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tv   Headline News  RT  May 10, 2013 2:00pm-3:01pm EDT

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to find out more visit. tonight pressing for peace in syria u.k. prime minister david cameron meets president. the. country. general election campaign. ahead of the democratic vote that's already been dubbed one of the deadliest in the country's history. and some of the technical problems the crew the international space station prepare for space will have to deal with a leaky cooling system. studios tonight in moscow our top story u.k. prime minister david cameron and russian president. showed
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a path to peace in war torn syria trying to bridge their differences. following the talks at the black sea resort city of sochi. literally seventy two hours after the u.s. state secretary john kerry met the russian president and the russian foreign minister in moscow david cameron the british prime minister came over to the city of sochi the host city of the twenty fourteen winter olympics that's where the russian president will be meeting most of his international colleagues over the coming months and the biggest intrigue of this meeting here in sochi was whether david cameron would sink to the same to you as john kerry did in moscow now after months of harsh criticism coming from russia towards the west for taking one side in the syrian conflict that is the side of the syrian rebels even pushing for arming the syrian rebels and providing them with military training and even possibly intervening into the conflict by force now experts have said that after the meeting
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and most call the stances of the both sides have somewhat softened the result of the meeting in moscow was the international conference to be called on by the end of this month which will see hopefully see both the members of the syrian opposition and the syrian government at the same negotiation table to in an attempt to find a peaceful solution to the conflict and we heard here in sochi from david cameron who said that while u.k. acknowledges the fact that this is the syrian people who must choose their new government that is why he is strongly supportive of the international conference by the end of this month secret that we have had differing views on how best to handle the situation but we share fundamental aims to end the conflict to stop syria fragmenting let the syrian people choose who governs and to prevent the growth of violent extremism so i strongly support the conference that mr lavrov for mr kerry agreed this week to deliver a political solution a solution which has
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a transitional government based on the consent of the syrian people as a whole so the latest events of the last three days the talks between washington moscow and the london have. clearly given a sign that there may be a things to come but there may be some interesting things to come in terms of the syrian conflict and it's interesting to see whether this international meeting by the end of this month can actually do something to resolve the crisis in peaceful way but definitely the fact that the rhetoric has been softening is a major breakthrough on the syrian conflict on the stances about the syrian conflict from the major international players and. russia's efforts to work together to stop the violence in syria has been complicated person toxic allegations of course london remains insistent that the syrian government's very likely used chemical weapons while suggesting the rebels didn't that's despite a recent u.n. probe revealing evidence indicating opposition forces could have used in the us and with the u.k. pushing to lift an arms embargo on syria the talks are already faced with many
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potential stumbling blocks resulting sort of. the prime minister said ten p.c. in the house of commons recently that there's a growing body of limited but persuasive evidence that the syrian regime has used and continues to use chemical weapons now the u.n. war crimes investigated said as yet they reach new conclusions as to whether either side has indeed these chemical weapons now the one day talk is taking place at a time when those calls for some form of diplomatic progress made in place again to be very much focused on that the prime minister's spokesman saying that the u.k. considers russia an important player when it comes to these discussions at this point this russian the u.k. has certainly had a fractious the past when it comes to the topic syria i would urge the russians and the russian government even at this late stage to look very carefully at why keeps
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doing what it's looking to do in syria. the longer this goes on the stronger the case becomes for lifting the arms embargoes on the national coalition on the syrian opposition if we're left with no other alternative to that to say coming at a time when the u.k. fifteen seem to try to step up to bring an end to the e.u. arms embargo that would then allow the supply of weapons to the forces a face to the syrian regime a lot of concern from some here in the country and indeed internationally as to who exactly would constitute the legitimate opposition given that there's say much concern surrounding the other elements inside the country that are also confusing the extremely fractured picture that we're seeing playing out as the syrian conflict continues nonetheless the two sides are going to be pushing ahead with these talks whether or not they'll be able to put that fractious past behind them and come to something cremated remains to be seeing but the u.k.
