tv Headline News RT May 16, 2013 12:00am-12:29am EDT
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the guantanamo bay hunger strike enters its one hundredth day the number of inmates refusing food is increasing and the use of force feeding has been condemned as extensive coverage of the situation on the. a million dollars a year. russia's security service releases phone conversations detailing what the alleged cia agent arrested in moscow was offering his potential recruit. from centers recession for the first time since two thousand and eight and the latest blow to president tough first year in office and a threat to the whole eurozone. good
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morning from moscow. in the russian capital where it's now i just after eight am let's get a straight to one of our top stories here for you today the official number of inmates now refusing food at guantanamo bay is continuing to go up it's been exactly now one hundred days since the detainees at the guantanamo bay camp started their hunger strike now the official number we're looking at here the official number of inmates refusing food increasing on an almost daily basis it's now reached one hundred around thirty hunger strikers are being subjected to force feeding a controversial tactic condemned by the un and the international medical community this being condemned as inhumane and all those numbers are only likely to grow well because what started as a strike against mistreatment has turned into a battle against indefinite detention washington's broken promises to close the
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prison at the center of america's war on terror. has details on this. after years of the natural injustice and indifference and after more than three months of starvation one tunnel detainees have finally got the president's attention i'm going to go back after they've heard these words before as president i will close guantanamo reject the military commissions act and if you go to the geneva conventions and now again it needs to be closed now congress and again as many times before the white house if it were sponsibility to congress there's much you can do administrative leave without congress without having a legislative act even under current restrictions the administration has the power to use national security waivers to release many of these men which it hasn't used it's the charge that well the fear that if you release some of these prisoners that have been accused of being terrorist in the
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past and and they do something else or you find them going into terrorist organizations you will pay a heavy political price for that so many of these men have fallen victim not just to their wrongful capture but also to u.s. politicians assumptions of what they may or may not do in the future but you can't you can't invoke people into maybe you know this is a we're not future police here so far the administration's only response to the crisis have gone carnival has been to force feeding troops down detainees nostrils the fact of the matter is that when an individual makes a decision of sound mind makes a decision to refuse food as a political protest then as we said in a joint statement it is not open to the states in a second chance to force them to do each. and the full speeding here involves the insertion of a tube of some significant down on the diameter through the nasal passages and into the stomach in the most horrible of circumstances the un special rapporteur on
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human rights also told me that he was encouraged to hear the. once again expressed commitment to close the prison president of the united states has kuantan a moser problem and yet on the ground for some reason the camp ministration continues to treat these men and humanely and to deny them basic dignity for years the administration has engaged in. acrobatics to justify its inaction on guantanamo and it's still not clear how long before people there start dying but one thing is clear the elephant in the room just too big to ignore in washington. well ossie has been following the hunger strike from the very beginning before the u.s. authorities even admitted it was taking place we've been gathering comments from prison officials detainees attorneys and activists to give you the full account of the situation all that plus the timeline on the protest all available for you right
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now just a click away of course our website dot com now up beyond the force feeding detainees claim harsh tactics have been used to break the strike among them denying water isolation and low temperatures now some detainees claim a simple telephone call to lawyers can result in a degrading body search my colleague bill doughty spoke with a spokesman from the u.s. military authority that oversees guantanamo who denies there is widespread abuse at the facility. one of the camp. what we call a force for the pat down search not unlike you'd experience port security if you were selected for of secondary screening in the united states it's clear it's. going on and it's not and. it's not the job to tell the truth but lawyers just look at. all of the allegations are false what about the allegations
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of the many years i just want to let me ask you about the allegations about the. inhumane force feeding all of those prisoners who. on hunger strike do you deny that well there is the policy of the united states and its drudgery of life for lawful means we currently have a hundred hunger strikers today we have currently thirty who are. doing terribly sad deaths using a liquid nutrition supplement. most of them when they're ordered to do that go completely and take it a percentage about a third need to be taken to their their cheating but it's not a it's a procedure that's done in hospitals and nursing homes every day. it's not. it's not done to harass them but it's done to sustain life to sustain life but we've been hearing from the medical justice network who is saying that doctors are accused of colluding in torture that at the camp and that's been agreed on by the
