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tv   Headline News  RT  May 30, 2013 8:00am-8:30am EDT

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an alleged friend of one of the boston bombing suspects was unarmed when the f.b.i. shot him dead contradicting the bureau's earlier claims he attacked and agents with a knife. he reportedly gets his first shipment of russian and the aircraft missiles to protect the country from outside interference but the end of an arms embargo tomorrow raises fears of attempts to stir up the war from the inside. islamophobia rears its head in the u.k. in the aftermath of the war which murder the far right angle of the fans league preparing new rallies at a dozen cities are to reports on one of the scandals at the heart of it all sex grooming ring targeting young white girls.
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four pm in moscow you're watching r t with me. now it's emerged that a chechen immigrant killed in the united states during questioning over alleged links to one of the boston bomb suspects was an armed law enforcement officials had earlier claimed he attacked an f.b.i. agent with a knife and was shot in self-defense but details from our. new york. well the circumstances surrounding the fatal shooting of abraham to dosh of have turned even murkier according to the washington post post which cites law enforcement officials the twenty year old chechen immigrant was an armed when he was shot dead during an f.b.i. interrogation last week now federal officials and nationally said that adoption became violent and lunged at an f.b.i. special agent with
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a knife while he was being questioned about his ties to alleged boston boston marathon bomber. and unsolved two thousand and eleven triple murder that took place in boston now at the time of the shooting up to half a dozen law enforcement officials including two massachusetts state police troopers and an f.b.i. agent from the agency's boston division were present at the florida condo which was not far from universal studios but the f.b.i. has provided few details after the shooting saying that the matter is being investigated by a specific f.b.i. review team and the f.b.i. may not finish its probe for several months now news is coming out that this man was on arms so where does this leave the initial story that the f.b.i. presented to the public now the f.b.i. meanwhile has been under enormous scrutiny for missing several warnings about tomorrow on saturday the biggest warnings coming from
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a russian intelligence officials years ago indicating that may have links to extremist groups the f.b.i. for whatever reasons did not follow up and probed the matter to the fullest extent and that some would say led to the the execution of the boston marathon double bombings and now we have this development unfolding where our man that was shot and killed by f.b.i. agents turns out according to the washington post to have been on the arm so clearly the f.b.i. is going to have a lot of questions to answer in the coming days with these new developments on this story. i'm very into doshas father says he finds it hard to believe that his son was really shot in self-defense shea smith when the kid from the photographs that was sent to me it's evident he was shot six times to the body and once to the head at the back of the head it looks like a finishing shot of an assassination to me it looks as if they came to his house
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like bandits and shot him in cold blood from the photos his house looked like it had been robbed he was questioned for eight hours without witnesses or a lawyer no one can tell for sure what happened there until there is an official investigation. our team dot com has more on the boston marathon bombings and connected cases so log on for details of the investigation and reaction of officials and relatives of the accused. to the u.k. now where police are on alert as one of the suspects in last week's gruesome killing of a british soldier appears in court a broad daylight attack in london set off a barrage of anti muslim and immigration protests at seoul added fuel to claims that the authorities have turned a blind eye to the racial and religious aspects of crime example five of the tory is oxford sex remembering. has
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a story. across the country many have been shocked at the uncovered sexual exploitation rings first in rochdale that dobby and most recently in oxford gangs of men vulnerable young girls some as young as ten with presents in order to gain their trust then they force them to take drugs rape them and finally they sell them off into prostitution they reported gangs a made up of muslim men their victims young white girls says the government choosing to ignore obvious marcuse when it comes to these horrific crimes race and religion to talk about the issue i'm joined by sean thomas he's a writer and generous when you've written about the case in oxford is there an elephant in the room is the government choosing to shy away from making a connection between these men's religion and their white victims i think unquestionably yes in the past there is some evidence that these crimes have been going on since the early one nine hundred ninety s. if not before. additionally a labor m.p.
