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tv   Headline News  RT  May 16, 2013 10:00am-10:29am EDT

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anytime anywhere. one hundred days of hunger gone tunnel by a mass approaches by inmates at the yard the central sun to shows no signs of abating the forces resorting to force feeding and isolation to stomp out the revolt were bought extensively on the hunger strike and away is heading. prongs dips into a second recession other flounders in the europe's financial slump down the drain present poland's already tarnished reputation even further. and intelligence experts say russia won this round of ultimate spy game as well sco releases proportionate blown top recordings of a u.s. agent made minutes before his arrest. on the day the music died u.k. citizens could feel the full brunt of the british record industry as it looks to
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clamp down on file sharing website. international news live from moscow this is the with me you know thanks for joining us. today marks a dark milestone in the history of the world's most maligned prison one hundred days of mass hunger strike in gone time of day. to one hundred sixty six inmates one hundred thirty arens try go on hunger strike according to prisoners while the military only admits to one hundred two at least a fed of them being force fed a procedure recognized by various medical organizations as painful enough to
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constitute torture and but all accounts there's no end in sight to the protest prisoners say this is the only way for them to be heard having been forgotten in the halls of washington the hunger strikers are seeking and then to indefinite detention and for president obama to keep his promises to shut down the facility and he's going to check and explain. after years of injustice and indifference and after more than three months of starvation one ton of detainees have finally got the president that i'm going to go back after they've heard these words before as president i will close guantanamo reject the military commissions act and if you go to the geneva conventions and why did it needs to be closed now congress and again as many times before the white house if it were sponsibility to congress there's much you can do administrative leave without congress without having a legislative act even under current restrictions the administration has the power
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to use national security waivers to release many of these men which it hasn't used it's the charge that well the fear that if you release some of these prisoners that have been accused of being terrorist in the past and and they do something else or you find them going into terrorist organizations you heavy political prize for that so many of these men have fallen victim not just to the. wrongful capture but also to u.s. politicians assumptions of what they may or may not do in the future but you're going to maybe you know this is were not future police so far the administration's only response to the courses of carnival has been to force feeding tubes down detainees nostrils the fact of the matter is that when an individual makes a decision of sound mind makes the decision to refuse food as a political protest then as we said in our joint statement it is not open to
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mistaken. to reach. the full speeding here involves the insertion of a tube of some significant down on the diameter through the nasal passages and into the stomach in the most horrible of circumstances the un special rapporteur on human rights also told me that he was encouraged to hear the president once again express commitment to close the infamous prison president of united states has said kuantan was a problem and yet on the ground for some reason the camp administration continues to treat these men and humanely and to deny them basic dignity three years the administration as engaged in verbal and legal acrobatics to justify its inaction on guantanamo and still not clear how long before people there start dying but one thing is clear the elephant in the room just got to a big to ignore in washington i'm going to shut down a. pipe to murat kurnaz a former detainee who spent years in gone time and he described to us what he went
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through having also taken part in hunger strikes during his time there he told us what's motivating the inmates to put their lives on the line. i stayed five years and gone so long all together and they always force me to sign papers that i so that we that i'm your member if i tithe and so i leave on every time when i refused to sign those kind of papers they told me in different kinds. of ways like waterboarding and electroshocks i'm also false couple times hunger strike and doing my time and going to normal so i can understand those detainees over the more than eleven years over there they still didn't have to try and if you are in the system of so very difficult to get out even even if they go home and knows that you are innocent. ninety five percent of those prisoners already know what had to
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try and they still are not getting a trial for the future that's mean they can stay all their life over there even if they are innocent and i've also heard from many of the inmates claw is and one of them clients stop and smith who represents several prison it say it's ridiculous to keep detainees locked up just to prevent them from telling their story we're talking about as you well know eighty six of one hundred sixty six prisoners have been cleared for release that's fifty two percent of men third in most of the people i represent there's only one way and this strike fairly and that's to take the prisoners who've been cleared for release and set them free every single prisoner who's been set free in great britain and the been fourteen has behaved impeccably when they came back and unless you think it's wrong to go around telling the truth and giving speeches and writing books but none of them have done any criminal offense say for one who got a traffic ticket one time and it would be so perverse wouldn't it if we argued that
