tv [untitled] April 16, 2013 11:00am-11:30am EDT
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the boston marathon kill three sparking concerns over america's multi-billion dollar security measures. a razor thin election victory sparks anger in venezuela after almost half of the nation votes against the late who go shop us is heir apparent but nicolas maduro still wins the presidency. and the defiance of hunger strikers in guantanamo bay continues to grow the u.s. saying forty five and now starving themselves but lawyers insist it's more than three times that now. live from moscow this is our. view a worldwide. doctors picking metal projectiles from the wounds of some hundred seventy six people injured in twin blasts that rocked the boston marathon
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a seventeen of those are in a critical condition and police still have no suspect and the blasts of raised questions over domestic security in america despite measures having been seriously stepped up since the nine eleven attacks from new york with details ati's marina porter. local and federal officials do not know so far if this is the mess stick homegrown attack or something with a foreign link to it no suspects have yet been identified no one has been taken into custody authorities believe though that the explosives that were used were small bombs with a simple low velocity explosive mixture not military grade based on the pieces of metal that were seen flying through the air in the surveillance video investigators say they believe the bombs may have been concealed in a mailbox or a trash can you know post nine eleven america and into the wars in iraq and afghanistan there's been a major tightening of security domestically over the course of twelve years we had the patriot act the department of homeland security was created americans now deal
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with pat downs at airports c.c.t.v. cameras millions of them have been put up all throughout the united states the national defense authorization act has been signed there is face recognition now that law enforcement officials use hundreds of billions have been spent domestically on security trillions on the wars overseas and many are now asking how with all this logistical technical capability was the u.s. not able not capable to prevent the type of attack that we saw unfold a day ago in boston many are wondering if all the measures that the u.s. has taken overseas and domestically have have benefited citizens in any way many citizens have argued there's been an extreme croce on civil liberties in the. defense of keeping the homeland safe that's what washington says but at the end of the day we saw this horrific attack taking place in boston there's an official
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increase of security that's also been the scene taking place in other major cities throughout the country you see that happening in los angeles where officials there say that there's an increased security presence in all public transit system. they're sponsoring dogs that have been seen out on the street and we know that the white house is and are what many would call a severe locked out of having police presence around the white house and all their washington d.c. and there is. a heightened level of security in new york city and throughout the country. ought is more important reporting that now the nine eleven attacks in the united states heralded an air of heightened security measures some of which were severely criticized by human rights groups david swanson's an antiwar activist he believes that betting on technology to keep people safe is extreme and a misguided there is a huge escalation in security and inherent in police presence i mean there are
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there's was a horrific scene in boston but the response will be incredibly disproportionate we will see any intense upsurge in fear and even indian police and military presence this illusion that technology is going to save us that filling our skies with drones and covering our buildings with surveillance cameras and treating every airport airline passenger as a potential terrorist is going to save us is is an incredible delusion we have seen a predictable and predicted increase in terrorism throughout the course of the global war on the global or the global war on terror as they call it you cannot fight a war against a tactic you cannot kill people and eliminate. violence by other people in fact you have just the opposite effect as top u.s. military commanders have confessed.
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of this is on tape four people are reportedly being killed during post-election violence in venezuela it follows the closest vote in almost half a century which saw chavez as chosen successor elected as president but there's anger because nearly half the population doesn't want nicolas maduro as leda party's tester australia is gauging the mood in the capital caracas well as the opposition is staunchly contesting the results of the presidential election the supporters of in the kick up the mess had come out to destroy some of the mother of who they were protesting against the results claiming that they're not ready to accept just as he did to the peter says that he's not going to accept the results unless there is a recount as far as a protest like this or you saw incidents of a stone throwing at the police and the use of tear gas and there may be more protests planned as opposition is calling for their supporters to go out to the streets and make a lot of noise and put pressure on how big that he counts and that audit actually
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don this is going to prove to be very difficult for me going to smuggle starting off a presidency the fact that there was such a narrow margin this just shows you that he's starting this presidency off with a very weak mandate you have essentially almost half of the electorate who who who is not for him and therefore he has a lot of challenges to face not least of which is filling the shoes of legal charges that he doesn't have that charisma to calm people down when it comes to addressing the pressing problems he also has that issue of trying to keep the government in line on the same page moving forward and one other thing we know that historically support of the military is very very essential here that as well as chavez was himself a military man been which model does not house so this is for him to prove his ability to essentially get everybody on the same page is going to be proving it's going to prove to be a very very difficult task at us as far as the people are concerned i mean granted that during which of us is time poverty levels have gone down there was more equality but the pressing problems of crime food shortages and medicine shortages the people don't have as much patience as they did when who got shot this was in
