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tv   Headline News  RT  May 23, 2013 8:00am-8:30am EDT

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longdon could be staging raids across the country so on so the gruesome murder of a british soldier suspects were reportedly already known to all summer one is understood to be a twenty eight year old muslim convert. and analysts warn of more spontaneous attacks caused by the rapid spread of radical islam in london's multi-ethnic suburbs all spurred by britain's military forays abroad. often smog police stations and dozens of cars are set ablaze as of riots gripped stockholm for a false night planning out across this would have cultural. reinventing the war on terror obama prepares a major security we're branding taking in the hunger strike power lies gone tunnel
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baby and the white house's drone boards. international news and common life for moscow this is all she was me. hello and welcome to the program. recently is throwing all its resources behind an investigation into the cold blooded murder of a soldier in southeast london on wednesday the man was apparently beheaded in broad daylight by two machete wielding assailants who claims that actions were in retaliation of british military campaigns in muslim countries and also has pointed boyko joins us now live from london paulie so what's the latest from the investigation. well one of the attackers has so far been identified on internet
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forums and in the twitter sphere as a michael. he's thought to be a british citizen of nigerian descent now just to clarify his identity hasn't been formally released yet but he and the other suspects are both thought to have converted to a radical form of islam and so far they're not thought to have any links to any large terrorist cells such as al qaida or any terrorist organizations in nigeria now there have been a number of reports suggesting that these two individuals may have been on the radar of the intelligence services but that hasn't been confirmed yet david cameron was just speaking outside downing street about what took place and he's a good knowledge to these reports but he hasn't been able to confirm or deny this because of the investigation still under way now scotland yard has confirmed that the man killed yesterday was a twenty year old serving british army officer soldier and security interest
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security experts have said that they're concerned that this type of brutal attack carried out in broad daylight and seemingly by homegrown self radicalized individuals is something that they're very concerned about and something that they've been worried about taking place for quite a long time now it's not yet clear but many reports suggesting that these could have been. carrying out this attack not linked to any sort of terrorist organization and if that is the case then that presents a whole new set of problems for british intelligence because it's not clear how they were self radicalized whether they were viewing content on web sites or how were they allowed to do that how this was allowed to take place if this was in fact an act of homegrown terrorism and. all these questions are still up in the air the police investigation as i said still underway but it has
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a lot of similar similarities with the attack that took place just over a month center in boston the boston marathon involving these bombings that were carried out by the sun i have brothers also to learn wolds from what we know so far acting individually not linked to any large terrorist organization this wasn't a sophisticated plot to like the july seventh seven bombings with suicide bombers this presents a whole new set of problems for the british intelligence show and how all the police coping with the aftermath of what happened that well as i said david cameron recently spoke outside downing street saying that the british public must pull together in the face of terrorism and this will only make the public stronger he said that the only way to deal with this sort of. terrorist action is to go about your daily lives as you would normally however we do know that security has
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been heightened especially around army barracks around london because we do know is that this was a soldier that was killed so it seems to have been a targeted attack and at the same time david cameron couldn't say much about the ongoing police investigation but there have been reports that two houses allegedly belonging to the relatives of one of the suspects of michael apted bellagio have been raided one in london and one in lincolnshire so we do know that that investigation is underway in the police are working very hard to try and dispatch blest if these were people that recently converted to this radical form of islam is and how did they can but who did they know who were they talking to and who may have helped them so the police investigation definitely underway and a lot of work still going on and details yet to be released. right paula many thanks indeed for bringing us up to date and. live from london.
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before not all the daylight murder in london has seen hundreds of angry far right protesters skirmishing with police near the crime scene they chanted to muslim slogans and accuse the government of allowing a terror attack motivated by radical islam a fast reports community really in a deep sense of shock. to the gruesomeness of this killing the eyewitness accounts described two men hacking to death. and astounding video footage emerged of the other tactic place which appeared to show you the men chanting islam is slogans and saying that they carried out the attack because british soldiers were attacking with limbs every day. that said you have a. different coming. from which talk. about.
