliated with the ministry of interior or they are independent but we can see that this allegations of torture and are increasing and lately we have a sixteen years old also he has been killed now and then lately we found out that he was he's at the ministry of interior police stations and he has been he said that he has been tortured and you can actually be documented in there or saw his
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face and his body looks like this was being tortured is any progress being made here at all talks between the government of bar and opposition did resume last month is any progress being made here is there some light at the end of the tunnel as far as you're concerned well we don't see any consider weekends we don't see any any improvement in the situation and brain or the ongoing crackdown that is increasingly the just these few days a crackdown has started against the activists and protesters just putatively what i mean the one that's going to happen this month. we documented fifteen thousand others say we have it in six between kidnaps and their rights activists and protesters and dealing with them the dialogue as well you can say that there is not a platform for such a dialogue where human rights violations be committed every day and it's and deteriorating and this is this creates. an answer that there is a. seriously and i would we've been asking this would be covering this story as you
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were well know for months it was two years now the question we often ask our various guests about it is why isn't more fuss made about this why are the authorities allowed to continue doing it why is often a lot of fuss made about what's happening in iran and syria when it comes to human rights but not in bahrain well because what i mean creates an interest of the allies of the government of bahrain such as the united states especially that we hold that fleet at the moment and the united states is no actual stance on this special that they want to skewer their fifth fleet and what i mean and their security in the region but they're not giving any and i on the human rights violations committed them but i mean just a few days ago as well the british. related to the appears and in the ministry of. england he has started to talk on twitter talking about violations and to his answers are actually just backing up about any government but of religion is
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created and that's where the but any going to be backed up by the they are lies they are backed up by the international double double standards of behavior the between evolution. or a reference to time i thought i heard there from the european by radio organization for human rights on the line with us. when we come back up to martin we'll be looking at why coverage of margaret thatcher's death spinet glossing over some of the darker details of the i lady's legacy is on that program.
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he became a symbol of the nine hundred ninety s. he personified the russian mafia in the kremlin. he was a twentieth century arrest buton. in just a few years he rose from junior was a multibillionaire and senior politician. is decline was as rabid as his meteoric rise and ended in exile his death is now as mysterious as his life. better. on r.t. .
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to live on one hundred thirty three bucks a month for food i should try it because you know how fabulous bad luck i got so many i mean. i know that i'm sitting in the same city really messed up. in the old story so personally. it's. the worst you are going through the white house soup of a. radio guy in fort lauderdale minestrone. what clothes were about to give you never seen anything like this i'm still.
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going on i'm abby martin and this is breaking the set folks the american economy is barely climbing out of the great recession unemployment remains high the latest job numbers are low and on top of all that it's tax season for millions of american families is a very discouraging time in fact near as moose and paul was just revealed that fifty four percent of americans no longer believe it's possible for a person to work. in this country. you know why they called the american dream because like george carlin said you have to be asleep to believe it and not now go back to set. the total number of users you cover seem anything like the trouble.
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just yesterday former british prime minister margaret thatcher passed away for those of you who are avid corporate media watchers your impression of her legacy might look something like this. i think she's the probably the greatest prime minister of britain since churchill regardless of the ideological things we could always fight about you never had to wonder where moderate thought she stood on the issues i will not change just a core popularity she was known to be uncompromising is specially when it came to her principles of economic and individual freedom she was called the iron lady unbending and driven respected in here whether it was ideology or economics trade unions or terrorist it was agree with maggie or get out of the way. right the uncompromising iron lady the woman who saved britain but it's no surprise that the media is exploiting public emotions over her death and turning to some sort of heroic and demagogue which is.


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