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tv   Keiser Report  RT  May 10, 2013 9:30pm-10:01pm EDT

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all devices you can watch all see any time anyway. welcome to the kaiser report imax kaiser scottish independence no not the adult diapers the real people of scotland they want their freedom from english rule or at least some of them do offer the bloodless way toward independence it seems some of the good people of scotland aren't so sure they want it stacy yes max this has been a big topic here and it appears that it's difficult to determine whether or not they're going to vote for independence because apparently some of them only like to dress in blue and run down hills and spear is that's the sort of independence they want to win but the other issue is george osborne has been visiting scotland and
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warning them that if you leave the union then you will not be able to use the pound sterling so this is a problem because alex semin with a scottish national party he wants to stay in sterling now alex semin refuses to rule out separate currency alex salmond has refused to rule out a separate scotland adopting a new currency and faced accusations of being clueless on how a multibillion pound pension shortfall would be resolved yet osborne's talking out of his bottom is a scholar's got all the oil they've got the creative spunk they've got it all scotland twenty first century yeah osborne is just fear mongering and nobody should listen to him anyway doesn't always talking about there are many ways to run a currency and i thought like if they're going to adopt a new currency the big corn is a great currency for them sure scholarship adult bitcoin as the national currency and it would help power that country to be a competitor of the global four x. market as big coin takes over the global forex market the four trillion dollar per
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day market for trading currencies bitcoin is making a big inroads there but a country like scotland behind it would certainly help the cause and don't. wrong of course you could then do whatever it takes to get him that weasely nut job out of the country well also to go further on why because it would make a good currency for scotland i thought let's look at some of what people are saying around the world regarding this lenders may create bitcoin rivals says new zealand bank group commercial banks may create a digital currencies to rival bitcoin the virtual money whose u.s. dollar value collapsed by forty six percent to twenty four hours last month the head of new zealand's banking lobby said today so you see the propaganda bedded in there saying drop by forty six percent and that brief little flash crash flash rise and then flash crash but here you're seeing the banks themselves are saying well we want to create our own one because of course of the efficiency of transmitting and a very genuine globalised currency why not leapfrog ahead of everybody else
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scotland by having this genuine globalized currency where you can make transactions globally instantly no four x. exchange no three day wait instantly and think with complete trust that it's a genuine transaction a genuine cash the big queen cash are being handed out is a virgin currency that will remain forever virginal the bank of england's pound sterling is an old hag that will remain all was and forever worthless nonsensical. and they're not going to compete with bitcoin these banks will not compete don't they will not introduce anything near a big coin just like there was only one joan of arc there was only one virgin mary there was only one law there can be only one bitcoin and it rules supreme everybody is now trying to get in on this pay pal is also saying we want
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a cut of the action that we don't understand what bitcoin is trying to address what problem they're fixing of course they're fixing the problem of transmitting currencies and a globalized world where you need to have faith in you know. somebody improved that their five dollar item that they're going to send you is real and they they want to know that it's real that they've received the money so i want to turn to staying on new zealand this top new show there are one news as a market share forty four percent here's the propaganda they were they were talking about bitcoin and here's some bozo expert allegedly this is the. bitcoin business one of the things about it is that it's free of politics is free of in the sense of obligation to society indeed any connection with society it's indeed been described as being we know about facebook being a social networking system as as an anti social networking system it's highly individualistic and the concern is that while it's pretty soon the drug
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dealing or or money laundering a whatever there's also this inclination towards a highly individualistic society in which we can operate anonymously when nothing is traceable we avoid paying taxes we afford to exchange rates we avoid a lot of the things that binds us together was a society well you know again i had to play the i invented the virtual specialist card again on the show but us pat number five nine five zero one seven six the virtual specialist technology from one thousand nine hundred six is the precursor to this exchange problem as relates to virtual currencies as relates to bitcoin and that it is talking and the fact is that the crypt a logical element to a virtual currency they put them together and you create a world beating currency just like bit torrent destroyed the intellectual property business or forced it to reinvent itself bit coy it will force the global banking system to reinvent itself or die j.p.
