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tv   Breaking the Set  RT  May 15, 2013 12:29pm-1:00pm EDT

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you know this is a very exciting time for the l g b t community states are slowly beginning to understand that gay people should have the same rights as straight people and now minnesota has become the twelfth state to pass gay marriage but just like any other activists movement causes voice for co-optation from corporations some of the biggest donors to human rights campaign one of the most prominent groups include corporations like bank of america b.p. nike and coca-cola but there's one major donor that stands above the rest in terms of financial hole drone manufacturers yep green a policymaker dot com defense contractors who make surveillance and predator drones are also shelling out cash tons of it to be eligible to community on the one hand it's great that the movement is growing stronger with its members recognizes ordinary americans just as they should be but you see these donors want to protect their interests and they could potentially hold the gay rights groups hostage to do just that so is accepting money from these war corporations tainting the message
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and progress of this movement and moreover by siding with the giant world profiteers r l g b t rights groups isolating themselves from a larger movement fighting for human rights and equality across the board the same equality that people fight when they see cia drones attacking their land and killing their families and until we recognize that breaking the set. i. can ghazi even in gaza even ghazi for what seems like the hundredth week in a row continues to dominate the corporate media this along with news the emerging i.r.s. scandal has been the perfect storm for washington's media puppets can't seem to get enough of the story a.b.c. bombshell evidence to team obama was covering up information in the aftermath of the bidding in benghazi terror attacks that left. four americans dead the idea that
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there were so many differing viewpoints as to whether or not it was an act of terrorism or whether or not this was a demonstration that got out of control the allegation by republicans is that the white house and others in the administration were trying to cover it up and dismiss the idea that this was terrorism the great republican win on benghazi rather than an orchestrated cover up glenn kessler right in the washington post that this basically was a bureaucratic knife fight pitting the state department against the cia the hate the issue of this of talking points frankly throughout this process has been a sideshow while obama actually agree with you this has been a complete media sideshow and a political carnival seriously who gives a damn over what the white house may have called the attack within the first day or two conservatives have been barking nonstop about whether or not the white house trying to downplay the attack by not immediately seizing on the word terror which is ridiculous how do we learn by now that the word terrorism is completely
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meaningless. the problem with fixating on the ministrations terror talking points is that the truths the dark truths about benghazi are being overlooked this whole squabble over terror rhetoric so ironic in fact because not only does it reveal how meaningless the language is but the superficial coverage of a complex situation also exposes the utter hypocrisy of what the u.s. considers to be terrorism so let's start with what we know about the embassy that was attacked which actually wasn't an embassy at all as philip giraldi the former cia officer reported in november of last year bengazi has been described as a u.s. consulate but it wasn't it was an information office that had no diplomatic status . this office along with a bigger compound a mile down the road was actually part of a much larger cia operation which is perhaps the most important part of what's been swept under the rug according to drawl the the cia operation was focused on two
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objectives monitoring the local qaeda affiliate groups. and tracking down weapons liberated from colonel gadhafi arsenal. yes the cia was posted up to monitor and al qaeda group and al qaeda group closely linked to the same militia group hired by the state department to protect the u.s. diplomatic mission in benghazi and guess what that militia group also called the february seventeenth martyrs brigade is also why the blame for the deadly terrorist attack at benghazi right the group hired by the u.s. government to protect itself is potentially responsible for the attack. as much as blowback sucks that's the danger of playing with fire by bombing countless countries in the middle east and funding extremist groups that are linked with terrorists which makes it particularly interesting that benghazi is actually a hub of al qaeda and an outpost for weapons shipments furthermore men.
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eyebrows are being raised about chris stevens role the ambassador who died in the attacks c. stevens was the official liaison between the u.s. and the libyan islamic fighting group that overthrew gadhafi that same group was also responsible for four hundred tons of weapons shipment from libya to turkey which included surface to air missiles and rocket launchers to destined for the hands of the syrian rebels all of this according to the times of london keep in mind these are the same kind of weapons the cia was supposed to be monitoring for their operation. only a mile away from where bassett or stevens was killed so the media's going to keep politicizing the scandals and sort of republican a witch hunt against democrats and there's no sign that the corporate press is going to let up on the obama said rice said clinton said word game but at the end of the day the real unanswered questions remain about benghazi what do we know what we do know is that whatever the cia was doing there is quid pro quo u.s.
