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tv   Headline News  RT  May 24, 2013 2:00pm-3:00pm EDT

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the failure of u.k. security services to prevent the beheading and puts them under scrutiny as the attack threatens to divide british. schools and. police have pleaded for reinforcements to contain violence in the swedish capital expert opinion. evolution of the war on terror. but defends the cia's drone strikes as heartbreaking but necessary top stories this is.
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a line on screen international news and comment from here in moscow this is. british security forces will face serious questions from parliament over the machete murder of a soldier in london it's been revealed that two of the suspects have been known to m i five for some time the alleged attackers beheaded the victim in broad daylight on wednesday saying it was revenge for britain's military action abroad. reports from the. a flag at half mast a grizzly attack with a machete style knife and a murdered soldier his death leaves behind a two year old son the seemingly behind this crease the max seeking to bring scenes of violence usually seen in war ravaged parts of the world to the london suburb of in a poignant interview r.t. spoke to an army officer he told us of the reaction among some in the armed forces
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to remain anonymous angry at the moment i'm. not scared scared. you never get someone to. be scared i witness accounts of the priests attack details the men chanting is the best slogans as the body of soldier drama leverage be a second battalion the royal regiment do you say is they only pleading they asked people to video then if you listen to the words of the attackers themselves it's clear that they will wish to bring the war which they saw prosecuted on the streets of baghdad and kabul to the streets of london to speaking at a press conference london mayor boris johnson okayed many senior political figures trying to distance this latest act of violence from the recent eva sees exploits this is not a question of blaming the religion of islam it is certainly not a question or blaming any aspect of british foreign policy or what british troops
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are do in operations abroad when they risk our lives on behalf of all of us the london mayor in charge at the time of the london two thousand and five bombings disagrees they are lying they are completely complicit with the united states policy to cite tony blair was with george bush they are prepared to stand and say well we think this strategy has been a disaster it has been just announced not just for the young man killed on the streets of london but for the hundreds of thousands of. people in afghanistan and in iraq who've been killed a simple reality if you invade other people's countries they come back it's one side of an argument but one that's going to be weighing heavily on many now that this has hit so close to home you feel less secure i think that's one ace. you think if we went out there then perhaps
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a bit more space scope for al qaeda to produce the sounds they'd be operating more within the u.k. because when we're out there we're constricted in space and not allowing them that freedom of maneuver out and that means their base of operations over here is we can both say the arguments we made because we're out there we're inspiring the more motivating them presence out there is sort of motivating the cells that back in the u.k. to operate more and carry out more attacks as the police investigation continues a deep sense of guilt and outrage from the local community here in southeast london at that brutal attack and they sentiment echoed across the country as people struggle to come to terms with how a crime like that could happen here. london the will is murder has seen the rise of attacks against muslims reports suggest that was several dozen isn't phobic crimes committed across britain wednesday night and extra police have been deployed to muslim sites when earlier i discussed the issue with in done he's
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editor of politics dot com what you can and call a score from the right we british national party there are two different things one is the east of the existence of minorities who are violent the other the justification. and i absolutely agree the british would embody is of the zoster i do remember that the british guys and this stuff was up to the church they were being one kind of now they think this guy and he's talking about supporting giving us who are trying to defeat the person in the south who are those governments and. so they don't trust the. old british or importance combine with social issues other than the core of the program so socially are you saying that multiculturalism is failing that in britain it's
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interesting you're a one and you're representing british interests clearly hasn't failed for you. well they're putting things. they have to work. multiculturalism and integration you know when you look at but. what any good a should be responsible immigration must be a good tools you have to get those across the u.k. people who find difficulties will find you to be integrate. all right and they don't want to also hear the fact that example it's immigration isn't working it's irresponsible and there isn't enough inclusion there's efficiencies that make that give you you know that on sort of course the major but i feel i do feel that one major major problem with what he's saying is that with his acts of terrorism really conducted by the far right you very generously describe the b.m.p. as a right wing party idea they're not right wing they're far right they're a fascist party and the acts of violence that they treat against mosques against
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property the threats against muslims these are also acts of terrorism these are also acts of violence by non-state actors for political means well i've got to learn from and i have something to do with my how to help like others to figure out exactly how they share is done by right wing fanatics and i have to get us all to know the person. the other person who's talking he said noting completely fucked up i personally have an open dialogue with most in communities that recently i had a debate with muslim communities in books in but the city in london about these very issues. for employees staff will be voters will tell you about the. issue of these racist you should learn about what are you know proud of on ok just listen to mr dunn now please but you know i don't know we don't
