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tv   Headline News  RT  May 13, 2013 7:00am-7:30am EDT

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nineteen people are injured after a mother's day parade in new orleans is sprayed with bullets a manhunt is on the way. turkey warms up the first case of foreign intervention in syria after blaming damascus for a deadly cross border bombing. the crank stopped to show in the britons during conservative party and two cabinet ministers say they would leave the european union. international news and comment live from moscow this is nasty with me you know
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hello and welcome to the program at least nineteen people including two ten year old children have been wounded during a sure thing as a mother's day parade in new orleans itself up to three gunmen might have opened fire on the crowds these hells now from his gun that are trick. new orleans was celebrating mother's day with over three hundred people participating in a parade police say three individuals are believed to be responsible for starting a shootout two four of the wounded though are believed to be in critical condition another public and another tragedy there is a manhunt underway for the three suspects who police believe have managed to escape one of them is reportedly wounded in the same way as investigators of the boston marathon bombings appealed for crowd sourced photographs new orleans police have urged anyone with any photographs of the parade to step forward so just in boston the police are drawing the public into the manhunt certainly putting nearby
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neighborhoods on high alert police are going door to door in search for suspects and of course everyone is hopeful that they will find them but at the same time many are looking at these recent public events which have gone terribly wrong in thinking where the law enforcement can really provide security at outdoor gatherings like this with the boston bombers or could it be early warnings that were missed the perpetrators of this shooting in new orleans we don't know who they are but we do know that in the u.s. there's very little control over in whose hands guns end up guns are freely sold the gun shows and online and all of this makes people nervous about their safety at public events naturally. in the international community to acts against its own neighbors syria blames the regime in damascus for saturday's double bombing of a texas town that left four to six dead but syria denies involvement and says that talk is the least justified foreign intervention. turkey has blamed the
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syrian president bashar assad for these bombings without having undergone any kind of investigation what they have said is that syrian intelligence is to quote them the usual suspects now the difficulty turkish prime minister says that the organization and the members behind the attacks have been largely identified but what is worrying is that this does say it's a bad precedent to merely blame assad right away without giving any kind of proof or any kind of conclusive evidence as to why you say that nine people have been detained all of them are turkish citizens according to the turkish deputy prime minister and he has stressed that there be no links to the syrian opposition so it has denied that they are behind the attacks these syrian government issued a statement in which it said that we are saddened by the fall of martyrs in turkey in one way or another the turkish people are syrian brothers the north of syria is the region bordering turkey and that's where extremist opposition groups are particularly active what is unclear as of yet is how many of them could have in
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fact crossed over into turkey now the city where the explosion occurred has received tens of thousands of refugees and it is possible that some of them already called elements there's no proof to say that they are there's no proof to said that they are not these radical elements are setting up their own infrastructure and there are many groups among them such as be of mr front and the salafist if you've already done so we have been receiving reports that in aleppo for example there are reports of these some twenty rebel brigades operating and they've set up the machinery of government and justice in the quarters that they have taken over they've set up courts for example that are manned by lawyers and judges that set up schools they say so that there's no vacuum in the administration and public institutions so you certainly do have this very worrying phenomena that there is a large number of extremist elements that are operating particularly along the turkish syrian border. and of course we want to know your take on the deadly bombings in turkey just head over to our website r.t.
