tv Headline News RT May 19, 2013 7:00pm-7:29pm EDT
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the latest news and of the week's top stories in the hunger strike at guantanamo bay passes the hundred day mark with inmates risking their lives in their protest against indefinite detention without charge. the u.s. government seizes the phone records of journalists from the associated press sparking media outrage but the white house insists it wasn't involved in the probe . syrian government forces taking the fight to the rebels in a key town near the lebanese border seen as an entry point for smuggled weapons and a mercenary. for spies in disguise russian security exposes the cia station chief in moscow as u.s. intelligence has left a red faced after getting caught trying to recruit a russian agent.
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broadcasting live from our studios in moscow this is r.t.m. sean thomas glad to have you with us. now it's a been one hundred three days since the mass hunger strike at guantanamo bay began and it seems the prisoners aren't going to back down anytime soon over half of the camp inmates are involved in the protest against indefinite detention without trial and with no timetable for release some of them say they're seeking freedom through death but the u.s. military is force feeding them to make sure things don't go that far as artie's going to church you can comment. after years of the national injustice and indifference and after more than three months of starvation one tunnel detainees have finally got the president of i'm going to go back apis they perk these words before as president i will close guantanamo reject the military commissions act and
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if you go to the geneva conventions and now we're dead it needs to be closed now congress and again as many times before the white house if it were sponsibility to congress there's much he can do administrative leave without congress without having a legislative act even under current restrictions the administration has the power to use national security waivers to release many of these men which it hasn't used it's the charge that well the fear that if you release some of these prisoners that have been accused of being terrorist in the past and and they do something else or you find them going into terrorist organizations you will pay a heavy political price for that so many of these men have fallen victim not just to their wrongful capture but also to u.s. politicians assumptions of what they may or may not do in the future but you can or
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you can or will people want to maybe you know this is a we're not future police here so far the administration's only response to the crisis of course carnival has been to force feeding troops down detainees nostrils the fact of the matter is that when an individual makes a decision of sound mind makes a decision to refuse food as a political protest then as we said in a joint statement it is not open to the states in a circumstance to force them to do each. and the force feeding him involves the insertion of a tube of some significant dynamic dynamics and through the nasal passages and into the stomach in the most horrible of circumstances the un special rapporteur on human rights also told me that he was encouraged to hear the. once again expressed commitment to close the prison president of the united states has said kuantan was a problem and yet on the ground for some reason the camp administration continues to treat these men and humanely and to deny them basic dignity for years the
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administration has engaged in. illegal acrobatics to justify its inaction on guantanamo and still not clear how long before people there start dying but one thing is clear. the room just too big to ignore in washington. the u.s. military recently requested tens of millions of dollars to renovate the prison saying congress has decided to keep it open indefinitely maintaining the facility is already costing america a considerable sum let's take a look at those numbers actually now nine hundred thousand dollars that's the price of keeping just one detainee there for a year and there's one hundred sixty six inmates at guantanamo many of whom have been held without charge for more than a decade it costs much less twenty five thousand dollars per year to house a convicted prisoner in the u.s. earlier my colleague bill dog spoke to guantanamo spokesman navy captain robert around who denied abuse at the facility. they get what we call
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a full frisk which is a pat down search not unlike you'd experience going through airport security if you are selected for secondary screening in the united states it's quick it's full clothing on and it's noninvasive it's not the detainees job to tell the truth the lawyers just repeat what the detainees say that all of the allegations are false and let me ask you about the allegations about the unsafe and inhumane force feeding all those prisoners who are on hunger strike do you deny that the policy of the united states and its troops there of life or lawful means we have currently thirty who are doing and carolyn said that's using a liquid nutrition supplement most of them when they're ordered to do that go compliantly and take it a percentage about a third need to be taken to their cheating it's a procedure that's done in hospitals and nursing homes every day it's not done to harass them but it's done to sustain life to sustain life but we've been hearing
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from the medical justice network who is saying that don't deserve accused of colluding in torture that at the camp and that's been agreed on by the world medical association and the u.n. the u.s. and we disagree with them it's a matter of national policy our courts of up held that. sustaining life you lawful means is lawful we have a medical protocol where we evaluate detainees based on their weight loss and co-morbidity we allow them to hunger strike that if they get below eighty five percent of body weight some damage can be done we will do the involuntary feeding all of those allegations are false they're not they're not being subject to extreme temperatures they're not being denied food and water the conditions are as good as they can possibly be they had satellite television and they had communal living that all kinds of good things were transparent facility. lawyers for the detainees strongly disagree with captain durans assessment they claim the captives