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know we don't. have websites people. for all. people from rome they. let me really judge the members. only they know when we have sound some other lunatics who also agree with your demented view of the world however that does not mean that you know what is there what is the mission of the was he is the us or are you not yet if you just go just for it is that it does not just toss you shorted the british people died there a pull by what's happened they want to stroll response from government they don't want a reaction that could be tempered by fears of political incorrectness what should be done there's going to be some strong reaction surely political correctness really has no connection to where the you have a viable response to a terrorist incident stopping terrorism is about having joined up services by intelligence agencies by the police by mental health authorities by schools by the muslim community these are the kind of sensible i don't mean that you take to
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prevent violence and what about the maintenance is. if you can had mr chen that it is something to do with an intrinsic nature of islam ok mr did mention the fact that you can't have the manpower to track all these people down but surely the has been a lack of surveillance of many people who say we need to step up that now sober so-called snooping on people because clearly they were on the am i five radar but they got through i mean is that do you think that people be as you just make something very clear. where we don't really know what is how does it let me say this i mean there's a lot of people talking without any access to the information required to make a coherent judgment we know yes that they're one of my party let me think it was a free country and they're even say it isn't all that might make your own intelligence list and not be tracked at all times i'm afraid that these things do sometimes happen terrible as they are mr particular they have over my five they hate all of my five talking in the car so-called ones said referring to to love two thousand and five the security services in the united kingdom not of the mom power
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neither to track down every single person they suspect would be involved you know not the reason. they gave over my five talking no easy feat to eat fuel carry on in bathing out of countries killing muslims in a drug funny stuff on cd and everyone else. you don't you wouldn't have ever enough security services to come to the unger of these people. in done history of politics stop what you can call a squid from the right wing british national party i spoke to them earlier today about the anti islam backlash caused by the machete murder in london earlier this week. meanwhile in sweden stockholm is reeling as two schools a police station and dozens of cars were set ablaze in a fifth night of riots twelve people were arrested as rioters and police clashed
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with stone for a new this import largely immigrant districts of the swedish capital peter oliver reports from the suburb of whose be where the troubles first fled. nice neat and normal not the type of place you would expect to see this. the who speak on the outskirts of stockholm and the epicenter of sweden's issue with race and that's bubbling over in sweden you get welfare you get access to the education system up to university level you get access to public transport to libraries to health care to everything and still they feel that they need to throw stones a molotov cocktails it's ridiculous it's a bad excuse the violence in the usually peaceful city has become a political football the swedish democrats are exploiting these events they make it all about immigration to suit their needs they see being anti immigrant is being proofs weeden for the past week stone throwing in car burning become the norm in
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this part of town known for its high unemployment predominantly immigrant population all sparked after a sixty nine year old man was gunned down by police while brandishing a knife that let loose a barrage of emotions it's the state that creates this type of ghettoization they move everyone from abroad into these parts of town when it comes to unemployment sweden is below the average however almost one quarter of under twenty five's are out of work prompting some to say it's time for further action saying a lack of control by government has led them to this situation the police can put the ride down in five minutes if the politicians were to allow them although swedes defer over what caused this week's violence they are in agreement that it's government policy that must be changed to avoid scenes like this being repeated on
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the streets of stockholm peter all over r.t. sweden let's go live now to the chairman of sweden's communist party for more on the violence gripping the swedish capital victor the. the phillippi victor violence has broken out in different immigrant suburbs across sweden in two thousand and eight then two thousand and ten the now in stockholm is the government failing with its immigration policy well i don't think this is a government. press a i think all the governments of the nineteen ninety eight have failed in creating jobs create going house seeing creating a good will fair for everybody and what isn't an immigration question or it was so what does your party say that the communist party what what do you think it is an immigration problem you've mentioned a few issues there how would you address the situation now which is getting pretty serious now in sweden. yes well i think the most important thing one can do the
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right now is for the government to go down and speak to didn't make an assembly and speak to people and say what what are you missing what's difficult to use in this serious and so i don't think it's good to make a press conference and in different areas of the city and believed it's going to solve everything but sweden's except in more than one hundred wells in refugees last year hole for them from war torn countries like afghanistan and somalia is it really sustainable for a small country like that to take on such a burden well that's a simplistic simplistic view of fact because in reality we haven't received one hundred if else and refute units we have received. some people migrated to sweden portion of them obviously to use and. also so think that remember that over fifty first and left sweden last years to my rooty of this immigrant is immigrants are from sweden and from denmark and from norway's so it's
