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tv   [untitled]    April 15, 2013 5:00am-5:30am EDT

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narrowest of margins were beating the vast continent within the oil rich nation so it's raised fears the successes of socialism could not lay in ruins. also north korea marks the high point on its count and made a law until young my demonstrate its nuclear might in memory of the regimes that warrior found so talks to you see no close up with a u.s. led a modern a warship circling the divided. and ten months in jail over a tweet a turkish world renowned pianists get sentenced over sarcastic posts about islam and the latest case of religious and old machine aside freedom of expression. and you saw in russia under around the world this is see with me your national. and
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of our own welcome to the program the child is my how won the reins of power in venezuela but celebrations have been somewhat muted with the fact it wasn't resoundingly tree so the margin between nicolas maduro and opposition kind of enrique capricious will split almost fifty fifty. is in the capital caracas with the latest now. well first of all if you talk about the reaction coming from the supporters of mother roy it was almost instant as soon as the the results were announced fireworks were going off cars were honking and people his supporters on the street very excited very happy of course about the results but there were there was a lot of waiting really hours of of anticipation people holding their breath because the net the margin really has been very very narrow let me just read to you the latest figures that we have it's fifty point sixty six percent for nicolas maduro
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forty nine point zero seven percent this is out of a seventy eight point seven one percent participation and this is about ninety nine percent of the votes counted already at this point initial reaction with little came out saying that the fight will continue the revolution work will continue alluding very much to google child mrs beauly very and revolution and said come out though say being very quite negative he came out saying that he there were allegations of voting fraud and he wanted a recount which model had agreed to and it will be interesting to see how the supporters of will react to this news especially since the margin is so narrow it's almost fifty fifty it's almost half of the country we know that model had a campaign really on a platform evoking who really it was at the core and you have who want something new wanted a change in direction and it's evident you know that the diverse opinion of the two men is evident among the people we've spoken to
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a lot of them in the past few days are very enthusiastic very passionate about their belief the different direction they want to take a venezuela however what's clear though is that all the citizens regardless of who they voted for a recount was all the problems that they want solved and without a charismatic character like us to ask assuage the fears of the concerns of citizens it will be a very very tough challenge for model first of all to unite. a very divided country a second of all to address the problems as we have been finding out in the past few days the campaign has not been long but neither has it been short on passion well we're here in a district that really has support for the. arts so-called successor of chavez as you can see from all the graffiti here the people really having a very festive attitude and a lot of them selling paraphernalia halley get chavez is really a bastion of chavez a support many people tell me of the kind of benefit that they have gained for fourteen years of having taught us as president talking about education talking
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about the social mischa's which really is a cornerstone of his popularity and the people here are very enthusiastic about giving their opinion about why they support chavez let's talk to the gentleman over here and put him. on hold. and a blogger for their dollar a month he was chosen by our record he leads the same revolution we can go forward with moderates but with cruz we can do nothing it's clear that for many people here who are staunch supporters of chavez a huge part playing here is the loyalty they have which obvious and voting for nicolas maduro while over on the other side of the city where here in the district where the main opposition candidate and we kick up early this is the governor and expected but he has a lot of support here most of the people that you see now on the street who have told me that they have indeed voted for a couple listen when you asked him why they did so the word that really comes so repeatedly from their answers is they want
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a change or let's talk to one of those who actually voted for the playlist of why did you vote for the the previous well i vote for a couple years because i think the venezuelan it's a better food there and he is the only one that going give us a better future i don't know birth means think you're ok you're welcome so as you heard her say actually bet opinion is repeated in resonated among the supporters of a. the premier said they say that they again they want change from after fourteen years of google chavez and also it's noticeable there's a lot of students and a lot of younger people who are also what coming out into districts a supporting him and voting for him. a new man is now at the helm and he inherits child this is socialist legacy a country with some of the world's largest oil reserves and also a nation plagued with longstanding problems such as crumbling infrastructure and double digit inflation of which its citizens are all too aware when
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a lack of security is killing us and statistics prove many people have died at night you can't leave your home this is a serious problem. i want change by corruption that's the brahman in venezuela the corruption the base of the broader economy. everything growing old but rolling would have been a trial of the corruption the oil price the high. the government you know has a lot of of probably its spending so we are in a lot of that we now know the winner but the narrow victory has left venezuela polarized the new leader to caracas traces an uphill battle not just to mend the country's economy and improve living standards but also to match up his charismatic predecessor who casts a very long shadow not just within the country but beyond its borders as well tests are cilia are to. his villa. and professor may go to a solace said among
