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tv   Headline News  RT  May 26, 2013 4:00am-4:47am EDT

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the week's top stories here on r.t. terror probe police investigate the brutal slaying of the u.k. soldier question is amounting over britain's foreign policies fueling hate and potentially becoming an inspiration for attack. in sweden hundreds of mosques buttes vandalized stores in schools setting cars on fire cross the capital in six some precedented nights of rioting they were reportedly sparked by the police killing of a portuguese immigrant brandishing a knife. and in over fifty countries across the globe two million protest against an agricultural giant sounding the alarm over its genetically modified products saying they're endangering people's health and the environment. and also this week defense president obama justifies the use of drones as part of
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a just war against terror and a campaign that made america safer by many feeling it's only made things worse. by the welcome you're watching r.t. and our look back at the main stories of the week. now police are pressing for answers as they investigate the murder of a u.k. soldier who was run over brutally slain in broad daylight in the middle of a london street two suspects detained after the attack remain in custody in hospital three more were arrested in connection with the killing on saturday a mall security is now being reviewed in the wake of the murder many believe it's the u.k.'s foreign policies that badly need to come under scrutiny as r.t. sarah first reports. a flag at half mast a grizzly attack with
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a machete style knife and a murdered soldier his death leaves behind a two year old son the seemingly behind this priest a max seeking to bring scenes of violence usually seen in war ravaged parts of the world to the london suburb of will in a poignant interview r.t. spoke to an army officer he told us of the reaction among some in the armed forces to remain anonymous anger of the moment and i'm. not scared scared. you never get someone to. be scared i witness accounts of the priests attack details the men chanting islam is slogans as the body of soldier drama leverage be a second battalion the royal regiment do you say they only pleading they asked people to d.d.a. then if you listen to the words of the attackers themselves it's clear that they
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will wish to bring the war which they saw prosecuted on the streets of baghdad and kabul to the streets of london the speaking at a press conference london mayor boris johnson ok many senior political figures are trying to distance this latest act of violence in the case of recent aid to seize exploits this is not a question of blaming the religion of islam it is certainly not a question of blaming any aspect of british foreign policy or what our british troops are do in operations abroad when they risk our lives on behalf of all of us the london mayor in charge at the time of the london two thousand and five bombings disagrees they are lying they are completely complicit with the united states policy to cite tony blair was with george bush they are prepared to stand and say well we think this strategy has been a disaster it has been just not just for the young man killed on the streets of london but for the hundreds of thousands of. people in afghanistan and in
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iraq who've been killed a simple reality if you invade other people's countries they come back it's one side of an argument but one that's going to be weighing heavily on many now that this has hit so close to home you feel less secure i think that's what. you think if we went out there that perhaps would be more space scope for al qaeda to produce the cells they'd be approachable within ukraine because when we're out there with strict space and allowing that freedom then for them that means their base of operations over here is we both the arguments because we're out there will inspire and motivate in the presence of the resource motivate in the cells that back in the u.k. to operate more and carry out more attacks as the police investigation continues that deep sense of shock and outrage from the local community here in southeast
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london at that brutal attack and they sentiment echoed across the country as people struggle to come to terms with how a crime like that could happen here so i'll say london the killing of the u.k. soldier and allegedly carried out by islamic extremists has sparked anti muslim sentiment across the country over a thousand right ring right wing protesters marched in the northern city of newcastle while in the south in portsmouth police arrested three men for a racially motivated a sold as a crowd gathered near a local mosque a number of people have appeared before courts around the country to over alleged racist incidents and i five agent says the machete attack which is the nation needs to be regarded in context of nato policies in the middle east asia and north africa . sort of individualistic lone wolf style attacks which don't require great
