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tv   [untitled]    April 15, 2013 10:00am-10:30am EDT

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majority. look at the nation's energy rich. with the world. series of tweets. sectarianism is taking.
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unexpected. voted for. the next president. suggests that socialist policies will live on after his death. however. refusing to concede and demanding a recount because figures show he's only about two hundred thousand votes behind. reports from. talk about the reaction coming from the supporters of mother roy it was almost instant as soon as the results were announced fireworks were going off cars were honking and people his supporters on the street very excited very happy of course about the results but there were there was a lot of waiting really hours of of anticipation people holding their breath because the net the margin really has been very very narrow let me just read to you the latest figures that we have it's fifty point sixty six percent for forty nine
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point zero seven percent this is out of a seventy eight point seventy one percent participation and this is about ninety nine percent of the votes counted already at this point initial reaction came out saying that the fight will continue the revolution work will continue alluding very much to google child this is a very and revolution and had come out though. being very quite negative he came out saying that he there were allegations of voting fraud and he wanted a recount we know that had a campaign really on a platform invoking hugo chavez really it was at the core and you have to want something new wanted a change in direction and it's evident you know that the diverse opinion of the two men is evident among the people we've spoken to a lot of them in the past few days are very enthusiastic very passionate about their belief the different direction they want to take a venezuela however what's clear though is that all the citizens regardless of who
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they voted for a recount was all the problems that they want to solve and without a charismatic character like this to assuage the fears of the concerns of citizens it will be a very very tough challenge for. first of all to unite a very divided country a second of all to address the problems. well as well as choices of great importance abroad when it comes to what is going to be my daughter or of course venezuela's tits on one of the world's biggest oil reserves let's talk about it further now with a. touch on yes guy good to see you today as venezuela tries to ultimately sort out the wake of the presidential election or oil first nations are keeping a very close watch on what's happening absolutely well and for a good reason that as well as really a very juicy morsel when it comes to oil and gas it's sitting on oil reserves whopping wild reserves of two hundred ninety seven billion barrels now that's comparable or actually slightly above those of the world's biggest oil exporter
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saudi arabia at the moment it's the fifth largest exporter and its revenues oil revenues account for ninety five percent of export revenues for the country that really makes russia's oil dependency pale in comparison doesn't it well basically it's a diamond in the rough relatively low production levels due to years of under-investment but huge potential murtha said let's talk about the event as well the election has effectively won the election although his or rival opponent is now demanding a recount whether it is my daughter or whether it might become pillars who ends up taking the top political seat in venezuela where do you think the country's energy policy is going to head well actually there's a huge difference between the two but we have to realize regardless i mean actually depending on who wins the elections there will see very different players on venice well an energy markets now if it's madieu or oh it's more or less clear there's
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going to be a lot of policy continuity we're going to see the leftist governments in latin america continue to get support from venezuela with caprice as we could see a complete about face when it comes to energy policy but even now with this very close when what we're seeing is a sin. not all of that there's a lot of opposition to the current government and that that opposition is receiving a lot of support not only within the country but also outside of the country namely of course u.s. energy companies that really kicked out of the country in the late in the twentieth century really want to get back or essentially you know you bring up the whole issue of venezuela's oil revenues are chavez was known for keeping a lot of that money in venezuela to help with education and welfare and housing for poor people as well regarding event as well as massive oil you were showing a graphic earlier showing that the reserves are bigger than saudi arabia which really is just shows the true to the extent of the size of the oil reserves of
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venezuela because of the size there must be some major global players who are keeping a very close eye on whether or not they can get their fingers into the oil part of venezuela as well of course well and at the moment what we're seeing is the following dynamic it's the united states or russia and to a certain extent china now u.s. companies that really helped build the venezuelan oil and gas sector in the twenty's they were kicked out of the country starting in the seventy's and then charges really cemented that policy so these u.s. companies cannot wait to get back into the country they have millions of investments basically trapped there but of course russia has a very sizable presence in that as well as well all of its major oil and gas companies have long term contracts in venezuela with venezuelan government and of course china is also a big player and has a pretty sizable presence there and in fact china's biggest bank just several years ago forty billion dollars to the country for future export sales because