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prime minister's restated his commitment to trying to find some form of diplomatic progress moving forward well you crazy idea of unleashing a flow of lisa lay to the syrian opposition fueling fears that the arms may fall into the wrong hands was exposed pointing out that al qaeda linked groups are growing influence that russia european politics professor richard sequoyah told us the rebels in syria radicalizing the west is only making the situation worse. we do know quite a lot about the details of some of the groups involved though the details of the dynamics between them we know very little we do know that they various militant al-qaeda affiliated groups are strengthening because they have been the most years alone what has been the greatest tragedy of this whole thing over the last two or so years is that there has been and always was some gloom in the middle and this is now being squeezed out in part of the fault of the policy of the west but it's not
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only their fault but clearly they have not facilitated those who are willing to negotiate and to go to the table so therefore the evidence that the last two days are the first limiting so that somehow or other some sort of negotiated settlement could emerge out of this because syria is very difficult libyan it's very difficult . you have a very powerful stable forces internally which are beginning now to find trying to find a path to a post conflict situation and i hope that this visit today of david camm going can with the russian and with putin can begin to facilitate this sort of passed out of conflict there is a way out but it means that all sides have to start changing and be willing to give and take a bit more. election campaigning in pakistan may be done and dusted but deadly bomb blasts a striking terror across the rest of nation on the eve of the parliamentary poll a motorbike stuff with explosives detonated in
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a political party offices in the country's north and killed at least four wounded many of these is the latest in a string of terrorist attacks ahead of the vote which marks pakistan's first democratic transition and it is a brief insight into the top positions on the ballot list one of the front runners is the ruling socialist orientated pakistan people's party which was founded and so far led by the powerful put so family however they've been expected to be out neuvirth by the pakistan muslim league and headed by. former prime minister nawaz sharif he is looking to score points by turning his back on washington and its war on terror in the region that dark horse of the race they're also playing the anti u.s. card is cricket legend turned politician an anti drone activist in iran can this movement for justice their own kind of hole in hospital at the moment of course he's supported by pakistan's military and our correspondent lucy caffein of went to pakistan to see how the country's been approaching the landmark election week after
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week these are the images the world has seen coming out of pakistan victims of a brutal wave of violence bomb blasts rippling across the country this is supposed to be a time of triumph for a country that's gearing up for its first ever democratic transition from one elected government to another recent bomb and gun attacks by militants against religious minorities and secular politicians have called the country's stability into question and stone fear among pakistani voters that. everyone is scared of bombs and nobody feels safe so very few people go in vote because they're scared to go to really knows who will be the winner. the pakistani taliban has vowed to target the country's secular parties and they've made good on that threat the awami national party or the a and p. has borne the brunt of the attacks forced to campaign in the shadows. we can't campaign we can't arrange meetings all parties are doing rallies with millions of people but we can only do them with two hundred men and even when we do that
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terrorists are still targeting us but islam is parties have been targeted too this is the aftermath of an attack against a political party seen as being sympathetic to the taliban but the latter have condemned to democracy as a whole meaning any political party taking part in the elections could be considered fair game by the militant group more than six hundred thousand security personnel including fifty thousand soldiers have been deployed during the election to guard against attacks but that's not exactly a comforting sight for a country that's been ruled by the military for almost half its life as an independent state the violence isn't just political in a country where the majority faith is islam religious minorities have accused the mainstream political parties of not doing enough to protect them against attacks that could hurt the ruling party in the polls. people's party iron. party's. security.