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and crier raised the issue maybe ten or fifteen years ago and of course notoriously the head of the british national party a far right politician raised it in one thousand in two thousand and one and in two thousand and four i want it was right in two thousand and four it was a subject of a secret b.b.c. documentary and the reaction of the of the political and legal establishment to to nick griffin enough for a politician raising the issue was to try and silence him not to investigate the crimes that he obviously is regarded as being an ethnocentric if not racist politician but but they did but they ignored everything he said and instead tried to saw his point of view so the crimes went on for another five or six years at least before they originally put it became finally revealed in the last two to three years you've also mentioned in your writing that it was a muslim prosecutor driving the sentencing in the oxford case do you think anybody who is known muslim feared being branded a racist if they look too closely at the case the fact that it took a muslim prosecutor in the northwest to be able to find and cut through them. yes
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there was a problem it showed that that what prosecutors what social workers what legal offices and what politicians were very wary of addressing the issue because they are all terrified of being associated with the b.n.p. with the far right of being seen as racist it could it can ruin careers if you get that label and yet the government hasn't taken this up as an issue do you think it's too dangerous a can of worms to open yes completely and in fact to be fair to the government the police forces they are now in fact attacking this crime pretty damn seriously i was reading a report where they were said there were nine fifty four ongoing investigations into into separate asian grooming gangs around the u.k. astonishing figure that's fifty four gangs and each of these gangs may have dozens or even hundreds of victims so we are talking about possibly fisons and sizes of girls who've been abused raped and some even possibly murdered in the last twenty years because this crime was ignored i mean it is very shocking we have to accept that yes what people can also be victims of racial crimes and i'd say these girls were such victims thomas many thanks for your comments there you have it the muslim
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council of britain is going to dedicate their next meeting to talking about how they can stamp out such cases of abuse but yet to hear anything from the government on the issue. artsy london. now the far right and islamic english the fans league is reportedly planning national rallies of more than thirty locations on saturday in turn anti-fascist groups have called for counter-demonstrations to coincide with those protests let's not get more on the tensions with the chief executive of the ramadan foundation thanks very much mr speak for joining us here on r t good afternoon as a muslim what has been your reaction to the oxford says women case. well it's been very clear that there are asian gangs operating in this country who are abusing girls in a very horrific way and they don't represent our community i think is very clear
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and they think the white girls are worthless they think they can be used and abused in this horrific way and we must stand up against it and i actually listening to your previous contributor our that's what i've been doing since two thousand and seven i've been campaigning on this against this and i think that we are finally achieving real success because we actually see more more criminals being brought to justice and that's something that we should celebrate so i do believe that race and religion should be treated as factors in such crimes. i'm not sure about the religion it's got nothing to do with religion at all but yes when it comes to the issue of race there is an element a contributing factor is that some of these gangs think the white girls are worthless they think they can use them in this way and that's the issue for is that we've got to address there's been a reluctance on the part of the police and the crown prosecution service our local authorities in this country in dealing with this issue in a strong way because they were fearful of being branded racist i mean that's what
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it was like two three years ago but actually now we actually seen a real sea change in which police in the prosecutors are taking these crimes seriously so actually the crimes are not going up but actually conviction rates are going up because more and more story cases are being brought to call again i think that's a really good thing of english defense league is seeing it support base expand faster than ever before does this worry you at all. yes the fascist english defense league of opportunistic they ask the we deal with these crimes but we don't see the same protesters when white people are convicted of child sexual abuse eighty percent of child sexual abuse carried out in this country are carried out by white men yet we don't see the english defense league in the british national party as the fascist groups marching the streets of this country but actually i think the majority of the british people recognise that this is a very small minority of people they don't represent any particular part of our community and actually all people from all parts of our society can be affected by
