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tv   Headline News  RT  May 30, 2013 12:00pm-12:30pm EDT

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they peer moscow time the man killed by the f.b.i. during an interview was shot seven times including once in the back of their head despite reportedly being on our agents claim it was self-defense we investigate this out also coming up reports say a group of al-qaeda linked jihad is carrying illegal sorry gas into syria has been intercepted in turkey supporting claims that out he is sad fighters are using chemical weapons in the syrian war. and islam a phobia sweeps the u.k. in the aftermath of the war with the far right english defense league preparing mass rallies in a dozen cities. all
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over again even if you just joined us here kevin i would hear it r.t. h.q. tonight this so wednesday evenings is good to have your company our top stories submerged that a chechen immigrant killed in the united states during questioning over alleged links to one of the boston bomb suspects was an armed law enforcement officials earlier claimed he attacked an f.b.i. agent with a knife and was shot in self-defense every game today father though says he finds that hard to believe. from the photographs that were sent to me it's evident he was shot six times to the body and once to the head at the back of the head it looks like a finishing shot of an assassination to me it looks as if they came to his house like bandits and shot him in cold blood from the photos his house looked like it had been robbed he was questioned for eight hours without witnesses or a lawyer no one can tell for sure what happened there until there's an official investigation the agents say my son attacked them but there were several armed and
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well trained men even if he lost his temper and became violent they could have restrained him or wounded shoot him in the leg or the jamba shoulder but what happened was murder complete with a finishing shot maybe my son knew something the police didn't want to come out and they killed him to keep him silent. a lot of questions being asked tonight the f.b.i. says it's launched its own investigation into the incident but it could take months to complete what is what important next looks at where the agency stands on the issue at the time of the shooting up to half a dozen law enforcement officials including two massachusetts state police troopers and an f.b.i. agent from the agency's boston division were present at the florida condo which was not far from universal studios but the f.b.i. has provided few details after the shooting saying that the matter is being investigated by a specific f.b.i. review team and the f.b.i. may not finish its probe for several months now the f.b.i.
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meanwhile has been under enormous scrutiny for missing several warnings about. biggest warnings coming from a russian intelligence officials years ago indicating that may have links to extremist groups the f.b.i. for whatever reasons did not follow up and probed the matter to the fullest extent and that some would say led to the the execution of the boston marathon double bombings and now we have this development unfolding where our man that was shot and killed by f.b.i. agents turns out according to the washington post to have been on arm so clearly the f.b.i. is going to have a lot of questions to answer in the coming days with these new developments on this story well for more than all the circumstances surrounding it we'll get into the issues desk let's talk to civil rights attorney who's joining us from fort worth why the there were several agents in the house with him at the time we had to shoot
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for the still no clear picture of what's really going on is this a lot of questions being asked and what do you think the true picture is. well it's hard to know at this point but there is definitely something suspicious about the circumstances and it warrants an investigation and i think an independent investigation insofar as it perhaps it should be conducted by outside the f.b.i. for example from the civil rights division in the party of justice which has a section that focuses on the violation of civil rights criminal contacts so in this regard i think that it's very important that there is an ongoing investigation but there's a few very suspicious circumstances first is why did the other officers leave the room and leave the f.b.i. agent alone when the suspect or at least the interviewee if he was in fact in danger or if there was a threat that's very unusual if they felt that he was dangerous they would not have
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left the f.b.i. agent alone. just to explain to your viewers the reason why there are multiple agents it's because they're part of a joint terrorism task force. that started after post nine eleven where you have state local and federal agencies working together so the second suspicious circumstance is the fact that he was cooperate and this was someone who had met with them at least three times based on reports in for many hours without a lawyer which i must admit as an attorney myself is not a wise choice but i'm i would have been your choice here. well they're not going to tell him you have a right to a lawyer because presumably he was not under arrest this was considered what they call a voluntary interview which they have been conducting in mass every time there is a threat usually focused on a particular ethnic or religious community based on the identity of the suspects in a particular terrorism plot so it is voluntary and if he was under arrest and he
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would have had to be read his miranda rights which would have included you had a right to an attorney but based on all the other facts in this case it seems that these are all voluntary things for operating of his own for. well and he didn't even ask for a wire which means he clearly he either didn't know his right to do that or that he was trying to help them. what you may be questioning therefore i guess is the guy that had been cooperating with the bus far why should he turn violent all of a sudden exactly and if you was in fact a mile in person or someone they were concerned in terms of their own safety they would not let an f.b.i. agent alone with them and then of course the and we don't know for sure how many times he's in charge you know obviously this is the father's account but if it's true that he was shot seven times and one of them was in the back of the head that very problem what would cause them to shoot a man off and particularly if he in fact was unarmed and what would cause them
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a shooting in the back of the head and signifies someone's trying to flee so there are a lot of questions circumstances that i think weren't even in the pending investigation so as is thanks so much for your thoughts on the program tonight. but i got more on the boston marathon bombings and connected cases looking for details of the investigation reaction from officials and relatives of the accused. turkish security forces have reportedly detained several members of the illness or from to jihad this group is fighting among the syrian rebels against the assad government the men were apparently on their way to the syrian border transporting a cylinder of saudi nerve gas middle east correspondent paula see it with the latest. the group was seized in southern turkey and that is according to local media reports the media also saying that they carried two kilograms with the nerve agent sarin now turkish authorities haven't yet commented on this report and we are
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waiting to hear from them russian the united states and france in the past have said that they believe it is a sad however that is using chemical weapons but they haven't been able to who did produce any kind of evidence to prove this the british government has written to the united nation's banking new alleging we knew incidents of chemical use by assad's forces and at the same time the french government says that it is testing samples of f. was smuggled out by journalists but all of this is hearsay at the moment whereas on the other hand we have them here what we're seeing is fighters from the al nusra front allied with the syrian rebels court with the sarin nerve agent guessed it is important also to point out in the mind of you is that the united nations did launch an independent investigation and what that investigation concluded was that they were signs that rebels have been using the nerve agent in a rather investigation that was initiated by the u.n.