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morgan will no longer be able to simply go out there and steal all with the with the accomplices of the big four accounting firms to fund manager. and the justice department will have to actually compete for a living and that's what we can look forward to a big point well exactly because then the woman goes on to say that yes she agrees that it's a sinister currency and that currency should be controlled instead by governments and big banks and he had said that the society is binded together by paying exchange rates so there you see it's a rent today economy they know that we have a rented a thing where these guys this one percent control everything you have to pay the toll booth over and over and over and i wanted to turn to a headline out of america regarding this to show you exactly what a rented economy is a why they want it new york times seven of top twenty highest paid c.e.o.'s were media moguls new research published by the new york times show media moguls are
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disproportionately represented in the ranks of the country's highest paid executives when ranked by market worth the top twenty companies in the united states does not include any media firms yet media corporations employ seven out of the top twenty highest paid chief executives leaving the industry with c.b.s. head leslie moons who made more than sixty million dollars last year is the third highest paid executive in the country but it doesn't based entirely on copyright and the copyright extension law that so-called mickey mouse law every time mickey mouse is set to enter the public domain they expand copyright by another twenty years as well aaron schwartz by the way felt the need to pressure him to the point where he killed himself chris dodd of the motion picture association of america the lobbying group in washington for the copyright cartel and yes it will result in as you call a profit the intellectual property come from the public domain it should by law return to the public domain in a reasonable time that thomas jefferson thought during the founding of the american constitution fourteen years not life time plus seventy five years those perpetual
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copyright has given society a collective labatt of me and these guys are copyright cartel most who are destroying the economy. well of course everybody in america knows of scotland based on the film braveheart which again is like part of this copyright renting economy living off. the intellectual property of scotland people are already living off their the oil resources of scotland they're also living off the intellectual property of scotland and by the way we need a new in light and and all of the enlightment most much of the ideas of the enlightment come from scotland whether it's adam smith or david hume the ideas of the enlightment come from there so for a knowledge economy it seems like they should have more power on a global scale using a bit coin globalized currency and their knowledge ideas what could be more of an invisible have been a cripple logically guarded invisible currency going i agree if it is and it is the
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the like the enlightenment or the renaissance it is a moment in history that we will look back on as being a total change in the course of human history because it reinvents this entire idea of money which has been an issue for thousands of years and scotland my brothers and skull in the maxwell clan of which i am a member of maxwell kaiser is my full name the catalogue castle my former a boat going back a thousand years and the family crest is river riscoe we will rise again and we will take over scotland again i am your king and i pronounced a big coin is the currency of the new realm of scottish independence and we are going to end. and we are taking back what is rightfully ours. finally on scalia rented economies of course you know they had ninety percent of north sea oil
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reserves are in scottish territorial waters that's apparently brought in up to about three hundred billion pounds over the last twenty thirty years to the british treasury now of course they want to go independent there's not much left seventy five percent of the oil reserves are blowing through but alex semin provokes rao by predicting fifty seven billion pounds scotland oil boom first minister accused of selecting optimistic economic forecasts to bolster his case for independence so assuming it had a full geographic share of north sea oil and gas production based on international marine treaties scotland's total reserves would be the highest of any e.u. country at sixty percent of total oil reserves george osborne and the new guy bank of england mark carney they are engaged in massive money printing they've been able to hold back the floodgates of inflation even though the real shopping cart inflation in this country in britain is now almost nine percent it's not the two and point eight percent that the government lies about but when that bursts and you
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seen flée sion twenty twenty five thirty percent oil goes to one hundred two hundred three hundred dollars a barrel so what is remaining of scottish oil will give it so much wealth it could come down here like the icelandic people did during the boom of the icelandic economy they bought the west ham football club they bought hamleys or hamleys a toy store they bought all the stuff on the high street skyline will come down here they'll buy books bells they'll blow was mr they'll buy oxford street they'll buy it all because it got all the oil it is five hundred dollars a barrel our eyes to his ear were thanks so much for being on the kaiser report thank you max all right stay tuned for the second half speaking with frankie boyle . could you take three. point three three. three. free. old free
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blog video for your media project a free media. story. you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else you hear or see some other part of it and realize that everything you. are welcome to the big picture. more news today violence flared up. these are the images the world has been seeing from the streets of canada. today.
