tv Keiser Report RT May 9, 2013 9:30pm-10:01pm EDT
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that's right it's a bad state never again you're in a situation where b. and i don't agree to talk about the surveillance. welcome to the kaiser report i'm max keiser. there's a new viral hit. and hit song in japan it goes like this fix the ends appreciation quantitative easing don't forget public investment monetary easing construction bonds let's just revise the bank of japan law yeah those are the lyrics of. japan which translates to the economic conditions on the streets depend band wow stacy i think it's called my cheek out of key k.
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japan well that's that's almost beyond my ticket dickie. yes well it's a girl band and they're aged between seventeen and twenty three celebrating the ultra loose monetary policies that shinzo albay and i you see in that song they say they want to revise the bank of japan law which is get rid of their independence and start printing more money because their theme is that if the stock market the nikkei goes lower their skirts go lower towards the ground if the stock market goes higher they short in their skirts that's their stick so when the stock market the nikkei i recently went over thirteen thousand for the first time in a long time they went got rid of their skirts and wore shorts as you can see from this photo so they have a very big following amongst the men in the population but still it's an honest game of japanese strip poker so the higher the nikkei goes the more naked these little japanese girls get well that's been the basis for economics for thousands of years going back to the caveman why did he go out to the weather to slay the
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mastodon for a pork chop because he wanted to impress stone age woman well the article says that the group's fans who not surprisingly are ninety five percent male from high school to their fifty's have a special chance that they perform during the songs interlude they yell out economic terms during our concerts something like shinzo all day monetary policy private investment well john maynard keynes talked about. the animal spirits so now we're going to see the twenty first century version of those japanese porno and of course in japan they have those fabulous books comic books that are hard core pornography featuring young girls so this is what gets the salary man to work every day and now they're just going to bring that into the nikkei averages and try to get the nikkei higher get those skirts higher get the shoe she showing the sushi showing a little sabi lol saki and its economic boom. well the girls themselves
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say they didn't study economics they don't know anything about what is wrong oh wait a minute that's the shock of the day what i'm saying are masters of economics you get guys to do silly things like buy the nikkei at inflated prices that's what economics is all about they're they're geniuses they should get a nobel prize. they say economics are often just about the mood of the people which is something intangible sucker who is twenty pointed out the university of tokyo student hopes that her group's concept of performances as well as their music can add to the positive domestic vibe that is beginning to heat up as you mention keynes's animal spirits about just making them feel good and maybe they'll spend some more of their savings on the nikkei well that's printing money is that attempt to get people to engage in this massive ponzi scheme whether it's america the u.k. japan put money into people's pockets the bloomberg ran an editorial about why
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having programs to increase construction jobs to increase infrastructure projects is a waste of money just increased food stamps increased money printing increased confetti into the system shake the snowglobe of unreality a little bit harder and somehow that's going to result in a sustainable economy we've been saying since two thousand and nine that they will reinflate the bubble in stocks and real estate were actually correct these bubbles have been inflated now i'll make this prediction there will be more. crash that we saw in two thousand and eight just like every single crash has been more horrific than the one before and every single subsequent bubble has been bigger than the one before and now we're on bubble watch yeah i mean in japan the nikkei went up to at thirty seven thousand it's still down at thirteen thousand so their skirts have a whole lot longer higher up to go they themselves said there's no rival to them if we had to pick a rival i'd say it is an economic depression but you know they're fighting it with their cheerful happy song celebrating shinzo albay here in the u.k.