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place. reporting there for the venezuelan government has defended the results giving nicolas maduro a six year term i mean all washington is edging for an audit of ballots claiming it's a necessary step quote given the tightness of the vote however independent election observer dr julia buxton says there were no indications at all of the vote was rigged that was fair it was transparent this is a fully automated voting process obviously this is a very very narrow victory from adorable really to call into question the capacity in the technical feasibility of the voting system i think is very very unfortunate my immediate concern now is that if the united states does not recognize the election process here in the picture of majority this is going to once again put venezuela and the united states on a very very strong bilateral clash is going to be even more problems going forward in that relationship spain i believe has come out and said that it's not had to recognise the victory at the moment again i think it's a very unfortunate in some way responsible for these countries to be pronouncing so soon and we really need to see the audit of this facing process before we should be
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making such diplomatic declarations. so what is next for venezuela at all t dot com right now we are taking your pulse gauging your reaction what is next after the apparent when all at all to dot com right now we are taking your votes and here we go the majority now saying that washington is not pleased with this bill for the work harder to create some sort of tension down there in caracas let's go to the coming in a very distant third position here that economic stagnation will continue something that socialism can not find a remedy for and just down to the very few it's number of voters from. barely ten percent saying the social unrest and riots over the results following them a door to a victory over the venezuelan presidential elections was still taking you'll hear it on t.v. dot com it's never too late to get in now also to come here on their program breaking broadcast rules other ukase house of lords ultimately saying that you
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don't have to be impartial when it comes to broadcasting the news we find out why in just a few minutes here. on the number of guantanamo bay hunger strikers continues to grow and not even pledges to shop the notorious prison prevent state department officials from getting a grilling a more on that in just a few moments. wealthy british style. time to. market. why not what's really happening to the global economy with mike's crimes are the no holds barred look at the global financial headlines
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tune into cars a report on our. the international landlords in the very heart of moscow. pleasure to have you with us here r.t. today i'm real research i live in moscow and u.k. broadcasters never tire of boasting about their fairness which is guaranteed by regulations which demand impartiality however some influential voices believe that
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concept is outdated in the digital age and they want the rules to be scrapped his point whatever points. the way that newspapers and news channels are regulated in the u.k. is stossel any different so newspapers and online news portals they still regulate themselves that means that they can be as politically biased as they please the example being the guardian on the left in the u.k. or the london times on the right but for news channels it's a whole different story they're legally bound by often to be impartial and if they're deemed not to be they can be fined or even have their license revoked but in a day and age when the media is converging and news portals are looking more like television channels and television channels have their own websites is this regulation surely distinction fair and does it make sense well the lords communication committee have come out with a report recommending that the government removes the impartiality tools from
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public broadcasting i'm joined by lord richard inglewood who's the chairman of the lords communication committee to talk about this so if the way that no industry is regulated right now is outdated and the media and you're saying news websites look more and more like t.v. channel that the channels have their news websites it's all converged is that impartiality or sport for us to compete york city tonight not entirely no for many of the cape the public service broadcasters in this country should be assisted the exactly the same way as they do not they provide the benchmark the measure of impartiality how achievable is impartiality i know that right now there is the impartiality clause but nevertheless we have received biases from all these journals that exists right now doesn't personality exist at all well it's a very slippery concepts you quite right to say but one of the advantages of a plural media landscape is that different people will approach the question of
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impartiality from slightly different perspectives i don't think you can say impartiality means that there is one way of doing it which is the. the right way but what impartiality does do is cut out the kind of political proselytizing but you're quite right in saying you'll find in quite a number of newspapers and in certain news providers from outside our jurisdiction if commercial broadcasters get their free rein to do what they like what about barbara well i mean the crucial point here is that in a world where ip t.v. is going to be the norm relatively soon all this stuff is going to be streamed into into into people's houses if they want to watch it and that's the big question is will people want to watch it there are some very basic rules that surround that very very basic and shows the matter is that's what the future is going to look like so it's all very well us being very pious here but the short answer is it's not going to stop it already you can get stuff off the internet from these other countries providing with extremely partial news thank you very much for your
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comment well thank you very much for taking part. and we're coming to you live from moscow as greece has unlocked a delayed rescue loan by reaching a deal with its international lenders it only went through after inspectors from the e.u. and i.m.f. completed the check on how athens is meeting the targets of the bailout now the way to the next tranche of financial aid worth eight point eight billion euros it's clear the government will have to slash four thousand public sector jobs by the end of this year to get it unemployment has spiraled to around twenty seven percent in greece which is struggling to get out of deep recession for the sixth year now. workers from the country's crippled industrial sector. cobwebs outside rain falls on the still and silent bits attack it's a plastic piping factory confess along a king northern greece inside the machines have been unused since banks stopped investing and the owner the oldest parts attack has fled in two thousand and ten
