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tv   Breaking the Set  RT  May 31, 2013 5:29am-6:00am EDT

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if you were to live through the life of a. radio guy for a minute. i want. to give you never seen anything like this. what is going on guys i am out in martin and this is breaking the set remember the mysterious story about the f.b.i. killing a young chechen man in florida over a fresher memory in the wake of the boston bombings the f.b.i. began to investigate but i deem twenty seven year old man who had been in the same social circles of the main suspect tamerlan surname turning to initial reports the f.b.i. went to question to dodge of about his association with the bomb plot that's when he allegedly went crazy pursued a port a knife and stab one of the agents if i've been shot and killed him of course claiming it was an act of self-defense but before i go any further let me just say
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that this alone is unacceptable we have no idea what this man did or didn't know and to make matters worse to disturbing revelations have just surfaced in the case not only was he shot dead but according to the autopsy who was shot six separate times with one bullet to the crown of his head and guess what else so-called knife that he was wielding never actually existed. according to law enforcement officials he had no weapon he was unarmed when all of this went down so let me get this straight multiple at the ice agents killed an unarmed person of interest instead of simply apprehending him but i guess we shouldn't be surprised when authorities choose to summarily execute alleged suspects after all they're just taking a cue from the president.
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i'm sure you're aware by now the two vulture capitalists by the name of charles and david koch together the billionaire brothers own the second largest private business in the u.s. now because there are severe of influences so massive and they have their tentacles and so much of what's seen in the mainstream i feel like it's important to keep tabs on their actions and misdeeds so here's today's coke update the billionaire duo is now closer to purchasing the tribune company which would give them ownership of the l.a. times the chicago tribune the baltimore sun and several other influential publications but the deal won't go down easy at a recent l.a. times awards ceremony half the staff raised their hands when asked if they would quit the paper for were bought out by koch industries and now public outcry has spread as demonstrations continue to take place outside of the tribune news bureaus across the country they're protesting the koch industries conservative crusade and
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what it would mean for the newspaper's journalistic an editorial integrity see the tribune publications are some of the most prominent in the country and are read by almost six million people every day that's six million people who would be subjected to the koch propaganda machine award winning filmmaker robert greenwald exposed just how far the tentacles of the coke to push really go take a look at the koch brothers support laws that are the most aggressive attempt to roll back voting rights in this country and we've seen over a century by yourself a congress. that has single handedly tried to have this charade and got. environmental regulation across the board with cold blooded funding spreading an enormous amount of this information. sold to secure. and that's just the tip of the iceberg guys koch brothers have already spent thirty million
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dollars since two thousand and five to misinform the public about climate change they're also well known for financing some of the most notable think tanks and front groups in the country working to eliminate everything from social security to collective bargaining rights furthermore the cokes are good friends with supreme court justices thomas and scalia but surely that could have had anything to do with the outcome of the citizens united ruling aka the best damn thing that ever happened to the brothers who can now donate as much as their coal to heart's desire while the tribune company deal is not set in stone yet the coax aren't wasting any time getting their hands dirty on other projects one of which is already having a detrimental impact on the environment see they're sponsoring a little known project known as the keystone pipeline which would transport canadian tar sands oil through the u.s. to texas oil refineries already the process is producing a high sulfur high carbon muck that's ironically called cocaine in this waste
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byproduct is already covering an entire city block in detroit. i know my no i know why am i picking on these poor or should i say filthy rich entrepreneurs look i don't have a problem with success or money or pursuit of the american dream what i do have a problem with however is using that wealth to influence some of the most damaging policies of our time so as the koch to push his tentacles reach even further into every aspect of our daily lives i'll be keeping you guys up to coke date. on a controversial move chicago's public school board just voted to close fifty four of the city's public schools citing the facilities were being underutilized and how
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students that were underperforming the massive closure is the largest in u.s. history it will affect thirty thousand students ninety percent of whom are african-american and latino now outrage over the news of the closure has prompted mass rallies and demonstrations all over chicago for the last several weeks but perhaps no one better understand the consequences of the devastating shutdowns and one nine year old third grader from marcus garvey elementary school in chicago is name is shawn johnson and his school is one of the many schools in the west and south side of chicago that are set to close a shawn however is not letting this go down without a fight he gave an impassioned speech about the issue to a crowd of hundreds at a recent rally take a look. at. the line the way he was beat it was. was was he
