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tv   [untitled]    April 13, 2013 4:00am-4:30am EDT

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and with countermeasures up to names of russians who the u.s. labeled as human rights violators were published the people buying from entering the country. also this hour they as his socialist i get a good shot at squires all against a champion of the free market after a bit about short presidential campaign in venezuela with both vying for leadership over the world's most oil rich nation. on the age of the ousted president hosni mubarak goes on trial again over the killing of protesters during the revolution of twenty eleven i mean the growing chaos and disappointment in his successors policies.
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international news and common to live from moscow this is our she was me. let's go straight to our top story and this is the breaking story actually the sour playing two for tots mosco has even to score against washington by drawing out a list of americans it's now banned from entering the country due to human rights abuses that's after the u.s. carried out a similar move against a number of russians and imagine a culture nor is he actually in the studio with me to give us more impression of well actually sparks and escalators the diplomatic standoff hello there medina so though you know russia has fired back right who's actually on this list and why did the state have to do that true what is indeed where we are seeing right now this breaking news and because we've received this list as i understand avenue. eighteen names eighteen people there on the list contre list that russia has just released and while looking at this this i can't tell you because it's. really it's
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been like two or three minutes not. the least i can tell you that some really high level government officials including the presidential administrations the vice presidential administration than there are several prosecutors and there are judges and well a lot of them comes from the new york city and i'm sure we're going to tell you more information as soon as we you know we're. just in sort of the breaking news right now. let's now let's now listen to reason to sit your going to ground on this story. the obama administration has released a list of russians to be blacklisted under the so-called mug despite moscow's calls not to put such a list together in the first place let alone publish it the list includes eighteen names including sixteen judges and investigators in the united states accused of human rights abuses going to directly to the magnitsky case these individuals will
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be forbidden from getting a u.s. visa as well as have their assets frozen so he might need to keep was a russian lawyer who was arrested for tax evasion in two thousand and eight he died a year later while still in pretrial detention at the age of thirty seven since then the u.s. has eagerly been exploiting the circumstances of my death which president putin said was a tragedy moscow warned washington that its handling of the case was a domestic issue for russia and russia alone and that the americans must not interfere responding to the so-called magnitsky list russia's prime minister dmitry of the fears of so the u.s. has the right to bar anyone from entering its territory by simply denying them a visa so the purpose of this additional ban is unclear except for its symbolism russia's concern that the release of the document comes at a bad time apart from putting out a strain on u.s. russian relations it comes ahead of the visit of the u.s. national security advisor to moscow on monday. medina right well basically
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the same words came from russia's foreign ministry said gay lover of who says that the timing of the publication of the us blacklist was really extremely poorly chosen now considering the forthcoming visit of the us national security advisor and lover of also told the reporters that if the list is published then russia would reaction as we've just seen and would react accordingly to its own countermeasures the u.s. side was really aware about this going to happen so a lover of also mentioned those who as he believes sounds very closely behind this u.s. list. it's. not to simply turn down to russian move it was conceived by people who are shrewd politically and as far as i can tell under the influence of mr broder who earned a fortune in question illegally it's a hop into the unfortunate surrogate work for him in the criminal case which was
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open against mr broder involved his lawyer mr magnitsky. now william who is more william browder he is the founder and he had the had of herman capital management which is a fund that specializes in foreign investment to russia and so game of music he was working there he was. in also he was in accounts and there were william browder is now one of the chief suspects in really a major tax evasion case that still goes on and just recently the russian investigation committee has released several new accusations against the against william browder so vassar himself william browder has not set foot in russia since two thousand and five and was charged in absentia. all right and the. only part of moscow's a response to america's
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a block face is that right run it well it is indeed only a part of a major counter along towards washington. that consists really of different articles now the first first the law concerning the noncommercial are going to use a chanst that came into force in november twenty twelve now under that law some of the american n.g.o.s may even since pension from their business however most important here i need to mention that there is the adoption ban now moscow banned all adoptions of russian children by american citizens starting from january of this year and the adoption ban is also known as the. was signed shortly after the us passed the so-called mcneil ski act and a really provoked wide public debate in both countries in the united states and russia and it is named in. a eighteen month old russian boy who died after
