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tv   Headline News  RT  May 14, 2013 8:00am-8:29am EDT

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confusion on there so if he did press after reporters for the news servers find themselves targeted in a massive u.s. government spy web. diplomatic efforts to find common ground in the secret civil war c. israel's prime minister fly to russia to meet president bruton just days after israel's out strikes near damascus put a truce cover it's only a short. while a video purporting to show a syrian rebel by using be heart of a dead soldier has led human rights watch to condemn inhumane acts and revenge killings that. under russian so you space capsule brings us starbucks to earth returning canadian astronaut chris hadfield zero gravity videos which are on track to
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a huge online following. and welcome to all t twenty four hour news live from moscow my name is you are welcome to the program after one hundred journalists and editors at the associated press have been targeted animosity u.s. government spy operation against the news servers a.p. is calling the surveillance a web spun by the justice department in self unprecedented in size and scope and a gross violation of privacy. has been tracking the investigation. the u.s. justice department secretly obtained two months of telephone records targeting a.p. reporters and editors work and personal phone numbers if you believe more than one hundred of its journalists may have been caught up in this surveillance week the
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boss called it a massive and unprecedented intrusion into how news organizations operate the justice department acknowledged having spied on a.p. journalists but would not say why it sought the records they cited an ongoing investigation a peace process and said the government sought and obtained information far beyond anything that could be justified by any specific investigation now the guess is that the investigation had to do with a peaceful courting on a cia operation in yemen last year and the government's possible hundred fleet the administration's unprecedented one food leaks has had an enormous chilling effect on investigative journalism a number of journalists with major news organizations here told me that isn't it's never been as hard for them to do their job as it is now because sources that they had previously communicated with now either don't return their calls or say out front that they'd rather not talk they can go to jail the obama. has brought up more cases against whistleblowers than all previous presidents combined now as the
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news of emerged that the justice department has secretly cast this wife's a veil is that on journalists looking for we still don't know what the white house says it knows nothing about this and refers to the justice department and the justice department having acknowledged the phone taps came up with what some saw as as an orwellian response they said that they value the freedom of the press in that they're seeking to strike the right balance between the public interest in the free flow of information and the public interest in the fair and effective administration of our criminal laws that's according to their statement well it's not clear what dozens of a.p. journalists or their sources have committed to be caught up in this kind of a surveillance sweep but this is sending a chilling effect far beyond the associated press. to all journalists that their records can be intercepted and sifted through like this and also made some wish us authorities had to use some of that surveillance bigger to keep an eye on someone like tom of the boston bomber after all those red flags well or could it be that
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journalists are seen as more dangerous to national security these days the revelations of the just as the bobbins underhand tactics against journalists that come just days after another scandal i will it's been branded tox favoritism the american government was caught obstructing tox application submitted by political groups critical of president obama and analysts say both of these cases point to a warring new trend since nine eleven particularly we've seen the rapid expansion of a police state in this country it is the infrastructure of the police state is already in place so the restricting of the flow of information by the government and its various mouthpieces this is part of this creeping police state and what i what i want to stress is that the obama administration perhaps more so than any administration before it has been vehemently persecuting whistleblowers of all kind
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lest we forget bradley manning where the countless other whistleblowers who have been thrown in prison or otherwise intimidated and i think that this is the real hidden side of this story that the obama administration wants to control the flow of information in order to restrict the truth from getting out and we also spoke to activists. who believe that this the balance of a.p. reporters shows the u.s. government hypocritical approach to press freedom. it flies in the face of everything obama campaigned on about protecting protecting the press protecting whistleblowers this is this is very hypocritical all around the world all the sudden the us talk starts trying that freedom of the press whenever they're trying to bring down destabilize a government in venezuela they don't like hugo chavez because he's defending the people so all the sudden they're talking about freedom of the press in venezuela but yet in bahrain there's a government that's in there is loyal to the u.s. government that it takes orders from wall street and all the sudden they look the other way while suppression. it's a bad day for u.s.