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ultimately venezuela has a huge amount of oil but it doesn't have the resources quite yet to top it to its full potential while that's really the issue is all right artie's our business analyst to touch on your sky lovely to see you thank you very much indeed. well if indeed my daughter is in or granted as the next venezuelan president the country is likely to continue its strong ties with latin american allies well continuing to pursue its anti american agenda view a professor of latin american history. us. so i think we're going to see a continuation of venezuelans foreign policy i think there's a difference between criticizing us and being anti american i think will see a promotion of latin american policy the promotion of a multi-polar world that is the u.s. is not the dominant issue on their agenda they have relations with russia with china with europe with with latin american countries and will see i think a continuity within that that's been part of the strength promoted by the chavez administration and my little we should recall was the foreign minister in charge of
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chalices foreign policy why i think the opposition will definitely be emboldened by little may have a small window to operate the venezuelan constitution permits a recall within three years i wouldn't doubt that unless my little gets traction and addresses these issues significantly and quickly the opposition may mount a challenge again in three years that's what they did to us in two thousand and four. this is our duty north korea celebrating the anniversary of its founding fathers birthday and there's some concern it could use a missile launch or nuclear test to mark the occasion traditionally pyongyang shows off its military might every year to the world this year though the date comes at a historically tense moment with north korea resorting to warlike rhetoric threatening america south korea even japan with the strike says this is to counter washington's aggressive behavior as the u.s. expands its military presence in the region still there's no sign that standoff
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might be resolved with talks as america and its asian allies say they can negotiate only if north korea shows a willingness to get rid of this nuclear. monday april the fifteenth is known as the day of the sun in north korea when the nation is celebrating its biggest holiday the birthday of the late leader the founder of the north korean republic kim il sung of course the north koreans will be celebrating in the streets in the ever present military parades but the eyes of the world well of course be focused not on the celebrations on the festivities in north korea but on whether you will actually decide to hold missile test launches now the latest reports are suggesting that pyongyang already has mid range missiles called must which would be able to hit a target at more than two and a half thousand miles and the reaction of the international community to do the possible test launch can be very very serious and could provoke a major conflict in the region so it's also interesting to see the transformation
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of north korea under the embargo under the sanctions which the country has been living in for many years already not only have they managed to build missiles to create missiles which could potentially be dangerous for the whole region and even reach the shores of the western shores of the united states but also there are speculators big. collation and there is a formation that the north korean media barking on the space program to definitely be this crazy twisted crazy saga of this continuing we're watching the situation here in the far east and we'll update our viewers with all the latest developments as we get them throughout the day. well that despite any anticipation of a missile launch both washington and seoul have been at pains to stress the chances of an all out war are practically nil but despite these are sharon says the u.s. has been pouring billions of dollars into being ready for a conflict something experts believe is provoking yang even further let's have
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a look now according to some estimates at this point about twelve billion dollars are spent annually on what the u.s. calls a maintaining peace on the korean peninsula and all some of that money goes towards keeping almost thirty thousand american troops in south korea and just to give you an example of how much the joint drills that have angered the north could have cost so far for example just dispatching a pair of stealth bombers to drop dummy bombs during exercises would have cost the american taxpayer about a six billion dollars perhaps not a very welcome bill to the average american taxpayer will in north korea has been a dominating world headlines for weeks now but the issue of a possible war not always the main focus from the personal life of the reclusive states young leader for the visit of celebrative basketball player dennis rodman. has consistently been attracting attention and now the b.b.c. is under fire for pushing the boundaries of ethics in pursuit of
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a good story of the u.k.'s top financial school accuses the network of endangering the lives of its students are using them as a human shield to covertly shoot a documentary the network embedded undercover journalists with a group of students visiting pyongyang charlie beckett from indeed a department of media and communications at the london school of economics who also worked for the b.b.c. told me a bit earlier corporation has just gone too far. north korea is a very important story a moment and it's very difficult to get in there so all journalists have to use to seat in a way if they're going to get into north korea its report what i think though happened here was that the b.b.c. went too far in not just deceiving the north koreans but deceiving both the students and the london school of economics that the students give verbal consent some of them at
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a late stage of the trip but there's never anything written down so the process is weren't followed properly the b.b.c. says that that was a risk worth taking because the public interest to get into a story out would be worth it we're not so convinced we think that we worked way to see whether this documentary which goes out tonight is so remarkable that it tells us things that we wouldn't have known and i would argue there were other ways of going in normally journalists going on and acting as tourists the difficulty of the elysee in this in particular is not just the risk to these students which was real but also to the risk to the elysee reputation. so good to have you with us here on our t.v. and still ahead for you in the program israel commemorates its fallen soldiers and celebrates its hard for independence six decades ago but the shadow of the ever present palestinian conflict looms. large as it ever has more on that and other
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stories after a quick break. its technology innovation. developments around russia. the future.
