tv Headline News RT May 21, 2013 1:00am-1:29am EDT
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sectarian strife hezbollah militants joined forces with a syrian government to retake a sunni rebel stronghold now lebanon raising fears a religious divide could spread across the region. reaching the messenger the u.s. government hits out at a fox news journalist probably publish classified information leaked by state department security expert. and out he talks to a lawyer of a guantanamo inmates he says he's caught on to a shot several times by god this is the hunger strike there enters its one hundred fifth day.
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focusing live from our studios here in moscow you're watching out. for some breaking news this hour forty more people are reported to have been found dead in tornado devastated oklahoma city as rescue operations continue with this brings the number of dead to ninety one including twenty children there are stating twister i want our whole neighborhoods and a school where many of the children have taken shelter another one hundred forty five casualties have been muted to local hospitals as and obama declared a major disaster in the city have more that when you get. fears are rising that a region wide sectarian conflict is spreading across the middle east of the hizbullah join the syrian government in the battle to drive rebels out of the city . both sides believe the syrian army can maintain control that the area could be a turning point in the two year conflict rebel forces consisting mostly of sunni radical groups are fighting syrian troops. groups u.s.
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state department says has been lost participation is provoking sectarian strife of syria for the region as a whole. and syria's have been targets of violent attacks in neighboring iraq really one hundred people killed in the country on monday. examines the sectarian threat is spreading. the standoff in syria is as much about religion as it is about politics the majority of the population in the country is sunni muslims president also meanwhile whose family has been at helm for the best part of fifty years comes from the sect of shia islam called allo it historically the two branches of sunni and shia islam have been deadly rivals for centuries you can see it too in iraq and the worsening sunni shia standoff that's already claimed thousands of lives there she added president assad is supported by hezbollah a lebanese political party and a militant organization that's also affiliated with shia islam levanon has already
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seen fifteen years of civil war involving not just sunni and shia muslims but also the christians and the druze branch of islam and both lebanon and syria the fighting effects neighboring jordan to it is now flooded by hundreds of thousands of syrian refugees some of which have been drawn into skirmishes with local residents sectarian affiliation also plays a role in the arms shipments into syria shii the iran is said to supply our forces while the predominantly sunni could target saudi arabia lend a helping hand to the rebels who are also getting an al qaida link to boost generations of sectarian animosity in all of these countries have never been my national borders and a deepening syria shockwave might be what lights the touch paper to ignite the entire region into a blood soaked catastrophe. well in iraq cities have been protesting against the country's shia led government and attack on their protest camp in late april caused a major surge in balance there last month became the deadliest in the country since two thousand and eight friday or the most violent days of this year because of
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strife since the two thousand and three u.s. military intervention has led to more than one hundred thousand deaths sectarian bloodshed reached its height three years into the us occupation when tens of thousands were killed many now fear a return of those violent days with tit for tat sunni and shia attacks showing no signs of ending the conflict in iraq has also displaced over three million people in the past decade nearly two million more fled their homes remain at risk within the country support for displaced iraqis throughout the region is dwindling with some of the donor focus being shifted to an increasing number of syrian refugees professor. louche says that u.s. involvement sectarian conflicts in iraq did the start of the conflict in syria this is definitely a conflict that has read by mentions what's in store is a sectarian conflict as stake in place and iraq since the u.s.
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invasion of that country ten years ago the identity of the leadership and iraq before the invasion was not the one the same thing goes for syria today on one hand you have sectarian forces trying to stir up some conflicts on the other hand you have many is suddenly is within syria probably more than half of the suddenly population within syria siding with the bashar assad regime because they realize that the old turn of the. sectarian conflict and sectarian divisions. and you can get more in-depth coverage of the violent conflict engulfing iraq by logging on to our web site that's r.t. dot com where you'll find details of what's causing the sectarian strife eyewitness accounts are much more.