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intelligence russia's federal security covers and detainees a cia agent trying to persuade a russian officer to defend with an offer to one million dollars. to massive com blog three maybe a second largest city which has seen a surge in violence in recent weeks up ahead we'll explore why there's no sign of stability returning to the country almost two years since the fall of gadhafi. be relentless civil war in series of diplomatic spotlight israel's prime minister binyamin netanyahu is the latest in a string of high profile figures to visit russia seeking a coordinated approach on the issue israel became directly involved in the conflict earlier this month when it's fine to jets bombed targets within syria more details now from. his following the talks in russia's black sea resort of sochi. right now
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the two biggest problems between russia and israel concerning syria are moscow's shipments to damascus of the s. three hundred air defense systems under arms deal signed a long time ago and the two recent airstrikes in syria allegedly conducted by israel which is still hasn't officially admitted but hasn't officially rejected either but if the arms shipments don't cross any international agreements then clearly an airstrike by one state over another state solvent territory does but what benjamin netanyahu visit is showing now is that the stumbling blocks are currently being set aside in order for a greater cause to be achieved which is peace in syria these really prime minister is definitely not the first the foreign official to come to russia to discuss syria recently it was also the u.s. secretary of state and the british prime minister and basically what we're witnessing now perhaps is a shift in the approach by many nations to the conflict in syria and ways of solving it since most western countries have clearly taken the side of the
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opposition pretty much since the beginning of the conflict but now they're talking about the need for a joint conference which would include rebels and syrian a foodie's what russia has been calling for throughout the entire time also stressing that not all these rebels are opposition areas many of them are bandits or even terrorists and this is constantly proven by linked in the web including the latest shocking video which clearly depicts a syrian rebel fighter cutting the heart of a dead syrian soldier out of his chest eating it on camera promising to do the same again and calling all the others to follow his example. and to discuss this a levy journalist and political analyst from the israeli newspaper ha'aretz is joining me now live mr levy welcome to the program israel justifies its military
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action in the region a self-defense why would israel trying to stop sea where from obtaining weapons to defend itself. that's a very very good question which is hardly questions hardly raised here in israel i think that benjamin netanyahu the israeli prime minister is trying to do is quite legitimated i mean he has all the right in the world to go in to try to convince the russian administration look to sell arms to syria but in the same time one should also ask the question does israel really have the right to decide who will have weapons and what kind of weapons in the entire region because not only about syria it's about american weapons to saudi arabia and. i must tell you i'm quite bothered by this rule of feeding the.
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veto right in the you in the region to decide that we will have what kind of weapons while israelis very very very nicely equipped it was the best with them and you can imagine yeah specially russia as we know russia supplies syria where the s. three hundred defense missile system is not bound by any international convention and not used by ground forces but ok isro claims that it strike against syria was to prevent weapons falling into the hands of hezbollah but in weakening the assad regime isn't israel effectively strengthening hardline islamist groups in syria which could also pose long term threat for israel. yeah it's a very dearly created game a very dangerous game i'm not sure that israel knows what does she won't does she want us. regime to remain does she favors
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a position it's not very clear i'm not sure that these are no walls and he any case i think that israel should not interfere it also can hardly interfere there but they seem to not interfere towards the only difference that i would expect this would be true like the other neighbors of syria to suggest some kind of humanitarian aid to the. victims of these civilian a war and also israel is trying to stop russian arms as you say falling into the hands of assad but is it not putting the same pressure on western powers to prevent rebel forces from obtaining on that. note not that i know i don't know that is very strong to prevent. the west to deliver weapons to the rebellion that's a good point but in any case i must emphasize the efforts of the
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israeli prime minister to make. he might right but i'm not i'm not sure they're justified. right to give you on leave it journalist and political analyst for the israeli haaretz newspaper mr levy thank you very much. and then to the devastating conflict in series something most people across the border in israel are eagerly awaiting but has also point to flare reports now many in tel aviv believe that their government is actually intensifying the syrian civil war. it's a new offer and stand here so that they have to think that one or they have to think one hundred times a day what to do with. armed men that have been given the green light to fire into israel retaliated by damascus for tel aviv the tack last week israeli officials have still not gone on record admitting they carried out two is strikes in forty
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eight hours but most people here are certain they did and damascus is certain of it it didn't mince its words calling israel's actions a declaration of war the criticism echoes in israel as well arab citizens took to the streets to protest and while divided over their support of assad they were clear on one thing israel's actions are wrong jobber sol is a twenty four year old university student despite being some two hundred fifty kilometers from syria his heart is with its people. israel gives itself permission to attack other countries but does not accept any other country doing the same to with this strike cannot be legitimate in israel should be judged in international courts. but far from being judged israeli supporters actions of the government to be very frank i don't think that if we would have to do. for you we would've. remember even. i think.