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chief bank you knew that was criticized by damascus because they said that what banking was hoping to do was to investigate if we signed in syria and these syria instead of reminded them of the iraqi style investigation into weapons of mass destruction the use of chemical weapons is banned under international law and there are concerns by many people that the arguments that they are being used could trigger some kind of international intervention now there are efforts by the u.s. and russia to hold peace talks in geneva next month but the syrian national coalition has said that it will not participate in these talks and less iran and hizbullah renounce all involvement in the syrian conflict this statement does follow the syrian army's advances in the central part of the cunt. three but with the european union's arms embargo now lifted something that the rebels may try might make try to gain the upper hand on the ground not one of this is happening while the first batch of russian and aircraft missiles arrives in syria now that's
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according to the syrian president bashar assad he announced it while speaking on a hizbollah television network moscow has said that it will continue to supply a defense missiles calling it a balance designed to deter foreign intervention in syria the u.s. of course is against the sale it and israel has said that it will act to quote the israeli defense minister to prevent the s. three hundred missiles from becoming operational on syrian soil the ministers say that if the missiles reach syria israel to quote him will know what to do it's one of the big stories that rumbling on we want to know what you think about it what you think about the european arms embargo being lifted thanks for voting on our web site if you have done already this is what you are telling us seventy four percent of your think so you did it is the majority of you think it's going to prolong the war is going to cost lives you think basically is bad news thirteen percent of you think it's going to save the rebels from losing the war the rest of the split between giving the gulf states new channel for arms and twisting is the talk you
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think will be positive as you can see the difference being that very substantial r.t. dot com is where you can have your say you can make your votes count and if you've got anything different to say as well don't forget you can always comment on our website go to the comment section get it off your chest tell us what you think. to the u.k. now where one of the suspects in last week's gruesome killing of a british soldier has been charged in court the broad daylight attack in london set off a barrel of anti muslim and anti immigration protests in the immediate aftermath ten mosques were attacked across britain and several assaults on muslims are reported the far right anti islamic english defense league is planning rallies and more than thirty locations this coming saturday in turn anti fascist groups of call for a counter demonstration is to coincide with those protests but poor western leader of the nationalist liberty g p party told us the reaction has been quite restrained considering the circumstances i don't really see the fact that the e.t.l.
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are protesting about this as being some sort of a right as it's been described to you. it is a perfectly valid response to a british soldier being killed on the streets of london in the name of israel and i think we're trapped in a very vicious circle that is going to get worse and worse and i don't know how you go about trying to deal radicalize these people unless you start shutting down mosques which are practicing sedition which are practicing. with saudi funded is a lot of this problem goes back to saudi arabia and radicalization and whether we have to start closing down mosque which are practicing hate speech or anti empty female anti anti homosexuals anti. indigenous people if that's what it has to take then that's what we're going to have to do because this problem is going to get worse and it's not going away how much a fig from the ramadan foundation tells us british muslims are united in their
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rejection of radicalism. what we saw over the last seven days after leaving these brutal and barbaric murder is a strong reaction from the muslim community that is what we give and the message goes out very clear that if you are involved in terrorism or extremism you do not represent islam you're not acting in our name and you bring in shame on the community and you must be confronted and we need to see real action from the police and the authorities to deal with this threat you know terrorism affects all communities while the you're talking about here in europe or talking about united states across the world but actually i think the majority of the british people recognise that this is a very small minority of people they don't represent any particular part of our community and actually if you look at the most victims from terrorist attacks i've generally have been muslims themselves there's a lot more reaction and analysis on that story to come as well online and on air from us but while opinions may differ some parts of the u.k.
