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tv   [untitled]    April 12, 2013 5:00pm-5:30pm EDT

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really t.s.a. can be texas legislatures are all ears some lawmakers in the lone star state are pushing for a bill that keeps the t.s.a. more hands off with their pat downs more on that the moment. while you were on the topic of t.s.a. how about another hurdle your travel plans it's bad enough with the pat downs but imagine not being able to get on the plane a look at why some people are placed on that no fly list. while public schools throughout the nation faced budget cuts students and teachers are rising up to protect education students in newark new jersey even hosted a walkout in reaction to the planned cuts more on this movement later in the show. what's friday april twelfth five pm in washington d.c. i'm mark or hell you're watching r t and starting the sour more outrage against the t.s.a. and it's well known that that agency has gotten a reputation for being
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a bit too close for comfort just take a look at this. we. just heard john. kerry she. actually you're in touch migrant right there you know your story we will be. with you they're here to test my journey if you read. well lawmakers and taxes are trying to do something about it proposing legislation that would make it illegal for t.s.a. agents to get touchy feely but in some restrictions on just where t.s.a. officers can touch passengers now texas state representative david simpson who proposed the bill believes it all boils down to one major issue the t.s.a. treating innocent folks as criminal suspects and to him that's a big problem and taxes. now to break it down i was joined earlier by the man with the plan himself representative simpson from taxes i get asked by asking him why the t.s.a. seems to treat innocent people like criminal suspects with these pat downs well i'm
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not sure it's so policy that really violates the fourth amendment of our constitution and our texas bill of rights as well it's unnecessary they are about people to pay one hundred dollars get a background check and and just pass on through like we used to do but it's really unfortunate for the way. those will chairs are and plants that really get. and have done necessary and effective and it is just wrong certainly so what exactly are the restrictions that you're trying to put before the texas legislature here well house bill eighty would simply prohibit touching of private parts of a person without probable cause it would also prohibit the separation of minors from the guardian without probable cause or to engage in some kind of conduct that
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would constitute assault under our penal code already. and to basically harass or coerce or. keep people from proceeding. to their plane or to a public venue. without probable cause i say so and in your opinion do these pat downs apply to everyone equally and i guess my question pertains to women in those traditional jobs who are protected from pat downs currently as it violates muslim curity laws even president obama himself said back in twenty twenty ten that they're protected from these invasive t.s.a. screenings and the touching of their bodies and now that we're seeing this in every issue every airport in america you know are people screen all the same way you know are we seeing this across the board. well particularly the weak as those who grow have medical and plans and even recently a wounded warrior who had his legs blown off fighting from an eye and
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afghanistan came back and they took his legs off and humiliated him searching him it's incredible what they're doing and i do think it especially hurts and violates . the wake of among us and those who have medical and. aged and babies and children the worst case i heard about a parent related to me when their autistic boy was separated from her he began when they touched him in the most intimate way yelling out man on boy or man on boy i met on boys and that is the right response it is wrong and we teach our children not to let people touch is in these ways and unless there's a reason they should go to third base i say so ok the introduction of these full body scanners that of essentially replace traditional metal detectors at airports for people traveling. t.s.a. you have the option now to be touched by t.s.a.
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even passing through are going through the scanner which essentially under ross is here with us electromagnetic radiation why are these the only two options on the table well unfortunately that is the case much of the time it is not all the time many times a lot of people go through the metal detectors but. i'm not sure of the reason but other parts of the world they don't use these methods and it's very unfortunate and it's wrong place to stop are there other alternatives specifically though that you could maybe give us that would be you know something that they could still do to keep us safe but maybe not so invasive sure i mean continue to use the magnetometers the metal detectors they have bomb sniffing dogs they have mains sensing explosives residue just watch people that use common sense
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but don't take the underwear off ninety five year old women with cancer returning home for their last trip. i think that's mainly what is needed we people are consenting to this and we need to stop consenting were and they blowing people to treat us like despots and it's just wrong it's not making us more say it's removing our dignity and if we continue to do this is just evidence that the terrorists have won i say so if this passes and taxes where do we stand in turn they're going to have a response to you guys down there on the sure mr murphy the u.s. attorney. who made threats last time has retired perhaps there's more common sense and the justice department. in two minutes against moment you know if they want to threaten to come and take airplanes come and take it this is uncalled for and
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we need to stand up for our travel and dependence and dignity and not allow the federal government or anyone to violate the fourth amendment and to thank for you representative i really appreciate your time that was texas state representative david samson. one explosive let the you may not want to be on the no fly list first introduced. the september eleventh terrorist attacks the no fly list reportedly contains the names of twenty one thousand people five hundred of which belong to americans now this secret list has garnered some sharp criticism being called ineffective by civil liberties advocates such as the a.c.l.u. so is exactly on this list and more importantly how do you know if you're on it r.t. correspondent list wall has more. well the no fly list has grown dramatically since it was created after nine eleven and now that list includes more than twenty one thousand names the list bans many americans from flying who pose no danger to
