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tv   Headline News  RT  May 4, 2013 4:00am-4:30am EDT

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u.s. officials say israel has bombed syria for a second time this following a similar strike in january. has accused the regime of carrying out the claims coinciding with washington's announcement it's now openly considering. the u.k. independence party makes a breakthrough in local elections and sets its sights on parliament with the conservatives already admitting they now have to win back the voters they've lost to the.
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twenty four hour worldwide news this is r.t. live from moscow with me it's a pleasure to have you with us today. israel has openly intervened in syria for the second time this year that's according to u.s. officials they say carried out another bombing run on a target inside syria and this following a previous strike in january middle east correspondent paula now has the latest. there's been no official comment from the israeli side but israel in the past has said that it will do everything necessary to stop the transfer of weapons from syria to hezbollah or other so-called terrorist groups now the u.s. officials are reporting that it will conducted in a strike into syria what's not here clear is what and where the target of this attack was there are some reports that say it was a chemical weapons warehouse where as others are reporting that it was an audience convoy on this way to lebanon what's also unclear at this stage is whether or not israeli planes actually entered syrian airspace to conduct the attack or whether
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they normally missiles from the israeli side it's also not clear whether or not the israelis alerted the americans before they carried out such the attack such an attack on a white house officials have referred. to the israeli regime which as i say at this stage is keeping mum on the topic the second time this year that is well conducted strikes into syria back in january israeli fighter jets attacked a convoy of sophisticated anti-aircraft missiles that were believed to be on their way to hizbollah the syrian government is allied with lebanon's hezbollah and israel has said repeatedly in the past that it is committed to making sure syria doesn't supply any game changing weapons to hezbollah so essentially you have a situation where israeli warplanes violate anybody's airspace on a regular basis and his below recently going on record saying that it had intervened in the syrian conflict to help its allies in damascus as far as the
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chemical weapons issue goes syria recently said and this was after the u.s. claims that it had intelligence pointing to the recent use of chemical weapons by damascus the damascus regime said that it doesn't have any kind of chemical weapons and would never use them on the home front if indeed it did have them following that the first israel years strike happened in january and syria then said it was of the. i to defend itself but there was no open retaliate and there has been tension building up between syria and israel for quite some time and particularly recently the two countries share a border and that is the disputed golan heights which is syrian territory that is essentially occupied by israel and we've seen there recently clashes as well as exchanges of mortar fire in the past few months is certainly an incredibly tense situation on the ground but as of yet no word from the israelis as to whether or not they participated or carried out the strike. paula sway reporting there and in
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the meantime qana how and i spoke to him a bit earlier a contributing editor for the u.s. think foreign policy in focus he says the israeli attack will only aggravate tension in the region. i think the idea that the syrian government would be shipping arms to has below in the midst of a civil war or to be a very dubious kind of project i don't i don't see what the logic of that is i think the israelis are intervening it just quietly u.s. is is thinking of intervening because they don't think things are going. exactly the way that the insurgency wants them to go in israel he's can pretty much a strike as they will. in syria what the effect of that is on the wider arab world i think is the key question here and the israelis may
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find that while they're able to basically strike it will again syria that also means that it places a very different view so to speak of the civil war in syria and i think at this point the syrians are going to not going to do anything physically but i think they are going to say politically that the israelis are attempting to overthrow the assad government and therefore anybody who supports the overthrow of the also the government is in alignment with tel aviv and that may be a pretty hard sell for israel. in a while clashes between government forces and insurgents rage across syria the opposition has accused the regime of a genocidal massacre it's claimed at least fifty civilians were brutally killed during an assault on a village now and verified graphic footage of this now coming up here on a see it does appear to show mutilated victims of damascus has always been quick to
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place the blame for previous atrocities on the armed opposition many members of which are radical jihadists this latest massacre claim follows the u.s. announcement that arming the rebels is now being openly considered syrian journalist ali mohammed says the allegations by the opposition always coincide with fresh foreign pressure on us. the opponents of the syrian regime can accuse it of many things but being stupid is not one of these things and it will take a lot of stupidity to be a massacre is indeed going to listen to the public and graphic coalitions of immigrates right before the decisions are being made each time a big and important event in causing syria was happening within the u.n. security council or any other entity and each and every time there was there were talks about massacres and a relationship was in this this is beyond being by chance again i do believe you can see the size and to be suspicious by more weapons mean more messengers