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are experiencing a seismic shift in demographics sirrah further throaty reports next on the so-called white flight from urban areas with large immigrant populations. london. a multicultural hub known for its thriving diversity spanning the centuries but research by social think tank reveals that while london remains is fighting to serve a it's perhaps not as integrated as some people might think experienced a huge amount of white flight. income people mainly in the suburbs leaving london because they think it strange too fast for one of these people is jane kelly having lived in london most of her adult life she's seen first hand the cultural shift is now looking to me for house she fills the area she lives in it's lost all sense of community all people i knew
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when i moved in here have gone they've all moved away. now mostly flats with very transitory population but perhaps surprisingly it seems many of the older generation of migrants who live around here and it settles and builds up businesses agree that integration is not working as well as that maybe should be ethnic cultural diversity in london that's part of what makes london so why do you think this thing a little too close to the problems right well to go to zero is just foreign people as more or less these european people they just interested to do a short journey make their money and then run off the country and there's no investment very very return to their country there's nothing to rebuild the country is only for themselves to make money and that's you know that's what i first of all i mean i've been to this country when i was like twenty three years old now i'm forty three years old so i'm investing business i'm doing so many things in this
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country paying tax back into the country and you know that's the way it has to be in london white brits now make up just forty five percent of the capital's tehsil population. we're here at one of london's busiest train stations and in the working week i can use a hub and over the course of a decade in london stories white british population for more than six hundred thousand people lost in the commuter towns on the outskirts of the population has become more ethnically mixed so you know that white points are leaving london behind the question is why i want to thank the family it's having on the local community they've left behind well there's a certain amount of diversity which is very nice in any city. but when the diversity becomes so extreme that you have. balkanized groups but the renault actually. traditional communities all the traditional communities around number of completely new comers the newcomers keep on and on rolling in it has a very alienating effect what's been seen across the cape for
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a long time has been most acute in london but the figures aren't the full story avoiding ethnic communities does play a role in so-called white flight but evidence shows that race may not be the main driver i think the main thing about that white flight reminds us of is that there is a problem the mistake it makes that says that problem is just about ethnicity it's not it's about age and it's about mixing between people of different incomes and we need to address all these things together there are now concerns britain could see yet another immigration surge at the end of this year when some twenty one million romanians and seven million bug ariens will be free to travel and work across the e.u. only a fraction of those are forecast to actually come here but previous immigration under-estimates coupled with white british relocation a changing the face of london's ethnic make up without much understanding what the full ramifications of that might be. so if they are to see london. and heard rudd
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should pick up the cyber tension the us post billions of dollars into digital warfare. this is president obama has to come from china rather it's online offensive in a meeting next week the full story coming up after a very quick break. wealthy british style. time right. market why not. find out what's really happening to the global economy with my next concert for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune in to kaiser report.
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more news today violence is once again flared up. and these are the images the world has been seeing from the streets of canada. giant corporations rule the day. god again china's flatly denied allegations that it hacked into designs for u.s. military hardware including blueprints for the world's most expensive fighter jet
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but washington isn't taking any chances and is said to be beefing up its side the capacity for a future cyber war now the obama administration's place to spend three billion dollars in twenty thirty to stave off online hacker attacks forty teams of american cyber agents had to be formed of which thirteen will be engaged in offensive operations artie's going to cannes got the story. the cyber race between the u.s. and china is starting to look like a real arms race it has the drills it spies and both sides accusing each other of cyber attacks this june china will be holding drills with special i.t. units within its army for the first time the chief of the u.s. cyber command general keith alexander says the u.s. is now busy setting up forty new teams of cyber agents that will both protect america's critical infrastructure from hackers as well as launch attacks against the country's adversaries and so that there is no confusion as to their capabilities general keith alexander says quote i would like to be clear that this team is an offensive team the offensive nature of u.s.
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cyber defense program is emerging new reports which say a large chunk of the country's current cyber endeavors does not rely on defensive strategy as one might imagine but instead involves offensive operations launched with the intent of causing harm on the computers of adversaries a recent reuters article cites defense contractors and government officials most of whom speaking on condition of anonymity and the article says that the us government has become the biggest buyer in a burgeoning gray market where hackers and security firms sell tools for breaking into computers the u.s. has demonstrated its ability to carry out a cyber attack against a foreign country when they attacked iranian nuclear facilities a similar attack against the u.s. would be seen as an act of war by the pentagon's own definition there's a certain game of words going on here when it's against the u.s. it's called a cyber attack when it's the u.s. doing it it's called installing software but there would be no cyber race without
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spice and the latest development here is that the chinese has reportedly hacked into the pentagon's most sophisticated weapons systems leaks confidential report by the defense science board intended for pentagon leaders says to dozens system designs were compromised those systems are said to be critical to u.s. missile defense and aircraft you. officials point to china u.s. news outlets run articles with headlines like this one china is winning the cyber war because they hacked u.s. plans for real war china traditionally denies the accusations of cyber espionage but if the accusation is true if one still has to ask the us what do you expect when they see your cyber or forces attacking another country's infrastructure or when they hear you say you're a pivot into asia pacific with all that military gear to counter china in washington i'm going to check out. what china is transitioning from military hardware to hard drives beijing is planning an army upgrade to put it bluntly to
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deploy digitized troops using i.t. to gather intelligence to succeed on the battlefield we talk about that on launch when we double plus two held indefinitely without charge of the military base but this is not one time of it is the british army acting in afghanistan again comes a place to be from all. i would rather as questions for people who visit our instead of speaking on their behalf and that's why you can find life though larry king now right here on r.t. question more.