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world medical association and the un. yes and we disagree with them it's a matter of national policies our courts of up held that. sustaining life she lawful means lawful and. we will have a medical protocol where we evaluate detainees based on their weight loss and co-morbidity. we we allow them to hunger strike if they get to about eighty five percent below that below eighty five percent of body weight some damage could be down we will do the involuntary feeding all of those allegations are false they're not they're not being subject to extreme temperatures they're not being denied food and water the conditions are as good as they can possibly be you know they had satellite television and they had communal living get all kinds of good things from your your producers are welcome to come carol rosenberg of the miami
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herald today here more than sixty town and we're trying to connect with somebody you can see for yourself. however the picture drawn by that guantanamo bay spokesman contradicts what the detainees lawyers a saying federal public defender called us want to represent one of the hunger striking prisoners it's all my colleague the situation is far more drastic and the authorities want to be made public. arbitrary detention it goes against everything that every international law every human rights organization the un says that's completely wrong force feeding goes against what everybody says is correct it's defined by the of those groups as torture so on this issue unfortunately the president is on the wrong side you've been there i was talking to the spokesman of the detention center a little early and he said the conditions were perfectly normal satellite t.v. communal areas is that true. the military is all wrong and they're doing all
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the things to drive in the wrong direction remember this is the same military that the night of strike was going on for a long time say military they said if your force extracted from your cell a tube down your nose in your fed that that's not force feeding the president frames it this way we've got two bad choices either they die or if we force feed them well there's a third choice and the third choice is releasing the innocent men which he has the power to do that would end the strike the military has another choice too they could negotiate with the men and with people like myself they did that we could end the strike in a week and we could we could roll this backwards but instead of deescalating they ask over and over again it makes you wonder whether or not the military wants this to continue because they're certainly doing exactly the opposite of what they should be doing to end the strike and the false reading is one of the issues most concerning detainees lawyers so here we decided to explore why exactly this
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procedure is causing outrage among human rights organizations is alexy to ski. what i'm about to describe to you is not torture these are the details of force feeding by prison guards in guantanamo which were made public in the leaked report first of all the feeding process itself involves handcuffs and mask and the long tube the inmates are cuffed to a chair then a guard covers their head with a mask officially to prevent spitting and biting and insert a tube into their nose prisoners have reported several cases where they nearly suffocated because the tube was pushed too deep into their nostril once this is over inmates are taken to their cell where they are forbidden from drinking water or vomiting the nutritional liquid there's even a special guard who oversees that the inmate keeps it all inside if they do for up they are punished by being placed in a restraint chair to break this hunger strike prison authorities have attempted to separate the protesting inmates over one hundred men have been thrown into solitary
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cells to as it was put by prison officials prevent them from achieving solidarity it seems this move did not bear fruit despite the core of the protesters being isolated from other prisoners the number of hunger strikers has only increased the medical condition of some of them has seriously deteriorated but they complain that they are not receiving proper medical assistance reports from within the walls of guantanamo suggest that prison doctors blindly follow the orders of the military rather than acting according to their medical oath something that violates international acknowledged rights of a prisoner but those fortunate enough to have had the doctor's attention hardly feel in safe hands according to the experts the choice of medication is somewhat bewildering at the various health conditions caused by a lengthy hunger strike but rather to facilitate force feeding one of the drugs used is fairly grand which deals with north sea of vomiting and it can also act as a sleep aid another one is reglan which treats heartburn and known for neurological side effects after long term use and all of that is added to the prison guards
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acting without the consent of inmates who legally have the right to refuse medical treatment but in the case of guantanamo there is a special rule which puts force feeding on the same level as forced medical aid. and hear it out so we will continue our coverage of this milestone one hundred days of the hunger strike a more expert analysis and opinion coming up throughout the day here on our scene. hunger strike despair pushed to the limit i wasn't really one hundred guantanamo detainees are screaming for justice. where is the end for good. it's good to have you with us here on r.t. today the alleged cia agent caught here in moscow was offering his would be recruit one million dollars a year for passing on classified information and the evidence comes from wiretapped
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phone conversations between the two made public by russia's federal security service got a piece can authorize the latest details on this developing spy story as more details offer the latest spying scandal between moscow and washington continue to emerge we've managed to obtain audio recordings of what the federal security service claims were phone conversations between the undercover cia officer and the person he was hoping to recruit. more to the process talk a subordinate i want to store attack us because of more just about read the words of a million dollars of course you want us to settle some. ideas that. you know happened late on monday night in one of moscow's city parks where another cover cia officer officially working in moscow as an american diplomat was hoping to meet an officer of one of russia's security services who he was working to
