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tv   Headline News  RT  May 9, 2013 2:00pm-3:01pm EDT

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anyway. spectacular regiments in military hardware parade in the heart of russia's biggest cities as the country commemorates sixty eight years since victory in world war two . now that tonight cracks widen between china and japan with beijing questioning the ownership of a group of islands already sensitive territorial dispute. and growing worries over so-called benefits tourism in the e.u. four member states now take steps to fend off my goods from poor countries.
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all over again even if you just joined us this is our team my name's kevin no it's not just after ten pm this ninth of may victory day here in russia. and we're going to take you now to one of the highlights of the day big event unfolding now will take here bring you a full screen these pictures it's the big fireworks displays being held across moscow it is a sixty eight than a verse or in a victory over nazi germany a day of remembrance and celebration in russia rounded off with what you're seeing here spectacular fireworks displays across the capital fireworks of course a traditional way to end victory day celebrations not only here in moscow but in
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more than a dozen dozen other cities across russia as well it's a day that a lot of people look forward to so much and it's a very big day here in moscow as you can see so much money spent on this but the money is never an issue it's the fact that the commemorations are happening and what happened sixty eight years ago is being remembered nine thousand of fireworks you're seeing here going up into the sky tonight beautiful night for as well super weather out there. they go off from fourteen locations around the city the main ones by the big state university it's hills and also victory park the park named after what we're seeing here now is just to the the west of the city. is pyrotechnic displays attracting nearly crowds we're going to be bringing you over the next thirty seconds or so more of what's happening let's listen in and listen
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to the crowds for a bit to get a flavor of. west point here as well that two point seven million veterans are still alive. in russia it's a very big night for them. and give your best as well during the day salute some parades across the country been honoring the veterans of the bloodiest war in history as well as those who sacrificed their lives to liberate the world farmers of the main military display of red square. as another precedent victory day parade here on the red square it started with ten strings marching in unison across is my money setting and it is a day that has unified russia on the field and soviet states is a day that is used to celebrate victory i think it would also. bring. me for the last to write your wall around telling me you are still
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a long and it's a day late there are some that even said part of the very first thing they write in red square ninety five after they return from the front line victorious during this right we will slice a rustic display of russian military hardware types knows most of this although it is also. less likely die. due to a place which would be life saving technology money started with a message from president putin the price the courage to buy both in the great country or to all those who insist the world must stay within the likud to secure the planet security and free arts a red square costume. but commemorations not just in moscow thousands of people lay flowers at the fallen soldiers memorial in the southern city of volgograd for me don't style and grab the scene of
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a pivotal battle of the second world war and also one of the bloodiest in history those in story can ration to the urals their motorcyclists gathered for a symbolic very day rally and there were numerous concerts and veterans of them soft hillary salutes also be held in every major city in the country. and on our you tube channel even far more images of the victory day celebrations including more of those fireworks on the way now the full video of the parade in moscow as well and on our web site r.t. dot com we want you to take a look at the footage of what the veterans went through during that war to hear what they've got to say as well. i've. been focusing now on some of the day's big stories and with china and japan already abroad in a territorial row over a group of islands in the east china sea now a new disputes flaring up beijing's calling for
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a review of the euro can our islands which are home to major u.s. military bases and tens of thousands of american troops the people's daily considered a mouthpiece of china's communist party was all but laid claim to the archipelago now in a article written by academics tokyo quickly hit back at that denouncing the paper as a political tool declaring its ownership of okinawa was beyond doubt but we got some thoughts from james corbett he's editor of a japan based news website he says china is a means to pressure japan into making concessions elsewhere here. it is at the very least an interesting new development in the territorial dispute and obviously meant to at least increase pressure on japan over the the disputed senkaku islands which is another part of this territorial dispute that's going on but in terms of okinawa itself it's been within the japanese sphere of influence for at least the last four hundred years now but of course this brings up the fundamental issue of all of this which is china is trying to argue that it has historical claims over the okinawa
