tv [untitled] April 16, 2013 2:55pm-3:25pm EDT
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killed in venezuela. the u.s. president barack obama says twin blasts at the boston marathon were an act of terror three people died in the worst domestic attack since nine eleven sparking concerns over america's multi-billion dollar security measures. and the defiance of hunger strikers in guantanamo bay grows with the u.s. in forty five an hour starving themselves but lawyers insist is more than three times that many. online screen around the world twenty four hours a day this is all t. live from moscow presidential election when nicolas maduro is accused his rival in planning a coup seven people have been killed and sixty one injured during post election
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violence the country sliding into political crisis following the closest vote in almost fifty years which saw nearly whole of the population reject hugo chavez his chosen successor as leader. is in the capital caracas. we've already seen the violence in the last couple of days again the latest figures is that seven people have been killed and dozens injured if all we're also hearing of some arrests now the chief prosecutor in venezuela did not give details on those deaths however each side is accusing the other of provoking violence or creating violence as well so you can see really the polarized nature of the situation right now and what the little also says that he is going to abandon the a lot of protests of the opposition to morrow so certainly that is going to create more tension as the opposition also says that they're not going to stop until there's a complete recount of the votes clearly a country very polarized we saw the vote fifty fifty almost blew it in half and
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that's certainly creating problems it's going to be very difficult for people to smuggle starting off the presidency to look at the situation right now it's not exactly under control so certainly he is going to have a lot of difficulty first of all uniting with a very divided nation and also keeping the government in place in line with with his plans and moving forward as president also another important thing is that historically in venezuela military support is essential for. civility in the country and you know what chavez was ex-military he had that support but. he has still has to do whether he's going to be able to get that support as well so he's going to have very big shoes to fill and already a very tough for a start and a very weak mandate i must say with that very small margin that we saw in the elections. just to do that when it's time for a tough turned newly elected president maduro respond to this reveling let's discuss the political situation in venezuela with the war. there is taking
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a tough stance on this but will he be able to maintain stability given the fact that hoff the population didn't actually vote for him. first the most important thing to recognize is the source of the violence if you're going to look at what the government is doing is taking its hand or merely maintaining order the acts of violence at their place of mob violence took place at the home of some of the members of the national election council first of all attempt to intimidate them to back off of their finding and secondly at the state media and in the in the tent to shut it down basically which is the same thing that happened for the two thousand and two two because except for the state media channel the government has no access to the public over the airwaves the remaining media are in the hands of private concerns which backed the right wing governments that were in venezuela up until go chavez that backed the coup when actually participated in the coup in two thousand and two and have been trying to find
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a way to unseat the ball of government since it took power so the government can either stand idly by and watch as a coup on folds on the streets in front of it or connect now what's happened at the state media channel eight for example is that workers and the regular people you can say you have supporters of maduro but the poor and working class in venezuela went down and protected the t.v. station because the workers there were frightened of the crowds and we're going to see more of that i don't think you know when you're in the u.s. the u.s. is refusing to accept except the election result what's its role in all of this now . well this election is not as contested as the two thousand or two thousand and four presidential elections in the united states. the u.s. his role is essentially to looking at nicaragua as a target not nicaragua skewed even as well as
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a target venezuela is the nexus point for the standing up of the global south the organization's all. who are various structures that are being put in place for economic independence of first central south america and then recently moved to do that to bridge to africa and moves to work in conjunction with the brics nations it's an alternate economic structure global in its potential nature that the united states sees as basically a foundational threat and so you know you see us behavior elsewhere where minor interests are threatened this is an existential threat to the global germany of u.s. capital and they're going to try this to squash it if they can and clearly though the opposition itself within venezuela has got a lot of support and it is going to mount quite a challenge now to the next era is it not clearly the u.s. would like to see that happen but it's really his power really now being challenged
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and he doesn't have the charisma that chavez had to see that through particularly with the tough economic and domestic problems he faces. well a lot of people millions of venezuelans now have housing health care. education a future in venezuela as a consequence of what's happened since the election of google chavez about fifteen years ago all those people are probably still wedded to the system that gave them a stake in the country and they're the ones that brought hugo chavez back to power in two thousand and two i suspect that they're going to defend the revolution just as vigorously today when they see what happens and just briefly the outlook then for venezuela how do you see this playing out do you see mature really straight taking a strong hand now and the protests will die down this is what we see in like a sort of a transitional process as it were and eventually this new government will be accepted. yeah i mean what's happening right now is that the media the private
