tv [untitled] April 11, 2013 2:00pm-2:30pm EDT
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strike a go and tell them obey sparks a day of action by human rights groups as artie speaks to the lawyer of an inmate that tried to commit suicide. because digital currency free from government controls rapidly establishing itself in the financial radio we speak tonight to people who turn to the novelty after seeing the value of savings in traditional banks tumble. and playing fire as north korea prepares to test launch of ballistic missile during national celebrations we asked whether the united nations could have done more to ease that military standoff right now on the peninsula. all over again even if you just joined us just past ten pm here in moscow money was kevin owen this is r.t. first tonight mounting media coverage then i am public discontent human rights
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groups led by amnesty international holding a day of action against the guantanamo bay detention center it comes as the mass hunger strike at the u.s. facilities enter the third month and a lawyer for the detainees is informed that one of his protesting clients is trying to kill himself that lawyer clive stafford smith told me earlier the american military is denying knowledge of the a suicide attempt at the same time holding his client in appalling conditions. they took him back to camp fire back and which is the worst place and grant i don't know if you know what do you do with someone who suicide but you put him in the very worst cell in the entire prison and afraid that illustrates the really terrible lassitude the colonel said he knows how to deal with my clients because he's got children that have will check around and one of my clients said is we need to send the social services round to check on his house because if he's treating his children the way that these prisoners being treated has a real problem what they do with some of the person is they horse feed them in the most surrender this way you know but that doesn't solve the problem you know you
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can't take a peaceable true test like a hunger strike which is being done for perfectly valid reasons which i suspect ninety nine percent of the globe groups supports that if you were cleared for release you should be released now you can't take that force feed people by stuffing tubes up their nose and putting them through even greater agony and think that that's going to solve the problem of they were catching up to the prisoners and some of the lawyers raise cain about that they did allow some of the prisoners to get out of work to back the stomach the prisoners reportedly is still being the crowd to drink the water out of the tap and i got a photograph just yesterday of something i had seen many times myself down in guantanamo which is the sign of the taps which says this is not drinking water and it's foul stuff the a yellow we are inch color so they wanted to mine or mine to concessions for them afraid that's not the attitude that taking minutes taking
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a very very harsh attitude which is doomed to cause greater problems i want to say that this is bad for america it's not just bad for these prisoners is bad for america because we are losing our moral standing and when we behave this way. for those of us who spent several years ago and tell about two of them in solitary confinement before being released without charge he took part of the previous mass hunger strike at the facility and shared details of his experience with us i was taken in and forced into that time to forcing intravenous for fluids into you. and do something silly like put you in i don't know how many pouches when you only need maybe one or two an inopportune six or something other there was one guy who was like doing a trainee medical course i don't know whether it's online or not and he decided he was joking about which he needed to use or that he used a big one and so forth so they were using me the guinea pig for for for the for the training so. the person who was putting a needle into me took a long time and i mean i don't know how many stars they took
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a mom but you know they missed in the midst of a until they actually found it so that you know the medical care passed through these people. you know is limited you know they're protesting and this is the last right in terms of all the rights have been taken away from them they don't have the right to. remain silent in interrogations or have them by right to life in some cases so this is a loss right of people who don't have rights and protesting against the situation but primarily because their religion is being abused. comprehensive coverage of events in the detention center with test series from lawyers as well as commentary from officials experts and activists we've got a complete timeline of events waiting for there on a web site r.t. dot com. now in terms of global financial uncertainty many people turn to alternatives to traditional banks and safe havens this then has sparked a wave of interest towards bit coin the international cyber currency that's top two
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hundred sixty dollars a unit after the e.u. seizure of cypriot bank accounts it did later fall sharply after a rise in hacker attacks on bitcoin community sites and a slowdown on the exchange but peter all of us spoke to those backing the virtual cash that's decentralized and free from central control. these germans are sold on the idea. of the new gold and if you're not involved you'll be left behind every day you decide not to use a free and decentralized currency like bitcoin to actually decide for supporting the existing financial system with its flaws for yet another day created four years ago by an anonymous computer these lines of letters and numbers can be traded to allow instantaneous global purchases without being tied to the rules of existing and discredited financial institutions there is no organization no institution who
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is able to control or manipulate the whole financial system of bitcoin no banks no central banks. no credit card corporation that means nobody's charging you any fees nobody can stop you sending money from a to b. like if you would donate one would want to make donations to wiki leaks you can still do that and get high and following growing mistrust of a stop after the botched bailout of cyprus people want their money where governments can't touch it but i think the day you did a really good job to raise awareness when they seized the bank accounts in cyprus since then i mean there has been the root of it con craze going on but coins are secure nobody can seize it nobody can freeze an account to get involved you have to download an application called a wallet that you can start to buy them at this bar digital currency exchange
