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tv   Headline News  RT  May 14, 2013 2:00pm-3:00pm EDT

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if you believe. the shock and confusion that the associated press reporters for the new service find themselves targeted in a massive u.s. government surveillance operation. a cia agent carrying one hundred thousand euros in cash is called red handed allegedly trying to recruit a russian intelligence officer moscow has now declared him persona non grata and says the incident still to blow to the country's relations. region says he's against any actions that could worsen the civil war in syria that warning comes as israel's prime minister visits russia after his country was accused of bombing sites near damascus earlier this month. the video appearing to show a syrian rebel biting the heart of a dead soldier from human rights watch to condemn inhumane acts and revenge
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killings in the country's civil war a top stories this hour. on line onscreen international news and comment live from a studio center here in moscow up to a hundred journalists and editors at the associated press have been targeted in a massive u.s. government surveillance operation against the new service a p is calling the monitoring network created by the justice department itself unprecedented in size and scope and a gross violation of privacy or he's going to has been tracking the investigation. the u.s. justice department secretly obtained two months of telephone records targeting a.p. reporters and editors work and personal phone numbers
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a few believes more than one hundred of its journalists may have been caught up in this surveillance week the a.p. boss called it a massive and unprecedented intrusion into how news organizations operate the justice department acknowledged having spied on a.p. journalists but would not say why it's off the records they cited an ongoing investigation a peace process and said the government stalked and obtained information far beyond anything that could be justified by any specific the guess is that the investigation had to do with a piece reporting on a cia operation in yemen last year and the government's possible hundred fleet the administration's unprecedented leaks has had an enormous chilling effect on investigative journalism a number of journalists with major news organizations here told me that isn't it's never been as hard for them to do their job as it is now because sources that they had previously communicated with now either don't return their calls or say out front that they'd rather not talk they can go to jail the obama inspiration has brought up more cases against whistleblowers than all previous presidents combined
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now as the news of merged. calf's this wife's avail is that journalists looking for we still don't know what the white house says it knows nothing about this and refers to the justice department and the justice department having acknowledged the phone taps came up with what some saw as as an orwellian response they said that they value the freedom of the press and that they're seeking to strike the right balance between the public interest in the free flow of information and the public interest in the fair and effective administration of our criminal laws that's according to their statement well it's not clear what the mind dozens of a.p. jordon they stored their sources have committed to be caught up in this kind of a surveillance sweep but this is sending a chilling effect far beyond the associated press to all journalists that their records can be intercepted and sifted through like this and also made some wish us authorities had to use some of that surveillance bigger to keep an eye on someone
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like tom the boston bomber after all those red flags well or could it be that you're in this sort of seen as more dangerous to national security these days. and there will be revelations of the justice department and tactics against journalists come just days after another scandal over what's been branded tex favoritism the american government was caught obstructing tax applications submitted by political groups critical of president obama and others say that both of these cases point to a worrying new trend. since nine eleven particularly we've seen the rapid expansion of a police state in this country it is the infrastructure of the police state is already in place so the restricting of the flow of information by the government and its various mouthpieces this is part of this creeping police state and what i what i want to stress is that the obama administration perhaps more so than any administration before it has been vehemently persecuting whistleblowers of all kind
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lest we forget bradley manning or the countless other whistleblowers who have been thrown in prison or otherwise intimidated and i think that this is the real hidden side of this story that the obama administration wants to control the flow of information in order to restrict the truth from getting out let's get more perspective on this now with a member of the european parliament the media and his daughter from the pirate party of. well if the associated press had been suspended of compromising security interests in europe would you as an m.e.p. favor government action. i don't think going to. bound into evidence or. on a very important task of uniting our institutions and i think actually you know has a space for you don't so much in our constitutional laws because we need them to scrutinize also our governments or private companies for that matter. but do you
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think of other governments using similar tactics against news organizations and this is not just happening there in the states. without speculating to any particular effect i wouldn't be surprised if more governments are controlling information as they are trying to control them permission the state there was a very controversial area recently when the french security services. tried to exercise influence. getting for instance so governments are getting into the very very trying to get control. information flows from the internet right now also in europe so as a result of this latest people looking to leak information to the press and the likes of wiki leaks will they now think twice about doing it. now so i think what we have is basically a problem in that we don't value the previously on the security of the communications of private persons who are currently doing the data protection
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regulation reform of the european union and it's been frightening exactly how many of us like we have a fundamental right of privacy which we have in the convention in the area of the information in the credits and how people respect there is for that fundamental vote to secure communications being a control you say and to whom and expecting some kind of confidence level i'm in that and so maybe we're just not having a sufficiently strong political debate about how important it is for a democratic system that people get services they can trust that people decide for themselves what happened with their own communications of course of this perspective was completely lost on the political debate in the last years and of course. the major part of the debate is where do you draw the line how far do you think the government should go in protecting their people before they are accused of curbing freedom of speech well that's so.
