tv Headline News RT May 25, 2013 9:00pm-9:30pm EDT
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a french soldier stabbed in the neck in attack that draws comparisons with a recent be heading of a u.k. trooper in would authorities investigating any possible links between the two savage crimes. thousand join worldwide protests against genetically modified foods made fears for consumer health and the impact one company's having on farmers across the globe. russia's southern republican of dagestan again the scene of a deadly terror attack one person killed fourteen injured in a suicide blast that rocked the capital.
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it's five am in moscow i match reza good to have you with us here on r t our top story in paris a french soldier has been hospitalized after being stabbed in the neck by a man reportedly of north african origin a large manhunt involving counter-terror officers underway after he managed to flee the scene authorities are investigating if there's any connection with a similar attack that killed a british serviceman in london wednesday meanwhile activists and journalists who got shot in things such attacks only serve the interest of those who want to undermine islam. so let's just be honest these type of attacks plays into the strength of the g.o.p. the state to promote a full sense of islam so that is what people of the masses around the world conceive wrongly as islam is a disgusting virgin off the face and in so doing criminalizes all muslims around the world these people are not attached to any movements that attach to destabilization traumatising divisive and violently sectarian it illogical movements as we can see clearly in the kind of ballistic tactics of those so-called
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rebels nothing but death squads in syria and in libya before that. wednesday's deadly attack on a british soldier by two muslims sparked a sharp rise in islamophobia across the u.k. mosques were attacked people suffered racial abuse as well as anti muslim graffiti scrawled across walls in some cities here while thousands attended a nationalist march in newcastle organized by the english defense league a far right street protest group extra police being deployed to muslim areas to prevent any further outbreaks of violence. france says its troops were involved in fighting islam as militants in new shared to retake a military base that had been overrun by insurgents earlier a twin bomb attack on the base and a french own uranium mine left at least twenty one dead a promenade islam as a group took responsibility saying the opposition or the operation rather was revenge for the french intervention in mali artie's marie if you know she now has more from baba. those behind the two seaside loft that killed over twenty people in
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niger on thursday have described it as an attack against braun's in revenge for its offensive against islamic militants in neighboring mali one of the two groups claiming responsibility for almost simultaneous explosions at an army base and a french run your reign in mind in nigeria is the movement for onus and you hard in west africa last year the coddling groups seized control over the northern part of mali and brutally ruled the area for months people being driven out of mali by french led troops runs as president then hailed the operation at success here in the capital the macro the french military we've spoken to have also expressed to us that jim is confirming they destroyed all the major bases of the militants in mali north but look this recent attack in niger it's clear that the frats remains serious and it shows that the militants are not defeated and the fight against them baseball from over although the battlefield has really catered for in the recent
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loss also on the set grounds moved north into being niger however the next day french troops took part in operation to free hostages that images captured off of the attack in a further to half for those who want the french intervention because we get the chain reaction that will give perry more travels and will bring more violence to the entire region. notion altie from mali. argy contributor are sure aton see doubts french military action will suppress extremism in the area especially given the natural riches that. there's no doubt that the french intervention will lot of changed anything in particular. the idea that streams are all qaeda linked groups are just going to go away french special forces left into these yeah which usually we knew about because of course the yellowcake uranium saddam hussein deals
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this is where all the world's uranium you know there's a big fight for whatever is happening in these areas there's a scramble for this uranium french company with this uranium mine how strange that its revenues are twenty eleven or about the g.d.p. of the entire country of what fertile ground to have extremism of any kind. orchard gold plans to introduce a new set of austerity measures to help its struggling economy and this as tens of thousands protest in lisbon calling for the government to step down still to come on r t we take a look at who's hardest hit by the ongoing crisis. but first a wave of rallies rolling across the globe and protested biotech giant monsanto more than forty countries have seen demonstrations against the company activists say monsanto's monopolizing the food market producing houser those products and choking out small farmers some of the largest demonstrations happening in the u.s.