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poor george osborne has no girl bands not even a boy band was going to put on a kilt. but you go higher he's going to lift up his kilt a little bit more but actually get out the reverse of people will be so depressed at the sight of his under underwear that he may just go on a massive selling spring though i hear that there are some people out there who like to see him in a kilt but of. course i'm going to torry holt or establishment prone to liking the men and kilts so the headline reads help to buy bubble could push house prices up by thirty percent the government's reckless help to buy scheme risks creating a new housing bubble and could push the average u.k. house price to three hundred thousand pounds by the end of two thousand and fifteen a leading economic think tank has warned so this is the help to buy scheme and it's this is an article in the telegraph otherwise known as the tory graph so even they
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are saying that george osborne's help to buy scheme whereby the government is using taxpayer money to subsidize twenty percent of the cost of these new build so that the population who are buying these only need to come up with a five percent deposit now that consultant group that did this fathom consulting they're all ex bank of england economists and they say help to buy is a reckless scheme that uses public money to incentivize the banks to lend precisely to those individuals who absent the scheme would not and should not. we offered credit had we been asked to design a policy that would guarantee maximum damage to the u.k.'s long term growth prospects and its fragile credit rating this would be it said andrew brigden the chief economist at fathom ok was born housing scheme relies on new entrants into the scheme who would otherwise not be eligible to be in that scheme by lowering the standards to allow people to get on the so-called property ladder similar to the
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subprime scheme in america where they gave mortgages to people who had no job no income the so-called ninja loans no job no income so i was born is picking up on the same thing he's lowering the bar he's making the economy run based on new entrants to pay off the bankers at the top now what do you call a scheme where you have new entrants coming into the bottom to pay off the guys who start the scheme at the top what is that call what is that called start to pity and it sounds like ponzi it's george osborne's ponzi scheme now some may argue that it's not a ponzi scheme and those people would be wrong well the telegraph does ask their audience what their thoughts are on the help to buy scheme and as you see from this chart here twenty two point five two percent do you agree with george osborne that it is a good idea people who think it's
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a bad idea seventy seven point four percent so there are always twenty two percent that agree with whatever policy just like those girlband the economic conditions on the streets of japan they are totally for the economic policies assertions i'll bet so i was thinking perhaps to sell it to the u.k. better than just getting these twenty two percent who support george osborne's you know help to buy scheme he needs economic conditions on the streets of london. fix my property price depreciation quantitative easing forget about public investment just stick with money printing construction bonds and free money let's just revise the laws of supply and demand. let's get johnny rotten on the show stop doing those butter commercials come on this show and sing this new song about quantitative easing here in the u.k. but the twenty two percent who approve of this scheme are the early entrants into this chain letter which is another word for
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a ponzi scheme or pyramid scheme or chain letter scheme the twenty two percent want the remaining people to come in to bail them out of course they are in there for it they're the ones who are the early end of the chain letter they want another huge swathe of people to come in to pay them off exactly or else they're non doms that don't have to pay taxes here there are a lot you know most of the population of london are non domus tiled so they don't actually have to pay taxes here so they're not the ones who are on the hook for paying subsidizing this scheme well let me let me say this we reported back a few years ago when northern rock and bradford and bingley offered one hundred twenty percent mortgages to new borrowers that it was a ponzi scheme and that bradford and bingley and northern rock would go bust that's what we reported on our shows we said that for a fact that would happen with one hundred percent certainty and at the time people said you can't say that you can't say use the word ponzi scheme after all you some people might object to that word but we are journalists and we have to report on the truth and when we see a ponzi scheme we have to say that's
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a ponzi scheme it's not a figure of speech it's a point of actual fact like bradford and bingley northern rock osborne's current scheme is guaranteeing a collapse and because you don't allow the public to understand that in full you are responsible for that the financial terrorism you are part of the problem you should take a tip from some of those japanese kamikaze pilots and top yourself because you're an outrageous liability to society. well again i have to say twenty two percent disagree with you they believe george osborne's policy is good now you know you mentioned the us subprime mortgage market and how this caused basically the global financial collapse it was that collapsing that triggered the whole financial collapse special report subprime bond bounces back leaving behind a subprime borrower during the crazy days of the housing bubble in two thousand and six bankers created a bond called mabs two thousand and six dash three one the instrument gave buyers the right to payments on the subprime housing loans of nearly two thousand
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borrowers including stephen months. a professional wedding photographer in new hampshire so max six months later this guy manzoni defaulted on his mortgage as have over fifty seven percent of the two thousand in the subprime loan which was all backed by fremont more sub prime mortgage lenders now they were one of the worst of the subprime mortgage lenders they're bust but their bonds go on dear point hedge fund in colorado bought this tranche for fifteen point seven five cents on the dollar they've now sold it for twice that but this whole article then goes chronicles the shinzo abbay like quantitative easing policies that have helped only the top only the dear point hedge fund sort of thing at a colorado this guy himself has tried over and over to try to reward business loan he got kicked out of the house his bond goes on it's people are making a huge amount of money only the hedge funds because of quantitative easing quantitative easing is
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a blunt instrument that can do little to directly help people at the bottom of the economy such aid is easier to deliver through fiscal policy and legislative relief for instance jobless benefits or debt reduction programs but as the fed has been stepping up its stimulus federal and state governments have been cutting spending and corporations have been hesitant to invest and hire well it's debt slavery is what it is and these. are examples. vulture capitalism where the state allows for a few people with insider connections to make markets and busted securities to and granddads themselves at the expense of the greater good of society but you end up with debt slavery the key word in that phrase is slavery ok hundred fifty years ago i was born would be the chancellor of the exchequer he'd be on a ship sailing to africa poaching black africans to turn them into slaves and the state at the time would praise george osborne as adding to the g.d.p.