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child sexual exploitation well british society indeed is a very mild to ask nic one so what can moderate muslims do to prevent the radicalization of young people within their community. well i think what needs to happen is there needs to be a real concerted effort is what we saw over the last seven days after leave rigby's brutal and barbaric murder is a strong reaction from the muslim community that is what we give you know i spent pretty much all last week doing various media interviews as did other colleagues from other organizations and the message goes out very clear that if you are involved in terrorism or extremism you do not represent islam you're not acting in a name on you bringing shame on the community and you must be confronted and we need to see real action from the police and the authorities to do with this threat you know terrorism affects all communities are one of the you're talking about here
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in europe or talking about united states across the world and actually if you look at the most victims from terrorist attacks of generally have been muslims themselves for a moment i think chief executive of the ramadan foundation thank you so much for being with us here on r.t. . thank you well cultural diversity has become too much for some brits who are heading for the hills say with a new report on what's causing white flight as census figures show kasian british people are feeling there now after nikolay dominated cities and suburbs. was ratcheting up cyber tension the us ploughs billions of dollars into digital warfare while president obama prepares to confront china over its online offensive . syria has received its first batch of and three hundred surface to air missiles from russia according to media reports citing president bashar asad the fans systems are designed to repel aircraft and missiles neither of which the
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rebels fighting the syrian army have but it's enough to make israel see read it as the country's fighter jets are no strangers to syrian skies our middle east correspondent has the details. says that it will continue to supply air defense missiles calling it a. that is designed to deter some intervention inside syria the russian foreign ministry says that it will strain this is to quote the ministry some hotheads from escalating the conflict to the international scale but the united states as expected has condemned the sale while here in israel the israelis are saying that they will act to prevent the s. three hundred missiles from becoming operational on the syrian soil the israeli defense minister moshe ya'alon says that if the missiles reach syria and to quote him israel will know what to do at the same time controversy continues over the lifting of the embargo for lethal aid for the rebels inside syria now as we know twenty five countries voted against any pay and pushed forward with the german
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chancellor angela merkel saying that her country will never send arms to the militants in syria despite the sloughed president bashar assad says that there are around a hundred thousand fallen mercenaries who are fighting on the side of rebels inside syria washington has said nothing about this huge number although it has been critical of his beloved fighting on the side of the syrian president assad while there is an international peace conference that is being planned in geneva next month that will be brokered by both the u.s. and russia president assad said that he was not particularly hopeful that anything would come out of this he did however say that syria will take part in the opposition meanwhile remains divided this video has emerged from the recent syrian national coalition meeting and it shows the frustration of envoys of both western and arab nations when the cincy fails to broaden the coalition by making more seats available for liberal members the french ambassador told one of the members of the
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opposition you don't deserve to be if adeptly made to which one member replies asking where you cut the weapons the french ambassador then says did i say so i didn't say that what it does seem is that the. of the talks has a lot to do with the push and pull of various foreign power was jockeying for influence within the coalition and if you dot com we're asking how you think the lifting of the e.u. arms embargo will impact the conflict in syria let's take a look now at the results of a site which we are conducting at r.t. dot com so far as you can see most of those who participated in our online vote think that this will only prolong the war costing many more lives at this point thirteen percent and to say that and of arms embargo will save the rebels from losing the war well the rest are split between two views some believe this will give the golf monarchies
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a new challenge to fund the syrian rebels while others thing that the lifting of the ban will be used to pressure us at peace talks. you can let us know what you think on this issue by logging on to our website at r.t. dot com leaving the feedback in the comments section and. more news coming up to you after this short break stay with us. wealthy british style. time to write my. story around the. market why not. find out what's really happening to the global economy with my extremes or the no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune in to kaiser report on r t. speak your language.