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one of his workers also be all gus did meet the m. and just one softer that he and ninety five other staff are owed seven million euros in wages but a look at the after short talk i had to force myself to leave so i wouldn't hurt him workers see that they are being made to bear the cost of greece's economic woes this is that the story. and of course the. pain is. very unequal across industrial northern greece the story is repeated this fertilizer factory used to be a center of northern greek industry nowadays though by economics fair all foul it's a ghost factory and the only fertilizer coming in here is imported from elsewhere in europe it produced specialist fertilizers until one day the workers were called together and told by the owners that the know how for their products had been sold off and that operations would be stopped they are all. it's criminal that are
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profitable industry was shut down an industry that produced high quality material and we will the new man workers now see the cruel irony that since the factories closing fertilizer prices have tripled but it's a wider fear that one skilled workforce is a laid off it's all too hard to bring them back. in the path of those ago because the unemployment rate here is thirty percent by the years and it could be over thirty eight with no fission policy the situation is out of control the. workers across northern greece are desperate desperate to keep their jobs to get back into jobs and to be paid for their work it doesn't help ease their concerns when they're in positions like you and courses would be unemployed for three years and he's off skiing in three to learnt to martin. the u.s. military has confirmed more detainees at guantanamo bay prison have joined
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a hunger strike officially the number now stands at forty five but lawyers claim the figure is much higher thirteen of the captives are reportedly being force fed to prevent them from starving as security guards though file fired nonlethal rounds of detainees over the weekend and several resisted being put into single cells on monday a federal judge declined to take action on behalf of a striking prisoner his attorney said his life was in danger because of a lack of clean water and proper medical. but officials in washington say there's still a commitment to shutting down the camera despite legal hurdles and no plan for where to put detainees at the u.s. state department's patrick ventrell was grilled on the issue. but we still have staff will continue to work on this account is it not the administration's position that you're that it's completely had been completely hamstrung by congress and tried to relocate these people so essential you legal right i think i had i said no
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i know but so why didn't i express of arkansas you know that will wasting their time on this if it can't be done legally again the president's commitment to closing it continues and so while we have closed a special i was office we do have staff to continue to explore but why do they need to explore it if they can't if they can't be done if it can't be done without changing the law i mean are they working on it by trying to convince lawmakers to lift some of the restrictions let me check in with our legal advisor staff overnight see if we can get you update if there are specific cases that we are able to work on given the restrictions on what we do as far as i can i mean at least from this podium loose from this room over the last thing that the last progress there was on this was you denying the russians permission to see the russian detainee. again so i just unclear to me i have exactly the staff is working on if it's illegal to transfer them under law let me check with our experts on this matter and see if i can get back if there are specific cases. our strain of the aussie boat update now starting with a magnitude seven point eight earthquake it hit iran near close to its border with
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pakistan according to iranian officials there are no confirmed deaths although five people in pakistan were reportedly killed tremors were felt all across the gulf from dubai where buildings were evacuated all the way to new delhi where people are reported to have run out into the streets of the earthquake was more powerful than the one which killed more than twenty five thousand people in ten years ago comes exactly seven days after another quake killed dozens in the western region of bullshit. syria's president bashar al assad has announced an amnesty for imprisoned rebels as part of national celebrations at the scrapping of death sentences according to the state news agency assad also to put in strict border controls to protect civilians from clashes between hezbollah and say we're going to rebels. belgian police conducted forty six raids on islamist suspected of recruiting volunteers for syria's rebel forces the exact
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number of people detained during the cheese day morning raids has not been made public among those placed under arrest was the leader of the extreme shari'a belgium group. a belgian citizens right now reported to be fighting against the government in syria. the police in bahrain have raided a boys' high school after the arrest of a student led to clashes in the gulf nation is increasing security in preparation for the weekend's formula one race around one hundred people have been arrested though this month alone the kingdom has been rocked by more than two years of on rest between the sunni led government and shia majority seeking a greater political voice opposition member. says international silence is making the situation and once. this is being inside the. national community and just welcome. that's a good step. but if you are doing and keeping silent this is not helping this is
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just the thing the government and all of the slowly with the big. security people who are controlling the political scene even unbutton are dragging the accompli into a more violent situation to justify a massive crackdown this is what the elite and i think binding the formula one with the on the plans will just appointed as the. prime minister putting some hope. that it is finally one to do something to stop that he thought this is another attempt from the hard line of this whole make it. for the people living in for the five things that make sure the thing that i've been settling to be is not allow. dunphy to relieve her from it quiets and the hard liners are long as they are controlling the political scene and can follow their government
