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tv   Breaking the Set  RT  May 27, 2013 9:00pm-9:31pm EDT

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breaking news here on r t leading the charge the e.u. lifts its go on syria but the u.k. and france spearheading the move an economic sanctions on the left in place. this comes just as the top russian and u.s. diplomats meet in paris to discuss the next month's summit and ending the syrian conflict are bringing all sides to the negotiating table. a hate crime sore across the u.k. following a brutal killing of a british soldier by losing extremists in london. a massive rally in the french capital against a recently passed gay marriage or turns violent allegations of police brutality against protesters.
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for moscow you're with kerry. well first breaking news the e.u. foreign ministers have agreed to lift the syrian arms embargo by leaving economic sanctions in place britain and france have led the effort to open the door to lethal aid for some forces this comes as russia's foreign minister and the u.s. secretary of state wrapped up their meeting in france on the upcoming syrian peace conference. in paris with a story. arms embargo is running out on friday and that is a matter of great concern both for russia and the united states because we have friends and the united kingdom already saying. arms to the syrian opposition is something that they are looking at it and that is something that neither russia nor
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the united states believe is a good way to solve this situation as we know the arms could end up in the in the in the hands of the rebels who are closely linked. in syria and are working. to be looked at very carefully and obviously the arms embargo according to russia should be extended but again that is up to other countries as well as to the united nations to have a final say on the matter. and that is sensible to do just makes. the russian officials will work with the syrian government as the united states takes it takes upon themselves to work with the syrian opposition leader to bring both sides to the table to talk about the. possibility of bringing to be. recently voted to leave all parties involved.
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but. i think. they believe that. it's. all. over all of course. and the united states i believe it's up to the syrian people to decide on the interim government to sit down. and stop the bloodshed that has been going on here for two years now. independent. says washington is not in thomas and soon it calls for peace talks. all these agitation is against us started in two thousand and three at least what's
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known to us openly and as they did there was a find an article written in the time magazine in december of two thousand and six which mentioned there had been secret meetings going on and they cited some secret documents in which it was stated that the opposition was being nurtured in europe with the american support so this much we know at the same time we know that john mccain senator mccain is always he went to syria to meet with the free syrian abberation army whatever they like to call them the opposition so america is involved in all this i don't believe america wants a peaceful resolution to the conflict america's started it i don't think that senator mccain would take it upon himself to go to syria and meet with the opposition have you had he not had a nod from the government otherwise he would be locked up the minute he returned.
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hundreds of protesters have clashed with police during a far right nationalist demonstration in the central london earlier two men were arrested as suspects in a mosque attack wave of racial hatred in the u.k. was sparked by the brutal killing of a soldier by islamist extremists but a surge of islamophobia has many concerned over an impending split in society as artie's pointed out of reports. the police investigation into the death of drummer lee rigby is still ongoing but last week's killing of the off duty soldier by islamic extremists has already provoked an anti muslim backlash religious charity freights masses say they used to receive five calls a day reporting racial abuse that figure is now up to over one hundred calls a day reporting anti resume incidents the abuse includes the pulling off of women's headscarves attacks against mosques anti muslim graffiti and general abuse social media has also provided a platform for some to vent their anti islamic sentiments
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a number of arrests of already been made the news is that many muslims has saying that they're afraid to leave their houses while community leaders say that they're concerned about the spread of the incidents with reports of anti muslim abuse coming from across the entire country at the same time a new poll says that two thirds of people living in the u.k. believe that there will be a clash of the civilizations between white britons and british muslims something that could be increasingly threatening to britain's image of multiculturalism and ethnic diversity poly boy came to see london the best for the journalist tony gosling believes the u.k. security services must take action against hatred towards the muslim population. many people in this country run happy about i mean look for example what we've done to iraq an illegal war now we've had another bomb attack today we've made a mess in a wreck of these places the arab league's prediction that we were going to open the
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gates of hell in iraq has come true and actually britain and tony blair. george bush two are responsible for this so it's not just the muslim population the other thing is we've got other extremists here in britain that is to say you know sort of anti islamic extremists two weeks ago a man a pensioner coming home from his mosque in birmingham in the middle and of britain was murdered and this got almost no coverage whatsoever and we need to have make sure that the security services are taking exactly the same sort of measures against the anti muslim like the defense league these kinds of organizations as they are against the noise ations what they're trying to do is actually demonize muslims in a similar way to actually to the nazis demonize jews back in the one nine hundred thirty s. and it's ridiculous we've got to stop that we don't want that for my five thank you very much. and online artie is keeping an eye on the latest developments in the
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u.k. you can log on to our website r.t. dot com there we have a full time line of events since the attack on service believe with me as well as analysis and reaction from experts and officials. french police have clashed with antigay demonstrators in the country's capital there protesting against a recently passed law allowing same sex marriage and one hundred fifty thousand people took part in a very according to the forty's activists claim the figure was closer to a billion three marches in paris started off usefully ended with right activists from bottles of movie rounds hundred fifty people were detained by police. or nato antigay management options movement claims many were arrested for voicing their beliefs. you wouldn't be able to provide any pictures nor any film of any broken glass any burning car any violence during the protest.
