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tv   Keiser Report  RT  April 27, 2013 12:00am-12:30am EDT

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so nice claims that he has chemical weapons i have been to us and its allies drum up a case for intervention based on unverified intelligence from the warsaw. martial sources detain a hundred associate people in moscow all suspicion of involvement with islamist militant groups in the north caucuses. iceland prepares to head to the polls in the parliamentary elections all seen moves back at how the tiny nation stood up with its people during the financial meltdown and refused to rescue the bonds.
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international news and comment live from moscow this is all she with me here. to welcome to the far one the syrian government has denied allegations it has any chemical weapons and says even if it did it wouldn't use them on the home front u.s. officials claim to have sketchy and unconfirmed intelligence the damascus has used the chemical agent on its own people in a fortnight salacious. u.s. president barack obama was delivering some fierce words in the aftermath of cables comments he indicated that washington will conduct its own independent investigation into syria's alleged use of chemical weapons and a separate probe will be conducted in conjunction with the united nations america's leaders said the world can't stand by and permit the use of chemical weapons obama has previously stated that the use of chemical weapons by damascus would be a game changer in the u.s. position on military intervention into syria is civil war now according to white
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house press secretary jay carney yes confirm that military force is one of many options that president obama is currently considering carney said as a general principle the united states retains the ability to act unilaterally now these revelations of course come just one day after u.s. defense secretary chuck hagel claimed that the u.s. intel that u.s. intelligence officials believe with some degree of varying confidence that the syrian government has used chemical weapons against members of the opposition specifically sarin gas u.s. officials claim the attacks in question took place last month in new york and in the outskirts of damascus however a letter that the white house has sent to members of congress states that washington cannot confirm the origin of the chemical weapons allegedly used acting in lockstep with the u.s. british prime minister david cameron has come forward insisting that his government
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has limited but growing evidence of the use of chemical weapons by the syrian military according to reports m i six agents operating in syria smuggled soil out of the country to be analyzed for chemical and biological contaminants however u.k. military scientists poorly said the soil contain traces of some kind of chemical weapons though it could not positively identify the type of weaponized chemical now in an interview with the b.b.c. cameron said he worries that western leaders might fail to act in syria be. because of the experience of foreign intervention into iraq now we all know that britain in fact france have been voicing unconditional support for syrian rebels and reportedly providing the opposition with military and financial aid in the meantime the syrian government is now is blaming the opposition for the march attack near aleppo which killed several people masochists says organised organizations including al qaida have repeatedly threatened to use chemical arms while fighting
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with the opposition so here you have a scenario where in syria the opposition groups in the government are pointing fingers at one another and you have the u.s. and its western allies of presenting this harsh rhetoric of the use of chemical weapons by the syrian government but they don't have all the full facts in place. us also an historian gerald hoon says this sectarian conflict in syria leaves plenty of room for prevarications by the rebels or even rogue functions in damascus itself. it's deja vu all over again we will remember the disaster as an adventurous so u.s. and british invasion of iraq in two thousand and three based on teaspoon allegations really weapons of mass destruction proved to be faulty therefore we must ask some very difficult and searching questions for example what was the chain of custody with regard to the samples taken from the battlefield of syria to laboratories of london and in washington was there or was there the possibility of contamination or
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foul play or hanky panky with these samples and how can you show that the regime rather than the rebels actually used these alleged chemical weapons and since we already know next security is divisions within the military is driving the conflict in both syria and iraq how do we know that some women gave soldier in the syrian military was actually collaborating with the rebels want these chemical weapons so as to provide a rationale for intervention by london and washington these are difficult questions that must be answered. and on the way taking taliban at home as a u.s. official sound a lot of other radicalizing europeans fighting in syria the u.k. is pinpointed as the main supplier of volunteers whether ten take it. one hundred suspected extremists have been detained at the launch scale police raid
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on islamic house of prayer in moscow details now from. one hundred forty people have been detained in southern part of russia's capital moscow for suspected ties with extremist islamist organizations and more than thirty of them are reported to be foreigners although we don't know what countries that coming from or which nationalities they are that's following a special operation by russia's federal security service the detention has happened at the time with deliveries gathered in. one over residential areas in that part of moscow for their friday prayer as we know the most important prayer for all muslims it hasn't been in a mosque we know that that built in a situated in the residential area of moscow so apparently towards kind of an apartment maybe a private apartment that's been used for as a chapel where deliveries have been gathering to prate police is saying that most
