tv Headline News RT April 23, 2013 7:00am-7:29am EDT
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three and left almost two hundred injured there are some u.s. media claims nineteen year old is your heart and so on i have denied links to any islamic terrorist group but the reeducated the attack was driven by religious views and led by his older brother more now from marty's on a sea of china. official complaints in the presence of a judge and a lawyer have been filed against one thousand year old boston bombing suspect just hearts or nine of this took place at his hospital bed here in boston where he has been kept under strict guard ever since his arrest friday evening we do know of course that he suffered several serious injuries and was unable to speak for this entire time sunday evening he finally awoke and was able to answer several questions and writing and finally today he was conscious and able to react to the charges being brought against him at his hospital bed these charges of course include the use of weapons of mass destruction as well as the malicious destruction of property resulting in death now the penalty that's her knife is now death facing
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as a death penalty or any term of years behind bars including life he's also facing a fine of up to two hundred fifty thousand dollars we do know of course that his miranda rights were presented to him his right to remain silence as well as his right to an attorney throughout this brief encounter with the judge and we do know that mostly turned iof was. nodding and offer mation of hearing what he was being told he only spoke once when asked whether or not he's able to afford a lawyer and he said no so legal counsel is going to be presented to him it's important to note that earlier there was a lot of discussion surrounding the possibility of trying as an as an enemy combatant this is something that certain republican lawmakers in the united states were rooting for this is not been the case of course we're talking about a u.s. citizen who became a u.s. citizen last year on september eleventh and has been living in the united states
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for over a decade older brother to milan's or naive twenty six year old to milan of course died in a boston hospital after being taken into custody by police and the f.b.i. has been highly criticized for avoiding to take note of his identity. and i as an associate were saying that despite being of chechen descent of the alleged bombers spent most of their lives in the united states after their parents applied for asylum both were rare visitors to russia but this didn't stop moscow from raising the alarm over possible terrorist intentions of the older brother. nature can report on why the concerns failed to prevent the boston tragedy. as the dust settles in the wake of boston bombings the question many ask is why and how could u.s. federal authorities fail to act on the valuable intelligence from two years ago stating that the middle of was radicalized dangerous and quote prepared to join unspecified
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underground groups that's the information the f.b.i. says they received from the russian government so two years ago the f.b.i. interviewed the guy and reported back to the russians that they found nothing suspicious since then they've apparently failed to monitor the middleman because if they have they probably discovered his you tube page under his own name by the way full of radical content with a playlist titled terrorists so you have intelligence from a foreign government you have the individual openly sharing radical content and yet somehow he's off the radar the fear is the reason the f.b.i. dropped the ball on the alleged russian intelligence is that they treated it as soley russia's problem they may have taken down their lands chechen background into consideration and they may have ended up looking at this individual from a more political rather than purely law enforcement point of view this is possible given the history of all the requests and pleas that russia has made in the past with regards to a number of individuals from north caucasus accused of heinous crimes particularly those of chechen background one example yulia moderates who was known as the right
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hand of the internationally recognized chechen terrorists. just a quick reminder of who was he was killed in two thousand and six. record as a chechen militant leader included in one thousand nine hundred ninety five he and his gang attacked the city of good yarn of skin took up to one thousand eight hundred residents of that city hostage in a hospital including one hundred fifty children at least one hundred forty people died as a result of that attack also as he gained power in the region stated his objective to have all muslim regions in russia break away from the country it was basically a call to start a war on all fronts among his other heinous acts that was to. school hostage crisis in beslan in two thousand and four terror that russia will never forget it left swe hundred and thirty four people dead one hundred eighty six of them children so the right hand of this monster who helped stage all this whore. arrives in the us
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somewhere around the year two thousand settles down in boston by the way and receives political asylum despite russia's pleas to treat him as a clear criminal at the beginning to us that all of that has appealed the boston course decision on granting him asylum then they withdrew their opposition after a number of political heavyweights in the us tuned in to support the chechen militants including form a secular state albright so when questioning u.s. federal authorities reaction to the alleged russian intel on the middle of it is important to keep in mind the mindset perpetuated in the u.s. for many years in favor of the militants in russia and against the russian government's actions to stop them new york city's former mayor rudy giuliani spoke to the confusion that many americans had as they learned about the background of these hard i have brothers the chechen revolution against russia is an islamic based revolution they want to islamic state in russia. not inherently anti-american right anti russian. american i mean and in fact here's the odd part of this
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if anything we've been i'm not going to say sympathetic with them but we've certainly been critical of putin and how far he's gone in dealing with. so if anything they should they shouldn't have this anger at the united states so given all this maybe maybe this political mindset has prompted authorities in the u.s. to drop the ball on valuable law enforcement intelligence on top of. well the u.s. is not the only one being criticized for controversial choices about who to back the e.u. has agreed to buy crude oil from syria selectively. supporting terrorists. in iraq. between security forces and sunni muslim. protests.