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recruit and here is where the classic spy story begins the man brought to the meeting several wigs including one on him tens of thousands of the euro in cash map of the city and the cheapest and most simplest form you can possibly find and pretty much throw away right after using presume we have the one used. in these phone conversations but despite all the kind of large and the spy tricks obviously he didn't know that he was under surveillance by the f.s.b. for the past few years and that the man he was hoping to recruit would be the same one to detain him but just before that happened here's a piece of what seems to be the last phone conversation he had. of the park. where you have a seizure was after he was temporarily detained the man was passed over back to
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american authorities has been announced persona non grata in russia and as we boarded now to be getting ready to return to the united states nor fishel reaction from washington but we do know that u.s. ambassador in russia michael mcfaul did make a visit to the foreign ministry but no details have been released of that russian officials have been voicing outrage with what happened saying that the leaders of the two countries have been working to develop and improve relations or there's been progress around the syria issue and how to deal with that and now the scandal here in sochi where the russian president currently is one of his advisors told us that it's really surprising that it happened now despite orders from the leaders of both countries to their security services to work together on one side rather than i guarantee each other. the u.s. media's reaction to this new spy scandal was basically a mixture of laughter and disbelief citing the alleged agent's clumsy recruiting
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techniques i ridicule it's fairly common reaction one might say to us stories like this but previous cases show it doesn't make them any less true british intelligence analyst glenmore harvey he says it's just a point scored in the everlasting russian american spike. it is a great success for the f.s.b. the russian domestic security service what fairly fail to do is follow a set of rules which the cia have always had it's called the moscow rules it requires you very the pattern of your behavior your constantly told what is happening as the great game will in this particular instance russia has scored america has lost but make no bones about it there will be a few recalls at the moment and before we know relations through back to normal and as i say. the cia with another intelligence officer in the game will continue.
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their full interview with glenmore twenty or harvey a british intelligence analyst it's available for you on our website r.t. dot com also on line we've collected a selection of the top spy scandals of the twenty first century involving the u.s. and russia pretty fascinating stuff r.t. dot com has the full background on the story. downloading free music in the u.k. may soon be a thing of the past british record labels have come up with a list of twenty five services they're willing to take to court to stop online bootlegging and and save the shrinking profits r.t. sarah further explained. well record labels could be about to launch the biggest battle yet against pirate sites and what's alleged will be the main blocking blitz in the ongoing fight against websites that file share and infringe on music copyrights now british internet service providers all i ask piece of already in the
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recent past being asked to block websites certain websites that are illegally file sharing music now it's thought that the british industry trade body. he launched the previous successful legal action is set to take a third wave of action now preview i haven't yet responded to this latest information but it still won't that that would be targeting sites such is the us space file sharing site greaves what would that mean well for british consumers of the music industry they won't be able to access these sites anymore this action is aimed at targeting the casual illegal download or of course for the hardcore pirates they'll simply move on is thought to the vast array of websites that you have out there at the moment so already questions being raised as to just how effective any legal action would be certainly is seems that these fire sharing sites are the previous ever more popular are next for the chopping board is this
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music industry attempts to continue this crackdown on other legal file sharing and the leader of the pirate party lots told us the record industry is using an outdated approach that could come back to bite. if recent reports are wrongly it looks likely that we could be facing an all new floor to where blackouts here in the united kingdom what we've seen is that the tactic is first to go after high profile sites like pirate bay but actually what we've seen is from twenty twelve this that that hasn't helped music sales at all that actually album sales fell ten percent so we've seen how useless this approach is essentially what we're seeing this is about the record labels trying to keep trying to remain gate keepers and actually push companies out but this approach will not work it's going to alienate
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a generation of music lovers and only it's going to perhaps enter a breathalyzer the internet uses this is not what we want. so twenty minutes past the hour moscow time this is artsy and online for you this hour a human rights watch demands an investigation into claims of torture during april's formula one grand prix in mind and that's the crackdown on the protest movement continues unabated you can head to want to dot com to learn more on how bahrain's officials are keeping a grip on the opposition. and yet more trouble in japan a nuclear reactor is in danger of being permanently shut down because it's located over an active seismic fault to find out whether time is running out for officials to close the site.