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a bit excited you ration numbers or i say if he is saying the problems on pinpoint it is being immigration in sweden why are we seeing such anger and violence at the moment where is it coming from well these people have no work you have an every day you can listen to the radio and t.v. station and everybody says well that you today don't want to work you don't want to do and if being especially to move soon communities and immigrants and i don't know the eating up everything that we have in sweden and in the us it's time we don't give them possibilities to create a life is so it's not strange they're writing it question one must ask oneself this while writing no why didn't the right before but it is interesting to see that politicians are saying who's b. which is the center of this unrest has pretty good schools good public services and obviously providing good welfare and a good standard of living for its residents and yet that's where all the problems
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coming from they have to say these things of course because they have been in power now for seven years and we have seen a steady steady decline in. area so. schools and more and more employees there's an element and. of course they have to say it is it's an election next year so they want to make it a. better education able to model just briefly i know that you're a moment that's going to knowledge immigrant community what we see in the same sort of violence there or you worried that perhaps you might see some violence there not just briefly. we will see it in the future but i believe that. we have more experience we had violence a couple of years ago and i think that you've been to syria saw it it didn't give any. back so people are now starting to organize himself in different well. demanding a better health care better school. and so on so that more political aware probably
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here in rome they took interest here thoughts thank you very much indeed victor diaz differently from the communist party in sweden thank you for joining us live here and. remember we always have more for you on london a website online all the time all of you don't call me including moscow trembles shock waves spread through russia with an eight point two magnitude earthquake of the country's far east coast felt thousands of miles away here in the capital most skin. and cutting edge technology saves a child's life american doctors before president surgery repairing a one year old airways with an implant created on a three d. printer the full story on the web site. g m o giant with the backing of a government sowing seeds of all raced around the world breaking the food chain the march against monsanto users may twenty fifth on our t.v.
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. download the official publication. stream quality and enjoy your favorite. if you're away from your television just doesn't matter now
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with your mobile device you can watch on t.v. anytime anywhere. news continues here in l a t a new face to the war on terror was unveiled by president obama in a major speech on america's national defense policies for the second time in five years he promised to try and shut guantanamo bay but when it came to drone wolf that the president appeared less enthusiastic about change promising a need vague guidelines a washington correspondent got a check on this report. president obama says he's appointing new people new on voice at the state department and the pentagon who will specifically work on the transfers of tunnel detainees it is not really specify when the transfers will begin or how this will be done but he did say the administration is lifting the ban
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on transfers to yemen the yemenis are the largest single group of prisoners at guantanamo six out of eighty six detainees who've been cleared for release are from yemen president obama also says he asked congress to lift restrictions on bringing the detainees to the u.s. to be tried by military commissions here in the state looks like after all these years of inaction indifference and injustice one ton of detainees finally got president obama's attention whether it was just really sad that it took a massive hunger strike and so much physical suffering for them to be heard remember we've heard president obama talk about closing the prison five years ago nothing happened moreover he signed a law that made indefinite detention illegal he shut down the office of the state department that was working on the transfers and just two months ago a pentagon official was in congress asking for nearly two hundred million dollars to renovate the prison so just a little while ago the prospect of closing the prison seemed so very distant now it seems we could be seeing some action on the part of the administration but
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president obama has never been a guantanamo fan his preferred strategy is targeted assassinations the administration has been very secretive about how they determine the targets innocent people have died in those strikes and it has contributed to the growth of extremism in places like pakistan but we've heard the president mitigate the adverse effect that the drone strikes are having he of course underscored that the drones keep u.s. troops out of the battlefield he spoke extensively about how much he likes drones as opposed to other military strategies at one point he said putting u.s. troops on the ground would trigger an international crisis would lead to more anger among the locals which begs the question where the bombing from air does not trigger an international crisis or whether the local somehow like being bombed more than being shot it the u.n. has questioned the legality of the use of drones and here's how the president addressed the issue america cannot take strikes wherever we choose our actions are bound by consultations with partners and respect for state sovereignty.
