tv Headline News RT May 3, 2013 12:00am-12:29am EDT
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the pasta reluctance of the u.s. to bomb the syrian rebels takes a sudden new turn stoking fresh fears of foreign intervention in the conflict. the euro skeptic movement in britain continues its offered trajectory as the u.k. independence party finishes second byelection by establishing itself was a major force to be reckoned. with the un says more than seven hundred people have been killed in violence in iraq this month the how ordinary people are dealing with possibly one of the country's worst crises in recent history.
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it's a pleasure to have you with us here on r.t. today on the research i live in moscow where it's now it just after eight am on friday let's go to straight to the latest reports right here on r.t. incoming from syria right now of at least two explosions at the international airport in damascus it's believed an alms depo may have death and they detonated in a nearby plane it was set ablaze as well i wouldn't say the large fire has a broken out of the scene there's no word yet on casualties so indeed the calls of the incident are here on oxy we will bring you the latest as we get it. meanwhile washington is now officially considering arming the syrian rebels off the holding back for approximately two years now this according to the defense secretary chuck hagel the dramatic twist comes just days after u.s.
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officials claim they have a confirmed intelligence pointing to the use of chemical weapons by the syrian regime has done a check and has the latest from washington. so far the administration has been reluctant to arm the rebels directly although its allies have been doing that for the past two years there have been persistent reports of increasing radicalization of anti assad forces you have an al qaeda affiliated group operating there and the opposition generally welcomes their efforts of the concerns are there now the administration says it's rethinking arming syrian opposition fighters secretary hagel said he is ministration is considering a range of options he also said he personally has not decided whether it would be wise to provide weapons to the rebels so there is nothing definitive in those remarks at this stage but the context of recent events has created a certain momentum and this kind of momentum may end up bolstering those forces on the ground and actually result in more violence because those fighters want weapons and they want heavy weapons now president obama this week said if there is proof
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that assad government itself forces have used chemical weapons in syria that would be quote a game changer again he says the u.s. had evidence that the weapons were used but had no conclusive evidence to tie it to the assad government right now both the rebels and assad forces blaming each other for the alleged chemical attack in the middle of march in aleppo the syrian government requested the u.n. to send a mission to investigate the incident the u.n. fact finding team has been on standby and ready to deploy but then the u.n. chief appears to have changed his plans for the investigation there's russia's foreign minister with more on that. the syrian government asked the secretary general to deploy it's you doing this to get this particular situation the secretary general state to use ready to do this but couple of days later she sent a letter to the syrian government demanding next is for the international experts to all cheery to read to the into its utility of syria as well as. the steam would
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like to to talk. and this is something which really defeats the purpose of immediate. investigation into the specific reported case of the use of chemical substances to have. in your sights to any person in syria. resembles very much of the security council resolutions regarding iraq and we all remember the end of that story so now instead of investigating a concrete incident the u.n. wants access to all sites and this inquiry has once again throw off the united nations into the center of a possible pawn for weapons of mass destruction where he faces the go to iraq the fear again is that politics may get ahead of fact these guy nature can write the syrian rebels armed by the united states could end up turning their weapons on americans according to independent research sariah seven poll all rick who says
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that that view is even shared deep inside washington. they're disappointed that the savage team has not fallen fast enough and it had always been the intention not only to dismantle the syrian army all render it useless but for us sad to leave and this isn't happened so in order to boost support for intervention we need to come up with all sorts of stories such as use of chemical weapons former cia operatives they've all spoken of blowback the united states has a band-aid policy that we we will take care of something today not think about what's happening tomorrow and every time it's the population in america it's the americans that are being victimized as a result of blowback it's not the people that start these wars start the arms and they continue to win at major corporations that are funding these wars so you know the the american people in
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a sense are almost as much as the people in this part that are being subjected to these. things that are going on on the ground there and it will come back to bite me i support the input. and i still had for you here on our tape out of being forced to cross the line. i needed a few hundred euros for medication also we had no food this is the money that was stolen a portuguese man robs a bank after redundancy left him unable to afford the medical bills for his wife who is suffering from an incurable disease and that story coming up as well and also. should be put out of these. two will be. great company then you have thanks to most of your years ahead of the world renowned marine ski theatre valerie go to conduct the grand opening of the new multimillion dollar stage space of the latest pictures in our
