tv Headline News RT May 23, 2013 9:00am-9:30am EDT
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police stage raids across the u.k. after the gruesome beheading of a british soldier in london both suspects were awaiting load off sorceries and one isn't this true to be a twenty eight year old muslim called black. list one of more spontaneous at times caused by the rapid spread of radicalism in london's multi-ethnic suburbs all sparked by britain's military for rays abroad. also this hour up in smoke police stations and dozens of cars are set ablaze as riots groups talk home for a false night's finding out across the swedish capital. reinventing the war on terror obama prepares a major security we're branding taking in the congress try paralyzed on time of day
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on the white house's drawing walls. this is our c coming to you live from moscow hello and welcome to the program. it's been revealed that both suspects in the cold blooded murder of a soldier in southeast london were on the raiders of british security services long before that time they allegedly beheaded their victim in broad daylight with a machete video footage shows one man describing that time as revenge for british military campaigns in muslim countries i was here with the details. well one of the attackers has so far been identified on internet forums and in the twitter sphere as a michael ad. he's thought to be
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a british citizen of nigerian descent now just to clarify his identity hasn't been formally released yet but he and the other suspects are both thought to have converted to a radical form of islam and so far they're not thought to have any links to any large terrorist cells such as al qaida or any terrorist organizations in nigeria these two individuals may have been on the radar of the intelligence services now scotland yard has confirmed that the man killed yesterday was a twenty year old serving british soldier david cameron recently spoke outside downing street saying that the british public must pull together in the face of terrorism and this will only make the public stronger he's judged that the only way to deal with this sort of terrorist action is to go about your daily lives as you would normally however we do know that security has been heightened especially around army barracks around london because we do know that this was
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a soldier that was killed so it seems to have been a targeted attack at the same time david cameron couldn't say much about the ongoing police investigation but there have been reports that two houses allegedly belonging to the relatives of one of these suspects of michael adds a bit larger have been raided one in london and one in then can share the police investigation definitely under way and a lot of work still going on and details yet to be released. and the fallout of the daylight in london has seen hundreds of angry far right protestors skirmishing with police near the crime scene they chanted on to muslim slogans under q.'s the government of allowing a terror attack motivated by a radical islam to have us reports. community really in a deep sense of shock the absolute gruesomeness of this killing the eyewitness
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accounts described two men hacking to death. and standing a video footage emerged of the other tactic place which appeared to show you the men chanting islam is slogans and saying that they carried out the attack because british soldiers were attacking muslims every day. that said your government. different from the street from which took. you from the far north but. certainly a lot of concern now about the ethnic tensions that kid the state after this attack last night we saw the extremist group the english defense league gather here and clashes with the police a definitely some concerns about these two extreme ends of the scale and this is going to once again stake up that why did the bait we have been following this story very closely ourselves after we've indeed in recent weeks met with groups in
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london considered by many to have been radicalized calling reloads to be implemented in the us got to be make clear that is in no way connected see the attack that took place it certainly gave us a very clear insight into the fact that that all these problems the video. appeared to show one of the alleged attack is talking to the camera from the possible and you listen to the phrase all the g. used in that we heard him say that this is because british soldiers attacked whistlings every day and i for nine the phrase ology like all of this is the type of language usually associated with violent jihad is now if it is indeed an islamic attack it will be the first al qaeda inspired attack to take place on british would be the death of a british citizen since the london bombings in two thousand and five. we also got some reaction from london's muslim community dr tonge ok and in the box that
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islamist islamic congregation says that is a gruesome wake up call for the british government to stop and rethink its foreign policy. it's not just islamic fundamentalism it's also a linkage between i believe between what tony blair did with the legal war in iraq and subsequent slavish following following of u.s. policy i mean for example there was no muslim terrorism in the united kingdom until blair went illegally into iraq and i think we need to in mid and of knowledge that fact so i think it's important not just to blame it on islamic fundamentalism the united kingdom must look at the causes of this i think in four hours just to deal with the after effects of the slaughter in religion in london i think it's nonsense i think we need to look at what is causing this yes clearly you are u.k. forces in places like. afghanistan and elsewhere and you blind support for the
