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tv   [untitled]    April 13, 2013 10:00am-10:30am EDT

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entering the country over alleged human rights abuses. by choosing between the. revolution or a free market the polls open in less than twenty four. we look at how the u.s. . opposition leaders around the world. live from moscow this is with me. good to have you with us today we start with the latest diplomatic spat between russia and the united states. a list of americans
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suspected of links to torture illegal arrest the abduction of russian citizens. from entering its territory the move as a response to washington blocking russians which officials in moscow dismissed as phobic a bit earlier in the program i spoke to. about the standoff. russia has fired back but who's actually why did moscow feel it necessary to release it now good to see you now it is really an exchange out the list of people that both countries suspect of violating human rights now fast the u.s. came up with the so-called to magnitsky act that was published late on friday now it's russia's turn and russia has come up with a pretty much the a similar measure but if we take a closer look at the russian list then it really consists of two parts here now the first one is devoted to those people responsible for human rights violations at the
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guantanamo detention facility and then there is a second part of the list to where there are people who are responsible for human rights violations of russian citizens abroad well indeed in fact the shorter list of four names on it goes to school already got the nickname of being the guantanamo bay the list. guys who are accused of torture in various methods oh no we've got four days on the essentially they're all four americans are from different branches of the american military here david speedie is adding to he was he was actually reporting to dick cheney during the years of george w. bush he was a basically overseeing various forms of torture john you you he he actually wrote a number of dossiers on methods of torture sleep deprivation waterboarding we've certainly heard a lot about waterboarding in the recent past geoffrey miller as well he was actually overseeing guantanamo bay cuba but also in iraq as well including the infamous abu ghraib prison and finally jeffrey hobson as well he was actually meant
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to oversee any violations of human rights at guantanamo bay he's been going there since two thousand and two but what has he done with human rights abuses still continue to release some top officials here on the list but it was really all triggered by the u.s. and my colleagues on this they say to work in a new york can now tells us why well she tells us on what's what initially cause of this frustration in moscow and what lot to this really countermeasure. the obama administration has released a list of russians to be blacklisted under the so-called mug needs act despite moscow's calls not to put such a list together in the first place let alone publish it the list includes eighteen names including sixteen judges and investigators in the united states accused of human rights abuses going to directly to the mother needs case these individuals will be forbidden from getting a u.s. visa as well as have their assets frozen so they might need to keep was
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a russian lawyer who was arrested for tax evasion in two thousand and eight he died a year later while still in pretrial detention at the age of thirty seven since then the u.s. has eagerly been exploiting the circumstances of his death which president putin said was a tragedy moscow warned washington that its handling of the case was a domestic issue for russia and russia alone and that the americans must not interfere responding to the so-called mug needs q. list russia's prime minister dmitry in the fears of said the u.s. has the right to bar anyone from entering its territory by simply denying them a visa so the purpose of this additional ban is unclear except for its symbolism russia's concerns that the release of the document comes at a bad time apart from putting out a strain on u.s. russian relations it comes ahead of the visit of the u.s. national security advisor to moscow on monday now what moscow is really mostly first traded about is that all these russians on the list had never been under any investigation and it's not been proved that they had links one to any human rights
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abuses but washington on the last really without proving the peoples of the people's guild here labels them with human rights violators and we can now listen to the reaction that came from russia's foreign ministry. under pressure from the members of the united states going where there's been a serious blow to relations and mutual trust between russia and the united states you know we had to respond and react to the proportion of what you do and attempt to interfere in our internal affairs now but you know what is certainly very interesting is that in the current lists there are no extreme high ranking officials at the moment from what i understand that we do know but could all change the lists could get big and they could be some really big names on them right you're absolutely right here on those list with that with the seen recently are the short version of the quite bigger and extended list that both countries set up
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and now they say that they are there is like a secret part of the list for example they one of the u.s. list even includes the chechen have they had of the chechen republic. and russia in response also says that it is also part of it a taint a part of its own list that has not been published so again a very similar and very symmetrical move here. as you're saying but when it comes to the idea of these black police it's not just black bullets being exchanged between both sides are actually there's an exchange of law was being passed between you saw is that basically against each other. completely agree with you here and really it's been like the first u.s. introduce the so-called summit need ski law now than russia responded by introducing a law that among other things balance u.s. citizens from adopting russian children and really that adoption ban that came