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a group once a month to trade their electronic cash on the establishment is happy to take coins as legal tender for any purchase but once you get all set up with the big calling software it becomes a simple as point click and your electronic. cash to enter into something very real indeed. now more than ever people want to make should they cash is cared for using an online wallet is still a very new concept how safe is it some of them have been hacked some of them have turned out to be fraudulent but i think over time. the operators who survive providing these kind of services are going to be very diligent about about their security and they're going to have to be very diligent also about maintaining their reputation and if you're a little apprehensive about a currency you can't hold in your hand there's physical callings with an individual code on the back that can be punched into your online account or if you thought
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that it's a good door for a good starter for people for people to know what bitcoin is if you present them with one of those because people like to talk. if you would want to give your nephew or a relative a present for for the next ten years one big card with probably the best in a physical form however you buy them with increased skepticism over established currencies we can expect to see more of the sign showing people are open for business peter all of the. ok well so we would hope you will more about this is a financial advisor george cook sic is he's on the line with us now either george you a big coing couple but yourself. well been following quite a bit what has been happening i'm going interest of parting of the best or. i think it's a thirst war because i don't see a good in civilian like my mother to be structural which is one of the must actually you know and beautiful how has an investment as. a store of
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value i think it's really behind the people we have been soon the last few days is going to see what we're going to see in the future in bitcoin some not sure but the people who are actually just starting to go in this market actually you know the latest issues they could be facing yeah the valley has been going up and down quite abruptly as you know the past couple of months that reach to pick the earlier on this month i guess over cyprus but it is this kind of thing pie in the sky or is it the shape of stuff to come. long term mom is currently our last of the cum however i don't think because it is the answer yet it has a billion elastics a blast. of food which is interesting for those of you budding black this is a problem with just one day of solution between two hundred sixty plus dollars to one hundred five dollars this is a lot of store by your decision to use and also both you marketplace which is food
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is it twenty three and by speculators. yes or the closure of some point in the future is the short term and medium term solution no we talked about the value just now it's been quite volatile how is the value determined. well should demand and supply part of the philosophy we're going to look for them for. which is this really interesting and probably the way to go but only if there's enough demand and supply volume if illiquid clues good enough to make sure that the prices are too there are some some last one of the for value of this should be at this point in time to play her is very brilliant because of my name versus now who supplies because in a very specific rushing through time so unfortunately demand supply we could use very well a pope francis has got some converts as one couple of good america texas them sell that house. with it and now a couple of sold there are
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a porsche but i forgot what i suppose but they just shocking that money in the bitten as far as you're concerned. yes i think especially the little house i mean there's a lot of hot busses you will want to get out of causes which are you know we love to extend one she needed to feel but what about the financial systems. on this should be. possibly not going to be in the same shape banking wise in the next few years but there's a lot of other possible very. real estate. you know physical. pressure medals and storms in the private and public goodwill who's in the loop of probably which are much better sources. george and i saw on the program tonight thanks for your thoughts much appreciated thank you for having but coming up here at r.t. fears on the potential a story we're tracking of course as the world waits for north korea's next move with ballistic missiles now in firing position we ask them what the international
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international airport in the very heart of moscow. logan foreign ministers of the g eight countries have condemned north korea's threats of nuclear ambitions the country is preparing the mother birthday of its founder kim il sung next week with a flamboyant show of military strength the neighboring south says the communist state already has five medium range missiles on its east coast that it could fire off at any moment war talk coming from pyongyang over the past month has prompted seoul and the u.s. to put their forces on increased military alert with japan deploying missile
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interceptors around its capital tokyo and it's believed north korea is preparing indeed to test launch several mid range ballistic missiles capable of hitting not only the south but maybe also american bases on the island of guam in the west pacific and while many analysts have played down the threat posed by the new missile test the united nations has more than any slight misstep on the potential of could escalate into an all out confrontation that's the worry for more perspective on this developing story let's go to art is contributor afshin rattansi joining us on the line from london hi i should even to you u.s. secretary of state john kerry started is asian two did meet with south korea then beijing is going to be meeting that the chinese and south korean leaders and the head of nato is that bad timing or is it a last minute scrabbled or try and get some sort of diplomatic way out of this. well of course we have had the g eight finance foreign ministers meeting here in london and i have to say it's quite surprising arguably that both russia and china