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of the country because the state ran on slavery now the state runs on debt slavery and the new modern slaver george osborne is income bring people with debt chains and shackles of debt and he's no better than that they should abolish debt slavery and he should be in the stocks suffering stacey thanks so much for being on the kaiser report thank you max thank you for the second half a whole lot more. you know sometimes you see a story and it seems so you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else you hear or see some other part of it and realize that everything you thought you knew you don't know i'm tom harkin welcomes a big picture. welcome
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back to the kaiser report imax keyser time now to go to paris and speak with the argument of its author of blith masters the best selling book about j.p. morgan's head of commodities and the inventor of the credit default swap or as i call the credit fraud swap pierre welcome to back to the kaiser report. pierre your thoughts on the latest reports that federal energy regulatory commission is investigating blith masters for energy market manipulation in
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california and michigan. well i told that are quite simple she has been set up period if you if you have read the article of the new york times. you will see two fings first of all the mention of madoff so the name of bernie madoff is mixed up with the blight matters and the second reason is that she you know and there is this investigation for. let's say uniquely eighty five million dollars which is absolutely nothing you know nothing compared to billions of billions of dollars you know bankers told from from the people so yes something you know something very very bizarre is going on and. when you know black masters she is even if she is
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a kind of vampire banker vampire she is loyal you know she started at seventeen years old at j.p. morgan and she's still there what do you think happened exactly because it's seems seems unlikely that first of all they'll be any penalty or that show all have any problems the the first which is this the regulator federal energy regulatory commission i doubt they do they have any. kind of ability to prosecute because the c f.t.c. does not the assy seat is not the justice of tarp but under eric holder does not it's just regulatory agency for real or just another joke. so sincerely i think it's another joke but they do have in did you know in the ability of for
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a person you know if they want so you. want. the surprise point is don't forget one thing life must of would be able to. let's it to sell the credit default swap to to the whole world if the federal government. didn't give agreements so we can also say that the current default swap has been have been made by the government of united states this is you know it's off the road but at the state level don't don't never forget that yes but. pierre isn't this just another example all of a shakedown and i'm thinking about barr chelton over at the c.f. to say he he said he was going to investigate manipulation in the silver market he said he was going to get involved in box office futures contracts but it turns out
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the c f t c was just shaking down these these bankers for some money the same way m b a not max. max this time it's this time it's do different for a simple reason is that look at the timing of the of the of the piece as you know right now there is the meeting of shareholders in new york for j.p. morgan and some of the people are calling you know and they want to jimmy day and diamond to be ousted some of them so the timing is not innocent at all this is the first point the second is that master's name is mixed up with barely madoff and there is another investigation of the g.p. morgan regarding mr madoff accounts but the mix of them is quite bizarre. the new york times could have made right another a piece not just talking about the investigation of the g.p. morgan. for mr mother of but it's not the case so this is.