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we can snatch up innocent people abuse them for eleven years and then say because we've abused than they might hate us that for we'll keep them forever i mean that's ridiculous. keeping the prisoners housed isolated and under total control doesn't come cheap either your ass taxpayers are shelling out nine hundred thousand dollars a year for every inmate in guantanamo and there are one hundred sixty six of them what's worse that course is likely to grow given new bills presented by force feeding doctors and medication and here's a look see you know chefs who were an explanation of the branches that. what i'm about to describe to you is not torture these are the details of force feeding by prison guards in guantanamo which were made public in the leaked report first of all the feeding process itself involves handcuffs and mask and belong to the inmates are cuffed to a chair then a guard covers their head with a mask officially to prevent speeding and biting and insert its you into their nose
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prisoners have reported several cases where they nearly suffocated because the tube was pushed too deep into their nostril once this is over inmates are taken to their cell where they are forbidden from drinking water or vomiting the nutritional liquid there is even a special guard who oversees that the inmate keeps it all inside if they do for up they are punished by being placed in a restraint chair to break this hunger strike prison authorities have attempted to separate the protesting inmates over one hundred men have been thrown into solitary cells to as it was put by prison officials prevent them from achieving solidarity it seems this move did not bear fruit despite the core of the protesters being isolated from other prisoners the number of hunger strikers has only increased the medical condition of some of them has seriously deteriorated but they complain that they are not receiving proper medical assistance reports from within the walls of guantanamo suggest that prison doctors blindly follow the orders of the military rather than acting according to their medical oath something that violates
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international acknowledged rights of a prisoner but those fortunate enough to have had the doctor's attention hardly feel in safe hands according to the experts the choice of medication is somewhat bewildering at the various health conditions caused by a lengthy hunger strike but rather to facilitate force feeding one of the drugs used is fairly grand which deals with north sea of vomiting and it can also act as a sleep aid another one is reglan which treats heartburn and known for neurological side effects so long term use and all of that is added to the prison guards acting without the consent of inmates who legally have the right to refuse medical treatment but in the case of guantanamo there is a special rule which puts force feeding on the same level as forced medical aid. and who also spoke to the authorities of the sea and guantanamo bay to be had their side of the story and they the captain captain a robot durand a spokesperson for the council denied any widespread abuse as the facility the policy of the united states life for lawful means we have currently thirty far.
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doing and cherilyn lee said it's not a procedure that's done in hospitals and nursing homes every day sustaining life she lawful means lawful if they get to about eighty five percent below that below eighty five percent of body weight some damage could be done we will do the involuntary feedings it's not the detainees job to tell the truth the lawyers just repeat look at this case they're not they're not going to get to extreme temperatures they're not being denied food the water the conditions are as good as they can possibly be you know they had satellite television and they had communal living they had all kinds of good things. but the picture drawn by the gone town of a spokesman contradicts the detainees and it was a saying federal public defender call this will not represent the hunger strike in prison and he pointed out that the military haven't always been forthcoming with
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the truth the military is all wrong and they're doing all the things to drive in the wrong direction remember this is the same military that denied a strike was going on for a long time so the military has no credibility on the issue you have innocent men in solitary confinement and the military now has began new procedures like searching the men's genital areas before they come to talk to lawyers they're they've never done this before they've employed this as a tactic to try to keep the men away from the lawyers and it's this is so transparent that they have no credibility on the issue i choose to ignore them i am focused on the president because the president needs to step in here to not only hand and the hunger strike but more importantly to close guantanamo and he can still do it. and let's now take a look at how the timeline of the gone tunnel standoff was going on so according to inmates the hunger strike began on the sixth of february for the next month the military denied any protest it was going on lawyers just quietly and delirious with
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more and more joining in it was only made much that the military admitted to strike detainees began to tell of harsh force feeding techniques water deprivation isolation in called cells in a while in mid april there was a military raid on a public cell block with gunfire being reported for the first time in gone tunnelers history the prisoners were split up in apparent effort to force an end to the process towards the end of april the military dispatched a further forty more medics to gun tunnel and at the end of april barack obama finally acknowledged described describing the situation as problematic valley again to try to close the camp and we'll continue our coverage of this milestone one hundred days of the hunger strike with more expert analysis and opinion coming up on our feet throughout the day to stay with us for that meanwhile the hunger for justice and has seen scarce reaction from washington so far but do you think the inmates will eventually get what they demand this is our online poll so if you go