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i think that when you have political debate which emphasizes the autonomy and the right of self-determination of every individual and. the more repressive the government is more in need to go exploring to be more people. going to think that the government has to control so the easiest thing for the government really is just to ensure that people have the appropriate levels of i mean a sham that if unit they are in control over their own situation that the government provides a sufficient amount of whatever opportunities for. each will empower america and then you not end up with all of these situations so people have to expose their government being serious the repressive when they get of course you know people end blame governments for allowing atrocities that happen saying surely you knew about this intelligence and the government gets to be blamed for something which could have been perhaps prevented by the fact it was monitoring emails websites or whatever. well i think the reason that we have the reason that we have
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a concept like your product as if it's actually because we want to ensure that it will get a fair trial is that they're not exposed to arbitrary monitoring when there is no suspicion of a crime and the reason that we have that sequence also is the going to even though it's not always going to be terribly not a lynch mob for instance it's actually better for our own society if we don't do that and so. i think important for the government also to be able to say that he listen sometimes extraordinary things happen and it's kind of out of our control for you crosses ultimately is the better course of action for safety it makes everyone's lives easier if we don't have the control. and the government needs to be able to exercise also appropriate amounts of restraint. to take that kind of debate with the public just growing our charging into more control more surveillance more infringement of the citizens really good to hear your thoughts
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thank you very much indeed for joining us and we understand a member of the european parliament for the pirate party of sweden. to wigs a map and a stash of money to lure russian agents to defect the federal security service says it's caused see a spike on a recruitment mission. has been delving into the. according to the f.s.b. one of russia's security agencies ryan fogle was not in fact a third secretary at the political department of the us embassy in moscow he was instead according to them a cia spy they claimed that they caught him red handed trying to co-opt a russian sikh special service agent operating in the north caucasus to work for the cia in a video sent to r.t. by the f.s.b. it was claimed that this video showed were one of the unnamed arresting the f.s.b.
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officers showing his astonishment at the find but first it was shocked that something like that could happen the f.s.b. has been actively cooperating with the u.s. working on intercepting threats to its national security the f.b.i. chief has also visited moscow recently while barack obama and vladimir putin have reached an agreement that the country's secret services should put together and with all that in the background this u.s. diplomat has committed a major state crime against russia do you have any questions regarding what's being demonstrated you would know. it must be said that this video that was sent to was cut out at the end of this question and so it's not known whether whether ryan fogle was allowed a chance to answer that question directed at him by the f.s.b. the f.s.b. also claimed that they found along with fogle
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a number of technical devices and other things that he used in his alleged operation among them written instructions to the agent that he was trying to co-opt also a large amount of money in cash and a little more strangely perhaps two wigs that they claimed he used to disguise himself a map of moscow and a compass over the issue the u.s. ambassador has been summoned to talk to the russian government and the foreign ministry has expelled mr fogel from russia as of yet the u.s. embassy has made no comment on the matter there have been a number of high profile spy scandals between russia the u.s. and other countries in recent years in october two thousand and eleven a couple in germany were put on trial for suspected spying for the soviet union and then russia for many years in june two thousand and ten anna chapman was one of ten
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who were arrested in the u.s. as part of a russian spy ring and in january two thousand and six the u.k. was accused of spying in moscow by placing secret cameras inside rocks around various moscow parks. well for more on this some larger and by brian becker he's from the answer coalition in washington brian what impact could this have now on u.s. russia relations which looked pretty good after john kerry's visit to moscow last week. or they appeared to be pretty good this reminds one of the old expression that diplomacy is nothing more than a form of perjury you have john kerry meeting with the russian foreign minister talking about an international conference on syria we've had many proclamations by the obama administration recently that there'd be greater coordination with russian security about terrorism but in fact the united states government is carrying out espionage and spying in russia all countries do it to each other but in the case of