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u.k. blind support for u.s. policy whether or yemen or syria where valves i think all of that we need to take stock of that we can't just expect that we. blameless. alleged motives of the most striking similarities to does describe by boston bombing suspect naive and to discuss the legitimacy of drawing parallels between the two attacks which happened over a month apart on opposite sides of the atlantic. so the messages of these two people we're seeing right now preceded similar in fact yes maybe a little bit surprising but if you look at them if you compare them the message that we know that came from jars their knives as well as from the killer they do boil down to just one fact and that is if you attack muslims on their soil you're bound to have those are traditions on your own soil you're bound to bear their responsibility although it may sound somewhat outrageous where the question comes
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where do they get these ideas from well it does look like actually both the brothers as well as the missionary killers may have gotten their ideas or were inspired by one web site at least one web site which exists out there and it is somewhat of a sort of a you could say periodic buyable a sort of a magazine for would be terrorists it's an online publication published in english language the mastermind behind it is said to be on the war all of a man who became the first in command and after the demise of us i want to build london it is it is reported that this publication comes from being directed by al qaeda in the arabic peninsula now what what kind of issues are kind of articles are we looking at when we're talking about this publication of well just among some of the things that is basically how to blow up buildings how to make a bomb from the pressure cooker and that actually seems to be where the brothers
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have gotten their inspiration from there's also a sort of another issue of this magazine and it's actually something that they hail is the lifestyle magazine. of muslim women and suicide bombers so really a whole plethora of ideas for would be terrorists there are available out there on the internet and they are directed at muslim men well educated living in the west and of course everything is published in the english language now of course the question arises if the authorities knew about something like this if it is known about this publication existing and if the authorities both in britain and in the united states knew or well ahead that there have there is an audience for this sort of publication if they were actually prepared or if they were watching this or not have brothers for example why didn't they do enough to prevent these attacks all of these are the questions that are still being asked unfortunately we're not getting the answers to them as of yet. every now thank you very much indeed for that report
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thank you. and former british soldier joe glanton who refused to serve a second military tour in afghanistan explained why he wouldn't. prior to two thousand and six which is when i when we can look at two thousand and six as the real invasion of afghanistan there's almost two separate conflicts abroad to two thousand thousand and six there was there was nothing like the insurgency we see on the scale that we have seen since in fact the presence of foreign troops created the insurgency i mean it's not an ideological argument it's simply quote a logical you can say that after that point and during the time when i was there. the insurgency escalated hugely but i was really tragic for this young man a twenty year old man's family it could well be the case that he's just passed out by six writing and never had never been to afghanistan but we'll try to justify we try to we try to explain that i think you have to start with the words of the men involved they were quite clear though talking about muslims being killed talking
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about gamma stone i think you have to take that into account and look at it seriously. more on this story including pictures videos and live updates from london on our website. two police stations and dozens of cars have been set ablaze during a fourth night of rioting in the swedish capital clashes between gets and police broke out on sunday and the largely immigrant suburb of has paid before finding out across porn neighborhoods violence comes as a shock to a country with a reputation for social justice and welcoming of a few trees on if i reports now from stockholm. or see the fourth night of violence here in stockholm wednesday had been relatively quiet we've seen community leaders out on the streets trying to stop young people from rioting from setting fire to cars another things you can see promotes going on just behind me once they've gone in for the evening it seems because of all of the people have started setting for
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more fires we've seen stone stone it at the place of journalists as well this is all continuing from what we've seen start on sunday here in stocco now it's being claimed this was all started following a police shooting of a sixty nine year old man he was killed by police officers in his apartment apparently holding a machete while he was slain by police that started the first night of violence not continued throughout the week here in stockholm i talking to community leaders they say that one of the reasons for this is being down to unemployment here in these particular areas i'm in the suburb of who speak which is not too far from the center of stock obviously one of the worst hit areas by violence in recent nights. they say let's although sweden's unemployment figures are actually below the e.u. average when you look at youth unemployment we're talking about the under twenty
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five's nearly a quarter of the swedish population are out of work and if you look at the people who are taking part in the violence that we've seen they are all very very young people in the that's one of the reasons why. on wednesday evening it seemed like things were under control when we saw parents. religious leaders out on the streets it seems that once they have gone to bed then the trouble has started again as violence continues to rock the swedish fifty. and gratian policies in france lead to an even more desperate form of protest and i would win a historian outraged by multiculturalism and changes to gay marriage nor was commit suicide inside the symbolic nelson down there for a cathedral asking the actual. we
