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tv   [untitled]    April 10, 2013 10:00pm-10:30pm EDT

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time same sex in for tom hartman in washington d.c. and here's what's coming up tonight on the big picture. today was budget day for president obama at a press conference on the white house lawn he announced his plan to fund the federal government for fiscal year two thousand and fourteen but who is the president trying to please we'll talk about this and more internet sloan liberal rumble also on monday the maryland legislature approved medical marijuana for use in the old line state but shouldn't maryland just go all the way and legalize marijuana altogether and later get your pencils ready tom is give me a crash course in economics to close out tonight show.
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and we begin tonight with a dinner a dinner that the president is having just down the street here with a dozen republican senators a dinner that comes after the president officially released his budget today calling for cuts to social security and medicare in full throttle european style austerity it's a budget that had been introduced in another time in another place say in a time and place where margaret thatcher and ronald reagan never came to power and dragged the entire western political system to the far right it's a budget that would be considered a republican budget one devoted to deficit reduction and entitle it reform sprinkled with a few modest investments in infrastructure and education and promises to close a few tax loopholes on the rich and yet despite this bit of this budget giving republicans something they themselves couldn't have dreamed up especially after they got shellacked in the last election despite this budget giving republicans real cuts to social security and medicare the. if it is out to dinner tonight
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begging republicans to support it he's begging republicans to get behind his austerity budget to cut a so-called grand bargain with him that will sacrifice seventy five years of democratic principles in return for for i don't know in return i guess for trying to fix some debt crisis that doesn't actually exist bob or with the institute for america's future writes that quote the president's major purpose is not to address mass unemployment not to build a new foundation for the economy not to revive the middle class or redress gilded age inequality the president's overriding priority is to cut a deal and a deal that continues to impose austerity on an already faltering recovery is that the country nor his presidency will be well served by this. so what exactly is in this budget well it's a three point seven trillion dollars budget for fiscal year two thousand and fourteen putting the nation on track to cut the deficit by one point eight trillion
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dollars over the next ten years and there are some good things in it that includes new investments including fifty billion dollars in infrastructure spending though the american society of civil engineers reports that our infrastructure needs more than two trillion dollars in repairs so fifty billion ain't that much and also includes investments in a new preschool for all initiative providing all low and moderate income children access to preschool education that program is financed by raising taxes on cigarettes and alcohol and it also invests in new manufacturing institutions across america and when it comes to tax reform there are some good policies the president's dusting off the buffett rule again which would require millionaires and billionaires many of whom get by paying just twelve thirteen percent in taxes to pay at least thirty percent in taxes and a working people pay so like i said there are some good things but in exchange for these good things which honestly don't go near far enough to fixing the nor miss
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structural problems with our economy which is geared to benefit the very very few the president also cuts four hundred billion dollars out of medicare hundreds of billions more in additional spending and puts forward crippling cuts to social security he proposes the chained c.p.i. which basically changes the way social security benefits are paid out based on inflation seniors the disabled veterans those who are lying on the already meager social security benefits will see their annual benefits cut by hundreds of dollars over the next few years but the white house doesn't want those who are most vulnerable to fret they'll throw a few extra benefits at those who would be hardest hit by these cuts essentially turning portions of social security which is a guaranteed insurance program into a welfare program and once it's a welfare program expect republicans to attack it even more like they do with all welfare programs. yes paul ryan's budget was
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a radical i and rand wet dream the president's budget is much much better but make no mistake about it it's a republican budget and it fits in with what seems like an ongoing strategy by the president to court corporatists republicans and turn his back on progressives as progressive senator bernie sanders told yahoo news today. in the house you have a whole lot of this in the senate we have a number of progress is the question is has the president reached out to us and the answer is a little bit of reached out to be to the best of my knowledge he has not reached out to progressives and that is the support to what do you feel senator sanders spoke at a rally outside the white house yesterday pledging to defeat any cuts to social security or medicare joining in the outrage progressive senator elizabeth warren e-mail supporters today saying she was shocked by the president's social security cuts which makes it all the more strange that the president is dining with republicans tonight trying to make amends with the right instead of making amends