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media down there and u.s. intel is fairing the same kind of response they tried to fan in iran after the presidential election in two thousand and nine it will sustain itself as long as it can but it's in contradict in contradiction to the trend of development of our country venezuela and so i don't think it's going to play out well for the opposition i just hope that it's not a mess for the people who've been as well we're going through a. great to hear thoughts as usual thank you very much indeed. a source close to the investigation into the boston marathon bombing says the explosive devices were made from pressure cookers filled with metal and ball bearings three people killed in one hundred seventy six injured in the twin blasts that rocked the finish line of the race seventeen of those are in a critical condition and police still have no suspects. has the details from google . u.s. president barack obama called the boston marathon bombings a heinous and cowardly act and said that any time
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a bomb is used to target civilians it is an act of terror and that is why the f.b.i. is now investigating the bombings as a terror attack on the u.s. president said that officials don't know yet who is behind the attacks whether it was an act of an organization or eleven and individual but he said that all americans have a role to play in a learning authorities meaning that if anyone sees anything suspicious to speak the u.s. commander in chief also said that security is being increased nationwide in the meantime the f.b.i. agent in boston investigating. the bombings said that the agency's interviewing a variety of witnesses multiple locations but the f.b.i. will not disclose who might or might not be in custody right now officials are also asking anybody that was in its hands during the bombings in boston that took place by the finish line of the marathon if anybody had videotaped anything taken
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pictures to hand that in to authorities and also it's very important to point out the doctors at the various hospitals that have been shooting all of those that have been injured the number is now increasing above one hundred seventy doctors say that the bombs that were used they believe were probably placed low on the ground which is why many of the victims are suffering injuries to a lower to the lower extremities many of the victims received amputations that's something that the doctors at all various hospitals say that many applications were performed on some victims doctors say they just had to finish with the bombs already started when it comes to the injuries but the f.b.i. lastly said the agent that spoke at a press conference said that the u.s. will go to the ends of the earth to find out what took. place who was behind the boston marathon bombings and if it is a domestic or international planned event that's something that so far i'm day two
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of the boston marathon bombings the u.s. cannot confirm. the f.b.i. says they will go to the ends of the earth to find those behind the deadly attacks and we can see those investigations in process at the moment with these live pictures there from boston this is what's happening there right now at copley square and that's where the blasts could well president obama called it a cowardly act which is being investigated as terrorism or he's honest as a chicken is at the scene of the blasts in boston there is very little information that officials are going out and harming at this point ah so far what's known are the numbers of course of casualties at least three people who died including an eight year old boy and over one hundred seventy five people are currently in local hospitals seventeen of these people in critical condition we do know that there is no one in custody as of yet police did interview several people off throughout the
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night raided buildings and really raided the entire scene and what's been confirmed so far are the numbers of casualties and the fact that there were only two bombs and no further devices found on the ground even though there were reports about this on monday. you know eleven attacks in the united states heralded an era of heightened security measures some of which were severely criticized by human rights groups and if you were active as brother says america's security web has been proven a failure no matter how much money is being poured into it. since september eleventh the united states government has sent spent hundreds of billions of dollars for government security agencies right now i'm sure as happened after september eleventh private security companies are salivating over the new contracts that are are soon to come of course that is the business there there's there's profits and even mega profits made by this kind of security apparatus but you can see in the case of boston they don't have any leads right now there was no indication that
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such an attack was coming so is it possible by the by by using military methods and security methods alone to stop terrorist attacks to protect society i don't think so we can see though that the u.s. policy at home and abroad as well is almost exclusively based on. towards security towards militarization towards the abrogation of civil rights and civil liberties which i think ultimately don't defend protect and make people more secure. one of the less you will take a look at some u.s. state department officials being put on the pressure despite that pledges to shut guantanamo bay prison store and all this after the break. wealthy british style. is not on the.
