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tv   Documentary  RT  April 23, 2013 7:30pm-8:00pm EDT

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welcome back to politics panel joining me arnie neil as barry's kate steiger and ok welcome back and thank you. thanks to this country's out of whack immigration system american hospitals are quietly deporting hundreds maybe thousands of illegal immigrants when they're unconscious it's called medical repatriation and lets hospitals put patients on chartered international flights often while they're still knocked out back to their home countries a recent report compiled by immigration advocacy groups concluded at least six hundred immigrants were removed over the last five years though there were likely many more than that i mean these are just the reports so unconscious hospital patients are being deported without consent from federal authorities or the court system by private corporations in this case health care corporations hospital
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corporations so they can increase the bottom line i've. nailed those subsidies those were some of the things i think right i think the hospital should be running our immigration system and in fact i think that they should be running our borders as well they seem to be doing a much better job than our federal government is and you have these permanent patient and i were told. i assume your job is we're talking about importing sick people we're talking about the poor thing people who are illegal immigrants who are costing our horses and injured in the you know in contributions of dollars that's being passed on to my employees and to your employees in higher premiums diminish service sensible separate argue that we can debate how we should reinvent our health care is that these hospitals are businesses and we're struggling strapping them with billions of dollars that isn't isn't that the problem then shouldn't we go back you know before the reagan era it was illegal to build a hospital or for approaching this little government all because doing so in the united states operated on a not for profit basis we did not have a problem with quote. containment united states we did not have
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a problem with exploding health care costs because every hospital you know there was a national health center and and now we have private for profit hospitals bill frist and we have the dollars we have to live in those cold little people from all of the world come here to our clinics in our hospitals i wish it was your daughter we should have i wish it was true but we don't have the votes to sort of burst your bubble we don't have the best health care in the world and we don't believe in the five years from now until you hear walk into these that in fact if you walk into any modern hospital today the machines you're going to see are made by siemens and nokia mitsubishi they're made in japan and the made in germany ok your thoughts on this i mean i think this is one of those really unfortunate things that you know we had really hoped to see and i mean by we i mean sort of left to people who had hoped to see some kind of humane and universal system you know that portable care act did not include undocumented immigrants and this is
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a problem because hospitals who you know by lar mandated to treat these people have to sort of deal with these patients once they're here deportations are going to get worse what obamacare. well the hope is that the hospitals will have the money to cover those people but i think the sense is as long as we have eleven million people in this country who you know it's it would be impossible to get rid of them overnight you know we need to him to integrate them into the into the country somehow and you know they're not going to stop going to hospitals just because we don't like it you know they came to the country in an illegal way. and i think the reason that we mandated that all hospitals have to cover anyone who wanders into their emergency room in the first place is because we think that it's really a humane thing to treat people when they come into the hospital and make sure that they get care when they're sick whether or not. hey this was them during the reagan
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administration but again with that with the with the encouragement of ronald reagan neal i mean why isn't isn't an easy solution to this to simply say health care is a right and not a privilege and then it's involuntary servitude if you're basically because will it work it's what the other you're forced to either and or three of the other thirty four o.e.c.d. countries or you're forcing people to work by saying something is a right instead of a privilege you have a right in the united states to to have police protection that doesn't mean the police are slaves or that they're paying defender they're paid and they swore an oath you know we're not talking about the people who are going to tell you these are vault do you these doctors and police have put themselves in a situation where there are doctors and police are. these are a lawyer says is this so do. people in hospitals and i think there is i think that if you separate the sort of the legality of it most nurses and doctors would care for someone who's sick on their own they should be
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forced to do it but also involved should they really should be the should they be forced by their c.e.o.'s to take sick people out put them on airplanes and ship them off to third world countries like those interesting when you say that they were deported against their will because i think everyone virtually everyone supporting it's all their own deported unconsciously yeah. and it's unfortunate that they put themselves in this situation it's unfortunate that somehow we're on the hook for a decision they made they they put these hospitals in that situation they came to this country they didn't look at the risks properly i would hope i don't they would be scared for i don't want to kill one for all those people who came into this i don't we i don't wish on any of them certainly not for the children you certainly don't understand but you're certainly what about those who came here and before they were even aware of what you have been in they get sick if they have anything they have and don't you don't seem to understand the strain that is being put on the hospitals when people just show. up for this care so that he thinks that ever
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since i was told that you're. getting about as well first of all as you just supported what was your support them ahead of time what you're talking about for this ations need to be transferred to long threads let's take this from the from the international debate and bring it home ok here's a clip from. a lot of this is either l.a. or san francisco no it's from a nevada. t.v. here is a circus from ourselves dozens of mentally ill patients are being dropped off in the bay area tonight san francisco city attorney launched an investigation published reports claim but nevada's primary site psychiatric hospital put about fifteen hundred patients on a bus and sent them out of town about one third of those patients and that up here in california and b.c. so. really anything where they went to the police or grown up the homeless and dumped them in yeah yeah we're not even talking about undocumented immigrants now
