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tv   [untitled]    May 23, 2013 8:01pm-11:00pm EDT

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it's thursday may twenty third at eight pm in washington d.c. lopez and you are watching r t. well president obama delivered an important counterterrorism speech at the national defense university in washington d.c. today the speech comes at a time when the public as well as lawmakers are questioning the tactics that the obama administration has continually used on the ongoing war on terror those tactics include the president's drone policy as well as indefinite detention so did anything new come from today's speech tell me break it all down i was joined earlier by political commentator sam sachs and human rights lawyer david remes david began by talking about what we learned from today's speech well i can't speak as an expert to everything he spoke on but i don't think that we got very much new from him on guantanamo it was disappointing that he endorsed indefinite detention it was disappointing that he said he'd go back and rework you the yemenis to send home and most of all it's disappointing that he can to news to blame congress for
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his inability to transfer detainees back to their home countries or third countries he simply isn't willing to show the kind of political leadership that's required president obama addressed several issues through this hour long speech that he gave today let's play a part of what he said about guantanamo bay since we're talking about it and given my administration's relentless pursuit of al qaida leadership there is no one justification beyond politics for congress to prevent us from closing a facility that it should should have never been open. today. so sam he laid out several plans of action when it comes to guantanamo bay what did we learn what are his plans moving forward and you're right i don't think we learn much new he he basically brought everything back to square one he made up the
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ground that he had lost over the last few years as far as lifting the transfer ban to yemen he put the transfer ban on you know in two thousand and ten. as far as bringing in you know setting up military tribunals in the united states this is stuff he's already proposed he has backtracked from his promise in two thousand and seven rallies in two thousand he was running for president and now he seems to be trying to make up some of the lost ground he's made in the last few years but nothing really significantly new to move it forward to close. the president is not being truthful when he says that congress is preventing him from doing it congress gave him an out with a national security waiver to do that to start releasing some of these guantanamo prisoners and he's chosen not to do that whether it's because of the he's afraid of the political consequences of that or whatever he's chosen not to do it in our congress now at the same time david the president did make it seem like his will is that the whim of congress he really made it seem as if his hands are tied when up on comes to guantanamo bay what do you make of this i believe that he's justifying
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his lack of action on guantanamo he does have the authority under a national security waiver provision of the relevant law to transfer detainees when he believes that it serves the national security interests of the united states to do so clearly it does with respect to these detainees including the yemenis one only has to look at the effect that it has on our international standing and the goodwill or lack of it in the muslim and arab world to see why it would be in our interest to send them home and he did say that under president bush some five hundred ninety eight people were actually transferred but when it comes to his administration he started with i think sixty seven before congress reined in on him and actually stop that from happening so sam what about the idea of the people that he says we cannot prosecute he talked about the people who we just don't have evidence against people who the evidence against him has been compromised or is inadmissible in court today saying we actually planned on addressing that no not at
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all i mean he basically alluded to this military tribunal process and of course a lot of these people the evidence against them was was obtained. through either torture or enhanced interrogation or whatever sort of coercion that would be permissible in court i believe he said something vague like once we begin the process then all these other things will be worked out as far as these other other prisoners go but i mean really this is a giant question mark. what to do with these individuals and it's a mess that you know has been created out of creating guantanamo i mean it was supposed to be this kind of legal netherworld in cuba there in guantanamo bay and now it's coming back to bite as eleven years later we still don't have any idea what to do with these individuals and the problem is that oftentimes it seems these days that we are weighing the idea of putting people indefinitely in detention we're says the idea of killing them with drones it really seems like it's one or the other and the way that president obama and others have put it out so let's talk
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about drones president obama says that he uses them as a last resort and that congress agrees to each and every single attack that he has used against drugs that they're just a necessary tool of war let's take a listen to what he had to say in further detail for the record i do not believe it would be constitutional for the government to target and kill any u.s. citizen with a drone or with a shotgun without due process nor should any president deploy armed drones over u.s. soil. now sam at the same time he was speaking about anwar al hakim before he said that he said yes one somebody leaves the u.s. and they become an imminent threat then yes it's ok do you see a dichotomy here it was at home it was a clear swipe at rand paul and other conservatives who kind of made a bit of an absurd issue that drones are going to start striking people and that's it's going to but he really believes that's going to happen but it's distracting
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from the major issue and that is that drones are killing innocent people around the world and also radicalizing populations all around the world and he mentioned an oral aki and he devoted significant amount of time in his speech to talking about wonder what circumstances he was targeted the process he went to to target anwar a lot here which shows that you know the white house is listening to a lot of people who are bringing up these concerns especially about an oral aki and you had mentioned civilian deaths of the obviously this is a huge part of it but he did say that civilian deaths come with any part of a war and that if you compare it to history he says that drones cause a much fewer deaths than say what's on afghanistan in iraq and in vietnam a significantly fewer david can you talk about that yes i am against drones for the reason that many people are for them it makes it easier to engage in war it makes it cheaper it surely decreases civilian deaths over what they would otherwise be if
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we were dropping bombs on them as we didn't viet nam that's the appeal of drones it still raises the moral question of whether or not we should be targeting people with drones. and the president did lay out this new presidential policy guideline in his speech something he said he signed yesterday and it's unclear whether or not this is a real policy shift from the last few years to moving forward and we do know that drone strikes are down around the world since two thousand and ten. whether that's because we've taken out a bunch of targets and don't have as many targets is that we need to. whether it's a result of sort of a new policy that wants to take kind of greater clear not. inflicting civilian casualties there remains to be seen but you know there could be news moving forward if that's the case if they are going to try and. you know strengthen these guidelines over over drone strikes so as political commentator sam sacks and david
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remes he's a human rights attorney. and as you may have noticed president obama's speech wasn't just a one sided affair his speech was paused multiple times by code pink founder medea benjamin who shouted out to literally stopping the president in his place and forcing him to respond medea was demanding answers for the drone strikes on four american citizens as well as the end to guantanamo bay she is a well known antiwar protester in d.c. and around the world earlier today medea benjamin herself joined us to talk about why she couldn't remain silent during the president's speech i first asked her how she got into that speech in the first place oh that's actually something i can't reveal ok did anything the president just say i have. let's just say i have friends on the inside. good now you have protested time and again at different places they say the president say today i inspire you or change your mind about anything.
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i thought it was positive that he said that he was going to lift the self-imposed ban i and allow yemenis from guantanamo to be returned to yemen and i think it was good that he acknowledged that the drone strikes have created a lot of animosity against the united states around the world but he didn't do enough certainly to satisfy those of us who want to see the u.s. live in a much more peaceful way around the world media the president made a lot of promises today talking about that self-imposed ban with yemen talking about drone strikes on civilians and talking about the u.s. and its counterterrorism offer after offer of moving forward and what it's planning on doing how do you feel just overall about the general this in this speech i thought it was a lot of nice words but very little by way of concrete changes for example it had been predicted by the media supposedly coming from the white house that the
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president was going to announce this is cia was no longer going to be having its own drones they would be in the hands of the military it was rumored that he would announce an end to signature strikes where people are killed just on the basis of suspicious behavior those were not brought up he certainly did not acknowledge and apologize and then offer compensation to the families of innocent people whose lives that we have taken and on the case of guantanamo i find it very frustrating he continues to blame congress for something that he can do as commander in chief which is release the eighty six prisoners who have been cleared for release immediately and close the facility to him in guantanamo now mandia you have been one of the people that stood up and was speaking out against the president he actually paused and listened to what you had to say let's take a look at that. so it's really that's a good way to gauge the to the strike yes thank you oh my goodness is
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a member you're are you going to win this case i'm about to do it man let me do it oh why don't you want to see me. want to just sit around and i will tell you right out of it that fifty. or so president obama went on to say that here you are specs you are for first amendment rights here for right to free speech and also that he respects their opinions that people should be listening to you does that give you hope that he was in fact listening to you i think of the fact that he made this speech today is because he's feeling pressure from people like myself there is quite a protest movement around the world against both the killer drone policies and the indefinite detention in guantanamo but i think that i think rather than respect for my opinion i would much rather hear a respect for the policies that i and so many others are advocating that are really just basically saying the u.s. should abide by the rule of law by the geneva convention and obviously you have
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been at lots of protests as i have mentioned before both in d.c. and around the world now president obama did not have you immediately escorted out of this speech did not mean anything to you did it is it any different than how you've been approached unhandled in other places that you've protested well you might not have seen that there were many people trying to drag me out but i was refusing to go and i think it would have been embarrassing to create a bigger scene there for the president so yes it was nice that i had a longer time to be there a chance to really interact with the president and i hope that he will take to heart the things that i was saying medea benjamin co-founder of copayment thank you so much thanks for having me on. well to quote madonna we live in a material world and in this material world just about anything is for sale today's technology has opened the door to
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a whole new realm of gadgets and gizmos for the savvy consumer even if those things infringe on the privacy of others drones are not only for the u.s. military anymore you too can own a drone if the price is right and the regulations on these machines are relatively few for consumers r t correspondent margaret how when shopping for drones and she tells us what consumers can buy and where they can fly them. we've heard a lot of the news lately about drones specifically those used in signature strikes to kill from the year or those used by the military and law enforcement or surveillance one thing we haven't heard is how to get your hands on one what drugs are available for purchase and just what are the options for purchase in the private drew market. i'm setting out today to buy a drone but not just any drone a non weaponized drone with aerial surveillance capability were also my looking but e-bay of course so let's find out how much they're going for. that's a look at this store and this one says that it's thirty two ninety nine and it does
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have a camera your personal aerial surveillance drone isn't summer sale comes with night vision and remote aerial filming this drone is a lecture coward a great feature and goes up to twenty miles an hour flying a quarter mile high in the air yep that looks like a winner all the searching and i wanted to make sure it was legal to fly exactly where i wanted to find out just where i could use my drone i asked a mystic surveillance drone expert a beast upon of it so can a private citizen fly a surveillance drone over new york you can as long as you're flying it within certain guidelines produced by hobby organizations you'd be classified as a drone hobbyist and you could buy it anywhere over the city that you'd like to well what about washington in washington d.c. there are actually special restrictions on flight restrictions so you wouldn't be able to fly it within the district is it legal to fly over my neighbor's apartment or backyard in any given state you're going to have different trespass laws right
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now it's pretty clear that the air space directly over your property so right next to your house belongs to you what about a nuclear facility if you're using special equipment to capture trade secret information you might have some other issues well the rules of owning and operating a drone for fun maybe unclear what is for certain you don't have to be a military man or a special agent to operate a u.a.b. if you have a computer and some money you can be a drone pilot too in washington margaret howell r.t. . on now to the story of a chechen immigrant who was shot to death in florida by the f.b.i. twenty seven year old even talaash of was being questioned by the f.b.i. and local authorities about a triple homicide that happened back in two thousand and eleven it is the same a triple homicide that authorities believe may have been connected to the boston marathon bomber tom our lawns are live federal law enforcement agents say the man. attacked and stabbed an f.b.i.
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agent during the questioning that's when law enforcement officers opened fire killing to lash if not to have been the older brother were actually friends from mixed martial arts training authorities say that was not a suspected accomplice in the boston bombings for more on this case and the law enforcement actions in the moments that led up to the suspects death i was joined earlier by. associate law professor at texas wesleyan university and she provided more insight into who was. well he seems to have been to sociate it's unclear whether he was a close friend or just. a far the older brother between were involved in boxing or martial arts movies and use the boss noon. to three order for reasons that are unclear so the we had that in common then the news movement reported that. he was
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a suspect and appeared to be about to sign a confession about a triple slaying they're going to burn in boston that appeared to be perhaps a gone wrong it's unclear details are other than will be people were killed and they were found the way of marijuana going on and why it's so also had a few incidents where interactions with law enforcement in a month before. he had an altercation in a parking lot where the father and son will be is that he thought their son in the cause of being unconscious in. a minute going to the hospital so. mystery was a bit checker in terms of use of force so let's talk about what happened after that once the f.b.i. officers got into that house and started questioning him first of all as you said he had a history of violence has been arrested before second of all he's
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a professional mixed martial arts expert do you think that enough precautions were taken in order to question this man or could there have been some more precautions that could have avoided a violent outcome like this. well we know very little about what happened. as we're only a source of information is the f.b.i. and presumably it's not in their self-interest more of you know too much information you can since there is now an investigation into this. because this could possibly be a case of excessive force in violation of things prosecution rights so the question is why did the officer need to use their force reach general lee something of last resort and principle. whether they actually will or that it was necessary so. that the person if he had for example.
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brought a gun and was about to be officer of a gun the officer if he was about to be killed or shot you could shoot back out of necessity that would probably be considered a reasonable use of force as opposed to excessive use of force but it's unclear whether he in fact had never really know once of the people the gun but there was some media talk about whether he will knife but when the f.b.i. tracked the bad incident we want more exactly what happened so there is certainly question as to whether shooting him was the use of excessive force because even if it were an example if he had punched the officer it's not common or it could possibly be reasonable in unnecessary to shoot someone to you in defense of being punched hugely or supposed incident so hard as we really don't have that much time left there was a few people that actually came out and said that he might have stabbed officer that that officer might have a sustained injuries and event and the hospital but none of them were life
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threatening but now that the suspect is dead what what happens now what can we possibly learn that he could have revealed in the future. well he said he knew about the boston bombing if we put the intelligent force into the sense they even if he didn't directly about the boston bombing he may have known about other associates of the older brother. so i think you certainly a lot of the. students. were even you knew. but also there's just a concern as to whether or not. some students in forth in whether or not this is it's not the will. of someone else that was ever so horace's associate law professor at texas was land university thank you so much for that analysis. to louisiana now we're state legislators are getting tough on guns but not on the
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people who own them rather they are cracking down on the journalists and bloggers who publish information on who owns a gun house bill eight was approved thirty three to two and it penalizes the release of concealed handgun permit information the bill says quote it shall be unlawful for any person other than an employee of the department of public safety and corrections or a law enforcement officer to release disseminate or make public in any manner any information contained in an application for a concealed handgun permit or any information regarding the identity of any person who apply for or receive a concealed handgun permit issued under this new legislation of publishing this information will result in a ten thousand dollars fine and up to six months and jail police officers who share this information will with someone who might publish it could also face up to five hundred dollars in fines and six months in jail now all this comes during a contentious time in the u.s.
