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tv   Headline News  RT  May 28, 2013 5:00pm-5:31pm EDT

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all coming up on our t.v. cherami hammon hacker an activist pled guilty to one violation of computer fraud and abuse act today but the plea bargain could send him to jail for a year we'll give you the latest on his case and the connection to stratford hacks and wiki leaks. the obama administration's relationship with the press is still on shaky ground as more details come out about the d.o.j. phone tracking of journalists there's talk about changes can be made to protect the press will have an in-depth look at the continuing concern for i have. to remember real day weekend there were protests against months and so our around the globe thousands voiced their demands for genetically modified food to be labeled among other ways to ensure food safety updates from the protests from new york and l.a. coming your way.
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it's tuesday may twenty eighth five pm in washington d.c. i'm margaret held you're watching our t.v. starting this hour new developments in the case against hacker and activist jeremy hammond earlier tuesday morning hammon pled guilty to violating the computer fraud and abuse act in connection to hacking into computers a global intelligence firm strafford hamman had been held for a year without trial facing a potential life sentence along with pleading guilty for his role in the stratfor hack hemant also to blame for compromise in the computer networks of information security firms along foresman agencies the r.t.s. laurie harshness was at the courthouse and brings us the latest. the first american to face trial for a crime involving wiki leaks just agreed to a plea deal twenty eight year old jeremy hammond pled guilty to one count of violating the computer fraud and abuse act in
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a manhattan federal court for his involvement with anonymous and hacking security company stratfor among other websites hammond then distributed those internal files to transparency organization wiki leaks he was facing multiple charges in several jurisdictions scattered around the country and this plea deal gave hammond immunity from prosecution in those other courts the aggressiveness of the prosecution in the case showcases america's particular attitude toward information sharing and corporate spying in general according to hammond's defense attorney sarah kunstler i think there's a war going on this in this country about. corporate spying about access to information about and that's this case falls in the at the heart of that after already serving fifteen months in prison with no way to communicate to his supporters and his family hamad has indicated that taking the plea deal has been somewhat of a relief and that now we can finally share with the world what he did and why he
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did it have been posted on his website now that i have pleaded guilty it is a relief to be able to say that i did work with anonymous to hack stratfor among other websites those others included military and police equipment suppliers private intelligence and information security firms and law enforcement agencies i did this because i believe people have a right to know what governments and corporations are doing behind closed doors i did what i believe is right through jeremy's website the public can learn about his case as well as how to support him he is set to be sentenced on september sixth and faces a maximum of ten years in prison his website free jeremy dot net encourages people to write to the judge in the case asking for a lenient sentence according to his brother jason who was also at the court have been take solace and how much support he has already received. well he's strong he's like he knows exactly where he's at you know he's feels confident with his legal scene because captain there's a lot of people as i said supporting him. he's got
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a lot of layers so you know all the letters really helped lift his spirit will see how the support affects him and sentencing comfort. in new york lawyer finessed. when formation continues to emerge regarding the department of justice keeping track or tabs rather on those journalists and just who approve those investigations and who's journalist and who journalists communicate with the a phone and e-mail more than three weeks ago news broke that the department of justice sees phone records of associated press reporters to find out who had leaked national security information then it came to light that fox news white house correspondent james rosen was facing charges as a coconspirator under the espionage act for obtaining classified information from a state department source back in two thousand and nine president obama said that he is in trusting attorney general eric holder to look into the matter take a listen journalists should not be at legal risk for doing their jobs our focus