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the united states effort towards russia it's got a larger political motive i believe not simply to steal industrial secrets or learn military secrets but to promote weakening of the russian government because in fact the u.s. government identifies the putin government and the russian government and its position on international issues as still an obstacle to u.s. foreign policy designs we see that right now in the middle east for instance what do you make of this particular case it looks pretty amateurish didn't a couple of weeks compass and a map what does that tell you about that. well we don't really know all the details will probably learn more or maybe not in the coming days but i think the fact that the russian government has publicized this has made something of it means that the russian government is calling attention to the fact that the us is doing something of a full court press on russia a shadow war so to speak they have the using the n.g.o.s and the penetration of
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russian society by us soft power through the n.g.o.s at one level trying to carry out many many intelligence operations to get russians to defect penetrating russian society i think also you watch the u.s. media very favorable coverage to the russian opposition any protest that takes place in russia even if it's small gets enormous front page coverage while here protest movements in the united states get almost no coverage you see a general a scenario being played out of hostility to the russian government even if there is still a magic overture is at another level these things spying is going on so presumably there are spies operating in america at the same time russian spies. well of course i mean this is part of modern state craft we know that we know that in the modern world industrial and military secrets are are something that are gained by spying operations by all countries in fact but the point that i'm trying to make is that there's something a little bit unusual about how the obama administration and before that the bush
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administration is approaching the russian government which even though the cold war is technically over they are still identifying the russian government as an opponent as a competitor because the russian government they perceive to have interests that block the united states or obstruct the united states' interest in geo strategically important parts of the reach of the world like the middle east but what do you make of the way the russian of authorities russian authorities have reacted to these they simply released him back to the embassy but now they're saying he's going to be deported hasn't beem perhaps an overreaction has been a somewhat calm reaction to this incident. i think so i mean there publicising added some very measured reaction he could be arrested he could be held he could be then exchanged later for those who had been arrested on the american side instead he's being quickly released i think the russian government's handling of this situation is to make a point that they recognize and they want the world to recognize that while obama sends kerry to moscow for talks about syria while obama says there's cooperation on
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the terrorism front that in fact the united states government is conducting something of a shadow war against russia and that's embarrassing for the u.s. now to be exposed in this way if it didn't is indeed proved to be genuine. yes of course they'll try to put a narrative this is just the cold war being played out over and over and over again their russian government is not trying to overdo the incident but they are trying to make a point we'll see how it plays out in the u.s. media in the coming days and you say you know this is something which is going to happen again and again it's something of course that is not over because the cold war is over and we all love a spy story brand so we're going to see few more of these in the future. indeed and i but i think it's more than just a spy story i think the u.s. government is trying to fundamentally weaken the russian government they would like to have a russian government that's that's more pliable that's more of an accommodation this government i think right now the putin government and its foreign policy in
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particular is considered an obstacle by the united states so they're using. espionage and intelligence gathering and other methods to create informant opposition inside of russia to putin including the penetration of important parts of russian society by u.s. spies so i think it's got a serious political motive behind it ron thank you very much indeed few thoughts brought back a minute in washington from the answer coalition. a massive blast tez through libya's second largest city which has seen a surge of violence in recent weeks right after the break we'll look at why there's no sign of stability returning to the country almost to the full all. stay with us for that's if you can. strike despair pushed to the limit. or move closer to
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a free media r t v dot com. news continues here on president putin will promise to avoid any steps that could escalate the civil war in syria the statement came off the talks with israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu who used a visit to russia follows a series of israeli air strikes against syria for details. who's putting the talks in the black sea resort of sochi. the leaders of both countries seem very united in the idea that any more violence in syria will lead not only to severe consequences in the country itself but in the entire region pledging not to rock the boat and to continue working together in the search for peace in the meantime the need to police shortly after air strikes in syria allegedly conducted by israel which
