tv The Truthseeker RT May 17, 2013 11:44am-12:01pm EDT
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he didn't pass away he was killed. he didn't pass away they let him die. is pharmacy really about helping people. you know sometimes you see a story and it seems so you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else you hear sees some other part of it and realize that everything you thought you knew you don't know i'm tom harpur welcome to the big picture.
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one of the new bush will the chickens come home to roost for america's global that cloister coming up washington makes the states take wall street's kiss of death. president assassinated. how nations fall into to kill a trap. one cup to this convo russia turned to washington for help the white house met to decide the worst possible advice. we have to smash them into the ground we want to feed them bad economic advice so they will fall apart shock therapy they decided the worst was ready to go in the oil and if it will street mess the destruction of the nation's industry over lloyd's pensions and savings wiped out the i'm if they won't speculate as a lead team will st jude joint raids filtering the market and still currency congress was informed it worked like a dream. the i.m.f.
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has a presided over a catastrophe worse than our own great depression russia opened itself to dependence on money it had been creating itself before the wolves got in the door in i.m.f. shock therapy the worst hyperinflation in history hit yugoslavia when the i.m.f. demanded bankrupting a thousand companies destroying social programs and forcing regions to literally for a full survival violent protests known as a myth royal or even fact it into the all star it's the package alterable can specialist in the bush or mileage thanks a lot for joining us all countries literally destroyed by wall street and i mean if it was definitely an assisted suicide i maintain it's a suicide some people are more inclined to say it was murdered by. it's definitely just from the outside which is which we're seeing with the i.m.f. and the world bank and all these. international financial advisors and experts
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is that because they're not really interested in the country itself surviving or being tenable although all they're interested in is extracting as much wealth out of it as possible this is how they do it one of my jobs as an economic hitman was to identify countries with resources like oil and arrange huge loans to benefit a few very wealthy families the people would be left holding this huge debt they couldn't repay the i.m.f. comes in we'll help you restructure your loan but you have to sell your companies resource. and most of the world's nations have been caught in a form of mexico's triple stripping to kill a trap promises of more investment first the flood gates were open to wall street speculators in just twenty days goldman sachs and co suddenly and mysteriously disappeared over full billion dollars from the country the previously strong. market think. cherry pick on the cheap where makes the co run out of money to pay
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back wall street did goldman chief squid robot rubin stepped in he moved the u.s. treasury second the same day so in a massive bailout for u.s. taxpayers of mexico but the money went straight to the u.s. banks triple stripping to kill a trip mission accomplished while mexico's noticed a recession hung over for over a decade wall street literally cracks open the bubbly. there was a big party at morgan stanley after the peso devaluation people from all over wall street carrying they drank champagne and smoked cigars and congratulated themselves these people are pirates international pirates talk makes going to call them as they can their own figures to share washington's globalization campaign is a sham this short growth shows any gains from international trade. in total commerce within the country leaving no nit games just huge disruption to communities the author of that report joins us talk to call this thing us what did you find. i found that in fact international trade benefited only
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a tiny group of the super rich globalization's been great for them not for the world the rest of us pay twice first for more imports then high interest on the loans to for them. the federal reserve is not actually federal it's a private corporation owned by a consortium of wall street banks they pay the feds economists like ben bernanke you to come up with the hold watch that gets people to troy the tequila trip but i think you claim globalization opening up to international speculators boosts the nation's g.d.p. an impressive ten percent then someone actually looked at these figures the benefits are actually just nor point one percent and that's only after eight years of deal trade conditions that exist just in theory such as the total absence of corruption. one of the most widely cited factoids in defense of free trade is rubbish financial globalization has not generated increased investment or higher
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growth the countries that have grown most rapidly rely least on capital inflows rapid growth countries like i could all get vicious pressure from washington for steering clear of wall street programs like usa just screw ups i'm president. confessions of an economic hit man formal i.m.f. exact john perkins writes when the phone fails to get its way the cia sanctions the murder of the country's leader it's accompanied by outright lies from corporate media so the public never finds out ellen brown is considered one of the most outstanding thinkers in economics her book web of bit groups wall street's global fraud a poet thanks so much for coming on what really happens in countries that avoid wall street. it's been a brilliant success and even when even when they try to say negative things about it there's just not much you can criticize what they've done for example they actually have nationalized the oil and they're using that those oil revenues stay