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of those who've been regular attending these place have a late to join the ranks of northern caucasus and russia and some of them have been involved in preparing carrying out extremist on terror attacks in russia counterterrorist operation in russia is continuing and terrorism remains a big and serious threat for our russia as well as for the entire world. the mass arrests in russia come less than two weeks after they both are often bombings and the ensuing manhunt for the suspects foreign affairs editor for chronicles magazine coverage believes both highlight the global threat of islamic terrorism. western europe north america and russia are in the same boat when it comes to the issue of slotnick terrorism in the aftermath of the theater siege in moscow and then in the aftermath of a slide on there has been a great deal of blaming the victim in the western media and regrettably in the west
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in political circles the sun terrorism in russia is different from terrorism in the west because it is the result of intransigence and the refusal to negotiate i think that these arrests even though obviously leaked to boston will bring to attention the fact that it is a global phenomenon in which you cannot differentiate between one lot and another and that most certainly you cannot have user friendly it's because in spite of the great deal of sympathy which unfortunately has been displayed by certain western official circles for the church and terrorism in the late ninety's and early two thousand there in fact we are dealing with a phenomenon which is indeed global. and remember all of our news is just a click away had to cover the latest stories and videos let's now take
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a look at what's waiting for you might remember russia's infamous punk band pussy riot is denied early release on the grounds that the show has been badly behaved in prison get the details on our website. and the rest as hoc awaits extradition to the netherlands over an unprecedentedly serious at times on an anti spying nonprofit organization the details of the international cyber war are times who don't. speak the language. programs installed human trees in arabic it's all here on all t.v. reporting from the world talks about six of the c.o.r.p. interviews intriguing story to tell you. troy arabic to find out more visit our big. dog called. people in iceland are about to vote in their second parliamentary election since
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the financial collapse of two thousand and eight left his trick and the country has been slowly but steadily getting back on its feet after making a conscious decision to let the banks go bust rather than rescuing them at public expense. reports. iceland has seen it all its banks crashed its government resigned its currency devaluated and its businesses all sizes have collapsed and then of all can over up to grounding planes all over europe making the island nation the headliner for weeks on end but that was years ago while today thanks to timely precise policies of the help from the international monetary fund it boasts some of the healthiest growth rates in europe one point six percent and it's no small triumph considering that back in two thousand and eight its banks debt was eight times the annual g.d.p. so the people took it into their own hands and negotiated major debt write offs at
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times it does seem like it's the only country in europe that's not right to take a look at this or to go on a limb to greece and spain at the country's known as the pigs continue to spiral deep into their excruciating financial mess their current deficit to g.d.p. ratio is just under three percent they have no money and plenty but the ball more to serve their bond obligations back in two thousand and eight i phones definitely g.d.p. ratio was twice that of the prince yes iceland allowed its banks to collapse under their own debt weight technically bankrupt the island nation managed to get an impressive job of turning its economy around its bank sector return to profitability its business restructured their debt and it kept going and many of their people were able to keep their homes and five years after the most devastating financial meltdown in the history it boasts the low end europe less
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than five percent now the euro zone's strongest economy germany has five point four percent so if some think it's iceland that was humiliated the world over they should definitely think. while the u. has been beefing up support for the sewer and rebels and in fact volunteers heading for the war zone is stoking fears of a homegrown terror threat officials say radicalized youngsters could pose a serious security threat when they return from the front lines hundreds of europeans are said to have already taken part in the conflict and king's college london estimates that the biggest share of them as many as one hundred thirty four all british the report goes on to say that up to seventy seven volunteers from the u.k. could still be fine in syria as the regime consultant. says london's been turning a blind eye it's a war crimes committed on the rebel side of the barricades. it's
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a natural a national security concern then why have they been allowed to go out into libya into the conflict and return back to the u.k. where the been seeking medical help in terms of follow up assistance for gunshot wounds or conflict area wounds and also physiotherapy so if they're concerned about this force libya and now all of sudden their concern of the syrian aspect of their involvement then it just means that the losing out to the syrian conflict isn't going as well as they wanted it these people have already killed people the ready mode of people in libya and syria and they come back in knowing full well that there is no legal. entity that's going to charge them with these acts acts against humanity or crimes against humanity so the british government has remained silent about this for or since the libya and now all of a sudden the this started to get concerned about these fighters going out at the
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ready again the experience a lot of them gained experience in libya so they're trained in proper use of weapons and now the they are plying their trade if you like to syria so why are they getting concerned after that after this happened you know these days people are for moving in and out of the u.k. freely and in and out of. europe freely. coming up later this hour the pressure that ukraine's former prime minister yulia timoshenko could soon be charged with murder she's already setting a seven year prison sentence and this could see her behind bars for life. plus we'll look into why americans are losing faith in the world presented to them by the u.s. media houses the details of that of trust ahead. welcome
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to the future what makes computers these days so super is a memory for that russian researchers have got a few ideas that could make cognitive computing a reality while the processor got a radical new architecture that promises unparalleled power design for the stars and is that got you all hot under the collar don't worry because the latest cooling systems ensure neither you nor the globe's top super computers break a sweat don't you hear. we've got the future. oh oh. oh oh. oh . this is on the line from mosul combine crowds of textile