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after a string of abuse cases in the us and russian children died in the united states families under really special circumstances in the past few years and basically no one carried any punishment for those deaths but now moscow. go tries to go even further with the issue of child protection now there is this un convention on the rights of the child basically the main document that protects children all over the world and how do you know which countries never ratified it what i understand almost all members of the un did ratify this document but there were two right and you're going to tell me countries did not ratify the document right indeed and these countries are somalia and the united states it's not too often you get somalia in the united states in the same sentence together but that's true. but over in the program i spoke to alexei pushkov the head of the foreign affairs
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committee in the russian lower house of parliament and he describes ultimately what lies ahead for the relationship now between russia and the united states. the irony of all of this is that to my mind president obama has become hostage to this list has become hostage to the n.t. russian elements in the u.s. congress because basically obama needs a cooperation with russia. on career it is a collaboration on iran and so many other regional and global issues in his corporation if he wants to make progress in the cuts. nuclear armaments and so on but by having signed this law and by having enlarged the list he has become a hostage to the very negative dynamic in the relationship and so i seeing that is like shooting oneself in the leg so i don't really see the rational for this from the point of view of a bomb administration which claims to be an administration that is paying attention
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to multilateralism to international partnerships well i can say that by having enlarged the list the obama administration is definitely narrowing very much the possibilities for such a partnership with russia. on our website right now where asking you where you think the moscow and washington will lead to dot com you can vote at our online poll here come the numbers are for this hour so far from our to dot com or they have changed quite a bit in the past one hour down to fifty five percent most of our voters madi dot com are saying this will lead to more minor tit for tat measures between or between washington and moscow then we are a very distant second position well it will be the death knell for the russia u.s. set of relations of course i was a few years ago hillary clinton sort of get off it off then we've got her in the yellow here seventeen percent saying it's not going to affect the key issues that a bare minimum ten percent it will escalate and severely affect the relationship
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between moscow and washington the war of lists between russia and the u.s. will end with what we're still taking your votes right now at r.t. talk. good to have you with us here on r.t. today israel's under fire from human rights organizations over alleged mistreatment of palestinian children in israeli custody the issue was brought to light by the detention of a fourteen year old palestinian who also happens to be a u.s. citizen and claims to have been physically abused during the arrest and interrogation. joins us live from tel aviv with details on this arena good to see you white house this case invoked such
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a reaction from human rights groups. well is because you have to understand that we're talking about a boy whose name is being released as mohamad k. there is no proper information about his last name but really that is not the point here the point is that he is fourteen years old he has a joint u.s. palestinian the citizenship according to his parents or rather according to his father he was arrested during a pre-dawn raid when israeli soldiers entered the house especially blah essentially bound him up and then took him to enter into a police station and also according to the human rights groups and the boys lawyers during the interrogation he was denied access to an attorney international's conducted without apparent president and again they are saying that he was roughed up and i'm quoting so we don't know exactly what they mean by that but you can understand the treatment has been rather harsh now all of these all of these points
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combined are actually what the human rights groups are saying are severe. violation of human rights the problem is this is not the first case that something like this has happened to essentially a palestinian teenager according to the same group of almost five thousand palestinian prisoners in israeli jails two hundred thirty six are between the ages of twelve and seventeen and something that has happened to muhammad has happened to seventy nine percent of the palestinian teenagers who were arrested by the israeli officials in two thousand and twelve all of that were taken without a warrant just like muhammad all of them or roughed up i mean not all but the seventy nine percent and they were denied access to an attorney and this is something that the human rights groups are saying is absolutely unacceptable a boy or a girl should be treated the same way there is a spread of specific statute that the israeli officials and the israeli police and israeli soldiers should follow and this was not the case with mohammad as it was