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the newtown elementary school shooting spurred so much debate and demands for stricter gun control laws in the wake of that tragedy and number of publications released information about gun holders in their state new york so the journal news website took that one step farther they published an interactive google map that allowed the readers to see the names and addresses of all westchester and rockland county residents meanwhile in march a louisiana judd. ruled that a new state statute for bidding certain felons from possessing firearms is unconstitutional that issue is now heading to the state supreme court so soon felons might be able to own firearms but it's the journalists that apparently hole the smoking gun. while he was a private first class who found a way to leak hundreds of thousands of classified documents to wiki leaks it was the biggest document drop in american history but this whole high profile case has been shrouded in secrecy with military court loopholes and redacted documents
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keeping the details scarce and the defense silent now a group of reporters along with wiki leaks founder julian assange have filed a joint complaint over the way the government is handling the military tribunal of bradley manning they argue that the judge and prosecution are violating their first amendment rights by keeping the majority of the court proceedings are secret the complaint says quote these violations are particularly egregious in light of the first amendment's mandate that even temporary deprivations of the rights of public access constitutes irreparable harm and given the supreme court's frequent pronouncements that openness promotes not just public confidence in the criminal process but also accuracy in fact finding and ultimate outcomes the first amendment thus demands contemporaneous access to documents and proceedings in courts in courts martial while the proceedings are taking place the plaintiffs include julian assange guardian columnist glenn greenwald democracy now host amy goodman and the
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nation magazine and the center for constitutional rights the group filed a similar lawsuit last year that was shot down by the u.s. court of appeals of armed forces bradley manning's trial is slated to begin on june third he faces a possible life sentencing for allegedly leaking seven hundred thousand sensitive military documents to wiki leaks. well in the earlier days of occupy wall street tent camps popped up in numerous cities across the country it was a constant physical reminder of the government restructuring that these people demanded but one by one city governments began evicting the occupants and clearing the camps claiming that these places were becoming a health hazard the residents laurie harvest gives us her thoughts on why that might not have been the case.
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this story might come as no surprise to you but it still might give you that special satisfaction that comes when your suspicions are proven right new documents obtained by the partnership for civil justice fund or p.c. j asked prove that the is vision of the occupy portland protesters from their encampment was just about politics and bowing to the business shocker i know that the city of portland said they kicked out protesters from where they had set up camp in terry shrunk plaza off the name because of health and safety concerns they made it seem as if the protesters were somehow posing a hazard to the city and that's why law enforcement had to kick them out of the documents the p.c. j f obtained from the department of homeland security's federal protective service
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prove that no actually the eviction wasn't really about health and safety at all instead the eviction was more about politics and protecting business interests through the document it is clear that law enforcement undeniably took direction from what they called politicos in terms of how and when to evict even though officers on the scene admitted that the demonstration was peaceful the documents show how law enforcement and the mayor's office met to discuss shutting down the camp meant because the business community and police wanted the protesters to just go away even the owners of terry strong quads that they were hesitant to just yank protesters out of the park without thousand phase. safety or health concerns the documents show how frustrated the department of justice was with this and how the property owner finally caved and kicked the protesters out only after significant
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pressure was applied when they were fused to set up a fence around their own property to prevent protesters from regrouping this city went ahead and did it on it so. the documents obtained by the p.c. j f total more than two hundred pages and show how law enforcement across the country not just in portland broke up occupy movements because businesses wanted them out of there and of course for political reasons so there are suspicions were right now when you try to convince your naive friends that occupy camps were squashed often for no valid legal reason whatsoever you'll have proof to back it up don't you feel better now yeah neither tonight let's talk about that by following me on twitter at the resident.
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all right well that's going to do it for tonight but for more on the stories we covered go to youtube dot com slash r.t. america check out our website are two dot com and follow me on twitter at meghan underscore lopez for now have a great night. the. time of the new alert animation scared me a little bit. there is breaking news tonight and we are continuing to follow the breaking news. alexander's family cry tears of. things out there that had. been found and there's a story made for movies playing out in real life. well
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lived. out of sight but still on our minds still exceeds the norm let's try to live smarter with smartphones you never know what some people are hiding things can be sure to prove delta the molecular level learned what the doctor ordered is all things based on secrets under our skin let the shine the light on a kid in
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a world. we've got the future.
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that afternoon welcome to prime interest i'm perry i'm boring here in washington d.c. and here is the headlines that i've been talking today. well it's good news for homeowners because home prices are up as according to two reports a day with which both to beat expectations and good news for chairman bernanke it looks like five years of pushing on a string have morphed into a q a bullet train but how long will this last we've previously reported this week that the foreclosure pipeline has been stalled or thanks to new guidance from the fed and the c.d.c. and today we'll talk to matthew o'brien about some creative legal or turn it is for homeowners facing foreclosure also prime interest producer adjusting underhill covers the recent housing protest here in d.c. and expose of several heart wrenching stories about predatory lending and just days after the shareholder referendum on jamie diamond let him keep his top spot on the board of j.p. morgan is going on the often they are already for enforcement action against the
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bank for human resulting from alleged anti money laundering violations and risk management issues from the one did. well debacle now in response j.p. morgan is diverting hundreds of people to its oversight and control group and cutting costs from several new programs that were just wondering and mark your calendar on the day that it happened exactly when it gave you are going to hire top shadow regulator problem for a financial group to rubber stamp its initiatives and finally according to the wall street journal the world is running out of u.s. treasury bonds. you might think that's an extraordinary claim considering the trillion dollar deficit but the forty five billion dollars per month purchases by the bad are moving at the order of quadrille for the shadow banking system hedge funds are banks. and hedge funds and they traded treasury securities for cash and the process continues thanks to rehab propagation now love it or hate it greece is
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the way all the wheels of our modern financial system and the fed is siphoning the great times were unintended consequences. all right here's what's in your prime interest. this week hundreds of activists and homeowners gathered outside the department of justice demanding accountability for the wrongful foreclosures that have occurred since the financial crisis of two thousand and eight now in a recent settlement between the federal reserve and the office of the controller of the currency and the major financial institutions homeowners receive just
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a penny on the dollars for the illegal foreclosure activity or banking errors prime interest producer adjusting underhill. has done a full report and here is what she has. say. in two thousand and twelve and hames mother of three lost her home to foreclosure this is not just it's like oh it's where we my kids grow up this isn't just a property this is our home this is where i raise my children they told me to get to become default on the loan and that i could do a modification but five days after the modification was submitted based to the sheriff's sale and the foreclosure process has begun her mortgage lender u.s. bank had stopped the loan modification process because they sent the wrong application and went ahead with foreclosure. and haynes is not alone this week hundreds of activists and victims of wrongful for closure rallied outside the department of justice but he was a banker and he was
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a first feeling our home. state was a and our livelihood. there's not been single criminal action against those responsible for the predatory lending and wrongful addictions ok. and protesters stood ready to risk arrest to gain the attention of the department of justice by may do everything it can i can lose going to going to jail i'm fine with over two dozen people went to jail. in two thousand and nine and two thousand and ten eleven leading financial institutions foreclosed on almost one point two million borrowers many of whom were not in default or were in mortgage modification programs in two thousand and eleven the government ordered banks to hire independent consultants to determine how many foreclosures were illegal however according to the government accountability office the methodology was flawed and their independence has come into question in one case consultants were reportedly given gift cards of up to
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five hundred dollars for completing a certain number of files quickly last january rather than continue the costly review process. they agreed upon a settlement of three point six billion dollars to be distributed to the nearly four million homeowners the consultants were paid over two billion dollars or over twenty thousand dollars per file well the average homeowner only received three hundred dollars in the deal my mother who who almost lost her home to a fraudulent foreclosure she got a settlement check of three hundred dollars after six months of excruciating stress and anxiety about whether we would lose the home that i grew up in and the regulators may not provide homeowners who may want to sue the banks the evidence of misconduct they discovered during the reviewers will you be giving them the information that's in your possession about how the banks illegally foreclosed against them mr ashton i think that's a decision that we're still considering we haven't made a final decision yet so you have made a decision to protect the banks but not
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a decision to tell the families who were illegally foreclosed against people like and haynes and her family have been devastated by the wrongful foreclosure process at the hands of the very same banks that were bailed out by taxpayer funds. but they are neither bailouts nor justice for these families the acts of disobedience outside the department of justice speaks volumes but will it be loud enough to be heard by those who can make changes behind the closed doors in washington just you know under our. thanks to a stand now in response to close doors i now to talk about revolving doors so many judd gregg he was just named c.e.o. of the securities industry and financial markets association which is a law wall street lobbying powerhouse so it might represent over six hundred fifty securities firms banks and asset managers and they pay their executives multimillion dollar salaries they've been described as a very important very trade group for a lot of very wealthy firms so explain how we got here take
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a step back and look at his past who were appalling door. judd gregg has a strong background in politics he started his career in the u.s. house of representatives where he served from one thousand nine hundred eighty eight to one nine hundred eighty seven he then ran for governor of new hampshire and held that seat for two terms in one thousand nine hundred three he ran on the republican ticket and served for three terms in the united states senate now while in the senate judd gregg played some key roles and implementing policies ported by largest financial institutions during the two thousand and eight financial crisis senator gregg was the leading the go shader and tarp which was the controversial bill with originally authorized seven hundred billion dollars of taxpayer funds to
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bail out the financial system he was also an outspoken critic of efforts to rein in and regulate the financial institutions when he first came to the senate he claimed to be a fiscal hawk but he stood by his position to funnel money to the banking system and defended his work and helping pass tarp. i have to be honest i actually think doing tarp was the most significant thing that's happened in the last five to ten years we were on the verge of a cataclysmic event and if we had deployed as a government and done in a bipartisan way very aggressively in a very short timeframe the trauma of which this country and the world would have been put through as our banking system melted down and the main street meltdown would have been extraordinary now what he didn't mention is that he had a multibillion dollar stake and bank of america at the same time as chairman of the budget committee he spearheaded efforts to confirm ben bernanke second term as
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chairman of the federal reserve he released a statement saying that bernanke he is the right leader to guide the federal reserve and the recovering economy he also came close to entering the executive branch and ninety two thousand and nine when president obama nominated this republican to be a member of his cabinet as the secretary of commerce he ended up not accepting the position i mean left the senate soon after for something much more lucrative now in two thousand and eleven and he cashed out and became a goldman sachs international advisor the bank's c.e.o. said greg's experience and insight will contribute significantly to our firm from there judd gregg made a leap in his career and he's now the c.e.o. of their goal is overcoming the stigma of the financial industries stranglehold over america and they spent over five million dollars on lobbying efforts last year alone we're sure mr gregg have plenty of insight to share with as he's been through the valving door and made out quite well. well stay tuned because i've next
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we're going to discuss the end of an hour of how a train ride foreclosure process with matthew o'bryant them crime and just producer bob inglis and i will go over the sea at the that's right and gary gensler we're coming for you will be right back. little. are live. if you're. going to take three hours for charging three. three. three. three.
