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tv   Headline News  RT  April 22, 2013 5:00pm-5:30pm EDT

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stop for a moment of silence at two fifty this afternoon exactly one week after the bombing occurred the body of twenty nine year old krystle campbell was laid to rest today as well hundreds attended her funeral service including governor deval patrick now nineteen year old dzhokhar sarson i have is in a serious but stable condition at the beth israel medical center he's been breathing he has a breathing tube down a star right now and is suffering from a bullet wound to the neck among other injuries officials close to the investigation say he is communicating with police through hand written notes joe hot of was officially charged today while in his hospital bed among the charges is a use of a weapon of mass destruction with the intent to harm the white house also released a statement just a short time ago saying this will be in court and he will be tried as a civilian in a civilian court but not all are happy with that decision or to correspondent on stasi if you're going to joined us earlier from boston to share the latest details
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and dzhokhar stars knives charges that are stemming from the bombing. that's right megan today the official charges were finally filed the official complaint against your hearts or not accuses him of the use of weapons of mass destruction as well as the malicious destruction of property resulting in death so what he's looking at the nineteen year old suspect the only live suspect in the boston bombings case is a death penalty even though the death penalty is certainly not legal in the state of massachusetts we are looking at a federal crime crime so this is what he is faced with as you just said he is in fact functioning he did start he did away a week and on sunday evening where he started replying to officials questions to him simple questions and writing sporadically he was able to give them simple answers we do know that today he is a functioning we certainly know that he understood the charges being brought against him for now we do also know that the probable cause hearing has been set for may thirtieth and this is really the latest surrounding him right now we're not
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sure exactly whether or not he was his miranda rights were read to him that was been causing lots of debate earlier but certainly the charges have been brought to the case goes from here and as i had mentioned earlier on a stock to a lot of people are not happy with the fact that the white house thought that he will be charged in civilian court senator lindsey graham and others talked about treating. as an enemy combatant in order to gain information from him. when the public safety exception expires and well here's this man in my view should be designated as a potential enemy combatant. but then he went on to say that he wants a federal trial in the u.s. court with him tried as a u.s. citizen and senator graham says that joe is not eligible for military commission trials so how do these two trials kind of differ can you give us some insight. when they can certainly if there's been much debate surrounding the way the hearts
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of should be tried certainly a lot of mostly republican lawmakers were advocating for him to be try. as an enemy competence but the argument against that for other politicians and civil rights groups was that this is a u.s. citizen somebody who became a naturalized u.s. citizen back in last year actually on september eleventh he has been living in the united states since two thousand and two and people were saying we could not try an american citizen who committed an act on u.s. soil as an enemy competent because if this is the case this time around what happens in similar cases are we now going to start trying americans as enemy combatants so certainly that has been put off the table right now as we know the white house has said that this is not going to be considered and the difference there is really the way the way the case would be handled certainly a lot of legal experts have been saying that if he were in fact to be treated as an enemy combatant it would not in fact provide any any better insight for investigators but rather prolong this case so many are seeing the fact that he's going to be tried in
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a federal criminal case making it really simpler and just following the rules under which american citizen should be tried to include in a tragedy like this one and on a stasia one interesting point to note is that the state of massachusetts does not exercise the death penalty could he be sentenced to death i mean during the bush administration federal prosecutor sought the death penalty in states that didn't have it and then we have really yet to see that the obama administration so could this be the case this time. well let me get what's going to be certainly your right to state of massachusetts does not have the death penalty we do currently have thirty two states in the united states that recognize it but in federal criminal cases the death penalty is in fact recognized and because this is treated as a federal criminal offense this is certainly what's going to be joe hart's or knives possible future now that this investigation unravels our correspondent honest has been and boston since the initial bombings actually happened and she