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planning don't require some thought specialist equipment or anything will become perhaps one of the main ways that people make protests and it's a horrific attack there is no doubt about it and my heart goes out to the family of the victim but what we're looking at is also an angry voice yelling out from north africa hand in the middle east from central asia from all the people have been victimized by the interventionist policies of the us of the u.k. of nato or france i mean not just iraq and afghanistan but libya in mali instance in yemen and of course what we're looking at is a whole country that's been decimated now by the cia kill ists which are a presidential you proved in the u.s. every week and also drone strikes which are not targeted they take out a whole villages communities and wedding parties and so of course there's going to be and. some security experts believe last month's deadly terror bombings in boston and this week's murder in london a similar attacks which both represent
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a certain trend my colleague bill dodd talked about this issue with r.t. . we've been following both tragic incidents. well the alleged motives of this murder striking parallels similarities with those described by the boston bombing suspect. well to discuss the legitimacy of drawing the parallels between what happened willage in london and in boston the incidents happened within a month of each other all opposite sides of the atlantic is. what the similarities while the primary similarities of course the underlying message it seems that both. the message that he scribbled on a boat as well as the machete killer it seems that the main message is if you're going to solve muslims abroad. then you should be prepared to be prepared for retribution in your own home country and that of course in the case of hearts and i was there was the united states and the machete killer obviously attacked in london
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so basically they're saying that they're making up for the lives that were lost during the wars in iraq and afghanistan and other places in the east but it appears that they were a loon individually they were told of a terror network and yet their message is very similar absolutely and it looks like we're looking at something of a new phenomenon in the so-called open-source jihad there's a website out there it's actually periodical online magazine which provides all sorts of recipes for disaster literally for example how to make a bomb in the kitchen of your mom from the al qaeda chef and you can use a pressure cooker in order to do that it says the ingredients are readily available they're not going to cause any suspicion if you're going to purchase them and you will basically get away with murder literally now this is not the only recipe that's out there so to speak they're also talking about techniques to wipe out large numbers of people there are also a dish there's also an addition on how to blow up buildings and so on and so forth
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as a matter of fact the even have in addition targeted. muslim women and suicide bombers and it's positioned as a life style and fashion. magazine and it sounds almost borderline absurd or on the board we're going funny but it's not because literally there is a plethora of information out there on the internet and it basically teaches people how to kill other people and and yet you annoy we can access this what the security service is doing about this because clearly they know where it's coming from go they do something absolutely yes it does seem like they're actually keeping track of in some instances we know that in both cases there are city killers as well as this one i rather was were under the radar but the main question of course is why didn't the authorities do anything to prevent the attacks from happening because we're looking at an enormous a number of young men primarily of. muslim faith who are out there reading these websites and they're the target audience of these websites and they can essentially be their own terrorist leaders to get things they would be under the cap of the
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authorities and yet there doesn't seem like the authorities have done anything to prevent these attacks from happening of course to keep people from dying and that is the main problem that we're facing here right now. in a similar attack a french soldier has been stabbed in the neck while he was patrolling a business area in a neighborhood of paris b. twenty three year old was injured as the unknown man attacked him from behind with a knife or a box cutter police say according to c.c.t.v. footage the suspect is tall aged about thirty five and wearing a white arab star tunic and it's possibly of north african origin activist and journalist who can chan down things no matter who is behind the attack it serves the interests of those who want to undermine islam. these type of attacks plays into the structure did your state to promote it for sense of islam so that is what people of the masses around the world conceive wrongly as islam is
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a disgusting version of the phrase and in so doing criminalizes all muslims around the world and then they use these groups in measure to conduct the stabilizing. so the french can go in pretending to be the neutral arbitrators bringing peace and stability this is a big game or theater smoke and mirrors that really has to be distinctive from from a position that is opposing western germany as part of the state strategy is to make sure that everyone is pointing fingers at everyone but the actual arbitrators off the economic crisis of police corruption of unjust and immoral foreign policy i.e. those in power in france six nights of riots in a country listed as the best governed in the world sweden's police say the violence and stock and has now been curbed although dozens of cars were still torched imports it was almost a week of rising with mass protests as vandalizing the city and the anger is fueled by unemployment and poverty among immigrants who fail they are being pushed to the edge of society as r.t.