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where the company was founded more than a century ago or he's an associate churkin to reports from new york throughout the world and in dozens of cities across the united states weekend of action against monsanto takes place were in the heart of the protests in the big apple where hundreds of people have been marching through the streets of the city demanding that monsanto put an end to its actions the corporate giant the biotech global giant has been very controversial its existence for over a century accused of genetically engineered and genetically modified agriculture and food accused of turning a blind eye on the health consequences of the food that it produces and also of immense lobbying powers that it has in washington d.c. for one piece of sleeping in the same bed really with politicians blocking any kind of legislation that would make life for money have months and to more difficult and
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promoting and pushing through legislation that protects the rights of this biotech giant these companies are manipulating the food chain to their own advantage for monetary gain there's a few people making a lot of money and we deserve to have better then there may be no way to fully tackle that machine and even boats which monsanto monsanto and the government are one we have a supreme court justice. who is a lawyer for the month sent to corp how much independence do we have really in our government all of these people that have come out onto the streets according to our estimates throughout the world it's hundreds of thousands of people protesting this weekend in local marches against monsanto what they're demanding is a liebling obviate most and also demanding further scientific research into genetically engineered genetically modified products and food and what they're hoping is that these big corporations such as monsanto at least begin to have less
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power and the voice of the people is heard that legislators begin to understand what it is that people want especially in the united states where any kind of significant legislation against monsanto has traditionally been blocked by legislators to say r.t. new york. on the eve of the day of action against monsanto the u.s. senate scrapped a bill allowing states to decide whether or not to put labels on genetically modified products or he's making lopez explains why the lawmakers think people don't need to know whether or not they're eating g.m. foods. for years now americans have been concerned about the food in their refrigerators and more importantly the ingredients in those foods the debate over genetically modified crops isn't only playing out in the fields it's being harvested in the courtrooms as well as within the walls of capitol hill and it turns out the u.s. government might have a bigger stake in the biotech industry than anyone could have imagined a report released by the food and water watch group shows that the u.s.
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state department played a major role in promoting g.m. foods and crops around the world the report examined diplomatic cables from two thousand and five to two thousand and nine revise the first comprehensive analysis of u.s. foreign policy when it comes to the biotech industry now here are the four stated goals that food and water watch discovered in these cables the first one is to promote biotech interests abroad they try to facilitate trade and encourage cultivation of g.m. crops second up lobby foreign governments to weaken biotech rules you can't after all profit off these countries if you can't get your products in some of them along with lobbying the need to protect biotech exports by stopping trade barriers like tariffs all this to promote and protect an estimated twenty five billion dollar industry and biotech crop exports and in particular one property monsanto which was the biggest biotech seed company in two thousand and eleven and finally reach out
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to new markets by pressuring the developing countries to adopt a biotech crops the main argument here is that these crops are stronger and fluid in security around the world with a growing global population the state department also lobbied against the labeling of these crops and genetically modified foods they don't want any type of labels on them countries from egypt to hungary argentina to mozambique were targeted in these efforts and many of them were very receptive some of them. actually change their regulations as a result now this lobbying started happening around the same time that monsanto admitted to bribing indonesian officials and in attempt to weaken and veyron mental oversight of g.e. crops now in the wake of these cable releases it appears that monsanto and other biotech firms don't need to bribe country officials anymore they have the government to do that using taxpayer money nonetheless it is the latest chapter in