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at the same time many people have been arrested several hundred people have been arrested by the police just because they were wearing suits with this logo there systematically the government tends to divide by three the numbers of protesters in parties that are against it you know when a kid has lost its parents probably the. dearest wish to be adopted by a man and a woman in this low there is a lie that you. make people believe in the future that they can be born from two men or two women and this is extremely dangerous and by the way we look through all the right to medical procreation and get mothers which people in france are extremely worried about and extremely against. well
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many in paris took advantage of the protests to express their why discontent with president francois a long downhills ponces from laughlin from the institute of democracy incorporation says the french leader is a tent set reform valent an exercise in the public relations none of the policies of last far longer can be described as left wing he campaigned you'll recall on against austerity saying that he was going to accept an austerity package and of course as soon as he was in power he implemented what and this is having very serious effects on french society so to substitute if you like for this failure to pursue any kind of left wing social or economic policy is instead putting forward or putting through this law on gay marriage which in the words of its own authors will bring about a change of civilisation it's a kind of substitute if you like for the economic policy that he refuses to to implement and that's for the police they are acting under government orders they
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have ministry of the interior was in the police headquarters yesterday more or less directing operations so they are acting politically and in russia the issue of gay rights is also drawing an angry backlash from the public at large to the office going off it takes a look at attitudes to same sex relationships among russians. just on saturday police had to detain around forty people when a group of gay rights activists tried holding a protest rally against traffic laws banning the sexual propaganda and were attacked by a group of a radical orthodox christians or a t.v. rights activist and pretty much is the same picture will be seen every time gay rights activists try holding or staging any sort of public events they're always attacked by a two year rights activist and so the recent nationwide poll conducted by you by the center really explains why according to its statistics nearly forty percent of its respondents believe that homosexuals have to be forcibly treated by doctors
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around thirteen percent believe that they have to be prosecuted while only around eight percent of the respondents believe that gays in russia have to be helped to be able to live normal lives in a society so if you compare the situation to france for instance it's still a whole different picture especially when it comes to the amount of people taking to the streets either in support of or i guess instigate rights but judging by the general conservative. conservative mood in russia society it's very unlikely that we will see any gay rights parades taking place in any place in russia in the near future since even the if the authorities did allow them to happen then the simply wouldn't be able to provide the proper security to the activists themselves. in the program a step away from a trade war between the e.u. and escalates russel's threatens beijing with tariffs for. market value
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that's coming up next. shock waves from the syrian conflict are continuing to spread across the region sparking fresh concern that war could cross into neighboring countries latest incident a mortar was apparently don'ts for lebanon towards the israeli border that came just hours after a rocket attack on has been a controlled area of the country's capital beirut where the militant group's leader pledged his support for the syrian president bashar assad there has been. the has been a leader hassan nasrallah has kelly stated that he and his below are involved in the war in syria he was addressing thousands of his supporters in the southern beirut suburb of death and in that speech a pledged all out support for the syrian president bashar assad saying that his shiite muslim group would stay in the syrian war to quote him to the end of the road and achieve victory together. where we are there are two major
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threats facing the lebanese people and the entire region today the first emits from israel and its avid intentions and plots the second threat stems from the changes taking place in syria which neighbors our cities villages and homes syria is seeing major activity by radical islamist movements this want to say that his war was with the extremists he called an attack fearless he said that tens of thousands of them from all over the world are currently fighting in syria and he warned that if syria forces they've been on to move forward this in turn he said would lead to israel we occupying lebanon now eleven his media is reporting that a rocket has been fired towards israel from the lebanese town of measure you and this is off to two other rockets landed in the has been a stronghold in doubt here on sunday the lebanese army saying that those rockets were fired from inside lebanon towards the hizbollah stronghold the united nations
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has been concerned over his that as involvement for quite some time the arab sheik the arab chief the arab league chief has urged them to stop fighting in syria but misrata address this saying why is the u.n. not calling on the extremists to stop fighting inside syria and again reiterating that they are fighting not only for syria but for lebanon as well earlier there were also dozens of his vilified as reportedly killed during fighting in a key syrian town of qusayr your so what we do see is the tension on the ground heating up. u.s. president barack obama attempted to rebrand the country's war on terror during his recent national security speech the address criticism of the country's military presence in the world seemingly continues to grow which is going to take on those more president obama in his major national security speech this may quoted james madison saying no nation could preserve its freedom in the midst of continual warfare at the very same time the administration claims power to wage endless war