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these are these are american citizens you know we're talking american citizens who aren't insured and if there's an important a really tragic reality of people in america who don't have health insurance. and these are people that do have health care but the cost of the health care is escalating it's against the law it's going to let's be clear what they're doing is against the law and it should not happen why are we. were to a rich white executives it was is about what's to come now with obamacare i mean these hospitals institutions are businesses tom and make them not businesses but that's let's go back to the already very good beat it did on the left of this building and if we had an excellent health care system has at the post office worked wonderfully for over two hundred years until the republicans got ahold of it during the reagan administration or that debate has already been had in unfortunately it's not going to happen it's kind of like the gun why not we could talk about as close as if it were disposed to just all over because it was all your party is really seized by much of these right only zillionaires socialist. it will
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destroy our healthcare system in this country that's why we don't have the like you'd like it destroyed in thirty three of the other thirty four we see countries that all have as much treasure outcomes are going to. the us want to be the u.k. we don't want to be canada we have none of that is if you actually did still right wing crazies in our country no offense to have said that but the majority of americans if you ask the majority of americans it will good but if you like them i'd stay say yes. but if you ask the majority of americans just just the simple question should health care be a right not a privilege and states over sixty percent say yes and everything else flows obamacare is still incredibly unpopular in this country while obamacare doesn't even establish health care as a right not a privilege i mean it's a step it's a step in the right direction but it's a baby step wise what do you call it a train wreck entirely nowhere in the affordable care act to be fair to the man who designed it was a train wreck which is what it was which is what i should have and why did we vote
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for it and i mean with you know and he's a national people about the provision in in obamacare if you ask them do you think that insurance companies should be barred from you know denying you coverage because you have a preexisting condition people say yes absolutely you know it you know if they if you ask if people should be allowed to fail on their parents' health plans until they're twenty five basically yes absolutely be things that are not and popular it was just that people have heard obamacare and think it carried them or people who they want to be mandated they say overwhelmingly no and when they choose a lot of lives i'm going to take never this never used exercise and it will cost this much and it will cost this much never in the business world by which you know we're going to do something we're going to run some of the lowest one for an hour so. if i may go to another topic in february the marketplace fairness act was introduced in both houses of congress basically says that if you buy something on the internet you have to pay the same sales tax if you walk down the street bought it from a local. store local stores are having
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a big problem with those people are walking in the stores their cell phones and clicking in often comes from amazon or whatever. neil you had some insights into this that you shared with me before on the air are you willing or able to share that in short form with my maybe violating a confidence but in this sort of clash of the titans what you had is you had amazon was bankrolling the marketplace fairness act the sort of the idea of nationalizing the collection of sales tax over the internet fighting that was e.-bay bankrolling it was e-bay in print and they were basically the advocates for all of their thousands of resellers. e-bay is basically taking a dive and you will i'm not sure how operate in the house because there's still some this tax issues the house doesn't always like the senate making tax decisions or though this isn't raising taxes it's just in forcing taxes but what you will see is you'll see the e.p.a.
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advocacy will fall away and this is a very good chance it's going to pass in the senate so just to clarify this right now nationwide if you buy something on the internet and you don't pay sales taxes not collected by the seller you have a legal obligation to write a letter to your state at the end of the year or as a buyer and say i bought thirteen dollars eighty two cents an aggregate worth of stuff or this is how much tax i own or here's my in check and nobody does that and so the states that receive the money in billions of dollars is lost and what this bill would do is it would say as with the retail stores the sellers have to collect the money even though it's the buyer who owes the money the sellers have to collect the money and you're saying amazon and e bay are going to be doing this with the paper catalog you would with this law you would have a forty page ad on with every miss a pallet in state tax tacked on obviously on maybe or maybe maybe one g.b. hospital where he has developed a software program so. we're going to sell to exploit but we have just
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a minute left i want to get to the larger issue here which is it seems to me that if you've been and amazon go along with this it's going to make it more difficult for small after new company that's exactly it is that it doesn't have the right policies for breaking also a big companies in the city are now their argument for the sherman act one of the bright spots in our economy right now is our small internet businesses i mean the idea of a stay at home mom or a disabled person being able to turn your kitchen table and speared bedroom a garage into a global business is one of the bright spots of our economy you know what you're going to sentence what you can ask him he said twenty five states you have to click the tax near my whole life and she managed to collect sales tax and send it into the government so i think on langridge tellers will figure out a way to do it i think so too my guess is that the credit card company supreme court has already said it's illegals they can't make them do it we will see. neil neil thank you very much but you're the guy who was after the break america's on the edge of national hysteria and of turning a blind eye to the ideals and principles that our founding fathers fought and died
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for all explain in tonight's daily take. let me let me i want to know will let me ask you a question. here on this board is when we're having a debate we have our knives out. to do this is just a bad thing there again we're in a situation where being i don't mean to talk about the mainland. you know sometimes just. the story seems so bleak you think you understand it and
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then you glimpse something else you hear or see some other part of it and realize everything you thought you knew you don't know i'm sorry welcome to the big picture . the scene story doesn't make it news. no puff pieces tom clancy thank you. for those things. the white house or the. radio guy for a minute. because you've never seen anything like this i'm told.