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a dispute over your dinner plate in washington meghan lopez r t f william ingall author of seeds of destruction the hidden agenda of g.m.o. explains how monsanto is pushed kinetically modified products on the u.s. market this is a. strategic interest of the u.s. the agribusiness lobby which lobby the bush sr as president i think ninety two monsanto went to the white house and had a closed door meeting with bush and got bush to agree to make sure there were no government tests whatsoever on the health and safety of g.m. both products before they were released to the commercial public rights that would give movements up the rice corn of other had. huge incidence of cancer tumors compared with nonviable rats they had an enormous organ damage death rates five times out of the normal rats and the study was suppressed well that was it was
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downed by the european union's food safety administration. had ties to point something so it's just a corruption that my own subject tries to infiltrate its way they try to block labeling in california because that would damage their whole. product situation in america people are beginning to wake up. at r.t. dot com or asking what the worldwide protests against monsanto are likely to achieve here's the results and how they stack up so far nine percent think they'll become an ongoing movement that'll tame the g.m.o. industry sixty two percent less optimistic saying the rallies will increase public awareness but won't shake the lobbying power of the industry ten percent say the rallies will attract little attention as there are more pressing needs at hand such as ending world hunger nineteen nineteen percent say the march against monsanto will eventually lead to a global ban on g.m. products what do you think you can also use our comments section to share your views if none of them are represented up here click on r.t. dot com let us know. with the backing of the government sowing
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seeds. around the world breaking the food chain the march against the sun to. the. world with. out of sight but still on our minds from the still exceeds the norm let's try to live smarter with smartphones you never know what some people are hiding things can't be sure to prove down to the molecular level learned that what the doctor ordered is often based on secrets under our skin let us shine the light on a kid in a world. we've got the future covered. the
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done to me a little. thanks for staying with us sixty minutes past the hour and russia's volatile republic of dagestan one person has been killed and fourteen more injured in a suicide blast that rocked the capital. the bomb went off near the interior ministry headquarters that was the apparent target according to reports the woman that set off the bomb was a widow of two insurgents who'd been killed by security officers earlier artie's medina coach you know that has more. explosion happened around midday very close to the regions in terra ministry building and according to the locals the blast was so powerful that it could be heard in different parts of the city it was
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a female suicide bomber she was a new car police stopped her to check the documents and at that time she detonated her device currently the area is blocked off by police as there are fears that this blast may actually be fulled buy another one to increase the number of casualties now this tactic is really well used by terrorists around the globe in particular by the al qaeda terrorists in their terror operations in various areas now this blast is just one in a string of latest terror attacks that hit the streets in just five days ago there was another deadly blast and we have four people were killed and forty others severely injured the region of dagestan remains one of the most volatile arest in russia's north caucasus with reports on terror attacks coming in almost in a regular basis. if you were the british prime minister how would you justify the
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killing of twenty five protesters a question reportedly posed to thirty year olds applying for scholarships to britain's most prestigious secondary school details on our website plus. sheriff joe arpaio the us self-proclaimed toughest sheriff has been found guilty of being too tough on latinos i doubt how sheriff joe landed himself in hot water as well as many of the other stories a click away at r.t. dot com. today violence has once again flared up. these are the images. seen from the streets of canada. before asians rule the day. as a moscow during unauthorized gay rights demonstrations activists protesting near the
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lower house of russia's parliament the duma were attacked by christians wielding icons and crosses staging a counter demonstration police stepped in and arrested several leading pro gay campaigners near the mayor's office the initial demonstration was intended to protest against russia's anti-gay propaganda law which activists and rights groups denounced as a cress it sexuality was just coming alive in russia in one thousand nine hundred three but homophobia remains strong. and. tens of thousands of people protested in portugal's capitalist been against the plan to introduce fresh austerity measures demonstrators chanted slogans criticizing the government and the e.u.'s financial leaders portugal one of the country's worst hit by the debt crisis with almost eighteen per cent of the populace unemployed artie's peter all reports. europe's politicians insist that austerity is essential but what effect does that austerity have upon the everyday people to whom it's inflicted upon.