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are being held in unbearable conditions and are subjected to daily harassment clive stafford smith represent several of the hunger strikers and says that they are being forced to keep silent about the truth let's face it when my clients are coming to have a telephone call that me last i heard you can smuggle anything in and out on the telephone. and so the idea that they threaten the prisoners with full body and i won't go into the really graphic but it's basically a sexual assault is just a threat to try to get them not to talk to us and frankly the reason for this is fairly obvious that there's been an awful lot of information coming out of guantanamo bay that doesn't suit the authorities last friday two of my clients refused to have a cold with me for the simple reason that they didn't want to go through that process i had one of the other lawyers from reprieve was at the base last week and twice prisoners didn't want to come out for a visit because of what they've been threatened with in order to negotiate an end
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to the strike we have to give justice to these prisoners and we're talking about as you well know eighty six of one hundred sixty six prisoners have been cleared for release that's fifty two percent of men thirteen most of the people i represent there's only one way and this strikes fairly and that's to take the prisoners who have been cleared for release and set them free. well that's how things are right now over the guantanamo bay hunger strike get yourself up to speed on the events of the past one hundred days at r.t. dot com there you'll find complete and comprehensive coverage with comments and analysis from u.s. officials lawyers and even some former detainees it's all online for you right now . but the u.s. just apartment got embroiled in another surveillance scandal this week after it seized two months of phone records of editors and journalists from the country's biggest news gathering service the associated press that wall has the details for us. it's being called an unprecedented government intrusion the justice department
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secretly collected two months of telephone records from the associated press and its reporters. a.p. believes this story prompted the secret investigation the cia uncovered a plot to bomb a u.s. bound airliner a plot originated in yemen and was carried out by al qaeda they arabian peninsula by reporting this al qaeda was put on notice that the cia had an inside look at their activities be a piece as the justice department did not say why they needed the information but says among the nearly two dozen telephone records collected at least five of them were from reporters working on the story in question this was a very serious. a very serious leak and a very very serious leak. i've been a prosecutor since nine hundred seventy six and i have to say that this is among if
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not the most serious it is within the top two or three most serious leaks that have ever see it put the american people at risk and that is not hyperbole eric holder announced he was recusing himself from this a.p. investigation that prominent news agency condemned the government's actions in a letter to holder associated press c.e.o. gary pruitt says quote these records potentially reveal communications with confidential sources across all of the news gathering activities undertaken by the a.p. during a two month period provide a roadmap to peace news gathering operations and disclose information about a.p.'s activities and operations that the government has no conceivable right to know now the a.p. is asking for an explanation as to why the government pulled reporters' phone records without notifying them the worries the effect the news will have on the media and its sources i think the effect on the media has already been felt i mean you have sources that are being shut. down doors just being shut in people's faces
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now that was probably the intention the intention was to scare. the turn off the faucet in other words from leaks in the wake of the controversy white house press secretary jay carney reiterated the obama administration's dedication to transparency he believes strongly in the need for the press to be unfettered in its pursuit of investigative journalism he also believes strongly as a citizen and as president in the need to ensure that classified information is not leaked because it can endanger our national security interests there is a balance between transparency and national security has been a delicate one since nine eleven and the obama administration has a history of aggressively going after whistleblowers prosecuting more people for leaking classified information than any other administration combined and washington was wall. although the white house insists it was in the dark over the surveillance of the a.p.
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analysts beg to differ since nine eleven particularly we've seen the rapid expansion of a police state in this country it is the infrastructure of the police state is already in place so the restricting of the flow of information by the government and its various mouthpieces this is part of this creeping police state and what i what i want to stress is that the effectiveness of the obama administration in persecuting whistleblowers shows not only the fact that obama himself is no different from any candidate that our president that came before him but also the fact that this is a comprehensive plan to shut out dissent in the united states. well plugging in the flows of illegal weapons later in the program we report on the syrian government offensive in a rebel held border town seen as a key smuggling route for arms from lebanon. also ahead as activist groups
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point to human rights violations of bahrain a local campaigner tells us about the kingdoms of new ways of spying on his people her story and more coming right up after a short break. it is time for us to settle this question about. david cameron's under increasing pressure to guarantee a vote on the u.k.'s future in the new level of britain's european. it's such a divorce codes it's a strong. download the official publication. choose your language stream quality and enjoy your favorites. if you're away from your television or it just doesn't matter how would your mobile device you can watch on t.v.
