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tv   [untitled]    April 16, 2013 2:30am-3:00am EDT

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well done frankly i couldn't agree more many people wonder why obama got nominated for a peace prize on practically the first day of his presidency meanwhile the story of bradley manning who spent over a thousand days behind bars is practically nonexistent in the corporate media and i should also note that manning has effectively been nominated for the peace prize three times now it's refreshing to see that at least one politician is willing to speak out about manning's story but as for the rest of them well let's be break in the set. a little bit more of the future ever seen anything like that. i've recently discussed the states that are limited to abortion access across the country one of which is arkansas a state that has one of the most extreme anti-abortion measures on the books while last tuesday the arkansas state senate voted to defund planned parenthood
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unfortunately it's an impact that will be felt by students across the state who currently take a sex education curriculum administered by the organization it's a move that many are calling irresponsible considering how arkansas currently has the third highest rate of teen pregnancy in the u.s. but this recent measure is just one of the many that are starting to take a route across the country just last month the university of tennessee hold state funding for sex week a series of events and held discussions exploring sex education interesting that we live in a society fixated on sex at the same time it seems that the subject is becoming more taboo by the day so to talk about the war on sex education and the culture of sex i'm joined now by conor hobby adult film star sex and relationships relationship expert at the new now the next dot com conor thank you so much for joining me. so conor you were recently slated to speak at new york ologists next
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week and last minute the event was canceled what happened that story was scheduled about a month and a half ahead of time in just about a week before my talk corning community college the president canceled my talk and she said that. on campus group that brought me there was an l.g. group and she said that she didn't believe that pornography was related to the rights even though i wasn't speaking about pornography i was just speaking about sex generally and that she didn't want those two things linked in the public eye and that also she thought that i was a porn star who had sort of turned my life around and became you know a great public educator you know basically against porn and so she was surprise of course you know summer. a google search would have revealed that that wasn't true that i was in fact a college instructor who had become a porn star afterward but she didn't bother to do that research so it didn't fit in her preconceived narrative kind of blew her mind on the conner just seems strange that we live in a society over inundated with sex with entertainment advertising at the same time
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there's this crackdown on discussing sex i mean sexual discourse at the educational level why is that we're so happy to sell sex here we're so scared to talk about it . well because if we sell it but don't talk about it we can use it as a method of control if we use sex in advertising but we don't allow people to talk about sex we can tap into their sex drives without having anybody understand them we can sell them stuff all that sort of thing but anything that actually drags sexuality on to the light makes it a point of discussion makes it something for people to really engage with and understand it is something that's going on their lives daily in their thoughts daily well that would be much more problematic and also the people using sex to control would lose their control you know it's funny that you said that especially in america as compared to places in europe or on the television i mean you can see women's breasts bare buckets of men and stuff but in america i remember watching braveheart and surprisingly this whole bashing you know bashing people skulls on
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the rocks that's all shown but when they move the camera it was playing down and it was thought that's so absurd here we are you know completely repressed and we're just inundated with violence yet they're blanking out people's t.v. i mean connor i cannot bring up this other bizarre trend in the same climate that we're seeing social issues such as gay marriage and drug legalization gaining widespread support across the u.s. i just saw a study that said the pro-choice position is actually gaining support why do you think that we're seeing these kind of backwards trends and also the kind of the shut down of sex education. so the. so we have sort of a back. deal i mean we. i want to support for example gay marriage is great lake is a great example of what you're talking about we want to support these values of giving people rights and freedom but we still don't want to have to accept seen people as full human being so when i mentioned before the idea of the president
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supporting somehow supporting the rights but not supporting pornography it's sort of the same argument of well i don't care what you people do in the privacy of your own homes but don't bring it out into public once we start embracing sexuality once we started racing you know the idea that we all have bodies and you know we know that we can show but some brain fart because everybody has a but then you know that means that we're taking more steps to accepting people as fully human but if we can cut that part out then we can just sort of insert these values without any real substance and. not you know so dangerous to us because we still don't have to see people as people and it's interesting that sex education is being defunded at a time when s t d's are an increasing epidemic i mean according to centers for disease control as these are costing taxpayers nearly sixteen billion dollars a year i mean would it be economically advantageous to teach safe sex. yeah absolutely and just to teach sex and broaden the conversation about sex in general