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programs and documentaries in arabic it's all here on. reporting from the world talks about six of the c.o.r.p. interviews intriguing stories are you. trying. to find out more visit our big. dog called. china has flatly denied allegations that it hacked into designs for u.s. military hardware including blueprints for the world's most expensive fighter jet
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nevertheless washington isn't taking any chances and is reportedly beefing up its i.t. capacity for future cyber war well the obama administration has pledged to spend three billion dollars in a twenty thirteen the stave off online hacker attacks forty teams of american a cyber agents are to be formed of which thirteen will be engaged in offensive operations are just vanished account has a story. the cyber race between the u.s. and china is starting to look like a real arms race it has its drills its spies and both sides accusing each other of cyber attacks this june china will be holding drills with special i.t. units within its army for the first time the chief of the u.s. cyber command general keith alexander says the u.s. is now busy setting up forty new teams of cyber agents that will both protect america's critical infrastructure from hackers as well as launch attacks against the country's adversaries and so that there is no confusion as to their capabilities general keith alexander says quote i would like to be clear that this
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team is an offensive team the offensive nature of u.s. cyber defense program is emerging new reports which say a large chunk of the country's current cyber endeavors does not rely on defensive strategy as one might imagine but instead involves offensive operations launched with the intent of causing harm on the computers of adversaries a recent reuters article cites defense contractors and government officials most of whom speaking on condition of anonymity and the article says that the us government has become the biggest buyer in a burgeoning gray market where hackers and security firms sell tools for breaking into computers the u.s. has demonstrated its ability to carry out a cyber attack against a foreign country when they attacked iranian nuclear facilities a similar attack against the u.s. would be seen as an act of war by the pentagon's own definition there's a certain game of words going on here when it's against the u.s. it's called a cyber attack when is the u.s. doing it it's called installing software but there would be no cyber race without
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spice and the latest development here is that the chinese have reportedly hacked into the pentagon's most sophisticated weapons systems leaks confidential report by the defense science board intended for pentagon leaders says two dozen system designs were compromised those systems are said to be critical to u.s. missile defense and aircraft you. officials point to china u.s. news outlets run articles with headlines like this one china is winning the cyber war because they hacked u.s. plans for real war china traditionally denies the accusations of cyber espionage but if the accusation is true if one still has to ask the us what do you expect when they see your cyber or forces attacking another country's infrastructure or when they hear you say you're a pivot to asia pacific with all that military gear to counter china in washington
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i'm going to strip them of cultural diversity is proving to be too much for manny britons with some parts of the u.k. experiencing a seismic shift in demographics sara first reports of why so-called white flight is seeing an exodus from cities and suburbs with a dominant ethnic populations. london. the multicultural hub known for its thriving diversity spanning the centuries but research by social think tank doubles reveals that while london remains as vibrant to server it's perhaps not as integrated as some people might think long periods to huge amount of white flight from. low income people mainly in the outer suburbs leaving london because they think it's changed too fast for one of these people is jane kelly having lived in london most of her adult life she's seen first hand the cultural shift is now looking to me for
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house she fills the area she lives in it's lost all sense of community all people i knew when i moved in here have gone they've all moved away. now mostly flats with very transitory population but perhaps surprisingly it seems many of the older generation of migrants who live around here and it settles and builds up businesses agree that integration is not working is whether that maybe should be as they call it the diversity in london is part of what makes one group so why do you think this thing a little too close to the problems that arise it was to go to zero is is foreign people is more or less these european people are they just interested to do a short journey make the money and then run off the country and there's no investment very very return to their country there's nothing to rebuild the country is only for themselves to make money and that's to know that's what i first of all i mean i've been to this country when i was like twenty three years old now i'm
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forty three years old so i'm an investor in business i'm doing so many things in this country paying tax back into the country and you know that's the way it has to be in london white brits now make up just forty five percent of the capital's tehsil population. we're here at one of london's busiest train stations and in the working week a commuter hub and over the course of a decade in london stories white british population for a moment six hundred thousand people lost in the commuter towns on the outskirts and the populations become more ethnically mixed so you know the white points are leaving london behind the question is why i want to fact if any is having on the local communities they've left behind well that's a certain amount of diversity which is very nice in any city. but when the diversity becomes so extreme that you have. balkanized groups but the real no actual. traditional communities or the traditional communities around completely by