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sixty thousand people have signed an online petition for the asylum to hundreds of . with british forces during the military operation they are being left behind as the army withdraws to face the wrath of the taliban. picks up the story. it was a dangerous job that required courage but while british forces withdraw the afghan interpreters who made their work possible being left to fend for themselves rafi were to camp prince in the helmand province he says he gets regular calls from the taliban this is your group or for. and if it goes. well you are all center don't you have to be. if i catch you then i would do some six hundred fifty interpreters just like rafi remain in afghanistan with no right
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to settle in the u.k. many of these translators and washing on the front line so they're working with soldiers and risking their lives in exactly the same way soldiers do wearing the uniform or in a combat fatigues following their rules at least twenty to been killed many more horrifically injured that's a danger they knew about when they signed up the danger they didn't know when they signed up was abandoned their ten year i mean both times when you when you finish the job and you've done it right well that's a thank you at the end of that job in this case it's a death threats against your life because what's happening now is that as british troops withdraw afghanistan is not a safe place for these people are they seen by the taliban as having collaborated with the enemy and dave in the past year targeted killings of so-called international collaborators by the taliban have doubled according to the un mission in afghanistan last year six hundred ninety eight civilians were killed and three hundred seventy nine were injured in assassination attempts if they do not take the
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responsibility of saving their lives and providing them a peaceful environment that will mean that they have only used those interpreters and left them in a position where today their life in their family's life or in danger because of working for the british forces got in touch with the foreign and commonwealth office who are responsible for the interpreters asylum claims this is the response we got. people who have put their life on the line for the united kingdom will not be abandoned the government has put processes in place to ensure the service given by former enterprises with him forces is taken fully into account if individuals apply for asylum in the u.k. . the keyword here is individual for the moment it's a case by case basis according to the foreign office to make sure the personal circumstances are recognised case by case the sign of claims can take months even
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years there's no accountability every other nato country that directly employed interpreters has offered them some kind of special program visa program asylum britain's the only country that hasn't still dragging its feet on this the us a new zealand down norway are among the countries to publicly pledged to resettle any formally employed afghans who feel the lives are at risk in the u.k. there's also been a precedent interpreters that worked with british forces in iraq were offered asylum automatically i think we are a match of all most of these people who are willing to risk their lives to support us and the second one is a programmatic basis which is we will be involved in events overseas in the future and all military clearly will need to have people helping them and who is going to help our military if they realise that they're not going to help themselves senior military and political figures urging the people who work here in the u.k. foreign office to rethink the policy and the campaigns gaining momentum over sixty
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thousand people have signed an online petition urging the british foreign secretary to offer a bulk resettlement program while the politicians think it over and here the men that risked their lives to help british forces say that the waiting game is getting deadlier by the day we will be helping the people but all they see is that real war with the aggression forces in africa. which are so called the no two forces old eyes of forces but to every other of the national. aggression forces and once they leave. to people who. knew some things of the americans. going to troops and their families. are shifting our attention to iraq now where at least twenty three people have been
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dozens of. very much. live from moscow this is our duty as north korea responds to us disarmament demands by asking the world to officially recognize it the latest member of the global nuclear armed club. and the gunman tried to hold up a city center shop in western russia leaves six people dead including two teenage girls i do stay with us more details on that after the break.