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special coverage from marine ski to in just a few minutes. for now though it is a happy day for euro skeptics across britain this hour for the u.k. independence party stole the show at another british byelection ukip came in second in south shields which is perceived as having a having a staggering result considering the party did not even stand in the constituency in the last general election more on this knowledge swansea's serve. people went see the polls for the local elections in england and wales yesterday here in the north of the country. was under way with the former labor david miliband. growing public support. being right at the center of that they were coming. through. the
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charismatic leader here backing his candidate. but as we've seen recently with clothing support the public are really responding to these mainstream party politicians now. to a question about the bush or a. large ask the question. is how far they've come to get place in such a short amount of time and certainly the main political parties are going to be looking very closely at this now because. this is a. support the kids had recently it does represent a quite significant change. and it will bring you the latest updates on the story
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throughout the day here on our team for more information right now you can just get over to our website. iraq could be undergoing one of its worst crises since the withdrawal of u.s. soldiers dollars the end of two thousand and eleven the united nations says more than seven hundred people were killed in the country last month and more than sixteen hundred injured most of the deaths came in late april after deadly clashes between security forces and sunni protesters in coke at the incident sparked a wave of violence that quickly spread to other areas the iraqi government is also gripped by corruption and political unrest with calls for prime minister nouri al maliki to resign and many fear sectarian tensions could escalate and see a return to full blown war. caffein off examines the impact of national struggles on the lives of ordinary iraqis. and.
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bombs may still haunt baghdad but these young men are more concerned with burning the rubber in a country where daily life is based on trying to avoid the dangers these iraqis are turning to danger as a way to avoid reality tasting the thrill of speed and testing the authorities it's an unexpected sight in post-war iraq for the fun a grim statistic half of the country's growing youth population is on able to find work. the biggest problem is financial support day everyone is constantly trying to find work but in baghdad there are very few jobs i'm myself i'm unemployed. ten years after the war a lie but iraq a full of contradictions but for young men like omar the motorcycle is one way it's the daily preservations of life here in iraq and reading about and taking on. adrenaline may be one way of coping with uncertainty but not for salva hasan
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hussein she now spends most of her days at home with her daughters trying to. rebuild a life shattered by corruption in the household chores are a far cry from her former career as a journalist but she's too scared to return to work she had been investigating corruption and prison abuses when she herself was detained and thrown behind bars the charges have been dropped but the family have to sell nearly everything they own is just to cover the thousands of dollars in bribes to secure her release. in this country money can buy you can buy your high position and this can buy you freedom and if you get accused of something in iraq you could be executed just because you can't afford to pay to save your life. it was a year long ordeal that by her account involved beatings and sexual assault she says that she's become a victim of the same corruption she once tried to expose. from victims to victors in a country better known for violence and divisions this youth football school is one
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of the few bright spots that stands out sunni shia and christian kids play here on the same field and that's exactly why the school was opened fourteen year old ali doesn't like to talk about the days father was killed instead he spent his time training on the field hoping to one day play on iraq's national football team but for now a more pressing desire. so i want the security situation to become peaceful elsewhere maybe one or two people are killed each day to him many people are killed every day by explosions and even bad things so i want to iraq to become safe like other countries. it's a wish that's undoubtedly echoed all across iraq for the past decade left nearly everyone with a tragic story to tell and yet somehow life goes on you see catherine of our team.
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of course we're going to head over to our web site a much more on the stories we're covering on air and also what are thought on find out how winds are from the center of the french president and i'm going to be going up for sale of over a thousand bottles are ready to fetch up to three hundred thirty thousand dollars some of the money is set to prop up the state's struggling finances and find out how much needs to be spent to separate some at least a pile of swine on line. and three decades behind bars that's the punishment to us high school student who got for some of his facebook posts labeled it disturbing verbiage by police.
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to teal one air you can feel it home. there are three choices in life the first is to work in a mckillop live on a miserable way to slay. the second is to jump the wall and catch the american dream. most of it. and a lot of. choice is to become a number of an organisation and get inside the drug trade. to buy something cool never forget.