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foreign policy back any group terrorist or not that feeds into the empire's geo political interests so subjective right as long as the u.s. and its allies and up on top. of the. ever seen anything like that. after a pivotal lection one man will return to lead pakistan's prime minister for an unprecedented third time his name is now was sharif is a former exile representing the pakistan muslim league one of the country's largest political parties and as he settles into his new position the world is watching and waiting to see how i handle the multitude of challenges facing the country everything from an economy on the brink of collapse to the safety threats stemming from a recent spike in terrorism and that's not to mention the mounting tensions with neighboring afghanistan and india along the rocky relate. pakistan now has with the
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u.s. so is the switch up in power expected to you all significant change talk about all the more i'm joined by nor mere drone campaign coordinator for code pink thank you so much for so much for having me so this was a pretty significant change in leadership this will be his third time leading the country which is really interesting what exactly does this say about what the pakistani people want right now and has he changed his tune from what he loved last well i think that his positions are similar with the pm their stance is generally moderate with some radical elements and in this cycle we're seeing him softer not a little which is a good development something else that's important is that this is the first civilian transition from government to government without any interruptions and i think that plays a huge part in how these elections turned out and secondly we have the p.p.p. not not even being the second party in power now we have the p.t.i. which is a monster party suddenly coming and emerging to the forefront and i think that is
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a great development for pakistani democracy and party politics and you said some radical factions what are those kind of well what we have in the last reef is that he's he's very business oriented so when you think about his platform and his manifesto we see a lot that has to do with money money money and and that can be a little marginalizing especially because he talks about building airports in small villages they don't even have airports and when you use that kind of monetary rhetoric you have appealing to causes that are struck with poverty and i think that's definitely what got him to win but it's definitely not the right to go down necessarily and let's talk about the other opposition party that was running led by former cricket player to come on a really interesting guy who was saying that he would shoot down u.s. drones i mean really radical stands there how did that perspective resonate with the pakistani people did he get a lot of traction and and where does it all. fit into the whole drone war going on
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there well when we think about the drone war while with him on khan in general he really has transformed. how voting is perceived in pakistan we see the youth come out on the streets in a way that's unprecedented even though i was sitting here across the world social media was blowing up in for graphics they had all sorts of different tools that you could use to learn more about the election and that i think is. doing is that he radically transformed the population especially the youth and turn them into voter apathy he turned that voter apathy around so we see a lot of people coming out that would not have come out before so that's props to him for doing that and he is he is ethnically push tune so he's used to his advantage when it comes talking about drone policy since those take place in the tribal territories and also his party one all the seats in.
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which is the closest area to the tribal territories in general so that is huge when it comes to drone policy but we also have to think about how feasible his stance is about drone policy i think that he is on the brink of a danger when he says something like we're going to shoot down drones i think that he could be exploiting that symbol a little to get that voter bank and where does not want to sharif fit into the drawer or washer if it's also come out tough. on about drones he has said that he opposes the violation of pakistani sovereignty in montana however has taken a more assertive and positive steps on the issue and and i really think that despite the fact that you know once an opposition party him being there it will mean that people will take it a little more seriously as we know the ambassador to pakistan has quit because the primary power interests were out of power at that point for the u.s. and we famously heard that the pakistani foreign minister. you know robbie carr
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says that pre nine eleven there was so little suicide bombings in pakistan and after nine eleven after these drone wars as they did in the country we've seen an explosion three hundred fifty two i think in a matter of just mere years. continues to operate with the us i mean why are we continuing such a counterproductive program what is the real reason why the u.s. is so invested in these drone wars in the country i wish we had a straight answer for that but i think we have to think historically about where the drone strikes take place they take place in the tribal territories that are extremely marginalized disempowered barely have any voting rights and operate on tribal laws so it's very easy for the united states to treat the zone as a buffer zone and it's equally easy for the pakistani government to treat this area as a buffer zone and they has for centuries starting with the british and it's easier to to rain down terror on this area and and excluded both from the national
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narrative and from the global narrative and i think that that's why they keep on doing it and the good thing is that iran khan because he is from that area and has a fan base in those territories and around them. could maybe change the way that pakistan in itself treats the tribal territories so so that could be a big plus for drone policy and certainly the geo political interests of the location and also i mean it just so counterproductive it calls into question the whole program itself and really the shadow wars going on in the region really significant election we'll see work turns out thank you so much for coming on and sharing your perspective your mare and a drone campaign coordinator for a bank they didn't know much. to take a quick break but don't go anywhere coming up a look into how you listen told you could stop the boston marathon bombings next.
