tv Headline News RT May 14, 2013 4:00am-4:29am EDT
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the infrastructure of the police state is already in place freedom of speech advocates condemned the u.s. justice department responding on associated press reports a news organization called the surveillance of massive and unprecedented intrusion . international efforts to find common ground on the syrian crisis see the israeli prime minister fly into russia to meet president putin just days off to israel's strikes near damascus put it at risk of retaliation. and the soyuz capsule brings the thirty fifth crew home safe and sound wrapping up their five month mission you know.
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thanks so much for joining us here on r.t. today. live from moscow with more news from all around the world the u.s. justice department has admitted to spying on associated press reporting a.p. condemned the sweeping phone surveillance as an invasion of privacy and a threat to the freedom of the press. has more on the story and its implications. the u.s. justice department secretly obtained two months of telephone records targeting a.p. reporters and editors work and personal phone numbers if you believe more than one hundred of its journalists may have been caught up in this surveillance week the boss called it a massive and unprecedented intrusion into how news organizations operate the justice department acknowledged having spied on a.p. journalists but would not say why it sought the records they cited an ongoing investigation a peace process and said the government sought and obtained information far beyond
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anything that could be justified by any specific investigation now the guess is that the investigation had to do with a piece reporting on a cia operation in yemen last year and the government's possible hunt for leaks the administration's unprecedented one food leaks has had an enormous chilling effect on of investigative journalism a number of journalists with major news organizations here told me that isn't it's never been as hard for them to do their job as it is now because sources that they had previously communicated with now either don't return their calls or say out front that they'd rather not talk they can go to jail the obama new situation has brought up more cases against whistleblowers than all previous presidents combined now as the news emerged that the justice department has secretly cast this wife's a veil is that on journalists looking for we still don't know what the white house says it knows nothing about this and refers to the justice department and the justice department having acknowledged the phone taps came up with what some saw as
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as an orwellian response they said that they value the freedom of the press and that they're seeking to strike the right balance between the public interest in the free flow of information and the public interest in the fair and effective administration of our criminal laws that's according to their statement well it's not clear what dozens of a.p. journalists or their sources have committed to be caught up in this kind of a surveillance sweep but this is sending a chilling effect far beyond the associated press. to all journalists that their records can be intercepted and sifted through like this and also made some wish us authorities had to use some of that surveillance bigger to keep an eye on someone like tom alonso now of the boston bomber after all those red flags well or could it be that journalists are seen as more dangerous to national security these days from washington or taser gun h kind right where the white house insists all the while that it was in the dog regarding the surveillance of a pay battle to say the case fits into the general trend of current government
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policies since nine eleven particularly we've seen the rapid expansion of a police state in this country it is the infrastructure of the police state is already in place so the restricting of the flow of information by the government and its various mouthpieces this is part of this creeping police state and what i what i want to stress is that the effectiveness of the obama administration in persecuting whistleblowers shows not only the fact that obama himself is no different from any candidate that our president that came before him but also the fact that this is a comprehensive plan to shut out dissent in the united states and here it out say we also spoke to activist caleb maupin who believes spying on ip reveals the u.s. government's hypocrisy when it comes to the freedom of the press. it flies in the face of everything obama campaigned on about protecting protecting the press for
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tech whistleblowers this is this is very hypocritical all around the world all the sudden the us top starts talking about freedom of the press whenever they're trying to bring down destabilize the government in venezuela they don't like hugo chavez because he's defending the people so all the sudden they're talking about freedom of the press in venezuela but yet in bahrain there's a government that's in there is loyal to the u.s. government that it takes orders from wall street and all the sudden they look the other way while suppression. this is on the line from moscow israel's prime minister is due in russia for talks with president putin now the latest in a string of international meetings focusing on the syrian crisis it has come in the wake of israel's two f. strikes near the syrian capital earlier this month it's easy but of course going off is in russia's black sea resort of sochi where the two leaders are due to meet . the biggest problems between russia in israel right now relating syria are moscow's shipments of the hundred air defense systems to moscow's which is doing
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under arms deal signed a long time ago and the jewel recent airstrikes over a syrian territory allegedly conducted by israel which is still hasn't officially confirmed but hasn't officially rejected either one of the as three hundred systems could only be used for defense purposes and to their ship and don't violate international agreements then clearly an air strike of a country of another state sovereign territory definitely does but what we're seeing here now and benjamin the net and apples visit to sochi clearly illustrates that the stumbling blocks are currently being set aside sort of for a greater cause and that is finding ways to finally establish peace in syria these really prime ministers that feeling of the not the first official to come to russia to discuss syria recently first it was john kerry u.s. secretary of state who came to moscow then british prime minister david cameron fools who came here to sort she and then went on to the u.s.