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not the case with more than two hundred other palestinians and all of them you have to understand more than two hundred two hundred of these teenagers aren't. still in confinement mohammad was arrested in connection. with. incident and his his confinement has actually been extended for two weeks and his hearing is to his next hearing is slated to happen on sunday where the judge will have to again figure out whether or not the boy is guilty or whether his confinement will be extended. to the detention of children is not the only person you see regarding palestinians in israeli jails is it. absolutely in fact the palestinian issue of palestinian prisoners is a burning one in the relations between israel and palestine like i said there's almost five thousand palestinian prisoners some of them have been in israeli jails for decades a lot of them have been there in the so-called preliminary detention which means that they're arrested with no charges pressed against them they're not told exactly
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what they're being arrested for and they're held in confinement with absolutely no legal substance to their confinement but the. time period for which they're jailed keeps being extended almost indefinitely and there's hundreds if not thousands of them there is also some who have been arrested for and have been in jail for decades and that of course is something that human rights groups are saying that some of them should be already released from the israeli jails and of course the palestinians are trying to battle it with new prisoners have been trying to battle it with by their own means and that is a lot of them have actually gone on hunger strikes and in fact all of the forty five roughly forty five hundred palestinian prisoners forty two hundred of them have been on a hunger strike just recently but another probably died while in jail from from cancer and his relatives as well as lawyers are saying that he was not treated properly by the israeli jail officials and unfortunately again this is not an
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isolated case they're saying that a lot of palestinian prisoners who are in israeli jails are not being given the proper treatment by the authorities and this is an issue that has been on the surface for a very long time and even the time of the israeli knesset members are saying that this is perhaps the easiest issue to solve you know to kind of settle the dispute between israel and palestine or at least take a first step but unfortunately the israeli physicians do not seem to be taking that very important first step or at all to say we're going to go there live to libya thank you. i know we can we can take this story just a bit further here on r t and actually speak to. standing by for us live in ramallah to discuss the issue of ultimately what we're discussing here and that is a possible child abuse in the state of the child known as muhammad we have a run by an advocacy office a prisoner supporting human rights association representing the child hello to you thank you for joining us here on r t it's a day can you tell us where is the home where is mohammed now and what is his
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condition can you tell us sharon mohammad is being held in all thought of military prison which is just outside of ramallah it's one of seventeen israeli prisons now he's being held in a cell with other children and also adults that are up to the age of twenty years old we have had limited access to mohammad sense his arrest his father has not seen him except in the few minutes during his court proceedings but we do know from what he has told us in the court that he has been. potentially abused in the prison he has told us that he has been slapped in the prison his braces are broken off and we are very concerned that he's being mistreated while under interrogation and in the prison so you're describing allegations of possible mistreatment inside the prison there with this young boy that of mohammad kay he was arrested legibly for stone throwing what kind of punishment could he be facing for the.
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well under israeli law a stone throwing can face ten to twenty years of imprisonment ten years if it's a person and twenty years if it's not a moving vehicle now under israeli law as well for a child aged fourteen and just like mohammad you can only be punished for up to twelve months sentence however if. the violation the punishment of the violation exceeds five years that he can actually be sentenced for the full for the full punishment meaning that potentially mohamed can be sentenced for up to ten or twenty years so severe severe punishment a penalty for throwing a stone on the part of his child here according to your organization. there are more than two hundred palestinian children in israeli jails u.g.g. think this alleged abuse is an isolated case so if you think it's more widespread
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than that absolutely not we have heard several cases from other children as well forced confession. very harsh interrogation where they are denied access to their families and lawyers and they are coerced into confessing under harsh conditions for example we've had children who have told us that they've been threatened with sexual abuse with not being allowed to go back to school and so forth in the case of mohammad specifically. his father was at the police station and he heard his father's voice and the interrogators told him just confess now and we will let you go home with their father and so this poor child who has no idea what's going on and ended up confessing to something just because he was told he would be able to go home after this his tera geisha was actually extended for a further two days already i run the. advocacy office representing that of the
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alleged mistress of child out of mohamed thank you very much indeed for joining us here on our to today thank you. and i will be back with more international news after a very short break. thanks . to the world of. science technology innovation all the movies developments from around russia we've got the future of coverage.