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was. me. you. know how inspirational to say the least and you know what for a nine year old he's wise beyond his years his concerns along with those of the
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hundreds of families in chicago should be heeded by city officials who seem to have their priorities slightly out of whack so for having enormous courage to speak out against this and just as on the poor and working class residents of the hardest hit part of chicago a shawn johnson your my hero today so here's the hero who is the villain well today that title goes to the man personally responsible for pushing this divisive measure chicago mayor rahm emanuel wrong claims that the closure of fifty four schools is absolutely crucial to balance the city's deficit which is quite interesting because you would think that a city he claims is broke would try to find other ways to tighten its belt you know like maybe not choosing to invest one hundred seventy three million dollars project for a brand new event center that includes a five hundred room hotel and sports arena for the poly university basketball team the kicker of course being that fifty five million dollars of this initiative is coming directly out of public funds yes fifty five million dollars that could just
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as easily be going into the fund. of the three public schools raum has been so fervently pushing to close and then mention that the paul university is a private school so how in the hell is wrong justifying this. need for an event space. there is an important sector of the industry we do not compete for the medium and small size industry we don't have the capacity to go after that having this investment will open up the medium and small size convention business that today chicago takes a pass on will also have the ability have concerts will have the ability to have city events like c.p.s. graduations like me college graduations oh oh ok you want community college graduation that they have that space dude i think you're really missing the point here rahm you do realize that these kids don't have schools to go to there won't be
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many community college graduations right look if this isn't class warfare this isn't racism and if it's not corruption at the highest levels and i think rahm emanuel might just be an idiot regardless for putting private interests first always over the education safety and future of thirty thousand public school kids you rahm emanuel are my villain. we're taking a quick break guys but coming up we'll take a closer look at the death of a british soldier and the rich england and my five connection to the suspect stay tuned. children from want to financials and have a special say as how it's going to. mama. child shouldn't live in the north when it's for a long child should be raised in
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a family during these years a little eleven children have been returned by dump to families. ninety percent of the children from our orphanage a place to be found. the child has brought us so much happiness. looks to me. you've said i'll teach you to china rocketing to a billion views from the wills era defining disasters to events that continue to change oh boy join me kevin owen for more on how you've helped make c.
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the first global news channel to reach you chub billion.
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so guys more and more information continues to unfold about the incident which england it was the hacking to death of a british soldier by two men on a busy london street in broad daylight and i'm sure you've all seen the footage the man walks up with blood on his hands to someone filming the declares that it was an act of retaliation against the bombing of muslims around the world first the reports that the victim was beheaded which later turned out to be false and then the story took a bizarre turn when a good friend of the main suspect in auburn of sabah gave an explosive interview to b.b.c.'s newsnight and this one on one new sabah shared some scandalous details starting with how the m i five british intelligence services had been harassing the suspect to join the agency take a look. he was basically being harassed by m i five you know this is something i specifically mentioned to me he said my father had come to him he mentioned that they want initially they wanted to ask him whether he knew certain individuals basically. by. saying that he did know these individuals and so forth
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what he said is they also will be interested in working for them but the story gets even more convoluted when learning how a damning allegation was removed from the interview one that implicates the british government is the new saw spoke about how the suspect had been tortured and sexually abused in a recent trip to kenya which he said was all done under the orders of the u.k. authorities in fact tributes that experienced in kenya to the suspects radicalization which he says changed him into another man and in yet another. bizarre twist immediately following the interview on b.b.c. premises you saw who was arrested on terrorism charges needless to say there are many many questions that remain unanswered as these details are brought to light so to gain some insight i spoke earlier to two journalists on the ground in london who have been following the case closely first i talked to a big independent journalist about the friends allegations they arrested b.b.c.