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his adoptive american father left him locked in a car for really several hours but it was no isolated case here and now this adoption ban comes to really. bring up abuse cases in the united states in the united states by the families and russia has really long been demanding information from u.s. authorities on the fate of children after they've been taking in by force through parents coming from the u.s. but really russian officials have very little success in that area now moscow tries to go even further with the issue of child protection as it considers whether to ratify two international documents aimed at protecting children rights and security now the motions are see up. focusing on preventing sexual exploitation and abuse against minors as well as the sale of children prostitution and pornography and the
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very interesting point here is that one of the documents comes as part of a white or un convention on the rights alpha of the children which was never run to fight by the united states all right of course. russia has fired back responding to the so-called moderates can list and as far as i understand the right now because actually the news just on happened in the russian gas they russian a list imposes a travel ban on americans who are involved in. violations of human rights of russian citizens and right now a ribbon of former direct soviet marken adoption congress explained why. what's been reported. and seems quite logical that the opposition is coming from conservative religious groups and their opposition seems to be based on
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fear that it's going to usurp corrent all rights and. state and federal laws here in the united states these people are very concerned about rights such as that the child shouldn't be able to have the choice to choose his own religion they're concerned about their right to punish their children and they're concerned that ratify this treaty would interfere with their individual rights. now as we just mentioned russia has reacted with its own country measures with the list alpha eighteen people and some of them are really high level governmental officials and we will bring you more details on these people in in the near future all right thank you very much of course we're looking forward to it and we'll be
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talking she later now coming up next japan comes into north korea's crosshairs russians it could have time to talk here if it should sit down any missile the north test fires while the u.s. regenerates it won't talk to the reclusive nation unless it agrees to drop its nuclear program. and also later a new london cafe is offering more than a teaspoon of politics with its coffee and it's looking to stir up radicals old hours later in the program. that's later but now allegations of plots conspiracy is untrue a trick coming in fast in venezuela copping a sure but better presidential campaign some nineteen million venezuelans will vote tomorrow for their next leader to head the world's most oil rich nation. campaign and get venezuela chooses a new president chavez choice runs against a free market poster boy for possible venezuela choose after commandante
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self-styled socialism or free market model venezuela votes fourteen on or treat. so in the latest exchange the government's accused the opposition is bringing in colombian parra militaries to sow chaos some election day a choice that's been denied the opposition in turn claims to be the victim of a government smear campaign and on occasions that's been ridiculed by the also or she's a seat in our pools on the faces of the new so island elections that chances important elections for the venezuelan people certainly snap elections after the death of will go child this or so bought a month ago it has been a short campaign for everyone who has been involved and there are two top main contenders in these elections on the one hand you have a nicolas maduro he's the acting interim president of the country he was the vice president during that childlessness time and on the other hand you could see as i
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had one i guess who taught us in the elections in october two thousand and twelve and he's a rivalry with talking about bringing change to the country now there's been a lot of name calling during this campaign period you have a model accusing us of being at the prince of the bourgeoisie not representing the poor calling him capricious some of the other hand you have this he's accusing me of being a liar or using this as a body to run a political campaign now however they did talk to both of them tough on the issue of tackling crime in the country this is a top concern of the citizens here they want to see the crime level addressed and brought down as well as the government bureaucracy and inefficiencies there are those who work staunchest supporters very loyal to everything that this is stood for the so-called socialist revolution big want to continue this and some of them out of this will to vote for nicolas maduro on the other hand you have those people who have been blaming the government for a lot of the problems of the country not least a lot of which is why the rock to see what they say is
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a bit of stagnation in terms of the way business is going in the country and they they say they will vote for the best so many are watching these elections both not least of which is the united states and. strained relations with the country during the time of about chavez but for everyone else who is observing and want to know what happens next the main question they want to answer really is what step is venezuela going to take in the hands of somebody other than who got this so he can listen in there or maybe the child that send represent a continuation of his policies but he almost certainly have trouble filling his predecessor's shoes that's according to international consultant adrian salter cheney who spoke to my colleague kevin owen earlier probably one of the main problems that nicolas maduro has that he does not have the same charisma the same popularity sort of surfing on the hugo chavez wave so to speak and that's why he's using a lot of your memory of hugo chavez the image of hugo chavez the actual ideas and
