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tv   Headline News  RT  May 4, 2013 2:00pm-2:30pm EDT

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warplanes carry out strikes inside syria israel's defense ministry refuses to confirm or deny widespread reports its jets carried out the attack on alleged game changing heading for. a trace of terror bombing investigators focus on the widow of the killed suspect after discovering radical islamist material on her computer. changing face of u.k. politics. moves from the margins to claim a stunning result in local elections leaving the governing conservatives to want to help to win back support of the top stories.
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around the clock around the world international news and comment from a studio center here in moscow. warplanes have carried out air strikes inside syria and it is widely reported they were sent by israel the target was a shipment of alleged advanced missiles heading from lebanon but the israeli defense ministry says it has no knowledge of the anonymous officials who confirm the attack the second of its kind in less than five months middle east correspondent has the latest now from israel. the official is speaking on condition of being anonymous because he is not authorized to speak about a secret israeli military operation we had r.t. has been in touch with the israeli foreign ministry but as of yet they are not prepared to publicly concern at least not to us that such a strike indeed was carried out by the israelis what is interesting is that the strike happened late thursday into the early hours of friday morning and at that
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same time the israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu called for a late night emergency cabinet meeting now we don't have information as to what was exactly the purpose of the goal of that meeting but it certainly does raise on val's the lebanese are complaining that israel has violated lebanese airspace and that israel does do this on numerous occasions and has been doing it recently with quite a bit of consistency as well in the past has said that it will pull out all the stops to make sure that there is no transfer of weapons to his below of course the israeli concern is that hizbollah would use any kind of weapons against the jewish state the second time this year that israel has carried out a strike inside syria you remember the first was back in january when israeli fighter jets targeted a sophisticated convoy of anti aircraft missiles that is well believed were on their way to has been that israel and syria share a common border you have the disputed golan heights which israel occupied from
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syria back in one thousand nine hundred sixty seven and in recent weeks we've witnessed a flare up in violence and intensions along that border. lebanon suggest israel is expanding its military activity over the country officials say israeli military aircraft have penetrated the country's airspace and flown over several areas in violation of a u.n. security council resolution but they insisted the floods would do nothing to ensure israel's security we spoke to freelance journalist. but he says recent events only tension in the region. while israeli planes are constantly carrying out flights over lebanon usually they coincide precede or follow a military ground operation or these are surveillance flights to israeli jets violated the airspace above the syria lebanon border and headed north for four consecutive days the israeli air force has been carrying out intensive flights over southern regions for the first time several planes carried out simulated attacks on
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several areas anyway tension is growing this is shown by the intensity of israeli jets flying over lebanon especially in recent days. called helen and contributing editor for us think tank foreign policy in focus believes it's unlikely the embattled syrian government would have risked provoking an israeli attack. i think the idea that the syrian government would be shipping arms to has billa in the midst of a civil war or to be a very dubious kind of project i don't i don't see what the logic of that is i think the israelis are intervening at this point the u.s. is is thinking of intervening because they don't think things are going. exactly the way that the insurgency wants them to go israelis can pretty much a strike as they will in syria what the effect of that is on the
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wider arab world i think is the key question here and the israelis may find that while they're able to basically strike it will again syria that also means that it places a very different view so to speak of the civil war in syria and i think at this point the syrians are going to not going to do anything physically but i think they are going to say politically that the israelis are attempting to overthrow the assad government and therefore anybody who supports the overthrow of the also the government is in alignment with tell of these and that may be a pretty hard sell for israel. while clashes between government forces and rebels rage across syria the opposition has accused the regime of a message it's claimed more than sixty were killed during an assault on a village the following graphic footage apparently shows some of the victims
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damascus has previously placed the blame for atrocities only armed opposition many members of which are radical jihadists and their latest allegations follow the u.s. admitting it is now considering arming the rebels syrian journalist mohamed says accusations by the opposition always coincide with fresh foreign pressure on the massacres. the opponents of the syrian regime can accuse it of many things being stupid is not one of these things and it will take a lot of stupidity to time be the massacres and the evolutions of the public and graphic violations of human rights right before decisions are being made each time a big and important event in causing syria was happening within the un security council or in any other entity and each and every time there was there were talks about must first and and violations of human rights in this this is beyond. by chance again i do believe that this is the size and the time in peace to be
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suspicious buying more weapons mean more messages because there were concerns in use of automatic response committed by the rebels and this does not seem to bother the need to metion is on the u. s. so giving more weapons means more the people and more of the people does not in any we mean something good for the country. law enforcement officials investigating the boston marathon bombings have turned their focus to the widow of one of the suspects radical islamic material was discovered on a computer belonging to the american wife of someone who was killed when police try to capture him or his duty cutting off as more. katherine russell she's a twenty four year old widow of tamerlan and she's been under investigation basically since the identities of the boston bombers were revealed she initially came under scrutiny when authorities discovered female d.n.a. on a piece of a pressure cooker that was used to construct a homemade explosive material she submitted her fingerprints and d.n.a.
