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tv   [untitled]    April 16, 2013 8:00am-8:30am EDT

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blasts of the boston marathon killed three including an eight year old boy. a razor thin election victory in venezuela after almost half of the nation votes against the late chavez is heir apparent but nicolas maduro still won the presidency. and the violence of hunger strikers in guantanamo bay grows with the u.s. saying forty five and now starving themselves lawyers though insist it's more than three times that amount. thanks very much for joining us here on our t.v. today i'm rory suchet live in moscow with your news from around the world let's get straight to our breaking news for you this hour here on r t a magnitude seven point eight earthquake on the iran pakistan border has reportedly killed at least forty
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people ran officials expect hundreds more have been killed this is certainly one of the biggest earthquakes the country has seen since one thousand nine hundred ninety eight and the epicenter is thought to be situated ninety kilometers south of the iranian city of cash out of forty eight kilometers from pakistan and tremors were felt all across the gulf from dubai where buildings were evacuated all the way to new delhi or people are reported to have been fleeing the streets it was back in a two thousand and three an earthquake near the country's town of that killed forty thousand people. and a year old boy was among three people killed by twin blasts which rocked the boston marathon finish line and more than one hundred forty others are in hospital some having lost their limbs is the worst domestic attack in the u.s. since nine eleven and i see a truck in a house this report. the state of massachusetts holiday turns into
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a tragedy in the heart of boston just several minutes before three pm local time at the finishing line of the boston marathon two explosions seconds apart from each other killing at least three people according to witnesses who were on the ground during the explosions the situation was extremely chaotic terrifying body parts were seen flying about blood everywhere i was there with my fist or she had left work early and she when the first bomb went off there was just a silence that went over the crowd and then i immediately screamed started happening and she grabbed my hand and just start running in terms of the measures that local officials had put in place we do know that a no fly zone was imposed over boston for several hours earlier today now flights are allowed back into the city again cellphone service was shut off for several hours also in fear that further explosions more remote to donations could take place and of course several hotels in the area including the one behind me people
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were evacuated from those hotels the locals were advised to stay home and not come out into public spaces we do know of course that security is going to be heightened in the hours and days to come here in boston and it has also been beefed up in major cities throughout the united states including of course new york city where two successful terror attacks so-called successful terror attacks had taken place in sixteen plots of verted in the last two years and in terms of what's going on in boston right now we do know the investigation is ongoing the f.b.i. is right now in charge of this case but we're being told that police here on the ground are looking into a surveillance photo of a man carrying two backpacks but no people have been taken into custody as of yet and one of the major questions that remains to be answered is whether or not this attack was a domestic or foreign one and. boston massachusetts you know we're looking
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at live pictures right here for you here on r.t. or from from the scene of what happened there police and the f.b.i. have been searching a house in connection with the bombings so with many more people still being questioned at the moment again a live pictures from cop police square there of course is in boston that's a very near to where the blasts occurred at this point as i say is an associate was saying and no one's claimed responsibility for the attack although the white house has promised to the perpetrators will be brought to justice artie's more important as more on this. u.s. president barack obama said that the u.s. does not yet have all the answers as to who is behind. why they did this but obama said the u.s. will find out who did it and will hold him accountable he would not go into detail he said an investigation is ongoing and that. u.s. federal officials will be helping out boston in any way that city needs as they continue searching for clues as to what caused two to the bombings there were
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proximity twenty seven thousand people participating in the boston marathon in tens of thousands on the streets of watching the event and also securing the perimeter ironically there were so many police officers on the scene so many emmaus workers this explosion went off and just about ten seconds later a second explosion went off there is some horrific images out there of some of the victims some of whom lost limbs what history has shown is that if the u.s. is attacked washington. and it has retaliated over the course of more than a decade we did have the patriot act in the aftermath of the september eleventh attacks that the department of homeland security was created then the controversial drone program was implemented under the ministration of george w. bush and it was carried out double down on by president barack obama but what many
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would argue is that even with all those different measures put in place through war through surveillance that it still doesn't prevent horrific attacks like the one scene unfolding in boston. of course it was the nine eleven attacks in the united states that ultimately heralded in an era of heightened security measures some of which were severely criticized by human rights groups and. an iraqi war veteran he ultimately you feel is the response to the failure of preventing another domestic tragedy even with a ph or an act even with a m d a even with the survey on states that it's been going on even with with that with all the wars going on you know in enough gas and in yemen and in pakistan and all the true program is attacked not to happen i'm not going to speculate on on who did what and whether or not this you know this was caused by a foreign national or it was just it was caused by domestic terrorist one thing is
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for sure that the government the united states government will use this as an excuse to continue and it should on the trajectory of even more surveillance even law our security of even more i mean what's next t.s.a. at at every marathon t.s.a. in every street form or that's going to be the solutions and that's going to be put forward for the past the basement past decade you know when you when you call some on that terrorist you're basically saying that that what the government does shoot terrorists or people accuse of terrorism if you're ok with that your opinion with them being definitely didn't seem didn't put them get no you're ok with them being spying on you are you are ok with them being assassinated because that then is what peter does government is doing to people suspect the end of terrorism. and iraq was
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meanwhile the scene to a string of attacks which have become known as the now that of a black monday at least fifty five lives were lost there with around three hundred more injured. and writers an editor in chief of the german news magazines the worst he says that those deadly blasts another example of how civilians are suffering from both terrorism and the war on terror. the general problem is terrorism it's well this war on terrorism is put on the back of civilians it's not what we know it's a typical war it's not that armies make a war against each other it's always put on civilians it's about harming civilians . we see it like the bombing us we. see billion even america we see it as well countries like iran and also iraq where. the war on terror also the billions we had that. are not working six people were killed.