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i went to meet a family just outside of lisbon who are feeling the pressure of portugal's financial failings. we use to take certain things for granted hard water lights now have to watch everything we use families in financial straits like this want to becoming a common occurrence as the gap between the middle class and the breadline narrows in one of europe's purchased countries. my husband lost his job now will live on see the eggs and whatever work he can get as a day laborer those savings are running out with two daughters and one grandson the effects of portugal's financial plight is being felt through generations of this family and it's leaving its mark i'm twenty years old people my age should be planning for the future but there's no work the way things are now i have no
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prospects no hope. this family a lucky there are many in portugal and a far worse situation as the country's debt grows and the unemployment levels rise charity organizations are seeing an increase in those needing help push this on themes as we do we have children passing out at school because parents can't afford to feed them properly how can they learn if they're focused on hunger the children from bad parents just parents that can't feed them and there's a nother worrying trend appearing been said by most of them all too often we see the same thing the family lose their income they're too proud to ask for help the bells start piling up the move gets difficult before you know it's the family on the street the future is that for the children the problem for portugal is that it has debts around one hundred eighty billion euro one hundred twenty percent of unusual production coupled with twenty percent unemployment and it leads to
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a very difficult situation for its people the country needs money but it doesn't have the economic output to pay off its bills. however what's of more concern is that the country could see another generation grow up under the shadow of national debt. my son what i hope you are do we go is that he can get a job somewhere abroad i can see anything for him here peter all of our team portugal so to look now at some other stories making global headlines this hour the leader of the lebanese shia militant hezbollah says his movement would remain involved in the syrian war to the very end sonisphere all a promise to help the assad regime to victory against the rebels he claims the armed opposition represents a threat for both christians and muslims in a ranger. accusing the u.s. and israel of backing them in their fight against damascus. swedish police called
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in reinforcements to the capital saturday to help and protest specially trained officers deployed in the stockholm is the week long rioting over youth unemployment and the influx of immigrants continued in the city protests spark may nineteenth after police shot dead a sixty nine year old man and one of stockholm's poor districts. and the u.s. state of missouri to freight trains collided triggering the collapse of a highway overpass after a dozen rail cars struck a support pillar none of the seven people hurt in the incident included two rail workers and five drivers suffered any life threatening injuries the crash happened a week ago after a commuter train derailed in struck another train in connecticut that one injured seventy people during rush hour. in pakistan sixteen schoolchildren and their teacher died after their bus caught fire near the capital islamabad the children aged between five and fifteen according to police seven others were injured in the fire and brought to a local hospital there were reports
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a gas cylinder also exploded in the blaze. thousands of runners completed the final mile of the boston marathon over a month after april's deadly terror attack there one chinese flag and three u.s. flags carried in remembrance of the four who died the holland tunnel and are suspected of being behind the april fifteenth attack that also wounded two hundred sixty tomorrow and was killed during an ensuite manhunt the heart is in federal custody. many students around the world going to school is something taken for granted as well as possibly an irritation to many but in one small palestinian community kids hoping for a better life are going to great lengths to get the education they're looking for it's a two hour long trek to the nearest school but for those peoples it's a price worth paying is that a term and they say to learn against the odds are he's policy or reports. each morning the steep hills of this inhospitable corner of the dane desert come alive with children scrambling down rocky slopes to get to class before the bell rings.
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some children walk seven kilometers each way they are very keen to learn. it takes a certain kind of dedication to be a student at the school people's overcoming stream obstacles just to get here. and in the winter when it rains a lot of children fall they arrive at school with wet clothes in the summer the snakes are the main problem but. then there are others like jeb incursion who come by donkey he wakes up at four each morning so he has enough time to ride the two hours it takes to get to class sometimes i fall from the donkey and i get injured one time i cross the street and my friend who was in another donkey got hit by a car but god saved him and he did not die but riding on this is not secure especially in harsh weather conditions and up rocky mountain passes the chances of falling are pretty high it would be a lot easier if the community could build a road to the school but they're not allowed to is radio authorities say they are
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here illegally we always live with the feeling that they are going to kick us out from the camps and we're afraid for our children's future. we just want to live our ordinary lives without fear we have no electricity or water we have no roads. luckily the school is built in line with strict israeli orders but even though the belew mad and straw was cannot be bulldozed neither can they be expanded but for the children and the litter parents it's worth the effort these people realize the importance of education. thriving to feed their kids so maybe look at the they are trying to learn and they realize this importance because they you know are very not cannot for its. for the one hundred fifty students it's a few hours with spite from the hospitality awaiting them outside these gates the chance for
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controlling the seeds is not some abstraction whoever provides the world seeds controls the world's food supply are locked in steel vanity fair. for the first time corporations are patenting products that are self replicating uncontrollable and irretrievable. genetically engineered pollen carried by.
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