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it's a very small element on a very long. problematic relations between israel and syria but it might just catch up with the israelis assad says his borders are open for palestinians wishing to take military action against the jewish state a sure sign some say that tel aviv has shot itself in the foot. has lost. never had a. tactic no official israeli policy is to prevent. plugs for. warm cereal. i wonder if this is love trickle policy i doubt it very much and some in israel fear the violence won't stop at the border after they finish from killing this very will go ahead the hateful thing has to do that. as
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what was once israel's most peaceful border threatens to become its newest battlefront policy r.t. tel aviv. a community in northern england is forced to plug itself into the world wide web wiring out for the future of the broadband providers that it wasn't worth their while digging deeper internet access and. kyo so use and put. on. after the break learn more about the cost of a music video made in space as a canadian astronaut returns home again you tube stop. wealthy british style sun. time to rise on.
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market why not. come to. find out what's really happening to the global economy with mike stronger for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune into kaiser report on our. hunger strike despair pushed to the limits. of hundred days nearly one hundred guantanamo detainees are screaming for justice. where is the end for good.
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this is on c welcome bok rushes for. security service has detained a cia agent who allegedly tried to recruit a russian secret service staffer the american agent ryan fogle was reportedly preparing for a major spy operation tom barton has and delving into the scandal hi there tom what more do we know about this story. well ryan fogle is a stern sibly a third secretary at the u.s. embassies political department in moscow he was however detained according to the f.s.b. one of russia's security services he was detained in the middle of trying to recruit a russian special service agent to work for the cia found with him were written instructions for the agent he was trying to recruit
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a large amount of money in cash also to wigs to help him describes his appearance a map of moscow and a compass he has reportedly since been returned to the u.s. embassy the u.s. ambassador has been summoned by russia to talk to them over the incident there has so far been no comment from the u.s. embassy. on boston life or moscow thank you very much if that's happened eight. russians for years space capsule has returned from the international space station safely delivering a three man crew back to earth the module touched down in kazakhstan one of the crew members canadian commander chris hadfield has returned something of a celebrity while the norbit he recorded a series of videos that went viral on the internet artists from thomas explains. the crew of. zero seven am has returned to earth safely landing in kazakhstan just
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after six thirty in the morning moscow time and this is an incredibly experienced crew with russian cosmonaut. this is his second flight chris hadfield from canada this is his third spaceflight and thomas marshburn the united states astronaut this is his second between them seven space flights with this incredibly experienced crew now it's always a great moment here at mission control. in that capsule and they can breathe a sigh of relief knowing that they have accomplished a mission and done something pretty special now on this particular mission just a couple of days ago showing that nothing is ever routine when it comes to space travel thomas marshburn had to do an emergency spacewalk to help fix what was detected a coolant leak at the international space station that was a last minute decision that they decided to send him out just days before he was scheduled to depart the international space station chris hadfield from canada has
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actually in particular gotten a lot of media attention he is arguably the most savvy social media astronaut in the history of space travel having almost nine hundred thousand twitter followers now one of the things that he became known for is conducting in experiments in space connecting to regular people one of the experiments was showing people what it's like to cry in space what happens to tears with no gravity i mean they can't fall down so he simulated the conditions in space and produced a dramatic video one other thing he produced the video what happens when you bring out a wash towel in space and shows what happens to the water and all sorts of interesting things with the surface tension and where does the water go if it doesn't actually fall to the ground chris hadfield is also in the process or has just completed recording the first commercial album in space so these are some of the things that they've accomplished on this particular mission but i. as of now the crew so is zero seven back on earth safely and everyone can know that
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a job was well done and mission accomplished. and moving closer to a remote controlled passenger could soon become a reality and a prototype as it made its first successful flight on that on our website. and also that deadly new virus breaks out of the saudi arabia on discrediting a broad read all the details that are. searching people have been killed and dozens wounded in a car blast that ripped through a crowded street in libya's second largest city benghazi this comes amid a hectic pullout and foreign embassies staffers from the country due to her spike in sick terrorism and politically driven violence there are you or me as a kiwi at so the pan-african newswire believes western state support for the revolution is coming back to haunt them. it's been over two years now since the western backed war of aggression and regime change was launched against the gym
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idea they form a political system in the north african state of libya i believe that these are recent attacks that have taken place in benghazi in the eastern region of the country which was the cradle of the counter revolution against gadhafi is a manifestation of this disintegration now within the political and economic system inside the country regard to the loss of us and potential loss of british and other european personnel their political costs associated with such loss or potential losses and this is why they have downscaling their diplomatic staff in these countries we've seen the targeting of police stations and other security apparatus inside the country and the u.s. knows as well as the european countries are quite aware of the fact that if they do lose any more personnel inside of libya because our political ally destabilisation
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inside their own countries. and now to some international news in breve this hour they chinese navy house muscles conducting military exercises near what it calls the nunchuck islands positions between vietnam and the philippines in this south china sea also known as the rocky islands countries that circle these south china sea including the philippines and china all of the posts on dozens of the sort of thousand islands that make up the. boat with at least one hundred people on board capsized off the west coast of myanmar many of those are feared dead the passengers will be leaving the area head over cyclon expected over the next few days the u.n. has called for them to be evacuated from the region because many live in a branch of counts in vulnerable. low lying areas.