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haven't been officially admitted but it's a level of hasn't officially rejected them either israel is really unsatisfied and critical of moscow for supplying the asked three hundred air defense systems to damascus under arms deals which were signed a few years back before the conflict in the country started but if the arms shipments are not violating any international agreements the same really can't be said about one state. another state soren territory most western countries have clearly taken the side of the opposition pretty much since the beginning of the conflict but now they're talking about the need for a joint conference which would include the rebels and syrian a foodie's what russia has been calling for throughout the entire time also stressing that not all these rebels are opposition areas many of them are bandits or even terrorists and this is constantly proven by linked in the web including the
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latest shocking video which clearly depicts a syrian rebel fighter cutting the hoard of a dead syrian soldier out of his chest eating it on camera promising to do the same again and calling all the others to follow his example an end to the devastating conflict in syria is something most people across the border in israel are eagerly awaiting but as. reports many into the believe that the government is actually intensifying the syrian civil war. it's a new offer and stand here so that they have to think one or two like they have to think one hundred times a day you know what to do with. armed men that have been given the green light to fire into israel retaliated by damascus patel approves attack last week israeli officials have still not gone on record admitting they carried out to a strikes in forty eight hours but most people here are certain they did and
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damascus a certain of it it didn't mince its words calling israel's actions a declaration of war the criticism echoes in israel as well arab citizens took to the streets to protest and while divided over their support of the side they are clear on one thing israel's actions are wrong jobber sol is a twenty four year old university student despite being some two hundred fifty kilometers from syria his heart is with its people. israel gives itself permission to attack other countries but does not accept any other country doing the same or whether this strike cannot be legitimately in israel should be judged in international core of. the but far from being judged israeli support the actions of the government would be very frank i don't think that if we would have to do. for you we would've. remember even. i think. it's a very small element on
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a very long. problematic relations between israel and syria but it might just catch up with the israelis assad says he's borders are open for palestinians wishing to take military action against the jewish state a sure sign some say that tel aviv has shot itself in the foot. has lost. never had this. tactic no official israeli policy is to prevent. drugs. i wonder if this is logical. i doubt it very much and some in israel fear the violence one stop at the border after they finish killing. the haifa because a. week. as what was once israel's most peaceful
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border threatens to become its newest battlefront policy r.t. tel aviv a russian soyuz space capsule brings the star back to earth. use . later in the program learn more about the canadian astronaut who's become a sensation on you tube. the first several people have been killed and dozens injured in a car blast that ripped through a crowded street in libya's second largest city benghazi this comes amid a frantic pullout of foreign embassy staff from the country due to the recent rise in violence on the base journalists and activists in chandan is joining me now to give us his perspective on the developments there now what incident should say what does this incident tell us about the state of security now in the country. well reminds me of some money from that mine who i meant something to the street said to
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me you thanked me for the work i've been to particular rush today in relation to libya and he said they've done to libya in two years what it took them to do in somalia over two decades i.e. that imperialism of the west the neo colonialism has done to libya just in a very short amount of time the devastation that they've brought in places like somalia iraq and afghanistan and somalia particularly over over a couple of decades remember in the first days of the nato libyan rebellion that mom could be said himself do you want to turn to be into somalia and you doing the right thing go ahead and that's exactly what's come to pass what's come to pass is that from the inception and i challenge everyone at the inception of the uprising to say who are the forces leading this uprising and giving real strength this uprising is nothing but a ragtag alliance of death squads and militias who have been in bed with with the west anyway for decades so it's no surprise that now the situation in libya is what
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it is and let's also remember all those snakes breaks falls and tools of the nato operation right across the political spectrum to ironically from the war coalition to anyone who championed quote unquote toppling but the two obviously the people we've come to expect the support aggressive western foreign policy all of these people shouting loudly about overthrowing marma gadhafi and the jumma which was the most stable most prosperous nation in all of africa and now now that the reports are coming through form for over a year that is nothing but the an acoustic rule of death squads all these people are where they silent and second i just ask you some people say well this is what you may expect during a period of transition the new leadership was installed as in two years ago is that really enough time to recover from a civil war and establish peace and democracy after all our efforts to pursue that democratic path. some of these protesters in benghazi in tripoli in the last weeks on this is the same people who brought into fashion bringing the exclude list to