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islands japan has these formal claims that it's set up in the me back in the eighteenth seventy's but it's this group completely excluded from this is the fact that of course there is an ethnic indigenous population in okinawa who are the ones who are completely forgotten in all of this and are being used as pawns as they have had to suffer through basically imperial regime after imperial regime and now it's basically a site for u.s. military bases and japan i think is going to be more or less a spectator in this i don't think that they have the ability to really stop china from making these types of claims it's just a question of if and when this would to actually spill into a military confrontation with a huge u.s. military presence in okinawa washington's interests are also at stake in this new territorial dispute between beijing and tokyo to call a columnist for foreign policy in focus he says china's move may be a challenge america's asian focus. i think it's a couple of things going on one is that the chinese are very very disturbed about
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the the asia pivot on the part of the obama administration you what they see is that the united states has now moved sixty percent or is in the process of moving sixty percent of their own forces into the pacific region so they find that very disturbing and there was a standoff with the but the clinton administration in the late ninety's in which the chinese had to back down from and they don't want to be in that position again so so part of this is a backdrop is is that this is a way of kind of challenging their asia pivot but they're basically saying to washington is don't push us don't come into our waters i do think as well there isn't any kind of drive a wedge to a certain extent between japan and the united states only states certainly wants a war with china which japanese are being a bit more aggressive on this the trainees are pushing the the envelope just
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a little bit to see if the u.s. will back off a little bit on its support of japan so far that hasn't happened but but possibility in the future. this is our take i'm a bit late to this the u.s. dishes out the dollars for israeli defense spending hundreds of millions on the infamous aligned system despite criticism that it's not as effective as it's being presented to us to come and plus. these workers in northern greece are dismantling a failed factory others though are taking control of the plants to try and keep going join me tom bought a nazi for a look inside the crisis in greece and just a few minutes. before the there's a growing spot within the european union over so-called benefit to resume for member states and are calling for a curb on welfare payments to e.u. citizens making claims outside the home country austria germany the netherlands and the u.k.
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all say it's putting pressure on an already crisis it benefits system on his political report. have you had the one about the dutchman the german the austrian and the englishwoman going to the european commission and asking for cubs on migration within the e.u. it's not a joke it actually happened holland germany austria and the u.k. say that they're concerned about the pressure being put on their public services as a result of so-called benefits terrorism so they've written a letter to the european commission asking for help in making it harder for freshly arrived e.u. migrants to access public services such as schools hospitals and accommodation the move comes just seven months before labor restrictions a lifted and the e.u.'s newest members remain ian ball garia are allowed to live and work freely anywhere within the european union brussels response to the letter has been lukewarm they want to see evidence that this so-called benefits terrorism actually exists to talk about the issue i'm joined by her be brockman from the
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joint council for the wealth of immigrants thank you very much for joining us do you think there is the threat of all this pressure being put on public services in the u.k. let me tell you first this isn't a phobia on share mad because evidence suggests otherwise we know that two million . nationals came to this country and only thirteen thousand of them out of two million claim job seekers allowance we know that for the health service that we have got a hundred billion pounds the budget for a national health service and only ten to twenty million pounds where. from european nationals so this is a more. backed by evidence the evidence is there if this is a myth propagated by the media then why are the politicians over four key western european countries so concerned about it you see the politicians are pandering to
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you to sponsor the blood made. and publicans like to get some tivo but if we want to have a harmonized economy we want everyone's betterment in google then we should want to words not protectionism habeeb rachman thank you very much for your comments well there you have it the free movement directive one of the pillars the founding pillars of the european union but it looks like at the moment some key western countries are uniting together against a united europe. london and kevin i mean thanks for being with us tonight we're talking pakistan elections when we come back after this quick break. it was built on coal. fuel for its factories. coke for its steel. cold as it holds and heat for its people.
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join me james brown to meet them spend their lives underground and work in one of the world's most dangerous professions. workloads. of coal on o.t. .