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there we don't have the media coverage and the interest on it and we have it right now in boston this is. and this is the sort of barbarism regions reason for off terrorism and the bore and or on terrorism. live from moscow this is r t a following the close to supposed in almost half a century which saw you go chavez's chosen successor elected as president but as well as at the risk of sliding into a state of political crisis and then half the population doesn't want nicolas maduro as its leader protests in support of opposition candidate and the lives ended in violence with police using tear gas and angry crowds hundreds were demanding a recount of votes from sunday's election after my daughter won by a tiny margin which walking a fifty point eight percent to forty nine percent of adore it was time paid by
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chavez to preserve his socialist legacy but as artie's testor australia reports from caracas blessing may not be enough to help him handle the challenges that he's inherited when the results of the presidential election on april fourteenth was announced there were huge celebrations and this this very heavily supporting nicolas maduro the so-called successor of world. now his supporters tell me that although the margin between mother and his main opposition in this was very small they say that with this victory the spirit of the. continues to live on in the for a very very big job there's a lot of problems that he has to solve even supporters reiterate the fact that there are a lot of problems that have to be addressed such as food shortages medicine shortages as well as the issue of crime he really wants this addressed because they say they just don't feel safe on the streets of the us also with the one of the world's largest oil reserves as we will be watching on how this is going to be
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managed moving forward and also to will have a quite a very short grace period including his ability to get a very divided country we've seen in the elections it was almost a fifty fifty split between the two model and the u.s. and one more test would be to see the military support we know that will go chavez was was a former army commander you have the military support and this is something that model will have to work on look for half the biggest challenge for nicolas maduro is filling his predecessor's shoes as many of his supporters have been saying a vote for model is in fact a vote for who got shot it is. right there are the venezuelan government has defended the results giving nicolas maduro a six year term meanwhile that washington is urging for an audit of ballots claiming it's a necessary step quote given the tightness of the vote independent election observer dr julian buxton says there were no indications the vote was rigged. it
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was fair it was transparent this is a fully automated voting process and obviously this is a very very narrow victory from the doorway but really to call into question the capacity in the technical feasibility of the voting system i think is very very unfortunate my immediate concern now is that if the united states does not recognize the election process here in the picture of majority this is going to once again put venezuela and the united states on a very very strong bilateral clash there's going to be even more problems going forward in that relationship spain i believe has come out and said that it's not prepared to recognize the picture at the moment again i think it's very unfortunate in some way responsible for these countries to be pronouncing so soon and we really need to see the order to this voting process before we should be making such diplomatic declarations. so what's next for venezuela you can make your own full cost on our website called my let's see how the opinions are stocking up for this hour here at the majority of. voters ultimately saying that while the u.s. backed attempt to topple the ship easter government could be in the cards all amid political chaos a very distant second nearly
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a quarter saying well it's proof that the twenty first century socialism in venezuela could actually continue on down to the minority the one nine percent ultimately here in green saying it's just going to cause more social unrest and riots over the results of what indeed will follow them into a victory we checking your pulse as some might say it on t.v. dot com right now still to come in the program here on t.v. breaking broadcasting rules at the u.k.'s house of lords says the television news should no longer have to be impartial we found out why after the break also just don't clear to me i have to exactly the staff is working on it gives you legal to transfer them and will let me check with their experts on this matter and see if i can get back at their specific cases of a number of guantanamo hunger strikers grows and not even pledges to shop the notorious prison prevented the state department officials from getting a grilling more on that in just a few moments. wealthy
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british style. time. market why not. find out what's really happening to the global economy with mike stronger or a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune in to kaiser report on our.
