tv Breaking the Set RT April 25, 2013 7:29am-8:00am EDT
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so choose your language stream quality and enjoy your favorite. if you're away from your television just doesn't mess with your mobile device so you can walk jog see many times and you want. to live on one hundred thirty three bucks a month for food i should try it because you know how fabulous and lucky i got so. i mean. i know that i'm sitting in the same really messed up. in the old story so personally. it's. worse for the little things like how superman a radio guy and a minister of a click cause they want a quote for about fifteen years you never seen anything like this i'm told.
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it's going on everyone i mean martin and this is going to set well after senator rand paul's epic filibuster in the senate where it seemed like he was actually objecting to drones i saw something that caught me by surprise the fox news poll said that if the government wants to take down an imminent threat and using drones on u.s. soil is ok with him yourself. here's the stink should neal i've never argued against any technology being used when you have an imminent threat an active crime going on if someone comes out of a liquor store with a weapon and fifty dollars in cash i don't care if a drone kills him or a policeman kills him wait a minute what he doesn't seem to draw in mexico much of a distinction between a common criminal and an enemy combatant but wait paul issued a statement just last night reinforcing this view on drones actually hasn't changed that. he said quote armed drones should not be used in the war crime situations
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they only may be considered in extraordinary lethal situations where there's an ongoing imminent threat ha extraordinary circumstances mean whatever the hell the person who the judge is the circumstances wants it to mean so what boston has been extraordinary circumstance is your support of using drones to kill that kid in other words rand paul has always supported the use of drones to kill u.s. citizens on the soil although you have to wonder if that's the case what was the point of filibuster looks to me like a whole lot of grandstanding but politicians are going to politicize so the fight goes on for now let's go break. i. know world of surveillance corruption and endless war it's a very good insight from the inside no i'm not just talking about the government
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i'm referring to plan best and old and holden's agencies and the role they play in global affairs that's where my next guest comes in her name and a machine gun and she resigned from the m i five u.k. security service back in one thousand nine hundred six after blowing the whistle on incompetence and corruption happening within the government given her experience a secret agent i first asked her what she saw that made her want to leave the agency take a look. you things really and this was way back in the one nine hundred ninety s. before intelligence agencies took the gloves off the nine eleven yet still we still so many crimes being committed i mean they range from things like files on government ministers in the u.k. secret. that could and should have been prevented if mistakes were made and then they were covered up by the spice innocent people going to prison and legal phone taps and the culmination really the case that made quit and go public complain the whistle was where and. i six which is
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a sort of james bond branch of british intelligence ended up funding affiliate i to sell in libya to try and assassinate culpability of libya in one thousand nine hundred sixty this was illegal in the u.k. or it went wrong or we see gadhafi survive to be murdered by them you know fifteen years later and it also killed innocent people so i can think pending more he knows and this is why i and my former partner david shayler who's also a colleague resigned to blow the whistle about the crimes of the spy and of course once you do that under the u.k. law you become the criminal because you break something called the official secrets act which says that you are never allowed to say anything about your work ever there's no one you can take allegations or discussions to legally and when you say preventing or the bombings could have been prevented where innocent people died i mean when we're talking about that is it like a nine eleven type and that's where intelligence officers are saying there was an enormous amount of information almost too much where they couldn't prevent it but they didn't know what threats were what or you're saying specifically pre-knowledge
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and deliberately ignoring something that killed people. well there was a sense great pre knowledge she say but they were made and one of the cases i'm thinking about was the one thousand nine hundred three bombing in the city of london at the time and this caused about hundred fifty million pounds worth of damage and people died and yet the boma could and should have been arrested six months prior to the attack and there was a mistake made by the investigation people who were following him around they let him go free and then they sort of covered it up when the ira came through as well so the government never really got to the bush in the story and this is august. and we see this time and time again often it's not necessarily a major conspiracy in the run up to an attack but if they make a mistake there is always a conspiracy to cover up that attack right exactly the cover up and things like all these intelligence agencies have connections with the people were involved in these terrorist activities but somehow it was missed the warnings were missed but of course a coverup. what other backlash he received sort of was. i know you