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the u.s. says it plans to push further to get israel and palestine to the negotiating table with john kerry planning another trip to the middle east but the peace efforts are stopping washington anyway from spending hundreds of millions of dollars on the israeli military including funding that i and missile shield. has been hearing from people who say that the fence system isn't worth it. the brains behind the iron dome. but the funding is mostly american born the americans. assistance it solves the discussion and offered their assistance they have washington recently pledged an additional six hundred eighty million dollars for the point intercept a system that advocates claim has a success rate of more than eighty percent you know the numbers i've seen the results are you endorsing. even obama has gotten in on the act his first stop at a recent trip to israel was to an iron dome battery where he told soldiers they're
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doing an amazing job because so much money has been spent on this defense missile system that now needs to be marketed and sold otherwise how do you justify something that has already cost the american taxpayer millions of dollars but for all its hifi iron dome which is designed to intercept and destroy short range rockets aimed at populated areas is not foolproof i have a lot of question marks questions that include the system's effectiveness weapons experts new united states and even in israel say the i.d.f. has y. be overstated its intercept success rate by a factor of ten or more you can see very clearly the project like this that it's impossible to get a warhead work. so you've. destroyed eighty four percent of the incoming orchids the celebrated technological wonder exploded onto the international stage after last year's israel gaza war but the math did not add up
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it proved disproportionately expensive as a defense against crude homemade palestinian rockets and. militants there are assembling these rockets which cost about one hundred dollars to make. which is very little more than than a pipe with an explosive to propel it forward. and the iron dome rockets. actually cost fifty thousand dollars. each bucket so shooting two rockets to intercept one of the of the finance makeshift runs a makeshift rockets would cost a thousand times more than the cost of the rocket that is being intercepted but the i.d.f. has good reason to mislead the world about its effectiveness not only to taxpayers want to know the money is being well spent but enemies need to be deterred especially gaza militants firing at israel's southern border city of still a lot more but very aloof even more they develop their own to defend the war
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both with. the only failure the cannot defend is they were given the history of missile defense deception and the strong israeli incentive to deceive the people who pay for the system should be asking hard questions about how well it really works policy r.t. tell of of. couple stories want to check out online not see them already from us in our t. dot com we're reporting on an inferno in eastern russia cargo trains turned into a massive fireball that fifty fuel tank is the rail that forced thousands of people to be evacuated from the area a serious situation r.t. dot com for more on you. also was shedding light on last year's deadly assault on the american envoy in libya after u.s. official claims that washington rejected desperate calls from his diplomats under fire at the time from an angry mob. next pakistan will pull out from the u.s.
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led war on terror if the front runner for the prime minister position is elected now as sharif of the pakistan muslim league believes it's the only way to make the region peaceful a general election jus on the eleventh of may has been marred by insurgent attacks which have left more than one hundred people dead since april in the latest violence the son as he was killed. after they shot wanted to talk about another firing yourself is joining someone from germany approved by the said that we've heard today that leading candidate in the elections are pledged to pull out of the war on terror two prong question this what's going to mean for pakistan what's going to mean for the war on terror. for me. you are going to like and i love. i know but if you have accepted publicly. to make sure about. the war against terror but and if you look at. it in
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barker's is if you make sure that point by no group out of the war on terror i think. it's dangerous. you're going to embark upon it because of the fact that our military. community. in pakistan is because i can find a strong ally and i guess there's one against. many account of his campaign didn't i on the anti drug platform could any of them actually though if they got elected end of the day stand up to the us enough to get them rather catered finally these drone strikes they've been such a bone of contention i'm going yes exactly i think if you look at this in the borders where you and. i think at the moment only one of you wanted it and one has publicly announced that he strongly drone attacks and the drone campaign other
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than that the state range made by all the other leaders are slightly ambiguous so at the moment it's only in law who can. ensure a policy that again be against the drone attacks. the u.s. is going to places neighboring afghanistan after twenty fourteen what. is it going to be what's he going to do for regional security are we going to see is the big worry of a spillover into pockets start of more disturbance. i think policy makers. one additions have olivea accepted the fact that the moment you don't want to start leaving the violence on the insurgency with a. little lives getting in the spring. i think the most important aspect of all this would be. to find our standing army along with one arm
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raised and make a long term plan. and. this should be the first democratic transition of power it's already been one of the bloodiest elections in the country's history where is this violence coming from the new specifically if you could say specifically is it being aimed at. the why then. is. that i think coming from identity as i live on buckets on this is the only which is the most influential limit or broken english and baucus plan and they're both only accepted on their dogs on one condition but i think if you look at this difference and the fact the demand. limited a lot of the let's think of parties like the bankers i'm going through both parties before those in power in the last five years because the majority of the attacks have been made on the liberal party by party and you know my national guard in the frontier region but i don't. want to say that. they're only against the left on the
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liberals because they have openly. yet against the whole. process of elections. for democracy and we make sure that he does not make the buses successful one. you have a lot of problems well we're going to. be one all you had one word out of. our democracy you want to run we're closely following what's happening on may eleventh thank you for your input into the program much appreciated for it use of the analyst thank you. twenty two twenty two now and these are some top stories from our team moscow clashes between police and protesting students erupted in chile with nearly one hundred thousand people turning out to demand a fair education system riot units in santiago used tear gas and water cannon to push back the activists students move venting their anger at the government over an affordable public education since twenty eleven now. nine u.s.