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it about the rest of the news the e.p.a. is again raising objections to the keystone x.l. pipeline project which we crisscrossed america's heartland carrying oil from canada all the way to the texas gulf coast region a letter to the state department the e.p.a. says the state the state department study of the proposed pipeline which took more than four years to complete contains quote insufficient information and went on to urge state officials state department officials to conduct a more thorough analysis of the oil spill risks and alternative pipeline routes as well as consider the greenhouse gas emissions that would be associated with the keystone x.l. pipeline. the e.p.a.
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raise similar concerns with the state department's handling the project back in two thousand and eleven so just how good a job is the state department doing at assessing risks and threats posed by the keystone x.l. pipeline joining me now for more on that is anthony swift attorney and keystone pipeline expert with the national resource defense council anthony welcome back it's good to be back terry to have you with us anthony first of all why is the state department in charge of the keystone x.l. pipeline i thought they did things like negotiate with foreign countries it's a really good question and it's certainly not in the area of the state department's expertise this is the the state department's ownership of this project has to do with the fact that it crosses an international border can it's canadian it's not even oil actually it's got an exemption because it's so toxic there in terms of the pain of the oil spill fund that that's exactly right it would carry something called tar sands which you know we found seems to have a harder time moving through pipes in wind spilled causing significantly more
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damage and so my understanding is that the comment period the state department's comment period and pipeline closed yesterday is that is a truth that is true and what happened what were the what were the comments like was that has there been any quantification or or well over a mill the american public's into over a million comments in opposition of the pipeline so that shows how deep the opposition to money whatever it's hard to say they're not they're not i know that some of the folks at a.p.i. have been pushing for comments but they haven't told how many went in favor of the so long but exxon mobil so say something like that ok. why the insufficient review by the state department. i wrote a piece a while back that suggested that one of the contractors even that the state department hired to do some of this review had enormous conflicts of interest is that the case and if so why wasn't that caught why in. and is this well answer
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though well you know i should say there was. environmental groups are already pressing to state department investigator investigator general to look at the process this time around and see if there were conflicts of interest with the new contractor that did the review but what we know is from e.p.a. which has expertise on these issues the environmental review wasn't up to snuff and the e.p.a. also found the keystone x.l. was a project with significant environmental impacts in stark contrast with the state department's findings yeah ok so now this in the setup i talked about you know these problems that have a been identified in and various groups saying hey wait a minute stop pause take a look will there be a reevaluation will there be a new study is there to be any slowing down we had daryl hannah on the show a couple weeks ago along with a woman down in texas who was trying to stop a bulldozer the i mean they literally cut a hole through the middle of her farm by eminent domain. is any of that slowing
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down what's the status well they are building the southern route as we speak so this is all focused on really connecting that route to the tar sands in canada this route going from montana to nebraska but frankly we have we were hopeful that there will be a slowing down the e.p.a.'s comments cannot the importance of those comments can't be overstated e.p.a. has a huge role in this process and to some extent both secretary kerry and president obama have noted the importance of addressing climate change and running a good process so we're hopeful that these comments are going to cause political pressure to re-evaluate the real impacts of this of this project most of this is been funded by a canadian corporation right. that's right corporation a trance can transport workers. they have presumably spent billions of dollars on this will they have an action and after. against us for the states if this gets
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turned down i mean what's what's the consequence of saying no the us well it's part of the us i mean the us has the solving of the already to determine whether and where once projects like pipelines and it's important to note you know if he were proved that would grant you know a trance canada the authority to take property by eminent domain so this is an issue that you know trans canada doesn't have inherent right to build a pipeline through the american heartland and we didn't even under nafta chapter eleven there that's right that's right all right anthony thanks again for being with us and a pleasure thanks again it's. crazy a word feline fans of the world rejoice the world's first and only cat circus is up
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and running again in moscow after a yearlong renovation the theater opened its doors to the adoring public last week hundred in one nine hundred ninety by the father and son team of dimitri and yuri. the moscow cathy at her feet features one hundred twenty different feline stars and a diverse range of cats including counting cats and cats from the from the universe dimitri. the fitters artistic director trains the cats to perform to music and says that each animal has found its place in the theatres rich and colorful productions hopes one day to have the whole world star in his performance rumors has that the cat clowns are starting to give moscow's famous bolshoi ballet ballet a run for its money. for cap ballet the internet would explode.