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you know watching aussie welcome back this side of the far right right i inserted the noted down cascade. in paris has led to political clutches nationalist leader marine le pen called it a political act which should be a wake up call to france and as our senior reports now gay rights and islamic sentiment are all being used to explain it will grow the money to shoot himself at the altar. here already we can see the clash in the words and the positions of politicians but this is also reflected on the ground when it comes to the ordinary french citizens but the story does not end there when we talk about what happened in not another protest followed after after that a feminist activist from the theme and group had gone into the church as well into the very same place and staged her own a protest this time against a that she was not a mock suicide she has put a gun in her mouth and had
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a message on her chest which essentially was calling for quote unquote the death of fascism now where we've also seen a massive protest a stunning from this those opposing of the bill we've seen them continuing to protest still planned in the future as well it's interesting to point out the social cohesion in europe is very very volatile right now considering the economic situation and even supporters of francois hollande here in france leftists who had voted for him say that the political elite here are focusing on the wrong issues and therefore this again the social cohesion is so important and the fact that there's still a substantial number of people who are voicing their opposition going into very extreme measures such as suicide it would be very hard for francois hollande and the ruling government to continue to ignore that voice of the french population. and they've joined live by backing down who is an aide and spokesperson for nationalist marine. thank you very much indeed for joining us here at salty do you
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think this suicide is a nice related case or an indicator of how wide a french society is feeling. well i would say. she said there was a political act that's actually not saying that she understands or that she would support the way of doing things actually it was an intellectual move probably least looking like with. mission minded in japan in the seventy's in the seventy's and. probably you wanted to say that was. more than about gay marriage it was probably as well around the whole situation of the society and probably things are going to . be changes. what can we expect from the government will this suicide do anything to force the government to rethink its policies on gay rights and immigration. no i won't force anybody to do anything else is just a being a big shock. he has been labeled as for riots but when you have
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a left wing historian or intellectual dying nobody labels him as a left wing but ok this is the ruling system today. you know it's not going to change but what's going to happen is that the twenty sixth of may there's going to be massive demonstrations in france especially in paris and it's not just adults marriage same sex marriage i think it's more than that behind this messages about social problems economical problems about the european union many many things will be covering this huge demonstrations happening sunday but still is sexual orientation a good enough reason to deprive a person of basic rights. no no no the question is that what is afterwards what is afterwards is adoption of children for example and this is something which many many millions of french do not accept even homosexuals. still according to the french institute of public opinion the gay rights law has been supported by the
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majority of france since two thousand and three isn't it the government's job to listen to the larger part of the nation that. no opinion polls were changing all the time in the last ones were completely against it more than fifty percent were against it no what's important is that this law passed and should have been on the referendum because it's going way larger than the question of left or right this question was asked to be put on a referendum and they didn't want to do that and this is why there will be millions of people in the streets again. thank you very much. dan and aid and support person for marine thank you. the u.s. could be facing a security policy facelift president obama prepares a major speech on national security is expected to feature is gun time of day which has been paralyzed by more than three months of mass hunger strikes and he's going
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to try count looks not balls and else may be in line for a shake up. we have a major national security speech coming up and we have a word trickling down from the administration through various news outlets that the president is going to announce the resumption of transfers of some guantanamo detainees now these sources say that in the speech we're probably not going to hear details as to when these transfers will start happening but we will presumably hear about the administration's plans to lift the ban on sending detainees to yemen the yemenis are the largest single group of prisoners at guantanamo then you have saudi and afghan nationals there as well as others there are one hundred sixty six detainees now held at guantanamo it is six have been cleared for release including fifty six who are from yemen after years of inaction injustice and indifference and after more than three months of starvation the detainees have finally got the president's attention last week the president said he was going to renuart for it's
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to close the prison something that he probably promised to do four years ago the hunger strike certainly served as a push for these statements but one would argue it said that the detainees had to subject themselves to so much physical suffering to be heard after all this march and by then the hunger strike had already started critics argue that all this time the administration had the tools to release many of these men especially those who've been cleared for release but it seems that the fear is that even those who had nothing done nothing wrong and who were wrongfully captured after all they've been through at guantanamo all the humiliation they've seen the u.s. may have created enemies there so many of these men have. fallen victim not just to their wrongful capture but also to u.s. politicians assumptions of what they may or may not do in the future now apart from going tunnel which the administration always pointed out it inherited from the
