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tv   Cross Talk  RT  May 29, 2013 11:29am-12:01pm EDT

11:29 am
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hello and welcome to cross talk we're all things considered i'm peter lavelle engulfing the neighborhood syria's civil war has spread across the border into lebanon hezbollah defiantly promises victory over sides enemies indeed it would appear hezbollah interim intend to steadfastly stand by their ally in damascus the taking of sides is all but complete and the stakes for the entire middle east could be higher.
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to cross-talk the war in syria i'm joined by dan our bell in washington he's a guest scholar at the subban center for middle east policy in the brookings institution and a former israeli diplomat also in washington we have martin all over he is a professor of philosophy and religion at the american university and in beirut we cross to franklin lamb he is director of americans concerned for middle east peace all right gentlemen cross talk rose in fact that means you can jump in anytime you want franklin here in beirut if i can go to you first the head of hezbollah says since the syrian war is our battle pledging a completely new phase what does he mean by it and what are the implications. well what he means by it is that hizbollah is in it to won it and they intend to do that with the support of of iran and other forces the implications are enormous perhaps historic. particularly with respect to the designers like a patient of palestine they are hoping that this will weaken hezbollah in fact it
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will likely strengthen his bottom line if the assad regime remains there will be no greater power i'll side of israel than hezbollah in the region as the americans withdraw so it's a fundamental broad expanse of relevance to all of the surrounding countries as well from iraq to turkey and jordan ok dan in washington would you agree or disagree with that i tend to know what your answer is go ahead. of course i would disagree with. is. a very tense moment in the region of course. is flexing a muscle. and israel is obviously watching the situation closely monitoring the closely but nobody's under the illusion of hizbollah can actually become the second most powerful force in the region hizbollah is actually being weakened as we speak
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suffering casualties and i think that the lebanese people in the lebanese government are realizing that this perhaps is their chance for the first time in a very very long time to diminish his bowlers and strengthen activities ok martin where do you come in and all this here let me let me go to martin had to get all three guests first martin. i think i think the mistake is in assuming that has been involved up to this point they obviously have been. needed to make the announcement only to point out what has been obvious for some time that has been has been participating in the syrian conflict and it also needs to be stated that this is being depicted by now as a show of. strength in fact it's about their very survival of the pipeline of arms from iran through syria closes down and has was no one no where else to turn ok but
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martin i mean that's what makes this so serious it's a it's a you know a game changer ok either you win or you lose. that's absolutely the case but who wins and who loses exactly. there is no assurance that this will turn the tide for for bashar al assad in the syrian army. has a lot to gain and a lot to lose but if it does suffer defeat in syria will remain a force in lebanon there is no other force that can contend with it will certainly the military diminish his voice claims to being the defender of lebanon and thus they'll have some real political problems back home. i think israel has a chance to wait and see projects strength and. find out if. is what it wishes is it was something in two thousand and six frankly do you want
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to jump in go ahead. well only to say that it's true that the situation is tense but this situation has been tense in the region since the occupation of palestine in one nine hundred forty eight so that's not going to go away until that problem is is resolved. there is a risk to hezbollah but i think you're over look good perhaps the depth of the breath of their commitment and support i promise. by the notion that this may be the good golden age coming for his ball on a victory and by by a victory i don't mean that assad stays forever i mean by that i would define it he stays till the two thousand and fourteen election and let's see what. love often and i carry come up with in terms of a solution but i think right now israel is concerned they would like as i guess said to take advantage of this of course but i it's not clear the going to get in there an opportunity hezbollah in my neighborhood i live right in the middle of the
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security zone a half mile from where that mortar hit the other day more and more people are joining hezbollah show they've got their detractors but this insane for the arab nationalist as an opportunity to repel the design house american project to say syria to topple the regime and to build up the arab nationalism and bring back into the era well you know franklin this is the way this is the states this is their see even this is a sectarian difference to again when you jump in and talk about that. those who were there were missing links i think we're missing the terror a single point here it's going to damage the earth that was are focusing too much on has been so much on what's happening actually in syria. right now syrian civil war is at its peak with the assad regime brutally trying to suppress the opposition forces and while while doing that the opposition of course
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is returning and is fighting back and many forces are in play in the region supporting either the us. or the opposition has been supporting the syrian regime together with iran. against the west against the united states turkey the european union and others so we have to look at the broader picture and put this ball in the right context martin how much can hezbollah help while the broader picture includes iraq ok we'll talk about that too martin you want to jump in question and peter you referred to it is to whether or not there is a sectarian matter here i think we make a mistake to assume that hezbollah is aligned with the syrian government because of a religious affiliation well i'm not saying there is that ok for their own survival keep you keep martin keep going and to speak specifically to the situation in
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lebanon although there certainly are probably people flooding. the neighborhood where danny is. the situation on the ground there is very tense a very fluid in the northern lebanon you have fighting happening. in the streets. and there is not is a clear sense of how this will break down internally and i'm not sure that the. movement of hezbollah to refashion itself as a defender of arab nationalism is going to go over well it has always been only. projected itself as a defender against israel we might and it has failed to transform itself into an effective governing force and so now this move to become some kind of regional power is. rational measure by god i got to do. it franklin i've got to disagree without if i can first of all they have to be
