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tv   Headline News  RT  April 27, 2013 9:00am-9:29am EDT

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poisonous politics of the u.s. hands that intervention in syria is a possible option suspecting assad's government to use chemical weapons but struggling to find any firm evidence. i flanders i heading to the polls in their second general election since the financial crash of two thousand and eight and the country let its banks fail but did later made a stunning turnaround to growth we know its success story. and americans say no to t.v. news networks a recent study shows the audiences for the major broadcasters are plummeting we try to find out why.
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international news analysis and job reports are this is r t coming to you live from wall with me tom would say while the year was is yet to decide whether the red lines have been crossed in syria president obama reiterated the use of chemical weapons would be a game changer washington claims there's growing evidence the allston all was deployed by assad's forces or some american more makers now pushing for direct action in the country artie's marina point ny has the details. u.s. president obama was there in fierce words in the aftermath of people's comments he indicated that washington will conduct its own independent investigation into syria's alleged use of chemical weapons and a separate probe will be conducted in conjunction with the united nations america's leaders said the world can't stand by and permit the use of chemical weapons obama has previously stated that the use of chemical weapons by damascus would be
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a game changer in the u.s. position on military intervention into serious civil war now according to white house press secretary jay carney has confirmed that military force is one of many options that president obama is currently considering carney said as a general principle the united states retains the ability to act unilaterally now these revelations of course come just one day after u.s. defense secretary chuck hagel claimed that the u.s. intel that u.s. intelligence officials believe with some degree of varying confidence that the syrian government has used chemical weapons against members of the opposition specifically sarin gas u.s. officials claim the attacks in question took place last month in new york and in the outskirts of damascus however a letter that the white house has sent to members of congress states that washington cannot confirm the origin of the chemical weapons allegedly used acting in lockstep with the u.s. british prime minister david cameron has come forward insisting that his government
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has limited but growing evidence of use of chemical weapons by the syrian military according to reports m i six agents operating in syria smuggled soil out of the crew to be allies for chemical and biological contaminants however you came military some to this report lee said the soil contained treece is of some kind of chemical weapon though it could not positively identify the type of weaponized chemical now in an interview with the b.b.c. cameron said he worries that western leaders might fail to act in syria because of the. spirits of foreign intervention into iraq now we all know that britain france france have been voicing unconditional support for syrian rebels and reportedly providing the opposition with military and financial aid in the meantime the syrian government is now is blaming the opposition for the march attack near aleppo which killed several people and masochists as organised organizations including al qaida
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have repeatedly threatened to use chemical arms while fighting with the opposition so here you have a scenario where in syria the opposition groups and the government are pointing fingers at one another and you have the u.s. and its western allies of presenting this harsh rhetoric of the use of chemical weapons by the syrian government but they don't have all the full facts in place. gerald horne that says it looks like washington wants to repeat that you're wrong invasion cydonia with recent allegations and leaving plenty of room for provocation from the syrian rebels. it's deja vu all over again we will remember the disaster as an adventurous u.s. and british invasion of iraq in two thousand and three based on allegations of weapons of mass destruction that proved to be faulty therefore we must ask some very difficult and searching questions for example what was the chain of custody with regard to the samples taken from the battlefield of syria to leopard stories
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and wonder and in washington was there or was there the possibility of contamination or foul play or hanky panky these samples and how can you show that the regime rather than the rebels actually used these alleged chemical weapons and since we already know the next security divisions within the military is driving the conflict in both syria and iraq how do we know that someone a gay soldier in the syrian military who is actually collaborating with the rebels watch these chemical weapons so as to provide a rationale for intervention by london and washington these are difficult questions that must be answered. and we're asking you all my you know what's behind the allegations of syria's use of chemical weapons now here's what you've been saying to us online say flaw sixty five percent of you say it's nothing but an attempt by western states to start an invasion under the pretext of chemical weapons eighteen
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percent of you believe it's the rebels attempt to push for foreign intervention while none percent of you say it's i mean portentous is it changes nothing it's a war going on eight percent of it close enough they believe that. assad does finally crossing the red line that president obama drew so if you want to call survey go to r.t. dot com and make your voice heard. today violence is once again flared up. these are the images the world has been seeing from the streets of canada. showing corporations throughout the day. very keen for the next paul amended to leave the island economy further along the