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you know sometimes you see a story and it seems so. you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else and you hear or see some other part of it and realized everything you thought . i'm tom harpur welcome to the big picture. and. people from all over the world are eager to help. what does it take to become a volunteer at russia's premier museum why did the son of louvers director come
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here. from one of the camps do. behind the scenes of the. my. war on terror rages on with no end in sight for twelve consecutive years it's becoming ever more obvious that terrorism is in the eye of the beholder people living in yemen pakistan or afghanistan might consider daily drone bombings terrorism or people living in gaza palestine might consider israel dropping the banned chemical incendiary white phosphorous on the densely populated areas
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terrorism but in the us media and political establishment terrorism has morphed into something else entirely a term that applies soley to those opposed to global us had money and military dominance so i guess it's no surprise that anyone merely affiliated with what this government deems terrorism are terrorists themselves and sadly journalists are no exception every year washington d.c. is press museum called the newseum commemorates fallen journalists covering war and conflicts two of those that want to be commemorated this year when the mood all kumi into some salama two journalists killed by an israeli airstrike last november they were both cameramen working with the gaza based news outlet t.v. the official media arm of her loss which is the democratically elected leadership of gaza and surprisingly the decision to include two gazan journalists was met with quite a backlash here in d.c. but the newseum initially stood strong releasing
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a statement saying quote the two journalists were cameramen in a car clearly marked t.v. the committee to protect journalists reporters without borders in the world association of newspapers and news publishers all consider these men journalists killed in the line of duty. well said but unfortunately their defense didn't last long because later the newseum caved to a barrage of criticisms and pressure from multiple israeli organizations and groups demanding them to recant their commemoration some of the organizations behind this cordon aided effort with the anti-defamation league american jewish committee and even the neo conservative think tank defense of democracies in the pool there are events out of the venue in response additionally israeli embassy tweeted out multiple statements in protest one said it seems like a critical mistake operatives of a recognized terrorist or get out as journalists we hope at newseum reconsiders.
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well i'm glad the israeli embassy holds the concept of journalism so sacred and dear which is particularly confusing considering how the israeli government has deliberately targeted journalists time and time again and in fact israel fell twenty spots of reporters without borders twenty thirteen press freedom index specifically because of israeli military's targeting of journalists in the palestinian territories which isn't surprising considering how these two gazan cameramen died during the same period in which the i.d.f. bombed the journalist tower which you're seeing footage of now in gaza city that house multiple international media outlets including r t so this bombing a journalist howard not constitute terrorism apparently not to the newseum who quickly changed their tune saying that the two gazan men did not qualify as journalists because according to museum officials even though they were engaged in acts of terrorism i'm sorry journalism see if i'm confusing the two they were
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employed by what is considered a terrorist propaganda from an illegitimate terrorist group in the eyes of the us government therefore these people were terrorists first and journalists second but isn't terrorism a subjective term because i was under the impression that when you catalogue report history or risk your life to reveal truths you are a journalist even if that means you're working for hamas and according to the logic that these two men were nothing more than propagandists for their government then i guess tons of americans wouldn't qualify as journalists either you know all the people working from qatar run al-jazeera beijing run c.c.t.v. us run voice of america or u.k. run b.b.c. or what about me working here for our team should we not be honored as journalists if we die in the pursuit of truth. you know it's interesting if you look at this in the frame of the mainstream media and that's n.b.c. fox c.n.n.