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dot com to take part in the ongoing live call that under right now almost half of you think this figure in opposition orchestrated the a tank to pin the blame on damascus around a third of you believe turkey itself was responsible and it wants to provoke foreign military intervention in syria and not many of you reckon the bombings were the work of damascus just about nine percent under or extremists with no particular motive around eight percent of you so just have to r.t. dot com and cast your vote if you haven't already and for more insight into the deepening round between on current damascus here's our seas maria for an option from the turkish they were in. the shares its longest border with syria it's hard to imagine but in two thousand and nine the two countries even held joint military drills across that frontier in what was a brief thaw in relations between the two well commonly syrian and sabine turkish they are so close but it's really only the border that prevents them being
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a single city people here joke they could have dinner in syria and coffee in turkey just by strolling through the gates you can see behind me but it's now closed and the relations between the two neighbors are strained like never before changes came up to turkey joined the chorus of fellow you need to states and called for assad to step down immediately diplomatic political logistical support for the syrian opposition has made two key one of syria's key foes there are numerous unconfirmed reports of weapons and ammunition smuggled into syria with help of people on the side of the border either through airports or on land. often. in the absence of any convincing denial from the government given the government's policy of saying. what position you look at the whole picture show it's not. inspiring pictures damascus has even accused anchor of
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allowing the rebels to bring chemical weapons into country from this turkish religion at the syrian border you can see texas military base it's a well secured area with highly restricted access no civilians including journalists are allowed to enter the un they also use a special access roads to get in and out that are also closed for no one military vehicles well if even if accusations of turkish involvement in supplying weapons to fighters in syria true it would be almost impossible to prove by supporting the opposition in syria turkey may pledged its loyalty to nato but this has come at a price hundreds of thousands of desperate and green refugees are fleeing from the war zone making the security situation on the border as tense as ever we spend more than eight hundred million dollars for the syrian refugees so it's a huge number now they want jobs in in those cities so it is also somehow affecting
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the social. stability in this region some say turkey is being used as a proxy by the western and gulf countries hostage to power that's forced to pull the chestnut's out of the fire but there are those who approve of enterprise actions and think turkey should take advantage of that situation if the syrian regime it will be changing and i think it has lost its legitimacy and it has lost its political credibility with its own people that the syrian people will not blame turkey or having chosen the. in the period where they were suffering turkey feels that this region these close region. central asia and middle east is a priority. we should be the. power which has influence in all the regions echoing these were the two recent reports by
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amnesty international and international crisis group global independent movements the documents reflect the concern by western and gulf partners over what they call turkey's near ottoman imperial aspirations what's these countries certainly don't want is their loyal ally who paid a high price for being a good team player starting to play for itself. r.t. turkish syrian border. an international conference on syria indorsed by russia the you are some person is expected in the next few weeks but it remains unclear who will speak for the rebels of this summit so we're minister carmel says it's highly unlikely that all members of the anti assad council they were presented by about it to have a unified delegation there must be a common agenda shared by all members of the opposition but we know the opposition is multilateral but they're both domestic and foreign elements and they simply
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don't have the time to agree on a unified injured the domestic opposition could do that some on itself are quite easily of what is going to be difficult for them to agree with all the foreign elements but i really feel to see what some people are still calling for the creation of a unified opposition delegations before the conference. and today's edition of crosstalk also touches upon the issue of the ongoing crisis in iran and syria and the international efforts to solve it. all the parties should be at the table but all the parties will posture all the parties have both said agenda and so far we haven't seen any willingness on the side of any party to move toward a political suit a solution if you want to stop by a once in syria you have to get all parties to the table you can't have these kinds of absurd preconditions and you have to get down to the business of diplomacy i
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think russia frankly iran have been trying harder to do that trying the harder to get that kind of process off the ground than the united states has been because to do it for the united states to do this means that it's acknowledging it can't just dictate outcomes in this part of the world. is the program in full in just over an hour here on all set also coming out of the depths of despair. i went to the pharmacy to buy injections for my baby and i couldn't find any there's a problem with this sign these these days it may mean you know them because the medicines you need join me tom blanton for more in just a few minutes. later this hour stumping for justice and more than one hundred detainees of americans in the tour is going to turn with a facility continue their hunger strike for a six month with no sign of backing down that's after the break.
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enjoy your favorite. if you're away from your television and well it just doesn't matter now with your mobile device you can watch your t.v. anytime anywhere. you're watching elsie's great job your words the british prime minister is seeing more of his government ministers come out of the closet as u.s. skeptics the defense secretary has now joined the education secretary in saying he would vote for the u.k. to leave the scene if the referendum was held right now under snow what they what that means for the governing conservatives on the person's future within the union is our correspondent. this is going to look to many like the prime minister is struggling to maintain control of discipline amongst his own party a the e.u.