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guys were in exile for a while outside of the country. yes it became for like a spy novel once we blew the whistle literally on the run around europe we had to be hiding for a year and then live in exile for three years and david went to prison not once but twice first of all when the british tried to extradite him from france and failed in one thousand nine hundred eight and then when he returned voluntarily to stand trial in two thousand i was arrested but i was never charged with any crime. and many of our friends and family and journalists as well involved in the case were also arrested and some of them were charged and convicted for reporting the stories about the crimes of the spies and it was just journalism you know they were covering stories which were very much in the public interest so the ripples widened around this initial case and it really sort of exposed the influence that the intelligence community can have to pressure the government to whistleblowers but
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also to pressure the media to cover up the stories and not cover them accurately after you. know with your former partner. rumors times david he went completely rogue it for a period you were still associating with him so how do you respond to people who work who did claim or who are claim that you deliberately are sabotaging the movement that you once helped build and are perhaps still working for the intelligence agency to do so. well you always get people saying we know you never leave i think you can leave and you do it very abruptly and that's when you blow the whistle and you go on the run and you face prosecution no it was very sad what happened to david there's no doubt about that and we see this time and time again with whistleblowers that they it's the old phrase they use a sledgehammer to crack a walnut and we sing this particular in recent years in the u.s. where president obama has used the espionage act as you mentioned to prosecute and incarcerate whistleblowers who are actually in the very best public interest in a way that no. other all in aggregate all the previous presidents haven't done so
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the concept of trying to suppress freedom and accountability and transparency and you need all of those in order to have justice is frightening to see. scale of the pushback in the u.s. at the moment they seem to be learning all the worst bits from us from the u.k. in terms of cracking down on whistleblowers. boars right now and as a former spy you just spoke about the botched attempt to assassinate crow gadhafi in the ninety's i mean how much of a role do these intelligence in the saddam play in the global war on terror strategy. what a huge role of course and there is no doubt they get involved in dirty tricks and things but it was politically stark i think couple of years ago when there was this so-called rebellion against gadhafi an invasion by the nato forces and we saw m i six and the cia on the ground in libya training and arming and helping and supporting the very people that they had funded to try to assassinate dark in one
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thousand nine hundred six fifteen years on they're doing openly they're doing the full glare of the media what used to be secret is now done flagrantly and yet no do have an issue with that even when gadhafi was pulled out of a tunnel and tortured and murdered and i think that says a lot about our moral journey in the west since nine eleven where people have become quite sort of brutalized in the in the way that they view the violence going on in the middle east and it's not just libya of course it's across the whole of north africa across the whole of the middle east where we now have drone strikes wiping out a whole village of a wedding party and where we have killed this drawn up by the cia and ratified by your president every week you know i can't even walk right what's going on at the moment it is amazing that that is sort of brought into light and people seem to accept what would be considered completely unacceptable. ok let's talk about what kind of climate that activity you think is going on what we're looking at syria and iran which are. two countries that of course were here in the war drums being beat
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about constantly. well syria is a complete mess of course but what i find it hypocritical the u.k. our government is now trying to find ways around the embargo on sending. and yet these rebels self-confessed offense of al qaeda in iraq is a group called particularly in the north northeast of syria which now controls the area which is rich she say and they. are so-called terrorist enemies if you're going to look at al qaeda as our terrorist enemies and yet our governments want to support them so in one hundred have our governments fighting the war on terror in certain countries on the other hand funding designated enemies in certain countries so it's incredibly hypocritical that we're already hearing the corporate media drop all this nonsense about these boston bombers suspects being linked to al qaeda within iraq i mean and it really is absurd it's really strangely and disturbingly reminiscent of the buildup of the iraq war when i turn on the t.v.
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one day and all the sudden the news is talking about saddam link to nine eleven it's like the twilight zone. you know in the wake of the tragedies like the boston bombing seems like people are so quick to give up their freedoms in the name of security but i mean but once these freedoms are hastily taken how hard is it to get them back. it's a damn hard fight is all i can say i mean all these freedoms that we have won across the west have taken hundreds of years of blood sweat sacrificed tears of our ancestors and casually to throw them away because we feel it will give us greater security is one roll and two when we give them away it's going to be so difficult to get them back and it's the hysterical reaction in the wake of something like a boston attack yes it's horrible and my heart bleeds for the victims but this is going on across the middle east every day with drone strikes and suicide bombings and what have you you know every day there are hundreds of other people other families suffering just as much pain so i think we need to remember why freedom is in place in the first place and of course most of these are. human rights were in