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as i said to you three weeks ago i want that masters will be set up and the first sign was sold them back then in november two thousand and twelve. when cindy see we heard one guy coming up and telling that the head of j.p. morgan commodities there or somebody without saying her name there is somebody who doesn't know what she is doing so that was quite strange really weird strange and this is a set up this is a set up which was prepared a long time ago yes pierre i remember you actually texted bank when that happened about when when this was foreshadowed and the timing that you indicated of course your book life masters is scheduled to be printed in angle but no american publisher has yet decided to print your book which is and french and i believe
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there's a chinese edition but getting back to blood ties is. addition in getting back to blighty masters and london of course the bernie made off scandal had its nexus in london so did. the scandal so did the lehman brothers collapse so did the m.f. global so that the london whale from j.p. morgan all went through london and of course that j.p. morgan is the biggest bank in the world more last with the derivatives contracts and those are all going through life masters if she goes down will this have any impact at all on j.p. morgan stock will it go the way that of enron as i've been predicting for many years or will they just simply print another trillion dollars worth of funny money and try to paper over the whole thing here or the it's definitely the last scenario the will print you know all that a lot of money you know just to save the morgan. let's let's point out something
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else which is extremely interesting again in the biz is that you have a so i said previously bernie madoff them but you have also another one and ron you know this is you know quite interesting because they did it's kind of a new story you know it's a new eleventh of september preparing a g.p. morgan i hope i hope sincerely. but i am unfortunately i'm sure that they will let her down and the only banker who will come through her help will be anguished banker because the don't forget that also she's angry she's not american so that this is the reason they will need to one at one moment to truth somebody to the wolves go to the media they need to show that one point to sift to see and all this regulatory clowns as
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you call them. do something and black masters will be the perfect case. i want to ask you something because when you've been on the show before pierre you've mentioned that in paris is on a state of alert for a massive rioting and potentially a revolution because the current administration of francois hollande has proven to be the most disastrous modern history is just a disc popularity rating that the number of people who don't like him is that are all time high for any post-war president and i want to ask you if there's if people understand that this goes back to the bankers if this idea is translated in europe because i see in the united states for example there's a new movie coming out called attack on wall street where the hero gets a assault rifle and starts murdering bankers that's the sas the story line of this
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new film called attack on wall street which is directed by a german director and i think it taps into what i desired geist of the day people would like to see this and people in france the way you've described it this is where it's heading in paris there will be this kind of activity in paris so we're counting down to a revolution what's the story there pierre. exactly true weeks ago there was a major met in french magazine and on the cover was. you know and it was it was a question are we back in the one one thousand seven seven hundred eighty nine question yes we are definitely in the river russian state i mean this is just the beginning to give you another example two or three days ago. a woman in turn herself to the bank. she wanted to immolate herself and we are seeing
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immolations almost every week if not every two days right now and this is not talking we're not talking a. regular sue suicide because of economic crisis the suicides are up thirty percent everywhere so the movie do over it from this german director is extremely interesting because this is perfect with the timing and yes. what is happening in france will also happen in germany this is not very new it will happen of course in italy portugal and spain and definitely in greece. there is something wrong something definitely wrong going gone everywhere in europe and it's like the american media the doesn't want to see it you're going to go don't want to talk about it. speaking of movies pierre my friend abel ferrara who directed the bad lieutenant and other films is currently making
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a movie starring here are dave pardew about dominic strauss kahn they described i.m.f. chief yes who was plucked out of an airplane in new york and thrown in jail temporarily . what is this do you do you believe that people under also understand the i.m.f. the international monetary fund run by another a kind of wicked witch christine legarde she is equally culpable in the acts of financial terrorism around the world to people in france understand christine legarde is like life masters a degenerate financial kruk or is she on track to be the president of france pierre no she is not on track to be president of france a christian and. some were removed but. what happened right now you know as we as we have seen. going down. and as we have seen somebody smirch in couple of points who alone to begin
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president president of france well it's quite interesting but right now. mr hollande is so down i think that his book is twenty five percent if you can imagine that twenty five percent according to most of the survey institute so this is in the history of the fifth republic we have never seen that first and never seen that so fast you know one just in one here but a low blow. ok pierre demonic author of bligh masters the unauthorized biography of bly masters is currently embroiled in a massive scandal on wall street involving fraud deception and larceny thanks for once again for being on the kaiser report thank you max that's all the time we have for this edition of the kaiser report with me max kaiser and stacy herbert i'd like to thank our guests pierre demonic author of blith masters if you'd like to send an
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email please do so at kaiser report at r t t v dot ru until next time but you know . with. technology innovation all the developments around russia we've got the future covered potentially deadly blizzard taking aim for the northeast it's expected to hit stunning in a few hours from new york to maine we have team coverage of the storm. but we're watching is the very heavy snow moving into boston proper earlier today it was very sticky you can see it start to become much more powdery down the line there's still a lot of snow out here a good place for snowball fight. piece and it is going to pretty incredible day
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go on tell her and i washington d.c. here's what's coming up tonight on the big picture. why do we let wealthy white men like enron executive jeffrey skilling get off so easily in this country was miked up and tony i'm just a mom also although the postal service one of the most successful government programs in history republicans want to bankrupt it i'll talk with congressman peter de fazio about his plan to save the u.s. postal service later on in tonight's episode and the story of amanda berry gina de hayes says and michelle knight has captivated the nation but their ordeal could have easily been prevented i'll tell you how inside still take.
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