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this course that he gave to the people but nicolas maduro himself really has no special personal power base that he can fall back upon that's why it's really hugo chavez who is in the election through nicolas maduro so to speak a true warrior on the loyalist take a minute now to talk about the second candidate show way. he wants to create a free market economy is that something venezuelans want as well well some do some don't some but israel is definitely are very tied in with the interests of the united states hugo chavez and hopefully my doodle have done a very good job for him and for the region in the long term something that i'm sure mr completeness would not because you would completely aligned venezuela into united states requirements and banking global financial interests stronger ties with the u.s. if he gets in does that mean the dictate the does that mean the u.s. will dictate more to venezuela in the the future. oh absolutely they tried to do it as a matter of fact they tried to do have exactly eleven years ago when i was in twelfth
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of april two thousand and two they staged a coup d'etat they orchestrated a coup d'etat where mr cupp clueless was one of the key people in the coup d'etat he was only too young then but mistook up the list is definitely the face of washington inside because we were. told the bank was more news for you right after this break. that's a meteorite. we tend to call it told through space towards russia believe me. with the power. of a nuclear bomb you. should
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be up in sky full on a mighty. little . money and technology innovation all the latest developments from around russia we've got the future covered. this is coming to you live from moscow welcome back egypt's former president hosni mubarak is going to court again over the killing of protesters during the uprising in february twenty seventh is
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a writer been sentenced to life behind bars for failing to prevent the deaths however an appeals court later overturned that ruling and ordered a retrial their original trial which began in august twenty levin was seen as a symbol of change in egypt but many supporters of the revolution were frustrated by the sentence they deemed too lenient the retrial comes at a time when the current president mohamed morsi is facing militant process himself he's been accused of betraying the arab spring and only seen the interest of his muslim brotherhood and made the chaos sectarian clashes are on the rise with coptic christians facing increased violence the believers say the police have done little to protect them as bill true reports. days after a brutal assault on egypt's main coptic cathedral activists and opposition leaders meet to discuss a response many of them like tony sabri a christian protester who was trapped inside the church say they're still in shock . because. they're attacked just from everywhere even from the street next to the
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gas station by the interest of both police told inside that's not what this is going to be our civilians bombarded us with molotov cocktails rocks rubber bullets and live ammunition and the police protected them homework and they were bishops painting that and the guy in the presence of the nation was shocked on sunday and bloody scenes of egypt's security forces firing tear gas and birdshot but it's directly at mourners gathered at st marks. the main church is to coptic christians president mohamed morsi has promised to investigate and his alleged comments saying an attack on this cathedral was an attack on himself has done little to satisfy the coptic christian community with divisions deepening between the two religions many fear the worst has yet to come in the aftermath of the attack coptic pope to watch the second criticize the president for failing to protect the cathedral members of the clergy present at the scene also demanded answers. the cathedral has never been
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a time before who the people inside the cathedral and why did the police not even attempt to intervene why didn't they arrest one single person. had been a riot egypt director of human rights watch agrees government neglect is contributing to rising sectarian turmoil part of the problem is the way the authorities respond to incidents where there's violence between muslim and christian communities there's a long history of purity for sectarian violence and a fairly it's really acknowledge that there is a serious problem the reason funday is such a worrying precedent is that we saw the police we saw images of the police finding with people who are throwing stones or sometimes shooting at a funeral grounds leading member of the ruling freedom and justice party dr amr darrag admits the police behaved unprofessionally but claims the state is not to blame the christian community has been suffering from from the behavior of the
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previous three to find all the time people trying to ignite the situation trying to cause chaos trying to spread violence as part of the of the air force to. bring down the revolution so it is very likely that these forces are behind this and we would like to know who is behind this and bring him to justice despite these assurances with only two prosecutions for sectarian violence since the revolution many believe the new muslim brotherhood government is continuing the mubarak culture of impunity in the meantime thousands continue to demand justice for the cathedral victims and christians like tony say they will continue to protest in till the government acts this is true for r t cairo. president vladimir putin announces the russian budget for space exploration is to skyrocket promising more than fifty six then dollars will be pumped into the national space
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program up until twenty twenty so go online for the long rushes and vicious reach for the stars. and in america the f.b.i. is doing all of cantor's sneak a close a peek at past not online communications. go to call and find out how much money the agency wants to pry into the lives of its citizens. u.s. secretary of state john kerry said talks with north korea possibly possible only if the country agrees to end its nuclear weapons program during a visit to the south korean capital he reiterated america won't accept the north as a nuclear power and a pentagon intelligence report suggesting pyongyang which already been able to find a nuclear weapon was published mistakenly and quickly downplayed by the white house you know young meanwhile as won't talk here it could become a prime target if it shows down any test missiles the north launches that was a response to japan's warning it will intercept and the missile heading to its direction and former pentagon official michael maloof believes a full scale war is