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that. certainly a lot of concern now about the ethnic tensions that could be state after this attack last night we saw a big steam is the english defense league gather here and clashes with the police say definitely some concerns about these two extreme ends of the scale and this is going to once again stake up that why did debate we have been following this story very closely ourselves after we've indeed in recent weeks met with groups in london that are considered by many to have been radicalized calling the shari'a law to be implemented in the us got to make clear that is in no way connected to the attack that took place but it certainly gave us a very clear insight into the fact that all these problems the videos that have emerged appear to show one of the alleged attack is talking to the camera from the possible and you listen to the phrase all the g. used in that we heard him say that this is because british soldiers attacked
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whistler. every day i for nine the phrase ology like this is the type of language usually associated with violent jihad it's now if it is indeed an islamic it will be the first al qaeda inspired attack to take place on british sort of the death of a bridge this isn't since the london bombings in two thousand and five and for more analysis i'm now joined live by joe glennon he's a former british soldier who refused to serve a second military tour in afghanistan your welcome to the program thank you very much for being with us here on our see you refuse to see three a second term why. because i didn't agree with the conflicts i served saw and came back and changed my position. based on what my experiences were in afghanistan and i tried to pursue my rights to become a conscience objector how would you describe your time in afghanistan how effective
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are british forces in eliminating terrorists and insurgents. but i think this is a really key point because prior to two thousand and six which is when i when we can look at two thousand and six as the real invasion of afghanistan there's almost two separate conflicts abroad to two thousand thousand and six there was there was nothing like the insurgency we see on the scale that we have seen since and in fact the presence of foreign troops created the insurgency i mean it's not an ideological argument it's simply quote a logical you can say that after that point and during the time when i was there. the insurgency escalated hugely but don't you think britain's military actions abroad directly something to keep the country safe. no i don't think so and i think what we revisit now with what's happened in which yesterday we're coming back to all humans which were made ten or twelve years ago that what we do overseas will create terrorism abroad and bring it home as well i think we've been very lucky
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that this is the first attack like this that we've seen i know there have been out of the plots and even plots which would solve soldiers so this is where i'm from and i'm for a very long time but i will do you make of a sailin excuse the british government kills muslims so we will kill british soldiers. but of course it is absolutely impossible to justify you know it's really tragic for this young man a twenty year old man's family it could well be the case that he's just passed out by sick trying and never had never been to afghanistan but will try to justify it trying to try to explain and i think you have to start with the words of the the men involved they were quite clear they were talking about muslims being killed talking about afghanistan and i think you have to take that into account and look at it seriously do you think the alleged murder is any different from the terrorists british forces are fighting abroad well it's a bit of a kind of no one question i suppose it's
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a different thing i mean i mean the trend we're seeing which which has come out now is obviously not part of the law. organization and we can see al qaida and this is been an increasing thing as a kind of franchise. radicalized or no i don't think such a thing is based on radicalized by the by the by you know imperialist operations overseas but you know we have to look at this it's in a nuanced way do you believe the government could have done anything to prevent this. well how do we know peter in afghanistan quite clearly going off all these men have said we know beat in iraq do we not paul this american project in the middle east and these killings simply would not happen. right and a former soldier her refused to serve a second military tour in afghanistan join many thanks indeed for being with us. thank you well we've also got some reaction from london's muslim community and
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dr. and a man of the oxford islamic congregation says the attack is a gruesome wake up call for the british government to stop and to rethink its foreign policy. it's not just islamic fundamentalism it's also a linkage between i believe between what tony blair did with the legal war in iraq and subsequent slavish following following of u.s. policy i mean for example there was no muslim terrorism in the united kingdom until blair went illegally into iraq and i think we need to in mid and the knowledge of that fact so i think it's important not just to blame it on islamic fundamentalism the united kingdom must look at the causes of this i think in four hours just to deal with the after effects of the slaughter in religion in london i think it's nonsense i think we need to look at what is causing this yes clearly. u.k. forces in places like. afghanistan and elsewhere and you blind support for the
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u.k. blind support for u.s. policy whether or yemen or syria where valves i think all of that we need to take stock of that we can't just expect that we. blameless. and i've got more on this story including picture is the tears and live updates from london on our web site. news today violence is once again. these are the images the world seen from the streets of canada. showing operation to rule the day i. took police stations and dozens of cars have been set ablaze during a fourth night of rioting in the swedish capital clashes between did send police broke out on sunday in the largely immigrant suburb of spain before finding out