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about international and world in the very heart of moscow. four fifteen pm here in the russian capital bases r t the us military has confirmed more detainees at guantanamo bay prison have joined a hunger strike officially the number now stands at forty five and lawyers claim the figure is much higher thirteen of the captives are reportedly being force fed to prevent them from starving and security guards they ended up firing non-lethal rounds at detainees over the weekend and several resisted being put into single cells on monday a federal george dick whose main charge declined to take action on behalf of a striking prisoner is attorneys say his life was in danger because of a lack of clean water and proper medical treatment officials in washington say
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there's still a commitment to shutting down the camp despite legal hurdles and no plan to wed a frigid eighty eight detainees that were cleared for release many years ago the u.s. state department's patrick ventrell got grilled and the issue. we still have staff will continue to work on this account is it not the minister's position that you're that it's completely have done it too quickly hamstrung by callers who tried to relocate these people so we essentially you legal right i think i did i said no i know but so why didn't i express network it's really wasting their time on this if it can't be done only again the president's commitment to closing it continues and so while we have. the special was office we do have staff to continue to explore but why do they need to explore if they can if they can't be done if it can't be done without changing the law i mean are they working on it by trying to convince lawmakers to lift some of the restrictions let me check in with our legal advisor staff overnight see if we can get you to update if there are specific cases that we
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are able to work on given the restrictions on job it was for as well you know i mean at least from this podium loose from this room over the last thing the last progress that was on this was you denying the russians permission to see the russian t.v. . again so i just unclear to me i have it exactly the staff is working on if it's illegal to transfer them under the law let me check with our experts on this matter and see if i can get back if there are specific cases. where you can find out how the guantanamo hunger strike has been unfolding on our website we've been following it since it first went public hearing from detainees lawyers activists and experts as well as showing videos from the facility all of that to see dot com right now. police in bahrain have raided a boys' high school after the arrest of student led clashes and the gulf nation is increasing security in preparation for this weekend's formula one race around one hundred people have been arrested this month alone the kingdom has been rocked by more than two years of unrest between the sunni led government and shia majority
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seeking a greater political voice let's get more on this now from opposition members. he joins us now live from the capital good to see you today do you think a fresh crackdown on the opposition could fuel even more violence rather than perhaps restore calm. the security people who are controlling the political scene even and behind are dragging the country into a more violent situation to justify a massive attack this is what the nie and i think binding the formula one where the crown prince will just appointed the prime minister putting some hope that the authorities finally want to do something to catch up with barry for this is another attempt from the hardliners to kill this hope and make it as hype for the people not to believe that there will be some somebody coming into this authority to. give
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up some of the authority of the ruling family to see that people particularly for him so he sort of jump in if indeed opposition members or those opposed opposed to the ruling government if they cause trouble during an international event like this like the formula one race i wouldn't wouldn't that perhaps cause the movement to lose some sympathy abroad must have people. protesting peacefully and nothing to do with formula one yes there are people who doesn't like the not like and they've been behind but they mean the same opposition focusing on the dialogue and pocketing on the peaceful demonstrations to demand their universe like the formula one is an inception memes and thumbs down the small change behind is living into a fight think the big picture things that they're right that the within the ruling family is not allowed this country to relieve the permit crisis and the
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hardliners as long as they are controlling the political scene then controlling their government thank them falling security not helpful to the form and response i lation the international silence on the fake steps by their government and m.p. defying that. undermining that like you are reporting that hundreds alone and this one rating of. no no no status or respect and or anything to the schools or jobs or something like that very highly you bring up the issue of global silence in response to the ongoing crisis in bahrain but why is it there because the bahraini government is it is indeed suppressing the opposition home it's been supporting calls for democracy though elsewhere in the region why why such a different stance do you think we don't. i can explain it very simply we don't
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have freedom of expression assembly allow them but minor. things happening on the government allowing us to just a few demonstration outside the capital manama better position that's happened there lee by the government very harsh sentence all of this has been in silence from the international community and just will tell me that the authorities are doing and keeping silent this is not helping this is just helping the government to move slowly with this big said but not at this thing the core issue the political issues the human rights issue and as long as the international community will continue this way all. software is sort of diplomacy with the ruling family nothing will happen i think we need and. position from then the national community
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they need to push for a credible dialogue they need to challenge found the prince to say well now you have one month. executive position what you have done to the people what you have done to the situation and behind to get into normality so i hear now as you know i've been speaking here at r.t. we've been showing you the most recent paper. in days and weeks past rebels and clashes in and the protests in bahrain are. zuko opposition member joining us live from the capital i'm out of time but thank you very much for joining us here on nazi day thank you. let's get as a mother global news for you in brief time for the aussie world update now we'll start with a roadside bomb that targeted an election candidate has killed four people in central pakistan the politician is said to have escaped unharmed but his son brother and nephew were among the fatalities at this point no one has claimed responsibility for the attacks. types of these types of strikes targeting political figures are on the rise as pakistan prepares for general elections in may.
