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tv   Interview  RT  May 19, 2013 12:46pm-1:01pm EDT

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the people that take the form might czechoslovakia which was dissolved peacefully forming two independent states the czech republic and the slovak republic but there are many more examples scotland will be holding an independence referendum in twenty fourteen and a similar initiative is currently being debated in catalonia there are movements with a similar agenda in many european countries which i'm especially critical of the user being competencies within the e.u. is itself the capital of a nation whose actual existence this question of will as belgium appears to be divided more than it is united would an independent bavaria remain within the e.u. would it keep the single currency suppressed and because it couldn't but definitely and we could have our own representation in brussels as an independent state same as the scottish who also wish to remain in the european union in case they succeed historically varia has always been an integral part of europe and it was becoming
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ever deeper involved with the rest of europe up until eight hundred seventy one when a single centralized german reich was established cemented by prussian military might in a sense this was a failure if anything the german reich was ill omened by virtue of its very origins is a state that was set up by the height of a war the franco-prussian war and proclaimed in an enemy capital in the palace of a society in paris if that was not a promising start as far as the prospect of a peaceful germany was concerned the emergence of the german reich upset the balance in europe and pushed history along a disastrous route there is a long history of the varian independence campaigns but why do you think this needs to happen now. patience is running out the very is part of the german transfer union and under the present fiscal equalisation policy we contribute more than the other states germany. i have an odd notion of
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fiscal equality because in twenty twelfth's we had three of the german states submitting their money while the remaining thirteen was strictly on the receiving end you see the same kind of mis balance within the european union germany is a major contributor to the e.u. budget and yet we don't have the voting power that would correspond to our share in fact on a number of issues we have very little power germany share and the european central bank is thirty percent and yet we have as much voting power is represented as a multiple cyprus maintaining such an unequal relationship on a permanent basis is inconsistent with democracy remember america's war of independence started with the slogan no taxation without representation and with upsets no taxation without the protests at the code the very in existence need to eventually the complete break up of what we now know as federal germany. i don't think this is a decision that could be made any day it has to develop incrementally and it's the
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kind of issue where you have to consult the people should the people vote in favor of secession we can get down to launching the process but if the people say no then secession is not what we need up until now they've been no parties no groups no unions and no churches in bavaria that would call for independence from the federation nevertheless a recent independent survey shows that thirty nine percent of the variance would like the various to have more political competences and twenty four percent would like it to become a fully independent state one could argue this is not that large a share of the populace but i would say it is at least worth considering that there is no party or group promoting the notion of the varian independence it is a grassroots sentiment that what effect do you think it would have other states in germany should vary in length. even if one day it ever gets to the point where by. various separates itself from the rest of germany and i don't know
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if this will ever happen i think the very it would always show solidarity with germany but see it would be a different kind of solidarity but very in some trying to say we are for solidarity but we're not stupid mistake financial equalization for example sometimes we get the impression that we have to pay for almost everybody else we pay two billion is part of the equalization program we pay two billion more than other states to the health care fund of very always donates more than of the states but it doesn't say much gratitude in return but on the contrary others criticize them ridiculous for years we've been asking for talks on fiscal regulation but they've been virtually no talks with other states is it fair to say that the very if you use some of the poorest states in germany in a very similar way that many views many of the poor countries in the you.