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previous administration the president is going to talk about his own counterterrorism strategy his secret drone wars this wednesday the u.s. attorney general for the first time officially confirmed that u.s. drone strikes killed four american citizens including the sixteen year old son of anwar like in yemen there was no mentioning of other countries citizens killed by u.s. drone strikes in his state of the union address president obama said the administration would get more transparent on drone operations we haven't really seen bad but we expect to hear more from him this thursday. and let's not get more opinion on the president's plans for his security policy i'm joined live by author and historian doug valentine has written and spoken extensively on the inner workings of washington's policy is mr valentine can you hear us now oh you can probably very vaguely because there is zero zero zero zero
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zero zero zero zero another conversation going on in the background all right let me let me ask you that is how your thoughts are you explained expecting from this speech maybe comments policy changes or p.r. well i can tell you though joe. you know trying to avoid the situation in still third term still and also you the. counterterrorism in general the use of drones and the existence of guantanamo. are necessary for the defense of america that there are legal and moral jobs but. he won't say anything that damages than the and he won't say. counterterrorism. for those who are familiar with it is an aggressive form of political warfare that
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necessary to. expand that protect the american empire that it must counter terrorism as necessary to course and weaken strategic enemies and i can give you example that most of all the entire conversation about counterterrorism is designed to. actually control the american people by. enabling the expansion of government surveillance by reducing civil liberties for americans and . through propaganda the kind of propaganda that we will hear today in obama's speech by determining the political latitudes of america so so the speech will pretty much be. an exercise like a logical warfare right and what have gone tom obey why would obama to try and close it again considering how bad he looks after failing to the last time
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excuse me. i say this because i was saying can you hear us well. try to just ok let me let me ask you again what have gone time about what you think about gun tanabe why would obama vowed to try and close it again considering how bad he looked also fading to good last time well i think he's backed themselves into a corner obviously he in terms of guantanamo he he ran a campaign four years ago over four years ago to close the facility but. in a sense despite all his power as the chief executive. there are forces in the united states government in the national security state that are more powerful than him but neither the. the the aspects of the united states
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government that are there remain inaccessible to the american people the national security state the united states has long term strategies to. expand its power to solidify control one tolerable was a feature of. of those forces which have been in existence in the united states for sixty five years since the year the world war two when the united states assumed that they have to look at the world the world's superpower in its. quest for control over the whole world so i see i don't. sorry to interrupt you historian doug valentine thank you very much indeed and at seventeen thirty gems he will have president obama's speech live here on i'll see that as i get a gun time grows one a mate has expressed his grievances using the tweet us that
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and to we are closely following that in our website and out twitter page at c.n.n. to skulk. coming up here and i'll see it's time for our show prime interest. paranoia and zero tolerance policies strikes yet again the latest in a string of children being punished for making gun noises or playing with toy guns involves the son of a us marine who had the audacity as a child to use his imagination and pee pretended his pencil was a gun bang children imitate what they see in every t.v. channel and in many video games kids are going to see a lot of guns in fact the boy at that moment was admirably pretending to be just
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like his father a us marine you know guns kind of come with that job description rather than complain you all again about the obvious idiocy of zero tolerance policies against children playing let me give one suggestion to actually help fix the problem there are so many teachers and school administrators across america that i bet many of you know one of them try talking them about the madness of zero tolerance a lot of people do things just because they were told to or they never thought about it before so please dear friends try to get teachers you know to actually think about it i can complain on t.v. all day long but one conversation from a friend or relative really couldn't change many people's minds maybe but that's just my opinion.
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good afternoon and welcome to prime interest i'm perry i'm boring here in washington d.c. and here's the story that i'm keeping up with today. bubbles bubbles everywhere financial markets are becoming too buoyant according to some members of the federal open market committee as expressed in today's at the mc minutes it seems junk bonds are on the rise as investors are chasing yields beyond the zero point two percent offered by their local banks but wasn't that the point mr chairman careful what you wish for and speaking of chairman bernanke spoke today in front of congress it didn't take much to move the market when he softball the possibility of so-called tapering later in the year this would be the much anticipated wind down of quantitative easing and the fine.
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