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a college believes the election result gives more impetus for the opposition and its supporters to further undermine the legacy of venezuela's revolutionary really . so i think we're going to see a continuation of venezuelans foreign policy i think there's a difference between criticizing us and being anti american i think will see a promotion of latin american policy the promotion of a multi-polar world that is the u.s. is not the dominant. issue on their agenda they have relations with russia with china with europe with with latin american countries and we'll see i think a continuity within that that's been part of the strength promoted by the chinese administration and my little recall was the foreign minister in charge of jarvis's foreign policy why i think the opposition will definitely be emboldened by the may have a small window to operate the venezuelan constitution permits a recall within three years i wouldn't doubt that unless my little gets traction and addresses these issues significantly and quickly the opposition may mount
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a challenge again in three years that's what they did two years in two thousand and four. the polls closed and election fever became to fade now in the streets of venezuela cities the political struggle is still very much up and running on the internet and the twitter account of nicolas maduro has been compromised by the lao security of peru herc's of his group it was filled with vulgar messages and wish they had his claimed responsibility for the successful attack that his profile picture was also plays by a troll face exactly the same happened to the twitter page of the ruling united socialist policy of venezuela but there is official website also became a target is that so the government claims the attacks were the result of the oppositions the spat. this is all she answered ahead for you on the u.s. citizens taking tonks avoidance to a whole new level giving up that american passports to becoming stateless all just to flee from the world they call tugs distribution. and an official
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report into missiles trying that left twelve people dead including four children during last year's gaza war finds that israeli military journey on to with us most professionalism that's coming up later in the problem. a nuclear test missile launch even a military provocation may be in the offing as north korea marks the apex of its calendar a day which i expose had feared would push pyongyang to demonstrate to its people the power of the north they say it's coincided with a historically tense moment as young gauges an atomic standoff with the key was
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japan and south korea or ships from both nations currently ring the north coast while its own missiles stand ready on launch pads across the country but talks still seem distant with washington declaring it's ready and willing to reach out to pyongyang but only when the time and conditions are right she's an executive he reports now from the frontiers of north korea. monday april fifteenth is known as the day of the sun in north korea when the nation is celebrating its biggest holiday the birthday of the late leader the founder of the north korean republic kim il sung but of course the north koreans will be celebrating in the streets in the other president really true parades but the eyes of the world of course be focused not on the celebrations on the festivities in north korea but on whether your young will actually decide to hold missile test launches now the latest reports are suggesting that. mid-range missiles called must of done which would be able to hit a target at more than two and
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a half thousand miles and the reaction of the international community to do the possible test launch can be very very serious and could provoke a major conflict in the region stories are especially high because the doesn't seem to be any breakthrough in on the diplomatic level in the talks between the parties in involved on sunday young young again rebuffed the attempts by seoul to hold talks to resolve the issue or at the negotiations table saying that the proposal itself was nothing more than a crafty trick the leadership in most of the countries of the region china north korea and south korea are new in south in south korea and north korea moreover the leaders are quite young and with they have obviously more than views on the world and it is really unclear why china and south korea and japan are not mediating this conflict but clearly it is very interesting to see whether north
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korea will actually try to hold that this me solid test launches will be see that during the day some reports suggested that north koreans would want to do that on their late leader kim il sung's birthday as it's often happening in the countries like north korea when they want to show something to the world and they do it on a particular date which is memorable to the whole nation. it is also interesting to see the transformation of north korea under the embargo under the sanctions which the country has been living in for many years already not only have they managed to build missiles to create missiles which could potentially. even reach the shores of the western shores of the united states but also there are the spec of their speculation and there is a formation that north korea may be embarking on the space program so definitely be this crazy twist the crazy solid gold korean peninsula is continuing we're watching
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the situation here in the far east and we'll update our viewers with all the latest developments as we get them throughout the day. and with the while the tension sun to squarely on the korean crisis the b.b.c. is under siege for pushing the boundaries of ethics in such a good story and so they've written about concentration is being blasted for using students as human shields during a trip to north korea the network and bet and the coverage on this with a group of british alumni visiting young young a crime punishable by years in jail and you can find out the students reaction and what the b.b.c. is called to say about it when i started off on. a turkish piano prodigy has the wrong notes with provocative tweets while israel shocks responsibility for an errant missile strike all that after the break. a clear image of iraq to inflation. twenty day taxi trip through the
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country. the road full of dangerous. clear evidence from north to south. the root of iraqi tragedy. after the war waiting for peace. talks e l r t.