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about international and world in the very heart of moscow. from moscow this is our team with me of over sushi a far from a bad. it's atomic program north korea is now reportedly seeking international recognition as a nuclear state of the u.s. has laid out disarmament issues as a condition for talks pyongyang's official newspaper says if negotiations happen it will be between equal nuclear nations less discuss the north's atomic aspirations now with the editor of a japan based news website and out of
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a james corbett now joining us live here on c.n.n. james good to see it today this is an exclusive group only seven nations and if you think north korea will be allowed to join it. well i mean the question is whether or not that anyone has the right to say whether or not they are allowed to be a part of this exclusive club and i think what we have to understand right now is that north korea is calling out these other nations on the nuclear hypocrisy that's been hardwired into international relations for a long time now and if you look at the actual statement that was made they said for example our position is clear never dream of denuclearization on the korean produce peninsula before denuclearization of the world is realized but james i'm sorry james we're already seeing china china's already jumped in to say that in no way will it except a nuclear armed pyongyang yang are you buying it. i think that what china is doing is trying to defuse a situation that could spill over into military conflict that would obviously be
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disastrous for china's policies in the region because if in the event of north korea a government falling being toppled there would be an incredible influx of refugees into china so china has its own stake in the gain but i think that this really has to be seen as a poke in the eye at the community that assembled in seoul last year at the nuclear security summit in two thousand and twelve to talk about denuclearization of the world but of course that was directed specifically at countries like north korea and iran which weren't invited to the summit so i think this has to be seen as calling those nations out on the hypocrisy are not to answer certainly been well aware of the rising tensions all around the peninsula over the over recent weeks in fact the u.s. now has canceled war games and missile tests old a cool tensions on the peninsula doesn't seem to have worked what could be next well i think it's also important to put that in the context of the fact that those war games were taking place in accordance with a plan that was developed by the obama administration it was reported on by the
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wall street journal earlier this month called the playbook which was specifically designed to provoke north korea in the latest korean war game simulations which happen of course every year these were games taking place with b. fifty two and b. two nuclear are nuclear capable bombers dropping dummy munitions on the korean peninsula and f. ten twenty two advanced fighter jets it was specifically part of a provocation to get north korea to react and perhaps they miscalculated just how much north korea would react but at any rate right now what we have is guam for example seeing more missile defense japan seeing more missile defense contractors throughout the region receiving more money north korea is getting at least overtures from u.s. and south korea that they will get more. play at the negotiating table and china has so far managed to maintain north korea stopping it from time toppling so everyone has gotten what they want. out of this latest ploy so i think from here what we're going to see is at least some sort of attempt at some sort of talks but
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how fruitful those talks will be is i think another matter entirely when you talk about hopeful talks and hopeful fruitful talks so james i'm running very low on time a very quickly though if i may china is warning that a fourth nuclear bomb test in north korea could be imminent what is the north trying to prove at this point now well again those promises aren't worth the paper they're not written on that we've heard this rhetoric before so far nothing has materialized so i don't think we should believe it until we see it but at any rate i think it just has to be seen as part of the of the game that's being played right now anyway and it has succeeded at least this far in getting the u.s. and south korea to at least contemplate our talks with north korea again so again i think this has to be seen as a larger part of a larger calculus that's going on in the region rebuild the editor of the news website james corbet thank you for joining us here in r.t. today. mired in a struggle for economic supremacy and a military domination of asia at the u.s.
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and china and now contesting the moral high ground as well beijing's released its latest brief on the human rights situation in america this in response to a similar report from washington a reckless foreign policy indiscriminate wiretapping and a race based rights were just some of the issues brought up his election to chef ski reports. after years of swallowing the accusations of violating human rights beijing is fighting back last year the u.s. state department issued its scolding human rights practices report now china held a mirror to washington to the u.s. again accused china of limiting internet freedoms the so-called great firewall of china where beijing has long been under scrutiny for blocking many western websites such as facebook google and youtube but those criticizing china are no saints sounding people and cispa bills to control the internet data have made waves across the atlantic lately and the u.s. government approved interception of private text messages and e-mails for security
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needs are hardly contributing to online freedom china single party political system and lack of democratic elections also came under fire the chinese report made its wife back at america's multi-party system saying that in what seems to be a democratic process it's really not the people but the amount of money spent on complaints which really decide the winner is the largest part of the us report was dedicated to human rights as they are today from harsh labor conditions to poor salaries indeed china's status of being the world's factory is nothing new and the cheap labor force concept has long been debated beijing hit back with a scathing claim that in the country where racism and discrimination officially do not exist after american and hispanic employees earn forty percent less than the white population in the united states and that's through the glass ceiling for women who earn a twenty percent smaller salary than men the u.s. report also lashed out at the treatment of prisoners and members of opposition in china contrast that with a country which runs notorious guantanamo prison and the allegations of multiple