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to r.t. dot com and displayed in our online chart so actually if you can see the figures from the heart of you who took part in our sidewalk thing that the hunger strike would only lead to further tightening of the screws at delta around a third of you say that fatalities are unavoidable the rest of you that wrote it are more optimistic so either thinking that the gun tanabe council will finally be close or concessions will be made and those cleared for release will be free to go to r.t. dot com and cost you about the. hunger strike despair pushed to the limit. of. one hundred one tylenol did. aimee's are screaming for justice. where is the end for good no. i says i'll see after a very short break i'll be back with knowing he's white. hunger
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strike despair pushed to the limit. games nearly one hundred one ton of the detainees are screaming for justice. where is the end for good luck. you know how sometimes you see a story and it seems so please you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else you hear or see some other part of it and realize everything you thought you knew you don't know i'm charged welcome to the big picture. mission free cretaceous free in-store charges free. range month
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free. three stooges free. download free broadcast live video for your media projects a free media dog r t v dot com. you're watching aussie great to have you with us the french economy house clip to back into recession after being dragged further into europe's financial troubles and the poor figures are stocking up against president all along and his ratings have slumped with record speed tests are female reports now on how the financial woes in europe second largest economy has raised fears over the whole year and. i we're looking at a cafe culture here in paris still continuing looking call however this is a far cry a contrast to the other images that we've seen across the country such as protests against the president launched
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a first set of verse or. as president as they're seeing him as not having done enough for the economy or those administering a steady protest now the a french finance minister had come out saying that this contraction that we're seeing now is a result of the overall depressed environment that france finds itself and its neighbors in the eurozone area however it is still a blow to our fund swollen to what dan has been seeing a lot of criticism for the policies that are in place and also there have been a lot of economists who have been calling france for some time now as a ticking time bomb in europe it's one of the core countries now that we're seeing in recession no longer the so-called periphery of the euro zone such as countries like greece or portugal but a core euro zone nation it would be extremely difficult to get out of the speciation. stream a bad policy we try to use now going cooking external experiences cutting labor cost cutting to put the show work of course we will show in part and you are not going to spend the afternoon in nice cafes like this one because you know it
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becoming too expensive for you well as these the small numbers hit europe and france finds itself officially in a recession the question really there is how long is it going to take before economy starts growing and growing again and stop being in the red and also the concern is the longer it is that we see the sustained the lackluster numbers the harder it will be for a recovery to take place reporting from paris i'm tests are so yeah. honest onyx cobell believes that the prime need to of the hold up international policy is to get the economy back on track. what we saw in france was not a stereotype but what we call in france. they would say is force the stereotype forces of force thirty if your higher taxes higher public during and by your public spending the average french worker is taxed at fifty seven percent the. proportion of public debt on the. on the g.d.p.
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is at ninety percent so clearly we should look the other way and consider structural reforms lower taxes lower public spending and lower. and coming out at sixteen thirty g.m.t. marks kaiser and stacy herbert falls banking big to take cover as they come up with some interesting thoughts on how the markets operate. scientists used to believe that the earth was the center of the universe today economists who call themselves scientists claim that the economy revolves around the central banks and this is the fractal reserve system behold the sacred dow as you know of course we have this secret dow it's the dow jones of the nikkei or the footsie if they rise if they continue to rise then all will be ok in the economy so we sacrifice our wealth our economy jobs everything to rising a rising dow but it's not what we. predicted in other words
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we said that after the two thousand a crisis that there would be massive money printing and one of the likely outcomes would be hyperinflation in the stock index. one hundred thousand dollars up front and one million per year apparently that's the prize a cia is willing to pay for russia's classified information the country's federal security service released part so why a top phone conversations of the recently uncovered american spy and on the recordings ryan fogle with allegedly her trying to bribe a russian agent you're going to the store subordinate to the new has more to. talk of the war than you know what the store clerk yes because of all the mortgages on the bottom of the world of a million dollar the order you win yes you saw some. of these are so rich.