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remark about international and world in the very heart of moscow. news continues here in l a t the us military has confirmed more detainees at guantanamo bay prison have joined a hunger strike officially the number now stands at forty five but lawyers claim the figure is much higher thirteen of the captives are reportedly being force fed to prevent them from starving security guards fod non-lethal wilde's of detainees over the weekend when several resisted being put into single cells on monday a federal judge declined to take action on behalf of a striking prisoner his attorney said his life was in danger because of a lack of clean water and proper medical treatment u.s. officials say there is still a commitment to shutting down the camp despite legal hurdles he's got to check on explains washington's latest position. when pressed for answers the administration the state department specifically which was in charge of the detainees transfers they blame congress the moratorium on transfers to yemen that the lawmakers put in
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place the defense authorization act that they passed three months ago the state department shut down the office that was working on those transfers but now they say they still have a team that's working on it exploring different options they say the state department spokesperson was grilled this monday on whether or not they're actually doing something or just saying that they're working on it but we still have staff will continue to work on this account is it not the administration's position that you're that it's completely had been made completely hamstrung by congress in trying to relocate these people because we essentially you legal right i think i did i said i know i know but so why didn't i express americans are going to be wasting their time on this if it can't be done legally again the president's commitment to getting it continues and so while we have closed a special i was office we do have stuff to continue to explore but why do they need to explore it if they can if they can't be done if it can't be done without changing the law i mean are they working on it by trying to convince lawmakers to
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lift some of the restrictions let me check in with our legal guys are staff overnight see if we can get your update if there are specific cases that we are able to work on given the restrictions both lawyers are skeptical about the administration's response and say what they hear is mostly excuses our clients are coming to grips with the cold fact they may well diet guantanamo not because the state is unable to transfer them but because it's unwilling to do so the transfer restrictions are difficult for example they would require the secretary of defense to personally certify that a receiving state has taken steps to ensure that a prisoner can ever threaten the united states in the future whatever threaten might mean in that context. and obviously no state can guarantee that a future event will or will not occur but that was the point the point was to discourage transferred out of eighty six prisoners cleared for release fifty six are yemeni nationals three years ago the u.s. suspended all transfers of detainees to yemen defense lawyers say what they do with now is a collective punishment by the u.s. government based on nationality which is obviously
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a violation of international law. well i spoke to lawyer martha rayner one of her clients in guantanamo is one of the yemeni nationals being held and she says she has little hope the inmates will be released i have contacted one time or officials directly and ask them for information about my clients and they have told me they are not permitted to give me any information about any individuals it's an untenable situation the men feel a complete lack of hope that the obama administration has essentially stopped all efforts to resolve this situation blame and place blame on congress only a very few have been actually charged with a war crimes the rest have not been and that's what has been the lawyers cries for a very long if the u.s. government has information has valid evidence bring that evidence forward in a fair trial and obtain convictions but absent that the mention be released
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unfortunately i don't believe that's what's going to happen i don't believe the united states government is going to acknowledge that there's the end of hostilities and i'm going to talk about a larger war the war on terror which of course has you know she a graphic definition has no tempore of definition and will claim that this is an ongoing war that is that the so-called war on terror and you can find out how the guantanamo hunger strike has been unfolding on our website we've been following it since it first became public hearing from detainees lawyers activists and experts as well as showing videos from the facility all that right now at all to dot com. you can broadcast has never tire of posting about this which is guaranteed by regulations which demand impartiality over some influential voices believe that concept result but you did in the digital age and what the rules script. explains. the way that newspapers and news channels are regulated in the u.k. is stossel any different so newspapers and online news portals they still regulate