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will continue to bring us updates so let's pause now and take a look back at how the boston marathon bombing manhunt ended and the latest events to unravel over the weekend our team is honest has a look back. mayhem took place here at an area still cordoned off at a sporting event that attracted tens of thousands of participants and thousands of spectators from all over the world two bombs went off just seconds apart from each other at the finishing line of the boston marathon the explosions were so strong that they sent degree flying on to rooftops ripping off people's limbs leaving three people dead and over one hundred seventy five people injured despite all of the money the united states spends on security it was a surveillance camera of a department store that helps pinpoint the two brothers behind the tragedy several memorials like this one have been set up throughout the city of boston to remember the victims the three people who died including an eight year old boy and two young women a twenty nine and a twenty three year old over
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a dozen victims remained in critical condition for several days many of them needing follow up surgery despite having had amputation the two suspects lived in an apartment on the third floor of this building in can bridge now they came to the united states the two brothers of chechen origin back in two thousand and two the younger brother joe hart became a naturalized citizen on some sober eleven's last year the older brother had a green card dreamt of joining the united states olympic boxing team to get a passport all the people who knew them were shocked to find out that there is a suspect in the bombings but there have been red flags surrounding the identity of the older brother for years while some are praising law enforcement for eventually catching the two suspects others are saying the f.b.i. had dropped the ball after all back in two thousand and eleven upon a request of the foreign of a foreign government announced this week to have been russia's government the f.b.i. did look into the identity of summerland who was back then twenty four years old
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the intercepted his phone calls followed his social networking life his social relationship but decided he was not suspicious and let him free and some are now saying that possibly the tragedy of the boston bombings could have been avoided if he was at least. put on a watch list since then after monday's bombings late on thursday afternoon the f.b.i. finally released photos of the two suspects the ended up coming out of their hiding killing an mit officer hijacking a car releasing the person to whom that car belonged and got in a car chase with police the police officers said that the two brothers were throwing explosive devices out of their car and shooting over a dozen police officers were wounded as a result eventually the older brother twenty six year old to milan got out of the car to continue the shootout with the police officers the younger brother stayed in the car ended up running over his older brother getting away in the car which he eventually abandoned and was able to get away on foot in the meantime police
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officers captured to marilyn and took him to this hospital in boston suffering multiple injuries this is where he died shortly after one thirty am on friday morning and then president a manhunt for joe hart continued for over twenty eight hours involving thousands and thousands of federal and local law enforcement officers were currently in watertown just several minutes outside of boston now law enforcement officials have established a perimeter in this area going from door to door trying to locate joe hart whereabouts where they ended up finding him was just a block away from the area they were searching he was hiding out in one of the houses in this area in a dry docked boat a local neighbor person living in this area saw a blood trail and led police to the area where john harwood hiding now a helicopter of the officials was also able using heat signature technology to locate your heart hiding out in the boat even though he was covering himself up now
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it's important to note that a two hour standoff and shootout between police and a hard continue to eventually we know that there were. negotiating attempts because the officials were very interested in getting him alive eventually they were able to arrest him take him into custody following his arrest her heart was taken to the same hospital where his brother died also having suffered severe injuries he has been undergoing medical treatment under heavy guard your heart was said to have suffered injuries to use throat either as a result of a suicide attempt or the shootout with police and has been unable to speak he did however a week and on sunday night and was able to sporadically answer the f.b.i. squashed in writing after a week filled with tragedy shock fear and a mass lockdown the city of boston has breathed out a sigh of relief the locals want to see justice and find out the motives behind the
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terror rocks that made so many question the illusion of safety they have been living under just as you are to massachusetts well it was only after the f.b.i. released numerous photographs and images of the boston marathon bombing suspect last thursday that any real progress had been made in the investigation despite that fact that the city has over one hundred forty seven surveillance cameras that we know of throughout the city and although records indicate that the city spent nearly five hundred fifty thousand dollars in two thousand and seven on high tech security cameras alone the best footage of the suspects actually came from a privately owned camera in front of a local restaurant so does the city of boston have too few security cameras too many or just enough for more on this i was trying to earlier today by jesselyn radack she was here in d.c. she is the director of national security and human rights office at the government accountability project and from new york thomas ruskin he's the president of the c. and p. group investigations i started off by asking mr rustic if the fact that this attack