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athletes planning to make their mark in next year such an employees can finally lay their eyes on the price quite literally the medals have been unveiled in some pages but he's on to phone was among the first to check out these top awards. now holding up one of these will be the dream of every athlete competing in sochi twenty fourteen which begin in just a month's time and here in st petersburg the medals were revealed for the very first time to the public the designers hope to capture russia's sense of national identity and character and they've tried to do that by showing the warm waters of the black sea crashing into the ice of krasnaya polyana up in the mountains and if you look very closely you will also notice a patchwork quilt thing here and that is meant to represent the multi ethnicity of russia a record thirteen hundred of these will be produced and that is because sochi twenty fourteen will be the biggest winter olympics in history and also if you win one of
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these you will need a very strong net because they do you weigh in at something like over five hundred grams i spoke with jimmy fortunate shanker who chairs the sochi organizing committee and he hoped that when someone does game one of these they will also take away the spirit of russia on a more serious note mr chernyshenko also addressed security concerns and said that the government had taken exceptional steps to guarantee the games would be safe and secure he also talked about the possibility of a lack of snowfall because sochi has experienced a very mild winter but he has said that tons of snow is now being stored under thermal blankets up in the mountains to cover any shortfall essentially the message is such he is ready and from friday there are only two hundred fifty days to go andrey farmer r.t. some pictures spoke. so it's national news in brief now in iraq at least sixteen people have been killed many more injured in a series of bomb attacks mainly in the capital that follows a recent surge of violence has pushed the country further toward all out sectarian
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war one explosion in baghdad ripped through a police patrol leaving three officers dead a car blasted a shiite neighborhood in the capital two killing four people and yet another explosion hit a marketplace in central baghdad that claimed for the by. a man from the u.s. state of north carolina has been sentenced to six months in prison for threatening on twitter to assassinate president obama a twenty two year old published five death threats to win the democratic convention last year he admits to writing with tweets but says he was of drugs at the time. story happening right now several people have been injured in a broad daylight gun attack in switzerland's largest city zero acknowledgement of five man opened fire on passers by on help veges square the city center the shooter then fled the city and it's right now holed up near a nearby building which has been surrounded by the police are keeping it tonight. u.s. and south korean forces to flex their military muscle in a joint exercise crossing three hundred u.s.
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hundred south korean soldiers to tensions still very much simmering on the korean peninsula two days ago the south objected to tend to evolve or of diplomatic talks with north korea. thanks for being with us not next report to investigate so the world's oldest profession no less has been affected by the financial downturn you wouldn't think it's true next. destruction is one thing the media does very well we all tend to focus on one spicy issue of the moment and ignore the rest. jill those are definitely worth the media attention but let's not ignore the fact that the food people eat around the world is an attack from multiple fronts antibiotics are often overused in cattle which
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can and eventually said they will lead to anti biotics resistant bacteria evolving animals are also injected with various hormones which can make their way into our stomachs and speaking of mysterious things getting into our body pretty much any crops that you we are doused with all sorts of pesticides and sit on top of powerful fertilizers which can affect bodies of water far beyond the fence of the farm obviously technology has been and should be used in farming so we all don't starve i get why pesticides exist and why they start giving diseased animals antibiotics but there comes a point where out putting a lot of poisonous food will kill you just as dead as slowly starving will there is a healthy middle ground out there somewhere but if we only worry about just the g m o's and only won that battle then we'll still be eating food loaded with bad stuff just other bad stuff but that's just my opinion.
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welcome to the kaiser report imax kaiser spankings are trading better all time high according to the economist magazine bankers are paying top dollar or pounds in this case for a good old fashioned bottom slapping from a dominate tricks who can show them who is the true bad bet boy meanwhile because of the debts of the austerity pushed by these same masochistic spanking loving banks are the economist magazine reports that the prostitution market in the u.k. has been flooded with new entrants driving prices ever lower may love you love so long time for these discount brokers of love in the alleyway stacey yes max so banks there bashing is doing very well.


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