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america does not take strikes to punish individuals we act against terrorists who pose a continuing and imminent threat to the american people when the president talks about consultations with other countries one should mention that you have the whole population of pakistan and its parliament unanimously opposing the drone strike so the administration may be in consultation with the governments of those countries but obviously not the people there the president said this wednesday he signed a presidential policy guidance on the use of drones which is supposed to lead to the establishment of some guidelines oversight and accountability now also on the issue of legality the administration still operates under the congress authorization for the use of military force adopted in two thousand and one which says the u.s. is at war with al qaeda and its affiliates based on the threats that the president talked about in the speech and he talked about the threat coming from al qaeda affiliates different parts of the world the war on terror is still on and the
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drones are here to stay so a poem is going to have another try at showing going to move bernie but attorney david greene who represents seventeen going to move by the inmates says he's off to an even worse still the second that since we had been led to expect at least in the media that president obama would do something constructive all he offered however were the same empty promises that he's offered before he continues to defend indefinite detention he is going to appoint an envoy who has no power to do anything beyond what obama allows him to do he keeps plame in congress for the problem when he has the authority to transfer men and appointing a special envoy actually he didn't he simply. in the pentagon to address these issues my fear is that people will conclude from listening to this speech that there is forward motion the problem has been solved guantanamo is closed and
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everybody can go on to other things that's exactly what happened in two thousand and nine and i'm very sorry that there was no forward movement here exultant democrats are heading a boma speech is a new beginning a sentiment not shared by republicans they accuse the president of separate files in national security even during obama's speech there was dissent within a real audience member being escorted out of my colleague out of a cross he outlined why the woman forced a bomb to go off script. something that we haven't seen really before was that the presidential veneer the the the obama veneer was punctured somewhat by a heckler in the audience and i think we can have a listen and have a look at how obama dealt with he we went. we went on.
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we're addressing america. the heckler was media benjamin of code pink with the heckling itself and that it took place is a real indication of. angry people are as far as we could pick up on the audio she she she pretty much addressed every element of obama's obama speech so she called on him to compensate families who have been destroyed by joint strike drone strikes and she called on them to close guantanamo bay called called on him to release the prisoners who have been set for release for up to ten years from the camp that he dealt with he's a consummate performer he and he dealt with it very well as any politician of his stature would he be he's point of the fact that free speech allowed this lady to have an opinion and he felt she went on a bit and i think about stagey and after
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a minute or so we had certainly had enough for me the key takeaway is that the policy of man drone strikes needs to be changed obama is definitely trying to move responsibility for grown strikes drone strikes out of the shadow of the cia and into the department of defense and he's certainly trying to do something about guantanamo but i think the key takeaway in the key lesson is that these two elements of u.s. policy of the so-called war on terror are absolutely unsustainable. when it comes to obama's drone based war on terrorism author activist david swanson feels the changes the president proposed don't go far enough. he claims that he is going to further there are limits he is murdered by drone program including applying these arbitrary criteria met in secret by himself to his own satisfaction and if these reforms and limitations are needed are on this program then what the conduct of
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this program here to for what security threat was a sixteen year old boy what security threat are the thousands of victims of these drone strikes including children and women and seniors and so-called signature strikes these are strikes to kill people without knowing their name based on behavior that suggests they might be resisting an occupation of their country what about strikes at rescuers well documented strikes at the rescuers of victims of previous strikes what imminent threat to the united states are those strikes preventing or are they not rather their economy in. a new primary recruiting tool of anti-american terrorism. full of businesses with attention we've got some international headlines in brief now for british fighter jets have intercepted a passenger plane arriving from pakistan after a security scare was reported on board the aircraft was forced to make an emergency landing just north of london and was raided by police to memory rested for
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endangering croft allegedly after they tried to enter the culprit. the u.n. has footage that could confirm syrian rebels used chemical weapons in aleppo in march the material provided by a russian journalists includes video from the site of the alleged incident and interviews with eyewitnesses and doctors who examined the victims it's still unclear whether it was the rebels or the syrian army who used the alleged weapons and u.n. experts have been stopped from investigating by syria who accuses them of being on the west and pressure. at least eight people wounded and two killed in a taliban attack in the center of kabul several powerful explosions rocked the area near a u.n. compound and the gunfire erupted several militants took shelter in a house using guns and grenade launchers to shoot back police. we got to business with the tasha we're going to talk about football in business so we are is it true that the budget for the twenty eighteen world cup championships