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very it has always shown solidarity and we continue to show solidarity even during the european crisis if we bear a large share of the burden but i'd like to ask the e.u. has provided the first bailout for greece second bailout for greece but greece billions billions and billions if i ask the german people whether they believe they will ever get even one euro back that they will all say no the politicians are aware of that and they just pretend like they're not but the worst part of it is that millions and millions of greeks are really between a rock and a hard place you don't benefit one bit from all these bailouts i don't know anybody who's ever said anything from that and there's greeks who don't have jobs who don't have any income if you don't know how to provide for their families their situation does not improve this means something's wrong with the system and one more thought about greece politicians say the greece is only two point five percent of the e.u. economy so my question. from my fellow politicians is how can two point five
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percent bring the entire one hundred percent to ruin is there a very in national character and is that something that's driving the independence movement up the sink. i think it's because bavaria and bavarians especial variants have a different mentality but variance and more focused on themselves on life the very ends of i know it means arrogant or disrespectful to others but they are confident in their strength but varia is a wonderful state it was not a stablished in one thousand nine hundred five by a decision of the occupation forces is retained its face since one thousand nine hundred when the kingdom of the very it was formed but this is very important people in it together they confident in their abilities in the past but very it was underdeveloped it was a poor agrarian nation but because of proper policies diligence and the work ethic of the variance he became the leader of germany and the entire europe we have
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regions in bavaria which ikey regions for the whole world no other state in germany has that of course but very very proud of this they love their land and i think these feelings the stronger the varia than in other states if the area was to be granted independence to morrow what changes do you think you'd see over the next ten years that wouldn't be able to happen if it remains as part of germany. this is a purely hypothetical question i can't imagine this happening tomorrow nothing will happen tomorrow if there's to be a discussion over the ideas i set forth it would be a long process with many stages it will require a lot of effort and i'm very happy that my party has set a goal to achieve greater competence greater jurisdiction in brussels. because this is the first step this is the beginning of a long journey towards a new different stronger but very an identity this is what my book is about. what
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do you think the reaction from the rest of germany would be to bavaria gaining independence. i think this would be a good example for other states bottom virgin birth is a large and well developed state north rhine-westphalia is also a large state it is actually quite strong but i think it is being weakened you did bad policies but all these states may consider their strength germany is based on the principle of federalism the republic was set up in one thousand nine hundred nine not as a unitary state but as a federal state a union of strong states that's why we have been distracted which is historically established as a very is initiative prior to the establishment of the federal republic of germany states were independent but very adult to its constitution on december the first one nine hundred forty six when the country had not yet recovered from the war but still bavaria held a referendum and adopted the constitution and then in three years the federal republic of germany was set up project that there were separate states this
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historical fact should be taken into account and of course every state has the right to consider this matter. thank you very much for talking to me pleasure to speak to you ok it was a pleasure for me. she could leverage jury to mccurry was able to build a new most sophisticated robot. fortunately doesn't give a dollar amount anything tunes mission to teach music creation why it should care about humans in the world this is why you should care only. in his time for us to settle this question about. david cameron's under
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increasing pressure to guarantee a vote on the case future in the you. britain's european populace fear that such a divorce could cause a stroke that. some of these traditional chili lines they've been bred and developed and passed down from generation to. this is a total destruction of the culture of mexico by telling them i mean this this is not going to impact asylum in mexico whatever happens here. we're eating out in the in the you know in a. genetically engineered crops why do you think this country is full of obese and sick people because we have a crappy food system. real
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damage and complexity of this oil spill was not something you just by looking at dirty birds we have between four to five million people in this directly affected area of the coast and it's pretty clear why it's not being reported because b.p. can't afford to have a reported all along the gulf coast are clean they are safe and they're open for business. if b.p. is the single largest oil contributor to the pentagon the us war machine is heavily reliant upon b.p. and their oil this is a huge step backwards for the mocker see it's a step forward for the oligarchy carex it is toxic is a look a lot like spraying in vietnam it was and it was not a picture that either the government or b.p. really wanted to have out there i don't want dispersants to be the agent on. his bills.
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the latest news of the week's our top stories is the hunger strike at guantanamo bay possibly one hundred day mark with most inmates are still starving themselves over the definite detention without charge. the u.s. government seizes the phone records of over one hundred journalists from the associated press a spot of media outrage but the white house insists it was unaware of the probe. syria's president maintains will stay until his voted to end the ones led darfur and beg the rebels will keep fighting despite international efforts to mediate peace. and to most polish that in disguise a russian security exposes a cia chief in moscow as u.s. intelligence is left red faced.


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