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a real possibility unless provocations stop. like not like the others like south korea the united states should be keeping a very low profile keep their powder dry but not make any provocations and. and i think that. as long as there are provocations underway such as those continued u.s. korean south korean military actions sizes this this is this crisis is going to continue if not explode due to some this calculation japan. has threatened to shoot down any any missiles that might. go over it from from north korea but i think primarily it's because the united states has a bases there and they see the united states as the primary threat. and let's now check some other international news stories in brief a reported rocket attack has found the airport in the upper fifty of jalalabad
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there is reportedly home to a large u.s. military base and act as a major hub for helicopters and close there have been no reports of casualties yet situated near the border with pakistan jalalabad is gaining a reputation as a whole support in the insurgency growing across afghanistan. a wave of targeted killings has continued in pakistan as it can only cover. with twelve more deaths in less than two days political activists and traffic wardens in the city were among the dead most were shot by gunmen on motorbikes and drive by shootings a counter that standing in the elections planned for next month was gunned down on thursday by members of the taliban. and hundreds of people have turned out in berlin to protest against the version of a sick six to seventy year old woman who later died in a homeless shelter mourners laid flowers and candles in her memory rapidly rising rents in the capital have forced a number of long term residents from their homes to places on the outskirts of the
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city where costs are cheap. and the southern mexico teachers have joined forces with vigilante groups to protest upcoming education reforms the teachers say they fear the privatization of the education system with buttons and stakes demonstrators demanded ever peal of a plan changes which patrols created to preserve the community from drug cartels say they took part in the march in the name of justice. it's a new cafe with a difference a lively brew of coffee cake and political agitation the just last month offer discounts to striking workers and it's looking to serve as a place for people facing up to the powers that be boyko finds out there are more than a few crumbs of radical thought among the core sons lattes. five books calls itself a revolutionary new cafe where people can come to an intelligent political and intellectual debate that seems to be no shortage of customers over here we've got
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the right to be debating immigration issues and a quick glance at the bookshelves will reveal marx and engels up there on the menu we've got drinks such as the more literal mock tail and the agitator and over here we've got founded class solomon claire what's the idea. what what about the place where people come to pass to organize to talk about what's going on in the world and you know discuss how to change it we've had all sorts of people coming here holding events doing film showing his poetry and i there's obviously a lot of anger against. what are government doing to those who the cuts to education the cuts to the welfare system tried to dismantle the the n.h.s. the attacks on to say people i think there's a lot of people here that are very angry and want to question what they can do to defend ourselves but also to bring down the government the first time i've ever been here so it's just a new experience to strike somewhere new and have
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a chat with my good friends and colleagues for this. campaign is so we find this very attractive this is a political the person we should be bold with roy we look for it ok we come here quite a lot for coffee. this place isn't just a coffee house downstairs you've got a special area for courses in citizen journalism as well as a room for poetry readings and comedy nights it's a type of mix of politics and coffee that hasn't really been seen since postwar paris judging by the posters on the walls it's a mecca for everyone who's anti anti war anti austerity cuts anti imperialism and considering the current state of british politics with so many people dissatisfied it looks like this place isn't going to be running out of business anytime soon boy k r t london. sometimes you don't have to go to space because space comes to he up ahead will visit the city in russia's urals region that was
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stunned this year when it was hit by a massive means you're right. you know i always try to stay clear of falling into the trap of fake outrage on this program people love to come on t.v. and be angry over this and angry over that just to fill air time but trust me seeing obama signing into law with that wacky lobster like way he has of writing the bill marked the month santo protection act well does not put a smile on my face that's for sure not only does this bill effectively bar federal courts from being able to halt the sale or planting of g.m.o. seeds and crops no matter what the health concerns are according to ib times but the bill was also written by senator roy blunt who's gotten sixty four thousand
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dollars for his political campaign pain from the g o giant monsanto itself so that's what it costs to allow companies to possibly poison millions if not all americans with risky and unproven g.m.o. technology sixty four thousand for a can dollars that's not even enough to buy a decent house sixty four thousand dollars is chump change well citizens of america now you know how much your lives are worth in washington but that's just my opinion . fine. you.
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speak your typical ritual both. sleep because the sleeping. kids who. are. through both elicited a. whole day when they had.


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