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questions are now these but the issues that may shape the outcome of the vote are more clear cut pakistan's economy has been battered by three years of successive floods which severely damaged agricultural heartlands power cuts are endemic with some rural areas getting only four hours of electricity per day clean water and food education and health care remain out of reach for many pakistanis crime and unemployment are huge issues in the cities all the main parties have vowed to tackle these bread and butter issues but few have outlined exactly how leaving voters skeptical to start its ally. actions aren't politicians make promises they get votes get their seats and then they forget everything about nearly five thousand candidates are running for pakistan's lower house of parliament and more than ten thousand hopefuls are angling for seats in pakistan's four provincial assemblies when it comes to the job of prime minister polls indicate that it's a showdown between former cricket legend imran khan and former prime minister nawaz
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sharif the latter seems to be heading to victory but khan has ridden a wave of popularity among younger voters with its promise to clamp down on corruption it's a tight race that's been overshadowed by violence a landmark election that is proven so far to be the bloodiest in the country's history the attacks are a stark reminder that politics in pakistan is a dangerous game and that democracy can be deadly. r.t. islamabad pakistan. well for more now on the situation in pakistan let's go live to washington to talk to a peace activist from the coalition i mean with this almost daily we've been watching it every day we see these deadly bomb blast targeting political party offices and candidates it begs the question comes security forces first of all down to a vote is safety tomorrow at the polling stations i think they most certainly cannot guarantee that i mean obviously they're deploying massive amounts of people up to
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six hundred thousand security personnel but we've seen over the past period of the campaign and even before that that the pakistani government has not been able to offer security solutions that are definite in any way in any part of the country so one of those polls. well i think obviously post one in the polls for the pakistani government would be a major setback this is the first democratic transition in which the country which the country will actually have and so i think ultimately going forward with the polls is an important part of showing that in fact the quote unquote democracy in pakistan is a real thing and certainly there's only a caretaker government in place now and so it should not extend what would essentially be a democrat and democratic technocratic force and one in the i guess than to the taliban that will make a huge effort of only to undermine the vote how fight to the have they been in the cools. well i think certainly the taliban has done quite
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a bit to destabilize the election i think that the most successful thing in terms of their campaign has been the fact that both the sharif and also imran khan have discussed the issue of severing the security relationship with the united states which at least in part is very central to the struggle of the taliban inside of pakistan and what they're looking to do so how much they will impact the average voter and their ability to come out we'll just have to see on saturday but certainly their policies and their militant campaign their military campaign rather has at least so it seems affected the way the issues have been debated by the major parties and the front want to hear the leader of the a pakistan muslim league n. party which is expected to clinch make three promises does need to pull out of the u.s. war on terror how realistic is not in the can it be done. well i think potentially it could be done in certainly sharif when he was prime minister before presided over the two nuclear tests that resulted in a significant downgrading of relations with the united states and economic
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sanctions and to a significant amount of economic aid so sharif can claim that he has the fortitude as it were to stand up to the united states but given the significant amount of support inaugurated for pakistan i mean i believe there's one hundred million dollars provided by the united states just to help pakistan secure their nuclear arsenal obviously the ability of pakistan to gain lending from the i.m.f. it will it will require a tremendous amount of effort because pakistan would have to refocus and rebalance both its economic and security policies almost be a one eighty from what they have been since two thousand and one when pakistan was more or less brought in from the cold by the united states so certainly it's possible but whether either party and certainly whether sharif will really have the fortitude and the desire to carry this through i think is yet to be seen what about the decision by pakistani cool the decline of u.s. drone strikes in the country illegally is not a message this is all going to be considered across the atlantic i think it's
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a message that certainly will be considered across the atlantic it's a sign of the growing opposition inside of pakistan and to a lesser degree in yemen and in fact even inside of the united states against the u.s. drone policy and certainly to have such a high court say that the u.s. drone strike should end immediately just continues to add fuel to the fire that is raging around the world about this secretive illegal and criminal campaign being waged by the united states government now obviously they have no intention of stopping their drone campaign but certainly i think this has to be. an item of interest for them. peace activists from the answer and he will coalition. thank you now as we've heard american drone strikes are a major issue in the country's election campaign a huge hurdle in relations between pakistan and the u.s. has been declared illegal by pakistani court as i mentioned according to washington they used to wipe out al qaida and taliban fighters but pakistan blames them for scores of civilian deaths not all t. dot com that's what we're talking about we want your votes what your thoughts are they were told about drug wars before the poll of the matter this is what you're
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telling us. the vast majority of you see the drone strikes as nothing but a war crime is down and maybe you have sent this to seventy nine just under ten percent of you think the operations give mixed results allow the pakistani government to kill its enemies at minimal cost seven percent still consider drones the only option for fighting extremists in remote areas and finally the fewest of your five percent again this out believes that they're fundamentally justified but need to be more precise thanks for voting still plenty of time to do it. coming up with the international space station that has sprung a leak only is pouring from the i assess not the first time either it's out of the four or across this story r.t. shaun thomas absolute facts and figures on the two decade old space mission right after the break. wealthy british science.