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across the globe there was a senate hearing this may revisiting the authorization for use of military force which congress enacted days after nine eleven attacks in two thousand and one at a hearing pentagon officials claimed that authorization gives the president power to wage endless war anywhere in the world including syria yemen and the congo and when asked how long they predict this war on terror is going to last they said quote from ten to twenty years the agree with me that when it comes to international terrorism we're talking about a worldwide struggle. absolutely sure that would you agree with me the battlefield is wherever the enemy chooses to make it. is sir from boston the two. so by the administration's definition the wall that is the battlefield with me today is brian becker with the answer coalition brian thanks for joining brian you have president obama saying in his national security speech that the u.s. is not engaged in a boundless war and yet you have this vast military presence across the globe does
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it look like the u.s. this really seeking to limit itself in the use of military force no in fact the policy in the institutional policy is for the united states then it would be prepared for endless war but to being engaged in all of the activities that would lead one to believe that they are an endless war there's one point three million u.s. military personnel three hundred to four hundred thousand of them are overseas there's nine hundred military bases the united states spends not five hundred twenty five billion which is the defense department budget but really about a trillion dollars on warfare that's greater than the next sixteen nations combined we see an integrated network of bases now drone bases growing increasingly this is to have a full spectrum domination using the military as the club the administration argues that all their military actions in the countries that the u.s. is not at war with are perfectly legal under the u.s. congress it's authorization for use of military force that's their legal
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justification for continuing all these attacks what about international law well international law has been shredded by the so-called global war on terrorism or the authorization bill that allows the u.s. to invade any country bomb any country and kill whoever it wants the u.n. charter is quite clear the united states like all other member nations of the united nations can only go to war as an act of imminent self-defense but in fact the united states by arrogating to itself the right to war anywhere against anyone all the time is clearly in violation of international law but president obama. says the administration does not violate anybody's sovereignty because it operates in consultation with the governments concerned the whole population of pakistan their parliament unanimously remotely opposed drone strikes and yet they continue so maybe the administration is in consultation with the government there but certainly not the people i'm going to check on me today was brian becker with the answer coalition from our studio in washington thanks for watching. some other world news
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in brief this hour at least sixty six people have been killed and many more injured in a string of car bomb attacks in baghdad explosions struck mostly shia areas of iraqi capital and also a busy commercial district and deadly bombings almost a daily occurrence in iraq has suffered enough surgeons that when we got it since u.s. withdrew its troops and make twenty eleven. at least sixteen people died in more than a dozen were injured in a bus traveling in central mexico and returned apparently after. children are among the victims on the witness is the driver lost control of the reel to reel off boston breaching the vehicle reportedly when. they least one person has been killed and five more wounded in a string of shootings in texas the suspect a u.s. marine smith the shot dead by police shortly after he injured a sheriff's deputy
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a handgun assault rifle and hundreds of rounds of ammunition were found in smith's car authorities say he was already being sought for questioning in connection with a homicide in north carolina where he was stationed. amazon employees in germany have station of the short. country's largest union workers originally came out on strike just under two weeks ago since then the company rejected any pay rise or use this is to drop its demands for its nine thousand members. germany has told the european commission it will get a behind that and to impose tariffs on some chinese imports as part of attempts to stave off a trade war the asia's biggest economic engine well you accused beijing of dumping goods zones the market blue cost price on the mining its european rivals but china's premier warned further scrutiny would only backfire on consumers all of
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a has a story for us now. last year alone germany exported around sixty seven billion euros worth of goods to china and they want to see that increase in the future. has in the past made no secret about her want to call the chinese markets last year she visited beijing twice within the space of seven months and she's wanting to make sure that the trade can be done between the two countries especially considering germany's traditional markets in europe do appear to be drying up the financial crisis meaning that those countries in europe that were previously buying german exports really can't afford to do that at the moment she also perhaps has an eye on the future in a potential british exit from the european union that could see over seventy billion euros worth of exports put into doubt if great britain wasn't part of the trade union or it is the e.u.