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national security at all and that's because there's something called false positives and that means you happen to share a name of a suspect on the list and your chances of getting off the ground will be difficult or impossible it's happened to children veterans even senators some examples back in two thousand and four senator ted kennedy told the senate judiciary committee that his name was on the no fly list and was delayed repeatedly at the airport apparently if he counted it was a name on the list because it was once used by a terror suspect as a well known senator he wondered how ordinary citizens were treated at the airport with targeted names and as we reported on our team not too long ago the government banned this man from boarding a plane and visiting his family and cutter citic long is an american born muslim who is also a ten year veteran of the u.s. air force and he is not the only veteran that the government has grounded the a.c.l.u. has filed a lawsuit against the government on behalf of fourteen people of the for no fly
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list including four military veterans that you see here another name on the list is a frequent guest on our show jasmine radek she is an attorney that represents government whistleblowers. obama took the bush secrecy regime and expanded that by an order of magnitude everything including classification numbers have gone up the number of people being targeted for assassination has gone up. well radek like everyone else on the no fly list has no idea why she's been banned from flying she suspects it may have something to do with her fight to protect government whistleblowers but being on the no fly list is more than an inconvenience in some cases a block people from visiting family or traveling for work or pleasure. and according to the a.c.l.u. it's unconstitutional and the same in the civil liberties group says quote today the government's no fly list consists of thousands of people who have been barred
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altogether from commercial air travel with no meaningful chance to clear their names resulting in a vast and growing group of individuals whom the government deemed too dangerous to fly but to harmless to arrest it is unconstitutional for the government to put people on secret lists and deny them the right to travel without even basic due process oral arguments for this case will be heard in district court late june for the plaintiffs and thousands of others denied at the airport the no fly list doesn't fly in washington liz wahl r.c. . then newark new jersey one thousand students walk out of class on tuesday protesting governor chris christie's budget cuts to the state educational funding of public schools so this walkout is in response to a number of complaints mainly with the public school like most around the u.s. are understaffed with cuts to programs in classrooms that are in major need of repair. and this is a very similar issues other protests we've seen in cities like chicago and earlier this month with over fifty four school closures following
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a budget deficit earlier i was joined by our chief correspondent of salvia turkana who was on the ground in chicago and joined us and arse in the studio in new york and she told us just exactly what's going on in newark. what we saw happen earlier this week on tuesday from according to different estimates from several hundred up to two thousand public high school students walked out of their schools about a dozen schools in total to protest what seems to be becoming a trend in the united states budget cuts to public education and this comes after the announcement that governor chris christie is considering cutting an entire fifty six million dollars out of the public school funding and this is exactly what the students organized by the newark students' union were protesting they were saying this is far from the first time that these budget cuts are taking place when it comes to the schools that it's highly avoidable that officials could have gone. in other directions to not have these budget cuts take place also they're saying
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that it's the neighborhoods with minorities primarily being targeted and that they're going to keep coming out onto the streets to protest this you mentioned governor christie's budget cuts in education in two thousand and ten and that was actually ruled unconstitutional by the new jersey supreme court and there was a promise made to put that money back and so far he hasn't is there anything going on that's going to make him return those funds was this just some symbolic gesture by the court can they actually make him put the money back. well margaret you know i think considering this court decision was ruled just three years ago where in two thousand and thirteen now it seems highly i love unlikely that this money is going to be returned into the system like you mentioned at that point in twenty time and what happened was he put in a place a budget cut of almost one billion dollars to be exact over eight hundred million dollars and this is still not been put back regardless of that decision and so of course it's been highly symbolic but you know it's worth noting that since christie
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took office in twenty ten total of three point six billion dollars in budget cuts to schooling pay taken place and meanwhile people are just completely outraged by this on the grounds that he put in place a total of two point one billion dollars on a saturday and for big business i want to take you back so you were in chicago covering you know these fifty school closures there in that school system and here is what in these times jacob and reporter mike and you track had to say about these closures. of those seventy five closings that have happened in the past forty percent of those closed buildings are now privately operated most of which are done by charters so it seems like the roman closings along with closing didn't happen in the past are just a way to sort of backdoor privatization to allow charter schools to expand in the city so i understand you know these protests that are happening in chicago and in newark on the ground do you think that they're actually going make a difference well