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military bases can remain in afghanistan after troops pull out in twenty fourteen according to president karzai but he added ever that washington will have to provide security and economic guarantees first this is the first such offer by karzai since the beginning of security transfer talks with america neighboring countries see the handover as a safety stress test for kabul and fear the possible spread of fundamentalism and terror in the region as we've just been hearing of my guest. greece's finance minister says the country's recession wrecked economy should start recovering as soon as next year but with the latest figures showing the country's jobless rate hitting record highs for many communities across the country looks far from rosy. visited one factory with a workforce of taking control of the almost two years of paid wages. it looks just like another day at the me factory in northern greece making building and cleaning products but these workers shouldn't even be here this fragment of the old
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workforce has taken control of the factory from its owners this is via maze central office all of their old office workers left and the owners lock them out of the office block for the moment they run their entire company from this room. the dead pot plants and shuttered windows sit next to the enemies new philosophy on the war in red self management in huge legal disputes the owning company fulcrum johnson claims to have no money and wants its factory back this employer paid these workers for thirty years and paid them well i suggest that the workers now should support their employer at this difficult moment workers for their part a desperate after twenty two months without pay they receive food aid from unions and solidarity movements they guard the stock and the plant seeing it as their only way to start earning money again despite the owner's threats but with the law
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stacked against workers in crisis torn greece few dare try the same this more the general picture i mean i don't think i'm going to see huge movement to forgive someone could take over the octopus for these workers though this is an economic last stand they're trying nothing less than to change greek law to recognize the concept of self management in order to legally sell their products and when i ask them they have a message for the owners after myself and i bet that if they abandon us here and disappeared so i have nothing to say to them they prefer to pay for these trials instead of paying our salaries. aleck us and his coworkers don't see themselves as revolutionaries instead they're fraught predicament is a result of painful decisions forced on those on the factory floor and in the boardroom by a crisis that keeps breaking all the norms tom barton party. news continues with me
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kevin in thirty five minutes time but coming up next after the break east meets west in war time victory technology. you know i've been asked a few times if i believe in conspiracy theories which is kind of an odd question i mean just in general believe in conspiracy theories like all of them even the ones that contradict each other i mean j.f.k. could have been killed by the mob the cia the k.g.b. and various secret societies at the same time or could he have been know what you just declare themselves the official conspiracy theories that's silly obviously it isn't good just go around fishing for evil plots to explain every situation the mainstream media sure does lie
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a lot but i think they're telling the truth about that whole sky being blue thing but on the other hand if you never question what the glowing box in your house tells you that just makes you a sucker a kind of sucker who bought that there are magical mysterious invisible weapons of mass destruction in iraq and you know what in all honesty there's actually been real evil conspiracies that have been exposed like the tuskegee experiment and the fascist coup attempt against president roosevelt in one nine hundred thirty s. over all people think it spears he theories are matter of belief but actually they're completely a matter of facts and there's a lot of good evidence to support a conspiracy and good arguments that maybe you should consider it but if someone tells you the president is actually a rip tell him from the cosmos yeah you might want to just stay away from that one but that's just my opinion.