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and the effect this incident is having on the muslim community at large take a look at. the arrest of the suspects friend because they arrested him on terror charges immediately following that b.b.c. interview i mean is there any reason to believe that he was complicit in the murder of the soldier. no nothing at all actually. a risk something totally different but what's telling is that during the interview he said that m i five had been harassing the suspect and also that he claimed that they had been complicit use arrest in kenya and subsequent torture. and in the aftermath of his arrest of course he published that letter which you put on your blog which he says the following it says i believe my arrest was ordered by the intelligence services because i made this information public as yet i'm not charged with any offense and i intend to fight to prove my innocence of any allegations made against me i mean i
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said you think that he's correct in that he was taken simply because he exposed kerry in uncomfortable truths about this case. i think you know i think it's a strong possibility if if you look through the history of the you can the intelligence services. just over two years ago the government had to pay out to former guantanamo detainees because they were taking quarter action against the government because they said that security services were present in pakistan and afghanistan was they were being questioned so it's not something out of the ordinary if you followed these issues so i think that he exposed them first on twitter and then and gave then gave him to reach the b.b.c. and i think maybe in my if i wanted to shut him up before he gave away any more information and during the interview as you just mentioned he said that the u.k. government i mean not only that m i five have been harassing and trying to recruit the suspect but also that they had authorized overseeing the torture of the suspect in kenya that was edited out of the interview why do you think that that harrowing
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allegation was cut that b.b.c. did that. sometimes the b.b.c. being the b.b.c. self-regulatory does sometimes censor but i also think that sometimes you know the mainstream media organizations at least in the u.k. are very close to the establishment they're very sometimes very concerned about of setting status meant could mean that they don't get the access it could mean that they don't get interviews and it could simply be that they were scared themselves and you know there's so many possibilities out there right now this is you know i've never heard of anybody. he giving an interview and then in the stooges as they leave the studio on the premises of the media organization being arrested by the intelligence services is bizarre it is so bizarre that it just keeps getting weirder and weirder i remember you saying right after you said why didn't they film as a rat so i mean why television say do you give this interview here that are arrested on the premises i mean film it i thought what's going on and why this is happening
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also why do you think that the m i five failed to apprehend these dangerous suspects both of them when they were both on m i five am and my six intelligence watchlist and audible our show was also featured in several counterterrorism estimations for the last eight years. it could be a number of things it could be extreme incompetence and intelligence services or it could be that they thought that they weren't a threat and just let them roam free or you know this like i said this so many possibilities in this case it's going bizarre and bizarre as the days go on and it could have just been that they let them go this surge and that they let them go and they use innocent honeypot expect because they have money to them and they see who they draw in so that can monitor them keep an eye on them in a better way but you know i think the security services are something to answer for those questions being raised about the competence and how this was allowed to
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happen and also if you listen to that interview given. to the b.b.c. he said that the behavior of one of the suspects had changed drastically dramatically in fact after his arrest and torture in kenya and i'm sure if m i five and m i six were involved they would have noticed this right i mean it also calls into enormous question the tactics used by these intelligence services to recruit i mean perhaps even radicalizing these these people that were radicalized before and let's talk about the broader fact in the muslim community are said has there been any backlash thus far. loads won't be organizations has logged over one hundred fifty complaints and that's just the tip of the iceberg because the muslim community right now is very scared they're scared to report the crimes because they don't think anything will be done about it people are scared to travel people are scared to speak out mosques being attacked individuals have been attacked racist
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language has been sprayed on mosques and muslim homes yesterday i read a report that blood had been smeared on a muslim home in london so you know i think the backlash has just exposed the racists and they slam of alb's in the u.k. because you can't blame the actions of individuals an entire community is just is not reasonable it's not logical and you wrote a really great breakdown of theirs and i kind of wanted to articulate your response to people who generalize on muslims after incidents like these and demand an apology from the muslim community in light of them. i think look there's this thing about expecting muslims to condemn and apologize for the actions of two individuals you know for example you know i don't expect every american to apologize for the actions of george bush invasion of iraq or afghanistan and i think that sometimes feel this way that they have to condemn an apology they feed into the narrative that somehow that muslims have something to apologize for condemn but somehow this
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has something to do with them it was islam that right to close these people think that's long as politicians deny the radicalization factor the massive one which is foreign policy that i think we're going to continue going around in circles and i think that muslims right now again i ask it to speak out because they may be labeled as islamist extremists and right now we have a climate where if you blame the politicians if you blame foreign policy if you mention iraq if you mention understand you're labeled an extremist thank you so much for your insight on this very bizarre case and i'm sure i'll get weirder and weirder as said will be following your blog or as that affords us a bag and a pen and journalist on the ground and london. one of the most peculiar aspects of all of this is the connection and i five has the suspects in the case and terror groups at large so the breakdown of what may be going on behind closed doors earlier i spoke with a journalist in r.t. contributor afshin rattansi take a look. the u.k.