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is she no we seem very senior figures within his own party and education minister michael gave come out and say that he feels that there could be benefits even the event that sentiment echoed by the defense secretary philip hammond he said that he'd vote to leave if the referendum were on the basis of our relationship in britain with the e.u. as it stands today no rather embarrassing for the prime minister of course because he's in the us at the present time to press for a trade deal between the e.u. and the us that he claims could bring ten billion pounds that the new benefit to britain now they become and the prime minister's actually had a statement where he said when he responded to these statements from senior figures and he said that he does seem to think there's a swing in the town even before there was a negotiation has started now this is in reference of course to his the speech at
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the beginning of the year where he probably said if the party with a student with a jersey enrich twenty fifteen general elections that there was a bench trial be and in out referendum by twenty seventy i hope to there was a renegotiation of britain's relationship with the remember a lot of people amongst his own party included want to see a substantial repatch relation of powers from the e.u. but of course there were many unanswered questions predominate a well would actually be considered a failure because of course if there's no guarantee whatsoever that person would get that renegotiation old relationship that's going to be a lot of questions about the prime minister's oglethorpe see within his own party this isn't any problem the split of the new issue is an old problem for the conservative party if you can imagine that the other parties right now are going to be absolutely gleeful so this whole family squabble is that once again being played
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out so publicly. greece is waiting for brussels to hand over the latest part of a massive two hundred forty billion euro rescue package agreed back in two thousand and ten greeks have been squeezed by painful with seventy measures in order to meet the bailout terms and while the international lenders say athens has succeeded in bringing down the country's budget deficit other thinkers show the greek economy still in a tailspin as well she's met in a culture of explaining. it's been three years as greece was granted its massive bailout by international lenders since then the harshest thirteen measures have driven the economy into the ground but some claim that the risk hope on the horizon for gris and that it's about to turn a corner let's see now how greece's economy fares today compared to what it looked like in the last full year before it needed rescuing starting with the country's g.d.p. an indicator of the standard of living that's plummeted almost fifty billion euros
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in the last three years while government data has surged by forty five percent so where do the optimists stand while the good news these measures have improved the country's budget deficit three point eight percent to put that in perspective it's now very close to the they go so that's why the european union but for the greek people though the most alarming trend is the unemployment rate that stopped twenty seven percent mostly the country's youth and that's going to get worse four thousand civil servants are being laid off this year alone with the numbers set to triple by the end of the year and during an astonishing six years of recession is also having a harrowing consequence so is science in greece which used to be the lowest rate in euro are rising rapidly mostly among the middle class troublingly people have taking their lives and public hanging or shooting themselves or even
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self-immolation while politicians and economists shuffle the figures as the people of greece being the price with their livelihoods and their futures the crisis in greece might have led to a bruised sides but this is just as hard for people looking after the house as our correspondent. busy at the counter but pharmacists in greece these days are facing serious sort of jesus of medicine and they're worried. that this is . the way down the road. what's going to be the. next day price controls and tight cash flows mean many drug companies won't supply them greasers health industry is denied profits and patients their medicines so for example if you came into the pharmacy with high blood pressure many doctors like to prescribe this medication but d.n.a. says doesn't have enough of it so he has to give this instead and this issue ation
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is replicated with hundreds of medicines in hundreds of pharmacies across the country. but the charity doctors of the world in thessaloniki patients are in even more desperate situation does have some docs talking about what i'm really afraid about the future because i have two small children no insurance and i just lost my job i don't i don't it's quite as you know i came here because i don't have insurance and the money to pay for my parents some force to come and the situation will only get worse less people. read it i went to the pharmacy to buy injections for my baby but i couldn't find any so now that i am unemployed i came here. forty five volunteer doctors a week battle with as many as two thousand monthly visits in this crowded space they rely on donations of medicine donations that are running. people who are very . very serious health problems such as they did this opened their logical problems
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they have to get their medicine. every month every day it's very serious for them not have their meds if they do not they could die greeks aren't surprised at any of this and more they've seen crisis and austerity reach throughout their society this is a new think and makes things even here even more difficult than to put. to even more strain on you know move on because the strain of greece's economy on greek workers and no one greeks worsening scars of the crisis seems to cut of a deeper thomasin. so given all the problems greg says suffering from my guilt has sotirios from the universe failed adriane believe celebrating the reduction of the budget deficit is just a government. brit government is trying to create image running programs in were concerned budget deficits by simply slashing public investment and
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continuing continuously delaying statements about its directions so in reality if if the greek state dade untied were ever money all this we were still without a big deficit so that's why i insist that it is and you know this isn't just an attempt to remain within the nominal terms of the bailout agreement and not a real improvement and on the other hand all that is all or recent decisions from that part of the greek government such as the decision to lay off pensions thousands of servants. of the that the very big weight reduction should be in the private sector that will start tomorrow so there are real aspects of the brink of the government's economic policy of policy it's the quality of recession the m.f. demands that greece remains to go to other policies that will simply made
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even worse the humanitarian disaster we are already facing and which was described in your reports just. and of course you can find more stories online at r.t. dot com including this. hunting team and close down but spend a quarter of a century and the water comes out for again break the story of this mysterious place online. and punished for being good to north korea fired its armed forces minister is that enough to reduce tensions with it from a neighbor and the u.s. trying to out or not see dot com. to.