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seem to be in step with the americans we got to remember their missile tests going on in britain a nuclear missile test i don't see anyone trying to sanction britain john kerry the united states government. spreading all this fear now and we must remember that it was the united states who sought to bring stealth fighters in guam just destroying the six party talks and also just remember the context of the united states in the fifty's killed twenty percent of korea's population and destroyed eighty five percent of the buildings in north korea and nine eleven every every year every day and every every week every month. between one hundred fifty and fifty three this is a situation is getting out of hand and all it takes is a phone call from president obama to cool it down what it was not happen again and you say the g eight foreign minister very can condemned all that little offer any solution either did. that's right i suppose there is another game being played because the united states is ramping up its military facilities in southeast asia
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and obviously for seeing that china will become a superpower and all the time kim jong un has repeatedly said i mean he said one month ago we don't want war we want to talk and what must be done now is rather than governments like the british one of course and the united states saying north korea represents a clear danger therefore we have to arm ever more united states left the nonproliferation treaty britain isn't a bang by the spirit of the nonproliferation treaty of which it's a signatory and what we need urgently is president obama to make this call but as in so many other foreign policy issues president obama is wavering looks weak about it and seems to just continue to. carry out these war games with what a strange phrase war games on the on the coast if you just think of it the other way around if north korea was putting nuclear was nuclear capable still planes just
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beside the united states and had previously killed twenty percent of united states population but we can see what i can draw moon and north korea is afraid of the united states. well barbarism as it has been historically have should i wonder what the next steps are going to be than what's the likelihood that north korea will come to the negotiating table maybe it will happen but what if it doesn't. well though north korea said they want to talk and it's the united states that is just ramping up pressure and any kind of violation it is if the united states wants this kind of gesturing and brinkmanship to help its troops and their military facilities it's putting them in australia all around china what's necessary now is urgent talks because of course the worst case scenario probably more likely than any other kind of attack is a mistake being made and that's all remember that north korea is a militarized society any bombs it sends to south korea in
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a highly urban populations will kill lots of people as for any retaliation against north korea well the united states bore most of it in the fifty's and they have underground tunnels the effect on north korea of any bombing campaign will not be nearly as bad as that on the south should is there an argument to be made that north korean regime is actually justified think he would nuclear weapons is the best chance that they're going to have to stay in power during this twenty first century has proven time and time again nuclear weapons perhaps are ones only deterrent against united states and nato posturing nature war of course iraq afghanistan because libya and libya are will hang in the imaginations of many developing world leaders because it proved because it was good after he got rid of his nuclear weapon program. people are going to want w m d that seems to be what nato countries of catalyzed after iraq afghanistan and libya and other
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interventions that resulted in the loss of so many lives and of course so many refugees and so many bereaved many analysts believe that china is key to solving this current standoff publish influence these days no does beijing really have over the north how well are they getting on is the big question. there's a lot of speculation about that because of course china has completely changed its position in recent months and so you have all sorts of analysts talking about north korea this secretive society that not many people are privy to knowing about this you're perhaps a basketball player and i think china will be looking at this very closely will be in close contact with kim jong un and presumably the fact that they're going with the united states in sanctions threatening sanctions and so forth i think there is another game being played because let's face it this is about really the united states trying to militarize against what they see as their number one perceived
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threat of the twenty first century the people's republic of china is there any danger that the imminent future the u.s. will scale down its south korea no war games are not me will it call it off very shortly. i don't think they will and we've got to remember the united states where the people in the first place after nine hundred forty five split this nation they didn't want they didn't when kim jong il the man they'll be celebrating next week in north korea to win a democratically elected election and a nine forty eight they put all the bases there occupying south korea as well as and what they want to do is force their presence in that region and president obama heavily by the arms companies and i got to say companies even in britain will be benefiting greatly by all this news talk of a perceived north korean threat because everyone can upgrade their armories let alone said upgrading nuclear weapons of mass destruction in violation of any type
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of interpretation of the nonproliferation treaty of which of course iran is a member but again we're talking about nuclear weapons as. we're we're getting nuclear weapons here upgraded no sanctions against there's still a lot of questions whether north korea is actually got the capability to put a nuclear warhead on a missile to make it small enough to go on a missile at the group of the missiles they got but there is a lot of thought that maybe over the next five days or so they will try and launch maybe these mid range ballistic rockets if that happens on the anniversary of kim il sung which is when they kind of like to do this every year what do you think the reaction going to be you know. well the reaction will be perhaps more sanctions of course that is a spiral because it was more sanctions or worse than what the worry is could there be anything worse could there be a military retaliation over it do you think. obviously i can't speculate entirely