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workers bund cars and clashed with police in bangladesh over a massive building collapse this wednesday they demanded harsh punishment for them both says let people want that while knowing it was unsafe they story fact trick came crashing down on more than three thousand people mostly women authorities say the death toll could exceed three hundred fifty people rescue teams i want to stop putting survivors and quilts is from the rubble almost two and a half thousand people have been rescued so far police were ordered to arrest the owners of the factory which had been illegally incident prompted a fresh wave of criticism of western companies for placing profit before safe say a nation known for churning out low cost products global trans and lift the general slanty says any standards that just. it's an international trend that we see growing more and more as profits are put before people people who are more expendable so that it's just
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a lot of talk with you year from these companies in the west for example that say they watch the standards or the going on in these sweat factories around the world they just show is really no security there's really no really no hard institutions in place that are monitoring these kind of factories and there are no regulations that most countries and the countries that do have regulations a softening them so that profits could go higher and less money is spent on protecting the people and improving the plants again profits come before people and if you have to spend more money on building better plants or better equipment that comes secondary to the bottom line and again when you look at what's going on in america and see the conditions that are declining here they really don't care what's going on over there. some other world news and brave this hour u.s.
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lawmakers want more sanctions against north korea a new drug bill is modeled on current iranian restrictions and is aimed at chinese companies and buying young uses to conduct its business meanwhile north korea says it's putting a detained american on trial for allegedly trying to overthrow the government operate of course and was arrested last year in a special economic zone bordering china and russia. a bombing in karachi pakistan has left at least nine dead and schools injured the time it was thought to be an office belonging to the the national party the taliban have claimed rape the response was for the time so two weeks ago or so side for much of the artists union leaders in the city off to show what killed sixteen people violence has increased in the run up to the parliamentary elections next month there's more bad news for ukraine's former prime minister on top of the seven year prison term interest currently serving for abuse of power you could soon face
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murder charges too and that could put her behind bars for life. explaining from being allegedly beaten up by prison guards to seeing her supporters stormed the hospital where she's undergoing treatment ukraine's former prime minister yulia tymoshenko has been in a lot of trouble lately she has no served eighteen months of a seven year prison term for abuse of power when she signed gas deals with russia in two thousand and nine but this could get a lot worse because of her allegedly to an assassination almost two decades ago in one nine hundred ninety six ukrainian member of parliament was shot dead in eastern ukraine back then a confession by one of your skill or so shocked the country. the man who painted for the job mentioned bed shared by the skill he was ordered by a man nickname it was obvious to us that under pasha he meant by the law to rankle
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ukraine's prime minister was that him could never face charges for those allegations he spent twelve years behind bars in the united states for tax evasion and fraud and is now seeking political asylum across the atlantic but in the typical ukrainian rollercoaster style twist he's name has recently surfaced again together with tymoshenko. we have proof that the first five hundred thousand dollars to the dying wish. then another two point three million dollars were transferred to the assassins by yulia timoshenko commission who is currently on a second trial for alleged attacks evasion and money laundering in the nine hundred ninety s. when she led the united energy systems of ukraine company that could seriously increase her prison term but if any connection to sharon's murder is proved she would remain behind bars for life her lawyers were quick to describe the accusations as nonsense. the testimonies of the so-called witnesses and nothing
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concrete they all refer to what they were told by other people who died or were killed ten to fifteen years ago this is all i've seen that they have against this case was made up by the ruling elite when they understood that the gas case against him is falling apart. but political analysts say that in the case of ukraine's politicians you just can't rule anything out as most of them do have skeletons in their clothes that which goes to. almost every politician in ukraine can go on trial some didn't pay tax some were involved in corrupt schemes but as long as they obey the rules of the political game they're not use it by calling the president and the government illegitimate after the change of power went beyond the boundaries of a democratic political game and hence the rules of the game are changed this third case against the machine code is now in a preliminary stage it is still unclear what kind of evidence investigators have
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against but they seem confident there is enough to press charges before summer the thriller which is the case has been walk in ukraine for almost two years now and all this time supporters of the former prime minister have been thinking thinking of central street all the recent developments in this saga are clearly suggesting they will not be leaving anytime soon. let's see russia reporting from kiev in ukraine. the major t.v. networks in the u.s. losing tired of opinionated coverage and carefully selected stories that's according to a recent study by an american nonpartisan think tank he's going to take on look now into the phenomenon. it shouldn't come as a surprise to anybody that all media or opinionated to a certain extent we all are a study by the pew research center gauges the extent to which the three major us channels are opinionated on m.s.m. b.c.