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bomb their own country which unfortunately the death squads and their supporters in syria are doing as well but they are calling a many of them are calling for the army and the police to take over from the death squads and the militias in tripoli and benghazi but whines ones of the forty two years long rule of the jungle real which brought exactly the security and prosperity and in nonaligned form foreign policy to libya so far from a transition from the that the revolution of september the first in one hundred sixty nine within a year the country was being brought together a progressive education reforms getting rid of the military bases and having a unified state where the tribes and the factions were united so briefly why would these fragmented does different factions these groups now turn against the powers that actually helped them get to the position they are now after all we're hearing about the u.s. embassy in tripoli that's being targeted a lot of the foreign missions are being targeted now and some are getting out so
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why are they turning against them well actually this is what nato wanted a nato have not a problem with this because the nato operation in libya is the model for regime change across the world it's conducting nato operations through brown skin and that's exactly what's been going on in syria as well and the security firms and the mercenary forms of the west are flooded tripoli since the fall of tripoli just just just less than two years ago so really it's a win win situation for nato and it's a lose lose situation for the libyan people until they form again an actually unified movement with the model not replicating it necessarily but the model which they have is the residence of omar look at the before with it telling colonization and which ameria led by gadhafi so women situation nato now we're seeing another humanitarian disaster unfolding many might say well western powers that supported the overthrow of gadhafi now have a responsibility to get the cup. back on track another interventions have a responsibility but the only way to hold them to account is to have
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a national unified movement mama gadhafi was the one of the only anti colonial leaders of the global starting reparations and compensation from the former kind of noise i tell you and you got billions of dollars from them and go around you to kiss the hand is a groundswell of. the resistance founder of the libyan nation so really this is the type of leadership and the people of libya i mean a lot of base activists a lot of thank you very much indeed your thoughts live here on. well later this hour the sort of first report of a new project set to plug in area rural england into the world wide web. but we are going to be telling you how one local community. tackling flow into that space by point actually taking matters into their own hands. ok she's with us now in the studio that means it's business time and katie the european union has been described as sick but we know it's not feeling very well but who's saying yeah
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exactly it's actually the well respected the pew finance group actually they're saying that's a diagnosis and it's because really faith in it is actually gone down by the member states when lies why as as you say we know that they have been poorly going to talk about the market figure a lot of other things as well coming up in the business but i said lots of surprises about france and smartphones if you thought about. wealthy british. because. the only. market why not. find out what's really happening to the global economy with my. no holds barred look at the global financial headlines. is
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a report on are. they good even on cases building and you're watching business here and i'll say hell i ca the european union has been diagnosed as sick according to the well
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respected pew research center as the poll for the european project house for none the washington based sent to warn that support for the e.u. has slipped from sixty percent in twenty twelve to just forty five percent this shit the union was originally made off of the second wild war two in show unity while the old gang financial crisis is causing distrust between member states to grow i was living referendum on its membership is another example of the growing disparity in the region others dale snick paulson's head of research at national australia bank his take on the rather gloomy report. i think the pew research is very interesting for me the only surprising conclusion is that eight out of eight countries did not feel that they were actually worse off as a result of monetary union i think what we have seen over the last three years is
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a clear expression that power lies where the money is controlled and for many of the countries which gave up their own national currency in order to join the euro a finding that it's left them powerless they've got little or no influence over monetary policy they've got little or no influence over economic policy and it seems to me that many countries simply didn't realize what they were getting into when they gave up the freedom to control their own currencies and you think that there's becoming more divide than between the rich countries and the peripheral while i'm considering just in the survey at least half of the german public were supportive to give more power to brussels but the other countries weren't so paid more of a divide but yes there is a divide it's the classic divide between creditors and debtors historically powers