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or get back to our top story now the u.k. prime minister says britain and russia share the aim of ending the bloody conflict in syria adding that moscow and london still have the differences on the issue that's fine if there's been any big progress in overcoming those difficulties during the meeting in sochi we'll talk to our author john white these extensively been covering the situation in syria is joining us live on the line now hi john so then we've got moscow we've london washington agreeing to hold an international meeting on the syria conflict all sounds fantastic however it's going to be a different thing i guess getting the two warring sides to talk to each other how much more problems are going to be. well it's going to be a major blow to the opposition. almost exclusively.
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forces wage savage war in a country decades a lot of the civilian population so be hard to consider that city people can be happy with their government talking to these people in a minimum of voting for a political across the border from jordan turkey and iraq so it be very difficult as you have with the syrian people given the nature of the struggle in the ground we know the syrian national army enjoying some significant success in the last few weeks in thinking back rebel held areas of the country and i think this is deduced a panic actually in washington london potus which is trying to become of these beings looking to fly to russia to me even if. i wanted to do that meeting today to a guest earlier on the middle one of the sticking point c. in the u.k. still pushing isn't it's a lift the arms embargo to bomb the rebels it's very difficult to tie that in at
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the same time with britain saying it wants peace how does that work and i wonder off that meeting with putin today in salt she will the u.k. be softening its line on much do you think. well i think you will have to because as i see the conflict is not going you know we the it we're hoping to destroy the assad regime weakening the axis of resistance in the region comprising city hasbro up and iran and selling not working and not only because politically of russia's political opposition to western military intervention but let's be clear the west is already into beating mode only through the gulf states is said to quit talking. in jordan funneling weapons funneling money to the rebels but even so the city national army is managing to mean key control who. significant parts of the country on monday didn't join us. successes on the ground there's no doubt that despite the propaganda campaign being waged against this out it still enjoys significance of
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core within syria itself and that is key. i one of the other issue i would talk about what may or may not been talked about at this meeting in sochi today the other issue of course chemical weapons britain stating that the government has used them the u.n. saying well no there's a report out. completely contradictory to that saying it's the rebels why doesn't on the face of it at least britain seem to be out wanting to take a look at that evidence about the about the rebels. or you have to do it when it comes to religion in country is holding in using. the overseas but surely lessons were learned. it seems not seems when you're talking about the way the geopolitical struggle which which is what we're seeing taking place nothing is off that he will when it comes to government involvement and determination to effect a favorable outcome nor and nor interest of the syrian people should be. in the
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interest of london and washington and paris so you know for a month until a. sitting governor and a city international are using chemical weapons with two ton doors a stall right to joe wright thanks ever so much spin on a program much appreciated thank you. and i had a space for our next story to crewman from the international space station a braced for emergency space walk off for the moment a leak was detected on thursday cooling systems on board the orbiting station to be partially shut down because of the fault early r.c. shown thomas told my colleague josh a bit more about this problem. you know obviously a lot about nasa and the ice ask so tell us what's happening there exactly i mean apparently they saw some flakes there but how serious is a problem exactly well of thursday may ninth astronauts were you know reviewing the space station and what do they see if they see these white crystal flakes
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dissipating into the vacuum of space now from the area where they saw this coming from they determined that it was a coolant leak specifically an ammonia type. in the to be system. system that they've had problems with in the past now it is something that they're looking at it is pretty serious but nasa says that astronauts are not in danger at this time now in order to fix it there's a couple things they can do they can shut the system down they can go to backup systems or redundancies they can also do a spacewalk but the problem is that it takes two nasa astronauts to do a spacewalk of this specific type right one of the nasa astronauts is leaving on tuesday so if they're going to do it they have to do it pretty quick what this system does is it cools the electronics to deal with the big solar arrays which provide power to the space station so if this doesn't get fixed if something goes wrong there could be some serious consequences but in two thousand and six they did notice a problem with this same thing it was fixed in two thousand and eleven they went up with the idea to top it off and then periodically top off this ammonia leak as they needed but then it developed more problems pretty rapidly they did