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may not be funded by the us government but they are funded by a massive corporate conglomerates that care only about their bottom line and we're going to trust that these journalists are ethically working for the people and not their parent corporations if we are then why not extend the same trust to the two men who sacrificed their lives to tell a story. i. i . think the horrific boston bombings took place just one month ago there's been numerous questions raised about whether the f.b.i. and boston police department could have done more to prevent them thanks to recently released documents we now know that they could have you see at the same time that the u.s. government was receiving multiple warnings from russia about the danger of camera of the boston p.d. was busy chasing a different terrorist threat occupy wall street yep internal boston police
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documents obtained by the partnership for civil justice reveals a meant surveillance of protesters conducted by the boston regional intelligence center or brick this boston unit is one of the seventy two such fusion centers set up to collect analyze and share intelligence about potential terror threats so what is the purpose of these fusion centers if not to pay attention to real terror threats soccerball that more i'm joined by mara or hayden heller executive director of the partnership for civil justice thank you so much for coming out mara thanks for having me so your organization also released documents that showed that massive extent of federal spying across occupy wall street across the country one of these latest round of documents with the fifth wheel well in the past year as you mentioned the partnership for civil justice fund has fought to get out documents from the u.s. government that have really exposed a hidden routine in the united states which is that the government's intelligence agencies the obama administration's intelligence agencies are spending huge resources both taxpayer money and human resources going after not terrorists or
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terrorism in any way that we would understand it going after peaceful lawful protesters and this is really not different than the history of the u.s. intelligence agencies it makes it clear that what is perceived by the u.s. government by law enforcement by intelligence is a true primal threat is not this abstract. the concept of terrorism but is in fact a social justice movement anytime you have a mass social justice movement that begins to take root in the united states and spark people's interest imagination you have the f.b.i. department of homeland security going after them surveilling them monitoring them and that's what these documents are showing and of course as you just mentioned this goes back decades of suppress same social justice movements but it's just amazing that in the wake of nine eleven they use terrorism as the justification to create all these fusion centers i mean do you think that this is what other fusion centers are doing across the country to just kind of data mining and cataloguing information on activism but we have evidence that fusion centers all across the
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united states were monitoring cataloguing collecting information on the occupy movement in september from september of two thousand and eleven well into two thousand and twelve and the boston documents are very noteworthy because it shows the boston regional intelligence center was collecting data and reporting on peaceful occupy boston demonstrators where they were demonstrating what they were demonstrating about completely lawful peaceful activities and this is going on in the same period where there is this question as to what were they doing to look at reports coming in about the alleged boston marathon bombers it really does call into question mark why we have these fusion centers that they can even cordon intelligence briefings from the federal government to the local police department just seems like they're this middle man and just collecting information and really is not concerned they're like a glorified arm of the local police i mean just funded mentally do you think it's got to the point where there's too much information because they're just data
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mining everything they have this massive and surveillance grid that it's being grossly mithun mismanaged and not even able to be facilitated or operated to capture real threats they're just inundated with too much when i think in this instance it really shows what they're doing they are focused on the threat and they're focused on the threat that they perceive to be a political threat it's not a threat of violence it's not a threat of terrorism it's a threat of a challenge to this. challenge to the banks and to wall street a mass political movement that they're worried could take root in the united states it will take root in the united states and when they see that happening they take all the vast array of resources the billions of dollars the spigot that is opened after september eleventh and pour it into these entities and after the boston attacks of course there's more money that's going to be poured into them but again and again we've seen historically and we will see again that the focus turns intensely to lawful free speech first amendment protected activities which is particularly ironic considering how police are supposed to serve and protect our