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always being ready to nations and monetary union is really no not dissimilar in that context when we look at germans saying that they would prefer or at least agree with brussels give being given more powers this is more about a centralize ation of power with ultimately germany in control of this they're not talking about giving more powers back to national parliaments or indeed national parliaments being represented in the european parliament we're talking about a centralize ation of power with creditors in charge and of course if you are germany as the largest creditor nation in the monetary union that's not pretty. it'll be surprising but for me it's the historical battle that we've seen for two or three thousand years of the pull between creditors who want to be repaid in full at power and debtors who want the freedom to renae go on their debts to renounce
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their debts and actually then to walk away from them a monetary union has not made that choice any simpler let's talk about britain that is britain's got a choice to make where you set what is your opinion in or out what's the best of a country for the economy but i don't share any of the extreme views that say it is uniformally a particularly good idea to leave or it's uniformly a very bad idea if we're not part of europe i think the argument is much more nuanced i don't think it will be than the leaving would be either the nirvana or the catastrophe i can see pros and cons what i would really want to see is the terms and conditions upon which britain if it were to leave europe could subsequently renegotiate a trade treaty on the lines of that which switzerland and norway of got and whilst it's true that europe is the u.k.'s biggest export partner in potentially we could have a lot to lose let's not forget that the u.k.
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is also the biggest export destination for your itself so it's in both sides interest in or out of the european union we still manage to have trade treaties and trade between the u.k. and the european bloc does continue it suits both sides. let's move on to the markets a u.s. soldier continue this is set store a success story that we are now the dow jones on a cheese day for the last seven weeks and it's really the financial stocks that are doing the best bank of america citi group as well rising more than two percent energy stocks as well jim back to you well the largest gate is included marathon oil corporation valero energy corp as well both off around to sort of today the footsie as well ended up with a u.k. stocks extending gaze into a nine straight day now we'll see you tell it see. the trend actually one of the
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big ones today that's off the beach news while mine is added pressure as well after a sector downgrades mainland europe as well they did actually have a choppy session. demonstrating it there but it was choppy but they ended up better away invests in expected eurozone industrial production figures against a weak german reading also one of action that greece won an upgrade today a one level from ratings of the country's progress in rebalancing the economy and bringing its deficit under control so that now the minus from triple a say system. in terms of the struggle the russian market has my say ended up the day in the red a lot of that was to do with pulling prices we had or may just have yes i want the biggest losers as you said almost three percent hijos up more than two percent one of the best of the breaches as well as the common core is just the euro they hit
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another high against the u.s. dollar all right that's the markets then this move on now small phone users in from may soon have to pay one percent more tax on their purchases tablets will also be taxed extra to help fund french film music and. that is the proposal estimates over one hundred million dollars could be raised if the bill is passed and november the french government is trying to crack down on the rise of does to condiment and calls it a culture tax the gadget loving critics say a tax is a tax no matter how cultured it claims to be. the centrist the traditional prostitute which only hang around on the street corner bob in these modern times escorts choosing self promotion website linked in to advertise their skills. do not desire such clientele and as a consequence all value these men so the street corner may be
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a better option to roll alright then so that so for me for now i will be back with the rest of the business team if you fancy joining me in less than two hours time but stay with all see more printing more to come up with bodog he's going to be here with the latest news updates. the illusion of safety trumping you're right seems to be the main political theme of post nine eleven america and notice pushing the keep you safe at any cost more than new york billionaire mayor michael bloomberg who recently had to defend his stop and frisk strategy after giving a speech to police brass stop and frisk is the practice of just being able to search anyone in new york at any time for any reason with your hands this gestapo style practice has been in place since two thousand and two but thankfully was
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finally recently found to be unconstitutional by a federal judge you know the fourth amendment all the talk about no unlawful search and seizure seems pretty clear to me why did this take so long to figure out bloomberg despite that silly constitution thing stands firm with this policy declaring if you end street stops looking for guns they will be more guns on the street and more people will be killed it's just that simple well to that i would say if you stop nazi style first kings of random innocent people there will be more freedom on the streets it's just that simple but that's just my opinion. choose your language. because we know if. you can. choose. the great. stories but if you. choose. to.