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elsie's good to have you with us let's continue now a world renowned takesh pianist has been sentenced to ten months in prison of a tweet smoking islam. sarcastic messages about the neighbors under slummy concepts of heaven so the charges were brought against brazil say for the first time and during last year the musician who has served as a cultural ambassador to the european union denies the accusations and said he was surprised his country was treating him this way. reports there could be signs the secular state of turkey is increasingly dominated by the islamic ideals is a historic shift almost nine decades of all these years i thought murder was a sin then i got new instructions from the good lord himself and his favorite language english the simpsons has kept its humor close to the bone for many years
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but for turkey's radio and television a supreme council in charge of monitoring media content it's now gone too far. more liberal you can say that yes it's not an insult it's a joke but those who are more conservative may feel it and then we are of the protection of their beliefs this episode cost a company the thirty thousand us dollars the council dominated by the prime minister's party has fined the same media group for promoting smoking through allianz in america and to la and so against women up to show we all are a stone's alexander who discovered. i can't imagine how celtic broadcasting world created for many turkish women real life is far more insulting to them than western movies at first glance they are free to wear and do what they want but the head of the group women of the republic
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says there is a lot of pressure on them. the reformed education system is split into three parts of four years in which the result thousands of girls leave school before the end encouraging young marriages the state promotes heaven at least five kids only three out of ten women today go to work it's far from a democratic model of society. turkish opposition says there is a dangerous tendency here nine decades off to turkey broke with islamic rule of the ottoman empire in favor of a ninety clerical pro western vision the ideas and values that were jacked it appear to some to be making a comeback becoming on me. tells you what to do what to do what not to do. what not to eat what to eat with islamic ideas comes islamic symbols this form of greek also books church on the turkish plexi coast is currently a museum no service has been held here for fifty years but so on its walls will
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once again reign with the sound of prayer this time not led by priests but any mom it's quite a religious conversion a seven century old christian heritage site is about to become a mosque and from that point on will only be open to muslim men access for women will be restricted and we don't want to. close visitors we are coming here for breakfast tourists come here it is good for travelers on the dirt off miscue around there i think there are enough i guess sophia has already been used as a mosque durance long history after the ottoman sultan conquered turkey today it seems the country's given itself up voluntarily one example could be the leaks drafts for new uniforms for flight attendants on turkish airlines they show the nation's image will be represented by lone captains skirts below the knee and autumn on style fast caps or two months to develop ultra religious so they. you
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know laws on sharia and there are. in a secular people in turkey a thing that you know we don't want such a rule and that's changing changing. our troops way of life the way of life did not work in turkey turkey and erdogan has made impressive progress it's economy's booming and its role in the region and internationally is increasing but other things are happening too which could put societies journey into reverse. from turkey. and there's always a can read all about this story at auntie's website and there's much more for you they clue day. two of the invisible hundreds in washington protest against their will most came as a whole we've got the inside track of the rallies leaving girls chronicle the slaughter of people all over the globe. and cyprus special if at least three million viewers have disappeared from your account under the e.u.
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sponsored bailout deal all it seems not forced you can still use out super at citizenship at the altar of calm to learn all the details. and israeli military investigation into a missile strike in gaza that killed twelve people including ten members of the same family has said it will not launch a criminal probe into the incident four young children died in that time during israel's military offensive in november last year the report put out by the legal body of the israeli defense force says civilian deaths during the conflict were regrettable but generally the israeli military acted with utmost professionalism and schmidt martin from the palestinian center for human rights believes the military hasn't put forward an adequate explanation for its action during the war and just what a warning to a find some of the images disturbing that there were two cases which were closed in this way the one case is the case of the family which is one of the most injuring
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images of the offensive in november where there were twelve civilians. hills and a further six were wounded there were five children of the family that the second cases of the show a family home which was targeted and it's located on baghdad streets and during that target saying four civilians were killed and another six were wounded and there's been very little explanation as to why these cases have been closed israel has made merely stated that they weren't no prosecutions it's a wider problem and in fact already this year since january or thirteen civil cases which p.c. hate the basij on behalf of victims of operation cast lead have also been dismissed and of course operation cast that happened four years ago so we're facing ongoing impunity for both about offensive and the offensive in november there's been a number of changes to the israeli legal system which have made it practically
