tv Headline News RT May 10, 2013 12:00am-12:30am EDT
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barack. syria's crisis topsy agenda as president putin has a british prime minister cameron as a two seater have a common approach to getting construed talks. this comes after russia and the u.s. agreed to mend a key differences over syria in favor of setting up an international conference to bring about an end to the escalating conflict. and a bloodless so to democracy braces for saturday's historic general election amid a wave of brutal attacks and kidnappings by the taliban.
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international news a live from moscow this is archie with me to bomb would say it's good to have you with us this morning. working out a common approach to mediating peace in syria is expected to dominate the discussion when president vladimir putin has british prime minister david cameron late on friday the meeting comes after moscow and washington patched up some of the differences on the crisis and called for an international conference on syria. ski has. in the russian city of sochi which will host the twenty fourteen winter olympic games that's where the russian president will be holding most of his international meetings in the coming months he is meeting the british prime minister david cameron literally seventy two hours after i had talks with the u.s. basically john kerry in moscow obviously the talks in moscow were mostly focused on the syrian conflict and we're expecting the same story here the conversation moscow resulted in an international conference which the sides decided to call on by the
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end of this month the conference will attempt to put both members of the syrian opposition and the syrian government at the same negotiation table in an attempt to find a peaceful solution to the matter russia has been accusing the west of taking one side in the conflict that is the side of the syrian rebels in particular russia has been criticizing the west for the calls to arm the syrian rebels to provide them with military training for months russia has been that the west has been calling on assad to step down at the same time russia has been insisting that the transition of power in syria must happen only at the will of the syrian people they must be the ones to select their new government the talks in moscow have already prompted a statement from david cameron who said there's an urgent need to provide a peaceful transition of power and that's why he will be meeting president putin it
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is interesting to see whether these sentiments the same sentiments will be coming from david cameron after he meets the russian president in sochi. we're in for a long day and we'll be bringing all the latest details in our bits to our viewers as we get it here in the russian city of sochi. the k. continues to insist the syrian regime may have recently used chemical weapons despite the top u.n. war crimes investigators say there is reason to believe such arms were in fact used by the rebels and despite its official commitment to peace through diplomacy britain is stepping up efforts to stop directly arming the syrian opposition as our first reports. well the prime minister said to m.p.'s in the house of commons recently that there's a growing body of limited but persuasive evidence that the syrian regime has used and continues to use chemical weapons now the u.n. war crimes investigators have said that as yet they've reached any conclusions as to whether either side has indeed use chemical weapons now the one day talk is
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taking place at a time when there is a growing calls for some form of diplomatic progress to be made in place sites are going to be very much focused on not the prime minister's spokesman saying the u.k. considers russia an important player when it comes to these discussions despite this russian the u.k. has certainly had a fractious the past when it comes to the topic of syria both the prime minister david cameron and foreign minister william hague have come out with some extremely strong rhetoric in the past blasting russia for not having supported a cool for u.n. intervention in the country now the one they talk to say coming at a time when the u.k. for being seen to try to step up efforts to bring an end to the e.u. arms embargo that would then allow the supply of weapons to the forces a face to the syrian regime a lot of concern from some here in the country and indeed internationally as to who exactly would cause to cheat the legitimate opposition given that the same much
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concern surrounding the other elements inside the country that are also confusing the extremely fractured picture that we're seeing playing out as the syrian conflict continues nonetheless the two sides are going to be fishing ahead with these talks whether or not they'll be able to put that fractious past behind them and come to something cream and remains to be seeing but the u.k. prime minister's restated his commitment to trying to find some form of diplomatic progress moving forward with russia and the u.s. having recently agreed to unite their efforts towards mediating peace in syria britain's no hard pressed to reconsider its support for the rebels according to our t. contribute to actions or tons. it's especially outrageous of the british prime minister just dismissed call upon the u.n. commission into who is using chemical weapons and when in the syrian conflict and at the same time the very rebels that are being sent to the so-called normally full
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force and equipment and materiel they're defecting to al nusra according to a report in british papers if britain has been exporting things like the global's to the syrian rebels and they use them in a sarin gas attack as. indicated by calling up all these u.n. report does that mean britain has been backing chemical weapons in the middle east the fact that david cameron can do this shows him completely out of step after all it was him being trying to lift the arms embargo for the rebels and never countenanced at any point the idea of a talks process of kind of process that was aside from all the fighting and killing and slaughter and get john kerry and me putin seemed to have come to an agreement that yes of course they have to talk instead of all this killing. the u.s. defense secretary says the old order in the middle east is disappearing although