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a spacewalk they fix the problem there's no idea now they don't know if this current problem is still part of the same problem or if it's a different problem with the same system. let's take a look at some more of world news headlines and the u.k. says it will remove non-essential embassy staff from libya's capital tripoli the city see mounting political uncertainty and violence of the recent months including a car bomb attack on france's embassy prigs announcement comes just hours after a bomb targeted a police station in the eastern city of benghazi where two similar attacks have taken place this month. thousands of gathered in belgrade to protest the handover of serbian territory to kosovo sorties it comes as the two governments agree on a brussels brokered treaty to normalize regional relations it also paves the way for serbia's e.u. accession by the group at least fifty thousand ethnic serbs in the course of a rule in a region prone to ethnic strife belgrade over remains adamant in its refusal to recognize kosovo as an independent state. amazing story next when rescuers have
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found another survivor among the dhaka garment factory rubble this lady survives seventeen days without food or water shot there under the debris more than a thousand others died and it comes as local authorities are forced to carry d.n.a. tests indicate bodies still being extracted from the devastating factory building. following the terror attack on the boston marathon cities across the u.s. looking to blanket the streets of more surveillance cameras both origins are at odds with privacy advocates who are concerned that monitoring every step will create more problems than it solves what is more important our investigators. the video surveillance market in the u.s. has been permanently expanding more than i decade and here at the new york city a s i s exhibition and conference we are getting an up close look at some of the most latest and cutting edge surveillance technology that is being displayed by many security professionals that technology of course includes facial recognition iris
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scanning high definition close circuit cameras and other software that was once only seen in side by movie now some would say it's appropriate for the site to be taking place in new york city because after all it was the mayor of the big apple that recently said he wanted to expand the amount of surveillance cameras that were on route the city of course those comments came in the aftermath of the boston terrorist attack and the mayor of new york is just one of many officials are out made it states that are only for surveillance we spoke with some professionals that are here displaying their surveillance technology they say they have already seen a peek in halls and increase and of course that can equate to a peak in sales i hate to say it but our phones have been ringing off the hook since the tragedy and you know it's it's an unfortunate thing but people are starting to think now how they should have been thinking all along you know to be
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able to provide a safe environment you have to think ahead is there going to be more surveillance cameras deployed and the answer to that is yes because lessons learned have shown us that if you have a bench recording. you can go back and find information that might not have been pertinent while you thought you were filming it but all the sudden if an event happens you need all the information you can get the experts estimated that this industry would reach revenues of more than twenty billion dollars fight twenty six teams but now those numbers are being recalculated to be projected even higher because of the. as attacks that took place and boston as government spending on video surveillance is expected to surge tension between law enforcement officials and privacy advocates is also expected to greet critics say that the american public has been forced to see privacy and civil liberties in the name of national security but the payoff hasn't been big after all america's web of spy cams failed
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to prevent the boston terrorist attacks and even when the f.b.i. finally revealed images of the suspects they needed the public's help to identify reporting from new york were enough were not our take. on that of sylvania will be the next come to get me you buying mr woods for the. choose your language. make it with zero if you're going to stay still some of.
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us choose good consensus. choose the opinions that you the great. choose the stories that imply. choose peace. officers. thank. you. all again hostile not just offered here in moscow nice to the company now the israeli military said i was preliminary approval to build almost three hundred homes in the west bank settlement it's now feared efforts by u.s.