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download free blanquita cullum video for your media project a free media oh don carty dot com. now if you think the robo signing debacle was
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a scandal and you'll be very interested and. my next guest has to say brian is an expert real estate attorney who after freddie mac. to be a foreclosure defense attorney he says the real scandal is behind the foreclosure firms that have shoddy work for the g.s.t. and wrongfully are closed on many homeowners having work on both sides mr o'brien has a lot of insight into the foreclosure process why i spoke with him earlier i asked about there's any circumstances in which you would not have to pay your mortgage. homeowners still responsible to pay their mortgage unless they decide to you know fight it now in many times i might recommend the homeowner stop paying their mortgage under under many scenarios for example if the homeowner wants to get a modification especially under the hamp program which is the home affordable modification program that was created to refinance these loans they need to be missing a few payments before they're even eligible now it's interesting that you bring up
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the chain of title because that's actually a really relevant issue today in the four foreclosure process a sensually you know these banks are buying and selling the notes in the mortgages so many times they're securitizing them into bundles and you know now they're trying to foreclose on them all every time one of these mortgages has been bought and sold a document called an assignment of mortgage is supposed to be generated signed and recorded by the. buying and selling entities if if there's a break in one of those documents and any of the previous buyers are settles sellers you're going to have an incomplete chain of title and that could give rise you know to an action to potentially try to wipe out the mortgage with a good attorney so if you're a well known if not one that qualifies for wiping out the mortgage which you stated are there any other benefits to hiring a foreclosure defense attorney such as yourself. there are you know one of the
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other main benefits of hiring a foreclosure. attorney unfortunately the bar rules don't allow attorneys to advertise this but i know many that still still do which is you know if you have no attorney the uncontested process meaning a process without an attorney right now can be done as quickly as ninety to one hundred twenty days and then you're out of the house just by virtue of having an attorney even if it's not a good attorney and he files you know one documents. that foreclosure automatically goes to the bottom of the pile and in my experience just by having a foreclosure attorney file some of these documents it could delay the foreclosure process substantially i've seen ones go as long as three four even five years and you know you're paying this attorney maybe seven thousand nine hundred thousand one thousand a year but in the meantime you're not paying your mortgage you're not paying your property taxes you don't have to move out you don't have to rent a new home or buy
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a new home all of those activities are more expensive than just paying the defense attorney to really stall the process and in the meantime you know the homeowner i've seen homeowners have been able to save up money to where they're finally evicted from the home they've saved so much they're able to buy a new one and are basically made whole and in the same position they were prior to the foreclosure that is hiring an attorney and you know you can start the process by being put at the bottom of the pile to get the rio a court but if we do find that the documents are faulty and what is the process that the homeowner have to go through to wipe out their mortgage. so one of the new the new developments in foreclosure defense law. has to do with something called quiet title motions quiet tile motions or essentially motions made by a defense attorney to wipe out the mortgage it's a very aggressive strategy whereas normally foreclosure defense is
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a defensive strategy and is very reactive. verses the quiet tidal motions which are proactive in a quiet title action if it's successful the homeowner can end up with the mortgage wiped out which leaves the note but the note without a mortgage securing the land is basically unsecured debt it's almost like a credit card debts where you could settle it for pennies on the dollar or just in bankruptcy all together so you know if you can get the mortgage discharged through a quiet title motion and just have a no it's. a lot better position to be able to keep that home no matter what at that point and are we finding that the banks are quicker to fado and if situation. recently over the past year we have so one defense attorneys have been filing these quiet title motions the first step the bank takes is a motion to dismiss that action. if they lose that action the motion gets set for
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trial i really haven't seen many or even any of all and yet all of those cases go to trial because the banks you know first of all don't have a very strong legal argument the statutes in the laws go against them there are only argument as public policy and public interest that is it's in the best public it's in the public interest or public policy to allow the banks to take back the houses and it would be against the public interest for them not now on the chain from strongs weak legal arguments strong arguments in statutes and case law the bank's argument of public policy and public interest is one of the weakest legal arguments you can have and since they know that argument is weak you know they would prefer to settle rather than lose and one of the big reasons they'd rather settled and lose just one individual case is losing a case can set major court precedent precedent which could be used in laser later cases you know furthermore such
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a judgment you know. would be would go to the media who would then advertise the fact that the banks you know could be in a lot of trouble that all these mortgages can be attacked and they want to keep that little secret you know they want the only people to know about the fact that you can potentially wipe the mortgage out or the foreclosure defense attorneys that's why they settle in so many instances because they just don't want to court precedent and they don't want you know negative media coverage of such an event well let's try to expose that right now is very interesting that the banks don't want to set a precedent and they don't want people to know that their mortgages can be wiped out if they made a mistake so how many faulty mortgages are how we bought the foreclosure is do you think are out there and could potentially be in this category you know it's interesting that you asked that i saw a report by the office of the assessor or recorder in san francisco he said that ninety nine percent of all foreclosures have at least one year regularity and
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eighty four percent of those are faulty or illegal now i personally believe that number to be a little inflated in my personal opinion i would say somewhere between twenty and thirty five percent of the loans written between two thousand and two and two thousand and eight you know are going to contain a lot of these faulty documents especially ones where the homeowner's loan has been transferred to the mers mortgage large trunk registration system if you see a transfer demurs it's a big red flag that there's going to be potentially mistakes in the foreclosure i think we're going to do a whole other side just on mars but real quickly i wanted to get to one more question are there any other negative consequences that homeowners should be on the lookout for if their home is being foreclosed on or if it's going to be sold in a short sale besides the fact that they're you know taking credit and losing their
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home. well you identified two of the big issues you know there are going to lose their home and a lot of times you know that credit his negative although you know many times they don't have much credit to begin with so it's not a big issue for them the real big issue that they need to understand especially in a short sale because you can prevent this in a short sale by requesting you know those clauses be removed from the short sale contracts is you've got to look for the deficiency judgment and what many people don't know whether they're being foreclosed on because they can't afford the home or they're being foreclosed on because their home is underwater and they don't think it's financially responsible to continue paying it they still could be responsible at a future date for deficiency judgment now what a deficiency judgment is is you have a the mortgage has a price associated with it's the price of the mortgage out at let's say you take a home for four hundred thousand dollars mortgage the bank takes back the home and
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the bank is only able to sell the home for two hundred thousand dollars or the fair market value is only two hundred thousand dollars at that time technically the homeowner is still liable and on the hook for the difference of the two on two thousand dollars it's not wildly advertise it's not widely known and it's not widely enforced right now but if we get into a situation where the economy starts getting better people are getting jobs unemployment goes down and people start acquiring assets and having money you're going to see a lot of debt collectors are going to the banks selling these deficiency judgments to debt collectors for pennies on the dollar and people are going to try to collect the deficiency which mean you know what the mortgage was originally bought for and what the house was sold for by the bank and that could be a substantial amount of money and while you might not be able to prevent that in a completed foreclosure if you do have a short sale of the home you want to try to get your attorney to remove any deficiency judgment language or include. language that will remove any deficiency
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judgments to protect you in the future if the homeowner later has more money or more assets. remember to have your deficiency it doesn't waved in a short sale it was real estate attorney matthew o'brien. it's time for the day we do all this is. ready yes i'm ready now you remember m.f. global right i remember better than the alamo of course i do but maybe the viewers don't so all right so just over a year and a half ago medium sized future brokers and history futures broker headed by former new jersey senator and governor john corrigan and announced that it was missing
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a one point six billion dollars in customers money and then filed for bankruptcy and here is a travesty of the bankruptcy and liquidation process and there are actually two concurrent events the parent holding company went through chapter eleven bankruptcy and the broker unit where the customer funds were went through a securities liquidation the liquidation for securities firm the c.r.t.c. was kind of an absentee landlord in this whole bit which was unfortunate and i guess some senators were asking questions in the sea of d.c. has no responded right wilson or shall we ask for an explanation of why the c. f.t.c. had gary gensler recused himself and the early days following the bankruptcy now here is what we gathered from the c. f.t.c. the office of inspector general they said that the general counsel and designated agency ethics officer instructed that there was no need to recuse given the fact that there was neither a financial conflict nor an appearance problem yes and the important point to
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stress here why would gary. gensler be ques themselves well he used to work at goldman sachs along with john corazon john corazon was his boss when he was c.e.o. of the firm in the late ninety's and poor gary gensler he just didn't want to do the job apparently to protect the futures industry's customers so according to this report he didn't actually have to recuse himself but there's another line here that we have talked about the revolving door. so he way the chairman's decision to issue a nonparticipation statement ran counter to specific advice on the matter and this regards the same thing that we're talking about basically gary gensler did not have to recuse himself which is unfortunate because like i said the customers were thrown into disarray people had positions on in the futures markets and they did not know what to do with themselves and there were a couple other things that we found to have very few of those out but then this is the also required m.f. global center go i reviewed by an independent consulting firm in two thousand and
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nine that all meant guess who this is going to give you one guess because we only we only cover one shadow regulator on the show and i'm the only one person and could be a prominent financial of course and she was instrumental in overseeing an overhaul of global's risk control policies they signed off of it the whole day over stepped in march two thousand and ten only a year and a half later guess what john corazon blew up m.f. global good job and tory one point six billion dollars in missing customer funds because they were keeping their ledgers on an excel spreadsheet and how much how much of a debacle. well it will have to get to that in another show so that said for a member of the global thanks bob.
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it was the best of times and the worst of times on prime interest today matthew o'brien had some wisdom to share with those being wrongfully foreclosed on and our very own justin underhill was and has a tent to explore the foolishness of predatory lending nor is it hard to believe how judd gregg revolve from senator to goldman to sephora we were just slightly incredulous when we learned of the world was running out of treasury debt and we felt the need to shine a light on very young players and that the m.f. global saga must our viewers fall into the wonder of despair finally j.p. morgan is apparently still in the spring of hope and attempts to get ahead of regulatory purgatory in the noisy authorities on the street for us time to sign off on a superlative tale thanks for watching and come back tomorrow and be sure to follow us on facebook at facebook dot com slash i'm interested from all of us that prime interest i'm sorry and boring
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a great night. well . out of sight but still on our minds. let's try to live smarter smartphones you never know what some people are hiding and can be sure to prove to the molecular level that what the doctor ordered is often based on secrets under our skin let us shine the light on
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a kid in world. of. the future. you live on one hundred thirty three bucks a month so food i should try it because you know how fabulous bad luck i got so. i mean. i know that i'm still really messed up. in the old story so actually. it's. worse for the little thing the white house or the. radio guy or. the. local are about to produce never seen anything like this until. what is up i'm having martin and this is breaking the set so a heinous attack took place in south london yesterday in which two men ran over and
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subsequently beheaded a young british soldier with a cleaver in the midst of the crime one of the attackers approached a camera recording the incident and told onlookers he was doing this is a vengeance for the muslims who are dying daily around the world while this act has been widely condemned the u.k. a member of parliament george galloway urges us to understand this incident the scope of western foreign policy which he says plays a part in radicalizing people all over the world follow this story seems to give you the major play in the corporate media another story into a phone completely off the radar earlier this month another man not far from london to name a home and salim was stabbed three times on his way home from praying in a mosque by a young white male it's being investigated as a racially motivated attack so why so much play on one story and not the other i guess on the hinge to muslims are more newsworthy and hey whatever feeds into the humanisation of the enemy right join me if you want to break that set.
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well today obama gave a foreign policy speech where he addressed concerns of drones targeted assassinations gone toward a moment just like his predecessor reminded us that freedom isn't free take a look. there are deeply ambivalent about war but having fought for our independence we know a price must be paid for freedom. a price for freedom a well let's just break down how costly this so-called freedom has just been in the last twelve years over six thousand six hundred u.s. servicemen and women have been killed in iraq and afghanistan but the civilian death count is much more grave in iraq alone over one million people have died as a result of the u.s. occupation according to
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a two thousand and seven opinion research poll countless thousands more have died in afghanistan and that's not even counting the covert wars in yemen and pakistan drone strikes have killed almost three thousand four hundred people going to the new america foundation and those are just the death tolls we know of so that's a really heavy human cost for that so-called freedom and i'm not even talking about the six trillion dollar price tag of the afghanistan and iraq wars according to a new harvard study so has the war on terror really been keeping us free what other welly and constructs that obama outlined in his foreign policy speech today joining me now to break it down political commentator sam sacks hello hello so sam i couldn't help but reckon back to bush's rhetoric you know freedom ain't free i mean how sad of a commentary is this that we're still being treated like five year old now well it's a pretty sad commentary and for the most part the president has continued to present obama has continued to former president bush's policies when it comes to
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counter-terror but i think there's something to be said about him trying to talk about it a little bit differently you know he's he seems has to say terrorism in the speech he thinks that war on terror is way too expansive way too open ended that he wants to start narrowing that even address the authorization for use of military force explicitly saying that he'd like to work with congress to start narrowing that kind of removing some of those powers that have been given to the white house to conduct this war on terrorism now of course the ironic thing here is that this broad definition of the authorization of use of military force which is given way to this global war on terror. it was given by the obama administration this broad interpretation it was john brennan who said that the a u m f gives the obama administration authority to launch drone strikes all over the world including countries who are not at war with and he's taking that interpretation and broadened it of course we know that it has exacerbated a lot of the bush administration policies under the math you can argue that the n.d.a. provision that he signed into law in two thousand and twelve did expand on the
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indefinite detention clause and all seriousness though let's hear what he had to say precisely about this very subject. we must define our effort not as a boundless global war on terror but rather as a series of persistent targeted efforts to dismantle specific networks of violent extremists that threaten america so that maybe you could break this down because to me everything he's done has been boundless so he's kind of saying you know the war on terror can't be boundless i mean right well it's going to be interesting to see how is department of defense react you know to a lot of this because just last week the department of defense was saying look this is. the a u m f gives us authority to put boots on the ground in congo and yemen and boston as long as it's against al qaeda associated forces and then it might last ten to twenty years so when the president talks about reining it in or or change here for more on terror to more strategic against specific targets. you know
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doesn't quite jive well with what's been coming out of the administration's defense department and one of the biggest issues of course on this drone war has been the assassination of american citizens a very controversial policy i wanted to also play what he had to say about that. i'd only did congress authorize the use of force it is briefed on every strike that america takes for every strike. that includes the one instance where we target for targeted american citizens so there he is saying that we've targeted one american citizen to die however we know that holder just confirmed that there was four american citizens who died under drones why do you think that he only referred to one because a still when we targeted as far as what happened the other three including the one the one we targeted in. his sixteen year old son is one of those of the three that were targeted and killed so actually now targeted start to look later they were
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just here just killed back right and nobody's really answered this question robert just did he said bad father but had a bad father look this could this question was was kind of raised this morning to the white house in a brief in a press briefing called phone call and they basically said look we don't want to address case by case what happened. the president will talk in detail about it and the process he went to went through to target and where a lucky as far as these other cases of these other three americans have been killed you know maybe they were hanging out of an al qaeda training camp or an al qaeda affiliated vehicle when they were struck down or you know the white house said that . you know accidents happen in war tragic accidents happen and maybe this was just an action but really i don't think the administration wants to even go down that road and really it only took a protester medea benjamin of code pink to try and raise this issue of anwar al to the president while he was speaking today well let's talk about another thing that he mentioned which is the civilian death counts of course and brennan famously said
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there were no civilian death counts in the war but i find it hard to believe that three thousand four hundred people have all been milla tens especially when they have said new york times investigation comprehensive investigation speaking to three dozen current and former administration advisers about what they gauge as militants and suspected terrorists and really it's every military age male but you've said that this rhetoric has actually changed now a little bit yeah the president did acknowledge that there were civilian deaths right there that's different from what john brennan. did nutrition has this new presidential policy guidelines that seem to be like they want to be a little bit more stringent what they choose their targets and he just signed this guideline yesterday so it's conceivable that there were drone strikes in the past that are no longer permissible under this new guideline of course we have to be skeptics about this given the last five years but the president did say that non-governmental organizations there count of facilities civilian deaths is too high that there's a wide gap between what i'm going to have lawyers and government or house in order to say that i mean the white house was very specific to say that they don't
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consider all military age males. combat and so they could be possibly noncombatants but again a lot of this is talk and write and of course i can't help but think of that and why you stand for the whole eight month old in pakistan on the ground that found that there was a two percent success rate at even getting these quote high level targets and you have to ask yourself the ninety eight percent failure rate who else is it telling you you've heard the president talk a lot it's going to be a matter of whether or not he acts moving forward of the next well let's hope he does because you know too little too late he only has a year and change left so we'll see thank you for breaking it down sam sax political commentator. thanks to america's overactive military industrial complex the u.s. now has a military presence spanning across almost every continent and the few locations
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where there are no u.s. military bases american special operations forces are implementing their influence by training and providing equipment to the militaries of third world countries case in point congo africa two thousand and ten the state department in the u.s. africa command but an eight month project called operation a limbic chase where they train seven hundred fifty soldiers to form a kong leads battalion to suppose that purpose of this operation was to clean up and professionalize parts of the congo military hold on this alone makes zero sense why would it be our responsibility to professionalize a foreign military at the expense of u.s. taxpayers particularly at a time when the u.s. is drowning in its own debt that being said look take a look at how this professional training has turned out on surprisingly it's completely backfired you see this battalion was later chased out of the country by opposition rebel forces and during that ousting these u.s. trained soldiers went completely rogue brutally raping one hundred thirty women and
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young girls according to a recent u.n. investigation now of course the state department quickly condemned these actions but that's not good enough because this is far from an isolated incident just in recent years other u.s. trained african forces of also committed serious atrocities last year mali solve violent qubits democratically elected president which was followed by heinous crimes and a bloody civil war the coup was spearheaded by a modern sanogo and u.s. trained infantry officer who actually credited the u.s. for the mission success he said quote america is a great country with a fantastic army i tried to put in all the things i learned a very into practice is here yanks scary to think that brutal military leaders worldwide are nodding their heads in appreciation to this country for their great military. now according to the us serious precautions are taken to make sure that this doesn't happen claiming that the vetting process to train foreign troops is
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extensive and it avoids assisting countries with records of human rights abuses but interestingly enough this important stuff was overlooked in the case of congo a senior u.s. official admitted to the washington post that the obama administration was fully aware that the congolese military had anything but a clean history however they were under political pressure to invest in the country so without appropriate oversight they went forward with the special operations training anyway and here we are today with a damning report that leaves the u.s. in part responsible for these crimes against humanity you know you could think considering all of this that the u.s. would want to re-evaluate its potential role in these conflicts and better its foreign policy image moving forward but instead of doing that the head of u.s. special ops admiral william or raven wants to ease restrictions on helping train human rights violators yep make ravens actually arguing that we should be funding training in our main even more troops like the congolese soldiers who raped thirty
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females frankly i find it shocking that there isn't more outrage over this the u.s. military industrial complex has gotten so out a hand that ranking officers are blatantly asking us to turn a blind eye to rape and murder only for the sake of just to find more boots on the ground and that of course means more control so what is this country going to learn that more control comes at a very heavy price human life. all right guys don't go anywhere i want to take a quick break but stick around to hear about an activist named jailed for being silent next. you know how sometimes you see a story and it seems so you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else you hear or see some other part of it and realize everything you thought you don't know i'm charging welcome to the big picture.