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with the left for doing something that no democratic president has done in more than seventy five years. all right it's time for the long ramble. i. journeyed for tonight. cameron stewart research associate government studies of the heritage foundation and patrick how we reporter from the daily caller gentlemen thank you guys for being here tonight thank you so i don't understand this this seems like a slam dunk for republicans to support it's got major entitle me reform in here it's got major spending cuts for medicare and other discretionary spending programs why aren't the republicans lining up to you know give obama a big wet kiss and say thank you you just real quickly you said there's a major in time on farms not major entire reforms you talked about change. entire portion of social security into into a welfare program will do you mean indexing the benefits for paid out by social
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security to go with inflation and then yes i mean i don't that's all it's one small it's a funny calculation here of it but but by the white house saying look we know that these benefits are going to be cut for very vulnerable people we know that disabled people that veterans seniors are going to lose hundreds of dollars in their social security and they were talking about benefit cuts not these kind of waste fraud and abuse cuts that you hear about these are benefit cuts and to cushion those benefit cuts we're going to give them a little extra benefit that's that's basically a welfare program there that you're turning into which is going to get vulnerable for future or for future people when republicans attack the well there were republicans are aware of the political ramifications leading up to twenty fourteen i think what we're seeing today is that obama is coming to the realization that people like elizabeth warren and bernie sanders are not good people to have on his team going into the midterm elections and so he's cutting them loose i know for a fact elizabeth warren doesn't do anything unless it's in lockstep with the obama administration so if she's coming out and attacking the president then must be
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doing something to. think she said were dated her attacks on the banks with the obama. in a strange way i don't think that's what you're taught out of it because piers talking about the ramifications for twenty fourteen what about the ramifications of two thousand and twelve i mean weren't these issues addressed during the two years of campaigning we had leading a twenty two election that the american people do not want to see entitlements cut but they do want to see tax loopholes on corporate jet owners royal subsidies to the most profitable corporations in the history of the world cut off and yet none of those things are happening but if republicans get onboard with this completely right now then that just you know in the obama narrative that he's being a moderate right now and he's reaching out across the aisle and that's not necessarily true because this is politics that are obvious very well it's too late to dinner with the republicans tonight is charm offensive continues let's get past the politics here how is this what's good for the country i mean obviously we both disagree with the budget you guys are going to say this isn't this isn't good for the country either but of different reasons but i'm ok so you guys have
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a problem with what do you have a problem with it which is the debt that is that is not wrangled and in fact it increases this is really in dollars dollars in deficit reduction over the next ten years is not good enough for you one notebook by two thousand and thirteen we are going to have seventy three percent of the g.d.p. will be debt held by the public and will have astronomical rate as it went through it was one hundred twenty percent and we got out of that pretty well without an austerity program well we're not fighting a world war and you could say we're we're engaged in the same sort of epic struggle here we're fighting we are fighting wars all around the world which are needless wars to begin with but we dealing with a major financial crash that such seven trillion dollars out of our economy which you know could be compared to some war like effort trying to get out of that and plus we're confronting climate change which requires massive new investments to modernize our entire energy infrastructure i mean these are warlike efforts that need to be undertaken that require spending and what we found is when you spend
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lots of money whether it's on war or whether it's on green energy here health care or whatever you create jobs and you create stimulus in the economy. why not have the private sector do that because they can't get won't at this point it's a tactic to crowd out the private sector this is all going as planned this is obama's dream let's i don't want to crowd out the private sector here patrick everybody that sector jobs are going to sitting on trillions of dollars worth of cash not what are you just sitting there because they're not even going to be going to spend more you uncertainty regulatory uncertainty because of the senate hold out liberations are becoming net savers and they're not spending their assets but we have to depend on them. yes because they sometimes just to we just have to wait around until they feel better until please you we're going to have to create an economy is going to nasser's towards spending money economy ok let's let's try and get in their shoes these corporate masters when are they going to start spending money is it going to be when people have money in their pocket you started buying things it's obamacare that they're not going to want if there are enough with the right or the rhetoric here but why would any corporations you remember you remember