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not something i really advocate is having us all talk about sex more openly i mean if sex education is not going to be provided in our schools at least what we can do is be more open in our everyday lives and talk about sex so that the general themes of our conversations become educational to us become open to us and connor you're an adult film star i mean first of all porn has existed as long as humanity and currently it's a huge industry i mean it's time to acknowledge just yet it's a taboo subject especially among couples men are portrayed as having to hide it from their partners and women are portrayed as being against it i mean is this an accurate depiction of reality and what damage does this do to relationships or perpetuate these sexual stereotypes well i wish i could publish the amount of law. i get from women who watch the movies that i'm in and i have i believe that. over a third now estimated viewers are women so i mean i'm sorry rather a third of women are porn viewers at least of that amount and it seems to be
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increasing and increasing and so i would say that that is totally inaccurate that women don't watch porn and it's part of the same old thing that women are somehow a sexual and men are these you know super sexual things and it's the same old women and men roles and i don't think that that's accurate i think it's an attempt to d.c. actualize women to virtue a way that point was received in that way for sure well here's another kind of interesting take on it i recently saw a naomi wolf talking about her new book vagina she was saying that the porn industry may be doing a disservice to relationships and that it's providing this hyper sexual atmosphere where you're providing males and females with unrealistic expectations of sexual satisfaction do you think that there's any truth to that. well i think that any entertainment can provide a realistic picture hills of different aspects of life but why are we picking pornography is that i mean we there's ways to receive pornography and a healthy way an unhealthy way there's ways to receive the news there's a way to receive movies there's a way to receive sports and on healthy and unhealthy ways but when people make
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essential arguments about pornography there's something inherent it that's giving us bad ideas about how to be in relationships well then i think that that's just a view that's polluted by our own sexual prejudices and sexual repression in our culture you know right i mean the whole entertainment industry as a whole i mean perpetuating the stereotypes of the wife and the husband and marriage and kind of all these ideals in the perfect family life i mean you can you can kind of point that out about anything that's going on and being pushed on society and being a gay male conard how do you think that the industry has helped normalize homosexuality and. well i know that it's helped a lot of people who are situations where they feel they can express their sexuality i received fan mail every week. you know definitely every month from men who are in middle eastern countries not that all middle eastern countries are equally repressed or whatever but i receive e-mails from people in countries where they can express their homosexuality and they say thank you for pre-trained sexuality in
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a way that's open and free because i can even talk about it here so if your imagination is criminalized if the acts are criminalized at least you have access to images that allow you to feel like ok this is going on outside their you know in the world that you know i don't have access to to a smaller extent i felt that in my own life as someone who grew up in small town pennsylvania when i had access to the sexual images i felt much more comfortable with my sexuality so for a lot of gay men and that these for trails these prostitutes are trails of sexuality actually are really liberating thing that can make you feel less lonely in a weird way every gay porn is sort of and it gets better video and for people who are in areas that are restrictive of their sexuality in their sexual imaginations speaking of areas that you just talked about i mean in the middle east it's no surprise no secret a lot of these countries are present of sexuality how do you respond to people like occidental iran saying this country doesn't have homosexuals in iran doesn't have homosexuals there well it's
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a really complicated thing to say because it depends on if you believe that homosexuality and how to sexuality are real determiners of someone's identity i mean both those terms were invented in the eight hundred to mark sexual identity is to mark i am a homosexual i am a heterosexual i mean those ideas didn't really exist before then so if you don't have that in the culture if you don't have that swimming around well you might not have people who actually identify that way now what he's not saying is that there's definitely homo sexual behavior in iraq and you know i mean i know that from iranians who you know have sent me cute e-mails. thank you so much a quarter of you for coming on breaking down and the misconceptions about the. in history and much more adult film star and sex and relationship expert at new next like i say that dot com thank you so much thanks a lot i would. hope you like what you see so far go to our facebook page at facebook dot com slash breaking the set and be sure to do what thousands of done
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already and give us a like will be updating our status daily there with links to past segments as well as reach out to you the viewer for ideas on what you want to see covered on the show you know so check out the behind the scenes photos were taken our studios are on breaking the steps on the road like this pick from the drone rally this past weekend at lafayette park right here in d.c. so that our facebook page can check out all of that and more and i want to take a break from my preaching but stay tuned to hear more about the protests and killer drones when we come back. by conflict. the street. islamic nation. and a peaceful way islam is first of course secular a little sick and. in places.