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the cool kids did it by paid for what i've done that would never stop a. secret laboratory tim curry was able to build a new most sophisticated robot which all unfortunately doesn't give a darn about anything tim's mission to teach me the creation of life should care about humans and world this is why you should care only on the dog. it's are now a quarter past the hour here in the russian capital this is on its he with me will receive shape. as the mass hunger strike of going ton of nias the three month mock twenty three detainees are now being force for out of the facility and more than
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one hundred captives have officially joined the protest against mistreatment and indefinite detention without charge a lawyer for one of the prisoners told us here at r.t. that u.s. officials are making no efforts to resolve the life threatening crisis. my client's actually very bad condition he's been forced on it now for about two weeks his signing passages are infected and the forced to use more and more people every time i'm always amazed when i come to guantanamo bay reading the mainstream or the effort to avoid. trying to resolve the hunger strike one here i've seen a limited choice she performed in fact you know the prisoners report nothing happening and very solitary confinement no effort whatsoever to keep on top of the men who are suffering well i guess that's why you have an offshore prison so you can pretty much do what you want to release to the media whatever you want it to be between being a client today i've been here eleven and
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a half years not charged with a crime i'm never going to get a trial you want to hold me forever you won't let me live in peace you want peace in the funniest thing of all you do you need for that what kind of country do you come from and how many of the people were live. you know the u.n. has now officially access to find the force feeding of detainees at guantanamo as torture a report by a key u.s. think tank slammed washington for abuse of the facility coming up a bit later here on out the co-chair of the panel responsible for that report explains why i guess my should be shut down. just do not believe that it fits into the laws and the ethics and the values of america to have indefinite detention and to not allow a court of law and adjudication of charges against a person to be to go through an orderly process more than half of those detainees
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at guantanamo currently have already been cleared by the u.s. government and that means all the intelligence the military the law enforcement and all the agencies involved have said there's no reason to hold these people and they still are indefinitely being detained in guantanamo we feel very strongly that they ought to be released and they are not and that should be done immediately and the president we've called on the president to tell his secretary of defense to issue that exact that order to release them. just a moment on the date here on the program for now though at the european central bank has cut interest rates to a record low of zero point five percent on a bid to boost the euro zone's flailing a commies at the e.c.b. president pledged he's ready for even further reductions robert oulds from the euro skeptic think tank the brewers group he believes the measures will bring zero right
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. within the eurozone there will not be any change because they have one common sense it won't actually help the economies of southern europe particularly spain portugal italy and greece which we can all count together as countries that are struggling as a result of their being the e.u. single common see the euro france as well is also suffering economically and has unemployment rising we're seeing a separation between the french and german economies so cutting interest rates by this small amount won't actually really make much difference we need a vatican change of policy within the e.u. to to bring about economic growth eventually the will have to be a breakup of the euro that's the only way to restore economic growth it's the only way to get people back to work if they can then have their common seize depreciate and of course that the the the new tape instance adore each market that were to be
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returned that with an increase in in value and that would help the disparities within the eurozone which has been created largely by the single currency the need to be a vertical change of course unemployment will just keep on going up. and i mean while disintegrating economies in the most debt burden countries of europe forcing some people to resort to extremes artie's peter all of a fall this report. portugal is certainly beautiful but its current financial woes are making it a living hell for some with one portuguese man claiming that the crisis has driven him to trying to work for over thirty years in construction before being laid off today he's a convicted thank the money. i needed a few hundred euros for medication also we had no food at home this is what i bought with the money that was stolen i think about a thousand euros. turned to crime after he couldn't afford to pay the medical bills for his now ex-wife who suffers from m.s. . i rolled my own branch because of what they did to me and gave me loans and crazy
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interest resource have to take more loans to pay for them they robbed me so i robbed i'm not proud but i think the state forced me into this recession so what's going through your head as you're walking down here knowing that you're about to commit a crime. and i had a small plastic toy guns that moment as i was approaching the bank i saw a policeman nearby there was a bag near the street so i said to the caucus you check it out i hope this will be obstruction then i went into the bank and did what i did it was all over in five minutes. just keyboard what he needed then turned himself in to the police after spending a year behind bars part of the conditions of his release that he maintains a twenty minute distance from the bank he remains angry with the portuguese government who he says are encouraging this type of behavior with an unfair welfare system saying. it's so disgusting their mentality they gave me nothing when i needed it most in the now that i've broken the law and i'm on their radar they give
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me help they don't unless they get into trouble. concerns echoed by those who represent the rights of workers in portugal. the government worries more about pleasing germany than looking after its own people there is a lot of anger out there and the more people think they aren't getting a fair deal the more this anger snowball. this is the danger of keeping people in the limits of poverty. portugal has high unemployment and crippling debt soup one hundred eighty billion euro around one hundred twenty percent of you in the end of the crisis is certainly nowhere in sight asked if he feels remorse for his crime. it's very clear seem to them are so few remorse for what they did to the bond workers they're really scared the hell out of them the for getting what i needed anyway or cute now. i don't feel the slightest bit sorry for taking from the r.t.