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opinion fills a full eighty five percent of the channel's air time according to this study fox forty five percent c.n.n. about the same the study says since two thousand and seven they have all cut back sharply on the amount of actual reporting on their air which is what filled the void was relatively cheap provocative debate the studies suggest that by becoming more and more opinionated the channels have been losing their viewers this annual state of the media report says nearly one third of consumers that they surveyed said they have abandoned a news outlet because it no longer gave them what they had counted on either with fewer or less complete stories professor chris chambers is here to talk about this thank you so much for joining me like you what is your personal appeal and why is the viewership down do you agree with that poll i agree i agree totally i mean you have people who are not getting full news right now they're getting slow and sensationalism of the news packages that they are getting in the hard news that
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they're getting the time is shrinking and shrinking and shrinking and a lot of media outlets including the large ones like c.n.n. are cutting back and laying off reporters researchers producers closing foreign bureaus around around the world so the supply of hard news is shrinking it's being replaced with opinion and not just any opinion but opinion about a lot of nonsense and i don't want to ask you about the percentage of actual reporting that they do for weeks for several weeks in a row c.n.n. and other news channels have been covering this story you know with jodi areas there with the girl who killed her boyfriend baby and then that day out live coverage every day then there was this rape case of two young men and raped a sixteen year old. awful thing right again follow ups live coverage day and day out why did they pick these stories to follow up on well with the arias case it's obvious because you have a beautiful young woman a dead boyfriend who had kind of
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a shady past i mean it's taylor it's almost a hollywood movie script the other one is the steubenville rape it touches a nerve around the country of two teenage boys and young girl raped and so this this this sets off a lot of emotional forces but to to to cover this day in day out without giving any depth to it i mean it does both stories an injustice and it masquerades as hard news because it really isn't hard news when you're rehashing and turning a lot of a lot of things a lot of opinions basically like that that was a lot of depth in that story i was actually more worried about what was left out but for example what i was wondering about why wouldn't they pay for example that one ton of the hunger strike to follow up on it was it because they the story didn't have the words sex and rape in act two it was made on t.v. let's hear it of it i mean it it does it doesn't have the word sex in it or something lascivious or hawk that a whole can people emotionally and it's
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a very difficult issue politically legally and culturally for the american people to handle one ton of always been that kind of an issue so the difficult there is also it has two strikes against it already i mean and the third strike is that there's no breaking news none of the none of the people at the hunger strikes have died or maybe rioted and taken some guards hostage so the breaking news is strike three so it's out i mean there's no coverage of it in the mainstream media outlets so it's just not anything they want to touch unfortunately thank you thank you for cameras thank you very much well it's difficult to conclude what comes first here financial considerations editors personal preferences or in the sense among executives. what viewers want but if you believe the study and their statistics whatever they're doing has to change because they're losing viewers in washington i'm going to check out. coming up next the latest from the world of business economics and finance was peace love out.
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. download the official application to choose your language stream quality and enjoy your favorite. if you're away from your television just doesn't matter now with your mobile device you can watch on t.v. anytime anywhere. hello and welcome to the money where the business of russia is business i'm peter as europe's economy continues to language and global growth sluggish russia's putin warns of a possible recession at home during this year's g.d.p.
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estimates he has ordered the government into action facing a difficult external environment what does russia need to do to maintain growth. to discuss this i'm joined by vladimir put top of he is the c.e.o. of capital investment management we also have yvonne chicago he is the chief economist for russia and c.i.s. with renaissance capital and we're joined by ben errors he is the editor in chief of business new europe ok this is the first time we've seen this in years mr putin is getting a little nervous about the economy because he had good reason to. it stalled grow.


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