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where traditions still. cannot go on the catwalk in a swimsuit. republican country. the book about international and war in the very heart of moscow.
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where just a few just received anything like the cut cut. cut . the world hasn't been the same since the infamous and controversial citizens united ruling granted corporations personhood while students at the university of california berkeley have been actively working to pass a referendum an effort to convince the u.s. supreme court to overturn a decision three years later the berkeley referendum is passed campus leaders annual letters to congress asking that both they and the california legislature ratify an amendment to the decision the latest action is a part of a growing movement that started to gain traction all over the country a number of groups forming and speaking out against the stork ruling one such group is represent an organization that just hosted its first demonstration here in washington d.c. this past weekend producer mary david has a story take
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a look. it wasn't your typical five k. walk. hundreds of people poured into the nation's capital to walk three miles in one hundred dollar bills suits all to bring attention to a problem they say has gone too far. with all politicians needing to raise an enormous amount of money for political campaigns it's virtually impossible for regular ordinary people voters to have their voices heard and represented on capitol hill you don't have true representation of each individual in the in the country you have a representation of a corporation and shareholders of the corporation are actually making the decisions for the country that's exactly why these demonstrators have come together walking from the lobbyists packed k. street all the way to the capitol where they awarded capitol police in jest for
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doing what they say congress hasn't been able to do when. you graduate. but this show of discontent didn't happen overnight it's a movement that's been gaining try. action since the two thousand and ten citizens united supreme court case a historic ruling that created loopholes to campaign election laws by granting corporations personhood but the impact was perhaps most evident in the two thousand and twelve election that shattered all previous records of campaign financing in fact according to the center for responsive politics campaigns raised an estimated six billion dollars would two point six billion of that spent on the race for the white house alone and what critics find most alarming is that in the same election only point three percent of ordinary americans contributed two hundred dollars or more meaning the majority of election cash came from big donors and corporations it's a reality josh silver says we should all pay attention to wake up and realize you're
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just not going to win unless you stop pay attention to money and politics become part of the solution if we get enough of those enough millions then we'll build something real today in washington is the beginning one proposed solution gaining traction is the american anti-corruption act a piece of legislation that would prohibit members of congress from raising funds from the interest they regulate and require members to disclose fund raising activities and it's a bill that's helping us for actions like this one around the country if this act weren't to pass each registered voter would receive a one hundred dollars tax rebate that they can then take and donate to a candidate of their choosing it's a law experts say could get the big money out while getting the people back in a mirror david r.t.t. washington.