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because there were on sunday news about massacres committed by the rebels and that is does not seem to bother the need to nations on the u. s. so getting more weapons means more the people and more that it will does not in any way mean something good for the country. and in the meantime russia continues to strongly oppose arming the rebels as it continues to seek ways to mediate a diplomatic solution to the conflict and unlike the west moscow remains committed to negotiating with all sides in syria as the russian foreign minister reiterated on friday well coop of let us go to such syria we are open for talks with all syrian opposition members by i think a way to stop the violence won't be found in moscow or any other foreign capital it's only in direct talks between the opposition and the syrian government is that arming non-governmental players violates international law or it's not the time to pour oil on the fire of the syrian conflict for all outside players is time to push
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all parties syrian government and various opposition groups political and military and force them to announce a cease fire or to sit down for talks arming the syrian rebels is betting on a military solution and not a political settlement. but to what it does no good to have you with us. here on r t today the u.k. independence party has made a major breakthrough in local elections claiming one in every four votes cast the conservatives with job part of the ruling coalition of course have admitted that all mainstream parties have major lessons to learn from the group seeking the country's withdrawal from the e.u. more on this to a point. it's been amended to stay for the u.k. independence party we've seen them come seconds in the south shields by election just behind labor and that's significant because we see a pattern emerging the past six months have seen you can't come second in full by
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elections some of the more we've had stunning council election results we've seen the ruling coalition parties the liberal democrats and the conservatives birds to stay in major losses in terms of council seats it's really you can't that have come out on top now this is a party that's been seen by many as the protest vote party the people a very keen for them if they feel too frustrated with labor conservatives liberal democrats the traditional status quo political parties but i think that a lot of people are going to have to be taking them a lot more seriously now and then a lot of people didn't take them very seriously just a few days ago the a senior conservative member called them clowns say they might have to have every think about that we're going to have you keep councillors across england and wales with the conservative party chairman has said that clearly the tories are failed to get their message across and they're going to have to have a rethink about how they can change that now i'm joined by the city spokesman for
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the u.k. independence party stephen wolf stephen chances are all well and good but they're not m.p.'s have as you've actually made significant gains today yes we have what we have done is created a seismic shift in politics in the united kingdom we have put a message down to the three political parties that there is a fool for all to hear on the block we are not keen on the door of parliament to use they have criticized us and said that we're a small party i'm not with voting for but you could be seen as the protest vote is that enough to make gains in a general election well it's a protest vote for the political elites if you want to put it in those terms they ignored us in the past and said no we want. to listen to us because we were a one party one issue party and then they said we were just a one person party if we got significant second places across the country from eastlink to south shields is a protest that is the sort of process that i want and i want to see as expand
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ourselves every political party has to put down a mountain of saying here's our policies come on come on have a go and tell us whether you like them or not that is quite right and we're ready to do that we're going to have to work on the list we're going to have to show that we can afford it in a time of austerity but i believe that once we set out the policies how we're going to pay for it and we've got the right people to actually deliver it we're going to be moving forward at an even greater speed than you've seen today stephen wolf city spokesman for the u.k. independence party thank you very much for your comments although you have it much a seismic shift taking place in british politics david cameron's already said that he's going to have to work very hard to try and win back the support will there is that a very tit for you can't say for the past two days. it is part of book of reporting still ahead for you this hour here on the program about a controversial career pots and rolling drone training programs being offered at american universities despite huge debate over a privacy violations on the killings by the unmanned aircraft of those details just
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ahead for you in the program also on the reverse brain drain schools of greeks flee the big cities to the countryside all in the hope of avoiding suffocating recession and unemployment the details of the stories after a short break. least
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be cool language. programs and documentaries in arabic it's all here on. reporting from the world talks about six of the p.r.p. interviews intriguing story for you. in troy arabic to find out more visit our big. thank you for joining us here on our tionne will receive a in the russian capital some peanuts but has been mocking the opening of a. new page in the history of its most celebrated theater the marine scheme of the ten years of construction and backed by two centuries of spectacular performances the new two already being dubbed one of the world's most ambitious new theaters oxys to buy multi is in russia's cultural capital. standing just outside the
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marines here to day to just live a canal here in st petersburg the theater was opened for the public after ten years of waiting to get a seat in that there's a wonderful auditorium as well as see a piece of the theater now of course with all the critics say luring about we want to find out what of the people themselves or thought yeah you know i'm waiting for something you know building is beautiful but this one is going to be so sunny that's why i'm looking forward to something magical. i wish despite all the technical novelties of the new stage some of the directors kept the original staging of the classical performances surprising us with innovations and new productions but leave the classic pieces as they are. for your. first of all i hope to see the ballet which is