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russia has expressed a discipline over the incident repeatedly stressing it and the mines or corporation efforts between moscow and washington the exposure has failed to rattle the diplomatic arena with the media mostly focusing on the funny side of the story ridiculing agents clumsy spy craft this is seen as a common reaction to events like this but previous cases show it doesn't make them less true and british intelligence analyst glenmore trainee hardy thinks russian counter intelligence has won this round of the great game it is a great success for the airspeed the russian domestic security service what foley failed to do is follow certain rules see i have always had it's called the moscow rules it requires you very the pattern of your behavior your constantly told what is happening as the great game will in this week get toward america has lost but make no bones about it there will be
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a few recalls at the moment and before we know relations for normal and those i say . the cia will replace really with another intelligence officer and the game will continue. and the full interview with glenmore trainee harvey a british intelligence analyst is available for you on our website and also online we've collected a selection of the top spy scandals of the twenty first century involving the u.s. and russia had to r.t. dot com for the ground to the story. also could be the day the music died as a new crime down on illegal song downloads in the u.k. looks set to begin in a living body representing the british record industry is now deciding if it will take legal action to block citizens from accessing dozens of power sharing sites on his staff at explain. well record labels could be about to launch the biggest battle yet against pirate sites and what's alleged to be the main blocking blitz in
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the ongoing fight against websites that files and infringe on music copyright the british internet service providers or have already in the recent past been asked to block websites certain websites that are illegally file sharing music now it's thought that the british industry trade body. he launched the previous successful legal action is set to take a third wave of action now bt i haven't yet responded to this latest information but it's food that would be targeting sites such is the us based file sharing site greaves and what would that mean well for british consumers of the music industry they won't be able to access these sites any more this action is aimed at targeting the casual illegal download or of course for the hardcore pirates they'll simply move on it's thought to the vast array of websites that you have out there at the
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moment so already questions being raised as to just how effective any legal action would be certainly is seems that these five sharing sites or the previous ever more popular are next for the chopping board is this music industry attempts to continue this crackdown on other legal file sharing. believe joe the u.k.'s pirate party law is kind of a tortoise the record industry's heavy handed approach is doomed to fail. if recent reports are roy it looks like we could be facing an onslaught of where blackouts here in the united kingdom what we've seen is that the tactic is first to go after a high profile sites like pirate bay but actually what we've seen is from twenty twelve years that that hasn't helped music sales of top that actually album sales fell ten percent so we've seen how useless this approach is essentially what we're seeing this is about the record labels trying to keep trying to remain gatekeepers
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and actually push our vo companies out but this approach will not work it's going to alienate a generation of music lovers and only it's going to perhaps end up broken lies and internet uses this is not rewarded. and to some other news making headlines across the globe and please be aware the following footage contains graphic art and there's a video allegedly shows fighters with the nusra front a rebel group linked to al qaida executive executing rather eleven government soldiers is that this can be heard shouting god is great after each shot is fired the day after they join trailers somebody's going to dent the forces of syrian president bashar al assad a new resolution of the motion board by qatar and other arab nations was adopted by a large metro. draw hot so now one of the boston marathon bombing suspects has reportedly left a note claiming responsibility for that i wrote it with
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a pen on a boat while on the run from police saying the blasts were in revenge for the u.s. war on muslims and that he hoped to meet his brother in paradise at least three people were killed and over two hundred fifty injured in two explosions near the finish line of the city's annual marcel his elder brother tom midland seven i was killed in a gunfight with police. barack obama's administration is reported to be rapidly losing media support in the wake of the associated press today and scandal on a day in court was widely seen as a damage limitation exercise they do us justice department came up with a new reason for why a topic in defiance of one hundred journalists claiming it was necessary to protect americans from dangerous information leaks but norman so on and on from the fan media watch group that was all about teaching a lesson to whistleblowers that is really one of the last refuge of when it comes to top leaders who want to turn off the tap of information reaching their own
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public that those leaders would rather the public be kept in the dark about and i think what we've seen with these revelations about the phone records of a.p. reporters is that this is a ministration which has already waged a larger war against more whistleblowers than any other in u.s. history has continued to push the envoy up and tried to have a chilling effect on not only journalists but the sources within the administration . coming up next our report on the b.p. oil spill in the gulf of mexico.
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a fairly dickinson university study has been revealed to twenty nine percent of americans think that a revolution will just happen in america but needs to be done in order to protect individual liberty if respondents consider themselves conservative than that number is bumped up to forty four percent that's nearly half also fox news found out that since nine eleven the percent of americans willing to sacrifice their personal freedom to reduce the threat of terrorism is an all low this number might sound trivial but it only takes a tiny percent of the population actually start a revolution i mean how many communists were in russia at the start of nine hundred seventeen and how many were there at the end revolution may sound like a nice thing to a growing number of people but the media wrongly portrays revolution as some fun video game battle where freedom fighters topple the statue of the dictator and then democracy just instantly comes about and life is good and happy and ask you to ignore movies like v. for vendetta and look at history revolutions cause horrible destruction that could take decades to repair i guess what when your economy collapses because a revolt infrastructure breaks down and the shelves go bare also professional
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revolutionaries get their supplies from somebody and a foreign powers would have say fundamental revolutionaries they would want something in return aloha and goodbye alaska if you look at history then you'll see that revolution is brutal and ugly and it's truly the last resort but it still is a resort but that's just my opinion. story ends in iran.
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the british geologists discovered iran was sitting on an emotional boil and they decided they would take and they formed the anglo persian oil company and made a corrupt deal with the iranian monarchy. then guaranteed itself all iran's oil. shortly after bad the british government bought fifty one percent of the company and of the suggestion of winston churchill the british navy switched from coal to oil. the warships the project the british power all of the world were now run one hundred percent wrong. and then in one thousand fifteen to ronnie and decided to take their oil. the democratically elected government of prime minister mohammad most an act nationalize the anglo iranian oil company.


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