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shrine in the wake of world war two because people remember very vividly how easy it is to slide into it to tell a story and state to state and also just bear in mind that every you know there are many many other people suffering the same sort of pain across the world much face inflicted by the u.s. military so i think it's a dangerous path to get out of the u.s. to give away their freedoms and then go in and inflict the same sort of horror on the world about having a global perspective and really taken in what you just said that these tragedies incurred around the world are mostly at the hands of these intelligence agencies and thank you so much for coming on former m i five your m i five our former my favorite agent writer european director of we thank you so much. thank you. well if you like to see so far check us on hulu out of hulu dot coms us breaking a set or you want the latest episode of a show like yesterday's which featured my interview with project center rector making a huff at the boston bombings can scroll through and watch over shows about the middle of the summer so go favor us come on how are doing and give us
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removed about international landlords in the very heart of moscow. from our own dallas texas is the opening of the george w. bush presidential library it's a ceremony that will be good by every living president obama carter george sr clinton and of course george w. himself now for those of you who've never been to
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a presidential library that's not your typical book depository it's more like a giant pharaoh's tomb boasting a shrine of the most highly coveted presidential artifacts you know like the pen he wrote with or the chair they sat on his library will hold forty thousand of the kind artifacts and a seventy million pages of paper records it's basically a big museum highlighting the most prominent events that have defined his presidency and of course of bush as intimately involved in the planning of the library insisting on an objective presentation of the most controversial policies he oversaw oh that's great well it took a second to go over the timeline that we should expect to see in this a lavish tomb starting with nine eleven the first major event that set the stage for bush's reign of terror this event alone should have brought bush and his cronies to trial for criminal negligence at the very best but moving on to
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afghanistan a preemptive war against a sovereign nation that poses no immediate threat to the u.s. in fact taliban officials at the time even said that they would hand over bin ladin with evidence linking him to nine eleven yet instead of providing that the bush administration decided to invade a country that we're still occupying to this very day and of course then there was iraq the biggest botched operation in recent history it was an illegal war of aggression based on known lies that violated the u.n. charter and the decade long occupation resulted in one million dead and three trillion dollars wandered. but let's not forget the infamous torture program which was claimed to be the fault of a few bad apples and it had been institutionalized. top down policy of torture and abuse ranging from waterboarding to sexual humiliation look one taught him alone is a crime against humanity the facility that still remains open to this day keeps one hundred sixty six people caged like animals with absolutely no charges but it
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wasn't just torturing detainees it was also the willful killing and targeting of civilians in the battlefield the military under direct orders from the bush administration set rules of engagement to shoot any suspects including women and children which resulted in such a horrors as the who did the massacre of two thousand and six. and aside from bush's notoriously failed and delayed response to help hurricane katrina victims he was busy implementing drek honan measures to ramp up the surveillance state right here at home most notably the patriot act which stood in clear violation of the bill of rights and putting the first fourth and sixth amendments that's not all which is also widely regarded as the mastermind behind the warrantless spying program implemented all across the country and sure there's more i'm sure there's more of the library feature to show a fair representation of the facts like bush's continued refusal to execute the law
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over eleven hundred times or his attempt to pardon himself and all of his cabinet officials right before leaving office so and light of all of this i'm fully expecting to display a giant plaque of bush's face with the words war criminal underneath because as i just clearly outlined this man along with his criminal cobol is responsible for war crimes and felonies that under the geneva conventions are punishable by death but despite these uncomfortable truths it seems like people are very quick to forgive and forget according to a new washington post a.b.c. news poll forty seven percent of americans now approve. bush's presidency so it's already working in this presidential library will just some meant this revision of history as bush's true legacy will be washed away.
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in the to where we are seeing anything like the to. cut. since a military coup ousted the president of honduras in two thousand and nine violence in the country has become an epidemic over the last couple of years twenty five journalists have been murdered and just over the last month c.n.n. reported that. the country's second largest city is now the most dangerous in the world the shocking annual murder rate of one hundred sixty nine homicides for every one hundred thousand people and although hundreds receives millions of dollars in international aid a global consensus considers the country on the brink of becoming a failed state in recent years congress has held back on foreign assistance and the leahy law human rights to fuel ation that prohibit security assistance to foreign militaries and police forces that violate human rights but recently several publications have reported that the u.s.