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secretary of state that john kerry to restart peace talks between israel and the palestinian authorities will be hampered to get some thoughts on this from. an activist at the a settlement watch program you'll find now from tel aviv hi there good evening what is the move by israel say about its commitment to restarting peace talks with the palestinians and well we don't see any committed at the moment there is no very wired but we did notice and this got a little bit of a clinton whether there were any. issues that were settlements in the last few weeks actually since the government to the new government however we did see many promotion of. the settlements and construction is going on. and wasn't just. the promotion for two hundred but in only the home. depot in the well. meaning that there are no intention. with the
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underground any vacation or maybe any constructive moves for renewal negotiation was mentioned there leading to the chatter the new u.s. secretary states recently been covering the middle easterner new deford to get the sides negotiating is this now than a slap in the face for washington from televisa from tel aviv as far as he's concerned you think. well i'm. not one to embarrass and. doing big things in the west this is a small i'm definitely one of the maybe the last thing each other to see what we can do now i haven't seen but maybe i'm not aware of any kind of response from the american. however i'm sure a little of the message is clear that you just shouldn't do it and i'm sure there's been pleading please and that's behind the so what's not years next step i mean how could he win over the settler groups of the same time or place his partners in
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washington. i think we've lost the line to tell of evolving story about that we're trying about or against a little bit a little bit later let's move on actually ok. amazing pyrotechnic show if you were watching last night you'll know about it with all the pictures online articles from stop or if you didn't you can see the dazzling victory day firework display which marked sixty eight years since the defeat of nazi germany we've also got removing wartime recollections from the veterans themselves so. it's good stuff. just a click away will be new york to a first row seat to watch a rare kind of solar eclipse if you missed it this time around the phenomenon was expected to visit forgetting about twenty years' time you don't have to wait to see it on our website. thanks for staying with us so we're back with more news that very shortly now just a little after last. you
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know i've been asked a few times if i believe in conspiracy theories which is kind of an odd question i mean just in general believe in conspiracy theories like all of them even the ones that contradict each other i mean j.f.k. could have been killed by the mob the cia the k.g.b. and very secret societies at the same time or could he have been know what you just declare themselves official conspiracy theories that's silly obviously it isn't could just go around fishing for evil plots to explain every situation the mainstream media sure does lie a lot but i think they're telling the truth about that whole sky being blue thing but on the other hand if you never question what the glowing box in your house tells you that just makes you a sucker the kind of sucker who bought that there were magical mysterious invisible weapons of mass destruction in iraq and you know what in all honesty there's actually been real evil conspiracies that have been exposed like the tuskegee
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experiment and the fascist coup attempt against president roosevelt in one nine hundred thirty s. overall people think that spears the theories are matter of belief but actually they're completely a matter of facts and there's a lot of good evidence to support a conspiracy and good arguments that maybe you should consider it but if someone tells you the president is actually a rip to lead from the cosmos you might want to just stay away from that one but that's just my opinion. speak for language. programs and documentaries in arabic it's
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all here on. reporting from the world's books seventy ip interviews intriguing story. in trying. to find out more visit our big. dog called.
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author and journalist a.j. jacobs is a man of many experiments one year he lived according to the bible all followed by another two were dedicated to becoming the healthiest human being most recently it's remarkable it holds ten hours of video as squire magazine's editor at large spent twelve weeks logging his life and then it sticks in there and it's filled with whatever you're looking at documenting every second with a camera that looks like an oversized bluetooth. this so-called self surveillance seems extreme but in an exclusive interview with r.t. jacob says it's only a matter of time before the majority will be living this way a.j. jacobs thank you very much for sitting down with r.t. thank you. so for the past fifteen years you've essentially meat your life a series of experiments you told me at least twenty five experiments you've
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conducted. why have you decided or why did you decide to do this but i think it's the best way to learn about something is to become a human guinea pig so if i want to learn about religion i try to live by the bible if i want to learn about outsourcing i outsource my own life so that i feel it's a good way to learn how to improve your life because after the experiment maybe i won't do everything i did during the experiment but i always take away something that makes my life a little better are you capable to live a normal life as a normal human being while you're doing those experiments no it depends on the experiment but sometimes it's quite difficult sometimes it takes over your life and drives my wife crazy let's talk about one of your most recent experiments it's the life logging experiment that you conducted for about three months he was sensually were videotaping every minute of your life for us right from them to moment i woke