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newcomers or newcomers keep rolling in it has a very alienating effect what's been seen across the cape for a long time has been most acute in london but the figures aren't the full story avoiding ethnic communities does play a role in say white flight but evidence shows the race may not be the main driver i think the main thing about that white flight reminds us of is that there is a problem the mistake it makes that says that problem is just about ethnicity it's not it's about age and it's about mixing between people of different incomes and we need to address all these things together there are now concerns britain could see it's another immigration surge at the end of this year when some twenty one million romanians and seven million both guerin's will be free to travel and work across the e.u. only a fraction of those of forecasts actually come here that previous immigration under-estimates coupled with like british relocation a changing the face of
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london's ethnic makeup without much understanding what the full ramifications of that might be. so if they are to see london. now athletes planning to make their mark at next year's sort of olympics and finally lay their eyes on the prize literally the medals have been unveiled in st petersburg farmer was among the first to check out the top awards. but yeah the wait is finally over isn't it we now know what the medals will look like for the sochi winter olympics and paralympics we were told before hand just to tease you a bit more they would capture russia's national identity and character and i think actually they have done just that in essence they try to show the boardwalks of the black sea colliding with the ice at the mountains at the present i piano and if you look very closely you also notice a bit of a patchwork quilt the man is met meant to represent the multi ethnicity of russia
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the man who led the presentation was to make sure shankar he is the man in charge of the sort you organizing committee he basically have to see the whole preparations for these games and he told me just a few moments ago that he hoped when people do win these medals a little so take the spirit of russia i wear you with them. and if you win one of those gold medals you will have to have a pretty strong net because they do weigh in i don't have a five hundred grams dreijer shanker was also talking a little earlier about. the problems that the sox you going to face over this last year in particular being security concerns he addressed are you saying that the government was taking all the measures it could to guarantee that the games would be safe and secure and he also said that despite the warm weather the sorties experience in the winter is experienced this year plans are in place to make sure that enough snow is being stored under thermal blankets up in the mountains tons of the stuff to cover any shortfall so rest assured thanks to the medals thirteen
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hundred will be produced that will be self will be a record number they will be produced by a russian jew in the biggest russian jew look at a mass and as i mentioned i think that twelve new sports be included in the sochi calendar this time around which make them the biggest winter olympics in history so the way thing is this is always a milestone when the medals are presented to me get to see what they do look like. there's a monsoon in the preparations for the winter games by the high city and from tomorrow from friday the can down the streets two hundred fifty dollars well and the next in our case the kaiser reports investigates how the world's oldest profession has been affected by the financial downturn.
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distraction is one thing the media does very well we all tend to focus on one spicy issue of the moment and ignore the rest jim those are definitely worth the media attention but let's not ignore the fact that the food people eat around the world is an attack from multiple fronts antibiotics are often overused in cattle which can and eventually sadly will lead to anti biotics resistant bacteria evolving animals are also injected with various hormones which can make their way into our stomachs and speaking of mysterious things getting into our body pretty much any crops and you we are doused with all sorts of pesticides and sit on top of powerful fertilizers which can affect bodies of water far beyond the fence of the farm obviously technology has been and should be used in farming so we all don't starve i get why pesticides exist and why they start giving diseased animals antibiotics but there comes a point where outputting a lot of poisonous food will kill you just as dead as slowly starving will there is
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a healthy middle ground out there somewhere but if we only worry about just the g m o's and only won that battle then we'll still be eating food loaded with bad stuff just other bad stuff but that's just my opinion. welcome to the kaiser report imax kaiser spankings are trading better all time high according to the economist magazine bankers are paying top dollar or pounds in this case for going to old fashioned bottom slapping from a dominate trix who can show them who is the true bad bad boy meanwhile because of the debts and the austerity pushed by these same masochistic.


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