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syria's president bashar al assad has announced an amnesty for imprisoned rebels as part of national celebrations it will include the scrapping of death sentences according to the state news agency assad also lebanon to put in place stricter border controls to protect civilians of this though from clashes between hezbollah and syrian rebels. and belgian police conducted forty six raids on islamists suspected of recruiting volunteers for syria's rebel forces the exact number of people detained during the tuesday raids has not been made public among those placed under arrest the leader of the extreme sharia for belgium group eighteen belgian citizens right now are reported to be fighting in syria. u.k. broadcasters never tire of boasting about their fairness which is guaranteed by regulations which demand impartiality however some influential voices believe that
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concept is outdated in the digital age and they want the rule scrapped auntie's explained. the way that newspapers and news channels are regulated in the u.k. is stossel any different so newspapers and online news portals they still regulate themselves that means that they can be as politically biased as they please the example being the guardian on the left in the u.k. or the london times on the right but for news channels it's a whole different story they're legally bound by office to be impartial and if they're deemed not to be they can be fined or even have their license revoked but in a day and age when the media is converging and news portals are looking more like television channels and television channels have their own websites is this regulation re distinction fair and does it make sense well the lords communication committee have come out with a report recommending that the government removes the impartiality rules from
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nonpublic broadcast says i'm joined by lord richard inglewood who's the chairman of the lords communication committee to talk about this so if the way that the industry is regulated right now is outdated and the media you're saying news web sites that more and more like t.v. channel that the channels have their news websites it's all converged is that impartiality or sport for us to compete york city to not entirely know we firmly advocate that the public service book cost us in this country should be just to the exactly the same way as they do not they provide the benchmark the measure of impartiality how achievable is impartiality i know that right now there is the impartiality clause but nevertheless we have perceived biases from all these journals that exists right now doesn't personality exist at all well it's a very slippery concept is you quite right to say but one of the advantages of a plural media landscape is that different people will approach the question of
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impartiality from slightly different perspectives i don't think you can say impartiality means that there is one way of doing it which is the only. right way but what impartiality does do is cut out the kind of political proselytizing that you're quite right in saying you find in quite a number of newspapers and in certain news providers from outside dodgers stiction if commercial and given free rein to do what they like what about barbara well i mean the crucial point here is that in a world where ip t.v. is going to be the norm relatively soon all this stuff is going to be streamed into into into people's houses if they want to watch it and that's the big question is will people want to watch there are some very basic things that surround that very very basic and shows the matter is that's what the future is going to look like so it's all very well us being very pious here but the short answer is it's not going to stop it already you can get stuff off the internet from these other companies providing with extremely posh news thank you very much for your comment well thank
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you very much for taking part all right up next here not see a man loved by the people but hated by the banks kaiser. oh no who a lazy bureaucratic and trivial censorship strikes again but this time in russia a bill has been signed into law that will put fines on individuals and legal entities for using vulgar already in the media one major flaw of many with this is that they really don't know which words are going to be considered vulgar i guess these words are so awful that they cannot even write them down i'm not naïve there has always been and will always be censorship but this where word list is just
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silly there is a common expression on the russian internet that russian mainstream media could exploit more and i is ation of society russian t.v. does have all the bloody violent. action movies as well as scandalous talk shows which are kind of more like freak shows and plenty of reality t.v. where young people pretty much act like subhuman animals in a cage they've got all that so the government is basically saying that if some guy on t.v. comes down twenty people blooded limbs flying that that is totally ok for television unless they come out for bid swear while doing it you can show brainless materialistic dimwits sleeping and fighting with everything that moves on a reality show but if they say that one magic three letter russian word then it is over the line this is not a logical way to conduct censorship but that's just my opinion.
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with. some. choose to. choose the stories but if you. choose. to. i am x.-prize are welcome to the kaiser report many people want to know what is going on at mt gox but going exchange. market making we're going to talk about that right now stacy herbert max guys there are those out there who don't know of course the big question is this new currency its network protocol.


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