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it's still not clear what will replace it chuck hagel stress the conflict in syria is becoming increasingly most like terry an extremist but the country's collapse now more real than ever but what some u.s. lawmakers make fresh calls for military intervention washington is now taking a backseat that's gonna cheat you can explain. after the administration all but accused the assad government of having used chemical weapons vice president joe biden now says quote we don't know for certain whether they were used by some of the opposition including the radicals who have aligned themselves with al qaeda this is probably the first time we hear someone in the administration talk about the possibility that the rebels may have used chemical weapons just a few days ago the white house press secretary was responding to the findings of the u.n. human rights investigation which said serry nerve gas may have been used by the rebels in syria and he basically brushed off the report saying it's quote highly likely that all such forces were behind it that has also been the narrative
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perpetuated in the media last week chuck hagel said the administration is considering arming the opposition also this week a bill was introduced in the senate that would authorize exactly that chuck hagel delivered a speech at the this conference in washington where several commanders of the free syrian army were also invited in that speech he does not mention armies the rebels he said that turkey jerry kerry and russian foreign minister lavrov announced they will seek to convene an international conference with representatives of the syrian government and the opposition to determine how to implement a political transition in syria. using a four range of tools the united states will continue to work toward achieving our goal of ending the violence and helping the syrian people transition to a post the sort of story so we see there is a build up of hope for this conference which will presumably take place sometime at the end of may both washington and moscow said they're working on it but as far as
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the syrian opposition so far they have not clearly come out in favor of a political solution also it's not clear how the idea of a political solution something that washington says it wants to achieve can coexist with the idea of flooding the conflict with more weapons because when you give them orms the message is go fight the messages not stop fighting so it seems that arming the rebels contradicts the core message of this geneva communique and both washington and moscow say they want this upcoming conference to be based on the geneva communiqué and that message is basically stop fighting and find a political solution across the border in lebanon or the head of hezbollah says they are ready to receive shipments of advanced weapons from the syrian leadership this statement comes just days after israeli airstrikes targeted suspected arms depos near the syrian capital and while border tensions rise of the syrian opposition is being increasingly radicalized as our middle east correspondent policia reports. the united nations says that its peacekeeping forces are
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continuing to monitor the situation of israeli and syrian forces along the israel syrian border but they have said that they've moved some of the units to new positions because of the precarious security situation twice in the last three months un forces have been kidnapped from the very same position according to the young martyrs brigade which is the group that detained for filipino u.n. peacekeepers earlier this week they have been released we're being told that the united nations negotiated a safe passage with the syrian army forces in the area meanwhile we are receiving reports that the free syrian army which is the main opposition to the syrian president bashar assad is losing five whose as well as capabilities is the most says inside syria in some cases reportedly entire units of the f.s.a. have defected and they've moved to jump. which is and as long as organization with
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links to al qaida what we're being told is that the main reasons for the defections are better conditions and emissions and weapons but it certainly does present a dynamic for the united states britain and other governments who provided support to the syrian rebels and also considered arming them with weapons the entire situation is of course also of great concern to israel which is just next door this is why many are eyeing these talks between russia and britain to see what they will yield policy on t.v. tel aviv. coming up to go broadly equipment is in high demand following the boston terror attack us cities are craving more cameras but it's called privacy advocates worried that the surveillance surge will only trump the rights of those it aims to protect as delegates. pakistan's main political parties have helping a final rally as voters prepare for saturday's poll in the country's wars transition from one democratically elected government to another it's
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a major step for pakistan's democracy but one which has been mauled by violence across the volatile state as was the cat's mouth reports. week after week these are the images the world has seen coming out of pakistan victims of a brutal wave of violence bomb blasts rippling across the country this is supposed to be a time of triumph for a country that's gearing up for its first ever democratic transition from one elected government to another but recent bomb and gun attacks by militants against religious minorities and secular politicians have called the country's stability into question and sown fear among pakistani voters. everyone is scared of bombs and nobody feels safe so very few people go and vote because they're scared and go to be the women. the pakistani taliban has vowed to target the country secular parties and they've made good on that threat the national party or the and p. has borne the brunt of the attacks forced to campaign in the shadows. we can't
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campaign we can't arrange meetings all parties are doing rallies with millions of people which we can only do them with two hundred men and even when we do that terrorists still target us but islam is parties have been targeted to this is the aftermath of an attack against a political party seen as being sympathetic to the taliban but the latter have condemned to democracy as a whole meaning any political party taking part in the elections could be considered fair game by the militant group more than six hundred thousand security personnel including fifty thousand soldiers have been deployed during the election to guard against attacks but that's not exactly a comforting sight for a country that's been ruled by the military for almost half its life as an independent state the violence isn't just political in a country where the majority faith is islam religious minorities have accused the mainstream political parties of not doing enough to protect them against attacks