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constitutionally protected activities when in reality they're going in suppressing them but more a why occupy wall street in particular because you know of course we see the suppression spine of a lot of groups a lot of activists but why were they so threatened by occupy wall occupy wall street as it was an organic movement is an organic movement it's based on the reality in the circumstances that people are suffering in the united states you can't have this massive economic deprivation social injustice people who are looking at their lives and where their parents before them could always think all my children you know my children generation is going to do better than we did people no longer can think that and think that with ease here and now people are graduating from college with massive debt and can't get a job can't pay off the debt home so foreclose you can't see a doctor and the system is not shifting which brings people together brings them into the streets and that's what the government was very afraid of and that's why they put their money into this not by accident but intentionally how much money are we talking about here because i can't help but think you know taxpayers are funding
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the suppression. obviously the d h s is just an entirely new agency created specifically to do these kind of things how much money are is going into these fusion centers where there's billions of dollars that go into the department of homeland security in the fusion centers which are seventy two centers across the united states and they collect a vast array of information and there is virtually no oversight or effective oversight in. the information they collect on people on lawful activities and there's very little exposure of it because it's a very sort of secret operation to people don't know what's in there and we've tried very significantly over the past year as an initiative at the partnership for civil justice to try and open up those records because we believe the people of the united states have the right to know what the government is doing the information the government's collecting and they have the right to actually put an end to this kind of abuse they have a store occleve been able to do that in the past we believe that people can do it again but first you have to know what's there you have to know what you're fighting the transparency before accountability how can we get accountability for this
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massive grid and how can we scale it back well i think the first step is in fact that exposure and getting the documents out and showing what governments intelligence agencies are doing is the first step for the public to become aware to know we all have this idea of sort of a shadowy intelligence agencies in the f.b.i. and it's kind of secret police like action and sort of police state ism if you will and we know about it but we need to tangibly have that information and when you have the information you have the ability to say ok they've done this and they've done this and this is wrong and we're going to hold them accountable and we're going to demand that these records be a race and that there is a pullback from this kind of activity well thankfully your organization partnership for civil justice fund is done just that you continue to do so margaret hadn't heard appreciate your time thanks so much. if you want about what i'm doing when i'm not on air check me out on twitter abby martin and i can you see i'm going to follow me there i know my tweets linking the segments from the show as well just random throughout the day also please help us get breaking is that trend you know
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unclear occasional photo hashtags we can get trending on the twitter sphere but only with your help to go head to twitter dot com and check me out at abby martin and you guys that's it for tonight's show but be sure to come back tomorrow so that we can break the set again. she could leverage jury to mccurry was able to build a new most sophisticated robot which will unfortunately doesn't sound anything tunes mission to teach music creation why it should care about humans and. this is why you should care only on the. wealthy british style.
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markets find scandal find out what's really happening to the global economy for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines to name two kinds of reports on our. real damage and complexity of this oil spill was not something you just by looking at dirty birds we have between four to five million people in this directly affected area of the coast and it's pretty clear why it's not being reported because b.p. can't afford to have a reported all along the gulf coast are clean they are safe and they're open for business if b.p. is the single largest oil contributor to the pentagon the us war machine is heavily reliant upon b.p. and their oil this is a huge step backwards for democracy it's
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a step forward. carex it is toxic as it looked like spray and. it was it was not a picture that either the government or b.p. really wanted to have out there i don't want dispersants to be the agent on. this. pls. live. under the speed. limit. with. a little
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overly a little bit misleading at least. to look at in the. mind of a little. glass. c c.
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m's. breaking news this recorded and revealed security services in moscow released a tape of a cia agent pledging millions to get a russian officer to turn against his country. europe leads the charge to raise funds for war torn with pledges totally more than three billion euros almost half that figure coming from struggling eurozone nations. security over sanctity the u.s. government to a mass surveillance operation targeting journalists with the white house trumpeting national security as the be all and end all. nations get a cash rich is bigger china and india are now getting a stronger voice when it comes to carving up the read.


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