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prime minister david cameron called this attack an act of terrorism so does this now mean that every murder in the world will now be considered terrorism. it's a story that keeps giving the british prime minister indeed called an act of terrorism it obviously was terrifying but we're now hearing that the s.a.'s and i five were deeply involved in this in fact the british secret intelligence agencies brought this back to britain and put them on the streets hoping that because they'd freed them from captivity and again in jail we thank for woodstock of syndrome. but as to terror everywhere yes any type of crime involving a muslim in britain always somehow affiliated with a grand scheme definitely calls into question just the word and the meaning behind it why do you think that the m i five was so keen on hiring him if indeed what his friend says is true but it's also coming from other sources. and i'm going to tell
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you that when i weigh five i met someone from l.a. five when i was doing some t.v. shows i was one of the first journalists english language journalism al-jazeera arabic when all this bin laden tapes were coming out it was ludicrous the level that. this is not james bond territory i think they probably outsourced people to become these m i five agents but certainly in this particular case the s.a.'s are actually leaking now to the british paper saying why was m i five wanting to recruit this man why did they not keep him in custody so as to why i'm with i want to recruit this man thinking he would be in love with the british state after basically the british state seems to be involved in torture as we know in other cases in fact a few days we had a bout of britain's own little guantanamo in camp bastion that why they thought he would become a good asset is anybody's guess. well if that's indeed true that the m i five was trying to recruit him why do you think they were so keen on recruiting the suspect
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. precisely when. the wars in afghanistan and iraq were the best recruitment for islam ism we now have our own intelligence agencies in britain doing this of their own accord so the exact timeline of events of twenty ten and by the way it was only one of seven captured in somalia by the s.s. as it turned out they threw him into a torture cell and they then m i five then jumps in with the british foreign office against so we're hearing what the s.s. want to say wasn't deported. he was on a commercial flight back here and just put it in the streets of london and is there any confirmation that but the kenyan authorities indeed did torture him at the request of the u.k. gov at least under supervision of the u.k. government. because it's always difficult to get that kind of information i mean we have other cases of country a legal case by a person in libya who was extraordinarily rended thanks to the british secret
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services but certainly we're hearing from kenyan immigration officials that are coming out quite stronger than with the kenyan government wants to disassociate itself from what seems to be n.s.a.'s and i fly with joy and so they're starting to leak information meanwhile the suspect was in court you know this week and you know it seems like the al qaeda affiliate group known as our room is central in almost every u.k. terror plot including the latest one will rich i mean what's the explanation here why is there such a close association with this group and the british intelligence agency. i think that certainly a belgian beer arabic good the days. immediately after nine eleven. these were idea that had some close connection with al qaida in the mountains of afghanistan was plainly absurd. you know basically under it's just crazy people seem to be the view
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of most people that had intelligence networks or connections with those who really were plotting the the west's downfall you know in a grand bin laden style scheme and you've compared this latest attack and will read to the arming of rebels in syria why. yes it was particularly ironic that we saw this a riff. on the t.v. sets i think of the u.s. networks as well and at the same time we had the british prime minister and foreign secretary. is the list in syria to overthrow the secular government. so the british government along the track record all this but there's no doubt that british taxpayers' money the same taxpayers that watched with horror to see a british soldier was decapitated different reports coming about that the taxpayers' money was also is also being supplied to groups that i think the obama
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administration's been a little bit better on this at least they've said that the al nusra brigade is affiliated to al qaida i think britain is going at first in there in fact people saying the british special forces though we're not getting any official confirmation of this are already in the ground on the ground advising rebel groups so. in a little grace or the celebrities right i mean this whole event really calls into question not only am i five tactics but really here in the united states i mean the insane entrapment methods going on kind of the terror factory creating these terrorists radicalizing them just to kind of justify the domestic front of the war on terror really shocking allegations seem to be coming true as they come to light more and more thank you so much for coming on breaking down off the scene tang's the r.t. contributor. for guys that's it for tonight's show sticks stick around have a good night and we'll see you right back here tomorrow bright side.
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they played in a family jazz band together. hijacked a plane together. lots of them from music to tara. twenty five years on questions still remain. just bad hi jack.
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that's to be.
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able to. see the peace treaty. was. chemical weapons are reportedly found in the possession of syrian militants arrested in turkey as concern grows the rebels may use the nerve agent to create a pretext for foreign military intervention. crowds of protesters to sandown germany's financial hub frankfurt to block europe's central bank which they say is helpless in the crisis and is only causing more death and misery. hunger strike at guantanamo bay prison shows no sign of ending despite president obama's
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promise to speed up its closure artie talks to the father of a detainee about how his son's condition has deteriorated.


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