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tv   Headline News  RT  May 23, 2013 6:00am-6:30am EDT

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a brutal machete murder in a london street is still to be a trap targe inspired by radical islam reportedly carried out in revenge for the u.k.'s military actions in muslim countries. riots ripped through immigrant suburbs of stockholm for the force night in a row and raising tough questions about sweden's open immigration policy. and yes in limbo and months of starvation the plight of the go on trial the most prisoners might finally something change as president obama is expected to reassert his plans to close the facility during his counterterrorism a press. international
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news and comment live from moscow this is all sea with me. hello and welcome to the program a savage murder that took place in broad daylight in southeast london has already caused a backlash hundreds of far right protesters flooded the streets near the scene of the killing and clash with police they were chanting on to muslim slogans and accusing the british authorities of allowing that time that's considered an act of terrorism and believed to have been motivated by radical islam a man thought to be a north duties soldier was had to death by two assailants owned with meat cleavers and let's now get the latest from our london correspondent sauerkraut who is joining us now live from the british capital hello there so what do we know about the investigation how is it going so far. well we know that the counterterrorism
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unit still leading that investigation into the brutal killing of a man believed to be a serving soldier now if you take a look behind me you still got the police vans hit the investigation ongoing the attack taking place yesterday in broad daylight alongside the green fences of the army barracks in southeast london and a community really in a deep sense of shock. so the gruesomeness of this killing the eyewitness accounts described two men hacking to death the victims in astounding video a fish off to another tactic place which appeared to show you the men chanting islamist slogans and saying that they carried out the attack because british soldiers were talking with the ins every day. that said you probably don't care about different. numbers talk.
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about no. welfare oversee the situation there time. tensions in the congress all in london right now and obviously we just saw pictures how nationalists were clashing with police and also you actually reported earlier about sharia law patrols how can you describe the mood in london right now and what needs to be done to defuse these tensions. well there's certainly a lot of concern now about the ethnic tensions that could be state after this attack a lot of questions remain to be answered not much is known about the attack is whether they were radicalized how that could have happened whether this was indeed an islamist attack but i think what is clear now in the aftermath is that there needs to be some very serious discussions we know that the prime minister is hasted that urgency government meeting taber and community cohesion was discussed now as
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he said last night we saw the extremist group the english defense league gather here and clashes with the police say definitely some concerns about these two extreme ends of the scale and this is going to once again stake up that why did the bait we have been following this story very closely ourselves. we've indeed in recent weeks met with groups in london that are considered by many to have been radicalized calling thirty reloads to be implemented in the cain has got to be make clear that is in no way connected see the attack that took place here but it certainly gave us a very clear insight into the fact that there are these problems albeit minor very serious issues and i think a lot of people now are going to want to know if this was an islamist attack that took place here in southeast london how that was able to happen what is being done to monitor these radical elements in the community the police are calling for calm all round no one wants to unhelpfully speculate at this point until there's more
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information community leaders have been calling again for calm we've heard the mr british council come out and own reservedly condemn this attack saying it has actually no connection whatsoever so definitely a huge amount of questions that are going to be raised in the aftermath of this attack right now actually so many people now are blaming london for its foreign policies for this attack so what can you say about that. well this is stems from the videos that have emerged appear to show one of the alleged attack is talking to the camera from a possible eye and you listen to the phrase all the g. used in that we heard him say that this is because british soldiers attack resilience every day i for nine the phrase ology like our land this is the type of language usually associated with violent jihad it's now if it is indeed an islamic
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attack it will be the first al qaeda inspired attack to take place on british sort through the death of a british citizen since the london bombings in two thousand and five so of course a huge amount of concern here and obviously all the different security agencies the police are going to be pooling their intelligence at the moment to try and figure out exactly how this was able to happen and whether anything could have indeed been done to prevent it but at that police investigation underway at the moment. many thanks indeed for bringing us up to speed and we also get some reaction to the murder from london's muslim community and dr jerry holiday and the mom of the orcs oxford islamic congregation says to provide a fresh attacks in the future the u.k. must reconsider its military operations in broad. it's not just islamic fundamentalism it's also a linkage between i believe between what tony blair did with the legal war in iraq
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and subsequent slavish following following of u.s. policy i mean for example there was no muslim terrorism in the united kingdom until blair went illegally into iraq and i think we need to in mid and acknowledge that fact so i think it's important not just to blame it on islamic fundamentalists in the united kingdom but a must look at the causes of this i think in for us just to deal with the after effects of the slaughter in religion in london i think it's nonsense i think we need to look at what is causing this yes clearly. u.k. forces in places like. afghanistan and elsewhere and you blind support for the u.k. blind support for u.s. policy whether or yemen or syria where valves i think all of that we need to take stock of that we can't just expect that we. blameless brian baca from the anti war also coalition believes such violence could have been predicted that
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this is the u.k. first embraced america's military actions abroad. this was a disgusting attack a terrible assault a murderous attack one that people are sickened by throughout the u.k. and all over the world but when we look into the broader context we have to i would say no to particular things one is there is an escalating cycle of violence that is predictable and was predicted the british along with the british meaning the british government not the people. joined george w. bush in the invasion of iraq support the war in afghanistan where principals and demanding the bombing of libya along with the united states and france and nato are arming the same rebels in syria so the british colonial past and its current legacy of intervention in war is undoubtedly a factor the other thing though that we have to think about is will this lead to the targeting of immigrant populations black populations muslim populations for