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are going to be held here in russia that budget is being slashed it's been cut by more than half from seventeen billion to less than a billion but even that is very high by most other countries standards but i'll tell you why it's being done in the business bulletin after a short break right thanks michel. good lumber turing. was able to build a new most sophisticated robot. found anything tim's mission to teach me. this is why you should care only. to see a story. you think you understand it and then something else you hear or see some
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other part of it and realize that everything is. welcome to the big picture. russia hopes to cut in half its price tag for the twenty team football world cup on friday the deputy prime minister eager shawl of spared this said the spending should not exceed eight billion dollars and that's
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a far cry from the sixteen point six billion dollars that the sports ministry reportedly announced in april just last month so let's now get all the details from my colleague neil harvey hi thanks for being here with us so it's going to be cut by half what does it have to do with is it that you know the crisis is finally heading home or is it the fact that the price tag of sixteen point six billion dollars was exuberant in the first place well it could be that financial times are difficult but i suspect it's more of of the latter it's a huge amount sixteen point six billion dollars and i think the fact that they've been able to half it shows quite clearly just how much of that money wasn't really necessary if you listen to what of all of precisely said it's not just that they were trimming away a little bit of the flat he said we've got this down to the bare essentials so what he's looking for is to spend money only on things that were truly essential to
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staging the world cup so to get rid of fifty percent suggests that perhaps there was a lot of money sloshing around that wasn't necessary so it i mean it's sounds like some of the host cities were basically taking a part in a stick approach to this like trying to throw in all kinds of other infrastructure things that they would need just you know just thinking they're. being generous and so this is a very complicated procedure for example there are certain budgets in the regions that are all the already laid out in the front so some places have already got money set aside for improving the roads and certain infrastructure if you being slightly more cynical you say you know that they're trying to. make the most of an opportunity here for example the governor of the region recently asked for nine billion dollars just as one. in the entire of the entire budget is what is going to be in its entirety so i think what's going on without the original very high estimate and with his very exorbitant request what they're thinking is not just
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about you know building airports and road to airport and you know essentials they're thinking that we can build a brand new city for ourselves who we can we can do any infrastructure that we like so it's an easy opportunity for them to think advantage of what's available so are you basically trying to tell me that it just has to do with cutting the thought rather than the actual macro economic situation the hunter in the country as a whole because i mean russia's economy has seen a serious slowdown it was growing one point one percent in the first quarter and that's like way below estimates so the estimates for the year are definitely you know taking a dramatic cut compared to what we saw in twenty twelve you know i mean that should you cut the economies in a downturn things are difficult as they are all over the world but this is still a huge amount of money let's put it into context two thousand and ten south africa only about three billion dollars so russia still going in a way beyond that big country yeah and also if you if you if you think about all
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the money that it will hope to recoup from this i mean south africa made an estimated profit between one and two billion so there's huge amounts of money that can be made from this is a well i would say that they're going to be looking at the legacy it's going to be a great advert for the country it's the first time that russia's ever hosted the world cup so i mean there's a lot of positives to come out of it well actually that really brings me to my next question are we going to make money i don't know much about sports but i know about business are we going to even break even and that's ok i talked about the us first time an eastern european country never mind russia has got to host the world cup so there is a lot of kudos and prestige it is. will create more opportunities to host of the major events but the bottom line is it comes down to money nations only want to host an event like this because they make a profit out of it fee for only get involved because they are a business they make money out of being involved in staging these events there's going to be money from from the television rights which will be huge there's going
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to be up to half a million tourists coming into the country they're going to spend in millions of dollars it's a chance of just to improve the quality of the facilities in the country so many new hotels will be built i mean we talked about the budget of just just being half of what it was originally put on top of that what isn't being mentioned so far is a separate budget of around ten billion dollars which is going to be paid for by the private sector so they're going to building their hotels are going to building the shopping centers the bars or restaurants to try and make money themselves from all the money people that are coming in spending right now you know the private business is not going to be going into it unless they can see that bottom line yeah absolutely i mean are they have done their research they're not going to go in this is a huge gamble it's a money spinning opportunity you know the whole world will be watching a large percentage of the world will be spending money from how in connection with the world cup of it's not coming to watch the games it's watching them which creates money through the t.v. rights or it's just buying products from the companies are paying an incredible amount of cash big big global brands to be just to be associated and what about the