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that could hurt the ruling party in the polls. people's party iron. but security. but the issues that may shape the outcome of the vote are more clear cut pakistan's economy has been battered by three years of successive floods which severely damaged agricultural heartlands power cuts are in demick with some rural areas getting only four hours of electricity per day clean water and food education and health care remain out of reach for many pakistanis crime and unemployment are huge issues in the cities all the main parties have vowed to tackle these bread and butter issues but few have outlined exactly how leaving voters skeptical of divination to start its elections aren't politicians make promises to get votes get their seats and then they forget everything about nearly five thousand candidates are running for pakistan's lower house of
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parliament and more than ten thousand hopefuls are angling for seats in pakistan's four provincial assemblies when it comes to the job of prime minister polls indicate that it's a showdown between former cricket legend imran khan and former prime minister nawaz sharif the latter seems to be heading to victory but khan has ridden a wave of popularity among younger voters with his promise to clamp down on corruption it's a tight race that's been overshadowed by violence a landmark election that has so far proven to be the bloodiest in the country's history the attacks are a stark reminder that politics and pakistan is a dangerous game propping up a deadly democracy and of islam a body. from the pakistani center for research and security studies us says that what i was taught today is the outcome of the violence will not end. we wanted to. have already accepted the fact that the moment you have to start leaving or right i
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started. to do as you were that i was going to look like. anyone and. i think the most important of her daughters were being. monitored by me i mean among the one i raised and make. them a man. that you're looking toward and. for that i'm going from we're going to be if i live on parker farm if you're the only. woman going to the mother of all the mothers and fathers i'm going to have openly stated you know that we have to give you hold. elections. for democracy and be going to make sure that not many of the books it was hard to make. yet again and the process well politics i wouldn't wonder if i'm going to be one who was there when we're going to open. up the democracy on the. right to really got the big guns in the moscow spring sunshine that i would call the what's
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the victory day parades and fireworks which month six a.d.'s and speak to aver the nazis we've also got moving wartime recollections from veterans and stuff. and what is. an american soldier accidentally each week is his parachute and it's pulled from the plane the footage is online here on our sea salt lake coming up. my pension gets caught time and time again soon i'll get nothing. as unemployment which will today be ask me to go back to work. as unemployment hits a new high in portugal scrawls of people are seeking rescue some economic tailwinds by heading abroad we'll bring you the details in a few minutes. the boston terror bombings reinvigorated debate over the role of public surveillance in the u.s.
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new york and other major cities have in recent years expanded the number of cameras using homeland security department grants the multi-billion dollar security industry is growing at up to eight percent a year the question is who's keeping watch on what big brother is up to my investigates the video surveillance market in the u.s. has been permanently expanding from more than i decade and here at the new york city a s i s exhibition and conference we are getting an up close look at some of the most latest and cutting edge surveillance technology that is being displayed by many security professionals that technology of course includes facial recognition iris scanning high definition close circuit cameras and other software that was once only seen in side by movie stuff some would say it's appropriate for the setting to be taking place in new york city because after all it was the mayor of the big apple that recently said he wanted to expand the amount of surveillance
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cameras that were on throughout the city of course those comments came in the aftermath of the boston terrorist attack and the mayor of new york is just one of many officials throughout made it states that are only for surveillance we spoke with some professionals that are here displaying their surveillance technology they say they have already seen heat in holes and in rings and of course that can equate to a week in sales i hate to say it but our phones have been ringing off the hook since the tragedy and you know it's an unfortunate thing but people are starting to think now probably shouldn't think wall you know to be able to provide a safe environment you have to think ahead is there going to be more surveillance cameras deployed and the answer to that is yes because lessons learned have shown us that if you have a bench recording. you can go back and find information that might not have been pertinent while you thought you were filming it but all the sudden if an event
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happens you need all the information you have the experts estimated that this industry would reach our revenues of more than twenty billion dollars by twenty sixteen but now those numbers are being recalculated to be projected even higher because of the terrorist attacks that took place in boston as government spending on video surveillance is expected to surge tension between law enforcement officials and privacy advocates is also expected to greet critics say that the american public has been forced to see privacy and civil liberties in the name of national security but the payoff hasn't been big after all america's web of spy cams failed to prevent the boston terrorist attacks and even when the f.b.i. finally revealed images of the suspects they needed the public's help to identify according to new york bring up or not r.t. . the man who knows all about the absence of privacy is journalism is why magazine
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editor at large a.j. jacobs he filmed almost a year of his life with a camera and says mass surveillance is coming big time here's what's ahead in his interview far too late on friday. that's going to be a problem i actually think you know big brother is a little bit of a problem but i think a little brother is going to be more of a problem by that i mean other people will be videotaping you all the time so you do something embarrassing someone else is going to be videotaped and put on you too and we'll be humiliated you know you won't be able to slip on the banana peel you know anymore without it going on the route on you tube this is what we're going to be doing where all of our lives are going to be on the record so we're all going to be like politicians whatever we say will be recorded.