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to rival spring in the nation's capital to the stage for a brand new season of the scent breaking a set team spent much of this weekend attending and emperor of demonstrations one of which was part of a nationwide action against the continued use of drones overseas and here in the u.s. although u.s. government officials rarely make mention of the civilian death toll by drone strikes and in observers as to make that death by drones have now suppressed five thousand and while there is no accurate count on how many innocent innocent civilians have been killed including women and children there is a growing outcry from people all over the u.s. to put an end to the use of high tech murder with killer drones are going to sets manimal rapido as more of the latest anti drone rally that took place right here in d.c. over the weekend check it out. dozens of protesters gathered in washington rallying against the obama administration's controversial drone program these protesters are rallying for an end to the use of armed drones in the middle east in asia and
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africa and everywhere else there's two elements about drones that aren't particularly insidious it means that a war can be waged a real war but all the bleeding is done on one side so it shields the american people from the horrors that broadcast nature of war and allows the wars to be carried on in secret you see in the iraq war there are massive demonstrations drones are are being used to make sure that the american people are not part of the political equation secondly drones are used to violate every nation sovereignty the obama administration flies them in wherever he wants and kills whoever he wants that's not legal the idea of killer robots attacking people from the skies flying overhead constantly is just i mean it's terrifying it's it's a scary sign of the future and it's a scary sign of the way warfare has changed and would. the lack of transparency the american public deserves to know more about what's being done in their name. and this latest protest organized at the doorstep of the obama white house is only one
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of dozens of nationwide demonstrations happening in the month of april the large turnout in washington for this rally is a testament of how the issue of targeted assassinations abroad is growing in the public conscience throughout the month there are going to be actions focusing on cia involvement in the drone program and assassinations there are going to be actions focusing on the use of drone surveillance at the border and militarization of our border across the u.s. human rights and civil liberties activists continue to organize and mobilize for more rallies just like this one in an effort to turn the tide on the use of attack drones and putting pressure on lawmakers and the administration to put an end to this program that has already cost the lives of thousands of innocent civilians abroad will rob hello for art see the white house. sort of talk more about this month long nationwide anti drone protests i'm joined now by breaking the sense man
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well below as a gun hey so we were both there for this rally and march this weekend i mean there was anywhere from about three hundred to five hundred people at the peak of the march and rally it still didn't seem like enough people were really out there many busy weekend you were near was out covering money out of politics rally we were out for the white house you know you could make the argument that three to five hundred people is not that much but the fact of the matter is this is a nationwide rally i mean these were people that were coming in from all over the east coast these are rallies that are organized and mobilized like this in the package. all over the country in several different cities philadelphia san diego now in washington d.c. and this is happening throughout the month of april so it might be three hundred protesters five hundred protesters today but that's a lot more than we were seeing even five months ago this is is this. really a sign that there is that there is there is a growing movement that there is an awakening to this issue in this country so i still see it as a positive sign and you know what you know even though polls show
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a lot of people do support drones because they're presented with kind of this false dichotomy where we need to replace ground troops and fight in this perpetual war on terror with something and i think five hundred people out there is still awesome when you're talking about a tactic that we're not seeing anywhere in this country we don't really see the visualization of what these drones are doing in our names but you actually got a really interesting sound bite from colonel and write about kind of the what the drones are really doing in the blowback that are causing them to take a listen and up. the argument is that these drones u.s. soldiers lives because they don't have to be on the ground but if you look at the numbers of american soldiers that are being killed in afghanistan this last year more were killed by the by afghan soldiers they were training and i would surmise that most of those afghan soldiers have family members in the tribal areas and the family members are being killed by these drones and these guys that are in the
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afghan army are taking it out on their own soldiers there. you know it's really interesting what what colonel wright is saying right now is she's referring specifically to green on blue attacks these incidences that we don't hear about it a lot in the corporate press but since two thousand and eight they've been over over seventy of these insider attacks resulting in somewhere around one hundred thirty deaths one hundred forty eight casualties this is very much a boomerang effect this is what we call blowback the united states think of who the real victims are of these drone strikes to use this double tap strategy will the drone will will hit a supposed terrorist and rescue crews will will come around and try to figure out what's going on and then they'll be a second missile a second a second bombing and then you get all this collateral damage and all these innocent civilians children women that are result. what this does is it creates a sort of resentment this is counterintuitive counterproductive to american interests and that's exactly what what colonel wright was was talking about and it was great to hear from her especially since she was one of the highest ranking