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it's good to have you with us here on r.t. just a moment on the world update for now though france has entered recession for the third time in five years and the numbers come as president francois hollande marks one year in office which some have labeled as a disaster as artists are are silly reports there are doubts over the whole euro zone's of billets to manage its crisis economy. we're looking at a cafe culture here in paris still continuing looking calmer wherever this is a far cry a contrast to the other images that we've seen across the country such as protests against president fox will launch the first son diversity as president has there seeing him as not having done enough for the economy or those ads a steady protest now the a french finance minister had come out saying that this contraction that we're seeing now is a result of the overall depressed environment that france finds itself at its
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neighbors in the euro zone area however it is still a blow to our fund swollen to what dan has been seeing a lot of criticism for the policies that are in place and also there have been a lot of economists who have been calling france for some time now as a ticking time bomb in europe it's one of the core countries now that we're seeing in recession no longer the so-called periphery of the euro zone such as countries like greece or portugal but of course euro zone nation so what do these numbers really mean for france being in a recession the third recession that it's finding itself in since two thousand and eight we are going to enter into a recession and it will be extremely difficult to go out of the speciation. extremely bad policy which are using now going to. cost cutting to put the show work of course we levels in and you are not going to spend the afternoon in nice coffee like this one because you know it becoming too
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expensive for you well as these the small numbers hit europe and france finds itself officially in a recession the question really there is how long is it going to take before economy starts growing and growing again and stop being in the red and also the concern is the longer it is that we see the sustained a lock loss of numbers the harder it will be for a recovery to take place reporting from paris i'm tess or so yeah. the u.s. justice department has defended its surveillance operation on the associated press news agency attorney general. eric holder says wiretapping the phones of one hundred journalists was a necessary to protect americans from the leaks that could endanger the safety norman solomon from the fair media watch group thinks it's aimed at making an example of a.p. to scare off any whistleblower. that is really one of the last refuge of scoundrels when it comes to top leaders who want to turn off the tap of information reaching
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their own public that those leaders would rather the public be kept in the dark of doubt and i think what we've seen with these revelations about the phone records of a.p. reporters is that this isn't ministration which has already weighs data larger war against more whistleblowers than any other in u.s. history has continued to push the up and tried to have a chilling effect on not only journalists but the sources within the administration . well before we get into our program problem interest let's jump into the world update quickly syria first by pro assad refugees looting women and children came under fire from rebels as they were time in the southeast town of yet to move government soldiers or company into refugees return fire reports saying three of them were injured the syrian military claims it killed ten rebels the incident happened just hours after the view and general assembly condemned the forces of president bashar al assad and in
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a brand new resolution. to spain now where hundreds of boxes clashed with over three hundred policemen in the city of. officers were injured and two people arrested on charges of assault people trying to prevent security forces from arresting an alleged member of the radical proboscis independence. is linked to a two thousand and eight attack on a police station. and now faces five years in prison. the white house has released internal e-mails related to last year's attack on the u.s. embassy in the libyan city of benghazi they show the cia removed suggestions that extremists were involved republicans had accused the obama administration of trying to hide details of the assault and claim the president was trying to downplay the attacks linked to terrorism in order to boost his reelection. well i put off to a very short break here when i look beyond the corporate sponsored business news headlines our program prime interest coming your way.
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speak your language as i think about the war not a day in. the program some documentary some spanish more matters to you. a little turn to angles stories. here. the spanish find out more visit. the nation. couldn't take three months for charges free arrangement free. free. free. hold free books video for your media project a free media oh god r t v dot com. good
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afternoon and welcome to prime interest i'm perry and boring here and washington d.c. and here's the story that i'm tracking a big. remember john paul's that no i'm not hank paulson bush as treasury secretary who pushed hard i'm talking about john paulson who shorted subprime and made a millions or as a hedge fund now he has long fannie and freddie along with some other hedge funds who bought preferred shares to match uncle sam's investment senator bob corker characterized the stock as a lottery ticket but that doesn't stop a run up in price of over a hundred seventy percent in the last two months just last week of fannie mae announced they will repay the treasury. fifty nine billion dollars for bailout money it took during the crisis but this is a one off event that's only possible because of an anti-doping change and deferred
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tax asset good luck mr paulson. and the bloomberg a to stand ten ten years as financial heavyweights engage in dialogue with the embroiled market data provider clients a good ng a china central bank the federal reserve and the f.d.a. if you have inquired about data confidentiality issues and j.p. morgan short of problems itself is having serious dialogues with bloomberg and is considering its options the sheep executive of bloomberg lp has personally reached out to three hundred clients and apologized and lastly age as europe's a large as banged has so far gotten off with a wrist slap for money laundering suits and the u.s. and europe but it now faces a new money during charges and argentina is a country that hordes one in fifteen u.s. bills according to bloomberg. view sees trouble don't in there they recently reported they will eliminate as many as well.
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