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has been to other reports. he's neat and normal not the type of place you would expect to see this. on the outskirts of stockholm the epicenter of sweden's issues with race and it's bubbling over in sweden you get welfare you get access to the education system up to university level you get access to public transport to libraries to health care to everything and still they feel that they need to throw stones a molotov cocktails it's ridiculous it's a bad excuse the violence in the peaceful city become a political football the swedish democrats are exploiting these events they make it all about immigration to suit their needs they see being anti immigrant as being. for the past week stone throwing in car burning become the norm in this part of town known for its high unemployment predominantly immigrant population all sparked
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after a sixty nine year old man was gunned down by police while brandishing a knife that let loose a barrage of emotions it's what it creates the type of gets wise ation of men so they move everyone from your old interviews parts of time when it comes to unemployment sweden is below the average of almost one quarter of under twenty five out of work prompting some to say it's time for further action saying a lack of control by government has led them to the situation the police can put the ride down in five minutes if the politicians were to allow them although swedes defer over what caused this week's violence they are in agreement that it's government policy that must be changed to avoid scenes like this being repeated on the streets of stockholm peter all over r.t. sweden. well recent studies have shown up to a third of people aged between sixteen and twenty nine in the poorest areas to
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sweden's big cities and the that in work or studying in the gap between the rich and the poll is growing rapidly moving to nj i from the swedish democratic party says the government should create more jobs before inviting more immigrants to sweden i think we're all right. you know a lack of. you know all the right things. warm or no on. the same. court really just open immigration policy and. crime go to our. problem. so the first and foremost there is a need for very realistic immigration policy which means whether there are so many of your then there is the need of some risk due to. immigration policy and in the
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interest of the immigrant mind you these are not just swedish people saying i read this in my blog i'm going to spark. immigrants. this should be going to drive the issue. before. inviting more and more readers. to many people across fifty two countries have been protesting against the agricultural by a tech giant known sun tell you according to ronny organizes activists claim the corporation's monopolizing the food market and its genetically modified products can lead to serious health and environmental problems the company itself insists its products are safe and help conserve resources artie's instance a child going to visit one of the protests in new york. throughout the world and in dozens of cities across the united states weekend of action against monsanto takes place where in the heart of the protests in the big apple were hundreds of people
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have been marching through the streets of the city demanding that monsanto put an end to its action the corporate giant the biotech global giant has been very controversial it's existed for over a century accused of genetically engineered and genetically modified food culture and food accused of turning a blind eye on the health consequences of the food that it produces and also of the immense lobbying powers that it has in washington d.c. for one accused of sleeping in the same bed really with politicians blocking any kind of legislation that would make life for morning have on santa's more difficult and promoting and pushing through legislation that protects the rights of this biotech giant these companies are manipulating the food chain to their own advantage for monetary gain there's a few people making a lot of money and we deserve to have better than that there may be no way to fully
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tackle the machine and even vote which monsanto mud santo in the government award we have a supreme court justice who is a lawyer for the month sent to a corporation how much independence do we have really in our government all of these people that have come out onto the streets according to our estimates throughout the world it's hundreds of thousands of people protesting this weekend in the local marches against monsanto what they're demanding is a labeling of g m o's and also demanding further scientific research into genetically engineered genetically modified products and food and what they're hoping is that these big corporations such as monsanto at least begin to have less power and the voice of the people is heard that legislators begin to. dan what it is that people want especially in the united states where any kind of significant legislation against monsanto has traditionally been blocked by legislators who say churkin artsy new york. well the u.s.