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anytime anywhere. and back live in moscow this is r.t. glad to have you with us. in syria the government forces have fought their way into the heart of a key rebel stronghold with at least fifty eight people said to have been killed in the ongoing battle the town of qusayr near the lebanese border is allegedly a vital hub before the smuggling of arms into syria local journalist xeni as the
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details for us. the rebels on the north an area of the city that is the full control over the east in western. side of the city that was dated the center of simplicity is that related and of a surprise is the syrian army managed to make a full circle around the city fighting the opposition position five is the main achievement is to stop that line of supply chain between lebanon and syria most of the fight is gathered from different areas and syria in order to gather in course so of course he had become the capital of pollution this operation moved very slow but it was for these studies traditionally speaking they managed to make first they started from the west from western side of the of the city and the ordinary is they control this this is own with some fighters from lebanon some extremist
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a group were preparing to go into syria to fight with that upholds they are going to make they were going to make kind of a bigger front in order to fight and expand. the fighting line between government and opposition by this now we have limited the fighting into one city or one into one part of the city the international arena and international as much fear has started to change with the russian american agreement. it's less acceptable. acceptable for a country to go against the american will by providing more weapons to that if aleutian. in syria by this it's a kind of a green line for the syrian government forces to go into. now by this no more smuggling will go on no more. coming from qatar or from other countries. humiliated and expelled spy ryan fogle has now left
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russia after being busted offering a million dollars to a russian security agent in return for assistance this week you saw the red faces at the american embassy in moscow as the identity was also revealed of the cia bureau chief working under the guise of a diplomat medina coaching over now takes up the story for us ryan fogle was caught in the act trying to recruit a russian special services agent to work for the americans now russia's federal security service has released a photo technical equipment and some other items that were found when he was detained in closing a compress a map of moscow a large amount of cash and even two weeks to allegedly use as disguises now this is suspected cia agent was offering one million dollars a year for passing on classified information and that was revealed to you know why a taped telephone conversation between full girl and the security agent he was
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trying to recruit made public by russia's federal security service if you're going to the store it's a warden to give us more as opposed to talk of the warden you know they want us to attack us because of all the mortgages on the bottom of the web of a million little old you and yes it's all. i do. it's full has been handed over to the american authorities and now faces deportation the f.s.b. told r.t. that was not the first case and recent years since two thousand and eleven there have been in fact four other similar cases one case involves another american embassy employee who was trying to recruit a russian employee of the national anti terror committee the office b. says that there is a striking resemblance to the focal scase and that the cia has gone too far with this spying operations. we will particularly outraged at the actions of the
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american spy dillon benjamin he tried to convince an employee of the russian national counterterrorism community to hand over classified documents of this department to the cia like mr he was deported from russia we hope the cia would listen and something like that would never happen again so we decided not to release the information about dylan to the public but apparently they didn't learn that lesson in fogel's case the cia crossed a red line so we had to react according to official instructions. and as average with a juicy spy story at hand the exposure of a cia spy in moscow got the media animated with a mixture flat for and disbelief at their alleged spies quite clumsy recruiting techniques but that's quite a common reaction to the stories like this but still it doesn't make them a new last true let's remember of the previous scandals for instance back in two thousand and six russian t.v.
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showed a documentary exposing several british and my six agents working in moscow and here is the high concept they used rocks at that time the media laughed at what was considered a conspiracy theory until a high ranking adviser to the prime minister admitted it's true so rocks weeks compresses and maps as james bond doesn't exactly have much competition right now. well as always you can get more on our stories that we cover over on our website r t v dot com online for you right now drones and military robots set their sights on the sporting world head to our site to learn about the radical security measures being planned for the world cup in brazil. plus bureaucrats in brussels may have their hands full trying to cope with an economic crisis but they're still finding time to impose bizarre restrictions on the use of
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olive oil in restaurants get the full story on r.t. dot com. britain is being taken to task for failing to keep a close watch on how its spying technology is used a bahraini rights activist says her repressive government used u.k. made equipment to keep tabs on her she's now taking the issue to london's high court the manufacturers insisted the devices are designed for criminal investigations but privacy campaigners say the system is widely abused taking a look at that program it's called fin spy and it can perform a wide range of surveillance operations it works by instructing your computer then recording your skype conversations and even your social media activity they can also take screenshots without your knowledge and access information on your hard drive. who filed the court documents told r.t. that digital surveillance has been spreading in bahrain since former high ranking u.k. police officer john yates became the security advisor there. emails were disguised
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as if they were from journalists and were from other activists and then after we discovered after two months investigation of a technical analysis to try and. investigate what kind of information on what this software actually does we discovered there was a company called gamma international which sells this software to foreign governments so we assumed and we given the circumstances in which i received the e-mails and the nature of the e-mails this was a suspect this was sold to the bahraini government but we also know that the servers. received this information from the software is actually based environment so the servers are currently in battery and they're being updated in bahrain which means that this is further evidence over the past two years particularly british advisor john yates joined the bahrain security services we have noticed the increase in the use of surveillance in the use of c.c.t.v.