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and authorities say they did not match the sample on the explosives that were found however investigators have also been probing her computer materials and what it turns now now is that authorities have discovered al qaeda is inspire magazine and other so-called radical islamic literature on the computer now the key question is whether this material actually belonged to her or whether it was downloaded by her husband or somebody else so that is the key question that investigators are looking into at the moment if we actually begin with katherine russell i mean she grew up in rhode island the christian daughter of an emergency room doctor and a nurse sort of the epitome of the all-american girl before she met star not have in fact she graduated high school in two thousand and seven and according to one magazine report her yearbook quote had mentioned that she wanted to grow up and join the peace corps people who knew her said that this bright girl with a passion for learning and travel had really radically transformed since meetings are not she ended up becoming a college dropout she married him converted to islam and stayed at home and took
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care of the children the same could be said of himself actually there was an interesting interview with an ex-girlfriend of his who said that the man she met and dated in two thousand and six had transformed from a pot smoking party boy to an anti american islam minister jihadi essentially that is how she described him it's unclear what prompted the transformation in case but we do know that much of his radicalization officials believe was inspired by al qaeda in the arabian peninsula there's reports that he has watched sermons by the american born cleric anwar all blocky and according to news reports sources of actually refer to inspire magazine as one of the materials found under the possession of. it's known to have published a bomb making guide and that's the others have also uncovered other evidence of sort of radical material. so a new turn in the investigation into last month's deadly boston bombings as police try to determine the involvement of these suspects would a professor of middle east studies and ethnic and religious conflicts dr wanted far as i spoke to a little earlier he says that homegrown terrorism influenced by jihadist ideology
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has emerged as a serious threat to the u.s. the homegrown jihadi movement in america or groups in america are becoming the list single most important threat and challenge to the united states security homegrown american right wing or left wing or racist or ethnic based charities and basically is one thing on the one hand and homegrown slosh jihadi terrorists and that could be could be u.s. citizens could be convert could be anything but the ideology is coming from outside the modulation is coming from outside i think we're dealing with an end to national movement of terrorism the jihadist movement is not homegrown to each country such as india or arabia or russia or france or at least it is an international movement therefore the most important point here is basically to get through the indoctrination process we see one comment trend across all the cases that we had in
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the united states in europe and elsewhere is who is doing the indoctrination who is leading to the indoctrination gerry's fifty percent fifty percent responsibility as congress says on the agencies for not detecting for not accepting the reports coming from russia and saudi arabia but the other fifty percent it's a question of policy we have removed the ideological indoctrination detector and that's the result. they've been labeled clowns the loonies but now they've picked up a quarter of the votes in british local elections euro skeptic u.k. independence party a former outsider has grabbed one hundred forty seven seats in local councils a surprise increase from just eight problems said david cameron reached out to those he once called a bunch of fruit cakes it's no good insulting them he's pretty boy who has been following a vote held a sea change in british politics. that's been amended to stay for the u.k. independence party we've seen them come second in the south shields by election just behind labor and that's significant because we see
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a pattern emerging the past six months have seen you can't come second in full by elections some of the more we've had stunning council election results we've seen the ruling coalition parties the liberal democrats and the conservatives birds to stay in major losses in terms of council seats it's really ukip that have come out on top now this is a party that's been seen by many as the protest vote party the people a very keen for them if they feel too frustrated with labor conservatives liberal democrats the traditional status quo political parties but i think that a lot of people are going to have to be taking them a lot more seriously now and that a lot of people didn't take them very seriously just a few days ago the a senior conservative member called them clowns say they might have to have a rethink about that we're going to have you keep councillors across england and wales the conservative party chairman has said that clearly the tories are failed to get their message across and they're going to have to have
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a rethink about how they can change that now i'm joined by the city spokesman for the u.k. and dependence party stephen wolf stephen chances are all well and good but they're not m p's have as you can actually made significant gains today yes we have what we have done is created a seismic shift in politics in the united kingdom we have put a message down to the three political parties that there is a full full to hear on the book we are not keen on the door of parliament to use they have criticized us and said that we're a small party i'm not work for voting for but you could be seen as the protest vote is that enough to make games in a general election well it's a protest vote for the political elites if you want to put it in those terms they ignored us in the past and said no we want. to listen to this because we were a one party one issue party and then they said we were just a one person party if we got significant second places across the country from eastlink to south shields is