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members of the military who actually resigned in protest of the invasion of iraq at the onset of that so it was really great to hear totally speak out against these. very bold. and let's talk more about these drone strikes i mean there's two different kinds of strikes there's personality strikes and their signature strikes personality strikes are aimed at assassinating a particular individual signature stripes are when the drone operators simply target anyone like the military age male what they've come out later and said anyone from ages twenty to forty or seemingly around that area they are subject to be targeted as well and as you said the double tap strikes that itself is a is a war crime and it's and this jargon that we hear personality strikes targeted assassination disposition matrix this is all deliberate this is this is very much to keep people out of the loop the more complex the jargon is the the less transparent the government is the less information the general public has on drones the less people are involved in the dialogue and this is very deliberate this is
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very much the reason that the u.s. government continues like you mentioned earlier with the with the polls a majority of americans do support the use of drones abroad but if a majority of americans actually knew the casual casualty counts actually knew the type of blowback that this is creating against u.s. interests i think that that number of people supporting it would significantly drop down and according to the stanford n.y.u. comprehensive study six month study in pakistan they found that i mean it was it was indeed counterintuitive they actually found that ninety eight percent failure rate two percent success rate you could say to quote unquote get these operational leaders of al qaeda and just to verify something that's very important even if it were true that the u.s. government was actually using these drones to take out operational leaders and out of al qaeda launching a military attack on another country with which the united states is not it were. with is a war crime and i did forget to talk about some other things that happened at the rally we did go on a march to general of tom x. one of the leading manufacturers of drones in the u.s.
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where they staged a die in multiple children stage of dying to kind of represent there's a there are many of the many of the children who have needlessly died in the drone wars and also they delivered coffins stacks of coffins in front of general tom hanks doorstep followed by a bunch of speakers a bunch of african american coalitions are protesting drones going into africa and also what i thought was really interesting the partnership for civil justice spawn a spokesperson from that was talking about the legality of drones in general and she was saying you know there's all these civil rights organizations across the country that are appealing to the obama administration in question in the gallery of these drones and she was saying we don't need to question of the galaxy we know there are legal at the time to act is now which i thought was a really powerful statement that she made absolutely i mean think of the number of countries that the united states is involved in these drone strikes with i mean we're talking this is not just afghanistan or or pakistan it's yemen and somalia it's mali it's just booty it's a number of different countries that are hosting these u.s.
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drone bases but which are now part of the american lilypad strategy it's all just a continuation and it doesn't seem like it's stopping anytime soon hopefully we see the drone sentiment growing stronger thanks for reporting on them and giving us the story. so guys i hate to end the show on a somber note but it's important to mention the tragedy that was to place in boston two explosives went off at the finish line of the boston marathon along with the seemingly related fire at the j.f.k. library in new york you know in times like this it's easy to jump to conclusions wanted to enact revenge on whoever did this let's do ourselves a favor and wait until the facts are laid out because it's nothing short of irresponsible to aid the fear of terrorism on muslims this is a time to grieve extend condolences for the victims and nothing more and with that said have a good night. victims
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multiply here each day. it's very profitable to invest in colombia which. is a very high return on investment. a good poem he said but i've been working in this area for thirty years and i've always had to pay the armed groups that they needed by this matter managers have changed their name and strategy but just feel the same budrus. high ranking suspects you know coming. pretty upset about that mr president. to president putin. but that. i won't give an interview i'm sorry but no. investigation is a dead. end he says sick and stop your bullshit and keep quiet or else you'll suffer the consequences. even if they're your bodyguards to watch
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themselves because the same goes for them. rivers from synch i've never heard of such a case as ours were so much money and gold has spoken of so many years. for all the gold in colombia on our t.v. . sets.
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yes thanks. to the new government international airport in the very heart of moscow. thank you . thank twinned law said the boy.


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