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happened all at all was a black mark for the state of surveillance. well the surveillance cameras basically brought this case to a conclusion and brought the people who committed the crime to justice so how could that be a failure for them or over the years like in july the seventh of we know that the cameras in london what they call the ring of steel brought to justice and brought to brought the people who were responsible for the bombing in london so you know cameras in our society or and now when necessary evil and we're going to probably be expanded and probably homelier security dollars as well as municipal dollars will go to building up in this appellate these cameras and c.c.t.v. systems at this point in time and just like he did make a point the urban area security initiative which was grant which was a grant funding from the federal department of homeland security founded
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a lot of the cameras that boston has do you think that this is one of the necessary evils as tom said well it's definitely evolved i think this whole thing was a spectacular failure of their surveillance state because despite all the cameras we just talked about they failed to deter or detect this plot and while i agree with the other guest that cameras are good for reconstruction even there we had to crowd source this manhunt and rely on footage from a lot of private cameras and photographs now tom piggybacking off of what justin just said are surveillance cameras supposed to actually prevent crimes through deterrence because people know they are being launched or or is it supposed to more act as a retro act of discovery is that how they've been used in the present by by politicians is that they have i've actually been presented to us is as one or the
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other or both. the is you question is paul in new york city alone we have the downtown initiative which is formulated by the new york city police department what it is is a merger of public and private cameras with the police department has done is got private corporations to link their camera systems outside of sensitive locations as well as normal buildings in midtown manhattan and believe it to a location lower manhattan where the police department and private corporations monitor on twenty four hour basis the purpose of that is no way to detect crime should a person come in next especially sort of a building let's say like the empire state building and leave a package so that they can respond necessary police officers as well as bomb squads but it's also to detect what solve the crime should it happen without the prior detection so it works in both ways now just when we how can we put the balance the
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need for privacy but also the need for safety because in retrospect if cameras were instrumental and finding these people so how can we balance our safety with with what we want and if it will to not be recognized after so much time on the street well the camera has helped find people but again it was take cameras from a lot of private footage from private cameras and surveillance i think the way you can help do that is by having smart surveillance i mean we have spent seven hundred billion on surveillance since nine eleven and i would submit that the place there really needed to be surveilled was a fertilizer plant which had not been inspected for more than five years and instead we have massive so i mean we have one of the most surveys big events in history with the marathon in terms of cameras then it didn't detect that person placing the bag an accident reconstruction is fine but people are dead by then.
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tommy response. is the most ridiculous this is i've heard in a long time but along those lines you know it's city and metropolitan areas that are most to ensure that's what ours that's where our past history has shown us and to build up the surveillance system anyone who thinks that they walk through the world nowadays and isn't under some kind of surveillance either by a smartphone or by the c.c.t.v. is really living in a different era that we're living in now and i think that if we're smart we will build up the public as well as private cameras and be able more of them to prevent as well as solve crimes that happen. i don't know which hypothesis found in correct and mean i think it's completely true as you can see it did that all the surveillance failed to detect or deter in this case and what we don't need is more surveillance we already have one hundred forty seven government cameras and
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numerous private camera as you know and again we have massive data collection we have fusion centers and none of the failed to prevent attack and more over you mentioned london and england had a survey that found a massive survey of surveillance that found the surveillance never never prevented an actual crime both interesting up points unfortunately we're going to have to wrap the discussion up there just that director of the national security at the human rights at the government accountability project and new york in new york thomas ruskin former n.y.p.d. detective and president of c m p group investigations. while federal investigators are still trying to figure out what caused a massive explosion at a fertilizer plant in the small town of west texas on the evening of april seventeenth reports show that the west fertilizer company may have violated some regulations and there is a record of complaints about this particular plant meanwhile dozens of families are