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prestige of our team is is there a chance that it might become a global brand. if you put all the money aside and you wanted to be a real scrooge and saver should be spending all this money on the world cup waited i'm trying to say that you say things are difficult we should be spending this money is the only way that russia can guarantee to be in the world cup finals they didn't qualify last time they lost in the playoffs to slovenia for three thousand and ten the nation was in mourning for several days it does affect the economy and when everyone goes into a slump like that people don't turn up for work we've got hanging over the drowning their sorrows as a host nation russia is guaranteed to be that. it could really sort of kick on the level of professionalism of football in russia just money generates money you know the game because more professional more top players come in more sponsors that it's really just not the kindling that that likes the fire for professional football and money making and as well. thank you very much you know harvey thanks for the update
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. and let's now see where we currently stand when it comes to the markets on wall street where trade is active the sour the negative sentiment rules the day friday's losses mark the first three day drop of the year for the dow industrials still cannot really get over their concerns about what's going to happen when the stimulus program comes to an end easy money is easy to get used to now the european stocks are not only shedding value on friday but they also posted losses for the week and that's for the first time in more than a month all the uncertainty again about the future of the stimulus program dots making them really nervous and as you can see the footsie just in the dax more than half a percent each that's what we have for friday now on the currency markets the euro was trading higher against the dollar was trading higher against the euro i should say thanks to the strong data coming out of the states here in moscow the russian
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ruble managed to gain to both the dollar and the european currency and when it comes to the russian equities they finished the week's last trading session with all losses now gazprom shared around one and a half percent most of the blue chips showed similar a loss is lower crude obviously didn't help but air flawed was the only one of the blue chips that managed to block the downward trend it gained more than q. germany's search for shale gas may worsen the quality of its beer shale gas is billed as an alternative to conventional gal's that should help europe lower its dependence on russia it currently satisfies a quarter of europe's gas needs but shale gas production involves a process called that contaminates ground water german brewers asked the government to block the shale gas exploration arguing that it threatens the country's ten
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billion dollar a year industry they also say it breaks the five hundred year old law on beer purity that makes its beer some of the world's best known. and that's all latest from us and business up next r t would discuss the freedom of the press in the united states with a media lawyer and the vice chairman of the new york times' james goodale. do we speak your language anything about the will not advance. news programs and documentaries and spanish more matters to you breaking news that will turn it into angles stories. for you here. in troy altie spanish to find out more visit. tito it's calm.
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well into the. out of sight but still on our minds radiation from the still exceeds the norm let's try to live smarter with smartphones you never know what some people are hiding to take can be sure to prove down to the molecular level learned that what the doctor ordered is often based on secrets under our skin let it shine the light on a kid in a world. we've got the future covered. some of these traditional chili lines they've been bred and developed and passed down from generation to. this is a total destruction of the culture of mexico by telling them i mean this this is not going to impact asylum in mexico whatever happens here. we're eating out about x. in the in the open in the eighty's in all the organ and so forth. genetically engineered crops why do you think this country is full of obese and sick people because we
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have a crappy fruits this. morning news today violence has once again flared up. these are the images the world has been seeing from the streets of canada. showing corporations to rule the day. my current guest knows firsthand what it's like to go up against the u.s. government in defense of the first amendment james goodell was general counsel and
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vice chair of the new york times when the pentagon papers were published and he joins our team now for an exclusive sit down interview mr goodell thank you for taking time to speak with me you know i'm glad to be here in your new book fighting for the press inside the story of the pentagon papers and other battles you indicate that president nixon it was out to destroy the new york times but you also argue that if president obama succeeds at prosecuting julian assange he will be worse than nixon for press freedom why so well let me just say one thing about nixon he was out to destroy the new york times he was out to destroy brookings institution a lot of his in the united states. president obama is not out to destroy the times what we're talking about is narrow it's not so narrow but a discrete area which is the relationship of the press to national security
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pentagon papers case a case about national security now in that area nixon was terrible ok he happened to also be heir terrible in the whole first amendment area obama by contrast ok in the first amendment area but not ok in national security why because obama as first of all pursued six leakers that's the for a spat thing he's done a second bad thing he's done is he pursued a guy who got a leak whose name is james ries and now what am i worried about he's also per suing julian assize i say if he pursues julian assize and says julia sonce is a coconspirator. then he'll be and succeeds he'll be worse than nixon because it's and try to pursue the new york times and its reporters saying they were coconspirators nixon failed so while most succeeds where nixon failed you'll be