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must be on those who break the law that's why i've called on congress to pass a media shield law to guard against government overreach and i raise these issues with the attorney general who shares my concern the president said the attorney general would have a report on the matter by july the twelfth over holder who was the same person who approved of the seizing of fox white house correspondent james rosen phone records and e-mails in the first place the report in the holder's own decisionmaking ought to be an interesting read what does all this mean in terms of the future of the freedom of the press with me to discuss earlier was michael brooks producer of the majority report. look it seems incredibly funny the notion that holder will be investigating himself usually in situations like this you might let go of somebody like attorney general holder who'd been involved in making these really controversial decisions and find someone either new in his
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place or at least independent to investigate it so it's a strange process but how that looks practically margaret is it looks like a p.r. effort to me there's articles on holder being anguished and upset about his decision making process. and and sort of focus on renewing the administration's brand as being committed to free press and free speech that's what it looks like practically so far you know i agree with you there michael cera i don't know if you caught holder on his hearing on may fifteenth in front of the house judiciary committee but he indicated then the his department along with his advisers will begin exploring ways to reform the justice department's internal guidelines for investigating these leaks and the quote safeguard overly intrusive tactics as he called it what do you make of this measure and do you think it's too little too late. well i mean of course it's too late because of several cases like
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this and really a broader culture how this industry has dealt with leaking and it's and it's really important to be clear about this it's not that they're tough on leaking per se they're tough on the leaks they don't like they've used leaks very effectively in terms of advancing their own political agenda and brands and you know all white houses do nothing specific to them obviously but they've been very tough on leaks that don't conform to what they want including just basic whistle blowing throughout the intelligence apparatus so it's definitely too late we'll see if it's too little i think that there are people in the administration who get these issues who care about them and you know i never want to say it's too late because you know we're too little because in the long run it really is important that we correct these issues but it's obviously too late and we need to be apply a lot of scrutiny to this process because of their record so far it's not very promising ok michael so sounds like they're partial to
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a family expense not others they're having a wreck all right so new york senator chuck schumer i don't know if you caught it but he was on c.b.s.'s face the nation this weekend and he said that he's trying to create a new gang of eight to tackle these issues i want to play you this clip take a listen if the government wants to go to a member of the press and say you have to divulge your sources and certain information they first have to go to a judge and that judge will impose a balancing test which is more important the government's desire to keep the information to find out who leaked the information or the flow bust freedom of the press and if we can set up these rules i think will avoid the morass you always need set rules and an independent arbiter we have neither and now. ok michael what's your take on schumer's proposal for that famous media shield law do you think it goes far enough. well apparent that a clean slate to get rid of gangs in washington whole gang of anything is enough
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already but look i think you know it's unclear to me what seems to happen starting out of the bush administration and continuing under the obama administration is the executive branch makes a really extreme push on something like these investigations into journalists and then washington kind of snapped to attention and says well let's cut a fly and put some prophecies around it maybe that's better than what had been coming before but but in the process we might be losing some really essential liberties like fundamentally journalistic privilege which really should be something that is is very is taken very seriously and not really distorted so i'm not sure about schumer's proposal you know we'll see what kind of what they come up with but again i wouldn't hold your breath on it all right well some critics have said that the u.s. favors aggressive journalism in other parts of the world just not here do you think there's any truth to that well i think obviously in other parts of the world where
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journalists are killed tortured regularly put in prison you know the united states obviously still has a very relatively free press but that said i mean obviously it really undermines our ability to go and speak about these issues abroad and you know lecture other countries frankly it's incredibly self negating and does hurt. our foreign policy when we push for that type of thing abroad i don't think there's any question about that ok well michael you're a journalist as in my i want to i want to ask you about your personal experience have you seen any changes in the way sources interact with you since these revelations that come out regarding the d.o.j. . well you know i'm more in the kind of opinion and analysis world but what i could say is that you know on the programs i produce we've interviewed people like thomas drake who was an n.s.a. whistleblower on just frankly in a situation c.n.n.