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a new round of universal type demonization or criminalization and that's something we have to also be on the lookout for and be against have a go no in this story creating pictures videos and live updates from london on our website. the news today violence is once again flared up. these are the images from the world on the streets of canada. showing up for asians rule the day. smashed windows and cars and fire one of europe's most peaceful capitals stockholm is witnessing its widest outbreak of violence and gays hundreds of youths mostly
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immigrants have ripped through the city's suburbs in four nights of unrest the violence has shown the country famous for its attractive immigration policies and generous welfare system one of our reports now from stockholm. or c the fourth night of violence here in stockholm wednesday had been relatively quiet we've seen community leaders out on the streets trying to stop young people from rioting from setting fire to cars and other things as you can see promotes going on just behind me once they've gone in for the evening. because of all of the people have started setting football fires we've seen stone stone it at the place of journalists as well this is all continuing from what we've seen start on sunday here in stocco now it's being claimed this was all started following a police shooting of a sixty nine year old man he was killed by police officers in his apartment apparently holding
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a machete while he was slain by police that started the first night of violence and continued throughout the week here in stock and i talking to community leaders they say that one of the reasons for this is being down to unemployment here in these particular areas i'm in the suburb of who speak which is not too far from the center of stock obviously one of the worst hit areas by violence in recent nights. they say let's although sweden's unemployment figures are actually below the e.u. average when you look at youth unemployment we're talking about the under twenty five's nearly a quarter of the swedish population are out of work and if you look at the people who are taking part in the violence that we've seen they are all very very young people in the that's one of the reasons why on wednesday evening it seemed like things were under control when we saw parents. religious leaders out on the streets it seems that once they have gone to bed then the trouble has started again as violence continues to rock the swedish city. swayed and has for years been
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accepting immigrants who fail to integrate and are only there to get money for nothing that's the swedish journalists in great conquest. the problem is not from the government or from the swedish people the last twenty years or so we have we have seen so many immigrants coming to sweden bedmate really doesn't like sweden they don't want to integrate they don't want to live in this society you know working pain taxes and so on the people that come here now they come here because they know that sweden will give them money for nothing they don't have to work they don't have to pay taxes they can just stay here and get a lot of money and that is you know really the problem and the police could do so much they have told the public that they mean to do as little as possible but they could go in there they could use you know water cannons they could do. not letting
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people out in the streets at night there are so many things they could do within the law but they don't do it and for more on the swedish unrest and the possible cause of it i'm now joined live by a guru of an immense parliamentary leader of a belgian nationalist party hello and welcome to the program very nice to have you wear those so we know that subway than has for years been a bastion of toil what has gone wrong that well because of the generation of young muslims. what religion are refusing to be part of. and although there are muslims on the road that have. reviewed this western were we saw the.
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star we saw in london or was this a problem. the trouble flared as tends to police killed an elderly man in an immigrant suburb and these people feel they're not protected by the please don't they have a right to be heard. at least. some excuse to show that our not agreeing with. each other are not the judge in a war. or unable or anything that. day or the incident it's always the same problem. of the things that are the basics of western society. they are enemies of the west . and they excuse what to show that with violence and that it
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is and will be the paradox. of the truth that means that. the most the most and the most. to help social welfare and social institutions this country is that we have. the sound right now mr gehrels on a month thank you very much parliamentary leader of the nationalist party thank you very much. well coming up later in the program notes of dawn off the shock there are storms all the reaction from others following this so the side of an award winning historian who shot himself in the famous procedural in protest against gay marriage i'm going to ration the word pull them to the special great.
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because honestly welcome back president obama's years old promise to close the gun tom of a prison might finally get energized in a major counterterrorism address do you later on today the u.s. leaders expected to announce the transfer of detainees from the war on terror facility will be sped up and they scans as more than one hundred prisoners have been on hunger strike for days for three and a half months now in protest over the indefinite detention or he's going there to check out has more now and what else to expect from this speech. we have a major national security speech coming up and we have a word trickling down from the administration through various news outlets that the president is going to announce the resumption of transfers of some guantanamo detainees now these sources say that in the speech we're probably not going to hear
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details as to when these transfers will store happening but we will presumably hear about the administration's plans to lift the ban on sending detainees to yemen the yemenis are the largest single group of prisoners at guantanamo then you have saudi and afghan nationals there as well as others there are one hundred sixty six detainees now held at guantanamo it is six have been cleared for release including fifty six who are from yemen after years of inaction injustice and indifference and after more than three months of starvation the detainees have finally got the president's attention last week the president said he was going to remain u.s. for it's to close the prison something that he probably promised to do four years ago the hunger strike certainly served as a push for these statements but one would argue he said that the detainees had to subject themselves to so much physical suffering to be heard after all this march and by then the hunger strike had already started critics argue that all this time the administration had the tools to release many of these men especially those
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who've been cleared for release but it seems that the fear is that even those who had nothing done nothing wrong and who were wrongfully captured after all they've been through a guantanamo all the humiliation they've seen the u.s. may have created enemies there so many of these men have fallen victim not just to their wrongful capture but also to u.s. politicians assumptions of what they may or may not do in the future now apart from going tunnel which the administration always pointed out it inherited from the previous administration the president is going to talk about his own counterterrorism strategy his seat. drone wars this wednesday the u.s. attorney general for the first time officially confirmed that u.s. drone strikes killed four american citizens including the sixteen year old son of anwar in yemen there was no mentioning of other countries citizens killed by u.s.