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the pharmaceutical companies got onboard with the affordable care act in two thousand and ten and so if we're talking about social security i mean obama's not going to go back on that now with a couple years down the road you know i mean we're talking about medicare with prescription drug rights and absolutely well that's i mean that's a slightly different if you issue if if we're talking about medicare going bankrupt which you guys are talking about then yeah let's let's read let's tackle the medicare part d. program that's a giant give away the pharmaceutical industry that sold it off and seventy percent of the time. i want to express all the surprise at this point when this was several years in the making disingenuous yes yes can we talk about the levels of taxes involved here well well above the historical average and they will only continue and again i talked about the debt will only continue to rise and he's attacked it all sounds and we're not talking about yet we're not talking about an increase in marginal tax rates here we're talking about closing tax loopholes that allow people like private jet owners to get by without paying taxes for
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a certain amount of years on the private jet we're talking about we're talking about tens of billions of dollars in. so these are the most profitable oil corporations in this world and yet we're supposed to think that these should be on the same level playing field as cuts to entitlement programs to me that doesn't matter this seems like something that's just obvious obviously we should not be giving tens of billions of dollars in subsidies to the very end of the world very simple concept that will lead that will lead to good tax reform because a great we need we need tax reform we need good tax reform lower the rates and broaden the base broaden the base so that means new year old who currently are too poor to pay taxes to pay more taxes that's what i mean by broad base no ten seconds go right well there's one thing i like about this i like that he is getting rid of tax loopholes to corporations that ship jobs overseas i think that the democrats didn't get to own protectionism until after the cold war and i think the republicans should get back on that i like ok we're going to hear or know of tonight's lone liberal rumble right up the bridge.
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any time anyway. potentially deadly blizzard taking aim for the northeast it's expected to hit stunning in a few hours from new york to maine we have team coverage of the storm. but what we're watching is the very heavy snow moving into boston properly or today it was very sticky you can see it start to become much more powdery down the line there's still a lot of snow out here a good place for snowball fight. piece and it is going to pretty incredible day there and even record snowfall throughout much of it might still be slugged three drug realises some emergency vehicles are exceptions.
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i. welcome back joining us for tonight's lone liberal cameron seward patrick alley all right let's get back to it let's talk about guns news broke out of the senate today that senator joe manchin and pat toomey a centrist democrat in a far right republican have reached a deal on guns i guess people on the left who want strong gun reform just cringe at hearing that this is going to be the signature policy coming out of the senate for gun reform it's basically background check agreement of it came with mandates background checks for almost every gun sold the united states including gun shows transactions between relatives and hunters though still can go by without background checks. and it looks like this might pass there was talk about republicans filibustering and there's a lot of pressure growing on them to not filibuster it. is this is this really the
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best the senate can do here i mean is this something that republicans are going to support just this one background check piece along with some some tougher laws against gun trafficking and straw purchases i just want to make clear one point you said there was a sales between honors and not split hairs here is it was actually a provision about the transfer of the temporary transfer for. god as a shooting range or something like that i don't think that this is going to be broadly supported by republicans i think you mentioned to me and to me is a far right republican he disappointed me with this but the thing you have to understand is mayor bloomberg i broke a story today for the caller about how mayor bloomberg is waging a terrorist campaign running negative ads trying to force to me stand on this as soon as. there's real tears. pain launched by mayor bloomberg as soon as to me introduces this bill with manchin who gets trotted out by the democrats because he's a moderate. so as soon as he does bloomberg switches it up and all of a sudden praises to me so you have to understand that there are there are powerful
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anti-gun interests here who are pressuring specific republicans this isn't going to be broadly supported by the republicans. haven't been terrorized but are you going to destroy it i may add there are. going to there is however republicans and yet the best thing that has come out of the senate is this watered down background checks bill and there's going to be nothing coming out of the which shows how little support there is broadly for this the ones who want to have a right as a percent for these expanded background checks and every bill that you know that nine to ten people are saying yes of course you're going to see you're not only going to see republicans oppose it because it's a bad bill you're going to see. democrats that are up for re-election in red states also opposing this as well because they know it's bad it's bad for business and the issue here and i've talked about this before is when it needs to be made clear there's no way to do these expanded background checks without a national gun registry that's the that's the facts support that no i don't support and show of course i don't support a national guard ok it goes against a second amendment so when we go to the airport we have to take our shoes off to