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state department is actually continued to fund specific police units in honduras units believed to be connected with death squads operating in the cloak of utter and community so they help me gain more insight into violence and whether or not the u.s. government is playing a role i'm joined by our to producer man well we're all polo man and thank you for coming on sherman so honduras is not really a guarantee violent country i mean we've just seen this this violence kind of escalated over the last few years what do you think sparked the murders extortions and the violence on the streets sure you know i've reported on this in the past i grew up in honduras it's my it's my home country it's really it's really sad to see this happening over the last few years and like you said hundreds is not inherently of violent place it wasn't until two thousand and nine kind of in the wake of the coup that ousted president manuel zelaya that you saw this kind of spike in the numbers you just mentioned extortions in express kidnappings in game violence narco
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trafficking this happened almost in a sort of parallel worlds would with what was going on in mexico mexico at that time under felipe because it on the president of mexico was enjoying tremendous. kind of gains and in terms of winning the drug war pushing the violence down south into the area known as the northern triangle this is an area comparable comprise of guatemala el salvador and honduras what happened was that you get all these narco traffickers that are pushing down from from mexico and creating these kind of turf wars in honduras obviously gets the shorter end of the stick here because honduras was also going through a tremendous political crisis at the time so you couple the political crisis kind of opens up the gates for for a culture of impunity where crime goes unpunished and it just kind of escalated from there so like i said it like like you said actually it's not an inherently violent place it's just kind of a victim of circumstance if you will wall you know aside from all of this is the most violent city in the world i mean reports indicate that the state department
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continuing to five hundred police and military despite this widespread corruption and despite the late law which is saying that you know in light of these human rights abuses we shouldn't offer her assistance why would the state department continue to fund these operations if they know that there are criminal networks operating within the police sure and i think that it's important to note that the congress has actually already released those funds that they were that they were holding back from giving back from giving to hundreds it's somewhere in the sum of thirty thirty million dollars annually that they give the leahy law what it does is that it limits that if it's if the funds are knowingly going to organizations that are violating human rights and the issue here is the captain the general. that oversees the police force has had many accusations and allegations of him being involved in. disappearances as well as murders so the u.s. congress is kind of held back that money what's going on is that the state department. and there's been several reports that have kind of corroborated this
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started with the associated press which discovered that the state department said you know we're not funding the police force under under this under this general is last name is borneo. not funding this police force were fundraising funding separate units that were that were vetting beforehand. the problem is that all of these units eventually answer to one person and one general in hundreds so exactly who is the state department funding is the question the problem is that in honduras some of these police units. for lack of a better word. exam. i mean there's been countless formal complaints of death squad style killings in honduras somewhere around two hundred over the last few years that are associate with with the police police reports confirm that there have been somewhere around the sum of one hundred twenty nine civilian deaths directly related with police killings so the question is you know is the u.s. state department directly funding these groups there's no evidence as of now to
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suggest that that's exactly what's going on but you know all roads of money filters down to have to. follow follow the money and that is you know and it obviously goes far beyond just the criminality in the streets as you just outlined so many deaths at the hands of the police complete impunity for police crimes. there is high rate as well of political assassinations and targeted journalist i mean i seriously many every day are showing me these heinous videos and articles of just people needlessly executed all over the country i mean what why are these crimes happening on this large scale and who is responsible for the most part sure and you can do you can you know follow my twitter feed i'm always posting photographs and information of what's going on in honduras was central america but what's going on in honduras when it comes to journalists is really a troubling situation we've seen twenty five journalists killed in just the last couple of years alone and the this is a result of a climate that's just not favorable for freedom of speech as soon as human rights advocate or a journalist is looking a little bit closer into into
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a story involving corruption within the government or starts naming names of corrupt politicians or starts naming names of narco traffickers that's when the that's when things start to get a little bit heavy and. they have what's called an express kidnapping system where you can pay someone or something along the lines of a thousand dollars to have someone murdered and that in itself creates a chilling effect for journalists so and it's very real it's not just the scare tactics these people are actually getting murdered has officially for the second year in a row been you know unfortunately horrendous a cult of fame to be known as the most violent country in the world we're talking about prominent individuals in the country well respected people well respected journalists of universities and i just unbelievable right i mean a very recently the head of the universe ponderous her son was was murdered and they actually murdered in conjunction with police killings he was actually killed by a unit of police officers again that had you know gone gone rogue there's a lot of going investigation over this but because she was such a high profile figure it really drew attention to what's going on and it's
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a culture of impunity is really what it boils down to and that's why it's kind of turned into such a dangerous and volatile situation and impunity in a country goes for u.s. forces to the us is not at war with honduras yet we have hundreds if not thousands of troops that there are a large air force base and we're conducting special operation raids in conjunction with the drug war this global war on drugs that we have launched that have resulted in and many civilian casualties and it's unknown an exact number of course is all kind of operating out of this black budget what interest does the u.s. have in policing honduras well that's that's actually a great question i don't know the answer to that the united states wants to maine says that they want to keep a foothold in central america because it's such a key place for them to be in terms of counter-narcotics and in terms of you know keeping their presence against a growing you know leftist movements in latin america but what's going on is that the united states just like the police forces in honduras just like narco
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traffickers and government officials are corrupt they get just as much impunity so the united states has even been a year since we reported here on this network that a botched d e. a raid in honduras resulted in the doubts about least in the recent billions these are indigenous groups that are making their way you know through a tributary in honduras they were mistaken for a drug both d.h. and so opened fire and resulted in deaths this in the same way that it's that's creating this kind of backlash in other countries where the u.s. does conducts drone strikes it's creating that same sort of resentment against the united states and it's and it's all kind of fuel by this idea that the united states needs to maintain that all of this energy million. and national security is not working as the homicide rate continues to grow thank you man all rappler for breaking it down and that there for the show we'll see you guys back here tomorrow .
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me leave. you. to. hold up by the nation on live pictures for you right here as president holds his first countrywide q. and a session since reelection saying it's always been a cold by the west defining terrorists in russia as insurgents. unemployment in spain skyrockets to more than twenty. brewing across the e.u.
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