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news continues here on a bill has safely delivered a three man crew back to earth from the international space station canadian come on a chris hadfield returns from orbit with newfound celebrity status having recorded
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the first ever music clip in space which has gone viral on you tube attracting over six million hits he's also posted a series of videos showing how everyday items behave in zero gravity will tell us explains. the crew of. zero seven am has returned to earth safely landing in kazakhstan at just after six thirty in the morning moscow time and this is an incredibly experienced crew with russian cosmonaut. this is his second flight chris hadfield from canada this is his third spaceflight and thomas marshburn united states astronaut this is his second between them seven space flights with this incredibly experienced crew now it's always a great moment here at mission control. when that capsule lands and they can breathe a sigh of relief knowing that they have accomplished a mission and done something pretty special now on this particular mission just
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a couple of days ago showing that nothing is ever routine when it comes to space travel thomas marshburn had to do an emergency spacewalk to help fix what was detected a coolant leak at the international space station that was a last minute decision that they decided to send them out just days before you scheduled to depart the international space station chris hadfield from canada has actually in particular gotten a lot of media attention he is arguably the most savvy social media astronaut in the history of space travel having almost nine hundred thousand twitter followers now one of the things that he became known for is conducting in experiments in space connecting to regular people one of the experiments was showing people what it's like to cry in space what happens to tears with no gravity i mean they can't fall down so he simulated the conditions in space and produced a dramatic video one other thing he produced the video what happens when you bring out a wash towel in space and shows what happens to the water and all sorts of interesting
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things with the surface tension and where does the water go if it doesn't actually fall to the ground chris hadfield is also in the process or has just completed a recording of the first commercial album in spaces so these are some of the things that babe accomplished on this particular mission but as of now the crew so he is. back on earth safely and everyone can know that a job was well done and mission accomplished. meanwhile back inside the earth's atmosphere remote controlled passenger jets could soon become a reality a prototype has made its first successful flight more on that on our website at the moment plus. a deadly new virus first detected in saudi arabia is rapidly spreading around the world get all the details on that one at all don't call.
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it's. having an internet connection is crucial in the world where basic transactions are increasingly done online the british government has announced that its citizens will be expected to use the web to manage their welfare payments a tough call for unconnected rural areas on the surface visited one community in northern england that's preparing itself for the future by plugging itself in. the rolling hills and dales of the english countryside what lancashire in the north of england has in secluded beauty it lacks in most income that despite major provided be tivo putting
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a feast in profits local communities like these haven't felt the benefit and have had to dig deep into their own pockets and land to try to get connected we have on camera a b c executive. power which is one of the highlights hard poised over in the distance that surveying the share unsafe just look at the forces here fulfill i should say it is just no economically viable for them to come out right away lee to connect up the free for the project called broadband to the rural north all beyond the short might be in the early stages still but it could be set to make this quiet local setting a global internet hotspots they have a fading into the ground the fiber optic cable that provides be in for that connection all of this has taken years and passable planning and as you can see behind me a lot of hard work from the ball and to vote for the best part about this is that
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once it's all up and running this area is going to how much faster internet connection than the u.k. outrage it's unlikely bt will be daunted by this local competition yet but the project is attracting high level attention. to government he's actually now seriously looking at can this be an example as i said for other areas and hopefully now they've actually seen a bill not the from being on the ground regime to allow smaller groups like this to access the major problems that we're rolling out across the country back in the field and it's all hands on deck as volunteers look to get the community here connected now as you can see here people who've never met future of a before thought of themselves working in some cold field producer there are a lancashire in the north of england. when out of some international news in brief