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used today. these are the images. from the streets of canada. for ation to rule the day. folks news journalist is being accused of conspiracy after disclosing classified information he received from the state department is that if the only james rosen could be charged as an accessory in a national security leak when he's outraged he's been labeled a criminal for doing his job as a reporter is going to. the u.s. government appears to be treating them as whistle blows. the u.s. justice department not only subpoena fox news reporters private e-mails but also said that james rosen was quote an aider and abettor and or coconspirator in the
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alleged crime so these words appear in a court document basically accusing the reporter of breaking the law for conducting the routine business of reporting on government secrets in the forty four pages of the justice department's application for the search warrant of mr rosen's g.-mail account you see e-mail exchanges between the state department employee identified as the alleged the courier and james rosen so the authorities have established that the communication between the two has led to rosen writing an article in two thousand and nine which said north korea planned to respond to looming u.n. sanctions with another nuclear test it's becoming obvious to journalists that the administration is now targeting not just the leakers but also reporters just recently we learned that the u.s. justice department secretly obtained two months of telephone records targeting a.p. reporters and editors work and personal phone numbers eight people leaders more than one hundred of its journalists were caught up in this surveillance sweep the
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some precedent eight hundred food leaks has had an enormous chilling effect on investigative journalism the obama administration has brought more cases against whistleblowers than all previous presidents combined journalists have seen their sources drying out as government officials are much less inclined to share these days but now we see a different probably more alarming development the government making journalists the subject of their investigations and it's not clear what the government expects from journalists just to copy paste whatever they say in press releases if that is the case that would be the end of our profession. well fox news reporter case comes in the wake of revelations the u.s. government tap the phones of a.p. journalists something agency's a top executive described as a massive and unprecedented intrusion as founder of the waterway news portal china groff it told r.t. sun thomas said if the us media is paying the price for going beyond. these
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networks that we're talking about are not new at least you need opinion yet they're not known to to step outside the light of the government press conference they usually just regurgitate exactly what the government puts out but if you have somebody that says it actually doesn't journalism yes you can expect retribution and i don't know who could possibly consider that and not to work that way in their decision to be investigated jools well if there is a leak that could compromise national security doesn't the government have the right to do everything that they can to stop that leak but yet the group is obviously stepping outside of that bounds if you're talking about reporting news information that is critical for the lives for the populace yes it's going to be things that can be reported that shouldn't be leaked but you're really going after the jury was to doing his job and not the in the sensitive dysfunctional government that we had folks in the first place now the government is investigating reporters
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in the hopes of finding leaks within its own ranks and you kind of touched on this just a second ago why do you think it has chosen this approach rather than looking for the source of the actually just scare the hell out of the body who dares to stand up to the party well into the agenda large and this isn't just the obama administration it's the previous administration it will be the next administration it has control of the government it's hubris at its worst and it's going to continue to read the freedom of the people this country. well just ahead you are dipping into trouble even though makers confront the pressing issue of borderless at the restaurants setting aside the financial was working europe was. bust the u.k.'s conservative party split the gay marriage some had police try to i don't know most of the road to the bill it's just around the corner.
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least be cool language. programs and documentaries in arabic it's all here on all t.v. reporting from the world talks about six of the ip interviews intriguing stories do you. see them trying. to find out more visit. some of these traditional chili lines they've been bred and developed and passed down from generation to. this is a total destruction of the culture in mexico i tell you what i mean this is not going to impact asylum in mexico whatever happens here. we're eating at about six in the in the open in a you know all the ordinance or. genetically engineered crops why do you think this country is full of obese and sick people because we have
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a crappy food system. welcome back. well the hundred inmates in gone time have now been on hunger strike for one hundred five days in a drive to highlight abuses at the tourist detention center one prisoner was reportedly shot several times last month. ortiz miniport now has the full story. thirty five year old detainee. was reportedly shot several times by get mo card last month his attorney ramsey cost some joins me now to speak exclusively to r.t. about what happened mr clawson thank you for your time. and when it was your client shot and what were the circumstances of the shooting on saturday april thirteenth
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of this year the bottom will military president ministration decided to raid at six the prison facility at guantanamo the time the trollies president lee they conducted the raid in order to move all the prisoners into solitary confinement and that was just one additional way that the prison in the station wanted to try to break the hunger strike what happened on that day according to mr alawi is that in the process he was shot without any warning for absolutely no good reason by one of the u.s. army guards had dangerously close range using rubber coated steel pellets that are only safely use outside of a certain range he was shot in five places one shot was around the heart the other shot was in his elbow another was in his shoulder and there were a couple of impact on the size particularly the shot that went to his heart a dark horse of range even a rubber coated steel pellet can penetrate skin and can be fatal the authorities are guantanamo endangered mr always life for no reason they gave him no warning
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they fired on him repeatedly and then following that fact they delayed the medical treatment that he should have received immediately as the u.s. government acknowledged that this shooting did take place absolutely and i received confirmation in writing by an e-mail from the department of justice that mr all he was sustained what they described as minor injuries but then when i heard the description from mr all we saw it was very different from what i saw on the governments and we also received confirmation in writing from the u.s. government via e-mail that mr ali was being force fed. that is a vial. nation of international law fact that it is done in an unnecessarily painful and brutal way that does that prisoners are strapped down to these restraint chairs that they have to force down their nose into their stomachs there are many other ways to to feed prisoners even if those prisoners wish to be true. and the u.s. government is again doing it in a deliberately filing way in order to break the hunger strikes correct me if i'm