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path of recovery which has been steadily following since a spectacular meltdown in two thousand and eight bags then it allowed its enormously dented banks to fail saving home deposits from the burden of a bailout ever since iceland's been making an impressive comeback which is not a nice guy has more on those a financial success story. iceland has seen it all its banks crashed its government resigned its currency devaluated and its businesses all all sizes have co-ops and that of all can over up to grounding planes all over europe making the island nation the headliner for weeks on end but that was years ago while today thanks to timely precise policies of the health from the international monetary fund it boasts some of the healthiest growth rates in europe one point six percent and it's no small triumph considering that back in two thousand and eight its banks
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debt was eight times the annual g.d.p. so the people took it into their own hands and negotiated major debt write offs at times it does seem like it's the only country in europe that's got it right take a look at this or to go on a limb to greece and spain at the country's known as the pigs continues while deep into their financial their current deficit to g.d.p. ratio is just under three percent they have no money and plenty of debt but the borel more to serve their bond obligations back in two thousand and eight i slow deficit to g.d.p. ratio was twice that of the pigs yes iceland allowed its banks to collapse under their own debt weight technically bankrupt the island nation managed to get an impressive job of turning its economy around its banking sector return to profitability its business was restructured their debt and it kept growing and many
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of their people were able to keep their homes and five years stating french down its history it boasts the lowest jobless and less than five percent now the euro zone's strongest economy germany has five point four percent so if some think it's iceland that was humiliated the world over they should only thing again. however polls show many in iceland now turning away from the ruling coalition which led the economy does steady growth many voters have been lured away by the opposition and it was skepticism i applied for you members of the two thousand and eight to banking crisis of those that locals have been put all by is own financial troubles that doesn't even cable for boeing ham city university believe i've learned that independence e.u. is only helping it to recover but iceland does have is the fact that it's in relative terms on the edge of the world in its isolated nation. it is an island so it's effectively. his country it stuck its fingers up to the rest of the world and
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so we're not giving your your money back home what can you do short of invading iceland which was never on the agenda it has been up to sort of to look to its own sort of look after itself if you like for other european economies such as you i mean i heard you mention ireland they're much more interlinked into europe iceland is not and so what he's been able to do is to sort of concentrate on reinventing the sort of things it's good at which it's as i say it's vigilance industries there was talk about joining the e.u. but i think that that that's the question that they realize that they're sort of their best strachan for recovery is truman isolated or to sort of to be independent as it were your office over. coming up a new twist in the ukrainian three little may soon come to light that the country's former prime minister yulia timoshenko has just had a big fall rejected and run over she could not be charged with murder that's in
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addition to the seventy imprisoned sex already serving. and dead tuning out a recent study indicates american media news giants are using view with wigs them in why so this will be. on the money with the business over russia.
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the international airport in the very. you're watching r.t. it's a ukrainian political thriller that's well from reaching its final chapter that's as jailed ex prime minister yulia timoshenko pardoned request has just been turned down and on top of the seventy a sentence she's already serving for abuse of power she may now be prosecuted for murder a defense team branded the charges as long. as chef ski reports from
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being allegedly beaten up by prison guards to seeing her supporters stormed the hospital where she's undergoing treatment ukraine's former prime minister yulia timoshenko has been in a lot of trouble lately she has no served eighteen months of a seven year prison term for abuse of power when she signed gas deals with russia in two thousand not but this could get a lot worse because of her allegedly to an assassination almost two decades ago in one thousand nine hundred ninety six ukrainian member of parliament you gave me shit to bring was used in eastern ukraine back then a confession by want to fuse killers shocked the country. the man who painted for the job mentioned that shared by the skilling was ordered by a man you can name if he is to was that under pasha he meant by no laws or rank of ukraine's prime minister. was that him could never face charges for those
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allegations he spent twelve years behind bars in the united states for tax evasion fraud and is now seeking political asylum across the atlantic but in the typical ukrainian rollercoaster style twist he's name has recently surfaced again together with tymoshenko. we have proof that lives are in cope at the first five hundred thousand dollars to the dying wish. then another two point three million dollars were transferred to the lessons by yulia timoshenko. tymoshenko is currently on a second trial for alleged attacks evasion and money laundering in the one nine hundred ninety s. when she led the united energy systems of ukraine company that could seriously increase her prison term but if any connection to sharon's murder is proved she would remain behind bars for life her lawyers were quick to describe the accusations as nonsense because i never thought that the testimonies of the so-called witnesses that if they don't meet they all refer to what they were told by other people who died or were killed ten to fifteen years ago this is all i've