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human rights abuses within its walls with china highlighting full statistics on all deaths in u.s. prisons and the use of brutal force against peaceful demonstrators in twenty twelve it is no secret that china has a checkered human rights record but by countering the claims of those who it believes should get its own house in order it is quite clear that beijing no longer wants to see a monopoly in the market of examining human rights. two thousand police on patrol locals holed up in their homes the scene in belgrade a city in western russia the day after a gunman killed six including two teenage girls are going to go to school reports. looks like the authorities are doing everything in their power to apprehend the suspect as soon as possible we do know that thousands of police force have been on their feet throughout the night searching calming the area looking for the thirty two year old the suspected killer they haven't recovered him yet they have recovered his week at this point they know for certain that he has stolen the least
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one semiautomatic rifle from the hunting store where the carnage began yesterday afternoon so they are warning everybody that he's he's armed and extremely dangerous now we have the thirty's from belgrade have also asked for assistance from the neighboring regions as well as ukraine which is really close to the belgrade region as well as basically next door so they are also called in calling on people in those regions to be on high alert to give any information about which could lead to the arrest of the thirty two year old suspects and whoever does twitter does provide that information is offered three million ruble reward for that that's roughly one hundred thousand dollars and course people are being told to stay inside in belgrade itself there is an extremely heightened police presence on the streets and yet people are saying that the witnesses from the city are saying that they are they have seen people going outside going to the place where they where six people were killed yesterday outside of the hunting story leaving
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flowers toys and candles to pay respects to the victims as well as we have to remember that tuesday is a day of mourning in belgrade so we're watching the situation as it develops obviously there is still a lot more questions that need to be answered and of course the suspect has to be caught so as soon as we get the latest information of course we'll bring it to you . fancy government find who's in syria will soon be swimming in money from oil exports from that you are you know started to ease all embargoes for the rebels but investigative journalist will leave and in this case the e.u. is directly helping terrorists. it's a blatant lie to say look we are fraid of all those right we are afraid about guide but in reality one sees him arming and financing and supporting al-qaeda in syria the european union still officially recognizes the government even though they have an audience am best embassy able to airlift and then they don't recognize as
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a government to these rebels they say they're legitimate thing re presented it but that's meaningless in diplomatic and in any law so what they're doing is legalizing death. by. non gang in the european union and waving the flag over ok i doubt it's madness we in belgium at the moment out of our wrist think people because they're radicalized muslims who have lied and now and they're on the other end of foreign minister says we should buy and finance illness around there is no logic in it it's just complete lunacy. i break in the set in just a moment. the
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movie world war z z being first zombie which stars brad pitt as one hundred seventy five million dollar budget has been re cut by paramount executives not because this is probably yet another stupid violent zombie movie but because the chinese might get offended according to the wrap dot com china was supposed to take the blame for starting the evil zombie apocalypse this time but china becoming the largest foreign market for american movies made artistic integrity fly out the window to protect the bottom dollar as is tradition and hollywood this is not the first time that there has been pro-choice censorship in hollywood the remake of red dawn which was originally a cold war era a minstrel show against russians was supposed to show a chinese invasion of america this time however they have changed it to north koreans who can't even defeat the us military in south korea let alone at an away game in the usa the thing that is interesting is not the censorship is the fact that they will censor movies for whoever's got a lot of cash coaches the big markets won't be offended but countries with small
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markets will this is a complete prostitute mentality show that love to any guy who's got bills in his palm you know i was always pretty sure there were a lot of prostitutes working in hollywood i didn't know they actually started making the movies but that's just my opinion. download the official publication to sell. choose your language stream quality and enjoy your favorites. if you're away from your television just doesn't mess with your mobile device so you can walk jog see anytime anywhere.
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you live on one hundred thirty three bucks a month for food i should try it because you know how fabulous i got so many i mean . i know that i've seen the same really mess. and they're all very sort of silly. and. worse if you're going to fly down superman a radio guy and pull the tail minestrone click cause they want to watch closely or about to give you've never seen anything like this on cold. cup guys i'm in this break in the set so yesterday i woke up to this disturbing headline survey of koch brothers turning focus to newspapers yet billionaire brothers charles and david koch are looking to expand their corporate.
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