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played. welcome back to the kaiser report imax keyser time now to turn to comedian and
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glaswegian frankie boyle frankie welcome to the kaiser record highs remarks all right frankie boyle george osborne has been up in scotland warning against independence what the heck is the story was scottish independence anyway and what are your thoughts on it george osborne mine every time i hear his voice i just feel i should gather my belongings and get off the line just like this is going to come and seized by she possum for the other things that he's perpetually caught in a state of panic he doesn't instill a lot of confidence does it turn citizen is just a. maybe it is like a table traveling sheriff of noida muslims and it is clearly someone is telling him could you know what's needed in public and he can't quite himself to like warnings gone he's saying you know don't going to plan it you'll die fall into the ocean you want to get the british pound is really warning them like oh you know how you'll never survive i mean the scottish people when they take that bridge at this and say you know. more people don't care if it's
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a british provided it's have enough to throw out a fifty years can kill it. i think it's just it's scaremongering doesn't it i mean the law says things was question depends and should think the case hasn't really been put properly and if you look at a modest claim baldwin one that's quite interesting and when the oil fields are north of the prison huge zigzag into off like in norway also. lots of ways the cold could survive economically bovis lies job this is to be there for. the oil and the oil is really really the secret going to quote behind margaret thatcher without the north the oil there would not have been the stature revolution as we know it that's of course tory your thoughts in terms of scholars independence you could get away from the tories well that's a huge selling point over i think if they could put it to people would be calling could be dependent socialist country that it feels as in its heart if they go away
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that would be a huge selling point for them but they haven't really been really true isn't it a case there because obviously the people at the heart of the independence campaign and the s. and p. and so on are socialists i mean even in america the people of alaska get a cut of the oil revenues the people in the middle east get a cut of the already is scholar independent all the glaswegians and i want to get a cut of the oil revenues it would be a socialist paradise wouldn't be as socialist by this but you know you could. you go to george osborne your home interest i don't i don't know why i am always born tonight taking cocaine. he's never taken cocaine as he says but i mean that would explain his personality. just the sheer horror of his. bed and he should go he should go for as you say should snorts most every day with horror for sure wherever he does we have the habit of a cocaine user or an ex cocaine user we're always looking for that big. pocket isn't it you know to see that the city of london
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a lot bankers kind of checking where they put their coke even though they're not doing the. the scottish banks very famous r.b.s. and. epic financial fraud. but they're now owned by british taxpayers isn't this a good time as any to leave english with the bad banks you see them saying like another benefit of going independent just leave all the scottish debt in england and you walk away without that debt yeah because i actually do these in school and joined with england because a date in the first place to not died in project and no tells without him project was basically school and thought they would get on colonialism and they decided to . colonial empire by panama and they invested a lot of money in the no police at the time and the they lost all their money because everybody died. and that is why they had to do the union with england and that was the spy in scotland to see him just i broke the nobles were and if they
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would go for us was said to robinson crusoe he was an english by some of the faded on the unions funded than that and lot of this debt was built up during those thatcher years even though they had a lot of north sea oil behind them it's not like norway where they built up a huge almost trillion dollars worth of a reserve fund for the country they just blew it all here on housing speculation this is going to ask or is going to project now where he's going to mimic the sub prime disaster of america that he's going to bring that to the u.k. now where the government's going to subsidize speculation in the housing area. it's clearly a ponzi scheme your thoughts yeah well i mean the whole thing if there's a shortage of affordable housing and they say well we're going to bring back a right to buy scheme that caused the shortage of fordable hasan and tom and what was thomas things that everybody can share the dreams of homeowners are the dreams of paper to survive or the dreams of being trapped in a loveless marriage by negative equity doesn't really say but yeah seems like a huge ponzi scheme is it psychosis are they just stupid they're not in charge i