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to speak with american officials now it's benjamin netanyahu we're also expecting. u.n. secretary general ban ki moon to come here to sort you also to discuss syria as well and all of this perhaps scholz that we are witnessing a change of the approach by many countries since most western states since the beginning of the conflict were clearly standing on the side of the rebels while what we're seeing now are efforts to get both the syrian authorities and the opposition to finally sit down at the negotiation table and. discuss ways to establish peace in the country which russia has been calling for basically since the beginning of the conflict in syria. course where you go to school of reporting that while israel is one of the countries with most to gain from a fast resolution to the syrian conflict it's already being affected by the spillover from the crisis that some believe it only has itself to blame as his
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middle east correspondent paula slayer explains. it's a new offer and stand here so that they have to think one or two like they have to think one hundred times a day what to do with. armed men that have been given the green light to fire into israel retaliated by damascus for tel aviv the attack last week israeli officials have still not gone on record admitting they carried out two airstrikes in forty eight hours but most people here are certain they did and damascus is certain of it it didn't mince its words calling israel's actions a declaration of war the criticism echoes in israel as well arab citizens took to the streets to protest and while divided over their support of a side they were clear on one thing israel's actions are wrong jobbers sol is a twenty four year old university student despite being some two hundred fifty kilometers from syria his heart is with its people. israel gives itself permission
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to attack other countries but does not accept any other country doing the same this strike cannot be legitimate and israel should be judged in international courts. but far from being judged israeli support the actions of the government would be very frank i don't think that if we would have to do. for you we would've. remember even. i think. it's a very small element on a very long. problematic relationship between israel and syria but it might just catch up with the israelis assad says he's borders are open for palestinians wishing to take military action again. the jewish state a sure sign some say that tel aviv has shot itself in the foot israel has lost. never had started out of the under tactics the official israeli policy is to
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prevent. progs first of all swarm syria. i wonder if this is logical policy i doubt it very much and some in israel feel the violence won't stop at the border after they finish from killing . very we'll go head to haifa. and to prove to deliver quality journalism as what was once israel's most peaceful border threatens to become its newest battlefront policy r.t. television. in the meantime a video purporting to show syrian rebels mutilating human rights watch to condemn them for descending into sectarian violence and revenge killings the footage allegedly shows the founder of a rebel brigade cutting open the chest of a dead soldier and supposed. to eat the hearts and lives of the soldiers of
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the dog more on that disturbing video and the reaction from human rights activists on our web site. or the still ahead for you very soon here on our massive. libya's restive city of benghazi once again putting the country's internal security into question. we take a look at why violence is still the order of the day in libya almost two years since the western revolution ousted. community in northern england is forced to plug itself into the world wide web the broadband provider said it wasn't worth their while to provide internet access. use. the thirty fifth expedition sings a song before heading home and shows how different life is all about
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a minute away. hunger strike despair pushed to the limit. a little closer nearly one hundred guantanamo detainees are screaming for justice. where is the end for. download the official publication so choose your language stream quality and enjoy your favorite. if you're away from your television just doesn't matter now with your mobile device you can watch on t.v. anytime anywhere. you know sometimes you see a story and it seems so you think you understand it and then you glimpse something
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else you hear or see some other part of it and realize everything. i'm tired of is a big issue. thanks for joining us here on our show in moscow so u.s. space capsule has successfully touched down on the cassock step bringing home the thirty fifth i assess expedition under the command of canadian chris hatfield while in orbit the team leader released a series of videos showing how everyday life takes on a whole new dimension in space reporting from mission control just outside of moscow. the crew of. zero seven and has returned to earth safely landing at six thirty in the morning moscow time and this
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is an incredibly experienced crew with russian cosmonaut romana roman yank oh this is his second flight chris hadfield from canada this is his third spaceflight and thomas marshburn the united states astronaut this is his second between them seven space flights with this incredibly experienced crew now it's always a great moment here at mission control when that capsule lands and they can breathe a sigh of relief knowing that they have accomplished a mission and done something pretty special now on this particular mission just a couple of days ago showing that nothing is ever routine when it comes to space travel thomas marshburn had to do an emergency space. to help fix what was detected a coolant leak at the international space station that was a last minute decision that they decided to send him out just days before he was scheduled to depart the international space station chris hadfield from canada has actually in particular gotten a lot of media attention he is arguably the most savvy social media
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astronaut in the history of space travel having almost nine hundred thousand twitter followers now one of the things that he became known for is conducting experiments in space connecting to regular people one of the experiments was showing people what it's like to cry in space what happens to tears with no gravity i mean they can't fall down so he simulated the conditions in space and produced a dramatic video one other thing he produced the video what happens when you bring out a wash towel in space and shows what happens to the water and all sorts of interesting things with the surface tension and where does the water go if it doesn't actually fall to the ground chris hadfield is also in the process or has just completed recording of the first commercial album in space so these are some of the things that they've accomplished on this particular mission but as of now the crew so is zero seven am back on earth safely and everyone can know that a job was well done in mission accomplished. reporting right there are just
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a moment on the world update for now they're always bear in mind lots more to see online about si dot com including the number of hunger strikers now being force fed at guantanamo bay rises to twenty nine washington for voted to mosques jackals and nasal tubes in a bid to keep people alive following the more than three month protest. we've got the details on the story as well as a timeline of the hunger strike. and afghanistan so u.s. soldier who commanded a so-called death squad for the disappearance of dozens of locals. has all the information for you.