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a jewel itself as well as the technical abilities of the new stage the conductor and the performers this is an amazing event in the lives of citizens of st petersburg the program appear to cheat day to consisted of the marines a ballet company the company is actually split into three parts the rubies and the diamonds as well as the arrows and now the company wanted to stage a mixture of a piece of bytes a kosky servin ski and a four way to make sure that they called the jewel it was a performance that stunned everybody which had everybody on their feet applauding with critics a silence that there's no doubt that this is a new mariinsky theatre to space will become the ambler of st petersburg. lucky girl that's about all over dot com right now for this hour more and more governments across the globe that turning to the tactic of spying on their own
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people by looking at the data inside their computers. use the latest to join a cyber intelligence club and learn more about the software involved and do so via our web site. plus supporting the boston bomber suspect posters claiming ethnic chechens a heart attack innocent and asking for money for him and his family these posters have tied up across chechnya and could stand where he was born. now as many as ten thousand drones could be prowling american skies by twenty twenty this according to the u.s. aviation administration as washington continues to boost domestic surveillance in the name of public safety growing numbers of americans are choosing to get in on the action the story to watch you correspond. unmanned aerial vehicles better known as drones are not only in the skies but might be taught at a college near you at least three u.s.
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schools offer bachelor degrees in engineering and flying dozens more offer drone one zero one courses and. the university of north dakota kicked off its four year program in two thousand and nine with just five students that number is now at a hundred and twenty they've elected to major in unmanned aircraft systems and i believe the reason is that they see that as an opportunity for growth it's an emerging technology embry riddle aeronautical university in florida began training u.a.b. pilots and operators in two thousand and eleven and in fact the number of graduates to reach the hundreds in the next several years and becoming and they use are becoming more prevalent in pretty much any time region you can imagine the increased interest in the drone industry is largely fueled by post-grad starting salaries that are much higher than those for pilots flying planes or helicopters or an economy that's hasn't recovered ok so people see opportunities for jobs wherever
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there's money to be had of course but the problem is that universities are supposed to do something more than serve the military industrial complex. to widespread debate drones are notoriously used as weapons and u.s. wars abroad the one that's under heavy scrutiny right now is that i mean aircraft are in the past been used by the military therefore the logical leap is that i'm an aircraft we use militaristically in the united states the federal aviation administration says that ten thousand commercial drones could be used over u.s. skies within five years for surveillance and other purposes while controversy surrounding them is that a piece how dare day even talk about drones on a domestic guys there are many many cities in the country that have already got rights to use these drones and they will be using them so without the laws that protect our privacy we do. not how they're going to be used most people teaching and studying you have your programs insist their use is much more varied than for
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military purposes abroad and surveillance at home. for them where that when need be an issue at all border security meteorological and environmental surveillance such as sending a drone into a hurricane without having to worry about the pilots are among the applications most commonly praised and you even use still the most common association with drones at home is law enforcement and it's this aspect that's making americans very uncomfortable obviously there's going to be some regulations that are going to have to be put in place so that people don't run around or at least you know police or whoever doesn't just have the ability to run around and you know go unchecked looking at you know having a ever watchful eye over the public but i don't think that will it will be a deterrent more so it'll be a challenge to make sure that you know people are. happy we implement the implementation of unmanned aircraft into the national airspace system officials are yet to convince americans that there are more pros than cons to drones flying over u.s. soil it's time to say wait a minute hold up let's not move forward in this area without understanding where
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we're going and that's the problem here and that's the danger this is the asian for unmanned vehicle systems international estimates the number of american jobs in the industry will grow to over twenty three thousand over the next fifteen years. and r.t. . the funerals have been held in iraq for those killed in a bomb blast at a sunni mosque interest just north of baghdad on friday seven people were killed at least thirty wounded during the attack the country now seeing some of its worst violence in almost five years with the united nations claiming more than seven hundred were killed just in the last month and many fear sectarian divisions and the inability of both already is to maintain order and send the nation back into a full scale conflict iraqi sunis complain that being marginalized by the shiite led government ever since u.s. troops toppled saddam hussein and al qaeda operatives are reportedly flooding the
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country from a few hundred last year to about two thousand now and some iraqi leaders say if the state's lied to the civil war it will be worse than syria friends on the list ivan eland he believes centralized rule won't ever work with such disparate groups. we have no sectarian tensions which have been there since the sense so long since decades but were unleashed when the us invaded in two thousand and three and of course played out in two thousand and six and two thousand and seven where you had sectarian warfare between. sunni i think there's probably going to be an escalating conflict in iraq the kurds used to to side with the shia government but i'm not sure that they would anymore because they have a lot of disputes. with the government now that they didn't have before as you have plenty of guns that the u.s. bribed the sudanese to quit attacking the united states troops when they were there and so that all these guns are left over so essentially the u.s.