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about three hundred textile factories near the bangladesh capital dhaka have reportedly been shut down because of protests spawned by the collapse of a five tree building last month the owners decided to close down because of almost daily riots by workers and bluey demands include salary increases as well as the death penalty for the owner of the. run up plaza factory which collapsed last month search and rescue operations are the signs are drawing into the close with over a thousand bodies recovered. having an internet connection is crucial in a world where basic financial transactions are increasingly done online and the u.k. government has now announced its citizens will be expected to use the web to manage their welfare payments a tough call for unconnected rural areas. visitor to one community in northern england preparing itself for the future by plugging itself in. the rolling hills unveils of a delicate english countryside what lancashire in the north of england has in
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secluded beauty it lacks in modern comforts. despite major provided b. t.v. reporting a feast in profits local communities like these haven't felt the benefits and have had to dig deep into their own pockets and land to try to get connected we have on camera a b c executive. power which is one of the highlights the hard voice over in the distance that survey english area unsafe just look at this forces here fulfill a shit it is just no economically viable for them to come out right away li to connect up the three hundred fifty projects called crude bands to the rural north all beyond the short might be in the early stages still but it could be set to make this quiet little cool setting a cooler uble internet hotspots they have a fading into the ground the fiber out think that connected all of this has taken
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years and passable planning and as you can see behind me a lot of hard work from the wall and to vote for the best part about it is that once it's all up and running this area is going to how much faster internet connection than the u.k. average it's unlikely bt will be daunted by this local competition yet but the project is attracting high level attention. to government a's he's actually now seriously looking at can this be an example as i said for other areas and whole really now they've actually seen a little not the forming in the ground regime to allow smaller groups like this to access the major problems that we're rolling out across the country back in the field and it's all hands on deck as volunteers look to get the community here connected now as you can see here people who've never met future of the before find
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themselves working in some cold field credenza there are a lancashire in the north of england. coming up who profits from the world's obsessive shopping habits that's a question that mike said states will be turning in just a moment or two. the illusion of safety trumping you're right seems to be the main political theme of post nine eleven america and notice pushing the keep you safe at any cost and lot more the new york billionaire mayor michael bloomberg who recently had to defend his stop and frisk strategy after giving a speech to police brass stop and frisk is the practice of just being able to search anyone in new york at any time for any reason with your hands this gestapo
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style practice has been in place since two thousand and two but thankfully was finally recently found to be unconstitutional by a federal judge you know the fourth amendment all the talk about no unlawful search and seizure seems pretty clear to me why did this take so long to figure out bloomberg despite that silly constitution thing stands firm with this policy declaring if you end street stops looking for guns they will be more guns on the street and more people will be killed it's just that simple well to that i would say if you stop nazi style first kings of random innocent people there will be more freedom on the streets it's just that simple but that's just my opinion. welcome to the kaiser report i'm max kaiser chickens without their brains could be
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mass produced for human consumption so-called experts say that removing parts of their brain would be a more humane and stress free way to treat the animals which are subjected to life without natural light and packed into fecal filled cages on factory farms catering to consumers interested only in the lowest price possible on their tumor filled chicken wing ready meal to further reduce costs spend suggested that the chickens have their feet removed to make room in the fecal filled cages the brainless footless chicken may be the food of the future but it's the consumer of today stacey yes max that was a real headline from last year food of the future mass produced chickens without brains and these are philosophers and architects who are looking at more humane ways to raise these factory farm chickens which currently live in complete darkness which is very stressful for them packed into cages.


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