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used to bank back their central bank so they're actually backing development with their own oil company i mean imagine if they would allow the u.s. government to actually go into business of different sorts to government might actually have some money and they tell the argentinians that it would be a disaster at work. and that. in iceland they tried to scare them into going with the program and eight they defied they defy the big banks and it worked out much better for them than for the countries that are current aligning i mean let's increase it doesn't help them at all to go to the greek tragedies coming to america wall street gave more than anyone else to a blow most reelection campaign he's no great to bring all certainty to the u.s. . requests he's going to have to undoubtedly do something to know what people's expectations the entitlements and what people think that they're going to get
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because it's not going to they're not going to get it social security medicare motive some things and you know you could go back and you can look at the history of these things and social security wasn't devised to be a system that supported you you know the retirement age has to be changed maybe some of the benefits have to be that big entitlements have to be slowed down and contained neo liberalism isn't even in the interests of america millions of us are being shipped abroad five hundred thousand each year it's a choice load in the name of globalization also inform wall street banker if smith thanks very much for coming on those what they're doing make. their entire industries the united states has ceded the one of the big examples being furniture . and there was no compelling economic reason to have furniture made in china you know why. would disappear the wood is a significant material cost shipping it to and from is a considerable expense it's you know the labor here is is is more than adequate
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to to you know it's not as if the labor costs such a big component that it made sense to ship it overseas what's really going on is that you've got to transfer from a lower level factory workers to middle management and senior workers because even when you offshore and you do safe labor the factory labor costs introduce a lot more coordination costs right you need more managers to handle all the coronation of having offshore at this and those managers are more expensive so a lot of the cost savings are offset by the fact that middle and senior managers make more money this is this is this is classic class warfare close wolf and there's no real pros going to chose this stiglitz you know it's america is no longer the opportunity pool will street regulates of things to look for joining us even developing countries now a far more chills this of posts than the us but presumably people can only believe what mainstream media told the president could for example in ecuador who actually has a ph d. economist as it had
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a remarkable success and is treated in both the united kingdom and the us media as if he's a crazy person we're talking about the new york times as well this is not the hardest right paper but it shows that even the supposedly liberal organs in the united states on least sort of coal or classical issues they tend to be badly infected by bad economics you know where will this will end well it will in. catastrophic economic scale year and deceit of democracy but it won't that won't necessarily be where it stops as i said let. mckinnon's got set up being used as a test bed for austerity and you can see from the elected dash and leaders there that they elected leader after leader who came to power on the express basis for me
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i will stop the washington consensus from being inflicted on the nation the looting of america has been among the easiest the unity press of population stood by and watched the homes savings red handed a network crackdown coordinated between f.b.i. d.h.h.s. the police regional fusion since as. private sec to most stories and the banks themselves against the old coupon movement kind of the missiles to skulls people cough so hold they bleat and list til they so old quit themselves in the interests of the banks against the voles majority so just a need us fight back wall street will be one of the holidays this is the truth the .
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one spy scandal too many russia says the cia has crossed the line with its antics after the latest us agent was caught in moscow this is r.t. attains a phone recording involving another american operative intercepted earlier this year. europe can get by without britain says for all and lost in london's complaints calling them a danger to the very existence of the european union. russia's mediation effort in syria gets the thumbs up from the un but faces obstacles from powers that want to arm the rebel forces there despite evidence of atrocities committed by them in the ongoing civil war. cash strapped european union mounts a crusade against the continent's banking high.
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