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the for. the. wealthy british style some time to the title. markets. come to find out what's really happening to the global economy with much stronger for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune in to conjure reports .
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in. iraq. prime. morning. in the early hours of march sixth two thousand and eight a bomb exploded outside an army recruiting station in new york city's times where
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there were no injuries reported authorities were never able to apprehend a suspect in relation to the bombing fast forward five years later or now jerry coach an anarchist and political activist has been found in contempt of court for refusing to testify before a federal grand jury in the ongoing investigation his silence could land him over a year in federal custody without charges or conviction for a crime now coaches cases raising questions among activists about the penalties against political dissenters who choose silence over who operation or to correspond stasia churkin has been following the case unfold she joins us from our new york studio to give us the latest on a stasi a as far as we know there have never been any suspects named in connection with the bombing so why is jerry koch coach sorry connected to the case well according to gerry coach himself and his supporters he's basically not i mean he was brought in for questioning to face the federal grand jury as a witness abbe and the prosecution basically believes that he was present at
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a bar at one point around the time when the two thousand and eight times square bicycle bombing took place where he might have heard a name of a possible suspect and they believe he's not telling them that name so basically that is all that this quote the reason basically that he was brought in for questioning twice back in two thousand and nine and now in two thousand and thirteen and he said this entire time that he basically has no knowledge and or does not remember any kind of conversation that took place five years ago. so according to him he doesn't even understand why he is being brought in to talk about why jerry being an anarchist is actually central to the case and what was the court's response when he refused to speak. well you know abbie him being an anarchist is key in two senses basically jerry is known as someone who has lots of connections in the political radical community he's known to have been very active during the times of the peak times of the occupy wall street movement to have you
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know helped people by gathering money to get those arrested bailed out and it's these connections that supporters believe are is what is of interest to the prosecution and also you know just his believes that he stands against the system including the judiciary judiciary system being an anarchist that is making him not testify so both of these elements are basically impacting the way he's behaving inside the courtroom and what the court did was found him in contempt of court and put him in jail for not speaking up and are they saying that he's going to remain there until the case is closed. well yes he's basically going to be in jail for months now he either has the option to testify which he does not look like he plans on doing or basically wait until the term of the federal grand jury expires which is typically an entire eighteen months and i spoke to his attorney during after the hearing outside the courtroom who basically told us that jerry looks very set on sticking to his position and not speaking to the courtroom and testifying you know
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thus it looks like he's going to be serving that term until the term expires well you know i guess i was under the impression that pleading the fifth is something that was constitutional so i mean is this is this unprecedented and or does a set a new precedent for him being kept in federal custody simply for doing just that well abbe it's not unprecedented you know it's certainly a curious story for many people for a person to just not speaking in court he's not even a suspect in this case by any means but it's not. unprecedented we've seen cases like this take place in seattle in new york before several cases in the northwest where people were in fact imprisoned for refusing to testify and you know just in terms of the precedent the it's really two fold as well because for the radical community this is a behavior that's been shown to courts before and the reason that these people are going to be behind bars is because officials try to kind of pressure them into deciding to speak up but by not doing so they're basically you know just it becomes
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a an empty point because the courts are sending them to jail so they would speak they don't speak and these are just you know basically innocent people in jail kind of sort of coerced into testifying when they don't want to do so. do you think the case is more of trying to pin someone on and say you know we never really found a suspect or we're just going to kind of hold this person accountable or is it more about actually set an example out of jury to other activists i mean do you get the sense of course talking other activists as you've been covering the story basically warning them not you know this is what's going to happen if you do not comply with authorities you know i'll be most of the activist we spoke to about this see well it's actually an amazing thing that he's doing an example for other activists because they believe that the way that jerry was treated in prison for not speaking up is a misuse of the law we spoke to has a long long term partner who says it's just a disgusting misuse of the legal system and that it's very reminiscent of the red
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scare the green scare and most of the activists believe that what he's doing should make the courts realize that it's pointless to try to according to what they see worse these witnesses into what they think is snitching on the radical political community but certainly he's receiving a lot of support he's very well known in the radical community in new york city and people are saying way to go jerry hopefully the system will learn something i mean it's unlikely because we've seen previous cases like this but the radical community believes this is a good way to go well hopefully it will. backfire and maybe make more people stand their ground and you know comply and where does the case stand right now i know that you said it's looking like he's going to stay the entirety of the eighteen months well he's planning to appeal but you know if that appeal doesn't work out basically jerry is looking at the full eighteen months term until the until the grand jury expires thank you so much for an. article respondent on your. the where you are going to be like.
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it's been a difficult week for the obama administration from everything from and gazi to the iris scandal to the a.p. hack the corporate media was an uproar over the a.p. hack but now news is coming out over another d.o.j. related news hack it all started when the washington post reported on classified information about north korea in two thousand and ten now vesta getting that leak the department of justice issued a secret subpoena to access the private e-mails of james rosen of fox news reporter so what's going on here what does this latest hack signify and what it's greater implications well earlier i was joined by david seaman journalist host of the david seaman hour and i asked him why this leak is different and here's what he had to say. in this case is different because instead of focusing on the potential leakers within the government they focused on a reporter
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a mainstream journalists and not only just him they broadened their their access hard bines going into the news channels of various bureaus potentially were also monitoring fox news executives who have no connection to this guy potentially monitoring this reporter's parents this is the kind of stuff that america condemns this is like silliness you know it's just total government overreach and in direct violation of the first amendment if you're going to be you know introducing this sort of stuff it's extremely intimidating all this guy was doing based on the information available now is he was asking a source for you know a good scoop on a story which is a journalist's job is to ask your sources you know can you give me some more information on this it's certainly not a crime and the government was pursuing him as quote a coconspirator which is pretty serious stuff right and let's talk about you know the f.b.i. agent in court documents. claim that james rosen broke the law quote at the very least either as an aider and abettor and or coconspirator very serious charge david
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i mean and i looked at the documents i mean he is you know he he's signing off hugs and kisses or whatever i mean he's saying things to get the source to give information that's where reporters do how dangerous is it to use this language when referring to porters who are simply doing their job. i think it's extremely dangerous there's another case right now potential case where a couple of reporters all they did was made a google search and now they might be charged under the c.f.a. which is a serious law that's supposed to be used against computer hackers and all these reporters did was just search for something on google no actual hacking so you have a situation where the government is really creating a climate of fear for journalists independent journalists and even if the guys at fox news think mr establishment that i was the washington correspondent for fox news channel if he's not safe from this kind of a timid ation then who is right and i love the executive president of fox in saying this is unacceptable it's like you know why do you think the corporate media all of
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a sudden cares about hacking spying surveillance now where was their outrage when the patriot act was passed that legalized all this activity. yeah well the past couple nights on fox news there panel has sounded like an r t segment they're talking about america is turning into a surveillance state you had sean hannity and anchor there saying i don't want my phones to be tapped by the government and these are things they never seriously considered before but now we know that it's not only a possibility it actually is happening and you know on another note. there's a lot of debate over how much should obama know or not know and you know if he knows about this than certainly that's troubling if he doesn't know i think that's equally troubling because then it's like who is really controlling the operation here who is deciding these things when you start to attack journalism that's one of the last guards against tyranny is the first amendment it's supposed to be a tool for people to out information and for people to discuss the facts and have conversations debates with those in power and that is seriously being called the
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question i mean the new york times editorial board two days ago came out with a piece supporting fox news here and that's pretty rare when the new york times defends fox news that's a really strange situation yeah i mean it's amazing to see the corporate media kind of all of a. arms i mean yeah of course you don't care until it happens to you it's not a whole phrase you know first they came for the socialists i didn't speak up it's like well now they're coming for you you know it is about time you come on board welcome to the welcome to the club and you know chris hedges had this to say about it recently is that all these measures to shut down the freedom of information are symptomatic of a reconfiguration of our society and to and to and to tell of terry and security and surveillance state one where anyone who challenges the official narrative is going to be ruthlessly silenced i mean i thought that was really poignant how much of a chilling effect is this going to cause for reporters and sources if they think they're going to go to jail now for simply doing their job. it has
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a huge chilling effect because now every journalist out there knows that this is happening and so the next time they get launch with a government official they're going to think twice before pressing them for any kind of important information which is so messed up like government officials that just you and me they just happen to be it should be regarded as a privilege that they're in power not as some kind of you know they're not gods or kings we shouldn't have you know at what point is going to be a law that you can't make if you're a journalist you can't make eye contact with a government official unless they first say you can you know it's getting to the point of absurdity you can even send an e-mail to somebody and ask them a couple of questions without falling into the potential that you're holding an organization that you work for could come under department of justice scrutiny i mean this is really scary stuff and just the broad nature of this that they had twenty different phone lines they were looking into i believe the a.p. was at least twenty different phone lines this is really crazy it's almost as if they're using this is a way to get in to justify it and they're just doing kind of a fishing expedition to see what everybody is up to certainly there doesn't seem to
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be much meaningful law enforcement need to find out what fox news executives are talking about on their personal calls and yet if that was the scope of this investigation makes anything that nixon did appear to be fairly benign by comparison right i mean now that this is going out of the mainstream and really. uncovering so many things in the press hopefully it will seep in the mainstream consciousness as well david seaman journalist host of the david seaman our always also having on thanks. that's it for tonight everyone thanks for watching as always before i go i want to remind all of you out there that this saturday in the world wide margin against one. of the rallies taking place everywhere all around the world probably in a city near you go to our facebook page at facebook dot com slash bringing the side to find out more about how you can participate get out there get involved now as always break the set.
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admission free accreditation free transport charges free. range month free. free. to tide free. download free broadcast quality video for your media projects and free media. dot
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com. well into the future out of sight but still on our minds. the norm let's try to live smarter smartphones you never know what some people are hiding thanks can't be sure to prove dell to the molecular level learn that what the doctor ordered is often based on secrets under our skin let us shine the light on a kid in a world. we've got the future covered let me let me let me ask you a question from. here on this network is where we're having a debate we have our knives out. to bring you the scientists back staying there to get here and it will be great to talk about your name and me.