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save lives from terrorism you know because a terrorist terrorist tried to blow up once on an airplane and we all take our shoes off we can't carry any liquids on because you know terrorists somewhere tried to blow us up with liquid explosives we have to go through the x. ray machines you know just in case we have bombs on this ok but that's you know that's what was listen listen listen listen let me finish i want to play this clip from a few years ago so american born al qaeda leader adam gadahn talking giving some advice to potential islamists here's the quote. in the west you've got a lot at your disposal let's take america as an example america is absolutely awash with easily obtainable firearms you can go down to a gun show at the local convention center and come away with a fully automatic assault rifle without a background check and most likely without having to show an identification card so what are you waiting for. i don't know i don't want to say that we should be doing everything based on what tao tears are going to attack us i think that's completely
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ridiculous but we are doing that we are doing that at the airports when we have to take our shoes off and we have to get ready. doused with radiation when we have to travel that is all we are not to do going anywhere it's missing in this debate and what's missing in all of obama's rhetoric about this no the public interview in his speech the other day is that the second moment is not about hunting but guns is not about hunting and this is not just like getting on an airplane or something that really was about it's a wonder you know it's about defending yourself against the government if the government were to turn over medical so if you tell us that every listen if the military has combat weapons then according to the the original idea behind the second amendment the citizenry should have the same weaponry that the government possesses or else the second amendment doesn't work that's completely absurd that is the districts that would defend you that would have no effect today because we don't have drones a nuclear weapons right here which i guess you're advocating we should here's a photo they were talking about back when the mental peace do you know why we didn't have standing armies back then why why there's no no no there's no
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completely get it exactly which is why no after after we broke loose from britain where our founding fathers were terrified of standing armies because they had seen standing armies all around the world eventually overthrow governments and military coups so they didn't want standing armies what they wanted was malicious militias that could be called up if we were attacked at any by any country outside force or something that was the point of the second amendment was that we had these we have these stable issues that could be called up to be our army when we needed them not so that we could take down some thai radical american government that would rise and it has been known and understood for centuries in this country that the second amendment protects your property if the government comes in and the police come and try to take you to an internment camp and the democrats have been disseminating that information for many decades in inner city communities to rile people up against the police i mean it's right here i don't see anything about taking down tyrants in government and i said that i was ready to so you know. whatever we can
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move on we can move on from this topic let's talk about something that's going on in oregon which is pretty interesting they're considering this law when. people in oregon go and get a driver's license it'll basically automatically register them to vote they'll get some paperwork and a week or so about which party they want to register for and it's that easy and they you know most of countries already do something like this they make it extremely easy to vote we don't do that here should more states do what organs trying to do here and just automatically register people to vote when they do something simple as you can start i won't have to turn on the thom hartmann show and see this sort of conspiracy theory that voter id laws are about republicans saying oh no sir conspiracy theory it is it is i'm sure we have a chart here but we can hope somewhere in my children who these laws are meant to attack them it's not to attack minorities it's meant to attack young people that's a legal consequence that's i mean that's a that's consequence of a lot of that's one of the why go for these voter id laws what's the motivation you can't go in and vote three times under threat from neighbors rafiq show you the
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most affected by the border ideologues notice at the very bottom why it's. all right so let's do what oregon's doing all in favor of that so we can put this to rest great it's just it's worth pointing out a that a lot of with this with lack of. franchise man as would claim people that promote these sort of policies that you know when you analyze people after elections the census bureau does this after elections they they ask people why they didn't vote if they didn't vote and they say because i just didn't care about the election it's far above and beyond the vast majority of those people cross the country say that and it's not because i was disenfranchised someways years i simply don't care i'm on interested do you do you agree with many republican strategists and we probably have a clip here too that we could play who've been out in the open said that the more people who vote that benefits democrats the fewer people who vote that benefits