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up until the moment i went to sleep i have a little camera in my ear that was videotaping everything and the idea was that our memories are terrible and this was a a way the way i could actually remember so when i got in an argument with my wife and she said oh you never said that that's not what you told me the before i would i could actually say well let's go back to the videotape and see what really happened and how transparent can a life of a human being get when you're recording every second of your day well it's it is a bit of a problem because you know we do things that that are a little embarrassing but i. this is sort of taking the whole idea of facebook and twitter and taking it to its logical extreme this is what we're going to be doing where all of our lives are going to be on the record so we're all going to be like politicians whatever we say will be recorded are there any destructive you know elements to that oh yeah i think it had some big downsides i mean just the when i
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went over an argument with my wife you know that was horrible because it was a lose lose because if i was wrong then i was wrong and if she was wrong then she just got angrier so there are problems with it but there are also great things about it you know when i have kids and what ever they did something cute i always had it on tape but didn't the way that your friends behaved with you did their interaction didn't change i mean how do people change when they know that you're videotaping them yes sometimes the. film would you know literally dive under tables to avoid being videotaped but it also had an interesting effect because people acted a little better they you know people didn't want to gossip in front of me so it will be interesting when everyone has these little video cameras which i believe is coming and then i think we'll see maybe the world will be a better place you also describe conducted another experiment called the unit
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tasking experiment tell me about that well this was because i'm a terrible multi-tasker so when i'm on the phone i'm also you know typing e-mails and watching t.v. and riding my bicycle and you know everything at once but the studies show that's terrible for you and that is actually not efficient it's the opposite of efficient so the idea was let me try to do one thing at a time so if i am on the phone that's all i'm doing i actually blindfolded myself so i would concentrate on the phone call and that. it was wild because it totally changed my life you know you realize that when you have conversations and you're multitasking there are terrible conversations when you really focus you actually listen to what the person is saying and you were spawn. it's a bizarre concept as technology evolves there's many more distractions i know that
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are created so what what kind of effect and that have for our society i think it's it's bad i mean the scientists i talked to said it's not a small problem this is the eleventh plague multi-tasking it's making us dumber there are studies that show your i.q. actually goes down when you multi-task it's bad for driving you know we get into accidents it makes you more depressed less able to empathize so it is a real problem so this was my attempt to try to just do one thing at a time like when i met when i was eating just trying to focus on eating which drove my wife crazy as well because she wanted to have a conversation i said let me just taste the food but it was a it was a fascinating project a very zen way of life actually yes i had a very good then then a moment to let's go back to the life locking you downloaded all the video right that you recorded every minute of your day right but all the tronic communication
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the u.s. we are told is recorded and stored for security purposes usually it's the federal government or the n.s.a. that has the over the recordings maybe it's what people are searching on the internet there's a lot of cameras on the streets that are recording us when we don't know about it what are the risks of that do you believe considering you just did this experiment on yourself you have all that videotape but imagine someone else had all that video view is true and it's i think that's going to be a problem i actually think you know big brother is a little bit of process a. i'm but i think a little brother is going to be more of a problem by that i mean other people will be videotaping you all the time so you do something embarrassing someone else is going to be videotaped and put on you tube and he'll be humiliated you know you won't be able to slip on a banana peel you know anymore without it going on the you to on you tube
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government changes the way an entire society can behave i know it will be fascinating i mean i think we're already seeing it people are trying to. taking much fewer risks i mean will be interesting to see that this may people make it totally used to it and just realize you know it my flaws are going to be out there what am i going to do which is i think what you see on reality television how about other people when they knew that you had a video camera on you be it friends family or strangers what was their reaction is that it was mixed i mean some people hated it so they would like you know cross to the other side of the street some people like that because they want you know maybe they they wanted to be actors or something so they did a little song and a little dance and they showed off for the camera what are the truths that you believe people. i don't like to know about themselves spaced on your experiment.