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senate this week overwhelmingly rejected a bill that would allow states to require the labeling of genetically modified products if we remain bill wrote a book or searching the political side of the g.m. debate and he believes monsanto has used its immense government influence to push its products on to the market and suppress their criticism this is a. strategic interest of the us the agribusiness lobby which lobby the bush sr as president i think ninety two monsanto went to the white house and had a closed door meeting with bush and got bush to agree to make sure there were no government tests whatsoever on the health and safety of g.m.o. products before they were released to the commercial public ratchford with your move monsanto rice corn and other had. huge incidence of cancer tumors compared with nonviable rats they had an enormous organ damage death rates five times out of
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of normal rights and the study was suppressed while it was it was downed by the european union's food safety administration and it turns out most of the scientists on the panel had ties to monsanto so it's just a corruption but more on santa tries to infiltrate its way they try to block the label even in california because that would damage their all the. product situation in america people are beginning to wake up today in our tb are taking an in-depth look at genetically modified food to darting part think on the iconic chili pepper as an example of the potential dangers of the frankenfood trend and you can catch part one of this in just over an hour's time. some of these traditional chili lines they've been bred and developed and passed down from generation to. this is the total structure of the culture of new mexico and i tell you what i mean this is not going to impact asylum in mexico whatever happens here
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throughout the whole world we're not in the in the open in all the wars and so forth. genetically engineered crops why do you think this country is full of obese and sick people because we have a crappy food system. still to come this out press and look at the growing concerns i have in media freedoms in the us off to the government seizes the records of associated press i'm folks news reporters and the war on terror i get suffice with president obama reviews his national antiterrorist defending overseas as legal and necessary. just offical.
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played a family jazz band together. hijack a plane together. from music to. twenty. questions still remain. just bad hi jack.
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welcome back to the weekly now on thursday president obama ordered a review of the justice department's investigations of associated press and fox news reporters the government says it seized their records over concerns that they are leaking classified security information but there are increasing phase press freedoms are under threat with the u.s. government preferring secrecy over the public's right to know artie's important as this report. he's the australian wiki leaks founder holed up in the ecuadorian embassy on u.k. soil and across the atlantic members of the american press corps are learning what it feels like to receive the julian a songe treatment the justice department subpoenaed and obtained the telephone
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records of the associated press over a two month period without any notice i think about the harm done to the a.p. here you know object is to intimidate people who talk to reporters the department of justice wasn't just targeting these you know press apparently it also went after fox news reporter our very own james rosen what you've got here is a situation where somehow now journalism has been criminalized dozens of journalists have been secretly investigated by the justice department for reporting on national security issues government officials secretly obtained reporters' phone logs and personal e-mails trying to find out who leaked classified information to the press even if you side with this president over those of us in the media who challenge him and his administration it is important to remember the precedent these action set going forward perhaps when it's not your guy in the white house the guy currently residing in the white house has prosecuted more whistleblowers
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under the espionage act than all other administrations combined and now experts say u.s. news outlets are being persecuted just like wiki leaks has been the obama administration has really taken the executive branch powers have been kimmitt dating the free press from under the bush administration and exponentially multiplied them addressing the nation this week the us president said journalists should not be at legal risk for doing their jobs but leakers will pay the price i believe we must keep information secret that protects our operations and our people in the field. to do so we must enforce consequences for those who break the law and breach their commitment to protect classified information however some think the lines are becoming increasingly blurred this is the first time. you know national security has been used to get reporters i mean that really is frightening trying because
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it's usually used to get leakers so if they bomb a ministration or looses justice department thinks that they can use criminal laws to get journalists because they're coconspirators i mean honestly that's one of the worst things i've come across and all the years i've been doing this the new yorker magazine has pulled a page from wiki leaks to protect those who want to share something the u.s. government doesn't want revealed it launched an open source dropbox where people can send leaked documents and messages without their identities ever being known the underlying code for strongbox was co-created by our assess inventor and open source activist aaron swartz he committed suicide in january at the age of twenty six while facing a federal trial and thirty five years in prison u.s. prosecutors were targeting swartz for downloading millions of online academic articles journalists are employed with the responsibility of informing the public
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and holding a lectern officials accountable the first amendment of the constitution protects press freedom but all one has to do is look at recent events to know that doesn't always happen reporting from new york marina portnoy r.t. . a quick look now at stories making headlines this hour two rockets have hit a hezbollah district of the lebanese capital beirut leaving at least five people injured according to reports little information has been disclosed about the attack but one source says the rockets were fired from a cat on mount lebanon some thirteen kilometers away it comes barely a day after the lebanese hezbollah leader promised victory and support to ally bashar al assad while admonishing the u.s. and israel for their position in the conflict. police in portland in the u.s. have charged a teenage boy with attempted aggravated murder and numerous counts of possessing explosive devices granta cord was arrested on thursday night after police were