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welcome to the kaiser report imax kaiser mirror mirror on the wall who's the boom is stock market of the mom it's the narcissist's rally having corner the market in their own reflection the narcissist sees prices rising rising rising as the narcissist himself by. his own supply safety max yes indeed you know markets are hitting all time highs everywhere but in the united states c m b c says big reason for stock boom companies buying back stock and i they call it the narcissist's rally i think they took it from you but they said sure there are plenty of forces pushing stocks higher record corporate earnings small investors finally buying again signs the u.s.
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economy may be strengthening central banks flooding the financial system with money but you may want to spare a thought and a healthy dose of worry for what is one of the biggest and least appreciated reasons for their rally buybacks oh yeah so the overall economy is doing quite poorly and earnings are not really there their earnings as reported by the big four accounting firms are they're cooked they cooked the books the stocks are rallying based on stock buybacks how do companies afford to buy back their own stock they borrow money from the fed it's zero percent interest rate so here it once again the zero this is an unintended consequence or intended consequence of zero percent interest rate that gives companies a way to buy back their own stock for free because they borrow money from the fret fed for free not fred but the fed for free then they buy their own stock they jack the price up but of course the executives have options tied to stock price they cash out the options they pay themselves millions and millions of dollars of the bonuses and salaries and a lot of times people say oh look i'm only taking a dollar in salary but i have a five million or ten million or twenty million in bonuses tied the stock price i'm
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going to go buy back our old stock trader. the bonuses i pay myself oh how to make fifty million dollars oh i guess because i'm so smart i'm not i'm gaming the system or the fed is corrupt or the bomb is corrupt or the holders corrupt none of that's the reason it's because i'm still smart they're looking in the mirror and they see the reflection of themselves it looks great now there are two hundred eighty six billion dollars of buybacks which is up eighty percent on last year and the article says that buybacks are also crucial to the rally for a reason that's not widely known companies are one of the few big stock purchasers nowadays nearly every other big player in the stock market has been selling more than they've been buying so there's a distribution is going on behind the scenes behind the price action but the prices are rising because companies are buying back their own stock the reduces the float so earnings look better they said all the corporate earnings are higher because they just bought all their own stock to retire to defectively so the same amount of
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dollars of earnings is applied toward a less number of shares like oh we're making better make more profits because of less shares so the earnings look like they're better and we're going to buy more stock with the money we're getting for free to retire more stock and make our earnings better and we can buy more stock so it's narcissism taken to an extreme and of course like it or is they're flying too close to the sun the the waxwings of this narcissistic rally are going to melt and then you have rush yeah and but a lot of commentators and this is from c.n.n. b c but a lot of commentators like business insider might say or paul krugman allegedly nobel prize winning economist they say that the market's going higher and that this is a great sign that the economy is improving everything is going all right but as the article points out pension funds have been selling the local and state governments have been selling investment brokerages have been selling and yes until recently even main street investors so is genuinely a market of like oh i'm a broker i'm
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a banker and look oh i'm i'm buying. buying and now the market's going up i've done a great job actually you know it's not square or narcissism at the speed of narcissism squared because look at a deal like carl icahn buying into herbalife it herbalife is a ponzi scheme herbalife was on its way to going out of business it's a multi-level marketing scheme otherwise known as a ponzi scheme what is funny guy was shorting the stock aggressively twenty million shares or more of one hundred million shares outstanding in herbal life but then carl icahn comes around and starts to buy the stock not because he likes herbalife because he likes the company but because another hedge fund manager short and he can torture that other hedge fund manager by buying stock or going along and creating what's called a short squeeze so now the herbalife stock is trading near all time highs is it because the underlying company makes sense economically no it's a ponzi scheme is it because it's well managed no it's a buddies game do you have one hedge fund manager battle going the other hedge fund money both bill aikman and carl icahn are borrowing money from the wholesale market
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in a zero percent rates to do battle against each other narcissistically to fight over a ponzi scheme that sells herbal life products to people who themselves are narcissists who are buying stuff because they don't understand why they're fat stupid enough only so they buy supplements to try to fight the fact that they are fat stupid and idly and they have these two hedge fund managers battling over a bug his game all fueled by ben bernanke the north is just north of just north of . i think you could call a high frequency narcissism as applied to the pyramid scheme which is herbalife yes exactly. so speaking of pyramid schemes let's move on to another narcissistic market going on in at the moment the art of selling out to the faceless money men when prices are going crazy a crash must be on the horizon warns oscar humphreys so in new york this past week
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leonardo dicaprio presided over an option and. broke records smashed records no this was no isolated event these inflated prices were mirrored by options outside to be used in christie's that made nearly half a billion dollars the highest total and auction history but max get this highest totals in auction history this past year mirrored in the auctions the buyers are often the galleries that represent the artist or collectors that own other works by these artists the more they pay the more valuable the work they already own because. most of the posers game. christie's and the other one self-abuse have been involved in scams in the past for their financing the purchase of art to jack the price up of art work to make the catalogue a back analogue worth more that's an old trick it's the same concept i see your point that when a company buys back its own stock they're just to manipulate the stock price higher
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to make their bonuses higher so i think in the art world of the options the big auction houses are buying to stock the paintings that they're supposed to be auctioning at a higher price to make everyone involved much wealthier and we see this all the time in many markets now across the board whether it's the energy market the art market any market now is being manipulated indexes and various ways to. sell products that are derivatives are all based on a a a some for reflection of fraud so when you ask these big four accounting agencies they basically their job is to create mirrors for you to look at yourself to commit fraud well also think about what the central bank in the u.s. federal reserve bank under ben bernanke has been doing is buying up assets at full face value from the banks in order to make the banking system and the economy look better because and this is what we keep on being told actually by the fed is that we're making so much money on the assets we've bought you know i'll give you another metaphor here is the portion of dorian gray so the stock markets hitting
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new all time highs but the economy's. up in the attic and as aging quite rapidly and starting to look like junk strongly quite bad you see but they all the cosmetics of the high frequency fraud and the accounting fraud and the purchases of one's own stock and the hedge fund managers battling over pyramid schemes makes it look like for at least a day more that the economy is that sickly old decrepit in dead into all such time as if there's a reconciliation and then you have another big crash now finally regarding this art market story of the british collector frank cohen just back from new york says the contemporary art market is like the stock market it's about finance the art is there but it's a commodity these guys use it to make money you can't do that with impressionist art because no one has a monopoly right well look at damien hirst for example here's a mediocre artist who is made slee his stuff is kitsch it's kids you know it has
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about as artistic value as a burger king wrapper but saatchi and saatchi backed them and they monopolized all of his work and they forced the price higher and other as an interesting aspect of this is that the old masters who are dead and can't make new art their stuff is considered to be less valuable than the new artist because they're alive can create more stuff so the whole idea of authenticity is trading down in this clone based on statistics art world but also you can kind of compare it to the financial system is here you could have print unlimited numbers of dollars gold you can only increase the supply by two percent a year going full production and yet this is how the federal reserve bank has a monopoly these endlessly printed dollars that will remember when artists died the value of their work would jump higher now in a new post-capitalist world is the reverse when an artist does devalue their work crashes because they are not around to create all the copies of their work in
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a scam pyramid scheme. any longer so the value crashes once again we're in a post capitals post the static post modern era where the more junk you forced into the system the more valuable becomes the more bonds you create the more valuable they become the higher the demand for something like gold or of a t.v. or a picasso the more the price goes down and then finally speaking of narcissism of course here in the u.k. we have david cameron and his government who all look like him they all come from the same school they all talk like him he sees himself and everybody he looks at and the chief narcissist of all george osborne his chancellor beware the bubble we risk another housing crash warns bank governor britain is risking another housing crash and billions of pounds of debt through a plan to help people onto the property ladder the bank of england governor has warned this is mervyn king he is saying this as he exits the door of course helped
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by by which the taxpayer underwrites as much as fifteen percent of mortgages on homes worth up to six hundred thousand pounds could send prices soaring warned serving king so along with the narcissism this is the government buying its own housing stock causing the prices to go up and saying look our economy's getting better exactly right another example the government's going to be buying these houses and the prices go up because they're manipulating the market and then also the economy is improving because of the house prices going up regardless of the fact that nobody living in those houses and anything to the economy nobody who does anything day to day that's actually increasing the g.d.p. of the country only speculators lawyers bankers accountants are living in these shacks put up by osborne remember dolly the sheep was the original cloning experiment here in britain what people don't know is that george osborne is a cloning experiment as well as some of the fodder they found in the bathroom at eton and they mixed it up in a test tube and nine months later popped out a test tube was born but they grew in
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a very hot house and they put him into the chancellor's office. now he's out there spewing this pyramid scheme wielding nonsense like still spill blood states what you think you are a state over the second half i'll be speaking to jim rickards. more news today violence is once again flared up. these are the images the world has been seeing from the streets of canada. the giant corporations rule today. you know sometimes you see a story and it seems so for life you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else you hear or see some other part of it and realize everything you
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thought you knew you don't know i'm charming welcome to the big picture. a potentially deadly blizzard taking aim for the northeast it's expected to hit stunning in a few hours from new york to maine we have team coverage of the storm. but what we're watching is the very heavy snow moving into boston proper earlier today it was very sticky you can see it start to become much more powdery down here the bottom line there is still a lot of snow out here a good place for snowball fight. piece and it is going to be pretty incredible day there and even record snowfall throughout much of it might still be a slog through driving lessons some emergency vehicles exceptions.
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welcome back to the kaiser report imax keyser time down to go to new york and speak with jim rickards author of currency wars for the first of two part interview jim rickards welcome to the kaiser report. thank you max all right now jim records you were quoted in the new york post this week as saying quote we don't have to worry about a recession we are in a deep pressure to explain well we've been in a depression since two thousand and seven max and a lot of people. you know mainstream economists don't like to use the depression the word depression or what i call the d. word the reason economists don't like to talk about depressions is because it's not mathematically defined a recession has a mathematical definition it's two consecutive quarters of declining g.d.p. with rising unemployment depression is a little more amorphous and it doesn't mean that the economy is declining all the
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time you could have growth in a depression what makes a depression different is that you make a growth but you don't get trend growth you get a sustained long period of below trend growth that's what keynes to find and i think that's the right definition for example take the great depression from one thousand nine hundred forty you actually have pretty good growth in one nine hundred thirty three one hundred thirty four one hundred thirty five then we went back down into a severe recession within the depression thirty six thirty seven so they never got back to trend unemployment ever came down to where they want to do it so that's what a depression is just this long grind japan's been a want to we're we the united states are in one now well jimmy mentioned the depression of the one nine hundred thirty s. and talking about a depression now in the u.s. i'm curious about how the media treated these two events because during the thirty's everyone knew that there was below trend line growth and there was officially the great depression these days or seems to be a split in the media some people think as you were pointing out that we're below
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trend line growth this institute this equals a depression but the majority of mainstream media doesn't even seem to recognize the depression at all so how do you account for the split in the way that it's reported was fairly simple x. majority of mainstream media are not done not very much ready konami's being there i know a lot of reporters they're smart people they're hardworking they try to get the story and i respect that but you can't hold. typical journalist even a financial journalist to the standard of an economist so they rely on where policymakers are telling the policymakers are engaged in basically propaganda were lying to be blunt economists don't like to say the word depression because it has a psychological effect if you know ben bernanke you know do a press conference they say you know folks we've been in the depression since two thousand and seven that makes people want to say more the liquidity trap gets worse you know consumer sentiment may decline so they they like to engage in happy talk and sort of ignore the fact and then the media goes along with that because they have you know you know we're all the way of challenging that but you know you have to call it like you said and when you have as zero interest rates for six years
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below trend growth for six years i don't care what he says that's a depression ok well you mentioned ben bernanke and he believes policies are working any points to the stock market making new all time highs as proof that he's doing a good job now at the on the other side of the aisle you could say you look at the price of gold and it's been falling recently and they point to that again they're saying look this is proof that what we're doing is correct so they're using this dichotomy of stocks versus gold saying that the proof of their policies are correct so they're now looking at the below trend line growth but now looking at the unemployment they're not looking at the collapse in wages they're not looking at the stuff that actually matters to people a day to day basis they're looking at these two data points and they make a conclusion your thoughts i think actually they are looking at it and they're scared to death that they won't talk about it for the reason i mentioned don't underestimate the extent to which this is really our this is propaganda it's happy
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talk the big thing is going on is you know the fed can make the money supply whatever they were there they increased to four hundred percent in the last four years but the problem is velocity is the quantity of losses the turnover of money the loss of the is a psychological and a behavioral phenomenon if i feel good i might spend more money if i don't feel so good and i stay home and watch t.v. so what the fed has to do they have to make me and you and everyone else spend money they have to make us feel. good so they don't want to talk about all the things you mention but max you're exactly right you know food stamps there are states that were approaching fifty million americans on food stamps twenty million americans unemployed or underemployed ten million plus americans on disability disability the new unemployment you know when you're hard weeks or on that you say oh gee my back hurts and you go on disability for the rest of your life household income for personal income flat this is the real america this is what's going on and it's a situation but they want to point to stocks and say oh gee look happy days are here again so don't they they understand all the indicators they have all the guy have secret data we're all looking at the same data the question some people are
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willing to talk about it policymakers are not because they're afraid of discouraging people changing sentiment or in their view making matters worse so this is a big propaganda exercise has to be the american people and i think people around the world all right well up until recently jim you've had the gold vigilantes in the summer vigilantes kind of out there buying gold and silver and the price over the past decade has done well and to the extent that it's better to check provide some checks and balances to what is going on in the federal. the price of gold is down it's down sharply silver is down sharply so what are we what we what are we saying about the price of gold today in terms of how this is fitting into the picture is the bull market on what are your thoughts jan well right i mean max gold is up you know twelve years in a row it's five hundred percent the last ten years however it's down about thirty percent in the last two years so gold has come up sharply we all know that but here's the way i think about it. partly gold actually never changes gold is the
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numerary goes the way you measure everything else and we say when you say gold is up or down the way i think about a gold sconce and the dollar is up or down so when the dollar price of gold is down which it is what that tells me is the dollar is getting stronger that's very bad news for the fed because the fed wants a weaker dollar the fed wants inflation a strong dollar equates to deflation so just hold gold constant think about the dollar price of gold coming down which it has that means that the dollar's actually getting stronger that means the fed's policies are working deflation is the essential banks' worst nightmare and that's what we're saying so when i see the dollar price to go come down from one thousand nine hundred late two thousand and eleven to you know thirteen fifty or so today what that tells me is deflation is prevailing over inflation and the fed's got a chart of the fed's got to print actually more money now you sort of have these two camps you have the inflation these does and i not in this camp where you say ok jay you take the fed bounce you from eight hundred billion to three trillion on its