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it's a corrupt contracting he was viciously prosecuted so i think that there's this and i know people who are practice investigative reporting and it certainly has affected how their sources interact with them and i think more broadly it affects all of us because it's information isn't freely moving and it's clamped down on we're only getting it from a limited amount of sources that have the skewing a spin that obviously affects all of us very deeply ok michael i'm running out of time here i've got one more quick one for you do you think that holder is going to hold on until the summer i do and i think that holder is is been put in charge is own investigation and so my guess would be that unless new things emerge eric holder is politically safe at the moment michael we've got to leave it there thank you that was michael brooks pretty serve the majority report thanks so much. protesters from around the world took to the streets over the
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weekend to rally against the biotech giant monsanto and their production of genetically modified foods organizers of the march against month santos say as many as two million people marched in four hundred thirty six cities in fifty two countries to raise awareness about g m o's and the companies that produce them genetically modified plants come from seeds engineered to be resistant to diseases and purposes as well as an increase of problem you believe us food and drug administration have deemed them safe but critics say they're dangerous to both the environment and to help this very cause grow protesters to the streets here in the united states our chief honest bring us more from new york but first we began reporting in california where much of the world's prison vegetables are grown roughly a thousand people marched in los angeles an r.t.s. remember window was there. traditional aspect
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answers helped lead a huge crowd through the streets of los angeles to speak out against monsanto and genetically modified food porn for us because he didn't want people for simple home when he did that they genetically modify newborn and many would move with the way the creator wanted corn and he drove people of all ages turned out for the march against monsanto demanding to know what exactly is going into the food supply i am a public health nurse that's my profession and i care about the public school and you know with all the. chemicals that are in our food even if you want to be healthy how can you and i just really feel like we have a right to know what we're eating. or health and environmental concerns regarding genetically engineered food demonstrators here are holding that these protests educate americans about the cozy relationship between government and big agriculture they claim that it's healthy for visitors no cats are causing agents in
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those fees that they that they create but do we really know that you know when they're really buying off that you the environmental protection agency and the food and drug administration without people who used to work for months on the working for them now monsanto it's come under major scrutiny for what is seen as special state privileges it's congressional lobbying arm has helped secure legal protection for genetically modified seed the supreme court even ruled in favor of months and so it's battle against a small indiana farmer if they didn't know about months on till they know now so they can eat you know what they say are they can vote with the power of their money don't buy products that are g.m.o. that contain timo this march against monsanto may not shut down the food giant but worldwide awareness of the company's reach an influence is spreading through the streets. in los angeles ramon galindo.
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protesters of all ages and walks of life filled the streets of the big apple. music city one of dozens you want to just pay the worldwide market gets on sad about people fill the streets chanting against the corporation taking our culture market route well they say it's time what was adam has been up to a giant biotech corporation. notorious for creating genetically engineered and genetically modified food. criticized for turning a blind eye on potential health consequences from g m o's to consumers around the world how many people you point to that and using immense lobbying powers to resist food labeling legislation in the u.s. and pushing through bills protecting its own interests you have seen the police protect the crime bosses you see that's why you see all these laws out there protecting the big companies like research so the wall street care i mean us i mean
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it's all of the services all about profits i mean nothing is going to change the monsanto protection act freeing the corporation from government oversight even when consumers take legal action continues to be under heavy skin much sanjo in the government or one how could how could we all get together and change it i don't know what happens tonight when we go home. got to pass some laws write the senators people tell me that still works i need to see it to believe it standing up against a century old biotech giant these protesters demands are simple most importantly labeling modified food in the u.s. countries around the world are banning legislating and limiting the. influx of g.m.o. products into their consumer markets the united states is not doing that. they say this has to change so consumers can. you can inform choice about what the eat and feed to their kids i'm really concerned that you know i'm being poisoned
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a small little farmers well and i'd like to have all my crops to be organic and i'm very concerned that this is a big issue for people your age more than with your children your children are going to be genetically modified demonstrators also demand further scientific research into health consequences of eating g.m.o. products any company who has created a chemical called agent orange and has affected our vietnam veterans is now creating seeds for our food supply is a bad sign the corporate giant is heavily criticised for monopolizing agriculture throughout the world by harassing him suing farmers at home and abroad there's a few people making a lot of money and we deserve to have better than that as well as pushing foreign governments to give monsanto similar support and protection the company has in the us still concerns are high that too few people are familiar with what's going on my hope is that this event will help raise awareness among people in the united