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tipped off that he intended to blow up his high school investigators found at least six different bombs in the secret compartment in a cold bedroom including an explosive napalm device as well as a written plan of attack the teen is reported to have idolized the nine hundred ninety nine colombine high school attack in which fifteen died. and tens of thousands marched in the portuguese capital is been on saturday as ongoing hysteria to rising unemployment continues to pit citizens against the government police had to block protesters from reaching the presidential palace as they demand the government resignation the country has been hard hit by the euro zone crisis and is struggling to deal with the ongoing financial turmoil despite tax hikes and welfare cuts. a little known u.k. court has been putting some british citizens under lockdown for trying to take care of their own secret proceedings and private hearings it's hard to know how and even
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if the law is being followed as artie's. investigates. when john maddox was diagnosed with dementia his children ivan and wanda intended to give him the best care they could but they clashed with social workers and their local council which took the family to the secret court of protection it ruled that the eight year old lack the mental capacity to make his own decisions and needed to live in a special care home he didn't want to be in a home basically told he didn't want to be in a home. he wanted to either want to go with one to the final home when he went i'm swear to god to look after him right. the court makes rulings on behalf of citizens deemed to one well to be responsible for their own affairs it has power to take control of assets and separate family members all in secret wonder and i even want to allow to take their father out of the state run facility or even discuss his living arrangements with him but he kept on asking me want to
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go home but i did not tell him that he didn't notice any more they got it because of the court protection the sickos will do whatever they want with the finances in its house what are going to be locked up in these rooms weeklong grocery where. i don't feel free in order to mount a legal challenge to the secret court ruling wonder took her father to see a solicitor one day tried to draw attention to the case but was sentenced to prison for contempt of the secret court so instead of caring for her father like she wanted to she had to spend two months in here in the company of criminals or cried the fierce two days i was in the prison i cried because nobody you treated like an ardent criminals and if you go in there you really cannot challenge the question as to whether somebody has mental capacity or not without talking to them and she was
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in prison firstly for taking her father to see a solicitor in birmingham. which makes it sound quite draconian well in a sense it's worse than drip drip because draco would not have gone that far when i was in the chair i was frightened because the list minting of phone calls so i was afraid to speak to dad. because i'm the commission's report on this and also let you know in case they got in more trouble meanwhile her brother and i even watched their father's health deteriorate under the strain of her absence in the end when he moved into that final loom that was the end of him and he wanted it wanted still loved him anything i said you've got to know this she divorce. she put herself in prison port observers say the difficulty with justice behind closed doors is that no one knows if the lawyer is being followed the evidence is heard in private defendants often lack legal representation and i want to allow to publicize their case when nelson's it is giving the state too much power to intervene in people's
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lives preventing people complaining about what's being done to them is never right the government's faced a barrage of criticism over the practice of secret justice justice secretary chris grayling has said i have written to the president of the court to ask him to look at what steps can be taken to increase transparency while continuing to protect the interest of vulnerable adults but john maddox never got to go to his home or to his family he died in january of this year it's worrying me what what they're doing that taken their dad away from is why i keep wondering what's going on to us when we get older you know you've got to be really careful and not safe like. stoke on trent. still ahead here a fine words but little action president obama revamped to close guantanamo lifting a ban on the trans the detainees while a massive hunger strike continues at the prison with many not holding much hope for
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yet another promise and that as a key battle in the syrian border time intensifies we will bring you the story of one community had to stand by the president and the surprising country they come from on that after a short break. although i was born after the vietnam era i remember t.v. discussions about that buddhist monk who burned himself to death as a form of protest the commentators on the news said that people there just have a different mindset that westerners could never understand you know which is probably true but they were implying that people in the west are just different and would never use this absolutely extreme form of protest which is also probably true until just recently with the cost of electricity exceeding the income of the average bulgarian and a new government coming to power that looks exactly like the old government that
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collapsed at least six people gary and have used self-immolation as a very desperate and extreme form of protest but why kristen ghodsee a professor at bowdoin college who has extensively talked to both here and protestors claims that those who self-immolating are just incredibly desperate and cannot feed their own children and that people are actually becoming a stealth for communism because at least that system at the people's basic needs the current democratic system from the populace perspective according to her just cycles through a few new crooks every few years although it does get media attention and you may be feeling desperate suicide is never an answer the more living bulgarians the better bog areas chances believe me but that's just my opinion.