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wrong he's being held at guantanamo. with no charges against him is that right that's correct the trial he has never been charged with any crime we have no reason to believe that the u.s. government has any interest in charging him with an actual crime here in our real work or in a military commission the reality is that mr ali has been a one on a mole for over eleven years without a fair process and that's the reason he's our congress struck today u.s. president barack obama is expected to address the nation on thursday speaking about guantanamo bay at the detention center and i assume he will address this hunger strike what would you like to hear the present the united states say well i can tell you what i would not like to hear i don't want to hear a repetition of the promises that president obama has been making for years i don't want to hear that he's going to appoint some official who'll be the sponsible for closing guantanamo we had an official like that for years and want to animal was not closed i don't want to hear about administrative review mechanisms because we've had many before that and they didn't lead to any meaningful progress the only
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official who is responsible for the existence of guantanamo today as far as i'm concerned as far as my clients are concerned is president obama himself he needs to take concrete steps towards closing the prison and i don't believe the man i want to animal will interrupt their hunger strike unless president obama takes such concrete steps and one very obvious concrete step you can take this to begin by releasing some prisoners who for transfer who can be repatriated or resettled in another country like another one of my clients shakur ahmed who's been approved for transfer for years the u.k. has been asking for his release that's the united states oldest and most trustworthy ally he is a very. natural first step of the president is serious about closing guantanamo we need actions we need deeds not words mr carson thank you very much for your time and i thank you. now to some other news making headlines around the world this hour thousands of party members have rallied in the pakistani city of karachi against iran khan the leader of the movement for justice party he spoke their outrage after
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publicly accusing him of involvement in the murder of a senior member of his party. as well hayden hussein was shot dead on the eve of saturday's controversial election rerun. violent riots broke out in stock erma over the fatal police shooting of an elderly man in the capital's use me district and lots of footage shows guns and use attacking a police officer our cars and buildings burned in the background where the services were forced to evacuate residents from adjacent buildings. now u.k. prime minister david cameron is due in brussels this week to debate tax policies in the e.u. but at who is facing mounting questions over whether britain should even be involved in the blocks matters cameron's conservative party has issued a draft bill on an in out referendum which says it must be held before the end of twenty seventeen well so far opinion polls suggest the majority are likely to vote for an exit let's take a look at
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a survey by the us parameter polling center well back in two thousand and seven they found almost half the u.k. population that's what you nine percent that didn't trust the european bloc and with m t sentiment growing in recent years a survey in twenty twelve revealed that sixty nine percent of those who took part where you are skeptic well that's feeling worries that foreign investors are being put off by the uncertainty that any exit could result in major trade losses the leader of the anti e.u. ukip party nigel farage says the u.k. should hold a referendum soon. well what would have been really damaging to the u.k. economy is if we'd been stupid enough to join the euro zone but thank goodness we said no otherwise we'd be in a very similar state to many of the mediterranean countries today so that was the first big good decision that we made now i do understand the argument about it. even though i very much take the view of the trade would go on between britain and the rest of europe completely out of affected by us leaving political union after
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all european countries sell far more goods to us that we do to them but i do understand that anything where you're told it could be had for a half perhaps even five years debate on the subject could lead. to uncertainty all of which really reinforces my view what cameron has done here is to attempt to kick this issue off into the long grass and that really we've got to have a referendum to sort this issue out before the next general election or the eurozone struggling to dig itself out of recession and trust to politicians are hitting record lows and just late as in brussels have found time to tackle some unexpected issues it's nothing to do with the debt crisis migration or social welfare dining out of oil and dipping bowls of a has more. from the start of next year the european dining experience is set for a small change that could have potentially huge implications after that deadline
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restaurants won't be able to serve all of oil from small bottles like this that can be topped up they going to have to service from sealed bottles that can't be refilled now this is being put into law from brussels by the european union and it's going to come into effect as i say from the first of january next year now to talk more about this and what it actually means i'm joined by steve meissner from the german political organization a party of reasons the e.u. shuli has bigger things to worry about than this right now i would think though this seems to be almost like a caricature of the you with their with their constant meddling in small problems and making small problems into big problems than you would think they would have enough to do with the euro currency problems and the debt crisis in southern europe but no if you only go having to start dealing with restaurants and what they can serve an open corrupt and it's sort of a joke really it also it just smacks of
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a lack of self-awareness the e.u. is under attack from many different sides you've got people in britain wanting to pull out of the union and they go and live up to the stereotype of bonkers brussels bureaucracy and make legislation about all of oil as it does seem to be a real lack of self-awareness that is why do they think because they have too much time in the hands perhaps there is the problem you aren't even big enough that they still have energy and tax money and very proud to spare to spend on experiments like this or that we programs like this where we have to cut down the whole size of the broccoli that they have don't have to pay that much money and be that many bureaucrats so they can't even come up with the all these harebrained schemes in the first place this is definitely not something that needs to be done on the international uy basis how we're going to serve our all of oil in the restaurant i mean i don't see the need for it at all there we go steve my society very much for talking to us all of oil topping the list of topics that the e.u.