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think that's the thing who's in charge banks i think the finance sector is in charge you know and if you look at a politician does it look lady could be in charge of something like. boris johnson's office or does he look like could lead he could lead you into a revolving door he said but in c. casa what i was homers he says he's in power over anybody it's a sham they're that they're the front of a three card monte let's talk about the media in this country which of course means b.b.c. because being the thing is the media in this country and if i do run into the b.b.c. show a bus or if you're if i'm going to everybody if you've been banned currently are you're not banned or are banned or i think effectively you're the penalty box for the moment ok and i was on the ten o'clock news is live show a couple years ago talking about i think hang the bankers and one of the lobbies comics david mitchell was aghast that anyone would make the suggestion and there was a huge brouhaha and they were trying to defend the bankers you know the goldman sachs
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banker at the table said well yeah maybe we should hang the bankers why are comedians who would be you would think on the cutting edge of satire and really point a finger already pointed so reticent about attacking the bankers yourself excluded of course which i think is the ones i mean they did much was brilliant because there's a sentencing of the people who go in on television becomes a nod or spectrum jude in times of crisis comedians talk with us they say in times of. add it to your friend that like comedians do better you know michael mcintyre people because people want to forget about stuff and that's true but also more challenging people start to go at the edges they start to appear on t.v. because you need to really stupid population you can't rip people off like that with with with people who have any information don't just need a stupid population you need a real you need people fifty million people a week watching duns and gold i mean that's we need people just. you know if you're
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going to you can get away with this is a nice way to talk about. forsyth. because he still has. a day. he's a dancin dog dancing just back to population is not a nice thing to say for. now you have a visitor in college of course donald trump has shown up with a golf course and he is a nice american loci american yeah thoughts and i just. progressive this n.p.r. the cold by. his horrible gove course and of course creates jobs for people in school and job creating you know whatever. businessmen and changing the sheets let's get back to the media discussion first second so you're saying frankly that the comics who are looking to really go after these bankers in the you know are going off the mainstream journals off the major markets they're appearing more i
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mean i go to for example in london there are now a couple of showcases one called la la tex which is in camden a once a month which is mostly political comedy and of course that comedy goes in cycles you know more of the top talents in the u.k. in the world i would say. give me your insight into this you know we went through the sixty's where you had a lot of political comedy and political oriented music then we went through the reagan era which was pop and madonna are we getting back and then we had the punk rock phase not a lot of punk. medians although maybe in this country there were where are we historically on the culture cycle frankie boyle your thought oh you're in a point where it's been held by an end to what would probably come back up into a cycle of rebellion again is connected to what i am because the need people to be seen as low as possible when it because of all the various must go to and so you really have people talking about me when i start the punisher was. we were told by
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their out war during the invasion of iraq you can imagine that you can imagine a pano show would be on the lead in on you know sports are getting worse at the moment what is more but you can't remember those there's a left to mean in a things in those like the train or mean in the things in this thing about local races so what political colman they left to us means you know. when people talk about politics but dog training only political comedy means satire to britain it means people having a bit of a go with the coalition's in that there shouldn't really be not talk about things like war or god or any any huge can of the ones you know says there's a don't train oh don't talk about six at the most most people if you want to get on it because it is a stranglehold on media of the b.b.c. it was so how come there's so little media diversity on that in the print page there's different print you know left oriented print newspapers somewhat compared