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it's a good question. i would say. i think people well when i showed my wife our argument she she saw herself losing control and she hated it was a it was a horrible experience so seeing yourself in your worst moment is a very humbling experience that it has its positives in unspent of it but you know you get i tried it with my kids as well i showed them when they were throwing a tantrum and i would show them video of that and say this is what you look like when you're throwing a tantrum and they didn't want to see it they covered up their ears and walked away what were your biggest disappointments when it came to that experiment. one was how hard it was to find footage because i thought this will be the end of be losing things so if i lose my wallet i'll just be gable to go back and look at the
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videotape and say oh i left it on the calendar but the problem is i would look and it would take me like six hours to find my wallet on the video machine the videotape and my wife would find it in ten minutes by just look in the regular old way right see we're becoming a little too reliant on that. not using i don't want to see if common sense but just not using your own mind or your own memory your immediately go with your i think you put it very well yet i was becoming too reliant on the video i was outsourcing my memory to make you filter yourself in anyway just the way that you interact with people you want to do you end up filtering i did i did it you know i felt that this is on tape so i'm not going to gossip about my friend so it was actually i did another experiment where i live by the rules of the bible so it's almost like i was going back into the bible because i wasn't allowed to gossip tell me about the some of the equipment that you used when you were document in
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yourself i used a small camera that attached to my ear it's called a look see and it would hold you could hold ten hours of video so it was remarkable there's another one that people use that's called the go pro and that's a camera that you can sort of strap to your chest or strap to your head so i did that he looked a little weird when he ordered walking around with that it requires a great deal of discipline what you do with the live blogging experiment the unit task experiment you've done many other experiments where do you get that discipline from i think it's partly because i'm obsessive compulsive i have obsessive compulsive disorder so this is the way i'd channel that into something productive instead of washing my hands forty times a day i made. to channel it into one of my projects now is your wife a saint because you know living with this and having the tolerance of all that for all these different experiments can't be easy i would say my wife is
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a saint she puts up with quite a bit. and you know some are harder than others when i live by the rules of the bible i had to have this huge beard and she hated that she wouldn't kiss me for floor five months so. but other times other times you know she actually likes it like during the bible when i became a little more compassionate and i would try to think about my neighbor a little more she like that so it's a mixed bag for him but overall yes he's the same immersion journalism yeah it's called all sorts of things it's called immersion journalism or method journalism experience hill journalism stunt journalism i've heard all sorts of names and do you think that's the best way to write about the topic clearly right is live it i think in some cases yes that's the best way to learn not everything like you know if you're going to write about politics it's hard to become the president of the
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united states and write about it from a first person point of view but there are many topics even something like fame at one point i look very little much like an actor who is having his is fifteen minutes so i went to the academy awards dressed as that actor and it was amazing because i got to feel what it's like to be famous and i was signing autographs and people were telling me how brilliant i was so it was a unique point of view i would never have been able to learn what it's like unless i did it myself and what kind of suggestions you get for future experiments or have you got for if you go i gets tons of suggestions and so of them are good actually some of them not so good one common one people say that maybe i should try to become the world's greatest lover. and do a like all the positions in the comma sutra and my wife is like no way that's happening that sounds exhausting i'm not going to do that sometimes though they make suggestions that i actually do there's one where they suggested i put my wife
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through all of this so i should do a month where i do everything she said just be a doormat of a husband so i did that that was horrible that was one of the worst months of my life because she became drunk with power what's your next experiment. my next experiment i'm actually still deciding on my next experiment the life logging was the most recent and i am still following a lot of what i did from the health experiment that i did where i tried to be the healthiest personal live so i spend a lot of my time now on a treadmill that's how i work as i put my computer on top of a treadmill and i type so. i've adopted bits and pieces from all of my experiments and then takes up a lot of time if you take up thank you very much. thank you marina.
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real damage and complexity of this oil spill was not something you can grasp just by looking at dirty birds we have between four to five million people in this directly affected area of the coast and it's pretty clear why it's not being reported because b.p. can't afford to have a reported all along the gulf coast are clean they are safe and they're open for business if b.p. is the single largest oil contributor to the pentagon the us war machine is heavily reliant upon b.p. and their oil this is a huge step backwards for the marker see it's a step forward oligarchy carex it is toxic is a look a lot like spraying in vietnam it was it was not
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