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in afghanistan three u.s. soldiers have been killed in a roadside bomb attack in the southern province of kandahar the soldiers who were serving among nato forces in the country were on patrol in the area when the blast ripped through their vehicle this comes just a day after three georgian soldiers were killed in a car bomb in the nearby helmand province. the chinese navy's flex its muscles conducting military exercises near what it calls the naturals positioned off the west coast of the philippines in the south china sea and then as the spratly islands in the philippines five countries that circle the south china sea have made claims on some of the nearly thirty thousand islands that make up the archipelago. also in our world a boat with at least one hundred people on board is capsized off the west coast of many of those are feared dead the passengers all from a minority muslim community and state were fleeing ahead of a site clone that's expected over the next few days the u.n. has called for them to be evacuated from the region as many live in ramshackle
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camps in vulnerable low lying areas. and about three hundred textile factories near the bangladeshi capital dhaka have reportedly been shut down because of protests by workers sparked by the collapse of a factory building last month employee demands include salary increases as well as the death penalty for the owner of the factory that collapsed mourners gathered on tuesday outside dhaka to pray for the more than one thousand one hundred people fatally crushed in the accident. while many of the factories affected in the bangladesh tragedy were making goods for foreign clothes retailers next here on r.t. the kaiser report has ideas on how consumers should be made aware of the human cost of the cheap clothes. like the cigarette companies you know they put pictures of people's cancer written along on the packages to try to advertise to them what happens when they smoke cigarettes i think prime arc should have photos of people
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factory workers crushed at the factory dead their limbs akimbo with their arms and legs and have skulls crushed so big that's the price for the cheap clothes it's not just crime are it's not all the met it's pretty much across the board anyone who sources their clothes which is the vast majority from these low wage slave wage conditions and factory owners end up with these conditions well apple computer is exactly the same thing but on the manufacturing side and people jump out of apple computer buildings and they have nets around the factories to catch all the suicide people. export their suicide to the united states. because a report in full in the next. well stay with us for more international news i'll be back with the news team in about three minutes from now this is all t. life in most.
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dangerous experiments on prisoners we want to make money and they have healthy guinea pigs in the regular society you know they will be used to prison they wish they could. drug tests on human guinea pigs. to pump deadly pills you couldn't possibly he was killed. he didn't pass away. is pharmacy really about helping people.
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live. we speak your language. news programs and documentaries and spanish what matters to you breaking news a little tonnage of angola's kid stories. you hear. that all teach spanish find out more visit eye to eye. teeth.
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if. it is eve fifty fifty. two news a secret laboratory here mccurry was able to build a most sophisticated robot which will unfortunately doesn't give a darn about anything tim's mission to teach the creation why it should care about humans and we're going to this is why you should care only on the dog call.
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live live. live. live.
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live please liz liz . well. the speed.
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with. the. missile good deal. with. the amount of enemy. fire going on out front of me very little. real damage and complexity of this oil spill was not something you can grasp just by looking at dirty birds we have between four to five million people in this directly affected area of the coast and it's pretty clear why it's not being reported because b.p. can't afford to have a reported all along the gulf coast are clean they are safe and they're open for business if b.p. is the single largest oil contributor to the pentagon the us war machine is heavily
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reliant upon b.p. and their oil this is a huge step backwards for the marker c. it's a step forward for oligarchy carex it is toxic is it looked a lot like spraying and. it was it was not a picture that either the government or b.p. really wanted to have out there i don't want dispersants to be the agent on. this.
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shock and confusion that the associated press reporters for the new service find themselves targeted in a massive u.s. government surveillance operation. cia agent carrying one hundred thousand euros in cash is caught red handed allegedly trying to recruit a russian intelligence officer moscow's now to persona non-grata and says the incident still to blow to the country's relations. president putin says he's against any actions that could worsen the civil war in syria that warning comes as israel's prime minister visits russia to his country was accused of bombing sites near damascus earlier this month and also this hour. a video appearing to show a syrian rebel fighter in the heart of a dead soldier human rights watch you can.


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