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across poor neighborhoods the violence comes as a shock to a country with a reputation for social justice and welcoming trees on her reports now from stockholm. we see the fourth night of violence here in stockholm wednesday had been relatively quiet so we've seen community leaders out on the streets trying to stop young people from rioting from setting fire to cars and other things as you can see promotes going on just behind me once they've gone in for the evening it seems because of the people have started setting foot more fires we've seen stone stone it at the police and journalists as well this is all continuing from what we've seen start on sunday here in stockholm now it's being claimed this was all started following a police shooting of a sixty nine year old man he was killed by police officers in his apartment apparently holding a machete while he was slain by police that started the first night of violence not
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continued throughout the week here in stock and i talking to community leaders they say that one of the reasons for this is being down to unemployment. here in these particular areas i'm in the suburb of who speak which is not too far from the center of stockholm is be one of the worst hit areas by violence in recent nights. they say let's sweden's unemployment figures are actually below the e.u. average when you look at youth unemployment we're talking about the under twenty five's nearly a quarter of the swedish population are out of work and if you look at the people who are taking part in the violence that we've seen they are all very very young people in the form of the reasons why on wednesday evening it's seen by things were under control when we saw parents. religious leaders out on the streets it seems though that once they have gone to bed then the trouble has started again as violence continues to rock the swedish city. and swedish journalist ingrid carquest
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says immigrants expect too much from the country's welfare system the problem is not from the government or from the swedish people the last twenty years or so we have we have seen so many immigrants coming to sweden bedmate really doesn't like sweden they don't want to integrate they don't want to live in the society you know working in taxes and so on the people that come here now they come here because they know that sweden will give them money for nothing they don't have to work they don't have to pay taxes they can just stay here and get a lot of money and back east you know really the problem the police could do so much they have told the public that they mean to do as little as possible but they could go in there they could use you know water cannons they could do. not letting people out in the streets at night there are so many things they could do within
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the law but they don't do it. immigration policies in france lead to an even more desperate form of protest an award winning historian. culturally has been trying just to gay marriage laws commit suicide inside this symbolic not to dumb to curry cathedral that's coming up shortly. you know sometimes you see a story and it seems so you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else you hear or see some other part of it and realize that everything you thought you knew you don't know i'm target market is a big. download
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. location so choose your language stream quality and enjoy your favorite. if you're away from your television well it just doesn't matter now with your mobile device you can watch your t.v. anytime anywhere. you're watching r.t. coming to you live from moscow welcome by the view was could be facing a security policy facelift as president obama prepares a major speech on national security mass is expected to feature is gone tanabe which has been paralyzed by more than three months of mass hunger strikes well he's
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going there to check out looks not hotels may be in line for a shaky. we have a major national security speech coming up and we have a word trickling down from the administration through various news outlets that the president is going to announce the resumption of transfers of some guantanamo detainees now these sources say that in the speech we're probably not going to hear details as to when these transfers will store happening but we will presumably hear about the administration's plans to lift the ban on sending detainees to yemen the yemenis are the largest single group of prisoners at guantanamo then you have saudi and afghan nationals there as well as others there are one hundred sixty six detainees now held at guantanamo it is six have been cleared for release including fifty six who are from yemen after years of inaction injustice and indifference and after more than three months of starvation the detainees have finally got the president's attention last week the president said he was going to remain u.s. for it's to close the prison something that he probably promised to do four years
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ago the hunger strike certainly served as a push for these statements but one would argue he said that the detainees had to subject themselves to so much physical suffering to be heard after all this march and by then the hunger strike had already started critics argue that all this time the administration had the tools to release many of these men especially those who've been cleared for release but it seems that the fear is that even those who had nothing done nothing wrong and who were wrongfully captured after all they've been through a guantanamo all the humiliation they've seen the u.s. may have created enemies there so many of these men have fallen victim not just to their wrongful capture but also to u.s. politicians assumptions of what they may or may not do in the future now apart from going tunnel which the administration always pointed out it inherited from the