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themselves that means that they can be as politically biased as they please the example being the guardian on the left in the u.k. or the london times on the right but for news channels it's a whole different story they're legally bound by often to be impartial and if they're deemed not to be they can be fined or even have their license revoked but in a day and age when the media is converging and news portals are looking more like television channels and television channels have their own websites is this regulation surely distinction fair and does it make sense well the lords communication committee have come out with a report recommending that the government removes the impartiality clause from public broadcast ses i'm joined by lord richard inglewood who's the chairman of the lords communication committee to talk about this so if the way that industry is regulated right now is an outdated media and you're saying news websites look more
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and more like t.v. channel that the channels have their news websites it's all converged is that impartiality or sport for us to compete york city tonight not entirely no for many of the code that the public service broadcasters in this country should be just to the exactly the same way as they do not they provide. the measure of impartiality how achievable is impartiality i know that right now there is the impartiality clause but nevertheless we have received biases from all these journals that exists right now doesn't personality exist at all well it's a very slippery concept as you quite rightly so but one of the advantages of a plural media landscape is that different people will approach the question of impartiality from slightly different perspectives i don't think you can say impartiality means that there is one way of doing it which is in. the right way but what impartiality does do is cut out the kind of political proselytizing but you're
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quite right in saying you'll find in quite a number of newspapers and in certain news providers from outside our jurisdiction if commercial broadcasters get their free rein to do what they like what about barbara well i mean the crucial point here is that in a world where ip t.v. is going to be the norm relatively soon all this stuff is going to be streamed into into into people's houses if they want to watch it and that's the big question is will people want to watch it there are some very basic rules that surround that very very basic and show the matter is that's what the future is going to look like so it's all very well us being very pious here but the short answer is it's not going to stop it already you can get stuff off the internet from these other countries providing with extremely partial news thank you very much for your comment well thank you very much for taking part. greece's unlocked a delayed rescue loan by reaching a deal with its international lenders it only went through a lot of inspectors from the e.u. and the i.m.f. international monetary fund completed their check on how athens is meeting the
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targets of the bailout all the way to the next tranche of financial aid worth eight point eight billion euros is clear but the government will have to slash four thousand public sector jobs by the end of this year to get it unemployment spiral to run twenty seven percent in greece which is struggling to get out of deep recession for a sixth ati's time bought networkers from the country's crippled industrial sector . cobwebs outside rain falls on the still and silent bits attack as plastic piping factory confess lawmaking northern greece inside the machines have been unused since banks stopped investing and the owner the oldest parts attack has fled in two thousand and ten one of his workers also be old gus did meet the m. and just wants up to that he and ninety five other staff are owed seven million euros in wages that'll look at the after short talk i had to force myself to leave so i wouldn't hurt him the workers see that they are being made to bear the cost of
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greece's economic woes this is that the story. and of course the. pain is. very unequal across industrial northern greece the story is repeated this fertilizer factory used to be a center of northern greek industry nowadays though by economics fair or foul it's a ghost factory and the only fertilizer coming in here is imported from elsewhere in europe it produced specialised fertilizers until one day the workers were called together and told by the owners that the know how for their products had been sold off and that operations would be stopped. it's criminal that a profitable industry will shut down an industry that produced high quality material and the. workers now see the cruel irony that since the factories closing fertilizer prices have tripled but it's a wider fear that one skilled workforce is
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a laid off it's all too hard to bring them back. but the unemployment rate here is thirty percent or by the years and it could be over thirty eight would know the fission policy the situation is out of control the. workers across northern greece are desperate desperate to keep their jobs to get back into jobs and to be paid for their work it doesn't help ease their concerns when they're in positions like your boss has been unemployed for three years and he's off skiing in switzerland. martin . now to some other news making headlines this hour in pakistan a bomb has gone off at an election rally in central pressure coming at least six people including one child dozens of others were injured at the meeting of the secular awami national party the candid in a former cabinet minister escaped with light injuries this is the second blast in a day.
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