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a good question margaret i mean people are hoping that the fact that they're coming out is certainly going to attract attention to these issues because if they don't come out then you know the officials are going to assume that the people are absolutely fine with these decisions which they are certainly not as we saw this week a newark and last month in chicago they say so certainly a lot happening in terms of public education here what's that what's next what's next for these guys. well you know margaret what we're hearing is the promises to continue coming out onto the streets i mean in chicago the final vote will not take place on the closing of the fifty four public schools until the end of may and the schools will remain until august so our people are hoping that more protests will will bring the message home to the officials and that these decisions fishel is obviously the way they are reacting or not reacting to these protesters in newark and in chicago it seems unlikely that they're going to back withdraw from these decisions and be honest so if certainly a lot happening on the ground that was. going on in new york well in two thousand
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and twelve the united states congress passed the magnitsky act named after sergei magnitsky a russian lawyer who died in prison in russia in the act perhaps those that the u.s. teens were responsible for that lawyers death from coming to america and also uses financial sanctions against the russians on the list now today the u.s. government released a list of russians blacklisted from stepping on the u.s. soil despite protests from the russian government now in response the kremlin has written up its own list of american human rights abusers who are not allowed in russia who face similar financial sanctions this back and forth has struck a blow between the bilateral relations that america has with russia and the u.s. national security adviser thomas donilon flew to moscow to meet with russia's top security official over the weekend r.t. international correspondent chad you can has the story. the black list includes
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eighteen names so those are russian officials suspected of being responsible for the prison death of the lawyer sergei magnitsky in two thousand and nine the list includes judges investigators directly involved in the markets get case the money needs to law itself casts a much wider net requiring us to be certain financial sanctions against all russian officials deemed to have been involved in human rights violations the wording of the legislation is quite vague so for example the bills provision that names put on the list of people to be sanctioned can be based on quote unquote data and information provided by n.g.o.s and perhaps by other interested groups or people rather than through due legal process so this potentially undermines the basic principles of presumption of innocence and due process russia's prime minister the admitted it has made a similar point he noted that the us government already has the full authority to deny a visa to anyone they want without having the special law in place so russia sees it as a message a message that will most certainly prompt a similar response from moscow russian lawmakers have already passed legislation
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targeting american officials deemed to have been involved in human rights violations but they haven't published any lists yet critics of the magnitsky law even here in the u.s. have pointed out that perhaps before punishing russian officials for alleged violations the u.s. could look into human rights abuses committed by americans in guantanamo iraq of gannett stand anyway moscow does not see these tit for tat moves as a positive development a bit about sergei magnitsky himself he chose the number of russian officials of corruption but was himself accused of tax evasion and died in a moscow jail four years ago he's colleagues and family said he died because he was regularly beaten and refused medical care present was uncalled misgives thus imprisoned a tragedy but russia sees this kind of punitive legislation as interference in their internal affairs. well that was r t international correspondent guy and chicken. and now an update on the guantanamo bay the hunger strike there continues and now passing the two month mark after meeting with president obama earlier this
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week the president of the international committee of the red cross peter moyer had this to say about the administration's strategy for speeding detainees saying quote if we see a hunger strike today we interpret this as a symptom as an indicator about the lack of perspective that those detainees have the impression of the american government which does not follow up on promises promises promises that have been made and that's not the only news from guantanamo just yesterday it was revealed that tens of thousands of e-mails of have between several guantanamo bay detainees and their defense team were wrongly turned over to the prosecution guantanamo attorney cindy put a coat sat down with r.t. earlier and gave us the latest. it's interesting with. the secretary. garvey hunger strike and our third and more hear about that and we got a response. i think people. by
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. words one. international. or if. this could be a turning point for the man. who either to go to manage your. respect that i respect and respect for the surge is. what it is it is. and as. well that was simply put a coat one time obeyed detaining attorney now still ahead here on our t.v. as the u.s. military industrial complex expands always leave it to the mainstream media to not
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report on that instead it seems that a good source for such news comes from certain comedy shows well explain the heart about truth a comedy after this break. to seem story doesn't make it news new song no puff pieces the tough questions. for ten truly deadly blizzard taking aim for the northeast it's expected to hit stunning in a few hours from new york to maine we have team coverage of the storm. that will be watching as the cilia heavy snow moving into boston today. you can. see it start to become much more kind of readout he said the bottom line there's still a lot of snow out here and a good place for snowball fight if. the senate is going to pretty incredible day there and even record snowfall throughout much of it might still be
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a slog to be driving listening merge and see if you are exceptions. i'm. just saying. here is mitt romney trying to figure out the name of that thing that we americans call a dog. i'm sorry i'm just a guy who cares enough about my country you sir are a fool you know what that is my theory sounds like no one here was saying to
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feature a sufi on limbaugh the christian and. secure beliefs of others. are going to suffer to distract us from what you and i should care about because they're a profit driven industry that sells us sensationalistic garbage because that breaking news i'm happy martin and we're going to break the set. well have you ever heard the phrase behind every joke is a kernel of truth well critic and journalist jeff cohen just came out with a new op ed arguing that jokesters might be the only ones telling the truth he writes it says something about mainstream t.v. that the toughest most consistent questioners of militarism and defenders of civil liberties are not the news channel for the comedy channel. and that way back in the days of shakespeare when the one person who dared to speak the truth the king with