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worse than nixon so in this context you if you julian a songe as the publisher similar to the new york times similar to the guardian and all the other news outlets that then published what julian a songe disclose through wiki leaks right there saying that it's the same thing if everyone's on the same point it's like if you have a website yourself and you publish this interview you're a publisher u.s. officials maintain that that julian assange compromised national security by publishing classified documents as you know in america you know sometimes first amendment is trumped by national security issues when information is disclosed that could threaten the lives of soldiers on the battlefield or threaten the lives of americans here at home do you believe honestly that killing or saw a sign should face no consequences whatsoever yes that's right and so why you
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know the same claims were made about the new york times when the pubs print the papers it was a strong national security it was strong in law and so on the first amendment in that case trumped. the claim of the nixon administration you know here you've got to ask yourself well what is the first amendment blame. the claim is that a son can be punished if in fact there is no clear and present danger to the country and if you look at the stuff that assigns published. i would argue there's no clear and present danger to the country i mean it's been three years worth of danger i mean you're still here and i'm still here all claims terrible when it comes to national security but when you look backwards at them which is what i do in my book is the pentagon papers i look back through the
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facts of what happened in the pentagon papers and nobody home nothing there no damage now security you have to look at these claims with a jaundiced eye because after a period of time you take a look at them and there's no danger as you mentioned the obama administration has prosecuted more allegedly leakers then under the espionage act then all previous administrations combined. do you believe that leakers such as bradley manning should be subject to some discipline yes i do and i would think that if you work for this organization you started leaking your secrets you probably ought to be fired i think every organization or have a control over its employees and therefore i think the bradley manning should be disciplined and i think that the twenty years to which he's agreed probably probably is a good good sentence i think the question with bradley manning right now is these agreed to twenty and the government wants to give them life and i just wonder
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whether that's appropriate but i do believe every organization should be able to discipline its employees ok then then do you fault the u.s. department of justice of trying to find out who the leakers are because as you well now there's been a scandal with the d.o.j. . secretly uptake into the phone records from associate press journalists and also up to a warrant to search the e-mail account of a fox news reporter so do you defend the u.s. government in trying to find out who the leaker is are i think if there's two things one. we've got six prosecutions of leakers three in all is true and states before them. everyone leaks and washing with everyone's got access to massive security information i think what the obama to do is dial it back he's dot dot it back on drones six is too many though to be some discretion because
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once you start getting everybody some of these cases blow up in your face that's the first question and then the second question is how you go about it ok i don't think when the government is concerned about the behavior of its own employees to take the press and throw the press into the middle of it which is what they have done in what we call rosen gate rosen is the reporter for fox news ourselves who was subject to a search warrant trying to put a search warrant on the thirty he was a coconspirator with a gentleman named cam i mean i look at you you don't look like a coconspirator to me but if you were to start covering some washington stories which inevitably were involved now security information you're subject to being called a coconspirator you know legally i could give you a song and dance but just for your viewers in terms of common sense we know
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reporters aren't coconspirators and we know their record shouldn't be subject to search warrants come on lay off president bush so why do you think they're doing it do you think they're doing it to the to intimidate us journalists from seeking information and publishing sure these reports are not necessarily i mean what if they did it if they did that to your colleague here you would be intimidated or if indeed they did it to you would be intimidated next time around they're also trying to intimidate those who who leak and i think i said i think they should do some discretion here because you know when the president speaks to you he's leaking your thought about that because every member of agent in washington particularly the information which he's got his hands. is classified course he can declassify but it's a dummy sense to me so the impact is that we have less information we have less power you and me and the government by keeping the information secret you know there are
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huge you know complex they become more powerful and that's not good for any of us now as a result of the a.p. and fox news scandals the new yorker magazine has launched a platform for whistleblowers to secretly leak information the program is called strong box and it's an open source dropbox that allows anyone to send leaked documents or messages without their identities ever being known so this way if the justice department asks anyone from the new yorker magazine where did you get this information who was your source the new yorker says well we don't know don't you find it interesting that the new yorker is now using the first amendment practices of julian a songe to protect the bradley manning's of the world right and it doesn't surprise me at all because that's what the new yorker should be doing in the digital age