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way to four trillion on this way to five trillion which is what's going on that has to be inflationary at the end of the day and i think it does but we're actually not seeing the inflation and here's here's how to think about it we have you know so many people look at the snapshot they're looking at the time series of data and sanjay inflation's well behaved it's about one percent you know a little higher sometimes a little lower the ties but that's like you're looking at a car that just drove off a cliff looking at a snapshot you know look at a snapshot of a car that just drove off a cliff there's something wrong with the car but there's not a scratch on it but you know how it's going and it's going to end in a flaming wreck. so i think we have to think about the dynamic to look forward a little bit and see what's actually going on here well what we have are two things going on at once you have deflation which is perfectly natural it's what you would expect in a depression and depression means you know among other things people are deal averaging when you deal averages sell assets when you sell assets prices go down that makes you know that makes things worse and then they go down more so that's the natural deflationary dynamic that one should expect against that we have inflation from the fed money printing which is sort of artificial policy induced so
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these two forces are pushing against each other deflation inflation at the same time so it's impossible to estimate precisely but it rough numbers we might have sort of four percent deflation and five percent inflation at the same time which net out to about one percent inflation in the c.t.r. but that's not a stable series that's actually two forces pushing against each other so think of it as a fault line we have an earthquake it you have a fault line phone lines don't move very much most of the time but every now and then they snap and you have an earthquake and it's messily destructive so that's what's building up now the question is when is it going to snap and which way would go will tip to deflation or tip inflation we don't know that but we know will break eventually and investors need to be prepared for both now if it tips to inflation then the inflation is deserve indicated gold goes you know two thousand three thousand eventually you know my medium term forecast is up to seven thousand dollars an ounce but if it tips the deflation that's
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a completely different dynamic now gold could actually go down along with everything else but at some point gold will skyrocket because the fed will make it skyrocket jim you know in the two thousand and seven two thousand a crisis the system broke lehman collapsed credit for and the central banks printed a lot of money they came in to save the day well here we are five years later the stock market a new all time high bond market at a three hundred year highs so why does the fed just stop printing one of they go back to a normalized market why are they continuing breastfeeding this market. because the stock market would collapse if they did and they know that is what's going on in the face trying to create what's called a wealth of fact and i think we know there's a pretty well known phenomena more than fifty percent of the assets of the american people are into asset classes housing and stocks so the wealth effect basically is if my net worth goes up of the net worth of the american people goes up you feel better and you spend more if you spend more you get the glossy going to get nominal g.d.p. growing and try to create the sustainable growth path which we haven't seen we have
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seen in this and this depression all so the fed's been trying to do that so by printing money the money has to go somewhere it's not going into velocity it's not going into the consumer price index it is going into the asset classes basically stocks and housing so they go up and what the fed hopes is that people feel richer they spend more of all that's happening is they they stocks are going up and people putting more money into the stock market they're not actually spending more we're not seeing the change behavior and consumption and investment we're seeing it in the stock market so all the really doing is creating another asset bubble but what they hope is that eventually changes the psychology of people start spending money that's where the trying to get by the way we've seen this movie four years in a row member two thousand and nine green shoots two thousand and ten the recovery summer two thousand and eleven you know that was going to be the year we broke through two thousand and twelve it hasn't worked for years in a row it's not going to work now it will start to fade again and then the fed will print more money they they have no way out of this max there is no exit in this policy all right jim rickards so what i don't understand or explain to me
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a little bit better here we've got a situation with you saying there's no exit strategy well at the same time the indebtedness is reaching all time highs new margin debt the stock market the household that corporate that bank that isn't the fed at this point printing money just to pay the debt because debt as a line item is gone from fifteen twenty percent of of one of these taxes are going to say isn't that kind of like the recipe for hyperinflation well it's the recipe max but there's one missing ingredient in the recipe which is velocity you know. turn over money the psychology is not there people we are in a liquidity trap i talked to some younger americans people in their twenty's you know they're saving money maybe for a down payment on the house or something and what bernanke you want to do is say look i'm going to pay you nothing on your savings and if you want to make some money you better go into the stock markets are trying to drive people into the stock market but the people i talk to say well no i think stocks are too risky we're maybe it's a bubble i'm going to say more in other words if i can't get any return on my
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savings i have to save more to get a downpayment on the house or rather than sort of breaking out of the liquidity trap by driving people into risky assets and pumping up the stock market which is what the fed wants to do sure the stock market is going up because of margin dad and institutions have to be allocated they don't want to underperform so that's definitely going on but meanwhile down to the level of the everyday american so a lot of them are saving more because they can't get any return so you're actually making the liquidity trap worse so this is the law of unintended consequences as far as the debt story is concerned you know it's a stick and says a tale of two cities we have fairly low interest on the treasury debt although the amount of the huge it's sixteen trillion dollars so even a point on sixteen trillion dollars a question a lot of money but meanwhile over here in the consumer sector you know a lot of consumer rates are ten fifteen twenty percent and heaven help you if you you know you're five days late on a payment they jacked it up to twenty five or thirty percent so people can't get out from under that they're struggling savings by the way or near an all time low they went up a little bit on a precautionary basis after the panic of two thousand and eight they've come back
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down to say was a really low debt to g.d.p. still going up the debt crisis is nowhere near over the fed printing just keeps it from collapsing but it doesn't solve it all right jim rickards that's all the time we have for part one of this interview see you again real soon part two thanks for being on the report today thanks max all right that's going to do it for this edition of the kaiser report with me max kaiser and stacey everett my guest jim rickards author of currency wars for part one of the interview on the next step of . that'll be talking to jim about currency wars the yen euro and to the dollar system if you'd like to send us an e-mail please do so at guy's report r t t v dot or you would like some nice conversation by l. .
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to the. out of sight but still on our minds still exceeds the norm let's try to live smarter with smartphones you never know what some people are hiding things can't be sure to prove delta the molecular level learned what the doctor ordered is often based on secrets under our skin let us shine the light on a kid in a world. we've got the future covered. let me one will let me ask you a question. here on this network is what we're having a debate we have our ninety percent of. the truth is
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this is just standing there together here in the situation we're being i don't mean to talk about the mainland we. pull our jobs are going to washington d.c. and here's what's coming up tonight on the big picture earlier this afternoon president obama gave a huge speech at the national defense university in which he described in detail new policies towards drones guantanamo bay and counter terrorism in general is the beginning of the end of the war on terror more on that with my cabin tonio in just a moment also a group of activists is leading a campaign to fight sexism and social media is their boycott of facebook the beginning of a broader movement against rape culture and you wouldn't know it by listing them at romney but electric cars are here and are the future of transportation tell you why
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in tonight's deal you take. you need to know this earlier today president obama gave a landmark speech at the national defense university in which he outlined his administration's counterterrorism policy this is the first major foreign policy speech of the president's second term and he took the idea the opportunity to once again announce his support for closing down the guantanamo bay detention center urging congress to cooperate this time with his efforts as president i have tried to close gitmo i transferred sixty seven detainees to other countries before congress imposed restrictions to effectively prevent us from. either transferring detainees to other countries or imprisoning them here in the united states given my administration's relentless pursuit of al qaeda leadership there is no justification beyond politics for congress to prevent us from closing
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a facility that it should should have never been open the other major focus of obama's speech was is ministrations use of lethal drone strikes against terrorism suspects a central component of the president's counterterrorism strategy the cia run drone program has come under fire in recent months as lawmakers from both parties have pressed the administration for more clarity regarding its legal rationale in particular the justification for killing american citizens without the rights of due process yesterday attorney general eric holder sent a letter to senator patrick leahy chorus responding to some of these concerns admitting publicly for the first time that since two thousand and nine the united states in the conduct of u.s. counterterrorism operations against al qaida has specifically targeted and killed one u.s. citizen and that it was further aware of three other u.s. citizens who had been killed in such u.s. counterterrorism operations over that same time period that same letter however holder reminded senator leahy that anwar al a walkie one of those four citizens was a senior al qaeda operative and that
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a drone strike he said was justified because he posed an imminent threat of violent attack against the united states in a speech today president obama repeated and defended holder's justifications for the use of lethal action against terrorism suspects without first giving them a trial even in absentia at the same time though the president also said that he wants to continue streamlining cotta find the basis for drone strikes in order to minimize civilian casualties my administration has worked vigorously to establish a framework that governs our use of force against terrorists. insisting upon clear guidelines oversight and accountability that is now codified in presidential policy guidance that i signed yesterday america does not take strikes when we have the ability to capture individual terrorists our preference is always to detain interrogate and prosecute and before any strike is taken there must be near certainty that no civilians will be killed or injured the highest standard we can
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set for more on obama's big speech i'm joined by mike papen tonio attorney and host a ring of fire radio bad good to see you on how are you i'm great what's your take on the speech. well i think he said some important things i mean he said some things that we've all been wanting to hear since he came into office you know obama was declaring soon after came to office of the get what was going to be closed down and was going to be a top priority there were two hundred forty inmates there and get most then today and i think there's one hundred seventy eight hundred seventy five inmates eighty six tom have been sitting there they've been approved they've been cleared for release and they're still sitting there and he is correct this congress has been has been part of the problem so i'm glad to hear him saying this but if you look at get get most been an awful awful history from standpoint of really what have we accomplished not that i have sympathy for what's you know for the idea that we have to gain control of terrorism but you've only had seven that have actively been
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committed been convicted by the get mo military commission you've had one by us courts it any way you look at it hasn't it hasn't really done a lot for us as far as what we want to accomplish with terrorism but i was glad to hear the speech i was glad to hear him take that position on that and on drones i thought his position on drones was was long overdue and very important yeah looking at the guidelines that he signed these this five demands on the one hand they're they're tightening this stuff and there's these stories new york times and some of the other mainstream media about how there's this basically a war going on inside the administration between the pentagon the cia over who gets to control the drones and the president has just said you know neither you guys i'm going to tighten this thing and i'm going to own it because because both i want to expand these programs and say no we're going to contract it it sounds like he's finally hearing the voices who are saying the the collateral damage from these
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drone strikes is doing us more harm than good well i mean you know he knows the history three thousand people in pakistan alone killed from drone strikes but i mean he had this impassioned defense. for drone strikes in somalia and yemen i thought it was well justified i think is well meaning hand or stands the drone strikes are a critical tool as we've talked on this on this program a couple of times they still have to be regulated and this idea of what he's putting together tom is something there's not much different from a fire as a court it's a group of people who look at the facts and they say secretly this is what we choose to do that's a good start because right now if you were to ask who's doing that nobody would have a clue so that that's a start listen you can't. you have to at least give him credit to the idea that the man is trying at this point why he's trying i think is could be talked about for a lot a lot of reasons but he is trying and i think that's important i take
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a look at. the most important thing to me though tom was this almost what i call in a trial it's called selective structure and that is where you put something in there that's a big problem for your case and you put it in there in a way that you know you think you've dealt with the jury maybe hopes you've dealt with it but it really hasn't been dealt with we heard obama on the investigation of a p he said he was troubled by the possibility that leak investigations may chill investigative journalism that holds government accountable i thought that was an interesting placement in a speech that was supposed to be a major speech on national security it was well thought out it was well placed i don't know what it really accomplishes other than to say obama quit apologizing for eric holder you're you know you must have eric holder apology fatigue this point but he did say put this i thought was interesting that he put this whole issue
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about spying on journalist in this speech didn't make much sense if you really think about it until you understand that there's something called selective structure in the way that you give a speech like that and i think that's the way it was used let's not pay as much as ten. into that we're going to memorial day weekend there i've talked about it i'm going to make things better and now we have all these new revelations about eric holder that are even more terrifying you know well and he needed the press to to push all this stuff out and the press right now is pretty much obsessed on why you messing with us and so if he didn't throw some kind of a bone to the press in this thing that would still be hanging out there right right well i think i think he has this is not going to go away you know to me yes this was an important speech tom i'm so glad that i heard him say some of the things that he's been saying frankly since two thousand and eight in his defense you have a congress that's made it very difficult for him to complicate anything meaningful
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on the drone side i think he's always recognized that you can't go bombing the hell out of people with drones you can't kill three thousand people in pakistan and then come away saying everything's ok without having some new guidelines so i'm interested to see how whether they'll be a disciplined constraint use of this power that we have that is a very important tool in fighting terrorism no question about it it's new technology we have to adjust to it we don't bomb americans overseas with drones we don't bomb them on the united states soil but there is a place for it provided we can do it adequately and that was his whole pitch and i think it was correct he said it i don't think he answered i don't think it over i don't think he overcame the issue on spying on journalists i just don't think so at all he said just a minute ago there's a whole brand new horrible thing coming out about eric holder what was. well i don't think it's i think it's coming out in pieces we seen there are eric holder saying today that he couldn't remember now this was hours after obama gave this
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speech he makes the statement that he couldn't remember how many times he has spied or allowed journalists to be spied on we learned that he actually personally signed the subpoena or the the tapping the right to be able to tap rosen the fox reporter and i use reporter loosely but you know he nevertheless was he was the person in charge his idea of recusing himself he says oh gee whiz i didn't sign the i didn't sign this other subpoena or a warrant right where it comes where it came to spying on journalists i recuse myself that's totally meaningless tom has no bearing of fact at all has no bearing of reality at all as far as what his impact was this was his policy his policy was to spy on the press and now we learn this afternoon that he can't even remember how many times this has happened we hear that directly after obama gives his i feel
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your pain speech and so i think there's a lot more that's going to develop here you know again obama should have some kind of fatigue where it comes to defending eric holder you think it's time to school that by his saying that he feels that he's troubled by this he's essentially saying i'm troubled by the behavior of my attorney general i mean it isn't that a shot across the bow of the attorney general tom i don't think it works like that i think holder and obama are so close i mean they're they're they're so close and have been for so many years all it does is raises the question was this an extension of obama's policy that's the question you have to ask yourself now and the more he embraces holder and tries to support holder is specially after this a name kind of ridiculous comment today i can't remember how many times we've spied on journalists that is that is a big. huge fat problem for this president he needs to get rid of this guy move on and do what he did in that speech today make us feel better about the promises that
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he's made so many times about his war on terror and how it's going to be a war where we have constrained power disciplined power in the use of power is intelligent so have a half a minute left you think that eric holder is barack obama's alberto gonzales absolutely he has been for such a long time if you remember briefly he was going to you he was going to step down this administration wall street put pressure on obama and on holder to stay because holder is such a great gift for wall street so he remains there that's remarkable like having tonio thanks so much for being with us tonight thank you soem. after the break i'll dig deeper into president obama's big speech and what it means for the future of the war on terror.