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drone strikes in his state of the union address president obama said the administration would get more transparent on drone operations we haven't really seen bad but we expect to hear more from him this thursday. so you can watch live coverage of president obama's speech here at seventeen thirty g.m.t. but as the stray she comes home and grows and decided to take his bride into his own hands by using twitter in a desperate move to make his voice heard by closely following this story on our twitter page that's also here on disk or call. from a wake up call to the people of france to a gesture of emotional eyes the month french politicians have clashed in a fierce debate over a shocking suicide note who done cathedral in pars award winning historian shot himself dead at the altar one of france's major landmarks the seventy eight year old had been a fierce opponent of france's decision to allow gay marriage and also strongly
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condemned the rising is the most influence in the country doesn't see that ripples out from parts here already we can see the clash in the words and the positions of politicians but this is also reflected on the ground when it comes to the ordinary french citizens but the story does not end there when we talk about what happened in the another protest followed after after that a feminist activist from the theme and group had gone into the church as well into the very same place and staged her own a protest this time against that she was not a mock suicide she has put a gun in her mouth and had a message on her chest which essentially was calling for quote unquote the death of fascism now where we've also seen massive protests a stunning from this those opposing it the bill we've seen them continuing to protest still planned in the future as well it's interesting to point out the social cohesion in europe is very very volatile right now considering the economic situation and even supporters of francois hollande here in france leftist were
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voted for him say that the political elite here are focusing on the wrong issues and therefore this again the social cohesion is so important and the fact that there's still a substantial number of people who are voicing their opposition going into very extreme measures such as suicide it will be very hard for francois hollande and the ruling government to continue to ignore that voice of the french population. so long you the north adama suicide reflect the overall despair of the french people who are tired of us directly on unemployment while it seems their sentiment is being shared in italy the number of people receiving aid that has doubled interest do you get suggesting the economic downturn is taking a point rate of toll than previously feared all the details on our website also you don't call. the state of the arctic knowledge or proves to be a complete disaster after the latest multi million euro spanish submarine is not able to dive beneath the seas do so for once in its construction.
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it's. the. ability of an afghan man to his feet and count all of has been discovered near a former american special forces base in the country the man who disappeared last november was later seen in a video being tortured by an afghan american identified as a courier kandahar e the chief interpreter for u.s. special forces in the region kabul claims kandahar he was also in charge of the so-called death squads affiliated with the u.s. special forces investigators accuse the death squad of torturing and killing at
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least seventeen people though washington denies any links a middle east expert i said by aig believes it's hard to call anyone to account when torture is being used on all sides even if he no longer works for them i think the question should be raised is what kind of people are be hiring you know if they hired this guy in the first place what kind of checks were carried out to the sanity of this. and i don't think that seventeen people are going to go missing because of the work of one person i think that you know maybe the special forces were involved in those disappearances let's look at background here base where people were picked up take to background tortured and then taken to going to animal brains people listed in background and then were handed over to the pakistanis or anybody else and also for example in a war ape we saw those pictures that were released and that showed torture of victims so for the afghans the afghan government to accuse the americans of torture isn't far fetched and it's actually quite conceivable we also heard from warburtons
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every turned from iraq for example and have said that they were routinely killed people so you know if you look through america's history and the history of the military it's one conceivable that they will torture and kill people. international news in brief a ball landed on a rich fan and detonated near as security vehicle has killed at least thirteen people including eleven security officers more than twenty others were wounded in the explosion no one gets claimed responsibility for the time but it's thought it may have been carried out by local government insurgents for the government will sell for. the head of the international monetary fund is being questioned over public funds misused during her time as france's finance minister christine legarde is in court to explain her role in all betray ssion deal of two thousand and eight that resulted in the french tycoon burn our top p hundred more than four hundred
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million euros he was believed to have been close to the president nicolas sarkozy the payout seen by critics as unfair and illegal. following monday's huge tornado which route through oklahoma could be damage caused at around two billion dollars nearly thirty thousand homes were damaged by the storm which at its highest category destroyed this suburban town of moore near oklahoma city the disaster claimed as many as twenty four lives thousands of people who fled the area have been left homeless. i felt a com genetically modified food armed if you want to nestle modified health a special report now on this so-called frankenfood. all.
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