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but again this week president obama unveiled a new face to the war on terror speaking about america's national defense policies he defended drone strikes as legal and necessary this after the a bomb that ministration for the first time acknowledged the four american citizens had been killed in counterterrorism drone strikes since two thousand and nine author and activist david swanson believes the use of drones only serves as a recruiting tool for even more terrorists he claims that he is going to further limit his murder by drone program including applying these arbitrary criteria met in secret by himself to his own satisfaction to non americans at least in certain countries countries other than afghanistan and yet he's not provided publicly any documentation of the claims he's made thus far i mean if if he would rather have captured our to our locky why did he not indict him with with
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any criminal charges or provide any evidence to anyone that he was guilty of any criminal acts this is this is not transparency and if these reforms and limitations are needed on this program then what of the current this program here too for is it not as criminal and abusive as it appears. while warning the war on terror will stretch out indefinitely obama has for the second time in five years promised to try to shut down guantanamo bay the us president said he's lifting his own moratorium of the transfer of detainees to yemen this is the notorious camp is being caught in a massive hunger strike for nearly four months more than one hundred of the hundred sixty six prisoners that are currently protesting against indefinite detention and inhumane treatment the majority of them remain held without charge clive stafford smith a human rights lawyer he's defending several detainees in guantanamo says there is
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yet any indication the facility will be shut down. big problem always for the president is rather is getting the truth and you know of course he hears from this . stuff about how it's all lovely down in guantanamo bay and i think our duty is the representatives of the prisoners to make sure that he has no. one hears about some of the despicable thing that's going on the national defense authorization act and the house and senate in each case that people can the sense that through another country suit what he has to do is say first the country is not a terrorist state and second prisoner can safely go to take shaker aamer no one's going to say great britain is terrorists it's state certainly shakyamuni be safe as houses back here so there's absolutely no excuse for not sending prisoners back very quickly and clearly what we need to do is get rid of the prisoners and. try to
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send the ones who are acquitted and then those who are convicted in the first trial get to go to christmas. we have plenty more stories for you at our website r.t. dot com and there you will find a story about civilian justice in post-war iraq the u.k. high court has ruled britain must investigate every one of the hundred sixty one civilian deaths in iraq at the hands of british soldiers after a three year legal battle why iraqi families find out more at r.t. dot com and on our you tube channel a tornado. with a nuclear power station you can find out more at r.t. dot com. more news today violence. these are the images the world seeing from the streets of canada. for asians rule the day.