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still unable to return to their homes as authorities say that the area closest to the blast is still too dangerous the tiny town is in the heart of texas and it is preparing to lay to rest the loved ones who actually perished in that explosion r.t. correspondent on the window brings us the story. texas state troopers lead a procession for fall in dallas for fighter kitty here is remembered as a euro image and his name makes his friends and saw theirs was a duty when you read to help put out the fire at the west fertilizer company. most of the fourteen casualties were from responders among the civilians killed in this fifty seven year old body and also the body of the married father of four lives near the fertilizer plant it was a relief to know that they had found him because. i would be afraid to learn and
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let. her. know how can. josephine miller remembers that of the about a someone who was always willing to help anyone he used to be work for me here through my garden he was my best friend he was like my own son to me cause i'm gonna think of money on all that. he had planned all those final hours for me for i'm going to miss him a lot i know that. but like i said at least i know you're here for resting. while the tiny community mourns survivors of the explosion struggle to recover days after the disaster some of the evacuation zones had been reopened the exxon this home marks a house which was searched during the initial evacuation still some of the people who live close to the blast will not be able to return to their homes and see what
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happened for quite a long time meantime state authorities say that the site itself is no longer a risk to public safety however a.t.f. agents who i spoke to earlier this week said they expect to be investigating here for quite a long time there was a structure next door that was fully engulfed and there it was right next to my house waco texas firefighter john be annoyed by knows his house has suffered major damage to a lot but hasn't been allowed to get close they have not said they said it could be a couple of more days it could be another week stick together that's all we can do and that's all we can do is stick together. all the. lower. for many in west texas it's their faith helping them heal let us ask god to help us in this time of trial moving forward the residents of this tiny town of less than three thousand people hope to show the world their resilience in rebuilding from a horrific disaster. in
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west texas probably no archie. well it's earth day so it is as good of a day as any to critically analyze how we are treating the environment now a few weeks back we told you about the story of the mayflower arkansas oil spill this was a town where the streets flowed with black gold after exxon's pegasus pipeline burst spilling nearly five thousand barrels of oil into the community exxon is now sinking corina money that is the company recently announced that it is willing to buy the ten to twenty two homes that were directly impacted by the spill plus offer a few thousand dollars extra on the side for moving out and any other expenses incurred it's all part of the compensation package the company offered residents caught in the catastrophe now to give you an idea of how much this will actually set the company back the average home in mayflower before the oil spill cost
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a little under one hundred five thousand dollars according to real estate website zillow so even if exxon pays that amount for all twenty two evacuated homes that still only amounts to two point three million dollars or thereabouts so it would take exxon mobil under one half an hour to regain that money back so that's essentially by the end of this broadcast but that's just the cost of the homes themselves and not actually the cleanup so what is exxon mobil planning on doing with these properties well probably not moving into them not unless company's c.e.o. rex tillerson is looking for another vacation home at this point homeowners in mayflower have filed two hundred thirty seven claims and two lawsuits against the oil giant exxon mobil was just passing has just passed apple as the most valuable publicly traded company in the world. now for as long as human beings have known that the stars aren't just little balls of light in the sky but are that some of
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those lights are actually planets far far away we have wondered what if there was life in the universe beyond us the search for life has been a never ending quest in a universe that is much larger. than any astronomer ever previously conceived something we're still trying to understand but instead of searching planet by planet for lifeforms themselves astronomers are searching for planets that are habitable in the first place now despite the vast expanse of the universe the chances of finding something like that are extremely narrow because most planets can't meet even the minimal requirements in order to sustain life and yet last week was a major breakthrough for astronomers when they located not one not two three habitable planets to talk more about this discovery i'm joined now by ian o'neill he's an astrophysicist and space producer with discovery news dot com. and so what exactly did the scientists discover in the light. constellation and what can we learn from