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a protest that is the part sort of process that i want and i want to see is expand also so every political party has to put down a mountain of saying here's our policies come on come on have a go and tell us whether you like them or not that is quite right and we're ready to do that we're going to have to work them on the list we're going to have to show that we can afford it in a time of austerity but i believe that once we set on the policies how we're going to pay for it and we've got the right people to actually deliver it we're going to be moving forward at an even greater speed than you've seen today to be well city spokesman for the u.k. independence party thank you very much for your comments although you haven't much seismic shifts taking place in british politics david cameron's already said that he's going to have to work very hard to try and win back the support of all those that invaded for you can't say the past two days. of life here in moscow with the twenty four hours a day still to come this hour despite control the sea ever use of drones for the sake of security in the u.s. drone studies becomes a popular choice for american students the demand for aircraft rocketing the
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research the trend after a short break. we speak your language as i think about the war not advance. your music programs and
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documentaries and spanish what matters to you breaking news that will turn it into angles stories. for you here to. try to alter the spanish find out more visit actuality the. news continues here on r.t. criticism over the domestic use of drones in the u.s. is mounting well the moment for the misc iraq getting the federal aviation administration predicts some one hundred thousand commercial aircraft will be over american skies within the next five years and as a tease out of stars a check of it's been finding out building and operating the drones is becoming a coveted profession for many. unmanned aerial vehicles better known as drones are not only in the skies but might be taught at a college near you at least three u.s.
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schools offer bachelor degrees in engineering and flying dozens more offer drone one zero one courses and classes. at the university of north dakota kids off its four year program in two thousand and nine with just five students that number is now at one hundred twenty they've elected to major in unmanned aircraft systems and i believe the reason is that they see this as an opportunity for growth is an emerging technology embry riddle aeronautical university in florida began training u.a.b. pilots and operators in two thousand and eleven and expects the number of graduates to reach the hundreds in the next several years and becoming and they ease are becoming more prevalent in pretty much any time region you can imagine the increased interest in the drone industry is largely. fueled by post-grad starting salaries that are much higher than those for pilots flying planes or helicopters were an economy that's hasn't recovered ok so people see opportunities for jobs
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wherever there's money to be had of course but the problem is that universities are supposed to do something more than serve the military industrial complex. to widespread debate drones are notoriously used as weapons and u.s. wars abroad the one that's under heavy scrutiny right now is that i mean aircraft are in the past been used by the military therefore the logical leap is that i'm an aircraft we use militaristically in the united states the federal aviation administration says that ten thousand commercial drones could be used over u.s. skies within five years for surveillance and other purposes while controversy surrounding them is that if he had dared they even talk about drones on a domestic i think there are many many cities in the country that have already got rights to use these drones and they will be using them so without laws that protect our privacy we don't know how they're going to be used most people teaching and studying the oriented programs insist their use is much more varied than for
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military purposes abroad and surveillance at home i think. for them where that when we would all would or security meteorological and environmental surveillance such as sending a drone into a hurricane without having to worry about the pilots among the applications most commonly praised and you use still the most common association with drones at home is law enforcement and it's this aspect that's making americans very uncomfortable obviously there's going to be some regulations that are going to have to you know be put in place so that people don't run around or at least you know police or whoever doesn't just have the ability to run around and you know go unchecked looking at you know having a ever watchful eye over the public but i don't think that will it will be a deterrent more so it'll be a challenge to make sure that you know people are. happy with the implementation of an aircraft into the national airspace system officials are yet to convince americans that there are more pros than cons to drones flying over u.s. soil it's time to say wait
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a minute hold up let's not move forward in this area without understanding where we're going and that's the problem here that's the danger the association for unmanned vehicle systems international estimates the number of american jobs in the industry will grow to over twenty three thousand over the next fifteen years. and r.t. new york intending guantanamo bay prison cost more than nine hundred thousand dollars per prisoner every year making it one of the most expensive prisons in the world but to find out where this money goes in a time more than two thirds of the detainees are refusing food in protest against mistreatment or so that you can find a timeline of hunger strike as it nears its three month. also the way. the store approaches only four illuminates for believers in jerusalem and all over the world as people prepare to mark resurrection of jesus christ on our web site will have live pictures as the occasion is marked in russia and will be