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the work of international and world in the very heart of moscow. thanks for joining us here in r.t. today in less than twenty four hours venezuelan start voting for a new leader for the snap presidential election of course triggered by the death of last month and will determine the course of one of the most oil rich nations in the world a short but bitter presidential campaign has been marked by numerous allegations of conspiracies or assassination plots and other accusations traded between the
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government and the opposition but finger pointing aside let's take a look at the two candidates and their chances artie's tester australia reports from caracas. you can't in the elections this is going as well and people certainly snap elections after the death of will go to trial this was about a month ago it has been a short campaign for everyone who has been involved in their two top main contenders in these elections on the one hand you have a nicolas maduro he's the acting interim president of the country he was the vice president during the thomases time and on the other hand you have my pickup in this as i have run i guess a good tavis and options in october two thousand and twelve and he's a rival was talking about bringing change to the country now there's been a lot of name calling during this campaign period you have a model accusing me this of being at the prince of the bourgeoisie not representing
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the poor calling him capricious some of the other hand you have to feel that she's accusing me of being a liar or using a child this is a body to run a political campaign now however they did touch both of them talking on the issue of tackling crime in the country this is a top concern of the citizens here they want to see the quantum level addressed and brought down the smallest of government bureaucracy and inefficiencies in the work staunchest supporters very loyal to the core tavis is still for the social socialist revolution big want to continue this and some of them out of this loyalty to vote for nicolas mahut on the other hand you have those people who have been blaming the government for a lot of the problems of the country not least of these two which is why the rock the sea and what they say is a bit of stagnation in terms of the way business is going in the country and they they say they will vote for the best so many are watching these elections closely not least of which is the united states has had strained relations with the country during the time of google chavez the for everyone else who's observing and want to
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know what happens next the main question they want to answer really is what stuff is that is really going to take in the hands of somebody other than who go to this . i don't know we will be bringing you more expert opinion on venezuela. future over the next twenty four hours i don't miss our live coverage of the election that will be here on c well a ten million dollars support package for the syrian opposition fighting against the regime of president assad has not been approved by america support for the rebels has now cost the u.s. more than one hundred fifteen million dollars it was artie's guy nature kind of reports washington willingly invests in opposition movements throughout the world for its own political gain. opposition leaders in many countries have sought and received washington's backing but u.s. support often comes at a price counting on money and arms from washington and its allies serious opposition coalition has elected a us citizen. to be the leader of an interim government we are ourselves have to
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take action we must be an action the syrian born i-t. executive from texas mystics he told may have washington's blessing to form a new government in syria but even anti outside voices inside the country say instead of uniting syrians the american leader in syria will sow even more division . in order for mr hill to build a team with which you could have mutual understanding he needs to find these people abroad that it means that these people will have no idea what life is like here before the election i didn't even know his name well this whole election of a government down the prime minister was simply chimerical. for the us the benefits of having a government that will power to washington can be considerable and that is the case with the current libyan government oh the current regime mostly into the united states and the united states will be seeking and are cashing that check very
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effectively for their own interests in terms of the strategic geographically importance of libya united states and west europe how about in terms of unfettered access to the heidrick resources of libya against the resource nationalism with all his government they have for years the u.s. has supported the opposition in another which country is going to swell in the hope that it would replace the lead to the compass u.s. educated in the couple of years would be washington's perfect choice in the budget the state department's budget for two thousand and thirteen there was a paragraph included that specifically said money is for these venezuelan political groups that are aligned with the opposition or that form the opposition. more than three million dollars right wing government under someone like a menace well or what help the u.s. regain its influence in dominance in the region it's not uncommon for washington to host prominent opposition figures to be clear its theme is u.s. support for human rights but some note throughout the history of washington's
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dealings with the opposition in different countries there was another common theme it's my experience. studying. many thousands of u.s. diplomatic cables that the united states makes a. game influence and contacts and informants. we've seen opposition movements in order to correct them partly you know order to. have bets on the first person to be relieved also and the second in case there is a transition of power having said all that it's not all oppressed opposition figures that washington welcomes for example the u.s. is not going out of its way to free opposition figure same box brain who are sentenced to life in prison for taking part in protest against the government there operating host the u.s. fifth fleet in the persian gulf so washington has been quite selective as far as
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who's opposition it supports in washington i'm going to check out. i know just a moment here on r.t.l. special report chelyabinsk skyfall. you know i always try to stay clear of falling into the trap of fake outrage on this program people love to come on t.v. and be angry over this and angry over that just to fill air time but trust me sing obama signing into law with that wacky lobster like way he has of writing the bill marked the month santo protection act well it does not put a smile on my face that's for sure not only does this bill effectively bar federal courts from being able to halt the sale or planting of g.m.o. seeds and crops no matter what the health concerns are according to ib times but the bill was also written by senator roy blunt who's gotten sixty four thousand
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dollars for his political campaign pain from the g o giant monsanto itself so that's what it costs to allow companies to possibly poison millions if not all americans with risky and proven g.m.o. technology sixty four thousand dollars that's not even enough to buy a decent house sixty four thousand dollars is chump change well citizens of america now you know how much your lives are worth in washington but that's just my opinion . thank you. kyra.
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good international airport in the very heart of moscow security code which will both see see see other cars. he'll be there. through both listen to them. when they get a little as you'll. hear system right here. to russia. to deal with. some breaking news this hour.


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