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seen that they have against this case was made up by the ruling elite when they understood that the gas case against him is forming a part. but political analysts say that in the case of ukraine's politicians you just can't rule anything out as most of them do have skeletons put. almost every politician in ukraine can go on trial some didn't pay tax some were involved in corrupt schemes but as long as they obey the rules of the political game they're not used by calling the president and the government illegitimate after the change of power went beyond the boundaries of a democratic political game and hence the rules of the game were changed but that was the case against a machine who is now in a policeman or a stage it is still unclear what kind of evidence investigators have against but they seem confident there is enough to press charges before summer the thriller which is that carries has been walking in ukraine for almost two years now and all
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this time for. have been think you think the central street all the recent developments in this saga are clearly suggesting they will not be leaving anytime soon. reporting from q. in ukraine. now let's take a look at some other stories making the news around the world a police station has been bombed in libya. today mourning the attack it destroyed half of the building but so far there have been no victims reported the country continues to be playing by violence despite the ousting of x. lead again duffy and the u.s. military intervention on the a car bomb devastated france's embassy in the capital . the taliban's announce of the opening of its third ring of sensitive and quote on the country's u.s. backed government led by jaime because line is about a crusade of making what are getting international air bases and a diplomatic buildings with the aim of inflicting as many human casualties as
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possible this comes as foreign troops near their withdrawals from the country after the taliban for twelve years nevertheless the group violence is still flourishes claiming lives weekly inside afghanistan and neighboring pakistan. north korea has announced an american citizen will be put on trial for conspiring to topple the country's regime page and hold admitted to the charges after being caught in november last year with an incriminating hardest worker to this coming to announces a new draft bill containing iran like sanctions on banks of north korea uses to conduct its business relations between the us and un recently hit an all time low with rising tensions and an increase in the military presence on and around the pin into. debris found in new york and could be part of one of the two planes a use of the nine eleven attacks on the world trade center surveyors found a piece of blending gal from a boeing jet
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a wedge between two buildings was inspecting an islamic community center close to ground zero and officials are reportedly now planning to examine the soil around the building for possible human remains. it's bad news of all major t.v. news networks in the u.s. so these audiences are dwindling according to an american think tank study shows viewers are turning away because opinionated coverage of carefully selected stories is taking the place of actual news reporting artie's gamut as you can examines the phenomenon. it shouldn't come as a surprise to anybody that all media or opinionated to a certain extent we all are a study by the pew research center gauges the extent to which the three major us channels are opinionated on m.s.m. b.c. opinion fills a full eighty five percent of the channel's air time according to this study fox forty five percent c.n.n. about the same the study says since two thousand and seven they have all cut back
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sharply on the amount of actual reporting on their airwaves what filled the void was relatively cheap provocative debate the studies suggest that by becoming more and more opinionated the channels have been losing their viewers this annual state of the media report says nearly one third of consumers that they surveyed said they have abandoned a news outlet because it no longer gave them what they had counted on either with fewer or less complete stories professor chris chambres is here to talk about this thank you so much for joining you with personal appeal and why is the ship down do you agree with that but probably i agree i agree totally i mean you have people who are not getting full news right now they're getting slower and sensationalism of the news packages that they are getting in the hard news that they're getting the time is shrinking and shrinking and shrinking and a lot of media outlets including the large ones like c.n.n. are cutting back and laying off reporters researchers producers closing foreign
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bureaus around the world so the supply of hard news is shrinking and it's being replaced with opinion and not just any opinion but opinion about a lot of nonsense and i don't want to ask you about the percentage of actual reporting that they do for weeks for several weeks in a row c.n.n. and other news channels have been covering this story you know with jodi areas there with the girl who killed the boyfriend and i cringe every day there was this rape case of two young men a sixteen year old awful thing right again. follow ups live coverage day and day out why do they pick the stories to follow up on world but the arias case it's obvious because you have a beautiful young woman a dead boyfriend a kind of a shady past i mean it's tail is almost a hollywood movie script the other one is the steubenville rape it touches a nerve around the country of two teenage boys and a young girl raped and so this sets off
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a lot of emotional forces but to cover this day in day out without giving any depth to it i mean it does both stories an injustice and it masquerades as hard news because it really isn't hard news when you're rehashing churning a lot of a lot of things a lot of opinions basically but that that was a lot of depth in that story i was actually more worried about what was left out but for example what i was wondering about why wouldn't they papers on time or how to strike to follow up on it was it because the story didn't have the words sex and rape and add to. that spirit of it i mean it it does it doesn't have the word sex in it or something. or a hawk that a whole can people emotionally it's a very difficult issue politically legally and culturally for the american people to handle went on a most always been that kind of an issue so that if there is also it has two strikes against it already i mean and the third strike is that there's no breaking