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into the minds of the uncle and aunt repeatedly of kim jong un who are basically running things according to some intelligence analysts i wouldn't think given his statement they want to talk and they don't want war it's difficult to tell because president obama is ratcheting up that pressure and putting all the. new military facilities on guam it is necessarily unpredictable but all one can hope for is that president obama phones up can draw in that's all he wants so that they can talk and we can dispense with this crazy brinkmanship action things through with the times there are to contribute a thank you. here is to frame separate chuck hagel says he doesn't rule out pyongyang acquiring a long range missile capable of hitting american writing that washington isn't prepared to take any chances and is watching north korea's every move and they were talked about how things ended up where they are with across the. on the one hand
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we've got a rogue state operating in a defacto nuclear state operating with a bomb and on the other we've got a un which is either fails to reach out to north korea appropriately and bring it into the international community. and is conspicuous by its absence perhaps in a situation like banking just the other day warning of it spiraling out of control the danger of what is practically being done what we do know is that the international institutions the diplomatic institutions that would be normally be responsible for bringing north korea back into the fold have failed to do so north korea walked out of the. six plus one talks in two thousand and nine and the u.n. other than sanctioning north korea has failed to come up with any concrete diplomatic solution. to reach in to the mysterious stage and to bring it back into the fold so what is going on behind the scenes is their favorite diplomacy or not
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well north korea famously enjoys bilateral relations with china and russia and there may indeed be contacts going going through the channels we can say for sure that china is upset with north korea i think there's a general recognition that china north korea is close relationship is starting to disintegrate particularly because this saber rattling that we're seeing from north korea has brought very aggressive united states into china's front garden now it should also be mentioned now whether this is coincidence or not. live up to others to judge but nato secretary general rasmussen is also in seoul at the moment. conducting meetings with his south korean partners and that may be seen as an inflammatory meeting by the north koreans it may not.
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the u.s. and several european states say they are ready to step up wait now to rebels in syria to help their fight against president assad. spoke to a syrian presidential advisor who says western powers have no real interest in putting a stop to the two year long violence. crisis has a regional and international level and that unless these store lovers are sorted out and the less there is a real intention to stop the crisis it's very difficult to stop it inside syria because it's not a crisis that is only in syria but it is a crisis that's being played and are financed by both regional and international forces there was an inside does not really live are to what it says so even if this is only leave the weapons you know all will be on the terrorist attacks that are
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happening in syria or the killing or because of not being or the problem that our children our women are facing horribly you only it's in conditions and a few towns in dirty and driven all this they consider it you know non-lethal why would they be interested in creating chaos in syria and you know president assad keeps pointing fingers to turkey's role jordan the arab league for making the situation in syria worse do you have any other carts left to play it is a game is there any interest in the long run and unfortunately i don't think those who are creating chaos and syria are right from the beginning how do you totally independent will we have the card of syria under the syrian people it is a syrian people who are standing against terrorism it is the sudan people who are standing against car bombs and car explosion the syrian people who are standing against it are using and porting and that is.
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where international news no it's not at least fifteen militants or one soldier have been killed in pakistan's northwest the military's carrying out an operation to take over the strategically important valley that the border in afghanistan is said to be used by the taliban and its allies as a base come for raids in the region one hundred thirty people have died in the fierce fighting since the government sent troops to the area last week. mass rallies outside congress in washington d.c. as cross party senators race to finish an overdue immigration deal it's expected to fast track eleven million illegal immigrants on the path to gain citizenship and is due to be adopted in the coming days tens of thousands protested over the sluggish pace of reform the bill will also tighten border security and require employers to check their workers' immigration status. in paris human rights activists staged a mass demonstration against homophobia and in support of its victims it follows sunday's brutal attack of a gay man in the french capital after which a picture of
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a shopping injuries went viral on the internet protesters play the homophobic assaults of increased as oppositions grow to limit law to allow same sex marriage in adoption in front is. the cost of the separate bailouts risen to twenty three million euros from the original seventeen and a half billion that's according to a draft document put together by the country's creditors in march international lenders agreed to a ten billion euro rescue package for the debt stricken island on unprecedented terms slashing the savings of wealthy depositors in the country's two main banks the government has also had to install strict capital controls to prevent a massive run of the banks weather reports say millions of euros were transferred from cyprus before those strictures came into force we talk about the next two no two or twenty nine minutes past ten o'clock at night moscow time attaches to the business on it and yet that's what picking up on tonight how is cyprus going to get out of this mess latest rumor is it's going to sell its jewels its gold well right
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and psychologically it might be the right move but if you look at the numbers it really doesn't add up you have to realize that cyprus owes twenty three billion euros or euro whichever you prefer it has to come up with the amount for the next three years now if it sells the reserves and is just four hundred million euro. there you go but it's speaks volumes about the situation in europe all the details in the business.
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