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that's what publishers do and by the way after the bradley men who were the julius story broke the new york times said we're going to set one up and i think the wall street journal set one up to now songes saying i mean obama saying i want to get a son but isn't this just like the new yorker the wall street journal the new york times you might as well go and get the new york times too and that's what i'm here of to say i'm scared about during his national speech on thursday president obama actually did say that it's troubled by the possibility that the department of justice investigations into leaks make chill the type of journalism that holds government accountable as a result he announced that he's calling on congress to. a media shield law to guard against government overreach do you think that will help do you think that will do anything or do you think that's just rhetoric well president is using. i think
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probably both what he said was i want chuck schumer who was our senator from new york to put the bill in so show me gets up and says look i'm going to put it in but first of all we're going to have an exception for wiki leaks is not going to cover wiki leaks ok and then the second thing he says is not going to cover national security. we'll have a national security exception well i will say in defense of schumer that the old bill on which this is based didn't completely eliminate all national security leaks but it had a provision in there that made it very difficult to justify it so i have a question whether that is worth of the camel but gee whiz my friend chilean assigns he's not going to get the protection after we find out the new yorker is doing the same thing he's doing there are certainly certainly been some cases where journalists have abused their power are a recent example is that bloomberg reporters are now facing somewhat of a scandal they've been accused of accessing private data on the bloomberg terminal
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to further their reporting. do you see this as a big deal like there's a i think that's a big deal i mean that's a little bit like there murdoch scandal in london you know when the burnt out papers were doing the same thing they're hacking in these people are actually hacking i was as good as it's the same same effect you've got to have privacy. for you know but i am not defending the bloomberg journalist i think we've got to realize that we're in a new world digital world and we're going to get clear what the rules are because it's so easy to cheat you've been called the father of reporter's privilege it's what do you see as the current threats to press freedom in the united states frankly as president obama and rosen rosen gate and i'll tell you why because.
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this is the first time. i hate to use the word espionage act but you know national security act let's say for your viewers has been used to get reporters i mean that really is frightening frightening because it's usually. used to get leakers and rosen's a leaky to use legal phraseology so if the bomb and ministration releases justice department thinks that they can use criminal laws to get journalists because they're coconspirators i mean honestly that's one of the worst things i've come across and all the years i've been doing this. and in closing i mentioned your book when began the interview what do you hope that readers get from your book well the purpose of the book is to learn the lessons from the pentagon papers which is hate and the president messes with national security is going to be in deep yogurt wake up america and wake up president obama the country is going to be in bad shape and
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president obama don't go after julian assad and call him a coconspirator that's. that for everybody so send a mock alligator buck. you know it's a good idea if you say mr goodell thank you very much for your time thank you for inviting me. please. please.
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liz. liz . liz. liz lead. lives. suicide bombings aquarium strive central authorities losing control and
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a great sense of despair and the lack of enfranchise meant not only describing syria but also iraq the recent spate of bombings and terror attacks in iraq have many concerned the country may collapse into civil war as a result of western backed military intervention.
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paranoia and zero tolerance policies strike yet again the latest in a string of children being punished for making gun noises or playing with toy guns involves the son of a u.s. marine who had the audacity as a child to use his imagination and p. pretended his pencil was our gun banger children imitate what they see in every t.v. channel and in many video games kids are going to see a lot of guns in fact the boy at that moment was admirably pretending to be just like his father a us marine you know guns kind of come with that job description rather than complain you all again about the obvious idiocy of zero tolerance policies against children playing let me give one suggestion to actually help fix the problem there are so many teachers and school administrators across america that i bet many of you know one of them try talking them while at the madness of zero tolerance a lot of people do things just because they were told to or they never thought about it before so please dear friends try to get teachers you know to actually think about it i can complain on t.v.
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all day long but one conversation from a friend or relative really could change many people's minds maybe but that's just my opinion. oh.
3:00 pm
the failure of u.k. security services to prevent the beheading of a soldier in london puts them under scrutiny as the islamist linked attack threatens to further divide appreciation society. drugs rage on for fifty eight in stockholm with schools in car set on fire police have pleaded for reinforcements to contain violence in the swedish capital. lucian of the war on terror a bomber again vows to shut guantanamo bay but defends the cia's drone strikes as heartbreaking part necessary our top stories this hour.


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