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to the us for it but a lot people would say that doesn't exist that the guardian is just very you know just a little bit less to the right than let's say the telegraph but compared to the us there is kind of this left in but on t.v. however it's all right wing there's no there's no left at all because it's all dominated by the b.b.c. and i just read a document or a b.b.c. in fact hides taxes through the netherlands just like starbucks and google and all these other companies so they're just a corporate slime bucket as well you're in the us now well i mean. you. situation really were if you look at certain things been reported by the b.b.c. so what is what israel palestine or something you can see a great deal of what would seem to be institutional bias there and it's a great institution in some other ways i mean compared to television america i think it offers a lot more than you can get in any commercial trying on america but the same time you go to recognizable what plays in britain and propaganda you know when we are doing a show for b.b.c. world news called the article well max kaiser
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a couple years ago we only had one editorial direction and that is we could not mention israel in any context only thing we heard from the b.b.c. i mean you've got to remember though that it's kind of like one in federation and that you know and there are people who would want to do that joke through and some of maybe work on your show but the point they're vulnerable to is kind of a low been about and they're very vulnerable to the press and you've got to understand the role that the printed proceed in that what their scale if you think about the join us and ross russell brand scandal a few years ago follow the people in there that this is the full hazard machine. or huge strike and what britain where it was about not. on a radio show to really famous people here did a prank call to kind of well loved by turns at some stuff that shouldn't be done but that is still a bigger scandal than the paedophilia scandal in the b.b.c. television because yeah if you were to look at coleman still a bigger scandal right there russell brand. left a message on
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a phone answering machine or made fun of a guy. very spicy language that became a huge scandal and b.b.c. was censored and they were and it was covered but the jimmy savile scandal where he's involved in over i think four hundred cases of child pedophilia this kind of swept under the rug sure i mean and that's what they're scared of if you talk about why they're scared scared of the totally they're scared of newspapers that can come out every day with buy guns and they can just put you on the front page every day and so you know you're right the general has to resign and that's what they're really scared of there's a lot of people in there you know well just. that's your funeral of course big virtual state funeral it was a state funeral and she was i believe gave a jimmy savile a knighthood yeah yeah what was going on there we don't know they should have like a fenton funeral for would have been to just plug or orifices lever in the sun for a few days pillow or our car and layer. in westminster like a de fleet and blood like people couldn't have been less and traced to the big bad
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for starbucks. because you of course don't want market forces yeah it would be beautiful should have lived on paper you could have been profitable yeah should the profit on the funeral they should have the loss of the funeral martha's is holding a great deal of the loss on a funeral you could have made a killing on the funeral or political guest lester the funeral was just a dom an indictment of the shambles that was the. should've goal of those crimes well i often make that. allusion myself and my director usually i'm glad somebody has a board with cried at the funeral was that it was just like it was like a thing from star trek or something and couldn't believe it was like a tear for making the pardoning of sword and all the shots of michael portillo. and this bizarre wasn't it and to think that they went so large and such a type of supposed this that it's you know it's disgusting all right well i'm way
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over time but frankie boyle thanks so much for me thanks for all the guys report judgment all right. ok let's go do it for this edition of the kaiser report with me max kaiser as stacey herbert my guest frankie boyle if you like the same e-mail kaiser reported are to argue. the civilized world produces more food than it needs. well people die of hunger in other countries. millions of victims every. where remedial
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is the most. is flood or droughts to blame. it was a bad year without a train. we couldn't anything. but there was great hunger. always a good help comes too late and with good intentions. diplomacy and business. mission. couldn't take free. free. free. free. free.
10:00 pm
old free blog video for your media project free media the art. tom. laws are in washington d.c. and here's what's coming up tonight on the big picture. in washington want to chip away at the social safety net others like congressman peter de fazio want to protect it part three of my interview with congressman de fazio is up next followed by a debate on social security in tonight's big picture rumble and from the monks of pakistan to the border with mexico drones are america's twenty first century weapon of choice what's fueling the rise of remote control warfare as code pink co-founder of india benjamin in tonight's conversations with great.


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