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impossible for palestinian victims to achieve any form of justice. and let's not check some other international news stories in brief twenty seven people have been killed and hundreds injured in a spate of bomb attacks in towns in the north and south of iraq is thought most of the blast with condoms and one was set of by suicide bomb explosions happened just days before citizens vote in provincial elections fourteen candidates have now been killed in the lead up to the all. the deadline passes today for thirty eight french ministers to declare their assets publicly they were just that will include a list of bank deposits and property held by the officials that francois hollande is carrying out the move to calm the scandal over the budget minister who was forced to quit last month has been charged with tots fraud over a secret of bank account. according to cairo has rules that all the egyptian leader hosni mubarak is not guilty of conspiring in becoming of protesters during
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a popular uprising which ended his decades long rule is released from custody is pending however as there's been no decision on corruption charges yet today's ruling came as mubarak's three trial which was ordered in january after his lawyer successfully appealed a previous about it eighty four year old mubarak was initially found guilty of the brutal crackdown against almost nine hundred revolutionaries and sentenced to life imprisonment. and hundreds of protesters in scotland blockading a naval base housing the u.k.'s nuclear deterrent the submarine mounted trident missiles the group called scrap trident is demanding the weapon be designed and the funds from the program go instead to disability benefits education and welfare the earlier station a similar protest in the center of glasgow with trade union members scottish m.p.'s and until sterrett activists taking part. times
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a day in the us which means people are preparing to enlighten their wallets to call it square with the government but while talks are often seen as the price to pay for living in a civilized society many believe the mound people have to stump up is not distributed fairly based on of explaining. taxes no one likes paying them but in the us some are willing to go the extra mile to avoid it there are many people who consider it there are people to do it. and there are good really can be great tax advantages for people who want to give up their stuart citizenship it might sound quite drastic but last year over eighteen hundred people did just that one hundred buck their american passports some high profile names were among them kung fu star jet li felt he was taking a pounding from the i.r.s. so swap his u.s. citizenship for that of singapore joining him there is facebook co-founder eduardo
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saverin who avoided a tax bill of around forty million dollars by doing so. once you've made the decision to give up your citizenship what happens if you change your mind just how easy is it to get back again. as long as it isn't found that you gave up your citizenship pretty much purely for tax reasons certainly possible but it's not painless you have to go through this process again authorities are considering introducing tougher laws against the. tax if you will now through u.s. citizenship and it is determined that you've done this pretty much purely for tax reasons you could face serious issues with regard to ever returning to the united states but is that the only reason people give for renouncing citizenship mike good ski gave my kids u.s. passport because he couldn't calm tone the direction the country was taking two
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thousand and eight there was a lot of talk in the news about. america going to leave all options on the table with respect to iran's nuclear program which of course was code for us will even deploy nuclear weapons against the people of iran i said to myself. if the united states. commits another mass atrocity by deploying a nuclear weapon or say deploying chemical or biological weapons. i'm just going to give up my citizenship i just you know give up on this country my kids now what is known as a stateless person as he didn't take on any other citizenship despite now living in slovakia you know the zone is obviously a great place to be for somebody in my situation because if you're going to be in a cage as i say this is a very nice one europe is is lovely he says he has no regrets about the decision
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you know we've got drone killings without warrant of even american citizens and whoever you know and their relatives. overseas we've got. you know the president has prosecuted more whistleblowers than all previous presidents combined despite his campaign promises to the contrary. you know there's a laundry list i don't need to go specifically into obama i think this is a it's a feature of the system be it for tax purposes or personal reasons like mike the number of people choosing to jump ship has risen eight fold since two thousand and eight making it a serious choice for a growing amount peter all of a see billy. stay with us. coming up after the break.
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oh no who lazy bureaucratic and trivial censorship strikes again but this time in russia a bill has been signed into law that will put fines on individuals and legal and to these for using vulgar already in the media one major flaw of many with this is that they really don't know which words are going to be considered vulgar i guess these words are so awful that they cannot even write them down i'm not naïve there has always been and will always be censorship but this where word list is just silly there is a common expression on the russian internet that russian mainstream media could exploit more and i was ation of society russian t.v. does have all the bloody violent action movies as well as scandalous talk shows which are kind of more like freak shows and plenty of reality t.v. where young people pretty much act like subhuman animals in a cage they've got all that so the government is basically saying that if some guy on t.v. because there are twenty people blooded limbs flying that that is totally ok for television unless they come out for bid swear while doing it you can show brainless
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materialistic dimwits sleeping in. fighting with everything that moves on a reality show but if they say that one magic three letter russian word then it is over the line this is not a logical way to conduct censorship but that's just my opinion. polling.


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