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international and world in the very heart of moscow. just quarter past the hour here in moscow this is r t israel is marking memorial day for its fallen soldiers which will be followed by celebrations for the forming of the state of a sixteen years ago a ceremony will be held at a time when peace with the neighboring palestinian territories seems as far away as ever let's not talk to larry derfner a blogger for the independent plus nine seven two magazine website that has a both israeli and palestinian writers are now joining us live from tel aviv good to see today given the story israeli palestinian peace talks the whole peace
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process is there really much to celebrate when it comes to the whole issue of israeli statehood perhaps. well people are not celebrating you know the absence of peace talks of the presence of or absence of hope they're celebrating everything but that basically they're forgetting about you know politics they're forgetting about relations with the palestinians with syria every everything that's sort of a new style in israel to simply forget about all this has been going on for several years most of the public doesn't want to think about it doesn't want to deal with it doesn't see anything that can be done so it's basically a country living in denial and that's what that's what's going to be happening after this evening and tomorrow and the on independence day celebrations people will forget about all the things that are not happening all the things that are not going well and enjoy have a good day so if you want people to turn away if you have no idea about it for a brief amount of time the people trying to ignore the stalled peace process
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between israel the palestinians of course but when it comes to the youth of israel what kind of attitude does the youth have towards the palestinian issue the youth are in general more right wing and more antagonistic than the public at large is really yoof is more hardline on the whole war hard hard line than than their parents now let's say let's address this one story we're covering today here and that israel's memorial day follows the decision not to prosecute those responsible for an ass strike during the gonzo war last year of course that was last november in the palestinian from the same family were killed including four children how did israel conclude that the death of more than a dozen civilians was quote an unfortunate outcome rather than a crime. because that i'm sure they didn't. i personally don't think that they deliberately killed a family full of civilians i think it was not a what it wasn't
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a crime of the it wasn't the crime of murder it might have been i don't know the details of might have been a crime of negligence they might not have taken all the proper precautions or they might have but i'm sure it was not deliberate to kill those people but do you tell me do you think do you think that you think though the i suppose the grief from last november's battle into gaza i mean is that feeling still very when it come when people talk about the issue between israel israel and palestine palestinians you talk about israelis yeah it is there's still a sentiment it's still a sense of because it was only several months ago now last november that this massive engagement happened the biggest engagement in years is there still a sense palpable sense that the feeling is still there the concern the fear not so much no no i mean there have been a few stray rockets from gaza i think there's probably if there's any concern
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there's much more concern about what's happening across the border in syria there's more concern about the demonstrations that are happening in the west bank the hunger strike the hunger strikes gaza relative to that has been relatively calm no israelis are not thinking about gaza or or nursing any grudges or attitudes from november no no it's really based on joining us live from tel aviv a pleasure to have you on the program today thank you very much indeed. thank you for joining us here on r.t. a ten month suspended prison sentence has been handed down in turkey to around composer and pianist over a series of tweets mocking islam fans all say was first charged with denigrating religion in june last year facing up to eighteen months behind bars at the time musician once a cultural ambassador to the e.u. is a high profile critic of the islamic led government of prime minister or the one and
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says his punishment is purely political parties or explains once rejected the conservative islamic ideals of returning to the country it has long been trying to become a member of the european union. all these years at that murder was a sin then i got new instructions from the good lord himself in his favor language english the simpsons has kept its humor close to the bone for many years but with turkey's radio and television a supreme council in charge of monitoring media content it's now gone too far if you are more liberal you can say that yes it's not an insult it's a joke but those who are more conservative may feel it and then we'll go on to other of the protection of their beliefs this episode cost a company that protested thirty thousand u.s. dollars the council dominated by the prime minister's party has fined the same media group for promoting smoking through allianz in america and europe beilenson
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against women up to show it all over stones alexander without discovering. i can't imagine how celtic broadcasting world will be created for many turkish women real life is far more insulting to them than western movies at first glance they are free to wear and do what they want but the head of the group of women of the republic says there is a lot of pressure on them. the reformed education system is split into three parts of four years it's the result thousands of girls leave school before the end encouraging young marriages the state promotes heaven at least five kids only three out of ten women today go to work it's far from a democratic model of society. turkish opposition says there is a dangerous tendency here nine decades off to turkey broke with islamic rule of the ottoman empire in favor of a ninety clerical pro western division the ideas and values that were jacked it appeared to some to be making