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in the early hours of a hot july dawn a group of unusually dressed people carefully head on to the shore of one of the me up as tributaries clad in servant military uniform from the days of world war two. in the summer of nine hundred forty one on the sort of deal the crossing the a small landscape one hundred thousand people were killed while they were trying to escape the surrounding enemy. eyewitnesses say that the river ran red with blood for several days now candles float down the river. moscow's military history club called the division has traveled here to honor the memory of full of russian soldiers but this journey to smolensk is just the beginning now they have three thousand kilometers to cover across the european roads to take part in the
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legendary war in peace show in england. in the village of belching and candace the old hope surrounded by a huge park today it attracts collectors of military vehicles and others with an interest in reaction great battles of the past century the thirtieth war and peace show is about to take place. since the beginning of summer has turned the festival venue into a swamp. military enthusiasm began arriving long before the beginning of the show for them not even bad weather can overshadow the event they've been waiting a whole year for one after another festivals open up offering every thing from uniform buttons to tanks. number two number two do you read me number two over. there is a gas station one hundred kilometers from there is
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a third of a tank left do you copy i copy. those next and stuff ill for four wheeler improve my spine. for that i was a physician a surgeon there is suddenly i was bedridden for six months i started walking slowly recovering. the most thinking of was going to do when my friend from rostov told me he'd restored an old soviet probated cause. i also had a gas sixty nine cheap it was me he restored it i did it in a minute she stuck. i need a uniform to match. on the next day the rain passes by the campground and. historical those from a soviet afghan war paratroopers club keenly digging away in mud in accordance with military protocol the soldiers are preparing shelters in case of an enemy attack
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the most amazing thing is not one of these soldiers speak russian these people hail from belgium britain sweden france and holland. well we're digging a trench or trying to dig a trench we're doing it by hand so. see how far we get an attorney for going to finish reenacting. afghanistan because well. because no one else was there were basically it's nothing political. for communism or something it's just out of interest it was quite. interesting also quite hard. for heavily loaded cars with trailers to cross seven european countries. and there's little time for rest. we had a pretty interesting trip to the war history show.
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my friends would. be friends with fascists. but there is no ideology in it whatsoever but there's no difference between those dressed as the red army. uniforms only served to you know it is very nice when you pass a german camp in a soviet uniform and the german stand. at the camp the festival. together with families. and friends and. british police officer. and.
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i think. tanks. to. his crew members. this.
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trip. only few stops in the most important places connected with. one of them is the best fortress on the polish border. of the. garrison demonstrated outstanding bravery and resilience. troops. most of them death. this story. carry our body up. beltran has seen the start of a training program for newcomers to the desert platoon living history group they are meticulously reenacting scottish infantry units who fought in north africa in
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one thousand nine hundred eighty nine to forty three. using the renowned bren gun carrier armored vehicles. the club members but the biggest emphasis on the atmosphere in the camp and pay strict attention to the everyday life of a soldier from that time. path they. do want to be accurate and we do want to be serious but not over serious because we are paying respect to the people who were in the desert war we are living history group rather than a reenactment what we do is we try and show. the public how crude tried to live a normal life in an abnormal situation and during the war cry think the nazi uniforms i think the japanese uniforms i don't think the time is now i think
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when all our veterans are are away then i think yeah i believe that we should be doing or showing uniforms that make them suffer. germany greets the russian convoy with gloomy weather and cold rain. to drive a swath of it every few hours to meet the shuttle and arrive in time for the meeting in the old saxon town of told go. here on april twenty fifth one thousand nine hundred five soviet an american troops met and embraced each other as brothers . this a ventilator became known as. history's full of curious paradoxes and today the descendants of russian soldiers are once again reunited with their friends at the river. society.
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the history but also keep the soul of. the russian coming to the peace to hand it. to. the famous. people to see them.
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take. the symbol of. everyone in europe is put on a uniform and is heading for. across the water. and the festival. doesn't just. strength to change into dress. uniform. wearing glamorous period clothing the ladies are also invited out to a night of swing enjoy music. with
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a dance floor is just people see the same way their grandparents did. the british band to join basis. i think the music that we play on the music. coming back now because. a lot of people find it here the young people think it's near the old people remember it but i think also people are getting fed up of just. you know electric pop music and also somebody suggested that. jazz swing and music came out of oppression. and the world now there's a lot of economic problems so maybe people are looking for the same sort of. them
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up and that's what we try and bring some sunshine. finally the russian convoy drives into the. heavily laden vehicles. get through. the international paratroopers in a rush to help them but. the
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commander of the second. has to use his. last resort. they drive into the field where the trouble is a challenge. to sleep gives them a boost to the camp is finally set up and the russian group a fast asleep. technology . around russia.
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at the going down of the sun and good morning we will remember that we will be. the super super super super super newbies along with there's been a new. yet. so
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you know. he was. who was away for. the war and peace show and chanting good is in full swing russian military be an act of decent brought about like heaven to accordions to entertain. troops. the
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first call to the famous beatles song people begin to gather around. a rumor that the russians had brought a ballet company to spread around the camp. of the war and peace show there's always somebody taking pictures or video of what's going on. or even an original hand crank camera. this camp is a rare place with a combination of eccentric people and historic military hardware can be found many of those in attendance lead normal lives but once a year after thorough preparations they come here to fulfill their childhood dreams and take on the real proud tank driver or a brave paratrooper for a week. whatever their age. to get that choice.