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a very effective governing power but what they did in two thousand and six rebuilt two hundred fifty two homes they are planting flowers trees all over there another good in travel in there and i think over there for example is the government love and there's a very good government. canano you're talking about eight dollars not a they're one of the parties you know they are going to really concert or they're not and they're rolling out and they're calling the shots in parliament of course not the government and i think that the point is god's thoughts but other than sectarian his own didn't start that way but it's being but it's being increased by all sides not bad guys on both sides i'm not claiming that but what i would ask you to consider is the jirga strategic record of iran and this are wrong all right let's talk about iran in a second how the clock will go on gentlemen let me try again here and franklin please dan go ahead for equal time. first of all we have to again
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put. in its right place has been as one of the factions operating in lebanon of course we've grown to this reality of a state within a state which has been is running undermining lebanese government efforts constantly trying to to. to rule by fear or to to effect by fear by by force by by torture we know their methods so first of all let's put aside i think that we have to focus on the big picture and the big picture is the fact that the assad regime is at its. at its moment of truth and is facing serious challenge and the international community should step in tag am pretty sure my kids aren't here on the day you know. this to to go on we know standing because i think in the end in assad's end for two years now ok two years. fund well you know he's managed to survive but so far you know the international
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community is galvanizing efforts and it seems like right now it is a moment of truth in which the european union union funny lifted its arms embargo on the opposition we have senator senator john mccain visiting syria over the weekend meeting with opposition forces and we're seeing an alignment of forces in the west in the european union with turkey that is applying if apply the necessary pressure perhaps that will bring today frankly that regime franklin will quickly before the break all that the law that's not at all well for. you that's not all what happened in the brussels there was no vote to council behind the sanctions are still in place and they're going to be in tel midnight on friday what they didn't have the votes to do what the british and the americans and and certain other of their allies in italy wanted to do was take an affirmative affirmative act to lift the sanctions. that didn't happen so now they're going to die it's actually
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a defeat for the british particularly and look at the comments are i can only remember he beta we have to go to a short break and after that short break we'll continue our discussion on syria state with r.t. . wealthy british style. that's not on the.
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11:44 am
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welcome back across all things are considered peter lavelle to remind you we're discussing the syrian civil war. ok martin what do you think of be used to station on the embargo of arms or ending the embargo on arms to syria good idea bad idea more arms is a good idea in the situation solution or lack of decision i think yeah the e.u. decision or lack of decision as it were really points to the fact that there are no good options on the table certainly the e.u. hopes to see assad overthrown and for the rebels to succeed in that but which rebels which group of rebels arming who exactly and to what end we've seen the role of arms. given the sort of indiscriminately in this region before and the ways that that has come back to haunt various groups on and very international community at
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large. so i think it really points out to the quaid mire that both the international community finds itself in and that the syrian situation itself has become. it's a tough spot. yeah it seems that it seems the disc get worse and irises of momentum in a day and go ahead. absolutely and i'm not sure where and i think you know i mean my own arms exemplar of resentment against her in a way that invokes for ok dan well there is the russian piece i agree there is a russian time goes ahead dan go ahead dan well as time as time goes by the russian peace plan is. becoming is i think more fading away and there are efforts now in paris as i mentioned earlier between secretary kerry and the russian foreign minister to try and see what can be done but of course this whole notion of a geneva process of the peace conference is also something that has to be has to be
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worked on it has to be there has to be a realize ation that is the problem and not part of the solution and i think that the quicker everybody realizes that the better and in this context i think that the supply of there. and systems. by russia and others in the international community to the assad regime don't could tribute on the contrary they serve as a destabilizing the i disagree with you to state the state of this regime has to be other protect itself every country has a right to protect itself franklin go ahead in beirut. yeah and we've got it we've got a concert of the. syrian people to the fact of matter is that i have spent the last of basically most of the last five months in syria if you don't think that this syrian people are all unresolved because of all the hardship from the u.s. led sanctions to the brutality of the of the rebels and the brutality of the regime
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people are exhausted they want peace i don't rule out the russian plan i think that what this was not done at the u. and i think has been mischaracterized they didn't only for scientists and sciences are going to expire on friday they didn't have the votes to lift the sanctions and i think the community the international community going to watch every arms shipment the only game in town may be. john kerry and sergey lavrov and i think that brahimi is correct when he says this is the one bright spot on the horizon because the arm for continuing they're not arms for peace arms are for war and so i mean i'm thinking that john kerry and lavrov who have apparently had a rough on personal and political levels there's a report from washington that the both of them are going to travel together and guess where the got to go they're going to go to the presidential palace and
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they're going to talk to bashar assad assad is not the devil he's made huge mistakes he will go eventually but let's let the the process to work with the interference from the outside and i disagree that the international community is united regime change as are all the case so i think we're going to see some progress and we might be surprised a lot of time in syria and common people have not given up on by bashar assad he may decide to go but. we've got to we've got to keep hands off let the election and. that spirit take place let the russians and the americans and the iranians the iranians have a big role in this let's see what they can come up with ok martin what do you think about the peace process the russian peace plan. dead on arrival i think. i think there is no peace without russia's involvement but ironically that the russian plan