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the worst year for those. white house is to give it to the radio guy. because you've never seen anything like good. little.
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while back let's dig a little deeper into some of the issues the president obama brought up one of the first things he did was quote james madison james madison the father of the constitution the third president of the united states one two three fourth president has said that one of the most corrosive influences. that could be had our president on the presidency itself is actually was warfare
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because the when in a state of war the president is given new powers and you privileges in new spending capabilities that can be very very seductive here's the president quoting from that quote from james madison talking about preserving freedom so america is at a crossroads we must define the nature and scope of this struggle or else it will define us we have to be mindful of james madison's warning that no nation could preserve its freedom in the midst of continual warfare and so along those lines say no you can't have freedom and perpetual wherefore fair he said let's stop the perpetual warfare this authorization to use military force that was passed by congress right after nine eleven for george w. bush didn't have an ending date on it i mean it was there was sort of an expiration but congress could just kind of keep rolling it over and which they're fixin to do
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again and so the president said basically. you maybe you can roll it over but you can expand it i will veto that and what we really need to do is just put this thing to bed and wars need to come to an end here is. the a u m f is now nearly twelve years old the afghan war is coming to an end core al qaeda is a shell of its former self groups like a q a p must be dealt with but in the years to come not every collection of thugs that labels themselves al qaeda will pose a credible threat to the united states unless we discipline our thinking our definitions our actions we may be drawn into more wars we don't need to fight or continue to grant president's unbound powers more suited for traditional armed conflicts between nation states. so i look forward to engaging congress and the
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american people in efforts to refine and ultimately repeal they mandate and he also pointed out that will make more friends and will prevent more extremism or will. prevent works extremism or combat extremism by building schools in pakistan then dropping bombs for what we spent in a month in iraq at the height of the war we could be training security forces in libya maintaining peace agreements between israel and its neighbors feeding the hungry in yemen building schools in pakistan and creating reservoirs of goodwill that marginalize extremists it's brilliant and he also came right out and said you know not only is get more wrong not only is that a terror magnet not only is it a problem for us not only has he been trying to close it from day one of the republicans have actually been putting into the military appropriations every year
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the operations that run the government literally language this is you can't close get no i mean it's right there he says but not only about five years ago the supreme court said it's unconstitutional areas the original premise for opening goodwill that detainees would not be able to challenge their detention was found unconstitutional five years ago in the meantime did most become a symbol of around the world for an america that flouts the rule of law and then finally medea benjamin of code pink interrupted the president's speech to. protest drones essentially and his response to her interruption i thought was brilliant and insightful interesting. the voice of a woman. is worth paying attention to the obvious obviously.
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obviously i do not agree with much of what she said. and obviously she wasn't listening to me in much of what i said but these are tough issues and the suggestion that we can gloss over them is wrong. it is just simply is. it was very impressed that he said i'm going to go off script and said what she said has over. it as the rest of the news a pentagon report released earlier this month revealed that the united states military is in the throes of a sexual assault crisis according to a report approximately twenty six thousand people were assaulted in two thousand
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and twelve a seven thousand person jump from twenty to ten when one nine hundred thousand people were assaulted some commentators have pointed to america's pervasive rape culture as the reason behind the increase in attacks or rape culture isn't limited to just the military a coalition of activists has now started a campaign to get companies to boycott facebook until it removes images like this from its web pages for more on the boycott and what we can do to fight rape culture in the media in and on the web i'm joined now by sam bennett president and c.e.o. of the women's campaign fund and the she should run foundation sam welcome back my pleasure it's always great to see you could you. what give us a brief summary of rape culture what does this phrase is relatively recent in the mainstream discussion of america well obviously it's disturbing i want to put that in a table but clearly that it's justifiable that it's ok in some in some cases in facebook's example it's it's a legitimate way to make humor for women to be sexually assaulted for women to
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portray images of women being forcibly you know tape bound bondage beating and that it's justifiable and ok for women to be sexually abused for someone else's pleasure whether that pleasure be humorous or some of their point to be made so. is it seemed. correct me if i'm wrong it seems that rape culture is a phrase that. is describing something that's been with us for seven thousand years and probably longer but as been part of you know hierarchy and patriarchy and male dominance always kind of stuff for a long long time and this is the current description of it i mean there were descriptors back in the seventy's when the when the women's movement was but. have as much changed during that period of time and if not do you think that this is going to help catapult some change in consciousness oh i think a lot of things i think are new social media culture to call it to coin a phrase has put a lot of the stuff on steroids i think were in
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a new epoch in communications where almost anyone can put anything up and many many people can see it so in a way our new social media culture tom can't properly you know promulgated or expand or increase the the viewership of something that in the old days when you were limited to maybe being on t.v. or having a newspaper article written about you or or a photograph that was the limit of this and i myself went through this when i ran for congress in two thousand and eight there was a quote that was plucked off the internet that contained words that i can't even repeat on air but it had words like w h astrid astrid eat and pee you astrid asked her why or on the front of the tribune paper hundred eighty thousand circulation for four days with a color photo of me top of fold front of the paper and i would argue that in a previous era that never would have happened what happened with the new new cycle
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is this let's say you have an opponent that wants to kind of get you doing it ok or let's say you think you want to make some humorous point in the case of a lot of these facebook postings well all you need to do is sort of put it out there an edited uncensored and then it gets plucked off the social media site and then lay. amplified in standard broadcast media print media so it is a real problem and a woman i really respect is the senior editor at time life she said sam this is the new news cycle that's terrible the. there is a balancing act between the right of free speech and and free offensive speech in the in the nazis in skokie illinois famously and on the other hand our wanting to have some semblance of control is not quite the right word but. you know to maintain a rational reasonable culture right particularly for our children and. as
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as these rules are changing is the media's changing what do we do how do we know how to move here we have i think a helpful place to be in this is some of the hate crime legislation and discussion it currently the whole brouhaha around facebook in this new campaign that's out has been trying i think successfully making the point that these images of women these defiling abusive images of women are in fact hate crime you would never think for example the words that were said about me or even hillary clinton when she ran for president no one would ever think of casting the the same aspersions against obama as a black man. you know those ways of referring to african-americans have long since gone out of any way of talking in our in our in our every day speech let alone our media but yet when it comes to women those have not been erased and when it comes
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to rape culture those things have not been erased they're still allowed and there's a deep rooted groundwater sexism i would contend tom to all of this and that fueled our project called name a change which we did in collaboration with women's media center that showed this when i ran for congress and that quote appeared about me i was told by everybody i was the most indorsed challenger of the country in two thousand and eight but yet everyone from d. triple. the emily's list said oh ignore that well name change it did the research tom that showed that when you even talk about a woman's appearance let alone highly massaging a stick statements like that she drops electorally like a stone by ten points and still write about exactly what it is photos exactly but as long as a woman response she regains all those lost photos so what's critical in this in that's that's counterintuitive but as long as she responds she gets the last votes and i think that translates to this current brouhaha for example on facebook what we need are people responding saying this is offensive and we do need to hold the
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facebook leadership and i think their response was absolutely off base where they said it's ok to call this humorous and that's exactly what they said well we have just a little less than a minute so we're seen in this generation in the last fifteen years or so i would say just the major cultural shifts in you know gay marriage now is widely accepted even fifteen years ago it wasn't. race race race relations people's young people's attitudes or are we seeing a change in massaging in in those attitudes in the attitudes of men and women our research shows no in fact again this social media culture that we live in is exacerbating it's in trenching and it's in the groundwater very difficult to move and i think we're going to have to do a lot more deliberate action like name a change like this facebook campaign and much much more to change attitudes particularly the media would as a patrice women do very quickly you think you could have a new do with the kind of geek male culture that so much of the web is as well known as something like i don't know the exact number but five percent of media
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decision makers are women five percent it's probably less than the web sam thank you for my pleasure so. coming up the phone lines are now open for our your take my take it live segment so if you want to chance to ask me a question live on the big picture give us a call at two zero two nine zero four twenty one thirty four the you brooke.
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the mission free accreditation in st john's for charge is free to make amends three. three stooges free. download free broadcast quality video for your media projects and free media and on to our t.v. dot com. welcome to the future out of sight but still on our minds from the still it seems the norm let's try to live smarter with smartphones you never know what some people are hiding and can't be sure to prove delta the molecular level learned that what the doctor ordered is often based on secrets under our skin let us shine the light on
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a kid in a world. we've got the future covered. potentially deadly blizzard taking aim for the northeast it's expected to hit stunning in a few hours from new york to maine we have team coverage of the storm. but what we're watching is the very heavy snow moving into boston properly or today it was very sticky you can see it start to become much more connery down saying to the line there's still a lot of snow out here and a good place for snowball fight. piece and it is going to pretty incredible day there and even record snowfall throughout much of it might still be slugged three drugs listen submerging see here except on the.
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bottom of your take my take live the phone lines are now open so if you want to tell me your opinion make a comment ask a question on the air give us a call or two or two for twenty one thirty four at a one before the number for our international viewers let's first though go to our video questions so that i you can record a video question does look into your phone or record it and email it off to us at your take my take g. mail dot com dr l. medo joining us from india. you know a significant number of african-americans have found peace and dignity. for instance representative keith ellison the co-chair of the progressive and the n.c.p. teacup this boxing legend muhammad that he. is jazz pianist on the gitmo even to meet in deep shit bell. among politicians and the reaction in media like fox probably a the
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a form of schoolwork racism given that america today is less receptive to more all good graces. what's your to. my take is that there is a subset of america that is becoming more receptive to more over racism we're seeing this more and more on the so-called hard right and this is now with we're just i was sam battered about how massage and sexism are being facilitated in some ways by by social media i think i think racism as well racism is alive and well in the states and it's something that we need to be calling out and hopefully doing something about our next video question comes from carson in ontario canada. i'm curious to know what you think the answer is reaction to these three hundred guns since they're going to profit off the minute actually very very serious thanks
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. thank you that's it's an interesting question and i haven't heard wayne la petite or little pierre or wear a little peter what's with that but yeah la pierre that's right french for but anyway i haven't heard wayne address this issue recently and i looked over at small penis gun club dot com and i haven't seen anything over there so i'm not sure what the n.r.a. is take on it was going to be but given that you know wayne makes two million bucks a year to be the spokesperson for the gun industry i'm guessing your take is right on that our next video question comes from drew in ontario canada. i'm canadian no really good question for you here in canada as many people know our whole system is free why in america do republicans still defend this host care system that requires you to pay while it creates either mass stats or people's not good health care at all. it's it's amazing to canadians call to go you know
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what it is through this i was in we did our show from denmark from danish radio studios. a couple of years ago for a week or two and i was on the danish television program one of the evening programs with their kind of. was a national program sort of like an oprah program only it was a man and he said so i understand that in america people can actually go broke if they get sick and i said yeah it's like half of all bankruptcies are because people got sick and half of those people actually had insurance and go you've got to be making up your poem by you know oh my change here i'm like no no this is. the simple answer in answer to your question why is because somebody is making money off it and because our supreme court has said in this constitutional monarchy that we have here in the monarchs being the supreme court justices our supreme court has said that corporations are persons and money is speech and therefore it's legal for
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these health insurance companies to buy politicians and that's what they've been doing and that's why it's legal in the united states it's insane the vast majority of americans don't want it they would love to have free national health care but that's what we've got. walter in federal way a walter thanks for calling. but yes you know i don't even. believe that beginning with matt. and she figured out how much thirty fifth street right before the show. and i don't hear her say anything about black males was she people black people she did when she was talking about. how she was treated in chief but i see she said her being called the c word the w. word that obama would not be called the n.