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visit to his paratrooper. especially recruits from western europe for quite some time. good day comrades. with. white on the mark. three i did it got to see one attempt out of three sure to be successful i'm coming to you one. two. three. not get away from me. thank you for your service.
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there are different attitudes towards afghanistan one thing is certain it's a bright history of our army. heroism and courage of our soldiers and officers and it is. one of the guys reconstruct the events of that time fascinating very worth. living conditions at the. from the group. have totally embraced the mood they set up. to try to recreate. as closely as possible. the history of the first. famous operation of september one thousand nine hundred. fifty.
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very. division of the. spirits of a soldier. a
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multinational team of. trinity church. i shall. know. and. we will remember. the british.
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soldiers practice the. british. being a member of the club. to wear a uniform properly and reenacts german life at the frontline but also to have a knowledge of how to handle equipment. this is why commander. is especially hard on recruits who have to show for the first time these things needle himself as an enthusiastic react disconnect his father fought against the germans in the navy but never met them face to face just after the role his father began collecting the memorabilia to get to lucasfilm. his son continues to hold.
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it's quite often that. people attempt to politicize people attempt to think that the reason why we do this is because somehow we are neo nazis also how we how right wing far right off i left wing leanings these things are not true is a terrible thing this is why it's called war not having snoozy time terrible things happening terrible thing war in itself is a crime against humanity and it is monsoon always to forget. the sacrifices that were made by people. in walk. just looks at the movies the movies the americans the war. the russian people. seventy five percent almost all. of these. people recognize maybe seventy five percent of the effort. was committed by the russian people are not be americans.
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so the contemporary. has nothing to do with ideology it blurs the boundaries between us and allows people to better understand history and not to repeat the mistakes of the past however not everyone shares discipline.
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you know. you have a failure in. food. and you don't want to approach the uniform. when you're so low you do not salute a person. and that's what we're there and they still got us i mean of all. the enemy and i really but the person is what. finally the day of the great battle comes british paratroopers will face off against. this huge interest. group to watch the an all terrain vehicle.
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according to the battle scenario british paratroopers kicked the germans out of a small dutch town and quickly took up defensive positions. british intelligence then revealed the enemy was sending large numbers of infantry troops and tanks to take back the town.
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change the course of.
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comes to a close members of the british team reenacting the second. decide to give their russian friends a real surprise they've translated the famous song into english. for the first time. a symbol of soviet victory the song might just become an anthem for the. next in the history of the second.
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you know how sometimes you see a story and it seems so for lengthly you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else you hear or see some other part of it and realize everything you thought you knew you don't know i'm tom harpur welcome to the big picture. modern russia was built on coal. fuel for its factories. coke for its steel newmark gold is it hot and heat for its people. join me james brown to meet them in to spend their lives underground and work in one of the world's most dangerous professions.
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would love to see you. hearts of coal on l.t. . real damage and complexity of this oil spill was not something you can grasp just by looking at dirty birds we have between four to five million people in this directly affected area of the coast and it's pretty clear why it's not being reported because b.p. can't afford to have a reported all along the gulf coast are clean they are safe and they're open for business if b.p. is the single largest oil contributor to the pentagon the u.s. war machine is heavily reliant upon b.p. and their oil this is a huge step backwards for the marker see it's a step forward a little carex it is toxic is a look a lot like spraying in vietnam it was a it was not a. picture that either the government or b.p.
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really wanted to have out there i don't want dispersants to be the agent. this boils down. to least be told language. programs and documentaries in arabic it's all here on. reporting from the world's hot spots seventy ip interviews intriguing stories for you to. then try. to find out more visit.
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i look up. the street. i. wish i. could.
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barely. spectacular military hardware parade in the heart of russia's biggest city since the country commemorates sixty eight years since victory in world war two. in tonight's other headlines cracks widen between china and japan with beijing questioning the ownership of a group of islands piling pressure on an already sensitive territorial dispute. and growing worries over so-called benefits to resuming the e.u. four member states take steps to fend off from poorer countries.


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