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thank them for the security no help for the four men. after paying tribute to its fallen on memorial day on monday israel ushered in celebrations for its sixty fifth anniversary festivities commas and t. iran rhetoric reaches fever pitch and the palestinian issue remains an open wound but the peace aleutian nowhere on the horizon reporting on this story adds he's powerless liao. the country celebrates its sixty fifth birthday but it comes against the backdrop of settlement expansion continuing it also ignores the existence of a huge palestinian population of which israel cannot control these kind of steps thrice and many are warning in effect to back we see this in many editorials they threatening to turn israel into a non democratic country where doc style of religion holds sway and there is a sizable and noticeable upsurge in the song white religious minority in this
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country that although small does have a very vocal representation and there are real concerns over just how much power the religious have on monday the country held its national memorial day it is a day for israel's foreign soldiers as well as victims of terror there were a number of alternative memorials that were held these calls for attention to be paid to palestinian victims that they received very little attention in the mainstream media the criticism by and large is that it will commemorate all its wars as having had the higher moral ground when in fact there are very big questions over whether or not many of the wars were in fact in the war such as the fifty six sinai campaign the eighty two war in lebanon and the two palestinian intifada these are wars that are controversial but they are not presented like that in the general israeli discourse although there are widespread celebrations throughout the country there are a lot of person and important and critical questions that are being asked the
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situation between israel and its bordering countries is unclear the situation between israel and the palestinian territories is ambiguous and the future status over jerusalem is also unresolved many are saying that in fact the situation between israel and its neighbors remains fragile and unstable which is why many are asking what exactly is there to cheer about sixty five years on. ok in half an hour's time my colleague bill dog is manning the helm but up next in just a moment breaking a setting that you. own know who a lazy bureaucratic and trivial censorship strikes again but this time in russia
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a bill has been signed into law that will put fines on individuals and legal entities for using vulgar already in the media one major flaw of many with this is that they really don't know which words are going to be considered vogue or i guess these words are so awful that they cannot even write them down i'm not naïve there has always been and will always be censorship but this where worthless is just silly there's a common expression on the russian internet that russian mainstream media connects up more and i is ation of society russian t.v. does have all the bloody violent action movies as well as scandalous talk shows which are kind of like freak shows and plenty of reality t.v. where young people pretty much act like subhuman animals in a cage they've got all that so the government is basically saying that if some guy on t.v. comes there are twenty people blooded limbs flying that that is totally ok for television unless they come in for bid swear while doing it you can show brainless materialistic dimwits sleeping and fighting with everything that moves on
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a reality show but if they say that one magic three letter russian word then it is over the line this is not a logical way to conduct censorship but that's just my opinion. for the international animals in the very heart of moscow. to live on one hundred thirty three bucks a month for food i should try it because you know how fabulous bad luck i got so
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many i mean the towns that i've seen really messed up. and we're all for it so personally. it's. worse for the little. white house or for the. radio guy and for minestrone. what the march quarter of a good did you never seen anything like this i'm told. what's up guys welcome to breaking the set i'm abby martin so i want to time alerting viewers about issues that politicians often overlook or simply ignore however former congressman ron paul stance is an exception so you just made a public statement about the awful detention of army private bradley manning former presidential candidate told us news that it's manning who deserves the nobel peace
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prize not president obama he said quote while president obama was starting an expanding unconstitutional wars overseas bradley manning his actions have caused exactly zero deaths was shining a light on the truth behind these wars it's clear which individuals done more to promote peace. well done frankly i couldn't agree more many people wonder why obama got nominate. for a peace prize on practically the first day of his presidency meanwhile the story of bradley manning who has spent over a thousand days behind bars is practically nonexistent in the corporate media and i should also note that manning has effectively been nominated for the peace prize three times now it's refreshing to see that at least one politician is willing to speak out about manning's story but as for the rest of them. let's keep breaking the set. a little bit more of the other she's going to be like.
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i've recently discussed the states that are limited abortion access across the country one of which is arkansas a state that has one of the most extreme anti-abortion measures on the books while last tuesday the arkansas state senate voted to defund planned parenthood and fortunately it's an impact will be felt by students across the state who currently take a sex education curriculum administered by the organization it's a move that many are calling irresponsible considering how arkansas currently has the third highest rate of teen pregnancy in the u.s. but this recent measure is just one of the many that are starting to take a route across the country just last month the university of tennessee called state funding for sex week a series of events and panel discussions exploring sex education interesting that we live in a society fixated on sex and at the same time it seems that the subject is becoming more taboo by the day so to talk.
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