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other world news for you now and there's been a leak ad to the international space station master says the eye assesses leaking chilled all morning long which is used on its power systems and all of it the agency says was no danger to the crew but the leak might require a shutdown of the affected cooling loop within twenty four hours the crew are now working on a rerouting the affected pa system so that everything runs normally. the main suspect in ohio kidnapping case there may face aggravated murder charges which carries the death penalty one of the captives are said she was abused and stabbed during pregnancy to trigger miscarriages fifty two year old ariel castro is accused of keeping two teenage girls and a young woman hostage for a decade to beating and sexually assaulting them it only came to light after one of them managed to escape. over a thousand people are now confirmed dead in the bangladesh garment factory collapse
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disaster there's still no official estimate of the number of those who remain missing from the tragedy which happened on the outskirts of dakar two weeks ago the factories owners are said to have ignored safety regulations up to cracks in the building structure were found it's the world's deadliest industrial disaster since the one nine hundred eighty four bhopal toxic explosion. portugal's unemployment level has had a painful eighteen percent with close to half of young people not out of work and while the figure threatens to grow even for those scores of people are jumping ship jobs and a decent lives outside of their home country which is better by debt peter oliver has met some of them. leaving home in search of a better future it's not wanting to or outside portugal it's needing to work outside portugal victor is a journalist he's heading off to angola to work for
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a magazine because there just isn't work in portugal that allows him to support his family he says this is a problem that affects all portuguese society you have. people working in in construction ok so with with low education. then you have the middle class upper class journalists financial direct. commercial direct. advertising agencies portugal is in the midst of an unemployment epidemic around twenty percent of the population are out of work and those with jobs off basing salary cuts with many families trying to live on under five hundred euros a month as more and more portuguese people look to make a new life for themselves abroad just how easy is it to make that dream become a reality this is where ricardo comes in he often rates
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a website telling people what to expect when they decide to make the move. of marketing. it's not book everybody i saw a lot of people decide that they would move to somewhere like brazil only for it not to work out i tell them what to expect and how to make the right choice also there are so many scams out there people saying that they will help you get a work visa disappear right after they get your cash he's emigrating himself at the end of the year but he worries about the country he's leaving behind. you were facing a serious brain drain in portugal oaken three educates people but can't employ people so we're left with a grain population. graying population are all too aware of where the current situation will leave them be shallow time you start my pension gets cut time and time again soon i'll get nothing but. i'm waiting for the day they ask me
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to go back to work. for young people like a nation yeah the decision is clear they are off to presume for a new life in a country they say can give them what portugal just can't ask them. we don't want to be reach aren't moving for the money we're move in so that one day we can earn enough to start a family leave normal lives here now if you can get a job it's on slave wages for perhaps three years that's not a living. these are all of the r.t. portugal. head abby martin that's law says that's really the spin in breaking the set here on r.t.e. stay with us. because
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i play. to live on one hundred thirty three bucks a month for food i should try it because you know how fabulous bad luck i got so. i mean. i know that i'm still the same really messed up. and we're all for it so personally. it's. the worst for the least a little lie down sort of a. radio guy and for a minute they could probably want to watch closely or about to produce never seen
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anything like this i'm told. it's up guys i'm out here martin welcome the break in the sets so about a month from now israel will host its annual presidential conference the event will comedy at least five thousand people including some big names like bill clinton and tony blair even barbra streisand but there is one famous academic will not be in attendance cambridge university steven hawking in a letter the organizer of the of the conference talking stated i accepted the invitation to the conference with the intention that this would not only allow me to express my opinion on the prospects for a peace settlement but also because it would allow me to lecture on the west bank however i received a number of emails from palestinian academics there you're nanami's that i should respect the boycott and view of all this i must withdraw from the conference.
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