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one of the. thousands. of the. you believe the western support for the revolution. it's been over two years now since the western backed war of aggression and regime change was launched against the gym here the former political system in the north african state of libya i believe that these are recent attacks that have taken place in the geysers in the eastern region of the country which is the cradle of
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the counter revolution against gadhafi is a manifestation of this disintegration are within the political and economic system inside the country regard to the loss of u.s. and potential loss of british and other european personnel their political costs associated with such loss or potential losses and this is why they have downscaling their diplomatic staff in these countries we've seen the targeting of police stations and other security apparatus inside the country and the u.s. knows as well as the european countries are quite aware of the fact that if they do lose any more personnel inside of libya because our political ally destabilization inside their own countries and straight to france now to kick off the off the world update that paki sascha man celebrations after winning the football big title mocked by clashes in the french capital fighting broke out after about fifteen
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thousand fans waited over an hour for the players to turn up in the city center when the team only appeared for a few minutes and failed to make a victory speech supporters frustration boiled over into violence right there you see it right police have to come out onto the streets using tear gas to disperse them. now police have identified a man they suspect opened fire on a mother's day parade in new orleans he's a nineteen year old a keen scot and a criminal record which includes the possession of firearms drugs and resisting arrest nineteen people were wounded during the mass shooting at sunday's parade and children as young as ten and among them. an abortion doctor in philadelphia has been found guilty of murdering three babies off they were born at his clinic goes no performed illegal operations for patients killing some infants who were still alive with scissors prosecutors said the clinic. called due to fetuses being stored
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in jars to help go up to two million dollars a year rescission on whether he will face a death sentence will be made later this month. and to bangladesh where about three hundred textile factories near the main capital bed is reportedly being shut down because of protests by the collapse of a factory building last month that the owners decided to close down because of almost daily riots by work his employee demands include salary increases as well as the death penalty for the owner of the run up factory which collapsed last month search and rescue operations with a side all drawing to a close with over a thousand bodies recovered. well many of the factories affected by the bangladesh collapse and resulting protests were making goods for foreign retailers and our very own financial gurus max kaiser and stacey her but they'll be comparing the value of cheap clothes than human lives seen by western business. the deadly
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factory collapse in bangladesh more than two weeks ago has led to calls for retailers to change the way they do business overseas but a new poll and interviews with shoppers at stores whose garments were manufactured at the ruined factory show that pressure for changes on likely to come from americans few of whom have heard much about the collapse most of whom care more about prices than safe labor conditions right well like the cigarette companies you know they put the pictures of people's cancer ridden lungs on the packages to try to advertise to them what happens when they smoke cigarettes i think prime arc should have photos of people factory workers crushed at the factory dead their limbs akimbo with their arms and legs and skulls crushed so big that's the price for the cheap clothes at prime market it's not just crime arc it's every single clothing and shoe manufacturer in the world pretty much uses these sort of factories in these sort of conditions and it's either they say it's the consumer or they say it's just the consumer that doesn't want to pay the extra five six seven
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cents that it would require to build safety measures into these factories but it's also the investor the investor wants its highest profit margin that's possible to extract as much equity so it all goes back to the banks of the central banks and their central and their policies that people like paul krugman supports of paul krugman by supporting the bank of england in the federal reserve bank's ultra low interest rates is supporting wal-mart's ability to squeeze the economy to the point where a factory workers have to die so that big fat obese american tribal diets get a deal on a t. shirt. oh new program prime interest in just a couple of minutes from now though the u.k. government's moving to a system which will eventually see most benefits claimed via the internet that's bad news for many people in the rural areas who want even close to being online. is that one community in northern england which has been forced to plug itself. the rolling hills unveils of