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the sky is growing at america's gone time will be a prison where detainees have been on a mass hunger strike for more than three months the military would try as the facility is force feeding some inmates to prevent them from starving to death in protest or sponsored by alleged mistreatment by guards and their indefinite detention without charge of many inmates while the whole of the one hundred sixty six it's a knees at the site were cleared for release years ago still can't leave due to me go hurdles on capitol hill lawyers for the captives and activists worldwide are calling for action from washington as barack obama has still not kept his long growing promise to shut down the prison. i think it's such a sham that we hear the president say that guantanamo should be closed he is the most powerful man in the entire world why can't he close guantanamo will he can the
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question really is why doesn't he call close guantanamo he is lacking the moral courage he is lacking the political will he blames congress but really he has the power to release those prisoners who've already been cleared for release demand a speedy and fair trial for the other ones and bring them into the united states and close down the shameful prison at the prison of guantanamo the force feeding seems to be a situation that is analogous to torture and this has been said by the american medical association and human rights experts they say that the way in which this is being done is so painful to the prisoners and those prisoners who have had a chance to get messages out to their lawyers have described the terrible situation that they are in being strapped down for several hours having these tubes stuffed
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down their nose and into their stomach and it says they say it feels like a razor going down their bodies so this is another form of torture and these prisoners have already endured years of torture in the prison in guantanamo. so time pakistani prime minister nawaz sharif hostile the break to an alley victory in a historic general election the hold up of the largest in the country's history also marked its first ever democratic transition between civilian governments have been in a result and i was found sunday placed sharif on top and close to gave me a clear majority of the national assembly however a revote is do you know about thirty polling stations around the rashid the win would be a remarkable comeback for sharif who was ousted in a military coup fourteen years ago. fresh protests and low turnout welcomed bug areas by the ministry of actual preliminary results suggest the main center right party has one failed to win and on
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a white majority the lections been marred by allegations of fraud and wiretapping as hundreds of thousands of legally printed ballots were seen as just hours before polls opened before the prime minister was forced to step down in february i made parsers over the state of a country which is the poorest in. a bomb attack in southern afghanistan has left at least ten people dead and many others injured women and children among them no group has claimed responsibility for the improvised explosive device which hit a vehicle as a paused however they time the bomb has announced its annual spring offensive violence has gotten worse as the you are straddled its troop withdrawal for next year although term thousand soldiers will be left behind. and now c.-k. partridges here would be best sports headlines of the past week. the
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illusion of safety trumping your right seems to be the main political theme of post nine eleven america and no one is pushing the keep you safe at any cost and lot more than new york billionaire mayor michael bloomberg who recently had to defend his stop and frisk strategy after giving a speech to police brass stop and frisk is the practice of just being able to search anyone in new york at any time for any reason with your hands this gestapo style practice has been in place since two thousand and two but thankfully was finally recently found to be unconstitutional by a federal judge you know the fourth amendment all the talk about no unlawful search and seizure seems pretty clear to me why did this take so long to figure out bloomberg despite that silly constitution thing stands firm with this policy declaring if you end street stops looking for guns they will be more guns on the
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street and more people will be killed it's just that simple well to that i would say if you stop nazi style first kings of random innocent people there will be more freedom on the streets it's just that simple but that's just my opinion. welcome to the l.t.s. buschow twenty six action packed minutes of deeds and words and news from russia and around the world with me cake here's a taste of what's to come. distance to scott rush up the mighty four want to go for . five points clear of the needs were held at her stop while a line you are relegated on a pivotal weekend in the russian premier league. however greek
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victory claimed bronze at the euro lead finals after losing to olympiacos would go on to be right i would read and defend a continental crime. plus talk about all maria sharapova misses the chance to reclaim the world number one spot from serena williams as the american wins her fiftieth career title in madrid. but let's get the ball rolling with football and with two games to go to cisco have gone five points clear at the top of the russian premier league and on course for their first championship crown in seven years after thrashing like a mighty four one in the moscow darby which of on poor feet has all the weekend action. since crowd went five points clear at the top of the table with just two games to go after triumphing for one of the committee the moscow dobby love putting the arm in one up afterwards six minutes. soon made.


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