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states that their government is letting them down completely letting them down we have a supreme court justice who is a lawyer for the month santo corporation how much independence do we have really in our government with little hope that the government can stop ignoring the voices of the people protesters are set to continue fighting monsanto on their own step by step to try to impact change from the bottom. forty new york. the turmoil in syria continues violence continues in syrian opposition clash with the assad regime with negotiations for peace stalled on both sides u.s. senator john mccain made a surprise visit to the region in order to speak with rebel forces well as many on capitol hill continue to struggle with how to tackle this conflict artie's political commentator sam sacks explores how looking at the past may give us some
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insight on how to handle the future. senator john mccain snuck into syria over the weekend to meet with rebel commanders he talked about providing them heavy arms in air support in their civil war against president assad and these aren't just empty promises since february mccain and his buddies senator lindsey graham have been pushing plans to arm the syrian rebels and last week thanks to mccain's efforts the senate foreign relations committee overwhelmingly approved legislation to do just that to arm the rebels you see mccain has taken the role of charlie wilson in this war you remember charlie wilson right here is the congressman from texas who arm twisted congress to approve billions of dollars in military support back in the one nine hundred eighty s. for the afghan mujahedeen in their fight against the soviet union hollywood made a movie about wilson and how all that military aid helped the mujahideen when it started tom hanks and julia roberts and of course we know how this movie ended or at least we know how the larger story ended and real life the mujahedeen won and
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the united states walked away from afghanistan no longer caring about what impact the billions of dollars of new weapons may have on the country in the years to come and then about a decade later a lot of those same forces we armed and trained in afghanistan produced this september eleventh two thousand and one charlie wilson later said he felt guilty that congress had not stuck around to help the afghans after a decade of war as the sprinkling a bit of nation building on top of a heap of guns could lead to a sustainable peace but really what charlie wilson and other members of congress learned is that the world changes very quickly and those who we see an advantage in arming today may be the ones turning those same arms against us tomorrow happened when we arm saddam hussein in the one nine hundred eighty s. to you could call it a fatal flaw with american foreign policy over the last fifty years but here we are again with john mccain and a lot of other folks who work here convinced that the united states and its.
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infinite wisdom wouldn't arm future enemies again and that this time there will be no blowback but can we be so sure just today there are questions about the syrian opposition about how it's in disarray and unable to come up with a plan for a transitional government free from extremist forces and it's well known that the syrian opposition is comprised of multiple factions with multiple ideologies receiving funding from multiple different sources including roughly six thousand jihad is fighting in syria with the al qaeda affiliated nusra front so how can we guarantee that lethal aid provided to the opposition doesn't end up in the hands of these extremist forces once again no one is questioning that syria is a disaster and as the death toll mounts the pressure to do something to somehow put an end to the violence mounts as well but given our history of meddling in conflicts on the other side of the world believing that more machine guns or more missile launchers or more tanks may actually bring about peace. well that's at best
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a hopeful belief and more than likely it's just a delusional one too and washington same sex party higher learning may not be for you at least that's what new york mayor michael bloomberg thinks and weekly radio address bloomberg advise not so exceptional high school students to skip college and ought to learn a trade instead well as student debt bubbles reach one trillion this year and tuition continues to rise across the united states are his words of advice worth considering aren't his meghan lopez brings us the details behind bloomberg latest comments. well first new york city mayor michael bloomberg went after your cigarettes and then your super size soda cans now he's telling so so students that college may not be worth the cost during his weekly radio program mayor bloomberg made a push for technical and trade schools saying that the jobs they train you for pay nicely in the short run and can save your pocket from the burden of student debt in the long run people who are going to have the biggest problem on graduate. rockets
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if you will not the capitalist compare the former to going to have a college being a plumber actually for the average person probably would be a better deal because you don't spend four years meaning forty two thousand dollars tuition and no income mayor bloomberg pointed out a number of arguments for technical and trade schools a decent standard of living without student debt for one along with the ability to be able to start earning money right away and the bachelor's degree does not guarantee either a job or higher wages in a tough market like this another benefit to seeking technical jobs over white collar ones employees don't have to worry about their jobs being outsourced or computerized since many of these jobs require and in person hands on approach according to mayor bloomberg it all comes down to the type of profession you're looking to get into electricians janitors and mail carriers for instance might not need that degree in order to earn the same wages as their college educated