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for the chinese they want to do more business with germany germany is one of the few countries there it is kept its head above water when it's come to this financial crisis they have also that means that they're one of the few countries economically that can afford to buy more and more chinese exports so that's why we're seeing the world's second largest economy in china courting europe's largest economy in germany to try and mutually to increase mutually beneficial trade between the two countries turning from the european council on foreign relations believes a trade war would be a bad outcome for everyone. none of the countries and especially no germany can risk to enter in a full trade war about anything and so of course it is basically you know the truth it's to kind of china emerging emergence within europe as well i think it's quite a delicate balance that germany has to strike right now because at the same time it
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has to ensure that of course china which has just recently proclaimed beluga china's just proclaimed how happy used to be working through germany and is very much looking forward to it and this is of course great news for germans but at the same time germany cannot forget about its really about important role as a leader within the europe ultimately business interests of germany will outweigh the european interests are some stunning pictures now from the russian city not all there waiting for you on our websites like you're looking out the window and seeing hundreds of tons of metal heading straight. became a reality for the residents of this apartment block luckily no one was hurt. or had on line for the i want to do the accident to something else not. also there the japanese public reacts to a slap in the face from a south korean newspaper this neighborhood. a soccer team that bombings as divided on this point. on real crimes that the full story on time dot com.
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for factoring output is on the rise in the u.k. performing stronger than expected which should be a reason for optimism in britain's once flourishing industrial regions as our correspondent sara first discovered it's a very long road to recovery. britain's industry seems to be showing some signs of life recent figures from the office been national statistics show industrial production is up which some of seen as a sign the u.k. might be slowly bringing itself back from the brink of another recession but renowned historian nicholas comfort has mapped the decline of the once industrial giant and says that when it comes to industry the k. is still falling far behind the global competition have been massive individual companies the second largest manufacturing power in the world in terms of exports
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we had a massive car industry a huge aircraft industry we will world leaders in computing and nuclear power and over that period pretty well all of this is evaporated along with the loss of great british brands britain has gone from having the majority of its workforce in manufacturing to having little over ten percent so just how did this happen you know this clear need for all industries to keep being updated and relevant and the way to do that is to work closely with the workforce and show that there is that modernization basically happened was the life support was turned off for many. industries loued by the seemingly easy cash of the cities finance industry passed governments dismantled large swathes of british industry arguing they were no longer profitable or here in the northeast that heavy industry is a huge point of pride when the coal mines in the still works in the shipyards were
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dismantled it wasn't just the loss of the industry it was a huge emotional loss as well it's one that many here have never really recovered from in the aftermath of the industrial collapse skilled labor workforce there was little else today that void is evident with the northeast suffering from the highest unemployment in the country. the. notion the shipyards and factories and the stores of effect. just. don't seem to be picking up things seem to make it more difficult especially for people. but along with the recent piece to manufacturing figures there are signs that things could be looking up the regions on your leg sports have almost doubled in the last five years enabling job creation in areas such as the car industry recent industrial resurrections might not be enough to replace what once was but this is at least an
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attempt to breathe life back into areas such as this and for many in the communities here that capri a welcome lifeline sara. in the north east of england. sports that's next thank you. for the. science technology innovation. developments from around russia we've got the future covered.
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you know sometimes you see a story and it seems so for you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else and you hear or see some other part of it and realize that everything you thought you knew you don't know i'm tom harpur welcome to the big picture.
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hello welcome to the action packed off the sports show with me take part trade and here's a taste of what's to come. the champions i enrolled in school has been like. the winner is brian munich brassiere dalton to want to wembley to win the european cup for the fifth time. while europe will run with the top and bottom two already confirmed it was a scramble to get into europe and to avoid the relegation play offs on the last day in the russian premier league. and loads of the ring alexander
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given gallacher returned to tame bob the belief that that bad akari such as a shock defeat on a night atop l.a. may action in moscow. but first a football whereby in munich won the champions league with a thrilling last two one win over brasil dortmund in the first ever all german european cup final at wembley because of him to top off reports from london one munich came into the fore and on the back of a seventy legged standing or barcelona while dortmund saw real madrid for three to prove the triumph of german efficiency over spanish flair on the european stage and after two seasons of dortmund supremacy in the bundesliga boy and also again this year is the mystic title the twenty third in their history. the minute jones finished the season twenty five points ahead of their rivals and arrived at their third champions league final in for you.


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