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will not lead to peace and i want to take issue with what you said here about syria's right to defend itself as you called it. the continuing shipment of arms from whomever to whomever in syria leads directly to this conflict agree that bashar al assad is not the devil but he has murdered tens of thousands of his own citizens like in rep also killed a lot of people as well you know also. most certainly and i'm sort of think when you're talking about. one hundred thousand people that were. we're talking about tens of thousands of casualties of the people from the fire of the assad regime for the actual use a daily basis use the chemical weapons cache that he still controls holds ok and somebody has to start up to it and i think that. assisting him by aiding him that's not the solution ok franklin jump in. and certainly. follow
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your line of thinking if it coincided with john mccain. war he wants you know what he wants a fly low fly zone we learn from libya what a no fly zone means it means twenty two thousand aerial attacks nine thousand of them targeting every target a kid on a motorcycle if necessary so mccain wants an all out war israel would like all out war but i think the russians and the iranians and the americans and the eventually be e.u. and the u.n. i looking at this different way and you know if you come to syria you'll see it's a little more complex and those who say they understand it all i think they don't i think there's plenty of confusion so i thought i'd bet on the only bright spot i see are the iranians the americans and the the russians are pushing with arab or he may be the others are peace program and plan and remember ball on the foreign
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minister said that the syrians will show up when they don't come to the table let al their short come let john mccain come they're all calm that's better than what's going on now it's got to be preceded by a cease fire so what's wrong with that martin what's wrong with that. franklin well i wonder frankly do you believe that. any peace can come with assad remaining in power franklin you want to answer the question tell the election yeah tell the election i think it can not convince pointedly of any thoughts of say we are in a free and open and fair election. franklin well we can get jamie we can endure a car over there and we get the u.n. but i think that's problematic of the regime is going to have to prove to the world that it's a clean election and there'll be plenty of pressure on them. to make sure that happens but give credit to the syrian people you know it's not just their eight
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thousand years of history and their deep culture they're not in love with their government but they're in love with their country and i've seen that from homes to aleppo to damascus it's remarkable i don't know barack and i love my country but i don't think i have that kind of deep love for syrian people have they go to survive with or without this regime and i think we should have faith in them and let them decide these regime issues in the next election ok dan in washington jump in here i'd like i'd like to say the first of all to set the record straight israel has no interest in this conflict continuing why it's important but then why is it bomb syria is there as the you know why has it gone to syria and israel why they should ban syria that israel wishes to see israel which is a syrian people peace and tranquility and a democratic election and a democratically elected government without our side in the picture. i don't know if israel did not. and who did i do know i do know
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i do know that there are red lines for the israeli government and if somebody crosses those red lines israel is bound to respond in a certain way so if weapons are trying to do sophisticated weapons or technology. and missiles and chemical weapons may be translated fall into the wrong hands of those of hezbollah from the foot of the of israel would will be a red line and this is what will not allow this red line to be crossed but another thing you have to respond to one hundred sixty five years of the. but the involvement of the reigning regime that patrick sees. in a positive way i think it's a tremendous it's destructive. even soldiers are fighting along so. they are suppressing that this is a really horrible so one cannot be a part of this this is a show that about ok then the iraq came through in the margin maybe to saudi arabia
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to become to come to a stop maybe saudi arabia could bring democracy because of syria definitely so and how but i couldn't support him by her side on a trip where you had only just heard your all the info i had down margins john. martin jump in you have the floor of options here and as we've said none of them are very good but i think it's quite clear and i i would back up franklin's point that the syrian people love their nation and. wish to see a peaceful prosperous syria and the question is does involvement from anyone outside of syria solve that was involvement lead us towards peace does iran and involvement lead us towards peace russia's continuing. military supply support of iran sorry of syria we need to peace with saudi arabia and involvement lead to peace i am not sure that any one of those and so perhaps it might need to be a true combination and as franklin suggests maybe bringing the iranians the
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russians the americans and yes the saudis along with the turks the jordanians and other regional actors into the room but that's going to be some serious diplomatic muscle that needs to be flexing or to make that happen but i have a hard time seeing any other way will be resolved save for closing the borders and allowing the syrians to sort it out for themselves but that's a kind of blood sport that i think no one wishes to see well this is a very very difficult problem gentlemen we've run out of time many thanks today to my guests in washington and in beirut and thanks to our viewers for watching us here at r.t.c. you next time and remember. basically . it's a. little
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bit. cold. blood. the speed. of. which i.
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live. the bomb it. just seems to. come out of runaway bestseller list. live. live
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live. live . he you.
12:00 pm
fly from moscow date u.k. armed forces admit to holding dozens of suspected militants without charge at a british base in afghanistan now the public in parliament what i know why they were kept in the dark over the detentions. u.s. officials and top diplomats surged britain and france to drop their plans to supply weapons to the rebels in syria while opposition factions accuse each other of betraying the revolution. us jobless and they jeopardy e.u. leaders warn that the blocks seven point five million young unemployed need work soon although be driven into the arms of extremism.


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