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lisbon. now we're coming here live from moscow as the head prosecutor in the murder case of pakistan's former prime minister benazir bhutto has been shot dead in the country's capital early on friday choudhry itself a car was ambushed by gunmen on motorcycles on route to an antiterrorism court this going on in the garrison city of rawalpindi on tuesday the course some in pakistan's former president pervez musharaff of the charges of failing to provide adequate security for benazir bhutto and the country's first and so far only female prime minister who of course was killed in two thousand and seven. as promised to enter the r t world update we go now here on the program though that starting with the brothers of the suspects of course in the boston marathon bombings they originally planned to carry out their attacks during u.s. independence day celebrations of the surviving suspect has told interrogators the g.-o. decided to strike as early as april after completing the bombs sooner than inspected
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meanwhile the body of his brother is being claimed by funeral home retained by his family he was shot by police after a lengthy manhunt days after the terror attack the explosions of the boston marathon had killed three people and wounded over two hundred. venezuela's opposition leader and the as has formally challenge the tide victory of nicolas my daughter. in last month's presidential poll a lawyers representing capricious of filed a complaint with the country's supreme court alleging electoral fraud and demanding a cancellation of results and really won the election by just on the one point five percent you had venezuela's interim president following the death of the death of a of course hugo chavez off of the actually they had named him the preferable successor. what amala has declared a state of emergency in four towns in its southeast after a string of deadly protests over a controversial silver mine locals say that canadian owned facility how the area's
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water supplies earlier this week two people were killed as tensions went on the rise of the deaths occurred after security forces raided the area free twenty three police officers kidnapped by protesters. so petersburg a renowned. theatre now celebrating the long anticipated the opening of its new state of the art stage space equipped with the latest high technologies and decorated to reflect two centuries of legendary performances. to set to rival the best of venues from all around the world to buy must say was the opening go. it was like curtains at bay here. in st petersburg up to ten years in the making over seven hundred million a us dollars are spent in creating this techno seven very contemporary space everyone from the who's who of st petersburg was here to celebrate with are the creators of the space the one person that everybody wanted to make sure was well
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impressed and getting that approval stamp was from a present of lighting really putin himself he was here at the building and he seemed just as impressed as all of the guests who were here the man of the hour was valerie getting turned sixty years old and of course celebrating twenty five years as maestro and to sit director of mariinsky theatre one and mariinsky if he had to see the performances was what everybody was looking forward to here at the opening of course mariinsky orchestra all played their best showcasing the strings and the influence of which could be heard all the way from the back of the auditorium to the front and clear as a platinum sound and of course the ballet theatre itself did not disappoint they put on a show to be remembered i think that this is the night that everybody here in st
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petersburg and around the world will be talking for years to come about the spectacular god that was put on here i think you should be proud to use your. will be. great company then you have to thank. all of us thought of you an ecstatic and a head it's a great honor for me to participate in the opening of the with and to congratulate tyler again if nothing else it's a wonderful stage tonight so i think one of the most important. things. on stage like the. it's acoustics and it was. incredible assistance of they might just take someone who knows a mall about to the arts and culture is none other than the hate all that the bolshoi theatre he is that not to be exciting and he told me all that the cultural relevance of this theater to see with russia now has a new unique building i can stage technically complex performances from either
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russian or foreign opera and ballet companies an incredible night to remember a spectacular performance is it was just the opening night to we have two more nights of this at many inskeep if the it's you so join me with a wide on our see formal. piece of history in the making right i just want to hear a lot see it's abby martin of course taking on the mainstream media and breaking this. world. science technology innovation called the least of elements from found russia we've got the future covered. to least be to language.
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programs and documentaries in arabic it's all here on. reporting from the world talks about six of the yard p. interviews intriguing stories for you to. see in troy arabic to find out more visit arabic don't teach dogs called. you live on one hundred thirty three bucks a month for food i should try it because you know how bad the less bad luck i got so i didn't eat i mean ten pounds i know that i've seen the same thing really messed up. in the the all.
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