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word i guess essentially give me a break go live in an old they really were tough to muhammad bit president obama had been called but see. you know maybe your newspaper or not. i'm not i want to debate you on this i agree with you that obama has had racism i mean has been thrown at him sixteen ways to sunday but it's been mostly in code this she was called these words on the front page of a major newspaper i don't mean but what i think of people walking around would be crying for. big fat it with the word n. word on here and all these kind of stuff or there i don't think that would include yeah your point is well taken thanks a lot for calling i don't disagree dr sam hammam. in princeton new jersey. all right tom i hear you just fine. good i want to thank you very much for the kind of show you have in the balance that you have with insights because you know there are other stations but. and insights and so r.t. t.v.
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that's a very important thing in our lives and many of the professors here at princeton and the more you know ridley knowledgeable people but i'm the former director of the a slur in washington d.c. i'm the only american born muslim to be the director has the center which is a center for smom and all of north central and south america and what i think it's very important is that the gentleman from india made a very good point that muslims in this country have not been outrageously. middle tent what have you but the problem has been that with the kind of havoc. in the media and the right wing it's making a lot of people feel very defensive and unfortunate you know people have fear they react in a very militant way and i'm afraid that unless the media is able to go and things out and look that ninety five to ninety eight percent or more of the muslims are
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people who are not looking for fighting and who are not looking for difficulties and are born here or have come here and are happy to be here face to recognize that tom you know when when. a pretty name of the guy who bombed the olympics back in the late ninety's he also bombed a lesbian bar and he had a history of going after abortion clinics and he was proclaiming christianity right and then the eric rudolph thank you and he did not the media did not say oh christianity equals terrorism and similarly to mcveigh and i and others in fact president obama called all three christian terrorists as are words today i don't. why them like that but the point is that christianity doesn't equal terrorism and i agree with your point dr sam i think that it's really a destructive thing frankly when our media even goes close to saying that islam
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equals terrorism and doesn't and the vast majority of muslims as you point out ninety nine point several decimals percent of muslims. understand islam is a religion of peace and they're not about violence just like the vast majority christians disagree with their equal. i'd like to make one point useful i have a ph d. i have been a professor princeton northwestern i have michigan elsewhere i don't have a beard i don't have an accent and i have white here because i'm a little older than some people and the plan is interesting even when i was the director do some explain in washington d.c. and. why so many people i could never carry on t.v. i was not even on one of the you want to talk to me that's correct because you see i. first looks at me he says oh you're not american like i said you know i was born and raised in gary indiana i mean what do you think i am what i'm getting at is
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that people like me tom and this is why i'm so happy of taking my call people like me are never allowed on t.v. and i'm articulate to this i have a ph d. and i've talked to princeton and elsewhere and it appears to sammy set a new set of very well this is this is the subtle racism that is in our media is looking for those stereotypes when they want to portray people who are you know muslim or you know pick your pick your minority group thank you very much for the call george in los angeles hey george thanks for watching us what's up. terrorism is a tactic terrorism is is using using civilians using people who have nothing to do with a particular grievance injuring them or killing them in order to cause other people to be frightened and this is the great disservice the george w.
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bush did to us with this so-called war on terrorism it's like saying we're going to declare war on guns or we're going to declare war on you know. you know some military tactic you can't do that and there are you have to figure out the grievance you we have we you have to address it and these people who attacked us on nine eleven they were not there it was not a militia it was not a country where you can declare war on them they were criminals and they should have been taken down as criminals in fact that the taliban offered to arrest us on bin laden and send him to a third country for trial and george bush said that they want to do that jonah wasso michigan joan we just have about a minute a quick one. i don't like you know right out of richard goodwin i realize that. gaps are good enough to the right now in taking away what you have because they are going up big. they're not going to learn better when left to do what they would have anyway well you and i go out to you and your governor my god was born in
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michigan i grew up in michigan and my family a lot of my family's in michigan and i i look at rick snyder and i'm like your republican governor and his republican house and senate and they they have gone completely off the rails i mean they've got all this money from the device family and from the you know the top of their fortune and whatnot and and and the koch brothers and who who ever else is funding them so so much so with such arrogance that after the people voted down the financial manager law that allowed them to just end democracy in cities he says all we're going to do it anyway in detroit we're going to put a financial manager in charge of detroit and the same thing with the food stamps the students i mean it's just it is. there is a level of a startling level. of arrogance among republicans i think it's because they think that they you know they can they can rig the elections they can they can spend all the money that they want on. political ads they have access to believe. it's
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it's not a good thing for democracy frankly and until we know we. have this supreme court doctrine that corporations are people and money is speech it's going to continue that's where you need to go to move to amend to work that's it for your take my take live thanks for your all your calls we didn't get your calls and i tries back next thursday and keep the video questions coming it's easy just grab your phone record your question or comment and e-mail it to us at your take my take at g.-mail dot com. coming up wellard mitt romney once called electric car company tesla a loser that companies list of accomplishments over the past few months seems to indicate a real winner but more importantly electric cars have the power to save a man or woman cannot tell you colleagues and i'd still it's.
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the worst you're going. super. because you've never seen anything like.
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it's thursday let's get geeky according to a new study mosquitoes that carry the parasite that causes malaria may be more attracted to human body odor and study published in the journal plus one reports that compared with non infected mosquitoes those carrying the malaria causing
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parasite plasmodium falciparum are more likely to visit a fabric covered with a person sweat more frequently and there is one of those problem diseases worldwide hundreds of millions of people have malaria nearly a half million die from it every year plasmodium falciparum so ability to influence mosquitoes may help to explain how so many people become infected with malaria and researchers have found that mosquitoes infest infected with the parasite feed longer on humans increasing the likelihood that the parasite will be passed on to people and individuals will develop malaria to study how the malaria causing parasite affects mosquitoes attraction to humans a team of researchers in the netherlands collected foot sweat from a volunteer who wore a nylon stockings for twenty hours who the researchers then. they sweat soaked socks in a cage with two groups of mosquitoes one group that was infected with the plasmodium parasite and one that was infected mosquitoes visited the sweaty stockings three
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times more frequently than their non infected counterparts while the research is remarkable researchers still don't know why or how the malaria parasite manipulates the mosquitoes sense of smell and it's still unclear which specific component of human order odor actually is the most attractive to mosquitoes we do know one thing mosquitoes aren't the only members of the animal kingdom that are influenced by microorganisms our bodies the human body has over one hundred trillion cells and ninety trillion of them are not human which means the majority of the cells in your body are actually fungus bacteria viruses other non-human cells and in research published earlier this year it was revealed that the gut bacteria inside our intestines may be tied to our likelihood of gaining weight or becoming obese in a study published in the journal of clinical and or chronology of metabolism reported on in march by the new york times researchers found that overweight people may be more likely to have a specific type of intestinal microbe present study and also one hundred ninety two
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people had their breath analyzed to help diagnose various digestive orders they agreed to let researchers measure the levels of hydrogen and methane in their breath elevated levels of those of these gases indicate the presence of a microbe called metho brother backed or smithy. it's a methane producing bacteria the people with the highest ratings on the breath test were more likely to be heavier and have more body fat in the researchers suspect that it may be that microbe that's at least partly responsible for their being overweight or obese at the same time there been hundreds of studies that have shown that some forms of bacteria and other microorganisms can be beneficial to us too so what's the bottom line here first we may be in the very early stages of learning how to combat one of the planet's most prevalent diseases malaria but more importantly we're beginning to learn more and more about the roles that microorganisms play in our everyday lives. just. the.
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it's the good the bad in the very very jim lee billy the good. johnson. monday rally in chicago a nine year old buddy an activist gave a rousing speech in opposition to that city's plan to close down fifty four public schools take a look. the rule. well said a c. in our schools are part of the commons we need more people like you to stand up for
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the bad or maybe just the very weird one back when most of us laughed off wolf blitzer's off word interaction with an atheist tornado victim on tuesday when back was freaking out convinced that the c.n.n. host was set up by a secular producer intent on mocking religion. i want to tell you what my theory is on this i think he was fed some information about the gas they got him for and that's what producers do the man who given some questions that he should ask and cetera et cetera some producer who is sympathetic to the atheist plight or just doesn't like christians or whatever it is we are not fighting against flesh and bone we are fighting the forces of spiritual darkness i will tell you that. that was there for a reason. yes clown the evil secular elites are taking over c.n.n. to turn disaster coverage in the propaganda and my producers are demon possessed too. they're actually either wearing a big ten foil hat or just militant and very very ugly tony perkins in
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a press release tuesday the family research councils president blamed the military's worsening sexual assault crisis on the repeal of the armed forces is don't ask don't tell policy he wrote president obama want to move social soldiers a serious problem in the military but what he hasn't considered is that his policy on homosexuality helped create it a good business well first orders the obama administration ordered military leaders to embrace homosexuality completely dismissing the concerns that it could be a problem people attracted to the same sex living in close quarters actually tony the vast majority of sexual assault cases in the mill military involve attacks on women by men and there's just no direct relationship between open homosexuality and with. the rise of assault cases has everything to do with the military's problematic power structure and probably
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a few wars and nothing to do with gay people the fact that you even suggest otherwise he's just very very . if you've ever visited new york city during the summer you know just how they are a bloody hot that city can get in the streets the pavement absorbing all that heat radiating back out the buildings trapping it there's not much wind going through it anyway thanks to climate change manhattan is only going to get hotter actually everything is going to go there and now researchers have calculated that the rising temperatures will include increase the death toll linked to a warming climate in manhattan by as much as twenty percent by the twenty
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twentieth's just the next decade in order to find how changing temperatures might affect manhattan and the rest of the big apple because the other boroughs researchers examined temperature readings throughout the city they found that in general temperature was already increasing global warming is here already daily records for manhattan central park show that average monthly temperatures have increased by three point six degrees fahrenheit from the period between one thousand one and two thousand and just that temperature just this is you know just those three to three degree temperature is killing people every year in manhattan from exposure to extreme heat and extreme cold winter it's not just global warming is climate change as climate change continues to rear its ugly head. more and more people are going to die as the result of these extreme temperatures and while he related deaths are projected to increase by twenty percent in the twenty twenties
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the numbers are even worse as we look farther down the road between the twenty fifties in the twenty eighties projections show a net increase of fifteen to thirty percent in temperature related deaths which would mean that on average there would be a thousand temperature related deaths in manhattan every year extrapolate this across the nation and unless we do something right now to curb the devastating effects of climate change thousands of americans will lose their lives now since cars are a major burner of fossil fuels one of the actions that we should take right now is to invest more in cleaner and greener automobile technology and that's where companies like tesla motors come in tesla and american companies which employs more than three thousand american workers manufacturers and sells electric cars to all of you based in california the company was one of the many green green clean energy tech companies that was given a federal grant by the department of energy and the obama administration you might
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recall during the campaign in two thousand and twelve mitt romney said in a debate you know like someone drove him over clean to a company that was granted federal funds went bankrupt romney says to his was a loser. but don't forget you put ninety billion dollars like fifty years' worth of breaks into into solar and wind to just saw cylindrica and fisker a tesla an inner one i mean if i had a friend who said you don't just pick the winners and losers you pick the losers near it. the facts clearly say otherwise yesterday tesla announced that it had paid back in full its four hundred sixty five million dollars government loan a whopping nine years early this in thanks in large part to the recent boom in tesla's sales and popularity in two thousand and twelve the tesla model s. won the prestigious car of the year award from motor trend magazine and in the first quarter of this year tesla model s. sales were higher than sales of comparable models from or sadie's b.m.w.
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and audi all the model as comes at a fairly high price tag between seven hundred grand tesla c.e.o. elon musk so this week that the company plans to make a slightly smaller model of the model s. and the price may be slashed by up to fifty percent making it easier for middle class americans to four to afford the clean green car dealer when you consider that you don't have the gasoline costs but tesla isn't the only car manufacturer witnessing soaring sales of electric cars another american car company forward now has the ford focus electric and there's the nissan leaf these two less expensive electric cars have help triple the number of electric cars sold over the past two years from seventeen thousand five hundred twenty eleven to fifty three thousand in two thousand and twelve. soon even electric cars could be a thing of the past researchers are now trying to create vehicles that run entirely off hydrogen either jimbaran safely and slowly and fuel cells use it as
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a fuel to produce electricity through chemical reactions and you can create it using water and just run electricity through the water despite republicans like mitt romney will tell you green energy cars are the wave of the future motor vehicle emissions of c o two account for more than fifteen percent of global fossil fuel c o two releases just imagine what would happen to our environment and our planet if we replaced every gas guzzling car with one that ran on clean electricity or even cleaner hydrogen make no mistake about it climate change is the biggest threat that our planet has ever faced fortunately we still have the power to alter our planet's destiny and to create a no carbon future it's time to ditch the gas guzzlers once and for all and go green and will save the lives of thousands of americans well. and that's the way it is tonight thursday may twenty third two thousand and thirteen and remember if you have a question or comment send us your video questions for our your take your my take
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segment just grab your phone hop on your computer hit record and e-mail your video question to your take my take at g.-mail dot com for more information check out our website the tell marvin dot com free speech dot org r t dot com and blue dot com slaves big picture and don't forget democracy begins with you they're going to act in your city.
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projects a free media dog our teeth on tom. good
11:00 pm
afternoon welcome to prime interest i'm harry i'm boring here in washington d.c. and here's the headlines i've been talking today. well it's good news for homeowners because home prices are up as according to two reports today with which both to beat expectations and good news for chairman bernanke it looks like five years of pushing on a string have more into a q a bullet train but how long will this last we've previously reported this week that the foreclosure pipeline has been stalled i think to new guidance from the fed and that was the and today we'll talk to matthew o'brien about some creative legal or turn it is for homeowners facing foreclosure also prime interest producer adjusting underhill covers the recent housing protest here in d.c. and expose a step.


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