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republicans do you kind of agree with that no i don't agree with that at all do you think republicans can win. elections when there's massive voter turn i don't think it has anything to do hate us i think it has to do with the with when more low information voters vote than the democrats tend to win elections i don't think i don't see the racial aspects of it just just the kind of prove my point here's paul weyrich talking i guess in one nine hundred eighty all right let's let's play. how many of our quest to have what i call but goose and grow good government they want everybody to vote. i don't want everybody to vote elections are not won by a majority of people they never have been from the beginning of our country and they are not now no matter of fact our leverage in the election is quite candid like go up owning populace go down. under fire there he was the founder of the american legislative exchange council in the one nine hundred seventy s. which later today has been pushing a lot of these voter id laws seems a little bit well i had a coincidence or what it says my my my issue with
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a lot of the people that are pushing these policies of automatic voter registration is when states go and say hey let's compare these federal databases with what we have here at the state level and let's compare let's hopefully eliminate some in accuracies that these same people that are promoting the automatic registration push back and say no absolutely not that's disenfranchising why not get the you know that you know accuracy should hire your eyes let's get your accuracy and the voter fraud that smile occurs more often than people less often than people who die with their t.v.'s falling on their heads every year but whatever let's move on to private prisons. so the state audit in. ohio has found that the lake erie correctional institute which is a privately owned and operated prison by the corrections corporation of america it was sold off from the state to c.c.a. the corrections corporation of america is where the first private prison sales from a state to a private corporation. spines that there's terrible living standards prisoner abuse
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increased violence here of course the corporation as long as they're getting an. heads in those bunks this long as police are arresting enough people they're making profits they're well to do there are two with the profit motive being injected into a creature is there's no there's no profit motive here the real underlying issue every contract here shows that the state has to keep the prisons ninety percent filled so the corporation is if there is if there are violations of the eighth amendment right if prisoners are being abused and all that then by all means whether this is a state prison or a private prison that is an injustice and that should be remedied right and the interesting thing here is these these private entities would assume of the be held accountable right but you know what they're probably the state will probably also be held accountable as those corporations are acting as agents of the state and understood some sort of negligence an agency doctor in this state should be held accountable it's legal to hold accountable and this is go to be like crony
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capitalism where you make use of this we think it was a terribly and i mean it's not correct to say that these are completely private prisons they're under contract with the government so there are a cunt ability standards for the state and also to be fair i mean i just saw a video about a prison in new orleans where there was a lot of shooting heroin and gambling and guns in the prison and that prison that's a publicly funded prison that didn't seem to be doing too great as well but no i think look if i get convicted of a crime during the obama administration which may happen. i want to know that there is a very clearly defined standard of accountability by the people running my prison i don't know who did it to do to secret service to come to visit you know i've been a member for several years but i don't i don't want the g.a.o. group or i don't want c.c.a. which are giving money lobbying to politicians chuck schumer took a lot of money from his own interests yes absolutely this is and this is come up in the immigration debate as well the progressives are very mad at democrats who have taken private prison money because they feel that private prisons have just i mean
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you know the problem with the current events i mean when you look at. i mean look at the drug war i mean these are two things that hinge on incarcerating a lot of people in the street and when you inject the profit motive and you say look the more people people who are incarcerated here then the more money you're going to make here and it just seems to sabotage what we're trying to here we've got you know the second so you know i was it you know due process is due process and due process must be done and the eighth amendment is the eighth amendment if there's violations of that then i say this person should be shut down if there was a spade if there was a violation of a state should be shut down let's let's shut down the bad prisons cameron patrick thank you thanks a lot so much. coming up after the break on monday the maryland legislature approved a bill legalizing medical marijuana a liberal governor martin o'malley is expected to sign it but does the new law go far enough is it high time that maryland considered legalizing marijuana for recreational purposes as well ask our panelists in just a moment. he
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became a symbol of the nine hundred ninety s. he personified the russian mafia in the kremlin. he was a twentieth century arrest buton. in just a few years he rose from junior was a multi-billion and senior politician. is decline was as rapid as his meteoric rise and ended in exile his death is now as mysterious as his life. better. let me let me i want it all let me ask you a question from. here on this network is what we have in the bank we have our knives out. to the previous to the fight with us banks daycares again we're in a situation where be i'd hire you to talk about the surveillance equipment.
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on down from. the. world from the french science technology innovation all the years developments from around russia we've got the future covered. in. to. make you. the work of a.


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