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a comeback becoming only. tells you what to do what to do what not to do. what not to eat what to eat with islamic ideas comes islamic symbols this form of greek also books church on the turkish plexi coast is currently a museum no service has been held here for fifty years but so on its walls will once again reign with the sound of prayer this time not led by priests but any mom it's quite a religious conversion a seven century old christian heritage site is about to become a mosque and from that point on will only be open to muslim men access for women will be restricted and we don't want to. close visitors we are coming here for brick those tourists come here it is good for travelers on their earth to offer miscue around there i think there are enough i guess sophia has already been
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used as a mosque during sloane history after the ottoman sultan conquered turkey today it seems the country's given itself up voluntarily one example could be the leaks drafts for new uniforms for flight attendants on turkish airlines they show the nation's image will be represented by long captains skirts below the knee and autumn in style fast caps or two months to develop ultra religious so the basic you know laws on sharia. and there are many similar people in turkey a thing that you know we don't want such a rule and that's changing this changing as. that our troops way of life the sickly way of life did not work in turkey turkey under every gun has made impressive progress its economy's booming and its role in the region and internationally is increasing but other things are happening too which could put societies journey into reverse. from turkey. or into the r.t. both of there we go are starting with iraq where at least thirty two have been
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killed and two hundred injured in a spate of bombings across the country is thought most of the blasts were car bombs with at least one attack carried out by a suicide bomber explosions happened just days before provincial elections and already fourteen candidates have been killed in the lead up to the poll. the deadline passes today for thirty eight french ministers to publicly declare their assets at the register would include a list of bank deposits and property held by the officials president francois hollande came up with the idea to calm a scandal over the budget minister who was forced to resign last month he's been charged with tax fraud linked to a secret bank account. forty seven people have been arrested outside the naval base in scotland housing the u.k.'s nuclear deterrent the submarine mounted trident missiles and the group called scrap trident is rallying to demand the weapons of disarmed and funds spent instead on benefits education and welfare the earlier
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staged a similar protest in the center of glasgow with trade union members scottish m.p.'s and anti austerity activists all taking part. but if you can stay with us after a very short break here at r.t. it's all your sporting news with kate partridge. wealthy british style. sometimes right. markets why not come to. find out what's really happening to the global economy with mike's concert for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune in to kaiser report
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on r g. the book about international and war in the very heart of moscow say. hello and welcome to the r t sports show called an hour of tough action from russia and around the world with me kate partridge and frances some of what's to come.
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title race defending champions anita narrow the gap to lead a test match a six points we've fixed things to go in the russian premier league. but i mean march eleventh has got beach caliber rallying by that rationing highly matches to take a commanding two male lead in their best of five series in a euro league playoffs. ounds. the spade as here is up next here. grace of the season. but let's kick off with the russian premier league where defending champions the need to narrow the gap at the top to six points after winning one nil of luck and let's see if that still lead the way which is on poor feet reports. us i'd. say it's going to remain top despite dropping points for the first time in six months is after being held to a goal is true in moscow darby adama. having a win
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a disallowed for of side yes my defending champion see me now with the gap at the top six points after what no women look i'm on t.v. we devised a netting up to sixty minutes which honestly let his men run to before straight victory in the league us. and you won the first game since the winter break were free no victory ten men volga let me spark it showed winning the scoring on thirty four minutes and i seen a try or a would double their lead six minutes later polgar were reduced to ten men after adrian roper time was sent off on villa and wrapped up a morale boosting victory with his first league over his new club proceedings man still third and on course for the europa league again next season yes i'd. spotted one fourth of the first wayne in four matches following it to no winner at home time probably eclipse scored his first goal of the season to put red and white
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in front of twenty minutes when you're almost to see on to this first team for the season to get sponsor like in the race for europa league spots us i'd. be near in fifth hour for an equaliser from goal conquered in the knees and then a one one draw against for a stall the visitors took the lead dimitri pall alls. the first covert routine keepers of conceded in the league in just over seven and a half hours of football however cut at the knees leveled in sixty one minutes because onside extend their own beat and run to five. were us my. son kept alive their hopes of securing a rope place after twice coming from behind to stanch a late two two draw and terry. would see if putting the home side in front just before the hour mark with chair level things up where will work go to believe from a panel.


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