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this week saw an exchange of fire between syrian and israeli army's in the disputed golan heights long unexpired the jewish state the front line attacks have become more frequent with israel launching airstrikes need to mask this but as artie's paula slayer explains there's at least one community in israel ready to defend president sat. we're ready to die defending our people strong words from a chef preparing young men to go and fight in syria except his recruits are not rebel fighters or soldiers in damascus they're israeli troops a minority islamic offshoot we need to go help defend the community in syria and president assad. we have relatives there are people are there and they were attacking them in the name of islam. the tipping point came afterwards targeted to this village of kind of near the israeli syrian border and killed seven people by
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the hundreds israeli jews volunteers started signing up the shot of i would be honored to be the first man who crosses the border to defend the druze community simon why do you works in an israeli factory but feels it's only a matter of time before he'll be asked to cross the border into syria. i hope that they won't need us but you can't know what will happen now the situation in the druze villages is stable but if this changes we will go for it we are waiting for the orders from our shakes and we are totally ready. israeli jews who live in communities in the gulf and the golan heights after the forty eight and sixty seven war they found themselves cut off from their families in syria after israel occupied the heights those who live here on the israeli syrian border are residents of israel that see themselves as syrian then loyal to the alawite regime who they see as a minority lock themselves they live in fear for their families in syria after the
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rebel assault on the druze village either where. we're under attack we're under foreign attack or they're using foreign soldiers to fight inside syria and some syrians are helping them. some have other ways to fight back this man goes door to door selling his book about a respected share all the proceeds go across the border. the druze community in israel collected one million dollars and center to the syrian druze from my village but can we collected one million shekels people paid what they could in order to help their relatives in syria the call to fight has not yet been made but as the conflict in syria starts to spread beyond its borders more and more communities are being torn in some many allegiances here randi and when a relative is killed the target for tatars and debtor is likely to last for years but we are just waiting for an opportunity to help and we are ready to give our
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lives. on the israel syria border. as watching r.t. next we talk press freedom in the us with the vice chairman of the new york times james good there. some of these traditional chili lines they've been bred and developed and passed down from generation. to the told destruction of the culture of mexico by telling them i mean this this is not going to impact asylum in mexico whatever happens here . we're eating at about six in the in the open a in all boarding and so forth for. genetically engineered crops why do you think this country is full of obese and sick people because we have a crappy food system. a
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clear image of iraq after inflation. twenty day taxi trip through the country. the roads full of danger. clear evidence from north to south of. the route of iraqi tragedy. after the war waiting for peace. talks see on our t.v. . sure i think. that's to be. her.
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little. misleading good little. rant i mean brightly. so. my current guest knows firsthand what it's like to go up against the u.s. government in defense of the first amendment james goodale was general counsel and vice chair of the new york times when the pentagon papers were published and he joins our team now for an exclusive sit down interview mr goodell thank you for
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taking time to speak with me here and try welcome glad to be here in your new book fighting for the press inside the story of the pentagon papers and other battles you indicate that president nixon it was out to destroy the new york times but you also argue that if president obama succeeds at prosecuting julian assange he will be worse than nixon for press freedom why so well let me just say one thing about nixon he was out to destroy the new york times he was out to destroy brookings institution lot of his and united states. president obama is not out to destroy the times what we're talking about is narrow it's not so narrow but a discrete area which is the relationship of the press to national security pentagon papers case a case about national security now in that area nixon was terrible ok he happened
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to also be heir terrible in the whole first amendment area obama by contrast ok in the first amendment area but not ok in national security. because obama as first of all pursued six leakers that's the for spec thing he's done a second bad thing he's done is he pursued a guy who got a leak whose name is james ries and now what am i worried about he's also per suing julian assize i say if he pursues julian assize and says julia sonce is a coconspirator. then he'll be and succeeds he'll be worse than nixon because it's and try to pursue the new york times and its reporters saying they were coconspirators nixon failed so while most succeeds or nixon failed you'll be worse than nixon so in this context you if you julian a songe as the publisher similar to the new york times similar to the guardian and
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all the other news outlets that then published what julian a songe disclose through wiki leaks right now he's saying that it's the same thing if everyone's on the same point it's like if you have a website yourself and you publish this interview you're a publisher u.s. officials maintain that julian a songe compromised national security by publishing classified documents now as you know in america you know sometimes first amendment is trumped by national security issues when information is disclosed that could threaten the lives of soldiers on the battlefield or threaten the lives of americans here at home do you believe honestly that killing or saw a sign should face no consequences whatsoever yes that's right and so why you know the same claims were made about the new york times when the pubs print the papers.


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