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just what. is the good the bad of the very very amused the lads honestly oddly the good kelvin atkinson speaking in favor of overturning a statewide ban on same sex marriage in the nevada senate monday north las vegas calvin at its passionately announced his very personal support for the repeal of the las vegas sun he was visibly trembling as he told his fellow sufferers i'm black i'm gay i know this is the first time many of you have heard me say that i am a black gave me this is the first time senator and concerned had ever spoken publicly about his sexuality and his courage was well rewarded in nevada senate voted to repeal its gay marriage ban twelve. fortune in favor of the bill. the bad missouri republicans yesterday the missouri senate voted to defund that
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state's driver's license program her vote their creation of a national gun registry seriously no joke led by sen procreation is committee chairman perch schaefer the republican dominated set it approved a measure that cuts three and a half million dollars from the jury registry of motor vehicles so that that agency won't be able to send information about concealed carry permits which are also issued by misery's r. and b. to the federal government shavers actually publicly admitted that the real purpose of the spending cuts is to prevent misery from issuing any more licenses melissa wilson the wife of a republican senator voted for the measure says that she supports these kinds of protections for gun owners because they stop the able to have united nations agenda twenty one a u.n. development plan that fringe conspiracy theorists on the right have latched onto in recent years as evidence of federal tyranny sounds like good public policy guys.
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it's very supposed to be the bellwether state right i am very very ugly and cold and conservative pundit and fox news contributor made some remarks of an appearance on the monday edition of vanity that were offensive even by her standards are in a colder katherine russell the widow of boston marathon bombing suspect tamerlan is sorry to have to go to prison for wearing a high she. said i don't care if she knew about this she ought to be in prison for wearing a huge job this immigration policy of of you know also assimilating immigrants into our culture isn't really working no they're assimilating oss into they are a culture she got a clue to react to me too well i don't know the answer to that but i i what your point is well taken i think it's safe to say when the shock shown hannity whatever you're saying is just your very.
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last night prior to an initial court appearance from his hospital bed boston bombing suspect dzhokhar sarnia was finally read his miranda rights after already having provided possibly self incriminating information to federal officials the situation in the decision not to initially read him or his miranda rights when he was arrested highlights the fact that we as a nation are once again on the edge of national is stereo today some are still suggesting that we have to balance our constitutional rights with security. and that it was a good thing we did so by not initially telling. of his joke our sunny of his fifth amendment rights as ben franklin so famously asserted if we're going to go down the road of compromising our rights for security will deserve and almost
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certainly end up with neither our fifth amendment rights are among our most important because they protect us from abuse of and by the one single institution that we have empowered to imprison and even kill us which is our government the government of the united states is an extraordinary and precious thing from its beginning is a noble experiment in freedom and democracy today but like all governments with the power to grant life and death it needs clear constraints committing horrible crimes even acts of terrorism wrong brutal horrible criminal. which is why it's so very very important that we hold ourselves to the highest standards possible in prosecuting such criminals the bush administration took us in some very very sick and wrong directions one of the biggest other than linus and a war was to begin tearing apart those very costly to tional rights particularly
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those relating to the fourth and fifth amendments which protect us from the most egregious abuses of government now we have an opportunity to right there wrong to put ourselves back on the side of the patriots who founded this country and all those who have fought and died to keep it a free democratic republic ever since it's time to acknowledge the mistake by not reading this young man his miranda rights as soon as was possible and reverse this loophole that was never even voted on by us or our representatives but even more important it's time to stop carving holes in our constitutional rights that protect us from on reasonable searches seizures and arrests and instead begin strengthening america should again become a shining beacon of liberty to the world and that begins with repudiating the abuses of the bush years and holding close to our founding principles and that's the way it is tonight tuesday april twenty third two thousand and thirteen don't
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forget democracy begins with the you get out there get active tag your it see them are. on the to. them. because no one thought during. school. when you are. a local what's not enough of these in law in the local needs you want to. be used these days. give general dunford forever up artist i was fired spock i must fight. i'll fight. right.
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