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covering one of the most spectacular sundays with service transmission from moscow's main cathedral at nine hundred thirty. the e.u. is facing another year of recession and job losses the only employment rate across the eurozone is expected to rise over twelve percent this year peaking at twenty seven percent and heavily indebted greece and in their search for work many of forced from big cities into the countryside. went to hear their stories. the young man on the sea theodorus is in his forties but while he used to make his living at a newspaper in greece's second city thessaloniki he's now returned to his roots on the northern greek coast this is theodorus his fresh fish shop it took it over when his uncle retired two years ago and now clear doris is making a go of it himself far away from the big city his decision is part of the trend
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greeks unable to make ends meet in the cities looking to areas with smaller economies and costs. the company i work for cut our salaries so i decided to come here to find a better life for my children and me. costers also gave up a life in athens to open a guest house in the hills of northern greece the life of a city advertising manager was good he says but people should think before writing off the world outside. thing that there you go there are many opportunities for you to make your life better in a small town rather than in athens. and a potential reverse brain drain from cities back to the regions could hold hidden benefits being educated and hip in the experience of living in the areas and all the experience of the money he gives living in in the city lives i mean these are these people be. my pill to do the countryside to develop
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not that everyone relishes the prospect demetrius moved away when he was eighteen and is now a freshly out of work t.v. director he finds adjusting to life back here difficult he wanted to stay in the capital. i was forced to come back here because of the high rates of unemployment in athens it was a matter of survival for me for these three greeks asked for increasing multitudes of others this move choice or not is a path away from unsustainable living in cities hit by economic crisis here at least if they have little else new arrivals or old home commas have the scenery and the sea tom bottom r.t. . there are some other news making headlines around the world starting with blasts in pakistan which killed three and injured twenty seven to tell about a targeted election of a pakistani liberal political party in karachi with two blasts going off within
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minutes of each other militants earlier promised to target three secular political parties ahead of the general elections in a week's time more than seventy people have been killed in the ongoing insurgent attacks in the run up to that may the eleventh poll and the vote is expected to mark the first ever democratic transition of power in pakistan. in home gree hundreds of far right protesters rallied on budapest martyr square one day before the world jewish congress opens in the country judges came under fire for authorizing what is widely seen as an anti semitic protest for the victims of zionism in a country with the largest jewish community in europe it was organized by the jobbik party became the term notoriety in two thousand and nine. reports say two people have been killed and fourteen injured following a series of explosions in a massive chemical fire in northern belgium authorities were forced to evacuate nearly three hundred residents from the town of ghent after a train carrying chemicals derailed and burst into flames firefighters decided to
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let the flames burn out naturally as doubts in them with water could lead to the release of toxic chemicals into the air rail services faced forty eight hours of disruption. in tripoli government supporters of clash with demonstrating militia members who are demanding get deaf ear officials be ousted from the government last week our men laid siege to the country's foreign and justice ministries calling for a purge of the old regime's members violence and instability are once again threatening the country two years after a nato led intervention and the overthrow of colonel gadhafi. well that brings up the date for the moment i'll be back with the news team in less than half an hour just about half an hour from now in the meantime it's time for breaking the set on trafficking deadly commodities standardized tests and places journalists should not go join abby martin for her latest show in just a minute this is all
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that i'm telling. you guys i'm having martin and this is breaking the set well the president one tunnel bays been coming back in the news after being ignored for the last five years the recent press conference obama was finally forced to address the torture house due to a growing hunger strike within the facility right now there are still one hundred sixty six people being held indefinitely without trial or getting out of those prisoners over one hundred are starving themselves to death to send a message to the world don't forget about us and although obama's acknowledge them are the prisoners had america's human rights record he's approach fighting terrorism by expanding it drone wars across the muslim world murdering thousands of people in order to kill those suspected militants or alleged terrorists well i
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spoke to the former chief. prosecutor colonel morris davis about the rationale for the evolution of obama's drone policy check it out and because things are so politically bad for bush and obama even though people seem to have forgotten that he said he was in a closet it seems like the u.s. is now opting to just kill suspected militants abroad instead of capturing them i mean is this just the new policy because of how bad this detention facility has kind of been a scar on the administration well it's been hopefully that's not the policy i mean if the u.s. has gotten to the point where killing people is easier than confining and as i said commentary what a sad commentary indeed if it were true and guess what it is according to guardian the lawyer who drafted the policy on drone assassinations john bellinger claims that the obama administration is ramping up the use of killer robots for this very reason he says the administration's unwilling to deal with the consequence.


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