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deem needs their attention right now. it's rather there. in the meantime our online team is working twenty four seventh's to provide you with the best stories and pictures on our website. r.t. dot com right now including terrible logs russian security services what an attack by terrorists trained afghanistan and pakistan a website has all the details of. what's just another click away more revelations from wiki leaks julian sands he says attempts to extradite him from the u.k. are. lead to ukraine teligent messages to r.t. dot com and deeper on the story. u.k.'s david cameron faces further dissent from within the ranks of his conservative party some m.p.'s try to scupper the government by proposing straight couples be allowed civil marriage rights it was rival labor party support that say
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the prime minister divisive issue by london correspondent sarah ferguson details. this is a real headache for the prime minister he could be about to have the worst possible start to his week with the potential for a house of commons to be over one of his flagship policies that of equal marriage that's fact being debated over the next two days in the house of commons one of the things things abated one of the amendments is this extension of civil partnerships to heterosexual couples that's being dubbed the wrecking amendments so is cool because if it's very soon three that could be set to delay or possibly even the rail the equal marriage bill all together so a huge amounts of debate that we're seeing this morning around this this is really going to hinge on what the labor party what the liberal democrats decide to do in this state because it's not just the conservative party that we've seen carry out
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this infighting over this issue the concern at the labor and the liberal democrats is that they're actually in favor of extending civil partnerships to heterosexual couples see that this would tidy up the legislation of course that's quite confusing though because if they join the conservatives who are going to vote for that amendment by and large who oppose equal marriage altogether then they could be participating in as we said delaying this bill so there's a huge amount of it's buts and maybes that a surrounding this bill this is an issue that we seeing debated across your front seat it's become the ninth country legalized gay marriage certainly a controversial piece of legislation here in the u.k. for the prime minister but one that he said he's standing firm by now it says it will appeal to the core base is that the conservative party is desperate to get inside the younger softer image the conservative party trying to forward despite
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the dissent from their own party now they sense to say that this is simply an attempt to detract from some of the much more. important as he is right now the facing the vote is that when the vote is put forward what they see as a priority it's not about equal marriage it's about issues like the economy about europe about immigration these are issues that many quasi weeks activists still not being addressed within their own party well then harris quiney from the british right wing a policy center the boat group says the gay marriage debate distracts public attention from the real problems facing the u.k. i have no idea why david cameron bought gay marriage forward in this way because it's tearing the conservative party apart both in parliament but probably more significantly in the membership of the conservative party there really wasn't a great demand for it in the country and with facing the real crisis was the growth of britain's position in the world and their economy now to distract from that
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agenda to spend in an order amount of time on a bill like this that is going to cause severe ructions in the conservative party and in the country as a whole is frankly utterly bizarre. coming up we hear about pharmaceutical drugs trials in the us. although i was born after the vietnam era i remember t.v. discussions about that buddhist monk who burned himself to death as a form of protest the commentators on the news said that people there just have a different mindset that westerners could never understand you know which is probably true but they were implying that people in the west are just different and would never use this absolutely extreme form of protest which is also probably true
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and simply exceeding the income of the average bulgarian and a new government coming to power that looks exactly like the old government that collapsed at least six ball gary and have used self-immolation as a very desperate and extreme form of protest but why kristen ghodsee a professor at bowdoin college who is extensively talked about here and protesters claims that those who self-immolating are just incredibly desperate and cannot feed their own children and that people are actually becoming a stealth check for communism because at least that system at the people's basic needs the current democratic system from the populace perspective according to her just cycles through a few new crooks every few years although it does get media attention and you may be feeling desperate suicide is never an answer the more living bulgarians the better bulgaria's chances believe me but that's just my opinion.
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