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previous administration the president is going to talk about his own strategy counterterrorism. his secret drone wars this wednesday the u.s. attorney general for the first time officially confirmed that u.s. drone strikes killed four american citizens including the sixteen year old son of anwar locky in yemen there was no mentioning of other countries citizens killed by u.s. drone strikes in his state of the union address president obama said the administration would get more transparent on drone operations we haven't really seen bad but we expect to hear more from him this thursday. seventeen fesa dreams he will have president obama's speech live here on alt c but has anger over gone tunnel grows worry mate has expressed his grievances using the twitter space where close to following that on our website and out twitter page at. the suicide of a far right writer inside
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a north adama cathedral in paris has led to political clashes nationalist lisa marie le pen called it a political act which should be a wake up call for france and there's a lot his testosterone their records gay rights and islamic sentiment being used to explain will grow the man to shoot himself at the altar. here already we can see the clash in the words and the positions of politicians but this is also reflected on the ground when it comes to the ordinary french citizens but the story does not end there when we talk about what happened in the another protest followed after after that a feminist activist from the theme and group had gone into the church as well into the very same place and staged her own a protest this time against a that she was not a mock suicide she has put a gun in her mouth and had a message on her chest which essentially was calling for poland quote the death of fascism now where we've also seen a massive protest a stunning from this those opposing of the bill we've seen them continuing to
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protest still planned in the future as well it's interesting to point out the social cohesion in europe is very very volatile right now considering the economic situation and even supporters of francois hollande here in france leftists who were voted for him say that the political elite here are focusing on the wrong issues and therefore this again the social cohesion is so important and the fact that there are still a substantial number of people who are voicing their opposition going into very extreme measures such as suicide it will be very hard for francois a lot and the ruling government to continue to ignore that voice of the french population. to look at some other world news headlines. at least thirteen people including eleven police officers were killed in a bomb attack in the pakistani city of quetta the taliban have claimed responsibility for the blast that targeted a police truck traveling through the city's outskirts the explosives were planted in a rickshaw and detonated remotely according to investigators sectarian violence in
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the country mainly targeting the local shia minority led to an increase in security forces earlier this year. two separate car lost her head to towns two thousand two hundred fifty kilometers apart in the rare the targeted military barracks and the town of a good day as killing at least seventeen soldiers the other hit a french owned you raney and mine in our late wounding thirteen the extremist movement for unity and your heart a south africa has claimed responsibility is being seen as revenge for new support of the french led counter insurgency in neighboring mali. seven people have been killed and over fifty wounded in overnight clashes in the lebanese city of tripoli according to medics and police the fighting between the sunni supporters of the rebels in neighboring syria and the minority of white who backed president assad started on sunday and west like this has happened before but residents say this is the fiercest so far with losses graves and machine guns used
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in the streets in. the u.s. state secretary john kerry and his british counterpart william hague have both arrived in israel for talks on restarting peace negotiations with palestine for kerry this is the fourth visit in just four months in office to praise prime minister netanyahu what he called a serious approach to the negotiations it wasn't so rosy for haig so whose arrival was made with was met with criticism from israel's intelligence minister who warned him against electric tel aviv all settlement policy is. and ahead for you our financial guru marc skies that pulls no punches on the dark side of the world's finance it.
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turns mission to teach music creation why it should care about humans. this is why you should care only. welcome to the kaiser report imax kaiser mirror mirror on the wall who's the booming stock market of the moment it's the narcissist's rally having corner the market in their own reflection the narcissist sees prices rising rising rising as the narcissist himself by. his own supply safety max yes indeed you know markets are hitting all time highs everywhere but in the united states c m b c says big reason for stock boom companies buying back stock and i
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they call it the narcissus rally i think they took it from you but they said sure there are plenty of forces pushing stocks higher record corporate earnings small investors finally buying again signs the u.s. economy may be strengthening central banks flooding the financial system with money but you may want to spare a thought and a healthy dose of worry for what is one of the biggest and least appreciated reasons for their rally buybacks oh yeah so the overall economy is doing quite poorly and earnings are not really their earnings as reported by the big four accounting firms or their cooked they cooked the books the stocks are rallying based on stock buybacks how do companies afford to buy back their own stock they borrow money from the fed it's zero percent interest rate so here it once again the zero this is an unintended consequence or intended consequence of zero percent interest rate that gives companies a way to buy back their own stock for free because they borrow money from the threat fed for free not fred but for free then they buy their own style.


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