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the. well you know you mentioned that security was one star system actually changed two planets that are within the house a bull's eye on star. this system is secure interest school catholic sixty two this is particular interest because these are the smallest planets the full within the houses under the stars are being discovered now this star is a ritual source was kind of different from our star is older and it's smaller and it's less bright but these two planets as you are a bit within the zone around the star that's is probably just right so it's the right temperature for it's liquid water to exist on their rocky surfaces now we know very little else information and you know if their orbits will pair it and we know their size their eyes one is about sixty percent bigger than the earth the other one is box once you've something in there so they're very close a size most likely real people it is possible we know so it although it's very
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tempting say these a habitable planets certainly not earth and we also know that scientists the included in another scientist say kepler sixty nine see if another planet that was recently named habitable but scientific knowledge that these planets are too far away and to really know what they're made of how dense they are ecstatic so how do we know that they are can sustain life essentially how can we come to those conclusions we don't know this is the main thing this is the problem we go because as you mentioned let's use our way that anything gritty over a hundred light years away and be nice to these planets around about to a size. twelve hundred light years away really have the scope for any spectroscopic analysis so we can actually look at the stairs if they do indeed harappa since we don't know we've comrie look inside the sphere especially wherever they go water but they all sit in an atmosphere we don't know if they were caught and also we know none of these things i say we only know two characteristics is there so. and
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their orbits but i had itself is very exciting because we know oath one planet those of bundled with life this planet and it fills in the house it was out of our star sun so just using that as a you are speaking say well there's a chance there is a chance that these two kind of these three planets may well house the right right recipe for life on a surface and if life is common threat universe barren among we haven't got a clue if that's true but if life is common those where the con is that we've actually put our bets on and the likes of the assessments to some seti scientists rushing looking for extraterrestrial intelligence it's they will be directing their radio telescopes athey s targets because it's our best bet now as i understand it now tap our satellite is the one that actually discovered them which is why the star and the planets themselves are actually named after that satellite and that satellite actually has a more than one hundred fifty thousand stars that it is actually keeping track of
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so can you describe to me what the goldilocks conditions are for a plant to be considered habitable basically at the star i mean it can't just simply interested in sunlight starts i mean you know obvious reason for that is we know our star the sun can support life with its habitable zone because the star sun is kind of an they call it an average star say not average by any means but it's not very violent it doesn't start at the super flares that radiate a life on earth so we are very lucky in this. here because our star is the violence is in the middle age question of this life it's kind of plodding along and you say it was for life in this house was an. other characteristics of what i mean any star can be considered for life but with kathy this actually looking for stars that are possibly the same as the sun because the sun set is a good yardstick for supporting life and also we're looking for planets there we see it within that particular stars. so you go to look it's cold it's not suitable
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and not too cold so it's a it's a plan that was always you know sun further away from the goldilocks zone it's likely going to be scrooges so our interpretation of what i said earlier which will be about life as we know it sort of life as we know what on earth records liquid or two to so to a volt so it has to be within this house was so to close the stars well because the water would evaporate and just be if they currently are here let's not say that other forms of life may not exist on these targets but the point is we only know of one tar works and it's so we're trying to look for any clues or any traces that our form of life exists elsewhere in the universe a very exciting discovery all though no one's going to end up being there any time soon i have. asked a physicist in space producer with discovery news dot com thank you well we've all been there that moment when you feel like you are some hungry that you feel like
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your stomach is collapsing in on itself and your hands are trembling the last thing you want to deal with is a long fast food line fast as in the name after all but one off duty police officer in georgia was so upset about how long it was taking for him to get us food that get this can actually pulled out his gun and threaten the person who was ordering food ahead of him it was all caught on camera as well detective sergeant scott. from the de kalb county police department he was in a mcdonald's drive thru when he got out of his truck and approached an eighteen year old man when he began yelling at him for taking too long to order his food after pulling out his gun he drove off but not before i witness says were able to write down his license plate number so officer was arrested and now faces criminal charges no word on what he ate that night after he sped away from the mcdonald's line that's going to do it for now i make a lopez seal wait. thanks
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. to the new cut international airport in the very heart of moscow.


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