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. during a talking patient is armed golf all three groups there with the government has always been used by one group to oppress the other groups and therefore a strong central government which the u.s. left is a bad thing i think i think what should happen is decentralization but different groups run different regions with security and judiciary and maybe have a free trade area like a can fail loose confederation in these countries we might keep it stable. are you watching our. very briefly back to one of our top stories for you right here we've been discussing the suspected a second israeli air strike on syria since january of this year we now hear it out see just getting confirmation here israeli officials confirming that the air strike on syria did indeed take place that they were targeting a shipment of advanced missiles they do stay with us here on c.n.n. more developments on that for now though let's get into the day starting with the portuguese government which is now announced plans to cut thirty thousand public
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sector jobs in a bid to meet the terms of an bailout other austerity measures are aimed at saving four point eight billion euros by twenty fifteen will include both extending they were tom an aging and working hours portugal's economy has been battered by three consecutive years of recession and record high unemployment at nearly eighteen percent and the conservative government's austerity policies have proven extremely unpopular prompting mass public demonstrations. nearly three hundred people have been forced to evacuate their homes in north and belgium after a train carrying chemicals derailed and burst into flames the inferno led to a series of explosions in the neighboring rail cars at this point no injuries have been reported however at train links in the area are suspended. in the libyan capital crowds of anti militia protesters clashed with demonstrators who were calling for qaddafi officials to be tossed out of the government last week the
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government seized the foreign and justice ministry in tripoli demanding a law purging x. members of the ousted regime and the army had to be deployed in the city to ensure security and attention is yet another sign of the growing instability that threatens libya's first elected of thora two since the overflow of khadafi. at least four people have been killed in violent mass protests in guinea ahead of a parliamentary election and tension has risen in the country in the lead up to june ballot a policeman and a student are reported to be among the victims of the opposition accuses the government of trying to rig the poll and is demanding the vote has called off a live model election is meant to complete the transition to civilian rule following a military coup in two thousand and eight. years of recession and austerity in greece have seen a reverse to the brain drain in the country with scores of people being chased out of the big cities by the cost of living and unemployment. to bottom spoke to some
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of them to learn if indeed the grass is any greener in the greek countryside. the young man on the sea theodorus is in his forty's but while he used to make his living at a newspaper in greece's second city saloniki he's now returned to his roots on the northern greek coast this is theodorus is fresh fish shop he took it over when his uncle retired two years ago and now theodorus is making a go of it himself far away from the big city his decision is part of the trend greeks unable to make ends meet in the cities looking to areas with small recolonise costs. the company i work for cut our salaries so i decided to come here to find a better life for my children and me. it cost us also gave up a life in athens to open a guest house in the hills of northern greece the life of a city advertising manager was good he says but people should think before writing
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off the world outside. thing that there you go there are many opportunities for you to make your life better in a small town rather than in afternoons. and a potential reverse brain drain from cities back to the regions could hold hidden benefits being educated and hip in the experience of living in the areas and all the experience of the money gives living in the city lives i mean these are these people be. my pill come in to do the countryside to develop not that everyone relishes the prospect demetrius moved away when he was eighteen and is now a freshly out of work t.v. director he finds adjusting to life back here difficult he wanted to stay in the capital in a beautifully i was forced to come back here because of the high rates of unemployment in athens it was a matter of survival for me for these three greeks as for increasing multitudes of
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others this move choice or not is a path away from unsustainable living in cities hit by economic crisis here at least if they have little else new arrivals or old home camas have the scenery and the sea tom bottom r.t. . good to have your pleasure this evening and this morning as you say at odds here we've got quite an interesting documentary coming your way in just a moment a striking beauty brutal competition blood sweat and folly in just a couple of minutes. the news a secret laboratory tim curry was able to build a new its most sophisticated robot which all unfortunately doesn't give a dollar amount anything tunes mission to teach music creation why it should care
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