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and the use of digital surveillance and there are very targeted arrests and in for infiltration amongst protests activists that are happening using the latest technology technologies and this is all happened since following on from the hiring of the recruitment of john yanks and most of these companies that provide all of this technology are british now we know of at least thirty six so be maintained worldwide so now that this is a global operation game international has sold this software to at least twenty five governments and the use seems the use of the software seems to have no any type of restriction so this is turning into a global phenomenon and it's run by the private sector so we're looking increasingly at the commercialisation of digital surveillance which is even scarier because it's very difficult to regulate. greece has a plan b. that's the name of a new political party pledging to quit the euro and bring back the drachma it
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claims this is the only way to get the country out of the recession now in its sixth a year but greece's international lenders insist the tide will turn and next year let's look at how the countries are fairing so far the greek g.d.p. has shed almost fifty billion euros since the financial crisis hit in two thousand and nine government debt expanded by forty five percent with the state leaning heavily on international financial aid unemployment has now hit a record high of twenty seven per cent and is forecast to stay above twenty percent for another three years as tom barton reports the recession has put many of the country's vital public sectors at risk. busy at the counter but pharmacists in greece these days are facing serious sort of jesus of medicine and they're worried . critical but this is. the way the role what's going to be the next day price controls and tight cash flows mean many drug companies won't
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supply them greasers health industry is denied profits and patients their medicines so for example if you came into the pharmacy with high blood pressure many doctors like to prescribe this medication but d.n.a. sisters and have enough of it so he has to give this instead and this it to ation is replicated with hundreds of medicines in hundreds of pharmacies across the country. but the charity doctors of the world in thessaloniki patients are in an even more desperate situation must have some doctor or humor or i'm really afraid about the future because i have two small children no insurance and i just lost my job at the metal squad as you know i came here because i don't have insurance and the money to pay for my parents some force to come and the situation will only get worse yes. i went to the pharmacy to buy injections for my baby but i couldn't find any so now that i am unemployed i came here. forty five
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volunteer doctors a week battle with as many as two thousand monthly visits in this crowded space they rely on donations of medicine donations that are running from people who are very. very serious health problems such as they don't logical problems they have to get their medicine. every month every day it's very serious for them not have their medicine if they do not they could die greeks aren't surprised at any of this anymore they've seen crisis and austerity reach throughout their society this is a new think and makes things even here even more difficult than to put. in even more strain on me known because strain of greece's economy on greek workers and now on greeks help worsening scars of a crisis that seems to cut have a deeper thomasin party. well next we continue our journey in front of the mexico
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coastline where the destruction from the world's worst oil accident was that none was just restricted to the environment. although i was born after the vietnam era i remember t.v. discussions about that buddhist monk who burnt himself to death as a form of protest the commentators on the news said that people there just have a different mindset that westerners could never understand you know which is probably true but they were implying that people in the west are just different and would never use this absolutely extreme form of protest which is also probably true until just recently with the cost of electricity exceeding the income of the average ball garion and a new government coming to power that looks exactly like the old government that collapsed at least six ball gary and have used self-immolation as
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a very desperate and extreme form of protest but why kristen ghodsee a professor at bowdoin college who has extensively talked to bulgaria protesters claims that those who self-immolating are just incredibly desperate and cannot feed their own children and that people are actually becoming a stealth check for communism because at least that system at the people's basic needs the current democratic system from the populace perspective according to her just cycles through a few new crooks every few years although it does get media attention and you may be feeling desperate suicide is never an answer the more living bulgarians the better bog areas chances believe me but that's just my opinion.
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story me me me inside iran. the british geologists discovered iran was sitting on an emotional boil and they decided they would take and they formed the anglo persian oil company and made a corrupt deal with the iranian monarchy. they guaranteed itself all iran's oil. shortly after that the british government bought fifty one percent of the company and of the suggestion of winston churchill the british navy switched cold or oil. the warships the projected british power all of the world were now running one hundred percent wrong. and that in one thousand fifteen to go ron ians decided to take their oil. the democratically elected government of prime minister mohammad mossad ag nationalize the anglo iranian oil.
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