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counterparts in fact in two thousand and twelve carpentry workers who have a bachelor's degree may have less than those without one mayor bloomberg also pointed out that plumbers make a decent wage the median pay for plumbers is that forty seven thousand dollars with the top ten percent earning around seventy nine thousand dollars a recent u.s. census bureau study might support that claim that's because only sixty two percent of people with college degrees are in a job that requires that degree and of those only twenty seven percent of them currently work in a field related. to their degree meanwhile mounting student debt has concerned economists that the u.s. is on a verge of the economic crisis according to the us federal reserve bank of new york the number of students who are ninety days or more delinquent on their student loans has risen to eleven point seven percent this year that's up from five point five percent in two thousand and eleven now if we include the number of people who
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have chosen to defer their payments that number actually rises to thirty percent of college attendees meanwhile a new forecast from the congressional budget office says that the federal government will profit fifty one billion dollars off of student loans today the average student debt is about twenty six thousand six hundred dollars over the course of a college experience so the question becomes is college worth the cost when americans hear success stories like that of mark zuckerberg or won't disney or steve jobs or bill gates they see that the opportunity for success without a college degree is available however the dream of becoming a multi-millionaire from invention is exceptionally rare when you compare the lifetime wage differences of people with and without college degrees many people with degrees make more money in a lifetime than those without c.e.o.'s of all kinds tend to make one point nine million more dollars people who work in security commodities and financial service sales make one point five million more dollars over the course of their career and
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managers of all types make one point three million more dollars over their lifetime heck even construction managers make more they make one point one million more dollars than their counterparts without a college degree in this isn't to mention the number of growing concerns life that of countries like china possibly outpacing the u.s. in education and eventually innovation with the strong highly educated workforce but with statistics like the fact that the u.s. student debt now totals over nine hundred eighty six billion dollars and the threat of student interest rates going from three point four percent. six point eight percent in july first many prospective students are thinking twice before putting all their money into one graduation cap in washington meghan lopez r t and eighteen year old high school senior in florida kaitlyn hunt is facing felony charges over a same sex relationship with a freshman female but was charged with two counts of lewd lascivious battery of a child twelve to sixteen years of age because she turned eighteen her girlfriend's
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parents called the police will hundreds parents have said that the girlfriend's parents blame kate one for their daughter being a homosexual relationship one has refused to take a plea deal from prosecutors which would have resulted in her facing two years of house arrest and potentially having to register as a as a sex offender for the rest of her life one was on the honor student before she was expelled from high school as a result of these charges some states have decriminalized mutely consenting sex between teens if one is of legal age and one isn't so long as the age difference is less than four years but florida isn't one of them we'll keep you posted as this case progresses. comedienne and r.t. guest doug stan hope is raising money for an oklahoma tornado victim who became a viral sensation after a live interview on c.n.n. take a listen to the happy you're here you guys did a great job and i guess you got to say the word right you heard the word for that's
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what second this is i. know you are on it. but you know you're right you know we are here in the for and you know i don't i don't blame anybody for thinking. well clipper of activists mentality worked with me at the asst was ahead online just a few minutes after the interview rebecca had just lost her home to a massive tornado that level parts of moore. believes his community is coming to her aid now and on the web site indie go go they've collected money to help the family in rebuilding and so far more. and one hundred thousand dollars has been donated more than double the initial goal considering your home was destroyed that's one could put that money to go to use she doesn't seem to need any spiritual help as the atheist community is on her side that's going to do it for mail for more on these stories we've covered go to you tube dot com slash r t america check out our website at r t dot com slash usa you can also follow me on twitter it
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underscored j underscore how we'll see what day. i. have a new alert and if they should hear me a little bit. you know there is breaking news tonight and we are continuing to follow the breaking news. now with their family cry tears of joy and immigrating each other. at a court of law on the ground. there's a story many sort of playing out in real life. i. found the same story doesn't make it news new softball interviews no puff pieces i mean tom clancy thank you.
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hi i'm max kaiser welcome to the kaiser report you know if wishes were commissioners would all be fat is it any wonder then that america is the fattest nation on earth where hope is sold like a pharmaceutical final solution to the despair of all those old wishes granted now gone flabby and bad like a day old commish from the crack babies who leave not to a community that takes care of each other but to a president duster a complex bigger and more brutal than the gulag archipelago to the deregulation of wall street which led not to a thriving economy lifting all boats by.


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