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a gesture i asked him and i was joined earlier by jeff cohen journalism professor at attica college who discussed why we see this trend of comedians calling it like it is there's a certain amount of intimidation i worked at m s n b c i was at fox i was at c m m . the news channels they take their lead from the elites of the political party and that's n.b.c. week stemming leans to the democrats fox obviously leans to the republicans and when the leaders of the two major parties aren't debating something and they usually don't debate foreign intervention both party elites agree on expanding drone strikes they both agreed on expanding the war in afghanistan the leaders of both parties agreed on the invasion of iraq so there's not a lot of debate in mainstream news if you're in news and you question that bipartisan consensus well you're seen as biased that's why the comedians well when
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they have to fill that giant gap i stage asshole they want to play you something now take a listen. we already spend more on defense then the next twelve countries combined including china including russia or like the lady on jerry springer who can stop getting breast implants if you are not punishing people who approved of this torture we can't really punish any americans because we all basically approve the torture when really reelected president bush not sure it was secret but we had some hints as well because i very much democrats the president has a drawing program. with ambiguous constraints and murky legal justifications. such as is this a throwback to those times where the gesture is the only one telling the king the truth and your opinion. unfortunately that's what it seems to be i believe you know news is so much sort of tailing after what the government says what the rulers say
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what the people in power say and these comedians and jon stewart and especially co barry's a comic genius they're not playing by the same rules and and it's because it's comedy they can get away with things you know phil donahue tried to question war and stand up for civil liberties and m s n b c terminated him three weeks before the invasion of iraq because of the stuarts and the cold bearers are operating within the you know comedic format they get away with so much and if it weren't for stewart and colbert i don't know who would be questioning the things i tell ok so chattery these these issues like military isn't and they seem to be dodged by mainstream media do you think that they're doing it on purpose. oh there's no doubt you know there's no doubt that militarism is almost untouchable and you know it may explain why other countries in northern europe have universal health care and free college education and we don't and it explains why you know social security is now
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on the chopping block when we have a country that spends most of its federal discretionary spending on military war war preparation so you know this is the huge elephant in the room and the mainstream t.v. news hardly touches it and that's why we have up with co-parents stewart filling the gap it should be the subject of a raging debate you know in other countries they experience the u.s. war on terror as the u.s. war of terror kidnappings drone strikes killing of civilians night raids but we don't have that kind of debate thank god we have a couple comedians brave enough to talk about it on crisis on t.v. ok so heading back to that mainstream media and who they're taking their cues from do you think that the media obeys the presidential administrations cues on specifically framing the issue and they seem even adopt their vocabulary and if you think they do just how are they doing it there's there's no doubt that they have
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their vocabulary but it it's especially the case when the leaders of both the democrats and the republicans i agree on the big military budgets agree on the invasion of iraq when the leaders of the two parties don't agree well then the mainstream media feels free to say well that is an issue that's why we have debates about gay marriage we have debates about gun control we have debates about minimum wage but we don't usually have debates about u.s. foreign policy the u.s. war on terror so-called and that's in the absence of real debates and real news channels that's why so many of us turn to the daily show in the colbert report because they're going to they're going to. ridicule they're going to show that the emperor doesn't have clothes they're going to stand up for civil liberties they've shot a general for years and this idea of mainstream media being fair and balanced they all like to say that they are how does this play into them not talking about the
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real issues well i think you hit on it they believe you're fair and balanced if you take your cues from the leaders of the two political parties and if the two political parties are in agreement as they were on the invasion of iraq as they are i'm you know trying to provoke the address with iran well any reporter in the mainstream who steps outside of that bipartisan consensus and ask questions when you're likely to get fired and terminated as fast as you can say phil donahue i worked with phil donahue when we were all fired three weeks before the invasion of iraq because we were asking journalistic questions so that's the problem went with their idea of fair and balanced in a lot of mainstream news is well what is what is bain or sad i have to leave it there a lot of great information that was jeff cohen journalism professor at the college well have you been writing in a city bus lately you may want to watch out for flying baby is
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a mother chucked her baby as a fight escalated between her and another passenger take a look. right . now the mother apparently started arguing with a fellow passenger on the bus trip from connecticut to new york it got so heated the physical altercation ensued and luckily this child was caught by another passenger while punches were being thrown cellphone cameras captured the entire drama now no word on the mother's identity but thankfully the baby was safe and sound and he didn't cry either. let's going to do it for now for more on these stories we've covered go to youtube dot com slash our team america check out our web site at r.t. dot com slash usa you can also follow me on twitter at m underscore j underscore how we'll be back in a.


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