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news none of the none of the people at the hunger strikes have died or maybe rioted and taken some guards hostage so the breaking news is strike three so it's there's no coverage of it in the mainstream media outlets so it's just not anything they want to touch unfortunately thank you thank you prosecutor thank you very much well it's difficult to convey what comes first here actual considerations editors personal preferences or in the sense among executives of what viewers want but if you believe this study and their statistics whatever they're doing has to change because they're losing viewers in washington i'm going to check out. well every mountain and comedian campaign have their own humorous examples of how the us media over exaggerate the news stories in search of better ratings here's a sneak peek at what they talked about in breaking the set. this a north korea is the biggest threat facing this country two weeks ago what the hell happened they just need somewhere to point the frantic america they just want to
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keep their scared because it's good ratings rates every whether it's real or not it's everything you put on there i'd be afraid be afraid all right crappy uprighted and then every commercial break do you have anxiety and of course the threat of domestic terrorism take its place really quickly what i found most interesting is how some lawyers tried to link it to immigration finally figured it out if they just wear a sombrero and eat it taco that's all it takes to get through i mean is this really the with the respect he has for a father all you have to do to commit an attack on the u.s. is where literally brave t. shirt. you can watch the full edition of breaking the senate at fifteen thirty g.m.t. and it's also available at any time on our website at r.t. dot com. ryan officials who have been recently blacklisted by the u.s.
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have publicly for the first time since the ban come into force they've rejected all the allegations against them washington accuses the people on the list of being linked to the death of me as that gave me ski in police custody more than three years ago aren't as medical has more. they say that the publication of this list was a politically motivated and the us that was not making its decisions as it couldn't be possibly aware of fall those documents that surround this case as the documents are still in court and never became public and that the magnitsky a law was to drop to the beast on political motives and the law has no legal force and no legal consequences and the country and only represents an additional political pressure on russia now the u.s. magnitsky list was published on the twelfth of april and includes eighteen russian officials who are banned from the united states and their asses now according to the washington's version of the events sixteen of these officials are directly
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responsible for the death of. the game of new ski worked as an auditor and an accountant at hermitage capital management and was the main suspect in the major tax evasion case and he died in a pretrial detention facility back in two thousand and nine the russian officials opened a legal case over his death however in more as two thousand and thirteen russia's investigative committee dropped to be investigated into the data. as it had determined that no crime had taken place before the. us magness skill list was published russia warned that the response would be similar and really accordance with the rules of parity and then didn't last them twenty four hours russia responded with the same list with the same number off officials also eighteen american officials there are banned from entering the russian federation however the russian list consists of two parts now the first one includes those
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people who are involved in human rights violations and legalizing torture at one time and facility and the second part of this list involves of those people who are responsible for numerous human rights violations of those russian citizens abroad a what were. there are reports that these lists are only you're sure it's version of this and that there are extended versions off the list said that both countries presides and reportedly a u.s. extended version of the list even includes some greedy high level top russian government officials. but why do american kids they carry in their bags the both pens and all mug this comes in the wake of increasing gun violence which is seeing more and more students in the u.s. stocking up on proof uniforms and trying a new backpacks lined with ballistic material find of more want to teach. and another click away online dinosaurs all the financial services and this is how some
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experts are now branding british banks which are turning their backs on the people in need and want anyone to themselves from the next generation of payday lenders find out why and. after the break peter bell and his guests abate of the post bank of russia's economy in on the money. from no this is not a fifty's beside fi movie slogan it is what a.b.c. news is trying to find out when they investigated how lean finally texas beef is produced this type of quote beef has become very widespread throughout fast food restaurants and supermarkets in the usa and has led to its south dakota based
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manufacturer posting profits in the hundreds of millions of dollars but so what's wrong with some processed before you might ask well the reporting showed that of mony and other rough chemicals were doused on to the meat to kill equal i bacteria and make it safe for consumption although this product is for some reason people feel sort of created public backlash and many companies gave up ordering mysteriously and finally took should be ok while the mainstream media for once actually did something valuable for society and what did they get in return sued you know the pix line. crew decided to sue a.b.c. news and forced them not to divulge their company's secrets as well as punish them for defamation against their product which led to profit losses and guess what they won the lawsuit well faming products that on mass could destroy the health of millions of americans is no blasphemy in my book but my opinion.
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