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a delicate english countryside eight but what lancashire in the north of england has in secluded b.c. it lacks in mills and in a city despite major provided bt reporting a feast in profits local communities like these haven't felt the benefit and have had to dig deep into their own pockets and land to try to get connected we have on camera a bt executive. power which is one of the. hard choice over in the distance to survey english area and say just look at this for city a population that is just no economically viable for them to come out the way he lays to connect up the three or. four as they say are concerned the. homes in the countryside will have to carry on with the old couple was through the telephone because you know economically viable or no i cannot believe. i think
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that what we are hearing we're only cheese coffee and cake that's the project called cold bands to the rural north all bond the shoot might be in the early stages still but it could be set to make this quiet little cool setting a cooler you pull internet hotspots they have a fading into the ground the five world think cable that provides pay and that cannot hit all of it has taken years and pascoe planning and as you can see behind me a lot of hard work from the ball and to vote but the best part about it is that once it's all up and running this area is going to how much faster internet connection than the u.k. average it's unlikely bt will be daunted by this local competition yet but the project is attracting high level attention. to government he's actually now seriously looking. can this be an example as i said for other areas and hopefully
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now they've actually seen a bill not the funding on the ground regime to allow smaller groups like this to access the major from that we're rolling out across the country back in the fields and it's all hands on deck is the interior is lit to get the community hey connected and i see just going to go around and talk to one of the other people volunteering to even involved in this i have it is. what else is it mean because all they see is providing the internet connection and that is a way of bringing the community together isn't it says yes. i mean as you can see hey i. believe message met each other before thought of themselves would be in some cold field project. a lancashire in the north of england. well thanks so much for joining us here on today on rule re sushi in a moment though our new program prime interest a cutting through the corporate sponsored business news this is odds you live from
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school. the illusion of safety trumping your right seems to be the main political theme of post nine eleven america i noticed pushing the keep you safe at any cost more than new york billionaire mayor michael bloomberg who recently had to defend his stop and frisk strategy after giving a speech to police brass stop and frisk is the practice of just being able to search anyone in new york at any time for any reason with your hands this can stop a stop practice has been in place since two thousand and two but thankfully was finally recently found to be unconstitutional by a federal judge you know the fourth amendment all the talk about. no unlawful search and seizure seems pretty clear to me why did this take so long to figure out
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bloomberg despite that silly constitution thing stands firm with this policy declaring if you in the street stops looking for guns they will be more guns on the street and more people will be killed it's just that simple well to that i would see if you stopped nazi style first random innocent people there will be more freedom on the streets it's just that simple but that's just my opinion. that afternoon a welcome to prime interest i'm harry and boring here in washington d.c. here's a story that we're tracking today. as they have actually quite. close as media confidant penned two articles in the wall street journal over the weekend about major changes coming to the fed the breaking news well over ninety confidant janet yellen is in the lead to take over then step down next january the current vice
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chairwoman is not expected to deviate much from burning policy the second story breaks news about how the fed will scale down as record bond by the timing eventually but the fed might pause first or accelerate classic fed's big i know but we do have five fed bank president plus the chairman himself speaking this week so expect more if i'd speak to follow and our for profit universities similar to those predatory subprime chop shop that the fed the housing bubble well that's what nobel prize winning economist joseph stiglitz suggested in an op ed in yesterday's new york times he said bankers are again preying on the financially unsophisticated agree or disagree student loans are in the news amid soaring tuitions cause and delinquency rates will talk about a potential bubble with me shabaka in a bit and chart some of the drama with the prime interest producer just seen it under house and finally there's a war. a lot of money for capital markets so far in two thousand and thirteen we've
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seen sixty four public offerings in the u.s. raising seventeen billion dollars in a record since before the financial crisis and this is the last year is a thirteen billion dollars thirteen and may but there are still seven and a half months ago in two thousand and thirteen and we've seen in the last few years the i.p.o. market can easily be shut down whether it's the debt ceiling debate or an i.p.o. blunder itself like last year's facebook offering for now wall street enjoyed even money here's what's in your prime interest.
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